How to organize classes for children in an art studio. Tasks and specifics of work in an art studio

Drawing is the most convenient way self-expression of a child, one of the effective ways to establish harmony between “I” and “World”. Of course, in the process of developing creativity, creativity, and other important qualities of a child, more than one drawing is involved, but in children’s drawings, patterns of development of artistic activity can be observed more fully and more often than in other classes. The very process of creating a drawing gives the child the opportunity to see the world in all its diversity, to go from thought to its embodiment.

Work on the problem of developing children's creativity through drawing was prompted by observing children's work on visual arts in different age groups. Analysis of preschool children's drawings made in free time or at home, showed the poverty of children’s ideas, and when trying to reflect them, the children did not think about the variety of colors and the plot itself. However, the children’s desire to more accurately convey the image of what was planned was noted. This was often hampered by ignorance of the relevant rules for depicting objects. This is for guys who are interested in drawing. But recently the percentage of children who are not at all interested in this species has increased. creative activity. I think these are very alarming signals. Perhaps the corresponding role in this phenomenon is played by excessive passion for computers, television, and insufficient attention to this issue on the part of adults. Taking into account all of the above, a plan-program for the studio work “Step to Harmony” was created.

Children aged 4 - 6 years old study in the art studio. subgroups of 6-10 people, twice a week, in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 20 - 35 minutes, but the time frame is not strictly limited. Unfinished work children can complete at another time convenient for them. There is a differentiated approach to completing tasks in the classroom, which is manifested in different content and level of complexity of tasks for each child.

The child should enjoy the very process of drawing and be confident that everything will work out well for him, his work will be praised, because he really wants it and wants to achieve a certain result. In stimulating the development of children's creative abilities, I focus on the statement of N.V. Gavrish that “it is almost impossible to draw a clear boundary between the end of the learning process and the beginning of the creative process" The main thing is to arouse emotional interest in children, to form a motive for the activity, which will ensure that the child makes a decision to depict this or that object. To teach children to master generalized means of creating images that allow them to embody any conceived objects or phenomena. In order to reproduce what they saw and presented, children must acquire the appropriate system of knowledge, skills, and abilities, the mastery of which will ensure, on the one hand, the successful implementation of the activity itself, and on the other hand, comprehensive development the child himself.

Among the non-traditional drawing techniques, the so-called blotography, monotype, gratage, aquatype, with a finger on wet paper are popular among children (then the colors are calm, “delicate”). It is interesting to draw with multi-colored crayons on damp paper, tampons, stamps, palms, fists, lips, threads, a toothbrush, crumpled paper, foam rubber... everything that can leave a mark. Future artists in their fantasies use not only paints, but also salt, various grains, pasta, plasticine, pastel, wax crayons, gel pens, ink, glue... The children really liked the technique of drawing with plasticine.

Classes in the studio are conducted in such a way that for children it is a kind of encounter with a fairy tale, a miracle. In our work we use musical and poetic images, observing how the artistic and creative activity of children grows, which begins to manifest itself already at the moment the idea arises, in the process of discussion future work. We teach children to look at the world and see it, listen and hear it, admire it, we bring them to the understanding that beauty in nature, beauty in life, beauty in art are inseparable.

The goal of the program: to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Program objectives:

  • to activate cognitive interest in the world (to see and find the unusual and surprising in the ordinary);
  • to cultivate a culture of feelings, to develop aesthetic sensitivity as a basic personal quality, to reveal the human concept of beauty;
  • develop children’s artistic abilities (use line, color, composition, rhythm, perspective as the main means of expressiveness when creating an image, conveying one’s attitude towards it);
  • stimulate the development of experimental search activity when choosing a material and method of depicting an image;
  • offer image techniques that allow the child to integrate different kinds visual activities;
  • maintain an individual style of harmonizing the space around you and yourself in it;
  • provide freedom in displaying (through artistic means accessible to the child) their vision of the world;
  • enjoy the result and, most importantly, the process of creative activity;
  • teach to be not only a consumer, but also a creator of culture;
  • develop communication skills.

Objectives of the cycle of lessons “Winter lace” and indicative calendar planning of visual activities

  • teach how to portray a person in different clothes, convey simple movements;
  • give the concept of contrast, color, teach to distinguish between warm and cold tones;
  • develop the ability to convey in a drawing the mood (cheerful, sad) and facial expression (frightened, surprised);
  • teach to use various compositional means of expressiveness: place the content center in the center of the drawing, use the contrast of the image in comparison with other objects (color, size, shape, light), convey the impression of movement: rhythmic depiction of the objects of the drawing, asymmetrical, diagonal construction of the drawing, in multi-dimensional drawings highlight front, back and medium plans;
  • teach how to use sets of pencils to obtain colors of varying intensity and strokes of different characters.

