Argentine tango. Description, types

- (Spanish tango) modern ballroom dance. Known gypsy tango, Andalusian tango, Creole tango and the popular Argentine tango, which spread in the 1910s. all over the world as salon and pop dance. Time signature 2/4, tempo moderate... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TANGO, ballroom dance of 2-4 beats, moderate tempo, with a characteristic dotted or syncopated rhythm formula (see Syncopation). Came to Europe from Argentina (Argentine tango) in the 1910s, remains one of the most popular dances.… … Modern encyclopedia

Tango- TANGO, ballroom dance of 2-4 beats, moderate tempo, with a characteristic dotted or syncopated rhythm formula (see Syncopation). Came to Europe from Argentina (“Argentine tango”) in the 1910s, remains one of the most popular dances.… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

tango- and outdated tango... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

TANGO, uncl., cf. (foreign). A modern salon dance of four beats, consisting of a series of complex, randomly alternating steps. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

TANGO, uncl., cf. Sliding couple dance, as well as music in the rhythm of such a dance. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 dance (264) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

tango- I. TANGO I uncl., cf. tango m. , Spanish tango. 1. Slow dance of four beats, consisting of randomly alternating steps. BAS 1. They say that you are in brothels At night you sing tango. Vertinsky Yellow Angel. Oh, auntie, what are you, what are you in Moscow... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Unchanged; Wed [Spanish tango] Modern ballroom dance of four beats, consisting of randomly alternating steps. Argentine t. Sultry, passionate t. Dance slow t. Bend in t. Learn t. // Music of such a dance. Play t... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Spanish tango; probably a word of African origin, although the music and choreography of the dance, which spread throughout the world in the early 20th century under the name Argentine T., Creole). The first mentions of T. in Lat. America belongs to the con. 18 start 19… … Music Encyclopedia


  • Tango (+ CD, DVD), . Tango was born in the 19th century in poor areas of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, where dispossessed peasants, descendants of African slaves, immigrants from Europe lived, where cultural traditions met...
  • Tango (DVD), Matushevsky Maxim. "Tango is a mystery that two people dance." The whole world is dancing tango now! For some it is a sport, for others it is just a dance, but in fact tango is something much more... Tango is...

Tango can easily be considered one of the most romantic and fiery dances, the uncontrollable passion and energy of which can turn the head of any viewer! A huge variety of types will easily satisfy even the most demanding wishes of future dancers who decide to discover this direction. Among them there are classical ballroom styles, Argentine tango full of passion and ardor, unusual and memorable Finnish... However, regardless of the style, tango amazingly combines severity and passion, extraordinary tenderness and ardent aggression, playing on contrasts.

The most famous varieties of tango

Without a doubt, Argentine tango today is extremely popular among both beginner dancers and professionals in their styles. The abundance of its varieties opens up extraordinary scope for imagination and combinations, improvisation and expression of feelings and emotions.

  • Tango Milonguero appeared more than half a century ago. Its characteristic feature is the connection of the partners' shoulders and an inclined position during execution. This style can be called very intimate, since the woman is very close to her partner. Milonguero has the constant top contact and tight hug needed for bright turns. The style is ideal for lovers, as its execution is based on mutual respect and inner harmony.
  • Tango Salon assumes a certain vertical position of the dancers, with the partner moving away from the center when hugging. The partner's left shoulder is closer to the man's right shoulder than her right shoulder is to his left. To perform certain elements, it is customary to relax the hug.
  • The club style of tango intricately combines the Salon and Milonguero styles. It maintains a close embrace during turns.
  • New tango or tango Nuevo is a more technical approach to creating dance structure, introducing a number of new combinations of steps and movements. It contains open arms and the individuality of each partner, they maintain their own axes during movements.
  • Tango Orillero is distinguished by maneuverability, in which a large distance is maintained between partners, and there are steps outside the embrace. The atmosphere of the style contains some playful notes, the overall appearance delights with its attractiveness and luxury.
  • Kazhenge refers to the historical forms of tango, which are characterized by bending of the knees during movement, close embraces and deliberate, precise steps.
  • Tango Liso may seem the simplest from the outside. The clarity and lack of complex elements of the style attracts beginner dancers who ideally want to master basic figures and steps.

