How to lose weight in your face in a week of exercise. Very thin face: what can be done

My respect, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we are waiting for a women's article in which we will put our face in order, namely, we will learn how to lose weight in our face. After reading, each of you will acquire a lovely little face that has lost a lot of weight and will become even more beautiful and attractive. During the course of this article, we will get acquainted with a set of “weight-loss-charitable” measures, practical advice and also with... well, I won’t go all out in order to maintain the intrigue.

So, I ask everyone to take their seats, we are starting to put our face in order.

How to lose weight in your face: introduction

Once again, wandering around the Internet, I realized how little useful, well-worn information there really is on putting yourself in order for your loved one. The same sites with a template design copy information back and forth, pouring it from empty to empty. Scanty and uninformative articles have flooded the network, no wonder that our ladies cannot find answers to the questions that interest them, and all because they simply do not exist. Or there is, but it is the same for the entire Internet, simply served under different sauces and in the interpretation of different authors. What to do? Well, I don’t know, at least read the project :) and become fully enlightened.

Today we will do just that, we will approach the issue of losing weight from different angles. We will not only learn about direct methods of putting your pack in order (exercise and nutrition issues), but also visual (how to correctly shape your image depending on your face type) and even cosmetic (how to apply makeup to narrow your booth). In general, I tried to approach the issue as broadly as possible and reveal every corner of it, well, let's see what came of it.

First, let's dig a little (or maybe a lot, as it turns out) theories.

Agree, in order to know how to lose weight in your face, you need to have an idea about the object itself. Face is a structure consisting of:

  • skull (bone);
  • muscles (muscle);
  • fat;
  • skin (skin).

A picture version of the facial anatomy looks like this.

As for muscle structures, the following basic units can be distinguished.

The facial skeleton provides its foundation and shape and supports the overlapping soft tissues. The muscle layer is responsible for facial expressions and self-expression. Above the facial muscles are “pockets of fat” that act as fillers. They play a key role in the degree of youth of your face, its elasticity and tension.

All these images help to better understand what needs to be worked on in reducing facial volume. In particular, we cannot influence the skeletal apparatus, this is a given, but we are quite capable of having a direct effect on muscles/ligaments, fat and skin.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

How to lose weight in your face and how long it takes

Facial fat is one of the most difficult to remove; besides, it cannot be disguised with clothing unless you wear a muzzle :). The face is often the last resort for weight loss and one of the first for bloating. The appearance of a double chin and a general increase in the size of the pack - this is what a woman (and not only) has to face at a certain stage of her life (for example, after pregnancy).

Every person's body stores certain fat reserves in certain places. The amount of storage and how to care for it is different for each person. Usually, when a person loses weight, it goes away in the reverse order that it accumulated. In other words, if your body tends to store fat in the face or belly first, these will be the last places where it will go.

The main reason for the blurring of the face is the loss of the degree of elasticity of the ligaments and the inability to hold the “fat pockets” in place. Fat moves (falls off) from its usual habitats, muscle weakening occurs (their tone disappears), folds and a double chin form. Besides everything else, the face begins to move around as if it had been hit with a frying pan. There can be many reasons for this, and you most likely know them, so we will start from the fact that we already have a bloated booth and we need to do something about it.

Geometry and ideal face shape

As for the ideal face shape, oddly enough, it exists and is described by the golden ratio rule. The concept of the latter states that the relatively ideal face shape is divided into 3 equal parts: top, middle, bottom. These parts are separated by four imaginary lines:

  • the first one passes through the upper edge of the forehead;
  • the second - through the bridge of the nose or eyebrow line;
  • the third - through the base of the nose;
  • the fourth - through the lower point of the chin.

The level of the pupil divides the entire face into 2 equal parts: top and bottom. The width of the wings of the nose is equal to the inner points of the corners of the eyes. The ideal model is considered to be a face with a smooth forehead, cheekbones, and lower jaw, inscribed in an imaginary oval. This is what the correct face looks like from a geometry point of view, compare whether you fit in.


It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio rule when painting the face of the Mona Lisa.

More recent “earthly” studies have concluded that the beauty of a woman’s face depends on how close the eyes are to each other and the distance between the eyes and mouth. Researchers from the UK Beauty Institute asked men to rate a woman's attractiveness based on a photo of her face. During the experiment, it was revealed that men considered the most attractive faces to be those whose face width from ear to ear was 46% , and the distance between the eyes and mouth was 36% of the total length of the face (from hairline to chin).

Jessica Alba, Liz Hurley and Shania Twain are those show business stars whose faces correspond to ideal facial proportions.

Typical face shapes

As you guessed, we will talk about the types of our face. We already know that there are various fifth points; in addition, it is customary to distinguish 6 face shapes:

  • heart;
  • elongated;
  • oval;
  • triangle;
  • square;
  • circle.

Knowing your face type is very important; it will help you choose the right glasses, do the right hairstyle and makeup. Therefore, decide on the shape of your face - we will need this later. For ease of orientation, I will provide photos of some celebrities.

