Large graffiti. Painted tunnel on Syromyatnicheskaya

Street art is an area that develops according to its own laws. Graffiti can be treated differently, but in any case it is colorful, original and original. Let's take a walk through the capitals of street art right now?

Los Angeles

Graffiti and street art were internationally recognized as art precisely after the Museum contemporary art The first in the USA took place in Los Angeles museum exhibition Art in the Streets. Now the city's galleries are hosting exhibition after exhibition, and new objects are appearing in the natural environment. The greatest concentration of images is observed in the Arts District areas of Downtown and Venice Beach.


Banksy's laurels haunt creative youth who flock to the hometown artist. In the summer, Bristol hosts Europe's largest graffiti and street art festival. The districts of Bedminster and Southville are at the mercy of participants - there you can watch how new works are created from under sizzling cans of paint.


A hotspot for street art fans, the city voluntarily provides artists with platforms for self-expression. The main object is Berlin Wall- its fragments are covered with numerous layers of paint. In 2009, the wall was restored, and the city authorities asked individual artists to restore their mural paintings. So the creation of Dmitry Vrubel appeared on the wall again - the historical kiss of Brezhnev and Honecker.

Mexico City

Tendency to monumental painting Mexicans have it in their blood - they have been doing this since ancient civilizations. From recent history, we need to remember the decades of Mexican muralism. These days, the capital has become a true paradise for street artists - hundreds of images, from super-realistic to experimental abstractions. The 2012 All City Canvas festival enriched this collection with nine huge art objects: for once, this was done absolutely legally, however, the organizers spent almost a year on approval.


Graffiti is sometimes like a butterfly; its lifespan is short: popular places Every now and then they strive to paint over them with new works, and unapproved art objects can be destroyed by the administration. There are special guides to street art: they will help you find the best of the ephemeral creations, photograph Banksy stencils scattered around the city and get acquainted with the most fresh paintings in the ex-marginal, now bohemian area of ​​Shoreditch.

Sao Paulo

A cult place where almost everything is covered in paint. You can go to the rich district of Vila Madalena in the evening, but it’s better not to go to Bon Retira and Barra Funda after sunset. Don't miss the long wall on Avenue 23 de Mayo and the encrypted messages "Pixação" - this style of inscriptions applied in hard-to-reach places was born here. And in December in Sao Paulo the second one will pass O.bra festival - last year we spent 4,000 paint cans in two weeks.

Valparaiso, Chile

The main centers of Valparaiso's vibrant street art culture are Cerro Alegro y Concepción, the less touristy areas of Puerto and Cerro Carcel, and the rather dangerous for gringo Van Buren. In the latter you can see vandal style graffiti and images that work in combination with stunning architecture. And finally, there is Cerro Polanco, which, after a recent festival, has become a real open-air graffiti museum.

Cape Town

Self-expression through drawings in public places is so common for local residents that the city authorities have been trying to curb these manifestations for several years. But not through prohibitions, but through permits issued quite willingly. They should be received by artists who plan to display their creations on walls visible from the road. IN official galleries There are also many street art exhibitions.


In the city center, graffiti can only be found on projects under construction and near the Georges Pompidou Center. Be sure to check out house 59 on Rue Rivoli, the abode of free artists. Then you need to stay away from the center: you will find the galleries of Rue Denoyer, trucks and buildings on Boulevard Menilmontant. For a snack - a walk through the 19th arrondissement of Paris along the Canal Saint-Martin towards Vilet Park.

We haven't had a walk around Moscow for a long time. Today - selection large graffiti performed last year for the festival" Best city Earth". In 2013, more than a thousand events took place within its framework. These are performances street theaters and musicians, sports holidays and various festivals. Also most of"A Better City" is dedicated to street art. Many writers decorated buildings and made Moscow brighter. Let's take a look at some of the work.

