Choosing the right roller skates. How and which ones to choose videos? Choosing roller skates for an adult

It is important to understand that rollers are sports equipment, and therefore it must be of high quality. Our store sells rollers from famous brands Rollerblade, Fila,.

Why should you choose videos from a well-known brand?

Brands specializing in the production of roller skates use only high-quality and modern materials in their production, so you will be comfortable skating for a long time. Since the brands presented in our store specialize in the production of rollers, they are designed by specialists for your maximum comfort and safety.

What should you pay attention to before choosing rollers?

For maximum comfort while skating, and so as not to regret later the wrong choice of roller skates, you should think about the purpose for which you are purchasing roller skates. You can find out what they are like in our article “What types of roller skates are there?” Having decided on the tasks that you will set for your videos, you should look at how the videos of the same series differ from each other. This could be the number of fasteners (buckles), the quality of bearings, and so on. And the last thing, of course, is design.

How to choose suitable videos?

The most important thing is that the skates should be comfortable, and since everyone’s feet are different, you can only choose the right skates for yourself by trying on different models from different manufacturers. When measuring rollers, it is important to put them on correctly; for this, the foot in the roller should be placed on the heel so that it moves to the back wall of the shoe, and only then lace the rollers in this position. This method guarantees you the most correct position of your leg in the roller. When trying on skates, even if they fit perfectly, we recommend staying in them for about 15 minutes, and even if the first pair of skates suits you, we recommend trying on other skates for comparison. The rollers must be true to size; you cannot take them “for growth”, just like small ones. Over time, the boot of the rollers stretches a little, and if the rollers were too big when you tried them on, then in the future the fixation of your leg will not be so good, which will at least cause you discomfort. And remember, the rollers should fit your leg tightly, but not pinch or press anything. Your feet in roller skates should not fall to the side, otherwise you will not be comfortable skating and the risk of ankle injury increases. If after 15 minutes of roller skating, you are still comfortable and satisfied with everything, you can safely buy roller skates.

A little about the technical side.

The greater the number of easily replaceable spare parts in the rollers, the better. For example, if the model you choose has a frame with a UFS connector, then in the future you can easily replace it with any other one, since most modern frames have such a connector. And if you are using roller skates for the first time, then the most important thing for you is comfort, and therefore it is not so important how accurate the bearings are installed in the rollers you have chosen.

Roller skates can be viewed in our catalog, and we will help you choose the right size.

The natural question that arises when buying any thing is “Why do you need it?” I am sure that everyone who decides to get involved in roller skating has their own incentive to start skating “immediately”, and now the most important thing is that the salesperson in the store understands what exactly is required and helps you choose exactly the “same” model. Let's start from the very beginning...

To the natural reaction “What can you offer?” the young man behind the counter will give out what he has memorized: “Rollers for recreation, for fitness (i.e. for frequent skating, and playing sports and maintaining physical shape), for playing hockey, for speed skating and for aggressive (i.e. complex trick skating)". It turns out there are so many videos...

To simplify the picture of choice, ask yourself the question, why do you need rollers??? What would you like more - ride along paths, parks, streets and be mobile or “hang out” in one place, periodically getting up from the bench to perfect jumps and other spectacular tricks.

The answer is good, but when you try to find out in detail how they differ, then vague answers and inarticulate muttering of the same thing under your breath will begin! Let me give you an example of a question that can baffle 95% of sellers: “Why should I skate on soft wheels and low-grade bearings in recreational rollers and end up putting in more effort, while I can achieve the same on fitness and sports models?” results with significantly less effort???" The problem with this issue is the interpretation of the style, based on the literal translation of the English name from the manufacturers' catalogs into Russian, which in fact very incorrectly reflects its essence. And there can be many such questions :))

So let's start with the differences between riding styles:

Rollers for rest - no miracles except comfort and low price

Videos from the RECREATION section in the manufacturers' catalog (in Russian - aka rest).

Ask to see the most inexpensive skates in the model range of any company and you will see these skates. Roller skates in this category are intended for roller skaters who do not have any special requirements both for the skates themselves and for speed (or do not have them yet :))

No technocratic miracles, except comfort - that’s the motto of these videos. These skates have a plastic frame, boots without bells and whistles, softer wheels and small diameter (up to 80 mm) - everything for comfort and easy learning to skate.