So, we have laid down some basic theory, now we smoothly move on to...

How to lose weight in your face: the practical side of the issue.

All our work to reduce the pack will come down to three main tools, namely:

  1. adjustment of the nutrition process;
  2. specialized exercises;
  3. retouching and visual subtleties.

Let's go through each of them.

I. Nutrition adjustments

The first thing you need to pay attention to is nutrition. After all, as you know, fat does not come from thin air, it comes from trampling the path to the refrigerator.

No. 1. Three main pillars of nutrition

Just pay attention to the notes: , . From the basics, I’ll note: to lose weight, you need to maintain a negative caloric balance, i.e. spend more than you consume. If you don’t spend anything and lead a home-office lifestyle, then you need to consume calories accordingly.

Secondly, fat does not disappear locally, i.e. It will not be possible to make only the left or right cheek or buttock lose weight. Only general weight loss will also affect the face. Many people believe that fasting is the main tool for losing weight, but this is not true, to lose weight you need to eat! And the more often, the better.

Thus, increase the number of meals, bringing them to 5 instead of the current three. Why do you need to do this? Answers in the note. Note that you don’t need to hamster more, but do it more often. That is, for example, if your current daily intake is 2000 calories, then it should be that much (and it is better to be reduced if the body is not subject to physical stress), it is simply divided into 5 meals.

Third, eat plenty of fiber and vegetables. (including green leafy ones). Fiber is an indigestible fiber that prolongs the feeling of fullness and improves gastrointestinal motility.

No. 2. Consume more water

Most likely you drink when you feel thirsty. However, staying well hydrated is one of the main rules of losing weight. Therefore, increase your consumption of clean water to at least 8 glasses a day. Drink 1 glass before each meal, and in the morning - 2 . Water will also help get rid of excess sodium in the body. (which can create facial puffiness) and toxins that pollute the body.

No. 3. Replacing goodies

This point is extremely important, especially for girls, because they are very greedy for various goodies. So, you should not completely and categorically refuse everything that your brain leads (and as a result the mood) to delight, just replace your offensive addictions with harmless ones. For example, instead of any chocolate, consume dark dark chocolate (before 70% cocoa beans), replace cream with low-fat sour cream, jam with honey. Those. try to look for a healthier alternative.

Actually, that’s all with nutrition, you could write a ton of recommendations :), but, as practice shows, fewer have a greater likelihood of implementation, that’s why it’s so modest.

Let's move on to...

II. Specialized exercises for tightening facial muscles

Facial exercises should be done in combination with diet. They will help avoid unnecessary wrinkles and sagging after weight loss. Facial exercises are quite simple, but their effectiveness depends on consistency, i.e. You should develop the habit of setting aside a few minutes a day for facial activity.

So, let's go through yoga exercises for the face.

No. 1. Say X and O

These two letters will cause the muscles of your face to actively contract. Execute 3 approach to 40 repetitions, alternately saying first X and then O. Actively move your jaws, trying to stretch and contract the muscles as much as possible.

No. 2. Exercise facial expressions

This exercise involves sequentially changing facial expressions. First, you puff out your cheeks as much as possible and fix the position on 2-3 bills, then release the air (making lips a tube), then reproduce a Hollywood smile without opening your lips. All together it looks like this.

No. 3. Say "A"

Remember how you went to see a doctor as a child, and he said: “Open your mouth wide and say ahhh.” So, open your mouth as wide as possible, hold in this position for 3-4 count, then close your lips, relaxing them as much as possible. Follow 3 times (morning, noon and evening) per day in quantity 30 once.

No. 4. Exercise cow

You need to buy sulfur and start chewing it 1-2 minute 3 times a day, making repeated movements with your jaws as actively as possible. You can also use sugar-free chewing gum and do this simple exercise every time after a meal.

No. 5. Face up exercise

Raise your cheeks towards your eyes as high as you can. Use the corners of your mouth to make the movement. At the top point, hold on 5-7 seconds and lower your cheeks back. Execute 2 approach to 15 repetitions.

No. 6. Fish lips exercise

Pull your cheeks in (until the upper and lower lips wrinkle) and stretch out your lips like a fish. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then open your cheeks. Execute 2 approach to 10 repetitions.

No. 7. Closing the eyelids

Sit in lotus position, relax, and then close your eyes as tightly as you can. Ideally, you should feel the facial muscles “crunch”. Stay in this position for 2-3 bills and then open your eyes. Execute 3 approach to 15 closures.

No. 8. I'm gloomy, I'm joyful

Extend two fingers of each hand (index and middle) and gently pull the corners of your mouth down as if you were frowning. Hold this position to create muscle resistance, then pull the corners up. The lips must be closed throughout the entire movement. At each point, pause for 5 seconds and then relax. Execute 2 approach to 10 repetitions.

