Along the lines on the hand. Any defects on the lines

Palmistry pays special attention to the lines on the wrists. Some Gypsy sources claim that they are closely connected with life lines and can provide a large amount of information about human destiny. They are 3 or 4 distinct lines, which are also called bracelets or rosettes. Each of the wrist bracelets has its own significance, formed on the basis of the nature of the line and its depth.

In addition to the general meaning of rosettes, they can also have additional semantic meaning. Such additions appear due to the formation of special marks along the entire length of the bracelets, or lines emanating from them. It is worth considering that they have not only a positive meaning, but also a negative one.

Lines on the wrist: signs

Each line on the wrist is responsible for a certain time period that a person can live; it lasts on average 20-25 years. Therefore, people who have 4 lines drawn on their wrist are likely to be long-lived and live 8-10 decades.

In addition to life expectancy, bracelets can determine the quality of life.

It is believed that if there are clear rosettes on a person’s hand, his life will be filled with happiness and prosperity; at a certain period such lines were called Royal. If the bracelets are poorly readable or break, a difficult, stressful life awaits the person. The space between the bracelets is also of particular importance. Clean skin, free of wrinkles, indicates that its owner will have a happy, calm life.

The meaning of each line on the wrist

It is believed that each bracelet influences a certain vital area of ​​​​human destiny. The top ring can indicate health. If it has unclear outlines, weaves, or strong bends, it means that a person may have serious health problems. A continuous rosette with a smooth structure indicates that this person will work a lot mentally, and such work will be easy for him.

Particular attention to the first line should be given to women, since a strong arched curve can portend a difficult birth or a childless life. This meaning of the line on the wrist is especially powerful if the pattern is repeated on both hands. A similar sign located on a man’s hand also indicates problems with conceiving a child.

The second rosette speaks of a person’s financial well-being. An intermittent pattern indicates financial difficulties, which will ultimately lead to large debts. If the second line does not look like a chain, it means that its owner is prone to risk, during which he is lucky. A bifurcating pattern foreshadows wealth and fame. However, such an improvement in financial situation will only be observed in old age.

The third ring talks about love relationships. A clear, smooth pattern speaks of mutual feelings. Such people have no problems in their personal lives. If the line is intermittent, fate will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings; such moments will not cause a break in relations. If there is a dot on the bracelet, the person will have to lose a loved one in life, and this can be not only divorce, but also death.

When interpreting love destiny, it is necessary to pay attention to the distance between the second and third rosette. If it is large, it means that the person will marry late.

Lines on the wrist: directions, additional signs

What do the additional marks on the bracelets mean? In order to understand their meaning, you need to pay attention to the following interpretations:

The meaning of a triangle can be enhanced if a cross or an asterisk is formed inside it. Lines can have different directions:

Icons located on 1 line

To know exactly what the additional marks on the wrists are talking about, you need to pay attention to their interpretation depending on their exact location on the bracelets. There can be many signs on the first line, each of which has its own interpretation.

  1. The islet may be a symbol of the development of a disease, or the appearance of another cause that negatively affects the ability to bear children.
  2. If a line goes up from the feather bracelet, wealth awaits the person.
  3. If there are a huge number of links on the line, like a chain, it means that a person will work a lot on his life’s path. Moreover, this type of activity will take a lot of effort and time from him.

The length and size of each sign is directly proportional to the scale of its meaning.

2 line signs

The second bracelet also has its own additional markings.

  1. Gaps symbolize poor financial condition in the form of meager incomes, poverty, and debt.
  2. The links in the chain indicate an appetite for risk, a predisposition to easy, joyless, quick spending of money.
  3. The presence of a triangle means luck in the financial sphere and receiving a substantial inheritance.

Such signs can also be of a dimly expressed nature if they have a barely noticeable structure on the hand.

Characteristics and features of 3 lines

If a person wants to understand his love situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the marks located on the 3rd bracelet.

Features 4 lines

Some people have a fourth ring under the 3rd ring. This trait is a symbol of longevity, which is found in those who are destined to live more than 80 years.

It is worth considering that in young people this trait is characterized by vagueness. Its smoothness and continuity should be analyzed only when a person reaches the age of 30 years.

Which hand should I look at for bracelets and markings?

Fate should be judged by a certain hand. If a person is right-handed, you can find out about his fate by his left hand, and the right will be considered a reflection of real life. For left-handed people, the right hand will tell you about your fate.

When interpreting the quality of future life, it is necessary to rely not only on the indicated hands, since marks on the second hand can give a detailed idea of ​​upcoming events. Thus, it turns out that you can find out the main direction of fate by the opposite right-handed or left-handed hand, and supplement it with details - by a different one.

How can the situation be corrected?

Wrist rings should be considered throughout life as they can develop new marks over time. If a person has learned about his fate and wants to change it, he needs to evaluate the current situation.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely change the fateful course, but it is possible to identify unprotected areas and control the situation.

To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the area that significantly worsens a person’s quality of life, according to the pattern of his bracelets on his wrist. Only hard work and a sincere desire for success can lead to a positive result.

For example, a person has poor health, he should often attend medical examinations, increase immunity, eliminate stress, and prevent various pathologies. If a person perceives the information received as an incentive to make life changes to improve its quality, he will be successful.

To do this, you may have to change the scope of your professional activity, devote a large amount of time to your own health or the development of a love relationship with your chosen one, to self-development. In this case, the primary guideline for a person will be only those lines that have a clear structure with a deep pattern, as well as with favorable marks on them.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

It is said that God has written the destiny of every person on the palm of his hand. In this article we will talk about palmistry (hand fortune telling), we will provide the meaning and photo of lines for beginners. Palmistry allows you to determine a person’s intellectual capabilities (mind line), propensity for selfless love (heart line), material condition (wealth line), likelihood of marriage, love and number of children. This is a rather complex science and beginners need to comprehend it starting from the very basics...

Our destiny and future are written on the lines of the palm: whether you should be rich or poor, happy or unhappy...

The lines on the hand, the interpretation of which people have been mastering for thousands of years, reflect the character of a person, his potential, inclinations, past events and probable future.

The science that studies the connection between lines, knots, patterns on the hand and their connection with events in life is called palmistry, and a person who is able to “read” the mysterious intricacies on the palms - palmist.