1. Winter night.

2. Based on the poem “Blue Evening” by V. Fetisov.(Gouache blue, white).

3. Fan for Santa Claus.(Pieces of a candle, wax crayons, watercolor).

4. Gifts to Santa Claus.(“Salty batik.” Pointillism).

5. Album of architectural projects for crystal palace Santa Claus.

(Colored pencils, felt-tip pens or wax pencils with watercolors, gouache, illustrations, postcards with images of ancient castles).

6. What color is the snow and sky in winter?(Gouache).

7. Winter Snow Shawl(based on the Petrikov painting).

8. Winter can be different. Conversation on paintings.(Drawing with semolina).

9. Ukrainian village in winter.(Perspective. Gouache).

10. Inhabitants of the winter forest.(Graphics. Simple pencil, ink).

11. Valentines.(Contrast. Gouache).

12. Schematic representation of a person.(Chalk, blackboard, plastic plates filled with a thin layer of semolina, sharp sticks or used ballpoint pens).

13. Space travel.(Gouache).

14. Skaters and skiers.(Gouache).

15. White birch​​under my window. (“Gratage” or gel pens).

16. We are wizards.(Aquatypia using soap).

17. The Tale of the City of Snowmen. Collective form work. (Blank for creating a panorama: 2 - 3 large sheets of paper, glued to cardboard and fastened together; postcards with images of snowmen, gouache, watercolors, brushes, glue brushes, pokes, wax pencils).

18. White Book of Winter.(Reproductions of paintings by artists, recordings of works by composers and poems by poets on the topic; gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, wax pencils, pastels, gel pens; material from the magazine “Musical Director”, 2004, No. 5, p. 6).

Work experience of the head of the art studio Bolotova L.P.
Preschool educational institution No. 25 "Joy"
Donetsk region


Explanatory note
The Kaleidoscope art studio in Tver Gymnasium No. 10 is opening with the aim of identifying and developing creative abilities in students from grades 1 to 11 (from 7 to 17 years old). Children are also accepted for training. preschool age who study in the preparatory group. Much attention is paid individual characteristics each of the children who come. The art studio includes 3 groups:

1st group - junior school age(grades 1-4)
Group 2 - middle school age (grades 5-8)
Group 3 - senior school age (grades 9-11).

For all three groups provided special program, taking into account age characteristics children from each group. Classes in the art studio are held during the day for all 3 groups. In addition to program topics, the teacher offers a list of possible additional topics of choice, which is posted in the office and is available to each child (For example, the topic of the lesson is “Fairy tale of choice.” If a student has difficulty choosing a fairy tale, he can use additional list; if for some reason the child is not satisfied with the proposed topic, then a list of additional topics can save the situation).

Through the study of architectural monuments and works of painting - to instill interest and love for the native land, the history of art; love for native nature is instilled by drawing from life and from memory landscapes, still lifes (flowers, fruits of the native area, native garden, etc.). To achieve these goals, excursions are organized to the ancient cities of the region: Torzhok, Staritsa, as well as around the city of Tver. To achieve the best results in the learning process, tasks related to copying the works of great Russians and foreign artists, as well as tasks related to field work.

1. 1. Purpose of the program:
Creating conditions for the development of creative abilities and personal qualities of art studio students through teaching fine arts.

1.2. Program objectives:
Developmental - to develop in students the need for regular activities, as a result of which the creative growth of children is ensured.
- to form aesthetic and moral consciousness
- develop in children creative imagination, associative thinking, imagination, memory. And also develop artistic thinking in children, to promote the acquisition of professional skills: working with different materials (gouache, watercolor, charcoal, pastel, ink, etc.).
Educational - teach children the initial fundamentals of fine art: teach how to use different techniques to achieve the greatest artistic expression (monotype and wax engraving techniques, etc.). To acquaint children with the work of Russian and foreign artists, with folk art.

1.3. Forms of organizing classes:
In each group, collective activities play an important role, which contribute to objective self-esteem, and are also an incentive to achieve new things. creative possibilities. Despite working in a group, when working in an art studio there is an individual approach to each student. This approach to the learning process is present in working with everyone age groups. At the end of each work, students conduct a collective discussion of each drawing on the part of the students and an explanation of all the positive and negative aspects on the part of the teacher.

