The Irkutsk resident made it to the second round of the “Voice” project. Irkutsk resident Georgy Seryshev dropped out of the “Voice” project on Channel One

Irkutsk musician, lead singer of the group BURRN Georgy Seryshev, who made it to the second round of the TV show “The Voice” on Channel One, dropped out of the project at the next stage in a duel with Elena Romanova, with whom he performed the song “Chelita” in a duet. As Georgy Seryshev told Baikal Info on November 9, 2015, the choice of his mentor’s song at first shocked him, and later he was even happy about this choice. “When it turned out that the tonality would be the same as Klavdia Shulzhenko’s (i.e., she would have to sing in a women’s tessitura), I was even a little happy, and took it as a kind of challenge,” the singer said. After the performance, the singers' mentor, Alexander Gradsky, said that this song was actually a woman's song, and that Georgy had a more difficult task than Elena.

As the musician said, at the first meeting Alexander Gradsky told his wards that he was waiting for proposals on choosing a partner and repertoire. But he noted that duets must be of different sexes. “Initially, Alina Perova invited me to perform something from rock with her. I really liked this option, I respect this style of music. In addition, we had every chance to perform something in English, because we both sang in Russian in the first round. But when we started offering our ideas to Gradsky, it turned out that he had completely different thoughts about us, starting with the fact that our duet was not approved by him,” shared Georgy.

Despite the fact that three of the four mentors expressed their obvious sympathy for Elena, and not Georgy, Seryshev himself rates his performance as an A: “I’m very pleased, I can’t imagine how to sing this song better. By the way, Pavarotti at one time sang it two tones lower. After the fight, Gradsky told me backstage, “You always have time to sing your rock, but when will you be able to perform something from the classics?”

Having dropped out of the country's main vocal competition, Georgy was not upset. In the event of further participation, problems awaited him related to the remoteness of his place of residence from the filming pavilion. When asked whether Georgy will continue to try to conquer the project in the new season, he answered: “The project gave me a tremendous experience of communicating with professional musicians, it was a great self-training in vocal skills and in the field of emotional balance. But there’s no point in even twitching for the fifth “Voice”, because you won’t get there a second time. There are a bunch of other TV projects, but they are all not so popular, there is no point in submitting applications for them. Yes, and there is no desire. It seems to me that this was my first and last experience of such television participation. The next step is just a concert in the Kremlin.”

After Georgy’s participation in the “Voice” project, there were more fans of his work in the Irkutsk region. His fellow countrymen actively supported him throughout his participation in the project, sharing their opinions and experiences on the singer’s VKontakte page. Now Seryshev with the group BURRN is going to tour the Irkutsk region, Buryatia, Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk territories. And with the group VUVUZELA it is planned to record a new album or single. These will be songs in Russian, including ballads.

Irkutsk resident Georgy Seryshev overcame the “blind” audition and made it to the second round of the “Voice” project. Alexander Gradsky became the Irkutsk resident’s mentor.

Georgy Seryshev performed the song “Hang Gliding Flight”. The first of the mentors to turn to the Irkutsk resident was Alexander Gradsky.

“Very interestingly sung,” he commented on George’s performance. - Your last name is familiar to me. Do you have any relatives who sing at the Bolshoi Theater? The Stargazer Party, right? All clear.

The fact is that Georgy’s father is the famous rock singer Mikhail Seryshev. He was the vocalist of the popular rock band “Master” for 12 years and recorded several albums. In 1991, he performed the role of Jesus Christ in the Russian version of the rock opera “Jesus Christ – Superstar”. And in 2009 he performed the roles of Ivan Bezdomny and Levi Matvey in Alexander Gradsky’s rock opera “The Master and Margarita”. Now Mikhail Georgievich works as a soloist at the Moscow Helikon Theater and often, by invitation, performs the main roles in performances at the Bolshoi Theater. He has been singing in church since 1990.

Georgy Seryshev, having answered the jury’s questions and promising to sing rock in the next round, chose Alexander Gradsky as his mentor. Having descended from the stage, the Irkutsk resident went to the room where a support group was waiting for him: dad Mikhail Georgievich, wife Ekaterina and daughters Olya and Vikulka.

Woman’s Day contacted Georgim Seryshev and asked a participant in the “Voice” project to tell about himself.