No. 9. Lip lift

Tilt your head back and move your lower lip over your upper lip as far as possible. You should feel resistance in your neck and jaw muscles. Execute 2 approach to 15 repetitions.

No. 10. Cheek massage

After all the exercises, massage your cheeks in a circular motion. This will help relieve tension and improve blood flow to them.

So there it was 9+1 specialized exercises to tone up the facial muscles. By the way, if you think that they will not allow you to burn fat on your face due to their insignificance, then you are mistaken. The facial muscles respond very actively to the load, thereby accelerating lymphatic drainage processes and removing the “heaviness of the face.”

Let's move on to the third tool, which few people know about, much less use. It does not have a direct effect on your face, it is rather a retouching tool that allows you not to lose your face :). Actually, these are the tools I'm talking about.

III. Retouching and visual subtleties

Have you noticed how the stars look right? Correct hairstyle, makeup, wardrobe and accessories. And all this is due to the fact that people who understand the intricacies of creating an image work on them. In other words, they know that Angelina Jolie’s face will be emphasized by just such a hairstyle, it is better for her to appear in public wearing such glasses, and to apply makeup only to certain areas of her face.


Why can a new haircut radically improve a woman's appearance? Professor Kang Lee (USA) says that “sometimes an attractive person looks unattractive or vice versa after a haircut, because the hairstyle changes the scale of his face.”

Now we will learn a little of these wisdom. So, we have already decided on the type of face, now let’s decide on the hairstyle. This is what it should look like given the appropriate face shape.

Do you have any correspondence?

And the last tool that will allow you to present your face in a more favorable light is makeup. In particular, look at how to apply makeup correctly when you have an oval face type.

The right makeup can not only disguise all sorts of things on the face, it can reduce the feeling of wideness in the face. Therefore, use this tool for a quick evening solution to the problem.

Well, that’s probably all I would like to talk about. Using these tips, you will know exactly how to lose weight in your face. It turned out to be unrealistically voluminous, but to the point. Let's sum up all this chatter and say goodbye.


Today we answered the question - how to lose weight in your face. Now you know all the recipes for reducing your pack :) and the only thing left is to take them and implement them into your life. Well, you can handle this just fine without me, good luck and a thinner face!

PS. Each comment is minus one to the breadth, so we unsubscribe!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The first manifestation of excess weight always occurs on the face, since excess weight primarily causes swollen cheeks and a double chin, affects the condition of the skin, etc. But a special diet and exercises will help you quickly remove fat-filled ovals at home, making your jaw and jaw visible. cheekbones.

Many girls and women want to lose weight not only in their bodies, but also in their faces, which is why you can often come across the question of how to lose weight on a girl’s face. Often, chubby cheeks are a nuisance, despite the fact that they look very cute. Unfortunately, the cheek area is the most difficult for some women, since they begin to lose weight from the bottom, starting with the hips and abdomen. But this problem can be solved by following simple tips.

What you should pay attention to at the initial stage of losing weight

You need to be prepared that losing weight will take some time. See also - . When wondering how to quickly lose weight on a girl’s face, you need to remember that you cannot suddenly lose weight, since the face usually loses weight along with the body. First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet and cosmetic procedures for the face and neck.

It is necessary to take care of your face every day, then the result will become stable, and you will be able to notice it a couple of weeks after the start of weight loss procedures. Along with losing weight, you can achieve the early appearance of wrinkles and other skin defects.

Even if a woman’s weight loss starts from the bottom and her face is the last to lose weight, you cannot fall for methods like “losing weight in a day.” They will only aggravate the situation: they will lose weight and reduce the size of their cheeks due to starvation, but at the same time their complexion and health will deteriorate. In addition, the extra pounds will quickly return, and with them the bags under the eyes.

There are several principles that will help you lose weight:

  • to prevent swelling of the face, it is necessary to keep your back and shoulders straight (wrong posture impairs blood circulation);
  • It is better to replace a pillow (especially a high one) with a thin pillow (orthopedic);
  • You need to exercise regularly and have a facial massage;
  • It is important to follow a diet;
  • Regular facial treatments are also necessary.

Diet for the face

The nutritional system for losing weight in the face is no longer a diet, but a system that allows you to remove excess fluid from the body. The most correct thing, as in any diet, is to eat fractionally and in small portions. The daily meal should be divided into 3 main meals and 2 or 3 snacks. You can take your last meal no less than 4 hours before going to bed.

The diet should not contain sugar and salt (or the bare minimum), as they retain water in the body, that is, they cause swelling. You also need to remove fatty foods from the menu, including meat, lard, high-calorie broths, baked goods, any sweets, and soda. It is better not to drink strong teas and coffee, they retain water, but replace them with herbal teas and chicory.

More than half of the diet should be fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and berries. They can also be boiled, baked, steamed, mixed and consumed with healthy additives such as vegetable oil, nuts, kefir.