1.4. Forms and types of presentation of results:
Job creative team aimed at achieving the best results. Summing up the results of the work done in the art studio is carried out in several ways: 1 - holding exhibitions and competitions within the creative association of the art studio, 2 - holding exhibitions in the gymnasium, 3 - participation in city, regional and all-Russian exhibitions and competitions.

1.5. Working with parents:
The head of the art studio maintains constant contact with parents studying at creative association children. This is necessary both to support the child’s creative endeavors within his own family, and to achieve the best results in his work. Parents regularly meet with creative successes and the achievements of their children.

1. Theme: still life “Autumn Leaves”
Children themselves collect the leaves they like, and at the same time a conversation is held about the beauty of their native nature; then classes take place in the D/O room. Pencil drawing from life:

Group 1 - leaves of simple shape (ash, birch, linden, etc.)
Group 2 - drawing leaves of complex shape (maple, oak, hawthorn, etc.) in a vase.
Group 3 - drawing a more complex still life (leaves in a vase, 2-3 draperies, fruits). An attempt to convey the materiality of objects and volume is welcome.

General color scheme:
1st group: exercises on pouring and mixing paints, different colors: blue-yellow; yellow Red; blue-red, etc. Then work on pencil drawing done earlier.
Group 2: Students look for color relationships: vase, leaves, table, background.
Group 3: students are looking for more complex color combinations. An attempt to complicate colors with reflexes, light, shadow, color combinations.
Materials used: gouache, watercolor, paper.
Gradual completion of work on the still life “Autumn Leaves”, taking into account the properties of the material used, under the guidance of a teacher.
Showcasing the best works.

All exercises and constructions (for example, vases) are shown by the teacher on the board, separate sheets of paper, and in some cases individually.

2. Topic: “Memories of Summer”
A conversation is held with the participation of children about their summer. Everyone shares their impressions, the most joyful events that happened in the summer, thereby creating an emotionally upbeat mood.
1st group: starting work, performs exercises to cover the surface of the sheet with a neat, even layer; then he begins to work in pencil on the main sheet (unlike students of group 2, the composition does not contain complex elements, possible drawing summer landscape). After drawing with a pencil, children begin working in color and continue it into the next lesson.
Group 2: makes sketches on an additional sheet in order to find best composition, consultations on composition are conducted (by the teacher). Then, students draw with a pencil the selected composition, which is much more complex than that of students in group 1 (including images of people and animals). The work ends with a solution in color.
Reproductions from paintings are used during the conversation famous artists, for example, from the painting by T. Yablonskaya “Morning”, “Summer”, repr. from paintings by I. Grabar and others.

3. Topic: fairy tale of choice(for a competition held by the Society of Book Lovers)

4. Theme: self-portrait
Students, after the teacher has explained the basic laws of composition of a portrait of the proportions of a human face, begin work by determining the location of the main image on the sheet.

At the next stage, children begin to draw their image with a pencil the way they imagine it (group 1); from your photograph (group 2); from reflection in the mirror (group 3).

When starting to color scheme, students are given different tasks. So, students of groups 1 and 2 make the background with the color or combination of colors that is most pleasant and attractive to them. Unlike the first two groups, group 3 pursues the task of actually conveying the color of the surrounding environment and their own clothing.

5. Theme: autumn landscape
Pupils of 1st group draw a fairly simple composition, which includes drawing a horizon line and several trees with autumn leaves. Images of mushrooms can also be included in the composition. Group 2 students can include images of people or architecture in their composition.
Pupils of 3 groups use their experience previous years and build their work taking it into account. They necessarily include images of both people and architecture in their composition.
The color scheme for all 3 groups has basically the same tasks: to convey the features as beautifully and accurately as possible autumn nature.

6. Topic: my pet

7. Topic: fairy tale of choice
A fairy tale is told or read. Children discuss the content of the fairy tale, choose an episode that will be illustrated.
All 3 groups work in stages. Group 3 performs a more complex composition. Visual aids: drawings by children from previous years.

After constructing the composition and drawing in pencil, the guys begin to color scheme.

8. Topic: landscape. Sunset (A la prima)
The work is done using the A la prima technique. Students from all three groups begin to work immediately with colors, showing the brightest and most impressive moments of such a natural phenomenon as a sunset. The teacher, in turn, offers options for composition and plot. The most successful beautiful work Upon completion they will be hung at the exhibition.