This allows manufacturers to make recreational rollers the most affordable. That is, these are videos for:

  • beginners
  • those who ride occasionally - from time to time

Roller skates for hockey

HOCKEY (hockey) is an interesting attempt by manufacturers to combine the speed of fitness skates and the stability of aggressive skates. The main differences from other rollers are in the structure of the wheel, and this is, perhaps, truly one of the most successful solutions in terms of versatility, i.e. faster than aggressive wheels and more stable and impact resistant than fitness wheels. Although, it should be noted that the properties of hockey wheels do not come close to the best indicators for any of these criteria. To increase maneuverability, roller hockey boots are made rigid, which negatively affects the comfort of skating “outside the game of hockey.”

Off-road rollers

Even more exotic and rather rare models include OFF ROAD rollers (SUVs). These models feel confident “outside the asphalt,” namely on well-trodden paths, compact soil, and even on some types of grass. But make no mistake, they still don’t drive through mud, sand and gravel - you’ll have to run in them:(((

Roller skating is not only a lot of fun, but it is also very good for your health. And it doesn’t matter how old a person is: 10 or 40, the joy of such an active holiday will make you throw away laziness and set off to conquer the streets again every day. The main thing is that the suit fits. And here the first problem arises - how to choose roller skates so that they are comfortable and safe?

Roller skates: how to choose? Important parameters

When looking at the videos you like, you need to evaluate what material they are made of. Particular attention must be paid to key design elements:

1. Frame. The most common ones are metal or plastic, and occasionally there are models made of carbon. Metal is durable and can withstand significant weight; plastic, in turn, is quite elastic and provides a soft ride.

2. Wheels. High-quality models require the use of polyurethane, but in cheap or children's versions the use of plastic is allowed. In addition, other wheel parameters should be taken into account:

  • hardness - can be from 72A to 93A. The degree of hardness increases with the number, and the letter simply indicates that scale A was used for marking. The more the roller weighs, the harder the wheels are needed: in this way they can be prevented from wearing out prematurely;
  • diameter - usually from 44 to 100 mm. The wheel size depends on the riding style: if fitness involves 70-100 mm, then aggressive - up to 64 mm. There is a little secret - in the first few days of riding, 2-3 mm are immediately erased, so it is better to take a “growing” wheel.

3. Bearings. They are made of stainless or chrome-plated steel; ceramic options are less common. The latter are more durable, 7-10 g lighter and require virtually no lubrication. Bearings are divided into classes: from ABEC-1 to ABEC-9. The higher the class, the greater the speed the roller skates can develop.

You shouldn’t buy skates from an unknown brand: there is a high chance of just getting “shoes on wheels.” Trusted manufacturers that produce quality products are RollerBlade, Fila, K2, Michelin, Powerslide, Seba, Roces.

Roller skates: how to choose the right one? Trying tricks

Buying skates “blindly” without trying them on is a gross mistake. Therefore, having chosen a model you like, you should sit alone with it in the fitting room. So, the “correct” roller skates should:

  • fit in size and even apply a little pressure (during the process of skating, the boot wears out by 0.5-1.5 sizes). To check, you need to unlace the roller, place it on the rear wheel, put your foot there and loosely lace the boot again. The final touch is to hit the floor with the rear wheel several times. If the size is correct, then both the heel and toes will rest against the boot. Otherwise, you need to try on a smaller size;
  • provide reliable heel support. You need to put the roller on the rear wheel, tighten the tongue and lace up the boot. In this case, the heel should be kept tightly pressed to the heel. When you're done with lacing, you need to fasten the clip and heel strap (if there is one). The same procedure should be repeated with the second roller. Then you need to squat 2-3 times so that the boot takes a natural position on the foot. Afterwards, you need to slightly move one leg back and, squatting slightly, sway with emphasis on the front wheel. During this “exercise” the heel should not slide or come off the heel;
  • be comfortable. You should try to ride and check how comfortable your legs are in the rollers. If it’s inconvenient, you need to look further. You also need to stand in the rollers for a while and try tilting them to the side to assess whether the lateral support is sufficient.