Finnish tango has a distinct ballroom character. It has tight contact in the hip area, no sudden head movements and follows clear and even lines. Don't forget ballroom tango, which is one of the most recognizable styles that has become mandatory in international competitions. This is a strictly consistent dance without improvisation, characteristic of Argentine tango. It contains a set of certain rules and regulations.

The choice of tango type directly depends on the preferences of individual dancers and their wishes. A variety of options will allow everyone to choose the perfect option to suit their own taste!

In Moscow, almost every day (and sometimes several times a day) somewhere there is a milonga - a party where tango is danced. The number of tango schools and studios that have appeared in Russia since the late 90s has been growing - more and more people want to find a space to calmly and beautifully express their most complex emotions. Gazeta.Ru decided to find out the secret of this magical and popular dance.

Recently, Australian scientists from the University of New England discovered the beneficial effect of Argentine tango on a person’s mental health. Participants aged 18 to 75 who complained of depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia attended tango lessons for two weeks.

As a result, the majority have noticeably improved their overall emotional background, increased self-esteem and the ability to enjoy life. The effect lasted for about a month after the end of the classes.

Passion theory

Tango originally appeared in Argentina at the end of the 19th century among the lower strata of society. In the 1910s, the dance penetrated the elite and quickly gained universal love. Around the same time, he ends up in Europe, where real tangomania begins, and by the early 20s - in the USA. 1935-1955 is the “golden age” of tango, the time of the creation of music, which is mostly danced to today - to the orchestras of Juan D'Arienzo and Osvaldo Pugliese. Since the mid-50s, the work of composer Astor Piazzolla has finally elevated tango to the rank of serious music. Different styles are being formed: salon, milonguero, fantasy, nuevo, modern...

The basic elements of tango are the step and turn, presented in a huge number of variations. The peculiarity of tango is that it is an improvisational dance, and it is impossible to learn it - each time you combine elements in a new way, you create a completely new dance. In this case, the man is the initiator, and the woman’s role is to sensitively capture the direction and pulse of the dance. At the same time, this is not a guessing game - the man must make it clear enough to his partner how the dance will go further, and she, in turn, must understand him.

And here’s where the fun begins: for the dialogue to take place, partners are forced to learn to trust and open up to each other.

“People are becoming more open to relationships. Tango teaches how to solve problems in pairs. If you want to get something from someone, you have to give him what he needs, says Gigio Giovanni, dancer and tango teacher with 20 years of experience from Argentina, living in Moscow. “We usually hide behind words, and when you dance, you have nowhere to go. Everything becomes clear."

The nonverbal communication that occurs in tango cannot be deceitful, unlike everyday life. “Tango teaches a man to be a man,” Gigio continues. - Indeed, this is not an easy task.

Anyone can be a man like an animal. Tango teaches you to be a gentleman, to understand what you want and how to get it.

In turn, women become more feminine, learn to listen, and feel the situation.”

Tango not only plays out the history of communication from the inside, but also builds relationships between people around it. Life in the tango community is very active: new acquaintances inevitably appear, there is no need to wonder where to go in the evening. For women, this is a reason to change from jeans and T-shirts to dresses and elegant shoes, for men - to feel irresistible.

“Of course, in tango the gender imbalance is quite pronounced,” says Anna Zyuzina, tango teacher and co-founder of one of the first Moscow tango schools. “And a man who has actually learned to dance will be successful with women.” Self-esteem grows - for some it even sometimes jumps over the threshold of adequacy. Of course, getting girls to like you is already an interesting moment. And good self-esteem then helps in other areas of life.”

“For me, tango is an allegory of life,” continues Gigio. - It is useless to go to tango with the goal of finding something specific, for example, family happiness, if you have not first found yourself. And if you find yourself, then everything else is possible. Tango is suffering, passion, and melancholy. Whoever dances tango overcomes these feelings in life more easily. Sadness is also a skill, you need to be able to live it.”