Anyone can study palmistry, that is, the meaning of lines when fortune telling on the hand, knowing a large amount of information and possessing the necessary technology and knowledge.

Palm analysis should begin with a detailed study of the main lines: the line of fate, the line of the heart and the line of the mind, which most fully and accurately characterize the person himself and potential opportunities in the future. In this article about palmistry, we have collected not only the meaning of lines when fortune telling by hand, but also their photos.

Photo of the main lines, hills on the hand + table of values

The science of palmistry is quite complex, a free table with explanations and photos for beginners contains images of the main lines, hills, figures, and islands on the hand. She should definitely help you! This information will be especially useful for a novice palm reader who is just learning the basics of this interesting and secret knowledge.

Palmistry: lines, hills, figures diagram + main names

Table: palmistry for beginners with explanations (see photo diagram above)

No. Type Name of the line on the palm
1. Main line Line of Fate
2. Main line Heart Line
3. Main line Line of Mind
4. Main line Life Line
5. Secondary line Health Line
6. Secondary line Line of Happiness
7. Secondary line Line of Intuition
8. Secondary line Sun Line
9. Secondary line Line of Inheritance
10. Secondary line Line of Mars
11. Secondary line Travel Line
12. Rings and belts Ring of Saturn
13. Rings and belts Belt of Venus
14. Rings and belts Ring of Solomon

Free online palm fortune telling

If you want to get a quick hand reading for free, you can use our predictor! The shape of the hand and the length of the fingers are also important. In order to find out their meaning, select the appropriate options and click the “Guess” button.

A) Clear shape, fingers and nails are short and wide. B) The shape of the palm is elongated triangular, the fingers are equally long. B) The basic shape is a triangle, the fingers are rounded and convex. D) The palm is graceful and refined, the fingers are proportional. D) The palm is square, the fingers are located in a straight line.

A) The index finger is shorter than the ring finger. B) The index finger is longer than the ring finger. C) The index and ring fingers are the same in length.

Advice: This is an online interpretation of the main lines on the palm, but before starting fortune telling, we recommend that you read the description of the lines in this article for a more precise definition.

Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C Option D Option E Option A Option B Option C

Line of the Head (mind)

The location of the line can be different, most often it originates between the index and thumb and, crossing the palm across, goes to the edge of the palm.
This line determines a person’s mental abilities, talent, thirst for knowledge, intellectual capabilities and willpower.
When analyzing, you should take into account the length of the line, width, color, starting point and its position at the end, as well as the presence of various branches and signs.


A long, pronounced line of the mind, smoothly crossing the palm indicates the presence of ambition, talent, willpower and remarkable mental abilities in a person. Such people know how to lead and defend their point of view.

A too long and straight line that ends on the edge of the palm indicates a powerful intellect and enviable abilities and inclinations that the individual uses for selfish and selfish purposes. Such people are distinguished by greed, prudence and fearlessness in moving towards their goal.

A short line reaching the middle of the palm indicates practicality, materiality and a lack of imagination. A too short line ending under the Mount of Saturn is a sign of lack of intelligence or a harbinger of a short life.


  1. At the source of the life line. Ideally, the head line should lightly touch the life line, but not merge with it. Such a beginning of the line indicates a balanced character, rationality in actions, accuracy and a tendency to study details. The fusion of the two lines characterizes an overly cautious, sensitive and vulnerable person.
  2. On the hill of Mars. The head line, originating inside the life line, defines a hot-tempered, aggressive, sometimes reckless person, prone to rash actions.
  3. On the Mount of Jupiter. The head line, which is located above the life line and does not touch it, indicates a brave, decisive and courageous person. Such people are mobile, energetic and have leadership qualities.


  1. On the top of the Mount of the Moon. A clear line of the mind, which has a smooth slope towards the Mount of the Moon, indicates a lively, energetic, impressionable person. Such people have creative abilities, a rich imagination, and are able to think abstractly and outside the box.
  2. On the bottom of the mound. An excessive slope of the line indicates isolation, excessive mysticism and the dominance of emotions over the mind. Such people often create an illusory world for themselves as a means of escaping reality.
  3. On Pluto. The end of the line of mind on Pluto is a clear, objective mind, excellent memory, logical type of thinking.
  4. Direction to the heart line. This ending of the line denotes the supremacy of emotions and feelings over rational thinking.
  5. Connecting the head line with the heart line. Such a sign predicts blind passionate love with a lack of rational thinking.
  6. Double head line. Most often indicates an extraordinary person with deep thinking. Such a person is distinguished by determination and fortitude.

Marks and signs on the line

  • Island - means mental stress and breakdown;
  • Rupture or cross - warns of the possibility of head injury or illness;
  • Chain – scattered attention, lack of concentration;
  • The square is a symbol of amulet and preservation;
  • Star – temporary enhancement of mental abilities, excessive mental stress

Online test "Can you be a palmist?" (24 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Line of Fate

The line of fate predicts the course of life.

As the science of palmistry says, the line of fate tells about the course of a person’s life, about ups and downs, about periods of good fortune and luck and a person’s struggle for “a place in the sun.” The line of fate or fate can originate from any part of the palm, but the direction vector will always point to the Mount of Saturn.

A bright, clear, straight line without breaks or kinks indicates a rich and successful life. A weak line or its absence indicates the individual’s weakness of character, lack of willpower and leading an aimless lifestyle.


There can be 6 starting points:

  1. On the line of life. The merging of two lines at the beginning of the path indicates the individual’s enormous attachment to the family, dependence of a spiritual or material nature. The point of division of the lines shows the age period of a person gaining independence.
  2. On the plain of Mars. Indicates the struggle with difficulties throughout life.
  3. On the rosette. A straight, long and clear line starting from the rosette and ending under the Mount of Saturn predicts a great, happy future, good luck throughout life.
  4. On the hill of the moon. Such a beginning indicates independence of judgment, good character and unpredictability of fate.
  5. On the Mount of Venus. Indicates early help from parents and attachment to the family. A similar arrangement occurs in the case of receiving an inheritance or other kind of key support in life.
  6. On the line of the head or heart. Indicates late success in life, achieving a full, happy life at a late age.


