Eva is fat before and after losing weight. Eva Polna - biography, photo, personal life of the famous singer

Eva Polna - famous Russian singer, former member group "Guests from the Future", songwriter and composer. In 2013, Eva became the most rotated singer on Russian radio.


Eva Polna – creative pseudonym performer, her name at birth is Elena Leonidovna Polnaya.

Lena was born in Leningrad on May 19, 1975. The girl’s father was Polish, so Lena often traveled to Poland as a child. Mom Lyubov Nikolaevna was born and lived in Russia.

Eva Polna in her youth

Since childhood, Eva has been interested in science fiction, and she was especially interested in space. The girl even wanted to become an astronaut.

She combined this hobby with dancing and music. The future star loved to sing and dance, went to a dance school.

As Polna says, as a child her idols were Ella Fitzgerald and ballerina Anna Pavlova.

After graduating from school in 1991, the girl entered the Institute of Culture. Krupskaya, who was in her hometown.

She chose the specialty "librarian-biographer", and the girl also has a second specialization - "information management and marketing."

In 1996, Eva graduated from the university, after which she decided to go to university again. This time Polnaya applied to the College of Arts, from which she soon graduated and could work as a choreographer.

But the girl did not teach dancing for long - very soon she decided to connect her life with music.

The beginning of a musical career

Eva's musical career began in student years. In 1994, she became a backing vocalist and dancer for the rap group “A-2”.

A year later, the aspiring singer left the group and began performing solo in clubs in St. Petersburg. She sang rock ballads famous musicians 70s.

Group "Guests from the Future"

In 1997, a meeting with Yuri Usachev turned the whole life of young Eva upside down. One day Yuri came to the club where Polna was performing.

At that time, Usachev wanted to leave the Cast Iron Steamship group and was looking for a vocalist for his new musical project.

He liked Eva’s performance so much that at the end of the evening the young man approached Polna and offered to collaborate.

Yuri left his phone number, and a couple of days later the aspiring singer called Usachev and arranged a meeting with him.

At the meeting there was a mini-interview. The girl said that she writes songs herself and selects music for them. Next, Eva sang the song “Time is Sand.”

Yuri highly appreciated the girl’s talent, and soon they created a duet together called “Guests from the Future.”

Came out the same year debut album"After Hundreds of Years...", created in jungle style and recorded in just one night.

The album was not particularly successful, but thanks to the songs in it, the young performers were noticed by the famous DJ Groove.

With his support in next year The second album “Time is Sand” was recorded, which also did not bring popularity to the group.

After this, the performers decided to change their style and switched to pop. The composition “Run from Me,” which was included in the album of the same name, blew up the radio airwaves - it was played on every radio station and broke all popularity records.

To promote “Guests from the Future,” Yuri suggested Evgeny Orlov, producer of the group “ Inveterate scammers", produce your project.

After Evgeny agreed, Eva and Yuri moved to the capital and there they began to conquer the musical Olympus.

There, upon arrival, the group shot their first video, which turned out to be unsuccessful.

But despite this, the duo’s songs were played on all radio stations, the performers gave several dozen concerts a year and appeared on the covers of all kinds of glossy publications.

In 2000, the group’s next album, entitled “Winter in the Heart,” was released. In support of the album “Guests from the Future” they organized tour, during which we even attended a concert in London.

After the stunning success, Yuri Usachev decided to break the contract with the producer. The next disc, “This is Stronger than Me,” was recorded after Evgeniy Orlov left.

“This is stronger than me” repeated the success of previous records, and was released in 2002 new album"Eve".

In April of the same year, the team was offered to record solo album in France. Eva went to Paris, but failed to record the album.

But then the group's popularity began to fade. In 2005, the album “More Than Songs” was released, in 2007 - “Behind the Star”.

Collections of remixes “Traffic Rules” (2004) and “Only Music is Real” (2007) were also released. The musicians had other work, and gradually the group began to please fans less and less with songs and performances.

In April, the group’s last video, “I’m Not for You,” was released. In the spring of next year, Eva announced the dissolution of the group and the start of a solo career.