You can cook dishes in vegetable oil, it is better not to add seasonings (or at least), but there should be a lot of greens. It contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines, reduces the calorie content of dishes, but at the same time they remain filling and tasty. That is, it is excellent for weight loss.

It is important to completely abstain from all alcoholic beverages; if this is not possible, you should at least avoid drinking beer and wine. They are not only high in calories, but also cause facial swelling and toxicosis. This condition cannot have a beneficial effect on the face: the color and condition of the skin deteriorate, then the last thing you want to know is how to lose weight on a girl’s face quickly.

Losing weight with water

Water always plays an important role in losing weight. It helps maintain skin tone and hydration level. An adult woman should drink at least two liters of water per day, even more when it’s hot. Coffee, teas and juices do not count towards the amount of water you drink, but they can be used for cosmetic purposes (for example, green tea is an excellent skin toner).

You need to drink clean water from a spring or mineral water without gases. To reduce appetite, you can drink green tea or herbal tea.

Cosmetic procedures to improve facial condition

You need to influence the condition of your face not only from the inside, but also from the outside, that is, comprehensively, then the results will come faster.

Good results can be achieved if you massage using herbal infusions or sea salt. This should be done using a towel rolled up and soaked in a decoction or solution. The massage consists of patting the face with a towel on all sides - cheeks, chin.

This massage improves blood circulation and tones the muscles. You need to do it every morning, but you can also do it in the evening. Soon the result will be noticeable.

Nourishing masks are important to maintain skin tone. Homemade mixtures are no different in quality from store-bought products (they can be prepared from oatmeal, cucumber, raspberries and other herbal ingredients), so you can use what you like.

Physical activity to eliminate the 2nd chin and cheeks

Knowing how to lose weight on a woman’s face, you need to take into account the fact that, like the whole body, the face needs periodic physical activity. Thanks to them, fat will disappear from the face faster. Exercises for the face must be combined with exercises for the whole body. Swimming will completely help you lose weight, as it relieves swelling and strengthens the cervical region, which is important for maintaining the beauty of your face.

To maintain a beautiful oval face twice a day (morning and evening), you need to do a facial massage:

  1. Tighten all the muscles of the mouth and at the same time hum all the vowel letters in turn for as long as possible.
  2. Raise your chin and try to touch your lower lip to the tip of your nose.
  3. Open your mouth wide, lick your lips with your tongue clockwise and back.
  4. Try to roll up your lower lip without using your hands.
  5. Inflate and retract your cheeks one at a time or do it together.
  6. Lower and raise the corners of your lips to maximum tension, repeat 3 times.
  7. Move your lower jaw from side to side until tension appears.
  8. Pull your lips into a tube as much as possible.

As a massage, you will also apply all care products to the skin of the face with patting movements from the edges of the face to the center.

By following these tips, you can achieve noticeable results. In the meantime, they are not there, because a girl will not be able to lose weight on her face quickly; the fullness of her face can be visually reduced with the help of hairstyles, jewelry, and makeup.


Olga Zhirova

Comments: 17 .

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Recently I firmly decided to lose weight... I went on the Internet, and there is so much here, my eyes are wide open!! Now I don’t know what to do, where to start.. That’s why I’m turning to you! How did you lose weight? WHAT REALLY HELPED?? I would really like to cope with excess weight on my own, without nutritionists and doctors..

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    Well, I don’t know, as for me, most diets are bullshit, they just torture yourself. No matter how much I tried, nothing helped. The only thing that helped me lose about 7 kg was X-Slim. I found out about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who also lost weight.

    P.S. Only I’m from the city and couldn’t find it on sale here, so I ordered it online.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, it’s also indicated in the article) I’ll duplicate it just in case - X-Slim official website

    Rita 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Rita, it’s like you fell from the moon. Pharmacies are grabbers and even want to make money from it! And what kind of scam can there be if payment is made after receipt and one package can be received for free? For example, I ordered this X-Slim once - the courier brought it to me, I checked everything, looked at it and only then paid. At the post office it’s the same, there is also payment upon receipt. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes and shoes to equipment and furniture.

    Rita 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Elena (SPB) 8 days ago

    I read the reviews and realized that I had to take it) I’ll go place an order.

    Dima () A week ago

    I ordered it too. They promised to deliver within a week (), so let's wait

Slightly sunken cheeks, well-defined beautiful cheekbones, and a defined chin make the face more attractive and interesting. And this applies to both women and men. However, it often happens that even those with a slender figure still have a round or even somewhat plump face. In this regard, people are divided into three types: some, when losing weight, their cheeks and chin immediately “fall off”, others gradually evenly transform their entire body, and others, no matter how hard they try, remain with rosy, rounded cheeks. And the third option occurs so often that many are interested in how to lose weight in the face, making it more beautiful, interesting and expressive.