9. Subject: wax engraving (black and white)
Wax engraving is one of the most accessible types of graphics in terms of technique. The explanation of the technique goes in parallel with the practical implementation of the work. All three subgroups prepare the sheet for future work (for this they use a candle or a piece of wax with which they rub the sheet; then this sheet is covered with ink). When the sheet dries, you can scratch the previously selected image onto it. Both landscapes, still lifes, and complex compositions can be depicted. Thus, wax engraving enriches the mastery of all genres previously studied.

10. Topic: wax engraving (color)
Wax engraving of this type is somewhat more complex in its technique. The sheet is first covered with color spots that roughly correspond to the colors future composition, i.e. The child must think through the image in advance, and then begin preparing the sheet. Then, as when making a black and white version of the engraving, the child rubs wax on the already colored paper. After the sheet dries, the image is scratched. At the end of the work, the drawings are shown to all studio members, and the children express their opinions about the work done.

11. Topic: fairy tale by C. Perrault “Cinderella”
The story is told by the children (one at a time). Since this tale is almost always known to most children, they all participate in the retelling. The board shows individual details of possible compositions. Drawings from previous years, books, etc. are used as aids. By telling a fairy tale, children become imbued with sympathy for Cinderella and understand that kindness and hard work must be valued in a person. Practical work begins with discussion and sketches of the composition. Students of the first group make a simpler composition, for example: Cinderella and the Good Fairy in the garden, next to them is a pumpkin, which will soon become a carriage. The studios of the second and third groups create more complex compositions: here is a team of horses carrying Cinderella to the palace, a ball scene with many figures, etc. Color scheme at the request of students.

12. Topic: my room
While working on this topic, the child is given the opportunity to depict the room in which he lives - his own little world. Students of group 1 are offered the simplest solution to this topic: an image of only the interior and some of its most striking and important details; 2 groups - include in your drawing more accurate and detailed interior details or an image of your pet; For students of group 3, the task becomes somewhat more complicated: they add their own image to the composition (if possible).

Moving on to the color scheme of the work, students from all 3 groups adhere to one main goal: to most accurately convey the character and condition of the interior.

13. Topic: holiday in my family
This is where the task gets more complicated. An image of people, members of the child’s family on a holiday is added to the interior. Difficulties in drawing a person for students of group 1 are overcome by showing simpler angles. When choosing colors, the main task is to convey the state of the holiday in the house. After constructing the composition and drawing in pencil, the guys begin to color scheme. At the end of the work, students have the opportunity to evaluate their work and the work of other children with the participation of the teacher in order to determine how well the state of the holiday is conveyed in the drawings.

14. Topic: copy from a painting by a famous artist
Enough difficult task for students of all three groups. The task of this difficult task is to redraw this sample as accurately as possible and try to convey all the colorful diversity in the color scheme. Students of group 1 are offered the simplest composition for a copy. Upon completion, the most successful works are placed on exhibitions both within the art studio or school, and at more serious city exhibitions.

As a visual aid when performing of this assignment Reproductions and photographs of famous Russian artists are used.

15. Theme: winter landscape (graphics)
This is carried out taking into account previously made observations. Students develop compositions of varying degrees of complexity for different groups. Drawings are used as visual aids for this task. early years, sketches and sketches by TCU students and students senior group.
First, the guys determine the most interesting composition and draw it in pencil. For groups 1 and 2, the graphic solution is done with a black gel or ballpoint pen. Pupils of group 3 can complete this task in a serious professional manner. graphic technology- ink and pen.

16. Topic: winter games
A conversation is held about the upcoming holidays, an emotionally high mood is created. Slides and reproductions of paintings by famous artists are shown (Surikov “The Capture of a Winter Town”, Bruegel “Winter”). Visual aids include the work of students from previous years and the work of TCU students. When choosing a composition, the first group can limit itself to drawing a landscape with houses, Christmas trees, and snowmen. The second and third groups make a more complex composition with figures of people and animals. The color scheme is carried out by the children in accordance with their drawings. At the end of the class there is an exhibition with a discussion of the work.