Solo career

Immediately after the breakup of the group, Eva presented her debut solo song“Boys Don't Cry” and its video clip.

A year later, the songs “Mirages” and “On Parting” were released, which quickly became hits. In 2011, the songs “I’m Not You Too” and “Ships” received no less success.

Then in 2013, Polna organized a tour of cities in Russia and the CIS countries. After the end of the tour, Eva released her debut solo album, Love Sings.

The official release date of the album is May 19, 2014. After this, Polna became a frequent guest on radio and television.

Eva was on the judging panel of the project “I want to go to Meladze”, participated in the First Channel program “Live Sound” and repeatedly appeared in music shows.

In 2015, the singer recorded a new composition “Little”, for which Eva was awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

In 2016, on Valentine's Day, Polna organized a large solo concert entitled “Once again about love.”

The following year, she again performed a concert in honor of the holiday, this time the woman performed with other celebrities as part of a concert by the Muz-TV channel in the Kremlin.

On this moment Eva continues to shoot videos and, according to information from the press, is preparing new performances.


While still a member of the “Guests from the Future” group, Eva made her debut as a designer at the “Defile on the Neva” festival, where she presented her collection men's clothing"Body Boy"

Then in 2006, Polna released the “911. Call men." In the same year, the singer appeared at three fashion weeks at once: in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kyiv.

At Russian Fashion Week next year, the woman presented a line of autumn-winter clothing.

Also in 2007, Eva made her first film appearance, playing herself in the film “Kilometer Zero”.

Personal life

Eva's personal life was always under the radar of the paparazzi. At one time, the singer was credited with having affairs with many celebrities, not only male ones.

In 2001, Eva admitted to the public that she is bisexual and calmly starts relationships with both men and women.

Eva with her daughter Evelyn and Denis Klyaver

In 2005, Polna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Evelyn. The father of the child turned out to be Denis Klyaver.

Two years later, the second daughter Amalia was born. The girl's father is ex-husband Eva's restaurateur Sergei Pilgun, with whom the woman soon broke up.

The separation was peaceful; Eva’s children are now being raised by their grandparents. After her marriage to Pilgun, Eva did not marry again.

Former member of the popular music group“Guests from the Future” Eva Polna has been at the peak of popularity for a long time and regularly gives the public reasons for conversation. And they talk not only about her vocal talent, but also about her unusual and extravagant appearance.

The girl loves to change her images, which pleases fans and listeners. But now the singer’s appearance deserves applause. Popular singer!

The 40-year-old singer has always been curvy. But the girl quickly after the birth of her daughters. After the second birth, the singer lost her seductive female forms. Eva was not going to give up the stage because of family troubles. Therefore, six months after giving birth, I decided to get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Eva Polna does not strive to become skinny, because she believes that it is appetizing forms that give a woman sexuality. A toned, trained body and elastic muscles are a hundred times better than skin-covered bones.

And the artist’s work on the path to perfection was crowned with success! She recently appeared before the public with a renewed body. Eva has become slimmer and prettier. The singer herself admits that she now feels attractive and sexy.

Eva notes that in losing weight, good results require discipline and willpower. According to the star, any woman can push herself to lose weight if she buys herself a beautiful tight dress. As soon as the dress is put on, the whole excess weight.

The singer names the following as the main aspects on which the weight loss course is based:

  • Limiting the caloric content of food consumed during the day;
  • Fractionality of food;
  • Active lifestyle (sports and dancing);
  • Positive psychological attitude.

Eight Principles of Nutrition

Due to a busy work schedule, sticking to a diet in the traditional sense is quite difficult. Therefore, Eva adheres to some nutritional principles that helped her achieve this result.