It is assumed that the beginner will limit himself to driving around the city and will not “look for adventure” on his feet. Therefore, beginners are recommended to give preference to one of these types of roller skates:

  1. For rest/Recreation. This option is good for those who plan to get on wheels several times a month and do not intend to conquer the heights of mastery. Recreation class rollers are affordable, and their design allows you to learn skating without much effort. In particular, such roller skates are characterized by simple boots, soft small wheels (up to 80 mm in diameter) and a plastic frame. Naturally, one cannot count on developing any serious speed.
  2. For fitness/Fitness. An excellent choice for almost any beginner. The rollers cope perfectly with smooth city roads, while ensuring a comfortable and safe ride. The design of these roller skates is lightweight but durable due to the reliable aluminum frame. A quick lacing system, large wheels (up to 100 mm) and high-speed bearings are what you need to quickly move through the urban jungle.
  3. Children's/Kids. “Kids” are no different from the adult fitness option, except for one feature: the rollers are made sliding, so that they can increase within 4 sizes.
  4. Off-road. This model experienced the peak of its popularity in the late 90s. The rollers are designed for driving outside the city and on asphalt surfaces. You can recognize them by their large pneumatic rubber wheels. But you should be prepared for the fact that the rollers will “save” in front of gravel, sand or mud - you’ll just have to run in them.

Children are most limited in their choice: practically no professional models are produced for them. And although Kids class roller skates are as safe as possible for a child, you should purchase a protective kit (helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist protection). However, additional “software” will also not hurt adults who are inexperienced in skating.

How to choose skates for adults for tricks

Stunt tricks require not only skating skills, but also suitable “wheels”. Which skates to choose is mainly influenced by your skating style:

  1. For slalom. Slalom is a real sports art that requires serious preparation. The movements of a roller skater are reminiscent of a dance, and not everyone understands how much effort is put into it. Slalom rollers are chosen either by professionals or by beginners who are purposefully planning to develop in this direction. Among the main requirements for such roller skates: lightweight, rigid frame and medium-soft boot.
  2. For freeskate. Everyone has seen freeskaters in their city. Usually these are reckless guys who easily jump over any obstacles that come their way. This style of skating is also called free. It requires skates with a durable hard boot, a strong frame and a removable boot liner that secures the foot in the boot. Preference is given to wheels of medium diameter (up to 80 mm).
  3. Speed/Race. These skates are designed for fast movement and skating on a special track. They are not suitable for walks in the park, since their main purpose is constant racing, achieving the maximum possible speed. Roller skates of this type are characterized by low, rigid boots, lightweight, durable frames and either four wheels of 90-100 mm, or five of 80-84 mm.
  4. Aggressive. Aggressive is an extreme style of skating that includes jumps, spins and other acrobatic tricks. Externally, the skates are distinguished by a massive boot, a short solid frame and small wheels (up to 64 mm). These roller skates provide stability, but do not boast high speed.

Don't forget that performing unfamiliar tricks the first time you skate on new roller skates is not a very healthy idea. You need to get used to roller skates at least a little and study their “behavior.” It would be a good idea to purchase protective equipment.

Moving around the city on roller skates is a great idea for the summer. Fast, fun and useful. What else is needed for a “vehicle”?

How to choose the right roller skates so that they fit, are comfortable and are inexpensive? (10+)

Selecting roller skates

A person who wants to buy the first roller skates in his life (or he skated on them, but only as a child) has many questions. Which rollers should I buy? What you should pay attention to? How to choose them correctly? In this article we will try to answer all the main questions that beginners have and note important points related to the choice of roller skates.

The most important thing you should know is that if you want high-quality roller skates, you should never buy them from “Chinese” manufacturers that are unknown to anyone. Even though you don’t want to set world speed records, don’t think about first places in various competitions, and you’re only going to ride 2 times a week, you still need to choose a quality product. If you buy cheap skates from unknown manufacturers (on the market or from store windows), then this can ruin your legs, your mood, and most likely will discourage you (or your child) from standing on them ever again.

In order to choose the right roller skates, you should understand why exactly you need them. It is best to choose from the following types: aggressive or high-speed skiing, slalom or simple riding, or maybe just riding for fun on city “rides”.