“I’m 35 years old,” the singer said. - I was born in Ulan-Ude, grew up in Angarsk. He graduated from the Irkutsk Linguistic University (by the way, with honors, as well as from school), after which he remained in Irkutsk. I have been singing since childhood; even at a young age I enjoyed listening to my father sing... Or rather, I listened to his voice recorded on records. After graduating from the institute, he worked for about 10 years in various show programs and sang in restaurants in Irkutsk. Then he gave up this activity, giving preference to creativity. In 2009, I was invited by the musicians of the Irkutsk Drama Theater to join the group Vuvuzela - a trash, progressive project. We recorded an album and sometimes perform at rock festivals. Unfortunately, you won’t be satisfied with creativity in Irkutsk, and we founded the group BURRN with almost the same composition of musicians. The main goal of creating our musical brainchild is live performances in clubs in our city and beyond with a cover program of famous rock and pop compositions.

Why did I decide to take part in “The Voice”? Yes, it just became interesting to see how all this is done, and to demonstrate the level of my vocal skill and the skill of my teachers - Sergei and Oksana Smirnov, to whom I am very grateful. The feeling from participating is the most positive, despite a little fatigue. Now I will prepare for the next round.

A participant in the fourth season of the show “The Voice,” 35-year-old Georgy Seryshev from Irkutsk, has no intention of leaving to work in another city, but usually goes on tour with his wife. The singer is happy in his family life, raising two daughters, 12-year-old Olga and 4-year-old Vika. In September 2015, Georgy Seryshev passed blind auditions in “The Voice” on Channel One. However, Georgy Seryshev was unable to overcome the second stage of the show - the test by duel. The singer spoke about this and much more in an interview with correspondent. IA IrkutskMedia.

- Georgy, tell us how the idea to participate in the show “The Voice” came about?

The idea of ​​participating in “The Voice” came to me a long time ago, even after watching the first season. Relatives, relatives and friends - everyone recommended that I go to this project and test myself. But, as it turned out, not everything is so simple. I sent applications to participate in the show for the second, third, and fourth seasons. As a result, I was invited to the casting in Moscow after the third attempt. I have a lot of experience working on stage. In Irkutsk, I have been singing for several years in two groups VuvuZela and BURRN, quite popular groups in Siberia.

- How was the casting?

I arrived in Moscow for the casting in July. There were many vocalists in Ostankino. Some casting participants, after the first editorial audition, even before filming in the program, were either simply rejected or told that they were in reserve. After the first audition, they also told me about the reserve, and they meant me. After that I flew back to Irkutsk.

In August, I was invited to a trial rehearsal at “The Voice”. We auditioned again, and then the main rehearsals began before filming the blind audition, which was eventually shown on television. I, like all the “blind” participants, were given the choice of four songs in Russian and English from a hundred songs offered. Of these, the editors had to select one song to perform in front of mentors who would not see me. In addition, I was offered to learn the song “The Road Without End,” which was once performed by Assadulin, and which I had never even heard before. In just five days I had to learn a completely new composition and hone all the nuances of voice acting. As a result, at the rehearsal with the Phonograph orchestra, I had to perform two songs, unlike many other participants who prepared only one song.

Georgy Seryshev. Photo: courtesy of Georgy Seryshev

The show's editors couldn't decide for a long time which song was better. They called the director of music broadcasting at Channel One, Yuri Aksyuta, and he chose “Hang Glider”. The song "Hang Gliding" is very complex, despite the fact that it may seem simple to some. There are big leaps in the notes, so I showed it to the casting editors from the very beginning. However, only Alexander Gradsky and Basta rated her highly. Gradsky later admitted that he was hooked by the precise intonation at the rather high tempo of the composition. After the rehearsal with “Phonograph” there were more run-throughs before filming the blind auditions. And each such rehearsal was a kind of qualifying round.

- Tell us what we, as TV viewers, didn’t see in “The Voice”, what was left behind the scenes?

Yes, everything that is shown is exactly what it is - live sound in the hall during filming, the powerful Phonograph orchestra is playing, powerful acoustic line arrays and expensive high-quality monitors are suspended from the structures. Everything happens as at a real concert. The sound is balanced, nothing is corrected. As the soloists sing, it goes on air.

I think I participated in the casting of a television project for the first and last time. It’s very difficult, it takes a lot of nerves and strength. Great excitement before filming. At the actual performance on camera there was no longer any excitement.

Not all participants in the blind auditions are shown on TV. If none of the mentors turns to the soloist, then his performance may be cut. And before filming, you still need to go through several selections, rehearsals, and run-throughs on stage.

- Have you already managed to communicate with Alexander Gradsky?

We already had an organizational meeting with Alexander Borisovich, after which we chose a song. Rehearsals have already passed. Gradsky gave advice, together with him we analyzed the composition that I would perform in the first fight. He advised me to sing what he liked. Unfortunately, I wanted to sing a different song. In general, I have already prepared the composition for the fight. Soon my performance will be shown on TV.