  1. Not to starve! The human body is designed in such a way that when the amount of food consumed sharply decreases, it goes into “accumulation” mode. Therefore, you should eat in portions that could easily fit into a glass). It is important to eat often - five to six times a day. This way you can control your appetite and train your body to eat less food without causing hunger stress.
  2. Count calories. By counting calories, you abstract away from thoughts about snacking. It is difficult to lose weight without knowing the energy and calorie value of the foods you consume. The optimal daily amount of calories is 1200 per day. And this is not just one meal, but a complete, and most importantly, varied menu!
  3. Chew food thoroughly. This way you will feel the taste of food, while avoiding overeating, which will significantly facilitate the further work of the stomach. Nutritionists recommend chewing food at least 18 times.
  4. Maintain water balance. Water fills the stomach well, has zero calories and can satisfy hunger. In the process of losing weight, water improves metabolic rate, removes toxins, and promotes normal intestinal function. Eva Polna drinks 10 glasses of purified still water per day, the first of which is on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.
  5. Reduce carbohydrates. Eating sweets has a bad effect on your curves, so buns and sweets urgently need to be replaced with more.
  6. Limit consumption of foods containing visible fat choose low-fat ones. Avoid sugar and salt.
  7. Protein for lunch is the rule! As the main dish, prepare lean meat, but always boiled or steamed. Thanks to proteins vital for the body, you are not at risk of muscle dystrophy, which “accompanies” those who lose weight.
  8. Regular fasting days. You can spend such days eating rice, apples, cucumbers.

List of weight loss products

  • Low-fat fermented milk drinks,
  • Lean meat and fish,
  • Vegetables,
  • Berries,
  • Fruits,
  • Greenery,
  • Porridge,
  • Bran,
  • Green tea,
  • Skim cheese,
  • Pasta from durum varieties wheat,

Let's start dancing!

“I owe my transformation to dancing,” admits the thin singer, “which I became seriously interested in during the process of losing weight. Dance direction“, which I chose for myself, can be described as a kind of mix of Pilates and ballet exercise.”

Pilates is a series physical exercise, aimed at strengthening all muscle groups, training coordination of movements and relieving stress.

Ballet exercise is a set of classes originally intended for ballerinas; it is aimed at increasing the level muscle mass and elasticity, as well as the body’s general endurance to physical activity.

Sport is a simple method of losing weight!

Excess weight can be overcome with increased physical activity quite quickly if you exercise regularly. All summer Eva Polna played sports on fresh air and encouraged everyone on her blog to follow her example:

“I’m reporting on the work done! Just 50 minutes of brisk walking and basic exercises on the playground! That's all! Post passed! If anything, this is not a post for fitness gurus! This is for sloths, koalas and pandas!”

With the onset of cold weather, Eva literally joined the fitness room. But she didn’t limit herself to exercise equipment alone – now she regularly plays squash and does race walking with weights on her legs.

The right mental attitude

By her example, the singer proved that sports, healthy eating and psychological balance help remove overweight even if they have been “filled up” for years. Eva Polna’s weight loss method is used not only by celebrities, but also by ordinary women. Only a woman who respects her body can rightfully respect herself.

“My figure has improved and I’m happy about it. Every time I eat, I mentally talk to my body and wish it a bon appetit. Thus, the psychological attitude influences the absorption of food, says Eva Polna.

After careful “treatment,” the body stops “saving” calories in reserve and learns to enjoy food. And the extra calories are distributed into a boost of energy and cheerfulness, reciprocating the figure.

Singer Eva Polna lost 15 kilograms - but what, you can’t do it?!

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Polna Eva Leonidovna (b. 1975) is a Russian singer, lead singer of the national pop group “Guests from the Future,” lyricist and composer, winner of nine Golden Gramophone awards. She writes poetry under the pseudonym Vozderzhak Josephine Askoldovna.


Eva was born in Leningrad on May 19, 1975. My interesting surname she inherited from her father, who was an ethnic Pole. When she was little, she often had to visit her father's homeland.

Eva remembered well one unpleasant moment from her childhood. As a little girl, she fell in love with film actor Vladimir Konkin and told her parents about it. Naturally, they did not take it seriously and even laughed a little at the child. If Konkin was shown on TV, then the little girl’s name was called: “Eva, come quickly, they are showing your love.” At these moments the girl blushed, burned with shame, she felt unpleasant and a little hurt, as if she had done something obscene. When Eva became an adult, she told her mother that they had traumatized her then. And the parents asked their daughter for forgiveness: “Daughter, we didn’t know that it was so serious for you.”