Types of roller skates

How do the videos differ from each other? Let's look at their main types:

  • Rollers for aggressive skating. They include a hard and heavy boot, small wheels, a low frame, and it is quite problematic to develop high speed on them. They are designed only for trick skating; beginners who have no idea about basic skating skills are unlikely to be able to do this. It is worth noting that learning from such videos is not so easy. It turns out that such skates cannot be bought by beginners. In general, there are not many manufacturers that produce rollers for aggressive skating.
  • Roller skates for speed skating or cross-country. They are designed for marathon or speed skating. They are bought mainly by speed professionals. But learning to ride in them is quite problematic. Moreover, they are difficult to maneuver and are not very suitable for driving around the city.
  • Roller skates for slalom. This type of roller is not very different from the bulk of fitness rollers. The most popular models sold in Russia are Twister rollers from Rollerblade. You can learn to skate on such rollers, but they have a fairly high price point, and for beginners this is not practical.
  • Videos for FreeSKate or FSK. This series of roller skates is intended for “semi-aggressive” skating. They are perfect for riding around the city, as well as for performing various tricks. It is worth clarifying that their design includes features of both aggressive rollers and fitness rollers. By the way, they have high speed qualities. If you don’t consider the price level of such videos, they are quite suitable for a beginner with ambitious goals. This year in the category of freeskate rollers there are such worthy models as K2 IL Capo, K2 The Don, Rellorblade Fusion X7, Rollerblade Fusion X5.
  • Special roller skates. This category includes less common and highly specialized roller skates. For example, "SUVs" and roller skates for hockey. In fact, this category is not intended for beginner roller skaters. Buying this type of video will only slow down and make your learning more difficult.
  • Fitness rollers. These are the most common roller skates. They are designed for relaxing on roller skates, as well as getting the full pleasure of relaxed skating. This is a great option for beginners. But this category has its own differences and characteristics.

Most often, beginners are advised to start with “fitness” roller skates. Of course, there are several reasons for this:

  • Price. Fitness rollers are several times cheaper than specialized rollers.
  • Usually, during the first season of roller skating, a person decides in which direction he wants to develop further, after which he changes them. You just have to imagine if you suddenly wanted to do trick skating, bought expensive rollers, but after a year it turned out that you were no longer interested in it. Of course, it will become offensive.
  • Features of the structure of roller skates. Specialized rollers usually have a rather specific structure. Some models are generally characterized as “Spanish boots”. A beginner who began his roller skating journey with such units will most likely throw them into a “dark corner” forever.
  • Different riding techniques. It makes a big difference in which videos you travel, for example, 30 kilometers, on cross-country or freeskate, as they say, “It’s heaven and earth.”

If you are choosing roller skates for fitness for men, then you should pay attention to models such as K2 IL Capo 2009, Rollerblade SPARK X1 2010, Rollerblade Spark 2009, Rollervlade Spark Pro 2009. For girls, roller skates such as the Rollerblade Spark are suitable W 2009, K2 Helena 80 W 2009, Rollerblade Spark LX W W 2009, Rollerblade Activa 360 W 2009.

It is worth noting that for children, fitness category sliding rollers are usually presented in a separate product line. The most distinctive feature of such rollers is the ability to change the size of the shoe. With this feature, you won’t have to buy new skates for your child every year because the old ones have simply become too small.

Basic characteristics of roller skates

The choice of color, design, etc. of roller skates should be left only to your taste. But it’s worth considering separately the basic characteristics of roller skates.


  • Hard. Roller skates evolved from ski boots, this is very evident on some units. In this case, the boot is made of plastic, it is rigid, and inside it has a boot that, if necessary, can be taken out and washed, and you can even walk in it for a while. This type of boot provides good lateral support for the foot, wear resistance and impact resistance, but at the same time it is heavy and quite often rubs the feet. Clips are used for fastening in such boots.
  • Soft. Roller skate manufacturers have been switching to a soft boot for some time now, which also combines a plastic construction. But unlike a hard boot, this design is lightweight and has a soft, non-removable (in most cases) boot. This design made it possible to make the rollers light, comfortable and with excellent ventilation. But due to this design, sometimes there is not enough lateral support. Unlike a rigid boot, this design uses 3 types of fastening: a heel strap, lacing and a clip. Thanks to this, it is much easier to adjust the required fastening force

Clip and cuff

The main function of this ligament is to fix the ankle. By the way, lateral leg support is very important for a roller skater. A caf that is too soft or a loose buckle can lead to a shin fracture. Sometimes a Velcro strap is used instead of a buckle. But rollers with the latter type of fastening should be avoided.