Regarding me, Alexander Gradsky noted that I analyze songs clearly note by note, with the instrument. I can’t say any more information about the project, because I signed the contract before the blind auditions, like all the participants in “The Voice,” so I can’t reveal all the secrets of the show.

Georgy Seryshev with participants of the show "The Voice". Photo: courtesy of Georgy Seryshev

Many people in Irkutsk ask me if I paid money to participate in “The Voice”. To be honest, I didn’t pay. The money was spent only on flights from Irkutsk to Moscow and back.

By the way, I was lucky. When I was preparing to participate in “The Voice,” I was just sent on a business trip to Moscow for work. In Irkutsk I work for the Asia Music company, which supplies musical equipment to Russia. And our company has a branch in Moscow, where I was sent. In general, I was preparing to participate in the project and working at the same time.

Alexander Gradsky said in the program that he knows your father Mikhail Seryshev, who performs the role of the astrologer at the Bolshoi Theater. Tell us about it.

Yes, my father lives and works in Moscow. At one time, Gradsky sang the role of the astrologer at the Bolshoi Theater. One day he heard my father perform this part. Alexander Borisovich noted that Mikhail Seryshev not only sings clearly, but he also has good articulation, and this is important when singing. The mentor appreciated my father’s work and remembered this during my performance in the blind auditions. So Gradsky really knows him.

- Are you planning to move to Moscow eventually?

I don’t plan to move to Moscow, I want to live in Irkutsk.

- Tell about your family.

I have a wonderful family. Wonderful wife Katya, two beautiful daughters 12-year-old Olya and 4-year-old Vika. By the way, my whole family came to Moscow to film the blind auditions. Olya had a dream to see the host of “The Voice” Dmitry Nagiyev. The meeting took place, Nagiyev made an impression on my eldest daughter and did not disappoint.

Family of Georgy Seryshev. Photo: courtesy of Georgy Seryshev

- Why did you decide to take part in the show “The Voice”?

I want to prove to myself that I am at a good musical level. In principle, I am already convinced of this. At the auditions for “The Voice” I saw the performances of many people. By the way, most of them live in Moscow, a small part in St. Petersburg. There are only a few people like me, who came to the competition after traveling thousands of kilometers. Mostly, the participants name the cities in which they were born, but have not lived there for a long time.

- Tell me, have you been making music for a long time?

Since childhood, since school. I studied at gymnasium No. 1 in Angarsk, by the way, together with my future wife. Teachers Oksana and Sergey Smirnov, famous Irkutsk musicians, came to us guys. They started teaching vocals and introduced me to music on a professional level.

After high school I entered the Linguistic University of Irkutsk. He graduated from a university with a degree in linguist-translator. During his student years, he began working as a singer in restaurants in Irkutsk. I worked like this for about 10 years, I got bored. Then he went to sing in the group VuvuZela, and then in BURRN.

- Does anyone else in your family play music?

My eldest daughter Olga sings, we specially take her to Angarsk for vocal lessons with my teacher Oksana Smirnova. I rejoice at her success.

- Do you think it’s hard for Russian pop stars?

I can imagine that it is very difficult to be a famous artist. I plunged a little into the world of show business, and then I experienced a lot myself. You need to behave correctly not only on stage, but also in life - attend social events, regularly give interviews and participate in photo shoots.

- After the broadcast on Channel One, they began to recognize you on the street, do fans write?

In Moscow people recognized me on the street. In Irkutsk they don’t recognize me; I walk the streets calmly. After the episode with my participation, strangers, especially schoolchildren, began actively writing to me on social networks. I try to answer everyone.

There are plans to continue concert activities. I want to record a new album with the band VuvuZela, where I have been singing in the style of progressive thrash metal since 2009. With the pop-rock group BURRN, in which I have been since 2011, I will continue to perform in Irkutsk and beyond. I’m not yet planning to go to the federal level; there are sharks there. I believe that everything has its time, if it is needed, then everything will come.

Let us remind you that the lead singer of the group BURRN from Irkutsk, Georgy Seryshev, qualified for the second round of the show “The Voice” on September 11. He performed the song “Hang Gliding Flight” by Valery Leontyev. It is worth noting that the singer became the ward of composer Alexander Gradsky. During the second stage of the show, Georgy Seryshev, together with another participant, Elena Romanova, performed the song “Chilita”.