From this childhood incident she learned for herself good lesson in adult life. No matter what her children say, never, even if it is very funny and she wants to choke with laughter, Eva will not show this to the child. Because for little man this can be very important.

Otherwise, Eva had very happy childhood, the singer remembers these years with special tenderness and warmth. Eva had an excellent relationship with her parents. The family was intelligent and at that time considered wealthy. The girl studied music. Her father instilled a love for this type of art in her; he was able to explain to his daughter and show what it is good music. As a child, Eva listened to musical compositions performed by Ella Fitzgerald. There was an antique piano in the house, on which the girl learned to play and sing.

Years of study

She was in the family only child, so to speak, on home education. The girl did not go to kindergarten. And when her grandmother took her to school for the first time, Eva had stressful state: The little girl opened the door to the classroom, and there were a lot of people there. At first she didn't like school at all. When her grandmother brought Eva to class in the morning, she didn’t want to stay here. The girl asked the uncles and aunties who brought their children to school to pick her up and take her away from here. But it’s clear that no one took her anywhere, she had to turn around and go to class.

Along with secondary school and music, Eva studied dancing and choreography; her idol in this art form was the ballerina Anna Pavlova. However, in childhood, when all the girls dreamed of the stage, Eva dreamed of becoming an astronaut. She loved to read books, especially science fiction. Her favorite TV show was “Obvious - Incredible” with host Sergei Kapitsa. She nevertheless later realized her dream of a cosmic and unknown world, working and performing in a group with fantastic name"Visitors from the future".

When Eva graduated from school, she did not have the slightest idea of ​​what she would like to become in the future. The parents, of course, insisted that their daughter receive higher education. At that time, Eva needed to tighten up her cultural level and get a good humanitarian base. Therefore, in 1991, she chose Leningrad University to enroll. state institute culture named after Krupskaya, after graduating from which she received a specialist diploma in “librarian-bibliographer”.

Along with this, Eva received another higher education, her second profession is an information management and marketing specialist.

And after all this, the girl submitted documents for admission to the St. Petersburg College of Arts, after graduating from which she received a diploma as a choreographer.

"Visitors from the future"

Having received three specialties, Eva never worked in any of them. While still studying, she first appeared on stage with the rap group “A-2”, first as a dancer, then as a backing vocalist. Polna worked in this team for a year, after which she began performing independently. Eva’s favorite genre at that time was classic rock music of the 70s. In many St. Petersburg clubs she wonderfully performed similar musical compositions. There was even a case when Eva sang on stage for five hours, but her name was not known to St. Petersburg music lovers.

Eva Polna's real creative career began in 1996. DJ and composer Yuri Usachev worked at that time in the Cast Iron Skorokhod team. At one point the idea of ​​creating new pop group. So, together with Evgeny Arsentyev, they came up with “Guests from the Future”, and invited Eva Polna, whom they saw during a performance in one of the clubs, as a soloist. Soon the singer showed her other talents: she created stage images and costumes, wrote lyrics.

In 1997, the group recorded their first album. The compositions were in jungle style, recording took place at one of the St. Petersburg home studios. They made the album literally overnight and gave it the intriguing title “After Hundreds of Years.” Listeners did not immediately accept the six compositions with an unusual sound; the album's circulation was small.

However, soon one of the songs called “Sand Time” brought fame to the group. It was heard and approved by the famous St. Petersburg DJ Groove, he began to broadcast a demo version of the song often, and it unexpectedly ended up on the first lines of the chat. After this, the group “Guests from the Future” received an offer to hold their first performance.

On March 8, 1998, a concert took place at the Titanic club in St. Petersburg. Eva was very surprised when she saw from the stage that the audience was singing along with her, and she sang some songs three times as an encore. This day is considered the official founding date of the group. Soon they released their new songs, which were included in the album “Time Sand”. But popularity was still narrow.

Then Evgeny Arsentiev decided to leave the team. And Yuri Usachev decided to change his style and Musical direction groups. They were left alone with Eva and chose a pop dance style for themselves. Their first song, “Run From Me,” was a success. Eva had a special style of performance – detached and romantic. At the same time, the song had a strong sexual overtones. All this in short term made the song a hit, it was played on all radio stations, it sounded from music stores and kiosks.