  1. Completion at the head line indicates the likelihood of making a fatal mistake, the consequences of which will prevent you from achieving success;
  2. Completion at the heart line indicates significant sacrifices for love;
  3. Completion on the mount of Saturn predicts good luck, success, wealth and the realization of life goals;
  4. A branch towards the Mount of the Sun predicts inevitable greatness and glory;
  5. The end, indicated by a trident, predicts a well-fed, successful life, full of surprises and pleasures.

Marks and signs

  • Square – protection from financial collapse;
  • Island – losses and obstacles;
  • Transverse lines crossing the lines of fate are obstacles on the path of life;
  • Breakup – change of type of activity, cardinal changes;
  • Triangle – desire to diversify life, non-acceptance of routine;

Heart Line

A person’s temperament, ability to love and be loved are predicted along the line of the heart.

This line talks about a person’s temperament, the ability to love and be loved, selflessness, kindness and the emotional side of life.
It runs above the line of the head under the base of the fingers and has either a curved or straight shape. The brighter and deeper the line, the more sincere and noble the person, the more devoted and stronger his feelings and impulses will be.

By shape and color

  • Curved – warmth, sensitivity, openness, impulsiveness;
  • Direct – isolation, tendency to internal experiences, restraint;
  • A bright red line is a sign of strong, great love, temper;
  • Dull and wide - disappointment in feelings, debauchery, indifference;
  • Pale – lack of vitality;
  • Wide – stormy, emotional life;
  • Thin, without branches - a person is closed and closed, does not need communication;
  • Chain – variability, inconstancy;
  • Yellow is a sign of kidney disease


  1. The end of the line is on the Mount of Jupiter. The longer the heart line, the greater a person’s desire to love and open up. Such people often marry late due to excessive demands on their partner; they are idealists in love.
  2. On the Mount of Saturn. A person with a lack of emotion and sensitivity towards a partner is restrained in expressing emotions.
  3. The line ends between the first and second finger. Such people have a balanced, calm character, they are harmonious and natural in expressing their emotions, capable of deep feelings, and extremely loyal.
  4. A heart line ending outside the Mount of Jupiter on the back of the hand indicates excessive jealousy.
  5. The heart line ends with a fork on the Mount of Jupiter. A person who loves truth, is honest and open, capable of experiencing deep feelings.
  6. The connection of the heart line with the line of the mind is an unfavorable sign and predicts danger for a woman during childbirth.
  7. The end of the heart line is indicated by a branch: one branch is located on the Mount of Jupiter, the other on the Mount of Saturn. A person with this placement is extremely temperamental, fickle in his desires, changeable in love. It is extremely difficult for such people to build a family due to their unstable nature.
  8. The end of the heart line is indicated by a branch: one branch is located between the first and second fingers, the other is on the Mount of Jupiter. Such a location of lines indicates a good, friendly person, predicts a long, happy life and great love.
  9. The heart line consists of small lines. A similar line characterizes a person prone to flirting and inconstancy.

Marks and signs

  • A line crossing the heart line is interference in the relationship of another person;
  • Breakup – emotional trauma, disappointment;
  • Island - mental suffering;
  • Star - predicts happiness and good luck

Marriage Lines

The marriage line predicts the nature and duration of the relationship.

Marriage lines, although secondary, are no less important. They indicate a close love relationship, the nature of the union, the duration and quality of the relationship.

The lines are located on the edge of the hand in the interval between the beginning of the little finger above the line of the heart. The number of clear horizontal lines indicates the number of probabilities of marriage. You can predict not only the presence of love in the future, but also the age when this event will occur.

The close location of the horizontal line to the heart line indicates early marriage (before 21 years). A line in the middle of the hill indicates marriage before the age of 28; a close distance to the beginning of the little finger predicts late marriage.

A happy marriage for love for many years is reflected on the hand with a clear, expressive horizontal line without branches or intersections.

Thanks for the information, very informative, hard to put down! I read everything, but especially liked the one about the money triangle. I told my husband fortune. My husband is a successful businessman and he has this triangle in his palm, so smooth and clear! But I don’t have it, apparently it’s not given to me. But my love line is thick and long. It was a discovery for me that the line of love and marriage are two different lines)

Heard a little about this. But I have never encountered it personally. The article dragged on. Written in an accessible way. I wanted to delve deeper into this issue. In general, I don’t believe in fortune telling, it’s more for girls. But as far as palmistry is concerned, there is some meaning to all this. Some kind of logic that allows you to somehow believe. Thank you for the article. Interesting.

Palmistry is the queen of esoteric sciences. Many people consider palmists to be charlatans, and only a few know how accurate this science is, requiring analysis and constant construction of logical chains. The science! Of course, there are many poorly educated amateurs, but those who master this art can definitely say everything.

I can say about myself that I believe. They wondered, some of the predictions had already come true. A girl who knew my friends told me fortune telling. Who has been closely involved in palmistry for a long time. Moreover, when she told fortunes by my hand, she did not speak about my near future in any general phrases. And she directly, specifically said what was waiting for me.

And if someone has an injury, for example, God forbid, of course, someone has a cut, for example, or even worse, a rupture of the soft tissues of the arm. After all, they won’t be able to sew it either. Does this affect fate? After all, some lines will break. They will change their appearance, and some may not even be able to see them. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks for the article.

And I once heard that great palmists can influence a person, work with him, I don’t know what exactly, but it affects a person’s fate. And the lines can change. It is possible that this is nonsense. There's a lot of stuff on the Internet. I have never met a real palmist. Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

I have not met a palmist, but I think that this is a whole science. Very interesting science. Without extrasensory abilities, one can discern a person’s fate. Palmistry is very popular because it gives ordinary people the ability to know the future. Everything coincided for me too. I will study my husband now)

Palmistry is very interesting. No one has the same lines, they are all different. I read the article. How many palmists I have met, everyone looks only at the left hand, I want to ask why? What’s wrong with the right one, I read somewhere that the left one is the hand of the dead ancestors and there is information about the past there, is it true or not? Maybe someone knows?

