Traditions of the harem of the Ottoman Empire. How women lived in eastern harems, or what they don’t talk about in romantic films

In our article we will talk about the great soothsayer Vanga, whose predictions shook the whole world, one of which says that America will go under water.

Birth of a clairvoyant

She appeared on the last day of January 1911 at exactly twelve o'clock at night, in the small town of Strumica, which belonged to the Ottoman Empire, today part of Macedonia.

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova was born in the family of a poor Bulgarian. The clairvoyant's name means "good news." As a newborn, she was so weak that her parents did not even call her, thinking that she would die. But the baby with her fingers and toes connected, born two months early, with her ears attached to her head, survived against all odds.

In those days, the child was named according to local custom, by which the name was given by the first person you met on the street. The girl received the name Andromache, which was rejected by her grandmother, and the soothsayer was named Vangelia. Perhaps this name saved the girl; after her baptism on February 26, she began to recover sharply.

Difficult childhood

The war began, and my father had to go to the front of the First World War as part of the Bulgarian army. At the same time, the mother dies during childbirth. The three-year-old baby was left alone. She was taken in by her Turkish neighbor Asania, with whom she lived for three years.

The head of the family returned from the war when the girl was seven years old. The father married again. A caring stepmother raised her until she was 12 years old. It should be noted that Vanga was a very hardworking and cheerful girl. She loved to play blindfolded, to look for objects while blindfolded, so, probably, her gift was already breaking through then.

Loss of vision

In 1923, another tragedy occurred. The girl went blind. The reason for this was a hurricane, which threw her very far from the spring where she drank water with other children. And only in the evening she was found lying on the ground, far from the house, covered with branches.

Vanga's eyes were filled with sand. She needed an urgent operation, but the family had no money, and four years later the girl became completely blind. The reason for this was also poor nutrition due to a miserable existence.

Blind Vanga became a burden to her parents, helpless, and needed care. It was decided to send my daughter to Serbia, to a school for the blind. Fifteen-year-old Vangelia studied the alphabet for the blind and other sciences there, studied music, and mastered the piano. Moreover, she learned to clean things up on her own and even cook.

Difficult youth

A difficult fate continued to haunt her. Tank's stepmother died giving birth to her fourth child, and the baby also did not survive. So she returned home to help her father. The blind girl was excellent at housework. She learned to knit at a school for the blind, which brought in a small income. My father worked as a shepherd and laborer, but there was still a catastrophic lack of money. Soon Vanga herself will become seriously ill with pleurisy. Her family lost hope that she would survive, but she got back on her feet.

In 1940, my father fell ill with terrible disease blood poisoning. And he died soon, he was 54 years old. Vanga foresaw his death. The brothers went to neighboring village to work as a laborer, leaving her with her sister. As fate would have it, two years later she met her future husband, Dimitar Gushterov, with whom she moved to the city of Petrich.

Vanga's abilities

The seer easily identified people's illnesses and predicted fate. Visitors from all over the world came to see her. Vanga could point to a specific doctor who would help get rid of the disease.

Vanga claimed that she received information about people without reading their thoughts. It came from the spirits of the dead, transparent and glowing with a bright flame, who, like the living, move, sit and laugh. Another way of knowledge was through a mysterious voice.

Her predictions

The collapse of the USSR, the victory of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential elections, the tragedy with the Russian submarine "Kursk", the terrorist attack in America on September 11, natural disasters and many other events. We will talk about one prediction in more detail: how America will go under water.

According to the soothsayer, the United States will disappear from the face of the earth.

Let's talk about the prophecy of how America will go under water. Sergei Kostornoy, a journalist and relative of Vanga, voiced the prediction that the clairvoyant gave in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. But it was ordered not to release information to the masses until a certain point. Back in the 70s, she said that America does not exist, that she does not see it.

She did not say literally that America would go under water. She spoke about events, namely that the United States will be led by the 44th black president, who will be the last ruler. This will be due to the fact that the continent freezes or suffers from a terrible economic crisis.

The soothsayer Vanga indirectly said that America would go under water. Behind last years many natural disasters fall on her natural disasters such as tornadoes, devastating floods, deadly tornadoes and hurricanes. She never spoke about the apocalypse, but she predicted that some countries would disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, it is unknown in what year America will go under water.

What else did Vanga say about America?

She predicted that the country would be mired in a terrible economic crisis, which would be a consequence of the disintegration of the States into independent lands with new leaders.

She argued that the United States would independently recognize the dominance of a new leader in the person of Russia, which would gain unprecedented power by uniting all Slavic countries, which will only get stronger over the years. Russia will enlist the support of China and India. And peace will reign, all wars and troubles will end. Thus, Vanga did not specifically say that America would go under water.

What is the opinion of scientists?

They predict that due to the melting of Antarctica's glaciers, by 2100 New York will be completely buried under water.