Is it possible to achieve facial weight loss urgently, in a matter of time? No. But you need to start today. Without special techniques and manipulations nothing will work. And it's not just about losing weight. The fact is that the face often does not take on the most attractive shape due to various stresses and lack of sleep. The reason for the inability to achieve the ideal may even lie in the use of lush pillows. However, most often the problem is solved with a double blow: switching to proper nutrition and performing special exercises, thanks to which the cheeks and chin will become smaller. And all this can be easily done at home. The main thing is persistence and consistency.

There may be three main reasons here. And to find relevant solutions, you must first understand a specific case. So, the most common situations are:

  • A person is overweight - from relatively small to large amounts.
  • Strain aging occurs.
  • It's all due to swelling.

So, the most obvious reason for facial fullness is the presence of excess weight as such. The fact is that on the cheekbones and cheeks, in the neck and chin area, as well as in the temporal area of ​​the face, fat accumulates quite quickly and easily. At the same time, a person’s appearance can change dramatically. This problem, of course, can only be solved with the help of general weight loss - diet, exercise, massages, etc. Deformation aging of the face is largely related to the condition of the skin and muscles. The reason for its progression does not necessarily have to be age. Degenerative disorders of the skin and facial muscles are associated more with the actualization of certain risk factors than with the passing of years.

Attention! One of the main risk factors for facial deformities is smoking. For this reason, to lose weight in your face and have healthy skin, you should give up this bad habit.

However, deformation aging can be caused by a genetic predisposition, as well as a hormonal imbalance in the body that has arisen for a number of reasons. The tissues of the skin and facial muscles become flabby, loose, and begin to sag. As a result, the face looks plump. Losing weight won't help here.

Swelling is a common phenomenon in modern times, as it is usually caused by a disruption in the normal healthy schedule of life. In addition, dependence on alcohol, absorption of large amounts of carbohydrates and salts may be the reasons. Due to the accumulation of the latter, the facial skin does not remove fluid well, and the face swells. Under such conditions, we should not be talking about losing weight as such, but about establishing all processes in the body. You need to establish a clear daily routine, get enough sleep, and try to eat right. It would be advisable to consult a doctor. Medical intervention will consist of restoring drainage.

Should you restrict yourself in diet?

If the reason for the fullness of the face is the presence of excess weight as such, it is, of course, extremely important to improve nutrition in order to lose weight. The problem is that losing weight in any specific place on the body will not work. This is technically impossible. If a person loses weight, then he loses weight everywhere. On the other hand, this process is also relevant in the other direction.

With the slightest weight gain, every extra kilogram will be reflected, at least partially, on the face. This tendency becomes especially noticeable with age. In general, the question of what to do to lose weight in the cheeks is most often asked by women associated with the so-called “apple” type.

These are ladies whose excess weight dominates in the area of ​​the waist, cheeks, and chin. It is easy for them to lose weight in their legs, but at the same time it is more than difficult to lose weight in their belly. And the reason here is solely genetics. Diets will not help if the problem turns out to be actually far-fetched. The point is that the fullness of the face is not always determined by the presence of fat. Very often it is a matter of the very structure of the skull, the proportions of the facial bones and their location. For this reason, even very thin people can have wide faces, but their cheekbones will not stand out. The closest to reality way to solve this problem is a banal correction with the help of cosmetics.

So, losing weight in the face with the help of a diet is quite possible, but the goal should be to lose excess weight in general. Ideally, exercise and proper nutrition.

It is important! Strict and quick diets may not only not give a positive result in terms of losing weight in the face, but also have the completely opposite effect: the body will primarily react to stress and fatigue, which is why the face will become even more sagging and lose its attractiveness.

You can use long-term diets, which ultimately involve giving up unhealthy foods and switching to healthy, natural ones. In addition, you need to follow a number of immutable rules:

  • Drink at least two liters of pure water without gas per day (regardless of the volume of juice or tea you drink). This is important not only when losing weight.
  • Stop drinking alcohol. Forever, you can’t even drink wine on holidays, no matter what they say about its benefits.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits that have not been cooked.
  • Consume an increased amount of calcium daily, which should exceed 1200 mg. Here the exact numbers are very individual, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting your appointment.
  • Reduce sugar and salt intake to a minimum. If possible, exclude them from the diet altogether. If necessary, you can replace these flavor enhancers with healthy herbal seasonings. This will also help you lose weight in general.
  • Regularly go to the bathhouse or sauna (except for those who are prohibited from doing so due to health conditions).
  • Accustom yourself to daily workouts that develop flexibility and stretching. This will improve blood circulation and muscle tissue will become more elastic. And this also applies to the face.

Morning massage for facial slimming

This procedure is intended primarily to overcome the horror of a double chin and avoid the problem of sagging cheeks.

Herbal massage

To provide such a massage, you will need a terry towel - small in size, with medium pile, quite thin. It will need to be soaked in a special herbal infusion, which includes plants such as:

  • Field chamomile.
  • Sage.
  • Linden leaves.
  • Yarrow.