The gypsy woman was telling fortunes by hand. She said a lot of personal things and about the accident came true, I was in shock and didn’t believe that it was possible to find out everything this way. I became interested and now started studying. By the way, your article came in handy, everything is written in great detail and in clear language, now when I meet friends I look at their hands on the line while I’m studying and analyzing, everyone is different and a lot is the same

I had 3 marriages and all ended in death, but according to the description, I have a happy marriage. About children, it is written to the point, especially about intelligence and well-being. A very necessary thing when choosing a child’s future profession is what interests to pay attention to, and partially know their future. About the heart, well, they knew who they were writing about. Thanks to the author.

How many lines is it really possible to remember all of this, the hills, and the rings of Saturn, even intuition, How many things, I didn’t know that you could tell fortunes by your hand! And from the lines it’s somehow not entirely clear how our life is connected with the lines on our hand, when I read it I checked it against my hand, wow. I’m still in shock because everything is written like that, it’s really true.

My mother practiced palmistry, but she burned all the books. I looked for information about palmistry for a long time and found it here, now I understand why my mother never stopped getting clients because everything was written correctly, very instructive. I really enjoyed practicing on my friends and predicting their futures. They are shocked, I hope this will be my income. Thank you.

I believe that everything that happens in our lives is reflected in our hands. Health, predisposition to some sciences, character, fate, personal life. But you need to correctly interpret the lines on your palms; I don’t believe in the most famous stereotype, that if the life line is short, then a person will not live long. After all, palmistry is a whole science and it must be studied well. The main aspects are briefly but correctly stated here, a good article.

I was told long ago by the palm of my hand that I would live in misery, almost a beggar begging from everyone and everything. I didn’t believe it, but I was scared and these memories constantly popped up in my memory, sometimes it was even very scary... Pah-pah-pah, I live well now, here I found another meaning that is more suitable for my life today - the interpretation of the lines on my hand, it’s more like to the truth.

I have memories from childhood, when I visited my grandmother in the village, that there lived next to my grandmother’s house an old man who was an avid palmist. Everyone came to him and even friends of his fellow villagers came, people came with problems, difficulties and not knowing what to do and how to continue to live, what to expect. The video is interesting and the article as a whole is good, I believe that by hand you can give a truthful breakdown about a person and help suggest something.

Oh, it worked out for me. “The narrow distance between the lines tells about the small age difference between the children” - mine is 1.2 years apart, it is written about a wider line - for the birth of a boy, I really have the first wide one (an older boy), and the second thinner one - a girl. And about successes also coincides in my life. In general, palmistry is a very interesting science, you just need to learn to correctly interpret the meaning of the lines and their location

At the end of December I went to a palmist; if I had seen this article earlier, I think I would not have gone to him. Because he told me that my hands show that I will be poor, I won’t have enough for a piece of bread, I can’t see my husband by my hands (although I’m married, but I didn’t tell him), that I’ll work my whole life for pennies and not for money. Who will he rely on except himself and a pittance salary. I compared my palms with the meaning here and calmed down, everything looked much more like the truth.

I am sure that there is a relationship between a person’s fate, the lines on the palm, even fingerprints. It’s just that over the years people have identified a pattern and a whole science has appeared - palmistry. And they are still studying it, but previously this knowledge was passed on from the elders to the younger ones. I see no reason not to trust palmists, not crooks of course, but professionals in their field.

What an interesting article. I have been interested in palmistry for a long time, I can read fate from the palm of my hand, which is what all my relatives and friends use) But I immediately warn you not to take this fortune-telling seriously, especially if you see something bad. I believe that a person’s fate is changeable, he himself can change it

But I can’t see the lines properly, I don’t even understand where they start, or which side. And where are the forks and triangles, I don’t see anything. Someone needs to show it directly on their hand. I consider palmistry a very interesting activity and would like to learn how to understand these lines.

A very interesting article, a full selection is given with many options and interpretations, but to be honest, I am most concerned about the line of love and marriage. It turns out that I will get married before the age of 28 and, apparently, for love. There is still time, although I am not in a serious relationship.

When I was at school, I really liked to tell fortunes by hand with my friends. They sat looking smart and came up with something. And only thanks to your article, I learned that the number of children’s lines does not coincide with reality, otherwise I was often told that there would be no one. How stupid they were.

Although it is not customary for men to get involved in such things, I have a very positive attitude towards palmistry. Of course, because everyone has their own imprint of lines on their hand, this is definitely not easy. And not only the lines speak about the character and fate of a person, the very shape of the hands, the so-called hills. I learned a lot from this article and it is very well written.

Everything unknown has attracted man since ancient times. One of the most mysterious sciences is palmistry. The lines of the hand can tell everything about a person that he wants to hide. At the same time, they will tell who a person really is, and not how he sees himself. Deciphering hand lines is one of the most universal methods that allows you to learn about a subject’s character, his preferences, and the opportunity, if you’re lucky, to look into his future: distant and not so distant. Palmistry will tell you how to approach a person and what to expect from him.

What is palmistry?

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person. Palmistry can describe your future based on formulas on your hand that are incomprehensible to the average person.

Main lines on the palm

In total, there are six main lines found on our palms: the Life line, which includes the Mars line, as well as three rosette bracelets; line of Fate; Head line; the Liver line, containing the path of voluptuousness and the line of Intuition; the line of the Sun and, of course, the line of the Heart, which includes the line of unity and

Line colors

As you probably already know, the colors of the lines on the palm are of great importance in palmistry. If we turn to the science of hand reading, which originated in India, we can identify fourteen types of lines that dot the palm.

A rich person is defined by bright, clear and narrow lines. If there are pale lines on the hand, then this means that the subject's health is poor, and he also lacks determination and vitality. Barely noticeable, dry lines are also a sign of trouble. Yellowness indicates that there is an excess of bile in the subject’s blood, he is proud, reserved and, most likely, selfish. Red lines indicate that you have an active and quick temperament, as well as a good mood. The vengeful, arrogant and unforgiving nature of a person is revealed by dark lines. If the lines are deep, then the person is happy and merciful. T

thin lines indicate the acquisition of wealth. The triangle in the very center of the palm also speaks of a favorable fate. Lack of energy, loss of goodness and complete lack of vitality are revealed by broken lines. Sorrows are indicated by short lines, which tend to branch. Uneven lines directed downwards are also considered unfavorable. Lines that are out of place on the palm are considered the same. The complete opposite is rounded and deep lines, which have clarity, brightness and the necessary length.