17. Topic: Maslenitsa holiday
The teacher tells students about Russian folk tradition this holiday and shows examples of compositions made earlier on a given topic. When the guys start working, they first choose a plot, then build a composition and draw it. Pupils of group 3 use previously acquired experience to create their work. For example, they represent the participants folk festival in traditional costumes for this holiday. Moving on to the color scheme, which is done with gouache on paper, children should not forget that this holiday is always held in winter. Upon completion of this task, a discussion of all completed work takes place inside the art studio with the participation of the teacher. The best go to an exhibition in the office or inside the school.

18. Topic: Russian fairy tale “Po pike command»
The tale is told by students and the teacher. The conversation about good and evil, begun in previous lessons, continues. Children of the first year of school do an exercise on mixing different colors with whitewash, see what variety of colors is present in the image, as if white snow. Then the children are offered several possible compositions on the board (the images are erased from the board after being shown), visual aids remain: these are drawings by students from previous years, books, manuals made by the teacher or older children. Work on the selected composition is carried out step by step in both groups (with a discussion of errors and artistic interest made drawing).

Working with gouache is the final stage of work. Individual work is carried out with children in the form of advice and other verbal assistance.
At the end of the lesson several latest topics, works are selected that will go to the exhibition.

19. Topic: landscape " Native nature»
Before starting work, studio students remember and talk about the most interesting and beautiful things that happen in the fall. Then, children determine and outline the composition of their work.

Pupils of the 1st group draw a fairly simple composition, which includes drawing a horizon line and several trees with autumn leaves. Images of mushrooms can also be included in the composition. Group 2 students can include images of people or architecture in their composition.

Students of group 3 use their experience from previous years and build their work taking it into account. They necessarily include images of both people and architecture in their composition.
The color scheme for all 3 groups has basically the same tasks: to convey the features of our native Russian nature as beautifully and authentically as possible.

20. Theme: still life with fruit
Students of groups 1 and 2 most often perform it from the imagination or from sketches of children from group 3. Those, in turn, are given the opportunity to test their strength in drawing from life.

21. Topic: fairy tale of choice
Children draw their favorite fairy tale or an illustration of a fairy tale they have read recently. If a child has difficulty choosing a fairy tale or depicting an interesting composition, the teacher offers his own options.

The practical part of the work is staged: for groups 1 and 2, finding a composition that is interesting for children (taking into account the children’s capabilities). If students of group 1 are offered compositions, then students of groups 2 and 3 are offered the inclusion of human figures, architectural elements (interiors, exteriors), household items (if a student of group 1 expresses a desire to complicate the composition, then in agreement with the teacher this is quite possible).

The color scheme is proposed to be made according to the plot and developing events illustrated fairy tale. Not only local colors are used, but also various mixtures.

22. Topic: portrait of mother (grandmother)
This topic is preparation for the celebration of the International women's day March 8. Portraits can be drawn from memory or from photographs. The children's work done earlier is shown, and the construction of the human head is explained.

Studios of the first group can solve their image planarly. Students of the second and third groups can try to solve their work using the light-shadow method.

Students of the first year of study are shown batches with which they can solve this work in color.

The educational goal of this lesson is to teach children to express their love for loved ones. While working on this topic, children remember the smile of a loved one, his general appearance, favorite dress etc. An exhibition is being organized dedicated to the holiday.

23. Topic: drawing animals (optional)
A conversation is held about love for nature and as part of the nature that surrounds us - love for animals. Children from all 3 groups participate in the conversation and talk about their pets. Books by animal artists are demonstrated, drawings and sketches of animals made by students of previous years, students of TCU named after. A. G. Venetsianova. Practical continuation of work;

Groups 1 and 2 - pencil and gouache drawings of a cat and a dog. Group 3 - pencil and gouache drawings of horses, cows, etc.

24. Theme: still life with a samovar
Reproductions from paintings by famous artists are shown: Grabar, Korovin, Saryan, etc.

Children of the first group draw flowers according to their ideas. Students of the second and third groups make a still life from life (the construction of a vase is shown on the board).

Worked out first common decision compositions, general color scheme, then details are worked out.

25. Topic: walk with your favorite animal.
Within the group, a conversation is held on the topic of loving your pet. Children talk about the character and habits of their pet.

A task is given, in which students must combine previously acquired skills and artistic skills, since the work combines painting of landscape, human and animal figures.
After constructing the composition and drawing in pencil, the guys begin to color scheme. At the end of the work, the work is reviewed within the group, and the teacher explains all the common mistakes, and then the mistakes made in each specific drawing.

26. Topic: fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina" ("Flint")
At the beginning of the lesson, the children all together remember the content of the fairy tale. Then each child chooses their favorite and most memorable moment in the fairy tale.