The water level in the world's oceans is rising much faster (by 25%) than predicted. Raising the level to two meters is already a disaster, but five is expected. And after half a century many big cities from all over the world will disappear under the water columns. Scientists suggest that by 2050 the eastern coast of the United States, Canada and Latin America will be flooded. Australia will suffer.

American scientists also made a statement that the water level in the northeastern part of the United States is rising three or even four times faster than throughout the Earth as a whole. A rise in sea level of just one meter will lead to more frequent flooding. It will happen not once every century, but one every three years. This is similar to the prediction "America will go under water."

Apocalypse for the USA and North America Scientists also see it as a result of terrible and powerful earthquakes, due to which all coastal areas will be flooded.

If we compare the forecasts of scientists and Vanga’s prediction “America will go under water,” it becomes clear what is emerging big picture. But, unfortunately, people do not take this information seriously.

Predictions about the coming global warming are not a myth or the invention of science fiction writers. Indeed, there are enough ice reserves in the Arctic Circle for the level of the world's oceans to rise by a hundred or two meters. As a result, that part of the land that is currently located at an altitude of zero to one hundred meters above sea level, will be under water.

Russia can flood America

The first at risk, as you understand, are cities located on ocean coasts. But if we assume that global warming will occur in a few hundred years, then there is enough time to prepare for it: create barrier structures in the form of mega dams or, in the end, just build new town somewhere higher. What to do if residents of a coastal city hear an emergency news broadcast on television or radio: “Attention! A glacier has descended in the Arctic, and a gigantic wave weighing four thousand megatons is moving towards the city. In three and a half hours it will cover New York." At a minimum, widespread panic and hundreds of premature deaths from heart attacks.

You will say that this is just a theory and real life is this impossible? In vain.

A research institute near Moscow, whose full name is kept in the strictest confidence, is developing weapons of the future. From reliable sources it became known that planning, experimental procedures and the development of drawings of the Vulcan ballistic missile, capable of not only destroying a multi-ton glacier to the ground, but also... melting it in a few minutes, were carried out for several years. According to one of the developers, the most difficult thing was to find an explosive that was not only capable of burning in water, but also creating an unimaginable temperature for a long time. Any small pyrotechnician knows that magnesium in water does not go out, but only flares up even stronger, but its combustion temperature is pure form was not suitable for the project.

After half a year of experiments, Russian scientists managed to create a complex mixture based on magnesium. The mixture contains more than twenty chemical elements and their connections. The output was something like a small sun, turned on remotely or automatically several kilometers before colliding with the target. The rocket explodes and in a matter of seconds turns into a huge ball of snow-white flame, which hits the glacier at a speed of 850 meters per second, simultaneously splitting it into thousands of pieces and turning the ice into water. Experiments showed that one gram of such powder turned a glass of water into steam in 4 seconds and continued to burn for another thirty seconds. Of course, this is a breakthrough in the seemingly fading arms race. A rocket weighing five or six tons with such a filling is capable of burning to the ground small town in half an hour. To destroy a large metropolis, several of these missiles will be required. Moreover, there is a clear threat. In the case of a glacier, you can always “disown” failed exercises, as many countries of the world have done successfully and more than once. Everything is simple and brilliant, as always.

An important point remains the accuracy of calculating the rocket's flight path. On the one hand, it should not be noticed by the American missile defense system, because in this case there is a great danger of defeat of third-party states. On the other hand, it is necessary to calculate the landing point of the missile, which should be as close as possible to the flooding site, otherwise, again, other countries may suffer. Seismologists involved in the project argue that the launch time must be certain, taking into account winds and currents that are constantly changing their direction.

Of course, the project is not finished, and it is too early to talk about Russia’s complete readiness to flood America and make it several thousand square kilometers smaller. However, the goals have been outlined, and Russia has already proven to the whole world its determination, as well as its determination. Therefore, there is no need to doubt Russia’s ability, if necessary, to “press the button” and sink America.

We are standing on the threshold new era information wars and man-made disasters. While Japan sends computer viruses, and America is trying to get closer to Russia from the west and southeast, offering to accept everyone who is not lazy into its NATO embrace, the Kremlin is practicing global flooding of these countries. If the United States does not know how to listen to anyone but itself, let it learn to count billions of dollars in losses.

The USA will drown - if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. American scientists themselves are predicting a catastrophe.

Will be bad

Hurricanes equal in strength to Hurricane Sandy, which flooded New York in 2012, hit the United States every 24 years. This conclusion was reached by American scientists from Rutgers University, who studied how much the water rose here over the past few thousand years, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Previously, such catastrophic floods, when the water level rose by 2.25 meters, happened once every 500 years. But global warming and rising sea levels have made disasters more frequent.

Consequences of Hurricane Sandy.