Possible line defects

Fortune telling by lines, or palmistry, teaches that only those lines that are well colored and narrow are favorable. However, on each hand there may be a variety of broken, uneven or loose lines that are of dissimilar color. They contain all kinds of symbols and signs, in most cases showing defects in the lines on the palm, which are unfavorable to one degree or another.

A wavy, chain, broken and unclear line or a line with an island indicates that the body is weakened. If the line is broken, then this promises obstacles, illness, troubles and betrayal. A line ending in a brush indicates that it has dissipated and the subject is ill, weak and lacking in any good qualities. A star located on one of the main lines is considered an extremely unfavorable sign. As a rule, it means an accident, shock, misfortune or fatal misfortune, even death. But this must be confirmed by other marks on the hand. If any lines cross the hand, with the exception of the line of the Heart and Head, then they are considered an unfavorable sign. Lines intersecting and stopping there are a bad sign, as they should continue further. If there is a deeply expressed cross on the line, then it symbolizes an obstacle or is evidence of poor health or global changes in life. It is a bad sign if the line is split and weakened. If there is a dot on the line, then it indicates disorder and disturbance. A crossbar on a line is also a bad sign, which indicates health defects or an obstacle. The deeper it is, the more the line, after its break, turns back to its source.

The lines on the hand change - trouble or happiness?

Signs on the palm have psychological meaning. The brain both creates and modifies the lines on the hand. Fortune telling on the hand by lines states that these changes occur only on branches or on lines tending upward or downward that depart from the main ones.

The main lines do not change: neither in structure, nor in direction. That is, they talk about what path in life is destined for a person, and also show his natural course of life. Whereas small lines, which tend to appear and disappear, tell about events that can happen in a short period of time, and also reflect what a person is thinking and feeling, his recent ideas and small goals.

Deciphering the lines of the hand will allow you to recognize a person as he is. He will not be able to appear different or change the pattern on his hands on purpose.

Which signs are especially favorable?

Decoding the lines of the hand speaks of the following three signs, the presence of which will only benefit the owner. Let's look at them in detail.

First of all, it should be noted that double lines on the hand, as a rule, mean something favorable and do not promise any illness or trouble.

The first sign is a trident, which is located at the end of a line. Often this sign is located at the ends of the line of Fate, Health, Sun. However, it can be located on any other line that is located vertically. If, while describing the lines on your hand, you notice a trident, then know that financial success and other favorable events await you. However, it must be well defined and clearly visible.

The second favorable sign is a square, meaning protection. Its function is to protect against danger that threatens a person. Decoding the lines of the hand as a science suggests that a square on any line provides protection for a person from an excess of the qualities that the line symbolizes. This sign will protect the subject from all kinds of financial losses, from loss of profession or position, as well as from failure in everyday situations. Palmistry says that a square standing on the Head line prevents all sorts of dangers to the brain. If this mark is close to the line of Fate and is located under the Mount of Saturn, then it means the opportunity to avoid an accident. A square located on the Heart line means that the subject may have worries associated with a dearly loved loved one. If there is a mark on the Mount of Saturn, then this indicates an impending serious misfortune that will soon befall the loved one.

Another auspicious symbol in most cases is a money sign that is formed by lines on the hand. A triangle formed from the line of Fate and the line of Mind promises financial success.

Life Line

The very first line that appears on the palm of a person is It begins to form at the stage of embryonic development, when it is only eight weeks old. After the appearance of the Life line, the Mind line begins to form.

It should be noted that all these marks on the child’s hands appear long before he gets the opportunity to move or show any activity, so they cannot be considered freely formed folds that were formed due to the fact that the person worked with his hands, as they say some skeptics.

So, a kind of indicator of the love of life and vitality of an individual is the Life line. It is she who is able to reflect both the amount of vitality that a person possesses and the quality of his life. Also, the Life line illustrates how resilient, strong and energetic the subject is.

Heart Line

The main line, closest to the base of the fingers, is the Heart line. This mark on the palm can tell about a person’s emotional sphere. Along the line of the Heart, one can understand what kind of relationships the subject has with the people around him. It originates on the edge of the palm under the little finger, and ends, as a rule, in the area between the index and thumb. That is, the Heart line crosses the entire palm.

It is located near the edge of the palm under the little finger. If it rises up, then this indicates that the person cannot get married. For those who do not want to start a family and for those who have lost their spouse, a widow's line appears on their hand. A variant of this line is considered to be the ring of Mercury.

Head Line

This is one of the main lines found on the hand. The Line of the Head, or Mind, speaks of a person’s intelligence. Along this line you can learn about how the subject thought at different stages of his life. From it you can determine what a person’s approach is to solving life’s problems and troubles, as well as learn about his attitude to life in general.

Palmistry believes that the intellect of the owner is regulated by the length of this line. But it is worth noting that even if the Head line is long enough, this does not mean at all that a person will be able to realize his full mental potential. Why? Because a subject with a short line of Mind, who strives to succeed in life, will achieve much greater success than a subject with a long line, who is too lazy to express himself in any way.

Line of Fate

The line on the hand, located in the center and vertically crossing the palm, is It originates at the wrist and tends upward to the base of the fingers. An interesting feature of this line is that it can start at absolutely any point at the base of the palm. But, as a rule, it originates approximately in the center and tends to the middle finger.

The Line of Fate testifies to what life aspirations drive a person, speaks of his capabilities and desire to achieve success in life. If there is only one line of Fate in a person’s palm, it means that for a long period of time he will work in order to realize his dream, or in order to achieve a specific goal.

The pattern of lines on a person's palms is unique and mysterious. Recognizing and interpreting these curves is the basis of palmistry. There are many manuals for mastering this area of ​​esotericism that explain its key concepts. Studying the meanings of ​lines​ ​on​ ​hands​ ​in​ ​palmistry​ ​with​ ​detailed​ ​description helps to determine the present and future of a person, to describe the characteristics of his personality.


To read the lines on the hand and their meanings in palmistry, first of all, choose the palm: right or left. In this case, the right-handed or left-handed person who is being told fortune-telling is taken into account. In the first case, the right hand is the active hand, and the left is the inactive hand. For lefties it's the opposite.