By the way, lateral support is checked as follows: try to roll the roller outward and inward of the foot. But such “tests” should be carried out only with a properly dressed roller skate. If it falls over too easily, then the lateral support in this model is insufficient for you.

If you cannot try on the roller, then you should pay attention to the brand name. The lateral support of roller skates from world brands is ideal for a regular roller skate.

Heel strap

From the name it immediately becomes clear that it is designed to fix the heel. Sometimes a buckle is installed instead of a heel strap. By the way, in the latter case, the leg will be fixed much better, but only free skaters and slalomists will need this level of fixation. For fitness skating, regular Velcro will be enough.


  • Metal. Made from lightweight magnesium-aluminum alloys. Such frames have high rigidity, due to which pushing forces are better transmitted, but unevenness is absorbed much worse. Of course, such a frame can be bent, but for this you will have to try hard.
  • Carbon fiber or carbon fiber(cc or carbon composite). When riding on uneven surfaces, the frames give less feedback to your legs. They are a little heavier than metal ones and have a slightly poorer transmission of shock gain due to the fact that they are softer. Such frames do not bend, but under heavy load they can crack.


They usually differ in diameter, measured in hardness and in millimeters in conventional units. Let's say the wheels say 78/80A, this means that their hardness is 80A and their diameter is 78 mm. The larger the diameter of the wheels, the faster you can accelerate on them, the less sensitive they will be to asphalt irregularities. But when purchasing wheels, after erasing the base ones (that came as standard), you should not forget about the length of the roller skate frame, which is indicated between the centers of the outer wheels.


They differ in both brand and accuracy class: ABEC-9, ABEC-7, ABEC-5, ABEC-3, ABEC-1. Mid-level fitness rollers are equipped with ABEC-5 or ABEC-3, but it should be noted that they fundamentally do not affect the quality of the rollers themselves; do not listen to the “intrigues” of sellers about their differences. Bearings are consumables; thirds can be replaced with fifths at any time. The numbers themselves tell us about the accuracy class of the bearing and the speed it can produce. But sometimes it is generally impossible to distinguish the third from the fifth. The roller itself has 8 bearings (each), so it turns out that there are 2 for each wheel. The most important thing that you should remember is this: you should not give preference to one or another roller skate because of the classes of bearings.

Standard brake or standard brake

Roller skaters love to argue about this. Even though it is quite a useful and convenient device. It is included in videos especially for beginners, because braking with it is much easier than using other methods. Besides this, it is not only used by beginners, many experienced skaters also use it. This brake is removed only by those who are actively involved in slalom, hockey or freeskate; in such disciplines, a staff member is a very serious hindrance.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

The most suitable roller skates for a beginner are fitness models. When choosing them, you should pay attention to how the roller sits on your leg, and after that the following: what kind of frame, wheels and bearings it has.

It is now in a strong position as one of the components of the life of a modern person. Every second person found an activity they liked, be it running, basketball, swimming or extreme sports in the form of snowboarding and rollerblading. In many cities, roller skaters gather in groups to demonstrate their abilities and watch others. Sometimes, watching such daredevils moving from places that are not even intended for this, willy-nilly you yourself become interested in such a sport. And then owning roller skates becomes an obsession. Buying them is not a problem, but how to choose the right one?

We will discuss this issue. A beginning skater must understand the design of his vehicle. Let's talk about the components of a roller skate, but we'll look at them in more detail later. So, the roller is a connection between a boot, wheels, a frame that secures the wheels, a cuff and all sorts of laces and clips. Here are the main details that you should definitely pay attention to if you decide to buy roller skates. First, you should think about the type of videos. From year to year, many companies are ready to offer us more and more new models that change our entire understanding of the world of sports. It is impossible to choose one model on which you can ride along the railings, do high-speed running, and perform breathtaking stunts. We will list several models that are not yet suitable for beginner roller skaters.