When starting to build a composition, the teacher explains the tasks for each group. After constructing the composition and drawing in pencil, the guys begin to color scheme. The color scheme should combine both fairly realistic color combinations and acquire fabulous elements color perception.

At the end of the work, the work is reviewed within the group, and the teacher explains all the common mistakes, and then the mistakes made in each specific drawing.

27. Topic: Russian folk pattern
The children get acquainted with various folk crafts (Khokhloma, Polkhov-Maidan, Gorodets). Visual aids and products remain throughout the hours allocated for this topic.

The work begins with a sketch made on a sheet of paper, then a drawing is applied to the workpiece with a pencil (first, backgrounds, for example, a sundress, a scarf,
apron), then the details are made with small brushes. Each child can choose the style that he likes best (the teacher coats the nesting dolls with varnish).

This topic helps not only to gain knowledge about folk crafts, but also to instill a love for this type of creativity.

28. Topic: Russian folk costume
This topic contributes not only to gaining knowledge about folk costume, but also to instilling a love for culture and traditions native land. Visual aids and images of Russian folk costume remain throughout all the hours allocated to this topic.

When starting to build a composition, the teacher explains the tasks for each group. After constructing the composition and drawing in pencil, the guys begin to color scheme. The color scheme should contain fairly realistic color combinations. At the end of the class there is an exhibition with a discussion of the work.

29. Topic: Russian spinning wheel
When working on given topic visual aids are used. Such as: the book “Russian Spinning Wheel”, best drawings students from previous years, postcards and photographs from museums.

For students of groups 1 and 2, the teacher selects the simplest samples, for children from group 3 - more complex ones. Work begins with constructing the composition and carefully drawing the ornament and plot. When starting a color scheme, students should take into account classic folk color combinations and their features. During the work, the teacher repeatedly goes to each student and makes comments on a specific drawing. After solving the task in color and working out all the necessary details, the teacher puts all the finished drawings in one row and, together with the students, the advantages and main mistakes of each drawing.

The skills acquired through this topic will be repeatedly used by students when working on illustrations for Russian fairy tales.

30. Topic: fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Classes begin with reading a fairy tale (possibly role-playing). Possible episodes for illustration are discussed. All 3 groups sketch compositions on separate sheets of paper.
Groups 1 and 2 begin work with a pencil sketch of the composition, then the sketches made are discussed by the children and the teacher, mistakes made are corrected, and further work is carried out with paints. In group 3, the stage-by-stage work is maintained, but the composition is made taking into account previously acquired knowledge on Russian architecture and Russian costume, etc. Previously made drawings are used as visual aids; drawings by TCU students A. G. Venetsianova, drawings by the teacher.

31. Topic: composition for Victory Day
Reproductions from paintings by famous artists are shown (Loktionov “Letter from the Front”, Plastov “The Fascist Flew”, etc.). Episodes from works of art(Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”, Okudzhava “Oh, war, what have you done, vile?”, Tvardovsky, Vysotsky).

The guys are determined to seriously do the work on the proposed topic, with an understanding of the tragedy. Several compositions are proposed on the board with chalk, which are subsequently erased. Drawings from previous years are offered.
The first group can limit itself to depicting a city landscape (burning houses, military equipment).

The second and third groups make a more complex composition depicting soldiers, military equipment; possibly depicting a battle scene. The color scheme seems to be limited by the severity of what is depicted. The work is being carried out in stages.

The drawings made are exhibited at a festival dedicated to Russian army.

32. Theme: still life with lilacs
Drawing a still life with lilacs poses different challenges for students in different groups. Students of groups 1 and 2 complete this task using imagination. Pupils of group 3 perform a number of sketches from life, taking into account different angles and compositions. Moving on to the color scheme, all the guys select the most expressive color combinations. The older ones take into account their observations from nature and rely on natural color combinations.
When working on this topic, it seems important achievement children of aesthetic pleasure.

At the end of the work, the work is reviewed within the group, and the teacher explains all the common mistakes, and then the mistakes made in each specific drawing.

33. Topic: A. N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “Pinocchio”
Classes on the topic of illustration begin with reading a fairy tale (possibly by role). Possible episodes for illustration are discussed. All 3 groups sketch compositions on separate sheets of paper. When general composition will be found, students begin to draw the characters and their environment. The transition to color means the deepest penetration young artist V fabulous atmosphere. The brightest and most expressive color combinations greatly contribute to this. Not only local colors are used, but also various mixtures.