This contributed to the group’s transition to a new level, and Eva and Yuri went to Moscow. Producer Evgeny Orlov signed a contract with them. Several video clips were filmed and the album “Run from Me” was recorded. The group “Guests from the Future” burst into the world of show business; photos of Yuri and Eva appeared on the covers of popular magazines. A series of concerts began, which were completely sold out. Already in 1999, the group “Guests from the Future” became a participant in the final program “Song of the Year”, where Eva performed the composition “Dislike”. And the song “I’m with you” brought them the first Golden Gramophone figurine.

The year 2000 was marked by the release of a new album entitled “Winter in the Heart” and the first foreign tour. In London they shot a video for the song “Games,” which instantly became a hit. Eva could already be collecting “Golden Gramophones”:

  • 2000 - for the song “You are somewhere”;
  • 2001 - for “Ondine”;
  • 2002 - for the composition “He’s a Stranger”;
  • 2003 - for the song “Why You”.

Musical compositions the group “Guests from the Future” firmly established itself at the top of the domestic charts. Their new album was released every year:

  • 2000 - “It’s stronger than me, part 1”;
  • 2001 – “Best”;
  • 2002 – “Eva”;
  • 2003 - “In the Mood for Love”, “It’s Stronger than Me, Part 2”.

They had millions of fans all over the country, and music critics recognized the group as phenomenal.

On March 8, 2003, “Guests from the Future” celebrated its first anniversary – five years – among fans. However, less than a month later, at the beginning of April, in northern capital, St. Petersburg, a public celebration of their small anniversary took place. A grand concert took place at the Yubileiny Sports Palace.

Along with the performances, everyone in the group did a little bit of their own thing. Yura became the general producer at Gramophone Records. Eva began to take her first steps in the modeling business. No, she didn’t start working as a model, Polna modeled the clothes herself, and her new collection"Denim Symphony" was a success during its run.

“Guests from the Future” released several more albums (“Traffic Rules”, “More Than Songs”, “Behind the Star”), but they creative career went into decline. In 2009, Eva Polna announced that Yuri Usachev had left the group.

Solo career

The original singer had no intention of leaving the stage and continued her solo performances. They turned out to be quite successful, Eva again replenished her collection of “Golden Gramophones”:

  • 2011 - for the song “Ships”;
  • 2012 - for the composition “I’m not you either”;
  • 2016 – for the song “Little”.

In 2016, on Valentine's Day, Polna held a big solo concert. This holiday is especially suitable for her work, because Eva sings all her songs only about love. Stylish and bright singer, a confident and honest woman, can joke sparklingly and laugh contagiously, her voice cannot be forgotten or confused with others - for all these qualities, fans continue to love Eva’s songs and herself.

Personal life

Eva is a very unusual and extravagant woman. This is also her personal life. During his stage career yellow press Polna attributed many novels, not only with men, but also with the fairer sex.
Despite such rumors, Eva became the mother of two beautiful girls.

In 2005 she gave birth to Evelyn. Fans of the group “Guests from the Future” really wanted Yuri Usachev to be the singer’s husband and the father of the child, the couple looked too good and harmonious together. However, neither Eva nor Yura ever commented or gave interviews about their personal relationships. And the father of Evelyn’s first daughter was Russian pop singer Denis Klyaver. Eva carefully hid this and was never going to talk about it. But the whole country is about common daughter We'll let Denis know.

The second daughter Amalia was born in 2007. Her father was businessman and restaurateur Sergei Pilgun, with whom Eva was married. Despite the appearance of their daughter, the couple was unable to maintain marital relations and broke up. Now Eva is raising her daughters herself.

For girls interesting names, Eva chose them herself. As the singer says, she wanted the name of each of her daughters to be very beautiful and at the same time international. Since our lives now take place all over the world (work, travel), girls with their own names should feel comfortable in any country.