1. The Zuk Club team worked on several houses along Fonvizina Street. V.V. Kandinsky, avant-garde artist. More recently, he was accompanied by two colleagues - Rodchenko and Tatlin, but the five-story buildings with them have already been demolished. Only Vasily Vasilyevich remained. The work is located near the Timiryazevskaya metro station and has a good view from the monorail. I am sure that someone who notices the portrait will have a desire to learn more about the artist and the culture. Wonderful and useful work!
Zuk Club themselves noted that in this way they paid tribute to the memory and respect of these artists and specially made a drawing in the avant-garde style

2. Here is another example when the city was just decorated with graffiti. Everyone who walked along Bolshaya Dmitrovka saw the picture. On house 16, the Brazilian Eduardo Kobra depicted Plisetskaya and the energy that seemed to emanate from her. The work was dedicated to the ballerina’s birthday and is called “Maya”

3. Unfortunately, the work “A Leisure Journey” by Kazan artist Rustam Salemgarayev (Qbic) on Begovaya Street, 24 is closely adjacent to the Third Transport Ring. I had to shoot across the road; it’s very difficult to see from the other side.
As the author himself said, “this is a surreal fairytale picture about a man who swims underwater on a fish." The calm drawing creates a dreamy mood. What a contrast with the eternally running (as long as there are no traffic jams, of course) Third Ring!

4. Team "310" on Mytnaya, 12 (metro station "Oktyabrskaya") and their work "Apakov and the Car Drivers". It seems that the name is given after the nearby tram depot named after Apakov. "310" are known for their style - their works are made of solid wood dots (raster graphics). The style is cool, but I don’t like this particular design

5. “Flying & crawling mind” from the famous Ukrainian duet “Interesni Kazki” in Lyublino. A surreal picture with a guessable meaning

6. For some reason I especially remember the floating one small man and a big frog

8. This is another work from "Interesni Kazki". But if Vova Waone worked in Lyublino, then here, on Sadovnicheskaya Street, 78 (Paveletskaya metro station), his colleague, Alexey Aec, worked. The picture is called "Time Machine"

9. Italian Agostino Iacurci is well known in Europe for his works on the topic of what surrounds us. Often the result is city residents captured at some moment, sometimes not quite ordinary. The drawing can be found on Goncharnaya Embankment, 9/16 near the Taganskaya metro station.

10. One of my favorite works is located in Orlikov Lane at 6 near the Krasnye Vorota metro station. Artist Dmitry Aske painted a cool picture. According to the author, the key in the girl’s hands symbolizes finding a solution to the problems in which a person is immersed.
Cool volume rendering and excellent geometric graphics

11. Already familiar to us from Kandinsky’s portrait, the Zuk Club team at 9 Bolshoi Kharitonyevsky Lane painted a painting based on a sketch by the artist Salavat Shcherbakov. Shown here city ​​life. The theme was chosen to recreate the history of this part of the city. I don’t want to offend anyone, but this particular drawing seemed the most boring to me. Readers note that this is plagiarism. The original work is in Jerusalem

12. Also Zuk Club. Pechatnikov lane, Turgenevskaya metro station. A crazy tea party as part of a city advertising campaign for the brand. The graffiti stands out from the general selection, since it was created earlier than the others and not for the “Best City”, but for the Moscow street art festival “MOST”. However, the painting is located very close to the next object, so I decided to include it in the post too

13. Two steps from tea drinking - the work of Marat Abishev (ReMarik) and Alex Melentyev (Alex214) from Omsk. She decorates house 5 on Sretenka and is simply beautiful. It makes you want to walk straight and continue your walk inside the drawing. The only thing is that trees and a sign prevent you from fully enjoying the beauty.

14. Artists from Argentina also come to Moscow. Pablo Harumbat, under the pseudonym Gualicho, painted house 19/1 in Bolshoi Sukharevsky Lane. The artist began drawing from childhood, and later came to a style in which features of Argentine folklore and psychedelia are noticeable. Gualicho works with post-graffiti: real feelings and the people in his paintings are shown as mutant characters from the cities parallel worlds. This painting is called "Meditation". Not bad!

15. Graffiti "Circus" near Tsvetnoy Boulevard (author - Alexey Mednoy). At first I thought that the bottom inscription was main idea drawing, but it turned out that it was attributed to unknown “animal defenders”. Although, according to some materials, in some circuses the animals really have a hard time. But that's another big topic

16. It looks like there will be a seating area with benches and a stage. Great, nothing happened last year

17. Nelio is one of the best representatives of abstraction in street art. The drawings are based on - geometric figures. The work of a master from France in Zvonarsky Lane is called “1789” and should remind, judging by the date, of the Great french revolution(capture of the Bastille on July 14, 1789). I really didn’t understand the idea. Those in the know, please explain.
They say that in 2014, after a year has passed since its creation, the work may be painted over during the renovation of the building

18. Another job in the same alley. The Spaniard Escif, who calls Pablo Picasso his inspiration, left his mark on house number 5. The drawing was liked by its primitivism. Nothing superfluous, everything is in place and cool. other works of the author, among which there are also many interesting ones. Alas, the area around the house is fenced, the choice of angles is limited

19. What Alexey Luka tried to depict on Troitskaya, 6 (Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station) in his work “Side by Side”, I don’t know. Google is somehow also in no hurry to share information, but it points to the author’s website. There are similar works, some are more understandable

20. Gilyarovskogo Street, 10 (metro station "Prospekt Mira"). Author - NOOTK. Judging by the author's website, the style of drawings developed on different topics. It is better to come here, as well as to some other graffiti in the city, on a cloudy day.