Practice love


But tango is, of course, not only about sadness, otherwise it would not be so popular. First of all, this dance attracts with the possibility of truly beautiful communication between a man and a woman.

“In life, it usually takes a long time before you hug someone you love for the first time,” Gigio says. - And tango begins with a hug, and besides, it’s just a hug, just a dance.

Of course, there is a game, there is flirting, but we love it, and the Russian people love it. Because they are passionate. Like us".

In addition, tango is a good reason to deal with your psychological problems. “Tango is a social dance, and this whole community works according to all the laws of society,” says Anna. “If a person sees that something is not working out for him not only “there”, but also here, he adjusts his behavior, and then it becomes easier for him to communicate with people.”

The skills acquired in the classes are practiced at educational dance evenings, sometimes under the supervision of a teacher. You can come to many schools for such an internship, even if you study at another one. And those who are already confident enough in their abilities can go to a real milonga - an evening where tango is danced.

The favorite venues of Moscow tangeros are the Teplitsa cafe, Garden named after. Bauman, Catherine Park, Museum of Moscow, TIR studio, Flacon design factory, Rhythm-Blues cafe. It is customary to perform music in blocks of three or four tango compositions with almost no pauses - this is “tanda”. Between the tandas there are “cortinas” - short inserts of other music, such as salsa or rock and roll, when you can talk with a partner or find a new one.

Interrupting a tanda is a gross violation of codigos, tango etiquette. By the way, he describes the norms of behavior at milongas down to the smallest detail. They are easy to remember, helping to avoid awkward situations and feel like you are at a real retro dance party.

Special case


Of course, everyone's personal history with tango is unique. But we still asked two Moscow tangueros - a man and a woman - to tell their story.

Maxim Muravyov, dancing since 2010:
“I came to tango after finishing my studies at university. I wanted to change my life... When I asked myself the question “How?” A light bulb with the inscription “Argentine tango” lit up in my head. It seemed strange to me - I didn’t know what kind of dance it was, and I had never danced anything... Six months later, I noisily celebrated my birthday at a milonga, and a year later I gradually learned what “codigos” was and became completely involved. Learning has always been interesting, and now too. I think that for tango this is a mandatory endless process.

Tango brings balance - it adds softness to a hard person, and hardness to a soft person...

It gives a man confidence in his own abilities, the opportunity to realize hidden potentials, and faith in himself.

Thanks to tango, I found my love and connected my future life with it. There was a new environment, a lot of acquaintances. The rhythm of tango has firmly entered the rhythm of life... Or rather, vice versa.”

Lena Shchekina, dancing since 2008:
“Shortly before I discovered tango, I decided that I wanted to do couples dancing. And then a colleague offered to go with her to the closing of the Moscow tango festival. Coming out after the concert, I already knew exactly what kind of dances I would be doing. I started literally a week later, and after the first lesson I went to buy very expensive professional shoes. So it was love at first sight.

I went to the milonga for the first time after four months of training: it was very scary and interesting at the same time... Of course, the first months are the most difficult: you learn the movements, also trying to get into the music, and maintain contact with your partner. And then it becomes easier, although this is a multi-stage process, there are ups and downs. Now I am not studying, but I go to practices and milongas. Tango brings a festive atmosphere to life...

Tango helped my friend get out of depression after a divorce, several acquaintances found their soul mates thanks to tango. I met a lot of wonderful people.

I also became freer. Tango helps, on the one hand, to learn how to control the body, and on the other hand, to relax internally. After all, it’s not so easy to respond to an invitation to dance for the first time or to invite a man with your gaze.

Tango also teaches you how to hug.”

Where to learn to dance tango in Moscow

ITAR-TASS/ Sergey Karpov

Argentine tango school "TangoMio". Founded in 2004 by one of the first tangers in Moscow, Mila Vigdorova, and Anna Zyuzina. Teachers invited from Buenos Aires teach here on an ongoing basis, and the world's best tango masters regularly conduct master classes.