Eva’s daughters are very affectionate and at home they call their mother Musya (a derived name from Mamushi). The singer tries to be both a friend and a mentor for the girls. She instills in the little ones a philosophical attitude to life; explains that there are objective and subjective opinions; warns that life path they will have to deal with a lot of bumps, from which he tries to protect the girls if possible. Otherwise, Eva does not like to talk about her personal life, because she considers it a space where the singer can relax, unwind, calm down and draw new strength for creativity.

Eva Polna is always very bright on stage, and she prefers to be the same on stage. Everyday life, because everything around is already full of dullness and despondency, you need to cheer yourself up with colorful clothes. She is always feminine and elegant; it is unlikely that anyone will be able to see her in shorts and a T-shirt. Her main motto: “Make life brighter with your own hands”.

Along with other hobbies, she devoted a lot of time to music, dancing and singing. After school, she became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Arts. Krupskaya, after graduating from which she received the specialty of librarian-bibliographer. But this future star it seemed not enough, and she also entered the St. Petersburg College of Arts.

On stage, Eva made her debut as part of the St. Petersburg group “A-2”, in which she was a backing vocalist and dancer. Eva Polna in her youth did not lose hope of becoming famous singer, and honed her skills in clubs, performing classic rock ballads.

In the photo - Eva Polna in her youth

The turning point in her career was her acquaintance with Yuri Usachev. She was twenty-four years old then, and she conquered young man with his performance in one of the clubs. Yuri was delighted with Eva’s voice and offered her cooperation. Then he performed as part of the group “Cast Iron Runner”, and after an interview with the young singer, who, moreover, wrote poetry and music herself, he offered her cooperation. So Eva Polna in her youth became the lead singer of the “Guest from the Future” group created together with Usachev, and their first joint song was recorded in a small home studio.

Meeting DJ Groove changed a lot in future fate Eva and Yuri - the song “Time is Sand” recorded with him brought the guys deafening popularity. After that, they performed their concert at the Titanic nightclub, and this day became the birthday of the “Guest from the Future” group and the beginning of Eva Polna’s ascent to the musical Olympus.

True, after the resounding success in the group’s career there was whole year relative calm, and only after they recorded the song “Cry-cry, dance-dance”, and it was aired, did Eva Polna and her partner experience a second wave of popularity.

In the photo - Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev

Excess weight is a real “plague” of the 21st century. And not only the most ordinary girls, who are inclined to be overweight and love to eat sweets, struggle with it, but also stars, to whom the harsh laws of fashion and show business dictate their own rules.
By summer, we all want to lose those extra pounds and show off our chiseled figure on the beach. We decided to tell you the story of one famous chic woman who managed to plastic surgery cope with your overweight and prove to the world that anything is possible.

The magnificent singer Eva Polna, whom you all know, could never boast of her ideal figure. Weight charming singer exceeded 90 kg with her height of 172 cm. Eternal tours, moving, night buffets, performances, lack of sleep greatly affected the woman’s health and appearance. But unnoticed by everyone, she took charge of herself and transformed herself!

According to the 41-year-old artist, losing weight was very difficult for her! She set herself a goal: to change her schedule, improve her diet, exercise and ultimately lose weight and improve her overall health.

The first achievements were not long in coming! She lost 10 kg by eliminating junk foods from her diet and starting to move more: going to the gym several times a week and taking as many walks as possible.

After such a shake-up of the body at her age, she immediately began to look younger and more attractive. In an interview, she even said that she feels much better: she has energy, vigor, lightness and pride in her results, which does not allow her to give up ground and stop there.

She encourages her fans to join her: switch to healthy eating and start going to the gym. And under no circumstances should you relax or give up what you started, otherwise everything will come back. “This is the only way you will not let your young body feel old and you will be able to correct your figure,” says the Russian singer.

Change your habits and start a new one healthy life– hard, but possible. The main thing is to have a strong desire, a goal and like-minded people who will not let you stop.
Fans are incredibly happy about the new thinner pop singer Eva and are ready to follow the example of transformation from their mentor. Let cherished dream stars about ideal figure will soon come to life. Let's wish her good luck on this difficult path to perfection!