If we consider right-handers, the meanings of the lines in the palm of the left hand are determined as the potential inherent in a person from birth. They come from the heart and soul. The meanings of the lines in the palm of the right hand determine the options for fate that have developed under the influence of life events. At the same time, the bends in the hands may vary, indicating deviations from the predetermined “scenario”, which indicates the person’s work on his personality.

In palmistry, there are 4 types of main lines that reveal the spiritual and practical essence of a person. They show a person’s abilities and determine the extent to which he uses them. The fewer breaks and branches there are at the bends, the more positive their interpretation. Many lines on the palm are a sign of a person’s complex and winding fate. Some bends are missing or merge into one.

  • faded ones indicate health problems, personality passivity;
  • reddish ones are found in optimistic people with positive energy;
  • yellow color is present in closed, selfish individuals, with liver pathologies;
  • a dark shade of curves (blue or dark yellow) is characteristic of vindictive, arrogant, reserved and overly serious people.

As everyone gains experience, they develop their own method of interpreting the results.

Reading in palmistry the meanings of the lines on the hand for beginners is carried out from the heart line (to determine the mental organization), then the head line (intellectual abilities) is studied, then the life line (concentration of vital forces) and the fate line (the path of life). The bends are considered as a whole and only after that a conclusion is made about current events and the future of a person.

Heart line

Determines the emotional component of the personality. It represents the upper horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm under the little finger (from the beginning of the life path) to the inner.

  • A clear, clear, arched line ending between the middle and index fingers is a sign of stability in the emotional state and indicates a person’s responsiveness and rationality.
  • The location of the bend near the line of the mind indicates a restrained character, a predisposition to strong feelings.
  • A short line that breaks under the middle and ring finger indicates difficulties in expressing emotions and alienation.
  • The intersection of the entire palm straight is a sign of a sympathetic person who empathizes with other people.
  • Twisting curves indicate the emotionality of nature.
  • The connection of the heart line with the lines of the head and life warns of the risk of fatal consequences, murder out of jealousy.
  • A clear red bend means passion, without branches or a weak manifestation - callousness and dryness of nature. The double line indicates the reliability of a person in marriage. The same curve on both palms speaks of selfishness, a long one on the left hand speaks of an emotional shock that has left a mark for life.

Life line

Indicates the vitality and energy of a person. The curve runs across the palm, as if separating the thumb. The sharper, clearer and longer the line, the more resilient and stable the person. However, life expectancy, contrary to popular belief, is not determined by this bend. A person with a short life line will live well into old age. In addition, the length and type of bend can change over time.

The life line indicates the concentration of the vital forces of a particular person.

  • The beginning of the bend at the edge of the palm indicates a decisive character, if it is presented in the form of a chain - this is a sign of dependence on others.
  • The connection of the initial segment with the head line indicates caution, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.
  • Sometimes a parallel line is marked next to the life line - the sister line or guardian angel. The meaning of the guardian angel line on the hand is defined as a favorable sign, good luck, happy changes.
  • A break in the life line predicts changes in it. If it is noted on both palms, it warns of a serious illness or injury. A fatal result is possible when this bend intersects the line of the head and heart.
  • The meaning of 2 life lines on the hand (with their almost identical thickness) is defined as the combination of 2 values ​​(family and career).
  • If this curve does not intersect with the line of the head, this indicates the courage and talent of the person.

Mind line

The meaning of the head line on the hand, or mind, determines the intellectual level of the individual, the power of thinking. The curve runs horizontally from the edge to the middle of the palm, starting between the bases of the index and thumb and moving towards the ring finger.

  • The longer the line, the higher the intellectual abilities. If it reaches almost to the edge of the palm or ends under the little finger, the person is insightful and has the gift of foresight. A short bend (the end under the middle finger) indicates a low inclination of the individual to analysis and concentration on current events.
  • The branching of the end of the head line speaks of creative thinking (“writer’s fork”).
  • A slight, intermittent bend indicates slowness, weak memory, thinking and attention; a straight line indicates logical judgment; a curved line indicates intuition and subjective perception of the world.
  • A significant distance between the beginning of the head and life lines means ambition and independent thinking.
  • The meaning of the double line of the mind on the hand is interesting, indicating the versatility of the personality, its psychological split. This is a creative, talented person, but at the same time he is in constant conflict with himself. The meaning of the two lines of the mind on the hand is determined by the individual’s 2 lives, in which he plays different roles (sociable at work, but withdrawn at home, etc.).
  • The connection between the curves of the mind and the heart is called the “monkey line,” which shows the subordination of the mind to the feelings or vice versa.

Line of fate

It is considered the most changeable of the main lines on the palm. It is located vertically in the middle of the palm, under the middle finger. This bend characterizes life values, a person’s career, his conscious goals, and allows him to make the right choice. It can be clearly or poorly expressed, sometimes absent.

  • A long straight line from the base of the palm indicates a person’s courage, independence, longevity, and stability of fate.
  • The broken line indicates frequent changes of professions.
  • In self-sufficient individuals, its beginning is noted in the middle of the palm. The end of the line at the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) portends wealth, success, at the hill of Apollo (at the ring finger) - achievements in creativity, at the hill of Mercury (under the little finger) - failure, bankruptcy, however, such people are sociable and they are recommended to choose a profession with taking into account this quality.
  • The branched end of the bend speaks of joy, pleasure from life. If a line is found from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, this indicates the parapsychological abilities of the individual.
  • The absence of a fate line occurs in people without individual characteristics, characterless personalities, and in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

The line of fate is considered unstable, capable of appearing or changing direction when life circumstances change.


Such lines are considered additional; they detail the information received, report important events, health, a person’s inclinations, etc. Accessory curves also change over the course of life and may be absent. A large number of such traits indicates a rich emotional life, a thirst for variety and impressions. The clearer and more pronounced the bends, the more reliable the information obtained from them.

Line of health (line of Mercury)

The value of the health line on the hand determines the physical, psychosomatic well-being of a person. The curve runs from the little finger down the palm towards the thumb. Possible contact with the life line.