Firstly, you definitely shouldn’t touch rollers with reduced wheel sizes. These are special models for aggressive skating, in which you can jump along the railings and spin around while performing tricks. If you choose this model, then your expectations from riding will be completely ruined.

Secondly, look away from the roller skates with the low boot and five wheels. Such friends are designed for high-speed riding, but for now we want to keep your knees safe, since it is quite difficult to control such rollers.

Let's start with advice on choosing a boot. roller skate, because his role is far from the last. If you choose the wrong boot or the wrong size, then you can say goodbye to comfort while riding. The boot performs an important function - it supports the foot. It is very important that the leg does not dangle while riding, otherwise the benefit from such a roller will be like a milk goat.

So, there are three types of boots– hard, soft and combined, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Until recently, the hard boot held the position of the most popular. It features excellent leg fixation and protects it from impacts and dislocations. A soft sock inside a rigid plastic frame provides good ventilation. There are quite a lot of such models. However, such rollers are difficult to clean and may lose their grip and balance. Recently, the markets have been flooded with soft boot skates. Such models fix the joints of the foot well and allow you to perform complex tricks.

The soft one resembles a regular sneaker, so you will feel comfortable in it. Although for beginners such a boot may present difficulties at first. The “golden mean” of the roller world is a combination boot. The soft base with plastic reinforcements holds and protects the foot well. But before you choose, be sure to try on all the videos.

To feel comfortable, have a lot of fun, you should choose quality wheels.

All wheels have different sizes, densities and materials. Forget about good bearings in cheap rollers. But well-known giants of rollers like Salomon, Rollerblade, K2 do not risk their reputation and are responsible for quality. But first, you don’t need to memorize the classifications of bearings. Just pay attention to the price.

Don’t even think about skating when buying cheap plastic ones, from which you will get nothing more than crackling on the asphalt. Modern wheels are most often made of polyurethane. Then you can count on good asphalt grip and a quiet ride.

The main thing is wheel density and diameter. This is designated as 72A-78. The first value, marked “A”, is the density of the wheel. The second is its diameter. Your comfort, traction and driving speed depend on the density of the wheel. For example, for people with greater weight, wheels of greater rigidity are suitable. Otherwise, you will be changing them very often. Soft wheels will help you reach maximum speeds on uneven roads, but they wear out faster.

As the wheel diameter decreases, the aggressiveness of the ride increases, since small wheels allow you to perform all sorts of tricks and drive on non-standard surfaces. Wheels are universal 76-82 mm, but for beginners the most suitable are rigid wheels 78A-80A and diameter 76-80 mm. The frames of roller skates also differ. They come in metal and plastic. For beginners, the choice is insignificant, but if you are an avid pro, then metal frames made of aluminum or alloys are suitable for you.

With such a frame, accelerating to the desired speed will not be difficult, but vibration can cause some discomfort. Clips and lacing - it would seem like little things, but you should definitely pay attention to them. A clip is a special fastener that secures the shoe to the foot. In terms of fastening speed, it, of course, leaves lacing behind, because how to lace a shoe correctly is very important, but it will take some time. At the same time, the lace better secures the roller on the leg. It tightens the boot just as well as regular shoes with laces. Therefore, such a mount is best used for demonstration driving with tricks. Another detail is the heel strap. For the correct distribution of the center of gravity of the weight, the heel must be well secured. In addition, the leg should be well ventilated. If your video contains mesh fabric, then this will only be a plus.

So, forewarned is forearmed. Here are the roller skates of your dreams. Everything about them is exactly as you want: the stiffness and diameter of the wheels, the boots, excellent bindings. Now try your rollers! Tighten all the laces, fasten the clips, but so that the blood flows to the legs. You can take terry socks with you. Roller skates need to be measured in what you are actually going to skate in, otherwise say goodbye to pleasure. Be careful with the size, approach this very responsibly. Do not let the shoe dangle on your foot. Let you go through dozens of pairs of videos and drive all the sellers crazy, but you will be one hundred percent confident in your choice.