21. "Moment of inspiration" from Aber&Morik. This is the work of two artists in Astrakhansky Lane, 8 (metro station "Prospekt Mira").

Andrey Aber is a writer from Barnaul. He's interested different creativity, from graphics and painting to sculpture. Marat Morik is a street artist and designer from Novosibirsk. Several years ago, together with Andrey, he founded the graffiti agency FGA.

The artists themselves said that they wanted to depict the moment of inspiration that occurs in a girl walking her dog after the rain. According to their plan, despite the bad weather and dullness of life, you can always find joy and joy in everything. bright colors. I agree

22. At the end there are two giant paintings. "Houses and Trees" by Kaliningrad artist Andrey

Continuing the topic "big graffiti" of Moscow. I posted 3 in this community big work in June () and 4 large works in August (). Today there are 6 more new works. They were also all made as part of a street art festival" The best city on Earth"Such large pictures have been made in Moscow before (houses on Izumrudnaya 2007, Sretenka 2010, MOST street art festival in 2012), but on a much smaller scale than in 2013. Moreover, the authors are often recognized masters world-class street art. However, Western artists need to be paid well. Behind similar work some authors were paid 2 million rubles.) I immediately remember the massive (and often shoddy) Moekov painting of 2009-2010, when the guys worked for free! Often for a few extra cans of paint.)

1.Begovaya 24, Kazan artist Qbic(Rustam Salemgarayev). The picture faces directly onto the Third Transport Ring and it is quite problematic to take it close from the sidewalk:


3.View from the other side of the Third Transport Ring:


5.On Fonvizin street(m. Timiryazevskaya), artists from the team Zuk Club painted on the three ends of the five-story buildings (houses 11, 13 and 15) three portraits of artists of the early 20th century - the founders of modernist movements (constructivism and abstractionism) in art - Tatlin, Rodchenko And Kandinsky. Interesting. And it was made in the style of the 20s. True, trees interfere with photography:



9.Chertanovo, the very end of Krasny Mayak street (excellent area, near the forest and silence), work German artists Score & Fence. Large-scale but too abstract. And somehow it reminded me of NOOTK.



Graffiti - popular Street art, in no way inferior to the paintings of great artists. Moreover, street art is an unsurpassed means of reflection modern realities and trends. Gradually, graffiti occupy its niche and acquire the status of city attractions.

You can see a lot of graffiti on the streets of Moscow, and some of them are real masterpieces. It is them that we will talk about today.

In the blue sea in white foam

This graffiti by street artist Qbic is a true example of surrealism. Either a man floating underwater or soaring above the city on his back huge fish resembles a fantasy image - one of those that appears to us in dreams.

Address: Begovaya St., 24

The floating and creeping mind

This work of art is located at the end of a residential building in residential area Moscow "Lublino". Fancy weave fairy tale images in the minds of humans and surreal characters, it leaves an indelible impression on everyone who decides to pay attention to this graffiti.

Address: st. Lyublinskaya, 111, building 3


It is not difficult to assume that the graffiti depicts the great Russian and Soviet ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. Every emotion on the face is conveyed as accurately as possible, and a slight wave of the hand is reminiscent of a swan’s wing.

The color rendering of the graffiti is chosen in a very unusual manner - multi-colored waves extend from the figure of the ballerina, crouched in an elegant pose, referring us to the versatility of art.

The image of Maya Plisetskaya in this graffiti embodied the grace of the ballerina, her beauty and creative genius. Here everyone can see perfect combination graceful ballet movements and amazing energy, which throughout its entire professional life embodied Plisetskaya.

Address: st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 16

Painted tunnel on Syromyatnicheskaya

Famous metropolitan street artist Kirill Kto and designer Pasha Zyumkin, having seen the peeling walls of the tunnel in the area of ​​​​the Kursky railway station, decided to launch the project " patchwork quilt" The capital's volunteers provided indispensable assistance in the project and helped complete it in the shortest possible time.