  • There is a lack of a health line. This indicates the strength of the body, the healthy state of organs and systems.
  • The clarity and continuity of the trait indicates poor physical endurance, fatigue, or the individual’s persistence in business.
  • If the line begins to squirm, this indicates problems with the digestive system and increased anxiety.
  • Merging with the line of the mind and heart or excessive depth indicates a risk of brain inflammation.
  • A broken line indicates poor health and business failures. When crossing it, short lines indicate the risk of accidents.
  • If a triangle is formed in the palm of the hand from the lines of life, head and health, this is a sign of luck.
  • At this line you can find a “satellite” (Milky Way) from the dashes closer to the edge of the palm. It foretells a happy life.

Line of ​Glory

The line runs from the bottom of the wrist vertically across the palm to the ring finger. Evaluates the success of an individual, the possibility of receiving awards, achievements, and public fame.

  • A pronounced, clear line indicates a successful working career and enjoyment from it.
  • In the absence of a line, a person can achieve success, but without social recognition.
  • A broken line means alternating successes and failures in your career.
  • If the line passes under the index finger, success is expected in art. This also foreshadows its ending under the ring finger in the form of a triangle or asterisk; the square at the end marks the help of the patron.

Marriage line

The meaning of the lines of marriage and children on the hand characterizes emotions, feelings for a loved one; according to their ratio, it is determined from which union the child will appear, how many of them will be born in total. Perhaps several dashes. The marriage line runs under the little finger; the closer to the base, the later the relationship will arise.

  • Weak lines are romances, pronounced ones are signs of marriage.
  • Many intersecting lines indicate a person’s predisposition to cheating.
  • A perpendicular line that does not intersect with the marriage line indicates a child. The meaning of the lines of children on the hand determines their gender (a weak line is a girl, a clear line is a boy), as well as the miscarriage or abortion that occurred (broken lines). Gemini in palmistry is marked with the V sign.
  • The meaning of love lines on the hand, if they continue on the edge of the palm, indicates the duration of the relationship; their branching downwards foreshadows separation.
  • An interruption of the bend by a dash indicates a break in the relationship due to divorce or death. Its renewal predicts the reunification of relationships.

money line

Based on the direction, it indicates the possibility of generating significant income.

  • If the line starts from the base of the thumb and tends to the index finger, ending there in the shape of a star, this is a sign of money-making ability.
  • If the bend is directed from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, this indicates earnings in business.
  • The end of the money line under the ring finger with the intersection of the fame line predicts unexpected financial success.
  • The line from the base of the thumb to the little finger indicates financial assistance from relatives. From this position the line of inheritance is considered. It is located between the ring finger and little finger. The value of the line of inheritance on the hand allows you to find out the degree of wealth. A long and thin line means high profitability.

Line​ ​travel

Characteristic of people seeking a change of scenery and life changes. Located on the edge of the palm in the form of horizontal lines. These lines reflect trips that influence the individual's life path.

  • The intersection of the line with the life line indicates that the trip is associated with health problems (treatment).
  • The intersection of the travel line with the fate line means changes in life.
  • The intersection of several travel lines indicates dangers on the trip. If the lines run inside the square, it acts as a symbol of amulet.
  • Interruption of dashes means that the journey is postponed or delayed.


With the help of minor lines in palmistry, information is obtained about details that influence a person and his life path. These curves are optional; they are absent or in excess on the human palm. Their number is individual for the individual. In this case, the lines are assessed not only on the palms, but also on the fingers themselves. They are also available in individual quantities.

The meaning of the lines on the fingers determines the character of the individual, her abilities, and destiny. A cross on the upper phalanx of the thumb means poverty, a star on the lower one is a sign of wealth. A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger indicates inheritance, a cross on the middle finger on the nail phalanx indicates the woman’s infertility.

A small number of minor lines on the hands speaks of a person’s stability and perception of life as it is. A significant amount of bending is a sign of a nervous-irritable personality.

Line of intuition

Located on the edge of the palm under the little finger, it is also called the line of the medium. This trait is rarely observed and indicates extrasensory, psychological, personality abilities, and developed intuition.

  • The bend of the line to the sides does not matter.
  • A pronounced and clear line speaks of a person’s ability to manage the gift.
  • A dashed line indicates that abilities need to be developed.

Line of confrontation

It consists of horizontal lines located at the outer edge of the palm (almost on its edge) between the lines of the heart and head. They may be present on both hands. They are often subtle and barely visible.

Such lines mean obstacles, obstacles on the path of life in achieving the plans and goals of the individual.

Line of flight

The line is located in the lower part of the palm, near the wrist. When doing fortune telling, decoding such a line indicates an escape from problems into your own world.

  • Often the line crosses the life line. This indicates a time period when the individual is escaping from the world.
  • Such an intersection can also mean suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Line of influence

These horizontal and vertical lines are located on the Mount of Venus (the area at the base of the thumb). The lines mean the influence of close, significant people on the life of the individual.

  • Horizontal lines when fortune telling by hand mean negative, hostile influences on a person’s life, vertical lines - a sign of positive influence and mutual assistance.
  • Many dashes indicate dependence on others. They often talk about a large number of sexual partners. Such people are overly susceptible to outside influence and are sensitive.
  • A small number of lines indicates independence of actions and thoughts, life without attachments.

Line of the Sun

The most favorable trait in palmistry. The meaning of the line of the Sun on the hand is defined as a sign of success, happiness, an easy life, while a long and clear one is rare. It runs from the wrist to the ring finger or appears as a segment at its base, at the line of the heart, and sometimes comes out from other lines on the palm.

  • A straight line speaks of optimism, a cheerful personality, and happiness.
  • Absence indicates failure, but is usually combined with the individual's talent.
  • A weak line means a waste of energy.
  • The line does not reflect family relationships; it is often found on the palms of famous people.

Line​ ​Mars

It takes place on the Mount of Mars (near the thumb) and has a curved appearance. The meaning of the Mars line on the hand is reliable only if the length of the line is more than 2 centimeters and it is clearly defined.

  • It indicates vitality, passion. Often observed in people who are professionally involved in sports. Indicates the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • If the line runs parallel to the life line, it provides it with strength and protection, especially when the latter is intermittent.
  • People with the Mars line are less susceptible to diseases and are lucky, including in accidents.