As Benjamin Horton predicts in an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, once every 130 years the water in New York could rise higher - almost 3 meters. Previously, this happened no more than once every 3,000 years.

Rising waters flood New York

Or even worse

Horton's university colleagues dug even deeper a couple of years ago - they studied rocks in Virginia (USA), New Zealand and Enewetak Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean. The rocks were deposits of the Pliocene era, which began 5 million years ago and ended approximately 2.5 million years later. The climate then was generally similar to the present one, but the average temperature on the planet was 2-3 degrees higher. This is exactly what it could become in the near future if global warming does not stop.

Having examined the isotopic composition of sediments, scientists found that the sea level was 20 meters higher than it is today. Therefore, in the future, water may rise so high as a result of melting polar ice. Then the flood scenarios based on Horton's calculations will seem simply rosy.

The near future of the US coast.

It's impossible not to get wet

Antarctica is melting. There are regular reports that huge layers of ice are slipping and breaking off. And according to the observations of meteorologists, in the second half of the 20th century alone, the average annual air temperature in the southern polar regions increased by 2.5 degrees Celsius. And it continues to rise. As a result, global warming may lead to the fact that there will be no ice left in Antarctica at all.

Jerry Mitrovica and her colleagues from the University of Toronto in Canada have a different opinion. The researcher assures that the previous forecasts did not take into account the details. Namely, they are the ones who threaten us with serious troubles. For example, a flood for America and the countries of Southeast Asia.

According to Jerry, the ice cap is now South Pole the force of its gravitational attraction creates a bubble of water around Antarctica. There will be no ice - the bubble will rush to the north, where the water level will rise.

Further, the continent, free of ice and its colossal pressure, will itself rise by 100 meters. A blast, to put it simply. Which will create additional water flows. And all together, redistributed, they will shift the earth’s axis. About 500 meters, according to Canadian calculations published in the highly scientific journal Science. And such a displacement can create catastrophic swellings on the surface of the ocean.

Governments of countries located on the shores of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans should be aware of this threat, says Natalya Gomez, who participated in the research. - We need to add a few more meters to the previous forecasts.

On average, scientists predict a rise in global sea levels of about 7 meters. And they scare the residents of New York and Washington with complete flooding. And in certain areas of the coast with strong tides, a catastrophe similar to the one shown in the film “The Day After Tomorrow” can occur.

The film "The Day After Tomorrow" may turn out to be prophetic.

At the mere mention of a harem, images of mysterious and beautiful things arise in your head. oriental women who could conquer a man with just their glance. Despite the fact that the concubines were essentially slaves, they were treated with dignity. There were many women in the Sultan's harem, but there were also favorites - those who were lucky enough to give birth to sons to the Sultan. They had special respect and honor. The sultan's harem was divided into three groups. In the first there were already middle-aged concubines, in the other two - very young ones. All women were trained in the art of flirting and literacy.

The third group consisted of the most beautiful and expensive concubines, who gave their company not only to the sultans, but also to the princes. When the girls entered the palace, they were given a new name (usually Persian), which was supposed to reflect their essence. Here are some examples: Nerginelek (“little angel”), Nazlujdamal (“coquette”), Cheshmira (“girl with beautiful eyes"), Nergidezada ("like a daffodil"), Majamal ("moon-faced").

Until the 15th century, in the Ottoman Empire it was customary to have legal wives in addition to the harem, usually foreign princesses. Marriage was necessary to increase power and support from other states. grew and gained strength, there was no longer a need to seek support, so the clan was continued by the children of the concubines. The Sultan's harem replaced and supplanted legal marriage. Concubines had their own rights and privileges. never needed anything, they could leave their master if they wanted after nine years of stay.

Those who left the palace were given houses and a dowry. These women were called palace women and had respect in society, they were given diamonds, fabrics, gold watches, everything that was necessary for furnishing a home, and they were also paid a regular allowance. However, most of the girls did not want to leave the Sultan's harem, even if they did not become favorites and did not receive the attention of the master, they became servants and raised younger girls.

Suleiman's love for Roksolana-Hurrem

Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was a worthy ruler, warrior, legislator and tyrant. This man was versatile, he was fond of music, wrote poetry, knew several languages, and loved jewelry and blacksmithing. Under his rule, the Ottoman Empire reached its greatest heights. The ruler's character was contradictory: severity, cruelty and ruthlessness were combined with sentimentality. At the age of 26, Suleiman began to rule the Ottoman Empire.

During this period, the numerous harem of the Turkish Sultan was replenished with a concubine from Western Ukraine. The beautiful girl's name was Roksolana, she had a cheerful disposition, so she was given the name Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, which means “cheerful.” The beauty immediately won the attention of the Sultan. At that time, the woman she loved was Makhidevran, who, being jealous, scratched the new concubine’s face, tore her dress and ruffled her hair. When Hurrem was invited to the Sultan’s bedchamber, she refused to go to the ruler in this form. Suleiman, having learned about what had happened, became angry with Makhidevran and made Roksolana his beloved woman.