Previously made drawings as visual aids; drawings by TCU students A. G. Venetsianova, drawings by the teacher. At the end of the work, the teacher explains all the common mistakes, and then the mistakes made in each specific drawing. The best works are selected for the exhibition.

34. Topic: fairy tale by P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”
Illustration begins with reading a fairy tale. Possible episodes for illustration are discussed. The practical part of the work is staged: for groups 1 and 2, finding a composition that is interesting for children (taking into account the children’s capabilities). When the general composition has been found, students begin to draw the characters and their environment. If students of group 1 are offered compositions, then students of groups 2 and 3 are offered the inclusion of human figures, architectural elements (interiors, exteriors), household items (if a student of group 1 expresses a desire to complicate the composition, then in agreement with the teacher this is quite possible).

The color scheme is proposed to be made according to the plot and developing events of the illustrated fairy tale. Not only local colors are used, but also various mixtures. After solving the task in color and working out all the necessary details, the teacher puts all the finished drawings in one row and, together with the students, the advantages and main mistakes of each drawing.

The most favorite, useful and exciting activity children - this is drawing. From the early age The kids take a pen in their hand and paint with all their hearts. Everyone But in order to fully reveal your abilities, give flight to your imagination and creativity, you need to get a mentor. An art studio for a child is a great way to spend quality leisure time. In cozy, equipped classrooms led by a teacher, children can create, write, and enjoy the process. Children from two years old can attend classes. Experienced teacher will keep them busy, guide them on the true path, and perhaps this little one will become a great artist in the future!

Training program

Today, such a direction as art studios for children is very popular. The training program at each institution is individual. Therefore it is very difficult. What should you pay attention to first? After all, colorful booklets say that the studio employs the best teachers who raise little Picassos. But in reality, it may turn out that the children will be seated at easels, given a theme and left to their own devices. There will certainly be no sense in such activities.

It is better to spend time and see with your own eyes how the classes are held. Good, conscientiously working studios are conducted by Parents and their children can attend the lesson, look at the best work of the students and even take part in a master class. Having visited several of these classes, you can make the right choice.


Fine arts harmoniously influence the development of children. Ordinary things, gray everyday life will become bright and eventful for the child. The baby will acquire personal qualities, his own style, and perhaps future profession. An art studio for a child will become a place where they can create, reveal their potential and receive a positive charge.

An art school will give a child not only determination, the makings of a leader, will teach perseverance, but will also enrich the intellectual base. After all, there children not only draw, but also study biographies, consider new directions and styles, study the cultures of countries and history.

Fun activities

Even for active children, an excellent leisure activity is the art studio. Classes for children begin with a light warm-up for the arms. Then the teacher explains the new material, sets a topic, and the kids begin to create. A well-organized program includes more than just drawing lessons. Children sculpt from plasticine and clay, make all kinds of mosaics, appliqués, and collages. Usually, calm music is played during classes, then the child can loosen up faster.

Young artists

You can come to the studio to study at any age and with any skill level. Even if you don’t know how to draw at all, don’t hesitate to sign up for classes, because that’s what they were created for - to teach, show, guide. Main criteria when choosing art school- this is the location, experience and ability to get along with children of the teacher. Visit open lessons in several schools - and you can make an adequate conclusion about what are the best art studios for children. Moscow tends to set an example for the provinces; in the capital, studios are opening in every district.

Children of all ages visit these establishments. Kids come to develop finger motor skills and learn to hold a brush in their hands. But schoolchildren are already showing their talents; on their easels you can see real works of art. They master the basic types of painting, directions, and techniques. Teachers try to instill in children good taste, sense of color, teach them to show their imagination and splash out creativity on the sheet. prove and confirm the best and expected results of high school children in the art studio.


The art studios also have groups for the little ones. Children from two to five years old can try their hand at fine arts. Classes take place in game form. The teacher immerses the little ones in some kind of adventure. It could be Dreamland, underwater world, magical forest. During the game, children draw drawings of the characters as they imagine them. It turns out to be a very fun and funny activity. The art studio becomes a child’s favorite place to spend time. They come to class with pleasure, communicate with peers, and learn a lot of new things. After all, drawing develops speech, imagination, and memory. Such lessons will benefit the kids, and they will begin to develop faster. Choose your studio carefully. You also need to pay attention to the room itself, how it is equipped, and whether there is a bathroom.