The infusion is prepared very simply: just one tablespoon of the mixture of these herbs is poured into a glass of water, which is brought to a boil. The infusion will brew for 20 minutes, then you need to strain it so that there are no leaves or twigs left in the liquid. Next, the towel is folded into a kind of accordion and soaked in the infusion. For massage, they take the ends of this “accordion” and sharply move them apart. As you straighten up, the towel taps your chin, which needs to be repeated several times.

Salt massage

Another massage option involves salt. It is logical to assume that in this case you will have to prepare a saline solution. So, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt - iodine-enriched or sea salt - in one liter of water.

Note! The strength of the solution should be determined by your skin type. So, for dry and those on which capillaries are clearly visible, it is better to provide a lower salt concentration and cool the liquid to room temperature; for normal and oily, you can use a saturated hot solution.

Physically, this procedure duplicates the one described above. An exception is that after completing such a massage, it is advisable to apply skin cream to the affected areas. It is most effective to alternate the herbal and salt version of the morning massage for facial weight loss.

A set of the best exercises

And yet, how can you lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in, if in general there are no problems with being overweight? In order to lose weight locally, you will have to resort to a set of exercises. Facial fitness is a fairly popular trend today.

To make your cheeks hollow, your chin thinner and your face transformed, experts in this area advise performing the following actions:

  • Throw your head back, put your chin forward and move your jaw. For simplicity, you can try to grab the upper lip with the lower one.
  • Clench your teeth and lower your lower lip as low as possible towards your chin.
  • Lower the corners of your mouth and then tense your neck. Afterwards you need to relax.
  • Place your fist under your chin. Lower your head down, with your hand, on the contrary, moving the skull up.
  • An exercise mirroring the previous one: place a fist above your head.
  • Bend your head and try to reach your shoulders with your chin alternately.

This technique is best practiced in front of a mirror. Even before the start, it is advised to apply a suitable cream to problem areas. Practicing exercises in front of your own reflection will allow you to most correctly and accurately study the technique of performing them, which contributes to a significant increase in efficiency. Thus, losing weight in the face is a long and painstaking process that requires an integrated approach. First you need to determine the cause of the phenomenon, and then begin to solve it. If we are talking about excess weight, diet, massage and exercises should be used at the same time to achieve the fastest possible results.

Human physiology is such that energy reserves (or, more roughly, fat deposits) do not select one or several locations on the body, but are evenly distributed over all its parts. And in order to lose weight in your stomach, thighs or cheeks, you will have to get rid of excess weight in principle. This upsets some girls to tears who dream of maintaining large breasts after a diet that makes their waist thin and flexible. You will have to give up these dreams, as well as the hope of narrowing your face in the presence of other plump loins.

When planning to lose weight in your face, be prepared to work on your overall slimness and health. And only if, despite a thin figure, you still have rounded cheeks, you can talk about the structural features of your face that make it childishly cheeky. Wide cheekbones and a lower jaw naturally widen the lower part of the face, making it appear fuller. But such a constitution is not a sentence or a referral to a plastic surgeon. Remember the old cartoon about the dandelion that had “such thick cheeks on such a thin stem”? If he managed to get rid of them, then we can too.

Ways to get rid of chubby cheeks
Let's assume that you really don't have any big problems with excess weight, and all efforts should be directed specifically at reducing the width of your face. To do this, you will have to discipline yourself to follow several rules that will slowly but surely make your cheeks narrower. They are unlikely to be able to make your cheekbones completely sunken, like Kate Moss’s, that is, to change your physiology, but they are quite capable of noticeably correcting the oval of your face.

Diet regimen and composition.