The first Moscow tango school Casa del Tango. Created in 1998 by choreographer and tango teacher Valentina Ustinova. The first students of Casa are now famous tangers throughout Moscow.

Theater-studio of Argentine tango Vlada Zakharova. The director is a Russian champion in Argentine tango, a professional teacher and choreographer, teaching since 2000. The school constantly organizes performances by students and teachers at various venues and even trips to Argentina.

Argentine tango school GoTango. It has existed since 2004. The forum on the website of this school is known, perhaps, to the entire Russian-speaking tango community and lives an incredibly active life - here they discuss a variety of issues related to tango, find out the schedule of tango events, and also look for (and find!) a couple for classes and milongas.

Clubs "Planetango" and "La Milonga". In addition to tango lessons, these clubs organize regular practices, milongas (often themed - for example, by candlelight or on the occasion of a holiday), seminars and master classes by foreign teachers, and festivals.

The Russian tango community covers many cities: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Samara, Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, etc. And when you arrive in another country, you definitely won’t feel lonely - in many countries there is someone to dance with.

Tango is one of the most fiery, romantic dances. Unstoppable energy, clarity of lines and rhythm, all this perfectly characterizes tango. Today, tango has many types. Among them there are both classical, ballroom styles, and ardent, passionate Argentinean. Perhaps the most extraordinary is Finnish. How can you characterize this dance in general? Passion and severity, ardent aggression and extraordinary tenderness, lightness of feelings and heaviness of lines are ideally combined here. Tango is a dance of contrasts, it is feelings that are conveyed through movements. This is probably why tango has won millions of fans around the world.

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Photo gallery: Types of tango

Argentine tango and styles

The brightest tango today is performed to different music. At its core, the dance differs in basic movements and tempo. Nowadays, many dancers do not give preference to any one type, but use different ones, often adding new ideas. The main criterion for any type of tango is an embrace. It is its distance (open or closed, otherwise close) that is the key factor. An open one is characterized by a wide range of movements, while a close one is characterized by partial touching of the partners’ shoulders. The most popular types of tango today:

Tango Milonguero

It begins in the 40-50s. It is characterized by performance in an inclined position and the connection of the shoulders of partners. Milonguero is a very intimate style, where the woman is positioned very close to her partner, usually with her left hand far behind the man's neck. This type of tango is characterized by strong hugs and constant upper contact for good turns or ochos. The main step is called "ocho cortado". This style is very suitable for couples in love. Everything here is built on internal harmony and respect. The partner seems to listen to the other with the help of dance movements. Milonguero opens up many possibilities for those who are not afraid of experiments.

Tango Salon

It is characterized by a certain vertical position of the dancers. Hugs are characterized by closeness or openness, but still with a displacement (from the center of the partner). In position V there is the same tendency: the woman’s left shoulder is closer to the man’s right shoulder than her right shoulder is to his left. When dancing closely, it is customary to relax the embrace so that the dancers can perform certain movements.

Club style tango

It is a striking example of the combination of two styles, namely salon and milonguero. He is characterized by close hugs during turns.

New tango or tango Nuevo

Its kind is an analytical approach for a detailed study of the structure of dance. He is characterized by a number of new movements and combinations of steps. Nuevo is a tango with open arms, where great importance is attached to each of the partners. Dancers maintain their own axis.

Tango Orillero

A very maneuverable type of tango, dancers are characterized by maintaining a large distance between themselves and steps outside of embraces. This style is characterized by certain playful notes, as well as a chic appearance. Tango Orillero can be danced both in open and close embraces.


Historical form of tango. It is characterized by a shift in the V position, close embraces, and bending of the knees when moving. Particular attention is paid to steps.

Tango Liso

From the outside it seems the simplest. A series of specific steps and something like a walk, which is called a caminada. There is nothing complicated here. This style favors simplicity and clarity. Its basis is basic steps and figures. It is devoid of complex turns and figures.

Tango show "Fantasy"

This is the style of tango that is most often used on stage. A bright combination of different styles, additions of interesting elements, open embraces, this is what is characteristic of Fantasia. Tango Fantasia requires a lot of energy, high mastery of technique, excellent flexibility and a good feeling for your partner.