Line of Neptune

Often called the line of voluptuousness. Mysterious and mystical trait. It is located in the lower part of the palm, at the wrist, and its different directions and appearance are noted. Characterizes a person’s abilities, including extrasensory, his character, passion, state of health, etc.

  • The presence of this line on the hand can warn of the presence of poisons in the body; its curvature is a sign of allergies.
  • The direction from the Mount of Uranus to the wrist indicates a person’s interest in parapsychology and other similar sciences.
  • When the line moves from the wrist to the Mount of Venus, passion and thirst for pleasure of the individual are noted. Characterized by rich imagination and the ability to mysticism.
  • People with the Neptune line are prone to the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, and prophetic dreams. A cross or star at the end of the line portends danger during sea voyages.

Today there are many different methods for determining the future fate of a person. Among them are astrological forecasts, fortune telling on cards, and making forecasts in accordance with a person’s date of birth. Also similar methods of prophecy include the science that studies markings on the palms. Palmistry, as it is commonly called, is a scientific way of determining the future course of life and possible changes based on the lines on the hands. The drawn markings that accompany each person from his first days of life to his last can provide answers to the most popular questions. And today we will tell you what palmistry is and what the meaning of the lines on the hand is, we will offer a description of each (line of fate, life, love, children, etc.).

Palmistry, as the science of interpreting patterns on the human hand, originates in ancient times, because even then people found the relationship between the lines on the palms and events in the life of their bearer.

First of all, in order to correctly decipher the lines crossing the field of the right and left palms in different directions, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. The information in this article and the photos attached to it will help you with this.

The information that palmistry provides us with and the meaning of the lines allows us to quickly navigate by looking at a person’s palm. Having identified the main and auxiliary (no less important) features of fate, it will be necessary to conduct a thorough study of each.

The correct interpretation of the drawings on the hands is the guarantee that as a result the fortuneteller will receive the most reliable information on the issue that interests him (about children and love, future changes in life, etc.).

How to highlight the main, fateful lines?

Among all the stripes that dissect the palm of the left and right hands, only a few “main” lines are distinguished. They are reflections of the main events in a person’s life, accompanying him from birth to death. You can find these, guided by a detailed description of each and photo instructions (hand map).

Main lines:

  • The life line is the main feature on the hand of every person (it goes around the Mount of Venus, starting above the base of the thumb, going down to the wrist). It reveals the main secrets, telling about the quality of life of the bearer, the cardinal interventions of fate. Also, with the help of such a strip you can find out how long the life of the fortuneteller will be;
  • Fate is a stripe that is a reflection of fate, a destined fate (works its way from the middle of the base of the middle finger straight to the wrist). Looking at this mark on the hand, you can find out about some events of the person’s future and his approximate path;
  • Health - a line on the palm that can tell about the health of the fortuneteller (hepatic line). By analyzing it, you can understand how effectively the mechanism of human life as a whole works. Also, with a thorough examination of this line, an approximate diagnosis can be made for each internal organ separately;
  • Hearts - carries a double meaning and can be perceived as a reflection of a person’s sensuality or, as a mirror of the work of the heart, the cardiovascular system (starts just above the starting point of the life line and crosses the palm diagonally, heading towards the upper tubercle of Mars);
  • Head/mind - this trait is a reflection of common sense and willpower (starts between the lines of life and heart, ends in the area between the tubercle of the Moon and the upper tubercle of Mars). By guessing from it, you can find out how the fortuneteller himself sees the course of his life;
  • Marriage - or personal life line (starts on the side of the palm under the base of the little finger, moving parallel to the life line). It can be short, or maybe long, winding or single - depending on the nature of the questioner’s personal life, his romantic and intimate relationships. The main meaning of the mark is a hint about how many significant relationships a person will have;
  • Children - a stripe/stripes indicating the number of children (shoots located directly on the marriage line). With an experienced eye, when fortune telling by drawings on the hand, in some cases you can even determine what gender the children will be.

As you can see, palmistry is based on the study of the nature of the lines on the palms of the right and left hands. By carefully studying each mark, it will be possible not only to make a true prediction, but also to identify nuances that will allow you to avoid problems and troubles in the future.

What features are analyzed?

As a rule, during this kind of fortune telling, drawings on both the right and left hands are studied. However, the labels of each of them carry a different meaning:

  • the lines of the right hand – the future awaiting a person;
  • left - present.

In addition, the signs on the palm of the active hand (for right-handers - this is the right, for left-handers - the left) display the outer shell of a person. Having studied it, we can say about the character, behavior, priorities and principles of a person. At the same time, marks on the passive hand will reveal inner potential. By carefully examining the lines on the palm of the passive hand, you can look into the inner world of a person, into his thoughts. However, there is one nuance - a future event will certainly be fulfilled in the prophecy if the sign foreshadowing it is duplicated on the other hand.

Therefore, at the beginning of fortune telling, you should clarify which hand the person works the most with. As palmistry says, by examining the palm of the right hand, you can get a true and most accurate prediction.

How to “read” patterns on the palms?

Each mark on the hand (line of life, fate, children and marriage, etc.), as palmistry teaches us, reveals a certain area of ​​a person’s life. And for those who want to read chiropractic patterns correctly, they need to learn to notice all the details.

It is important to pay attention to the nature of the main stripes, as well as the processes, branches, and figures located along them. Taking into account the age divisions for each line (see photo), it will be possible to determine the time period for the manifestation of the prediction.

If we talk about the line of children, which is of interest to many married ladies and unmarried girls, then its interpretation is based precisely on the external signs of the mark. How the signs are interpreted regarding how many children a woman will have is very simple. The number of shoots on the marriage strip will tell you about this. But how to determine what gender the children will be, the following photo instructions will help.

Common figures

Also, on the main fateful stripes on the hand you can find different figures. They are also signs of fate, warning of certain phenomena.

The most common shapes on the palms are:

  • a star is a symbol of a sudden phenomenon, the nature of which does not depend on human actions;
  • cross/cross - an unfavorable omen, promising an accident or pointing to the wrong path;
  • island - means “streak of bad luck”;
  • dot/dots – sudden events in life, surprises of a not particularly pleasant nature.