  • First of all, you need to gradually accustom yourself to fractional meals. This rhythm of energy consumption helps to activate metabolism and get rid of any unnecessary deposits in the body. Take food more often and in small portions, do not fill your stomach to capacity and fall in love with a slight feeling of hunger, which signals that the body is experiencing a need for nutrients, and not just an empty appetite.
  • When choosing foods, give preference to crispy vegetables and fruits, cereals, whole grain baked goods - in general, everything that requires thorough and prolonged chewing. This diet is good in two ways: it supplies the digestive system with the fiber it needs to function smoothly, and it trains the facial muscles that support your cheeks.
  • Provide your body with enough fluid. Soups, juices, tea are excellent sources of moisture, but none of them can replace plain clean water. Starting with the obligatory morning glass of water on an empty stomach, drink at least two liters of drinking water during the day, and preferably mineral, still water and flavorings. It is allowed to add only natural lemon juice to the water, which also helps to vitaminize and cleanse the body.
  • An excellent remedy for losing weight is green tea. Pure large leaf, with jasmine or ginger - it normalizes water-salt metabolism, problems in which often cause rounding of the face. The same applies to other organic teas, so feel free to indulge yourself in hibiscus, mate, pu-erh and oolong teas. Just avoid instant tea drinks and artificial flavorings. They only whet your appetite and do not bring any benefit to your body.
  • You will have to give up alcohol, baked goods and refined sweets. These foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which retain fluid in the body and promote swelling. Due to the high degree of permeability of soft tissues on the human face, excess intercellular water accumulates there. Replace the candy with chewing gum and the cake with a sweet apple. The brain will receive a signal about sugars entering the blood, but the stomach will receive much less heavy and harmful raw materials for processing.
  • Your daily and mealtime routine is also very important for reducing facial volume. To avoid morning swelling, try not to drink a lot of fluids before bed, and plan your main meals during daylight hours. In the evenings, avoid salty and spicy foods and gradually give up salt altogether in favor of natural spices of plant origin.
Facial gymnastics and massage.
  • While sitting or standing, tilt your head back as much as possible and feel the tension in your neck muscles. Forcefully open and close your lower jaw until you feel muscle fatigue. This workout should be done morning and evening, and with regular exercise, you will soon notice that the “double chin” has decreased and tightened.
  • Alternately turn your head to the right and left, trying to touch your chin to your shoulder as far as possible. Make this exercise more difficult by preventing your head from turning with your hand and pushing hard against this resistance.
  • Hold a pencil or felt-tip pen between your lips and try to draw any picture with it. The more detailed and accurate your drawings are, the faster and more effectively the facial muscles responsible for the area between the cheeks and lips will be strengthened (it is this area that is often plump, giving the face an anecdotal, as if overfed look).
  • In the evening, after removing makeup, take a terry towel, soak it in water or herbal decoction at room temperature and twist it into a tight rope. Pat yourself on the cheeks and chin with this bundle, as if “tamping” the soft tissues inward and accelerating blood circulation in them.
  • Professional cosmetologists master the technique of special tightening facial massage. Go to at least one session of this procedure to remember the basic movements and techniques. At home, you can do self-massage, repeating the specialist’s passes from memory. This is not a very complicated technique, but it should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  • Gymnastics for the body, which forms beautiful posture, has a miraculous effect on the face. In fact, there is no magic here, and enlargement of the cheeks is often associated with stooping and the habit of sleeping on the stomach. Watch your back and shoulders to prevent sagging cheeks and a double chin.
Cosmetic procedures.
  • Face masks are a universal care product that can, among other things, make your face look thinner. To achieve this result, choose tightening masks and natural peelings. Elastic skin looks smoother and tighter, it does not create excess volume in the cheeks. The best known ingredients for effective facial weight loss: gelatin, honey, oatmeal, cosmetic clay and egg white.
  • Compresses based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, linden, string) with the addition of brewer's yeast and vitamin A tighten the skin and make the face thinner. You need to moisten gauze or a piece of cotton fabric with this mixture, cover your face and neck with it and lie quietly for about 15 minutes (at least a couple of times a week for a month).
  • Most beauty salons offer a whole range of procedures to help correct facial contours: mesotherapy, myostructural massage, chemical peeling. They mainly affect the facial muscles, forcing them to remain toned and keep the cheeks taut.
Ways to disguise chubby cheeks
Losing weight on your face is a fairly long process, but you can speed up the results with visual techniques:
  1. Black and white facial correction. A technique that makeup artists constantly use to make contours clearer and features more prominent and expressive.
  2. Lip augmentation. The perception of proportions is such that nearby objects are compared with each other. It is not necessary to insert implants under the skin of the lips; it is enough to skillfully emphasize their volume using pencils of two shades.
  3. Loose hair. Straight strands cover part of the cheeks and visually hide the width of the face. The bangs, like any horizontal line, on the contrary, expand it.
These are the best ways to make your face look thinner. They act gradually, but if you strictly follow the instructions, they will make your features chiseled and more subtle. In addition, the face inevitably loses weight with age, so sooner or later the cheeks will shrink on their own.

Greetings, friends. Agree that chubby cheeks can seem cute to anyone... But only if their owner is a baby. But adults consider this problem a real disaster.

It turns out that the fight against a round face and soft cheeks is in full swing.

Want to know how to lose weight in your face? Then I invite you to read it.

The result is obvious

Our face takes all the “blows” more often than other parts of the body. It can be used to easily calculate lack of sleep, tendency to eat salty foods, overeating, age, etc.

Excess weight can be easily hidden under well-chosen clothing. But it is not customary to hide the face (except in Muslim countries).

Friends, have you noticed that the face is the last thing that is affected by weight loss? And the first is in various unpleasant situations.

What can you do to make your face look attractive? I'll talk about this below, but first a little anatomy.

Anatomical facial atlas

Before you learn how to make your face sophisticated and attractive, you need to understand the anatomy. Our face consists of:

  • skulls;
  • muscles;
  • fat;
  • skin.

The facial skeleton provides shape and foundation and supports soft tissues. Muscles form facial expressions and self-expression. There are “pockets of fat” on top of the muscle groups. They are responsible for youth, tone and tension.

Based on this, you can understand what needs to be worked on in reducing volumes. Of course, a person cannot influence the bone structure - this is the prerogative of nature. But affecting muscles, fat and skin is a completely achievable goal.