One of the most interesting and unusual is Finnish tango.

It arose in Finland after the Second World War. Toivo Kärki is considered to be its creator. This style is characterized by its slowness and rhythmicity. It is almost always in a minor key. What is most interesting is that Finnish tango in the vastness of the country of the same name is considered an art for men. The peak of popularity of this style in the vastness of Finland falls in the 60s, when Reijo Taipale recorded a tango called “Fairytale Country”.

Then the next rebirth of Finnish tango in the 90s gave rise to a new wave of admiration for this dance. Tango began to appear everywhere in films, television programs, articles, etc. It is worth noting that every year in the small town of Seinäjoki, gatherings of Finnish tango fans are held.

What is characteristic of this style? First of all, it is a ballroom character. In Finnish tango there is close contact in the hips, following a clear line and the absence of characteristic sudden movements of the head.

Ballroom tango

Perhaps one of the generally recognizable styles. This is a sports dance that has become mandatory in the program of international competitions and competitions. Ballroom tango is essentially a strictly disciplined dance. There is no improvisation here, as in Argentinean. There is a set of certain norms and rules: following certain lines, the position of the body and head of the dancers, strict execution of the necessary elements, and the like. The musical accompaniment for this dance is the same - laconic and clear. This tango cannot be called melodic and smooth, compared to the other styles mentioned above.

In order to understand the soul and emotionality of tango, you need to study its history and answer the question in which country tango dance originated. The word has African roots and roughly translates to “meeting place.” In one of the African dialects, “Tang” means “to touch, to approach.” No one knows for sure the true meaning of this word.

The tango dance originated at the end of the 19th century in the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, where emigrants from African countries lived. In the initial version, only men danced it, and in groups. The dancers stood in rows and, performing certain dance movements, gradually moved towards each other. It was a group dance. It became a pair, with the participation of a man and a woman, much later. The tango dance was born in the country of Argentina at Afro-Creole dance parties from a mixture of the African dance style Candombe and Spanish and Hawaiian styles. During African celebrations, serious fights often broke out, so these events began to be prohibited by the authorities. However, they were still carried out underground. In this version of the dance, couples came together and separated in time without bodily contact with each other. This trend was picked up by suburbanites and transferred to saloons.

Gradually, many movements poured into this dance direction, as it reached the masses. Modern tango and candombe are now united only by a similar rhythm, which is inherent in most Latin American dance movements that have undergone African influence.

Soon this emotional dance spread beyond Latin America. A new stage in the history of tango dance is its appearance in Paris at the beginning of the twentieth century. It experienced a real boom in popularity. Even a specific trend, “tangomania,” arose, which determined the fashion for parties in this style. From France, this movement spread throughout Europe. There were some prohibitions. It was officially banned in Italy, England, and Russia, but nevertheless gained wild popularity.

Description, styles and characteristics of tango

A simple description of a tango dance will not convey the wild fire of passion that the dancers create. It is more like a small performance by two actors, which is better to watch with your own eyes. Unlike other dances, in this case improvisation is encouraged and plays a big role in the emotionality of the performance. When deciding to learn how to dance the Argentine version, you should prepare for the fact that it can awaken completely new emotions that a person did not even suspect about. Every movement has a deep meaning and expresses passion.

The most common styles: Argentinean, Finnish, ballroom. The most famous Argentine style has its own varieties: liso, orillero, salon and others. The Finnish style originated in Finland, and has certain features that were imposed by local dance movements. The ball version is the most difficult and requires professional skills; it is more of a sporting nature.

Main characteristics of tango dance:

  • time signature 2/4;
  • number of beats per minute 32-33;
  • emphasis of execution on beats 1 and 3;
  • movements - hard, sharp, without swings.

Whether to choose this dance direction, and what type of tango to practice, the answers to these questions can be found if you see with your own eyes the performance of one or another option.

To make the performance look exciting, partners need to develop their own unique style, because every extra step or turn can change the interpretation of the dance process. Even experienced dancers cannot predict exactly what sequence of movements will result in the next dance.