There was a rule in the harem that a concubine could only have one child from the Sultan. Suleiman was so in love with Hurrem that he gave her five children and refused to meet with other women. In addition to this, one more thing was violated traditional rule- he got married, so it was the first legal marriage of a sultan and a concubine in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Hurrem was the most significant person in the palace for 25 years and had unlimited power over her husband. She died before her lover.

last love Suleiman

After the death of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, the ruler's feelings flared up for only one more concubine - Gulfem. The girl was 17 years old when she ended up in the Sultan's harem. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Gulfem were completely different. The Sultan's last love was a calm woman, despite her unprecedented beauty, Suleiman was attracted to her by her kindness and meek disposition. He spent all his nights only with Gulf, while the other concubines were insanely jealous, but could not do anything about it.

This sweet and calm woman decided to build a mosque. Not wanting publicity, she did not say anything about this to the Sultan. She donated all her salary to construction. One day the money ran out, the girl did not want to ask her lover for help, because it was beneath her dignity. She took funds from another concubine, who agreed to give her salary for several nights with the Sultan. Suleiman was surprised to see another in his chambers; he wanted to share a bed only with Gulfem. When his beloved pleaded ill for several nights, and another concubine came to replace her, Suleiman became angry. The insidious rival told the ruler that nights with him were sold for a salary. The eunuchs in Sultan Suleiman's harem were ordered to whip Gulfem with ten blows of the rod, but she died from such shame even before punishment. When the ruler found out the real reason the act of his beloved, he grieved for a long time and regretted that he did not talk to her before the mosque was completed by order of Suleiman. A school was built nearby. Gulfem was buried in the garden of this small kullie.

Everyone must have seen it famous photo with an ugly, fat woman, supposedly the beloved wife of the Sultan, and many had the opinion that all the women there were like that, if this one was the beloved. And that's a lie. A harem is a variety of faces, bodies and images. However, see for yourself

This is the same photo that formed the opinion of many about harems. Now let's see if this is really so

These photos are circulating on the Internet with the caption “Harem”. In fact, these are photographs of the male actors of the first state theater created by order of Shah Nasereddin (a great lover European culture) at the Dar el-Funun Polytechnic School in 1890, who performed satirical plays only for the palace nobility.

The organizer of this theater was Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered one of the founders of modern Iranian theater. Since women were prohibited from performing on stage, these roles were performed by men. The first women appeared on stage in Iran in 1917.

And here are real photos of women from the harems of the sultans of different periods. Ottoman odalisque, 1890

There are few photographs, because, firstly, men were prohibited from entering harems, and, secondly, photography was just beginning its development, but some photographs, paintings and other evidence have been preserved that only the most beautiful were selected for harems representatives of different nations.

Women in a harem, 1912

Woman in a harem with a hookah, Türkiye, 1916

Women from the harem going for a walk. Photo from the Museum of Peru (Istanbul)

Concubine, 1875

Gwashemasha Kadin Effendi, wife of Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Her mother, Geverin Nedak Seteney, together with her sister, was kidnapped by Turkish slave traders around 1865 in Circassia, shortly before devastated by Russian troops, and sold into slavery in the harem of Sultan Abdul Aziz I. On the way to Istanbul, Geverin's sister, not wanting to be slave, threw herself overboard and drowned.

Circassian women were especially popular in harems for their beauty and grace.

Painting by the French orientalist artist Jean-Leon Gerome “Circassian woman under a veil”, painted by him during a trip to Istanbul in 1875-76. The painting supposedly depicts Nedak Setenei, the mother of Gwashemash.

Gulfem Hatun (Ottoman: گلفام خاتون, Turkish: Gülfem Hatun) - second concubine of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman, mother of Shehzade Murad, Circassian

A very young Circassian woman in the Sultan’s harem

Khyurem Sultan, the same Roksolana (1502-1558) was his concubine-favorite, and then the main and legal wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent

Princess Durru Shewar (1914 - 2006) Princess of Berar and Imperial Princess of the Ottoman Empire, wife of Azam Yah, eldest son of the seventh and last Nizam of Hyderabad

And look not at the children and members royal family. What a beauty! Durrüşehvar Sultan, daughter of the last caliph Abdulmecid Efendi and grandson of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulaziz

Princess Begum Sahiba Nilufer Khanum Sultana Farhat

Nazime Sultan and Caliph Abdulmecid Sultan

Ayse Sultan (Osmanoglu) II. She is the daughter of Abdulhamit

Dürrüşehvar Sultan with his father and husband. 1931

And here are photos of real Turkish women (period 1850-1920). Not in a harem, however, but the Turks clearly had someone to choose from for a wife