In 8 days, the appearance of the tunnel changed beyond recognition. The bright multi-colored ornament created a truly bizarre world, which is especially visible at night when the lights come on in the tunnel.

The project was highly appreciated, and its implementation was approved by the city administration. The painting of the tunnel walls was supported by the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art and the Basmanny District Administration. The project was also sponsored by Standart Distribution, the Most festival and DULUX paints. This was one of the rarest examples of a situation where street artists cooperated with the authorities - and this cooperation was successful.

Address: metro station "Chkalovskaya", next to the Kursky railway station, tunnel and adjacent walls of Verkhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya street

Graffiti on the territory of the Flacon design plant

On the territory of one of the most famous places pilgrimage for lovers of contemporary art - the design factory "Flacon" - there are many interesting graffiti by contemporary artists.

Address: St. B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36.

Graffiti on the territory of the Artplay design and architecture center

Artplay is one of the largest art centers in Moscow. Exhibitions, fairs of handmade goods and others are constantly held here. significant events in the world of art.

You can also see some interesting graffiti here.

Address: st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 10.

Reproduction of Dali's painting "Woman at the Window"

This graffiti combines Dali's world and reality modern world. Fragments of graffiti inscriptions and a tape recorder from the turn of the 20th-21st centuries are organically framed by images borrowed from a painting by a famous artist.

Address: Staropimenovsky lane, 14/4

Graffiti dedicated to space exploration

The USSR, and then Russia, were and remain on the list of the largest space powers in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that in different areas of Moscow there are graffiti dedicated to space exploration.

Graffiti is located near metro station Shchukinskaya and m. Varshavskaya

Setting table

This graffiti is located near the Ostankino television center and is reminiscent of the well-known screensaver in the absence of a television signal. Graffiti has become a popular object of informal tourism. In addition, newlyweds often come here to celebrate wedding photo shoot in front of this surreal image. Eyewitnesses claim that during 2015-2016. Several other walls were painted in a similar style.

Address: Ostankino street, 12/4

Graffiti in the "graffiti district"

“Graffiti District” is located near the metro station “Babushkinskaya” or “Botanical Garden”

between Shushinskaya, Izumrudnaya, Minusinskaya and Yantarny proezd streets. Graffiti was applied directly to residential buildings. For ease of navigation at the end of the house at the address: st. Izumrudnaya, 22 you will see arrows indicating different directions- this can be considered a kind of invitation to the world of street art.

Address: st. Izumrudnaya, 22

Graffiti panorama "Steam Locomotive"

This original graffiti in Moscow was created by the WsMar & team. The image is located near the Tulskaya metro station, right under the railway bridge. Street art connoisseurs call this graffiti panorama. Indeed, a large-scale image creates a feeling of presence and helps you immerse yourself in some other, unusual world.

Address: Varshavskoe highway, st. m. Tulskaya

Graffiti on the theme of wildlife in the 12th microdistrict of Mitino

These graffiti are painted on the walls of transformer booths. They depict the animal world, undersea world and a portrait of the famous explorer Jacques Cousteau.

Address: Pyatnitskoe highway, 38 с2, 40 с1

Of course, not all beautiful graffiti that are masterpieces are included in this list. Walking around Moscow, you will probably be able to make many discoveries for yourself. After all, new graffiti appears on the walls of the capital all the time - and you have a chance to be one of the first to appreciate the new masterpiece!

I was recently contacted by a guy from a group called Indecline, who said that he and his friends had just created the world's largest illegal graffiti.

Members of Indecline describe themselves as an "underground movement" that includes "activists, musicians, graffiti artists and photographers." But you most likely know them as the creators of the video Bumfights, or like the guys who were arrested on charges of stealing body parts from a hospital in Thailand.

Graffiti that reads "THIS LAND WAS OUR LAND" W.A.S. OUR LAND), was taken on an abandoned airstrip in California's Mojave Desert. This masterpiece took six days to create, used more than 250 liters of paint, and is more than half a mile long. This makes it almost twice as wide MTA graffiti on the river bed Los Angeles, which, before it was removed, was considered the world's largest outlaw graffiti.

To find out more about graphiti, I spoke with a representative from Indecline, who understandably wanted to remain anonymous.

VICE: How do you know what this is? big graffiti in the world?