A resident of Sayansk, Irkutsk region, 21-year-old Anastasia Badyina was shown on Channel One in the fourth season of the show “The Voice” on September 25. The soloist of the Balkan music orchestra Bubamara Brass Band did not pass the blind auditions of the television project, and none of the “Voice” mentors turned to her.

Previously, Ivan Dalmatov from Ulan-Ude became one of the participants in the fourth season of the popular show. The start for the singer was more than successful: three mentors turned to him at once. The singer chose Polina Gagarina.

Now the Irkutsk musician will have hard work in the team of Alexander Gradsky and a chance to prove to the whole country that he is worthy of becoming the best voice in Russia. This is what Georgy Seryshev told Komsomolskaya Pravda about his impressions of participating in the project.

This is my first time participating in such a show,” Georgy Seryshev shared. – Only Eurovision is cooler (laughs – author’s note). Why did you decide to try? The program is called “Voice”, not “The Coolest Artist”, and I wanted to demonstrate my voice and show what I’m capable of. Since two mentors turned to me at once, I think I succeeded.

Already in the first seconds of blind listening, the button was pressed first by Alexander Gradsky, and then by Basta. Both appreciated not only Georgy’s vocal skills, but also his choreography. Gradsky, moreover, recognized the participant as the son of the famous rock musician of the 90s Mikhail Seryshev, ex-vocalist of the groups “Chas Rush” and “Master”. At one time, Seryshev Sr. performed the role of Christ in the rock opera “Jesus Christ – Superstar”. The record with this recording inspired George: together with his brother, they sang the arias of all the characters, from Pontius Pilate to Mary Magdalene.

Georgy has been involved in music since childhood. First - accordion, then - classical guitar. In high school, he began singing in a vocal studio in Angarsk. Now he is the leader and vocalist of the popular cover band “BURRN” in Irkutsk and sings in the thrash-progressive project “Vuvuzela”. The musicians recently recorded an album in English, and next is an album in Russian. Another achievement of his creative career is participation in a staged concert of the rock opera “The Elven Manuscript” in Moscow.

I had the opportunity to work with such famous musicians as Arthur Berkut and Pyotr Elfimov,” emphasizes Georgy.

Georgy Seryshev did not get into “Golos” right away. He submitted a questionnaire to the show three years in a row. And third time lucky! Music editors chose him from more than 30 thousand applicants and invited him to a casting in Ostankino. Already there, 900 applicants competed for the right to participate in the first round, but as a result, only 120 passed.

The song “Hang Glider” allows you to demonstrate your vocal abilities as much as possible,” Georgy Seryshev reveals the secret of choosing the repertoire. - To be honest, I wanted to sing “Wake up” by System Of A Down, but that would have been too bold a choice.

After filming, the mentors discussed plans for the future with their wards.

On the next tour, I want to perform a rock composition, perhaps even in English,” Georgy shared. - From September 16, we begin pair rehearsals. The second round of “The Voice” - vocal battles of project participants.

If Alexander Gradsky had managed to fly on a real hang glider at least once in his life, he would probably have changed his negative attitude towards the song with the name of this aircraft. Perhaps he still has everything ahead of him. Despite the subjective opinion of the master, the song is wonderful, as is all the music that Eduard Artemyev wrote.

Siberian Georgy Seryshev did not imitate the original performer Valery Leontiev - but, on the other hand, he did not try to make his own musical product out of it. But he sang this song so easily and smoothly that it nevertheless sounded different. It turned out what was needed - there is similarity, but not Leontiev. At the same time, there is something of its own, but not to the detriment of the original. Hit the mark.

One thing that is striking is that the apparent simplicity in the singer’s performing skills was related to a rather complex musical work, in which there were wide melodic intervals and semitone moves, tonal shades and powerful energy. Without a doubt, Georgy coped with all this in his debut performance on the big stage and solved the minimum problem on this project - he is in the team of Alexander Gradsky.

Russian sayings are very accurate. And such a simple statement that “the aspen tree does not produce oranges” or “the apple does not fall far from the tree” - in the case of Georgiev Seryshev, it worked 100%. His father, the previously famous rock musician Mikhail Seryshev, was the vocalist of the rock band “Master” for 12 years, playing in thrash and heavy metal styles. Later, he performed in a church choir, sang many roles at the Helikon Opera and even reached the stage of the Bolshoi Theater (“Die Fledermaus”). In 2009, Alexander Gradsky invited Mikhail Seryshev to play the role of Ivan Bezdomny and Levi Matvey in his rock opera “The Master and Margarita”. So there are “genes” - now it’s up to their owner.

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