The ideal face shape: it exists!

No matter how strange it may sound, the ideal face exists. Scientists have conducted numerous studies and described the ideal using the golden ratio rule.

I will not go into details of these studies now. I’ll just say one thing: Jessica Alba has a perfect face.

That's why some women strive to look like Hollywood stars. Some even resort to radical methods - removing Bish's lumps. These are fat deposits under the facial muscles between the lower jaw and cheekbones.

However, you should not resort to this method. There are good practices that will help you cope with fat deposits on your face.

From theory to practice

All face reduction work comes down to three complex components:

  • proper nutrition;
  • special exercises;
  • care procedures.

It is important to understand that it is not possible to get rid of fat locally (unless this is a surgical method).

Well, one hand cannot decrease in volume while the other remains the same, right? You should also know that you won’t be able to lose weight quickly. This is a long process.

Often, when a person already sees the first results on the scales, this does not affect his face in any way. But don't despair! Patience, just patience! And, of course, daily painstaking work.

Nutrition correction

You can check it out. And here I will give the main postulates that California nutritionist Jessica Wu advises:

  • complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. Increase your consumption of clean water to 2.5-3 liters daily.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits at every meal or separately.
  • take calcium supplements (only after consulting your doctor).
  • completely avoid salt, sugar, and smoked foods;
  • visit the bathhouse or sauna at least once a week.


I have already written about face fitness, a dynamically developing area recently. You can get acquainted with the article at this link (can you link it?).

From the double chin

Friends, especially for you I found exercises that will help remove your chin. You can see them in the following video.

Highlighting the cheekbones

In order for cheekbones to appear, you can do the following exercises:

  1. Let's take a deep breath. We begin to puff out our cheeks. Evenly distribute the air inside. We put our hands on our cheeks and our fingers on our ears. Now you need to put pressure on your cheeks. Did you feel any resistance? Repeat 10 times.
  2. We take a sitting position. We throw our heads back. You need to clench your teeth. We pull our shoulders down and, as it were, “separate” our head from them. You need to keep your neck muscles tense.
  3. Pull the bottom of the cheek from the inside with your thumb. You need to tense your cheeks and try to press them back to your teeth.

There are a lot of exercises for the face. A small part is presented here. You can train this way at any time of the day.

Approximately 15-20 minutes a day. Judging by the reviews, they help highlight the cheekbones and create a beautiful oval face.

Spa treatments

Treatments are perhaps the most enjoyable part. They can be used by both women and men.


This procedure increases blood circulation. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated.

If you believe the reviews, the beneficial effects are noticeable almost from the first procedure. Some girls note skin elasticity and swelling reduction.

The massage course is designed for 7-10 days, 15-20 minutes per day. It can be done at home. Before the procedure, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • cleanse your facial skin with herbal infusions (you can use chamomile);
  • apply a thick layer of nourishing cream (or massage oil, but not anti-cellulite!) for your skin type;
  • Massage your face and décolleté with light circular movements.


To lose weight in the face, cosmetologists advise not to neglect masks. They nourish, moisturize and tighten the skin. And in combination with massage, proper diet and face fitness, the result, as they say, will be obvious.

The following ingredients have a positive effect:

  • cosmetic clay;
  • seaweed;
  • ground coffee;
  • cereals;
  • egg white;
  • vegetable and cosmetic oils;
  • healing herbs
  • natural yogurt...

You can buy a mask in a store or make it yourself. I wrote about masks at home in the article “

Below is the recipe for the most popular and effective mask (according to reviews).


Combine 50 g of oatmeal with 3 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. Add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 25 drops of olive oil.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply evenly to the face. Keep for 8-10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply cream.

A few more points

I learned that there are at least two more reasons that “make” the face plump.

The first of them is incorrect posture. It would seem, where is the connection? It turns out that stooped people are more susceptible to the appearance of a double chin. Numerous experiments have been carried out which have shown that:

  • control over stoop (shoulders should always be straight);
  • raised chin;
  • smooth and deep breathing

...can bring good results in a short period of time.

The second reason is the wrong choice of pillow. Imagine, this could happen!

It is noted that a pillow that is too large and fluffy weakens the facial muscles during sleep. As a result, swelling and a double chin appear. Experts recommend sleeping on a thin orthopedic pillow or without one at all.

What to remember

Chubby cheeks and a round face are not a cause, they are only a consequence. And to find out where it came from, you need to “dig” deeper.

Most often, a chubby face occurs as a result of excess weight. It is important to understand that you won’t be able to lose weight in just one place. To get rid of a double chin and cheeks, you need a comprehensive approach.

The first thing you should pay attention to is nutrition. It must be balanced. The second is physical exercise (both for the whole body and for the face). Third - cosmetic procedures.

Experts also note that the appearance of puffiness and a double chin is caused by stooping and an irregular pillow shape.

That's all for me. See you again on the expanses of my blog!