Indecline: We studied this issue for a long time. First, I want to point out the difference between graffiti that is legal and that is illegal. IN Lately graffiti is famous because it is usually done illegally. Graffiti, in our opinion, is not something that a business owner can pay for and then have on the side of their building as "the coolest graffiti in the world." Some governments pay for huge graffiti. For example, there is one huge one in Dubai , but these are drawings for which the state has issued permission. There is a huge difference between legal graffiti and illegal graffiti, which requires some risk (usually the artist risking his freedom) as well as cunning guerrilla tactics to pull it off and see it through to completion.

Where and when did you make this graffiti?

In April of this year. We spent a little over a month searching for a place, traveling to the site, making the necessary measurements and calculations. We spent a lot of time on Google Earth, there were several trips in general, which were aimed at working out elements, gathering a team and understanding how we would do it. It is extremely difficult to get to this particular airstrip. From Cramer Junction, California you have to walk about 45 minutes of dirt roads that are completely abandoned and unmaintained. And I'm not sure you can imagine the amount of paint and materials that we had to get there to realize our idea.

Why did you choose the landing strip?Cuddeback?

Primarily because of the location. We looked at about a dozen airstrips in California and Nevada. When we found this one, we knew it was exactly what we needed. It was an abandoned wasteland for military aircraft, which was simply rotting God knows where... We were just interested that the military took this piece of land and completely ruined it. It seems like they dropped there nuclear bomb, and just left. We thought the location was great; it is quite poetic and romantic in its desolation and despondency, and on the other hand, it is a social and civic object, an airstrip. It took us three days to clear the runway before we could even apply paint, but considering some of the other runways we looked at, this one was even in decent shape. Some of them were just a mess of dirt.

How did you clean it?

We had about six powerful leaf blowers. We just walked along the strip, all day long. These things will blow away a rock the size of a softball. They are very powerful. Although, this was secondary. We first built a fence chain apparatus that we put on the back of a truck and hung it so that when we just dragged it down the runway for a few hours, it would tear up all sorts of weeds and bushes and other crap that had been growing there for many years. years.

How many of you were there?

Just eight.

And how long did it take?

It took six days. Every day it took us 18-20 hours, we slept very little.

How many trips were there?

One trip. We took a Cruise America van and some trucks and built a massive camo camp and hid cars in there and slept there for six days.

How did you disguise it?

Using a tarp that we bought at a military store. With the exception of a few unforeseen trips to Home Depot, we were there the entire time.

How far was the nearestHomeDepot?

About 90 minutes.

Were there any unexpected challenges you encountered?

We did about 90% of the graffiti, and we saw some kind of plane circling the runway, and it turned out to be a military plane. So there is still a military presence there. This was an unexpected problem, but we decided to just carry on. Because you can't do anything if it's a threat. You're not going anywhere, we were probably 95% done by that point, so we packed up and left. It was a little scary. Other than that everything was going pretty well. I think the only major knock was that we completely miscalculated the amount of paint we needed - we ended up using over 250 liters of paint and we didn't realize we'd need that much to finish. That's why we had to make another trip to Home Depot.

How much money did you spend on this?

More than $20,000.

How did you choose the message?

Relevance. We touched on a lot of messages, and I think when we sat down and talked about it, the possibility of it being visible on Google Earth made us want to do something about the earth. So global warming became that message.

How does the message "This land was our land" relate to global warming?

We're big fans of Woody Guthrie, and original song, which he wrote - most people don't know the words to it, and we all grow up in America and sing a modified version. So there's a message there, so we wanted to tie it into the message that we were all given this land and we allowed people to take it away from us.

How illegal is this?

This private property, it belongs to the state. I suspect this will be treated the same as any other act of vandalism. Perhaps more strictly, given that she is in the military. But I do not know. I do not want to know.

How secure was the area you entered?

God knows where she is. There was a gate where we broke the lock. Apart from military aircraft, we saw no other activity there.

In the comments to video you made, there is one from someone saying, “I was there yesterday. There the navy has now installed new heavy-duty gates and they have also pushed outIndeclineand put the inscription “US Navy”. This is true?

I don't know if this is true, but it's damn cool. I'm guessing this is most likely true.

In retrospect, do you think you could have chosen a message that was more difficult to remake? Because it's kind of the perfect message for them to just write "US Navy" on top.

Well, we've already taken responsibility. This video will go much further. We live in the digital age. It's already on air. They can't erase the fact that the video was taken. And I can almost guarantee you that we will go back there and paint over their lettering.