Profitable and enjoyable

It often happens that creatively gifted people live in poverty. They cannot find a use for their talent and work in a job they don’t like. Homegrown artists paint amazing paintings and give them away to friends. But you can use your abilities, get the job you want and make good money. But not everyone knows how to open an art studio for children. By doing this, you can benefit society and gain happiness and recognition yourself.

First of all, we need a sponsor! After all, opening an individual business will not be difficult, but not everyone can afford to rent a room. Start-up capital and at least one employee are required. He will deal with documentation, respond to phone calls and perform routine work. But a genius must only create! From the very beginning, it is not necessary to obtain licensing; you can simply pass on your talent to the kids without issuing them diplomas. And as soon as things take off, the amateur art studio can change its status to professional.

Individual approach

An art studio for a child can become the most favorite place in the world. Not every teacher is capable of winning such love. When choosing a studio, pay attention to all the little things. The main thing is that no outside opinion is imposed on the child during classes. He must develop his own unique style. Therefore, the teacher must support all the child’s endeavors and give confidence. In such a relaxed atmosphere, children will feel comfortable, try not to miss classes and listen to all the information.

Many studios recruit mini-groups of up to five people. This is necessary in order to achieve better results in short time. The teacher observes the students for some time, makes notes and conclusions. And then he develops an individual program for each of them. This approach gives good results.

A good art studio pays attention to all areas of painting and graphics. For the little ones they come up with fun activities (blotography, finger painting). Then the kids happily run to the studio and bring home their masterpieces, which must be kept as souvenirs! Invest in children more information, knowledge, skills, and your care. After all, aesthetically developed child- this is a worthy member of society!

Today we have a wonderful teacher visiting us - Lyubov Yuryevna Moroz - with the works of talented girls from the Kapelka art studio from MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 3" in Kharovsk.

The children’s drawings and their themes were “inspired” by listening to classical works during a music class before class in the art studio. That’s why the girls chose such difficult subjects).

“Three Horses” - drawing by Maria Korableva, 5 years old

Head: Moroz L.Yu.

Maria - a very diligent, calm and reasonable girl. Sociable. He loves to sing songs and does it very well too).

1. Maria drew:

  • three horses in a harness
  • Santa Claus

2. I outlined snowdrifts and tree contours with a pencil.

3. When the sketch was ready, Maria colored it.

Drawing three horses - collage

And it turned out cute winter picture with three horses harnessed to a sleigh:

“Three Horses” - drawing by Maria Korableva, 5 years old

“The Swan Princess” - drawing by Yulia Krasavina, 6 years old

Head: Moroz L.Yu.

Julia She is also a very sociable and active girl. Likes to make things, goes to dance club. Friendly and smiling girl.

Julia painted her princess like this.

1.Using a simple pencil, Yulia drew a princess in a fluffy dress with a kokoshnik.

2. The kokoshnik was decorated with stars and ornaments.

3. Julia painted stars on the sleeves and along the hem of the princess’s dress.

4. Then Julia started coloring.

“The Swan Princess” - draws by Yulia Krasavina, 6 years old

5. Julia drew brighter contours, stars on the dress, decorations on the kokoshnik and this is how beautiful the Swan Princess turned out:

“The Swan Princess” - drawing by Yulia Krasavina, 5 years old

These are the kind of complex and very interesting stories that children draw in the “Kapelka” art studio. Works prepared for.

Basic principles in teaching children to draw in the art studio “Inspiration”

House of Culture "Zarya" MBOU DOD TsRTDU "Leisure" Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod

head Lukina Natalya Nikolaevna

Drawing seems to be the most natural action for any child, but if you try, ugly scribbles, disproportionate images, and shapeless spots appear on the paper. It is better to learn to draw from early childhood. Drawing and creative work develop a child’s intellect, making him a more harmonious, spiritual person. If we want a child to learn to draw beautifully and correctly, we take him to an art studio.

It is advisable to start teaching academic drawing and artistic literacy at the age of 7, when the child, in addition to his emotions, already wants to be closer to nature, to the world around him.

The ability to draw will expand your aesthetic and spiritual horizons, teach you to look at the world around you differently, to see it in new colors. This perception may remain forever, no matter what profession is chosen in the future. Seeing proportions, understanding perspective, color relationships makes inner world richer and thinner, richer and more sensitive.

Currently, it is customary to get carried away in art classes by introducing plot and free themes, bypassing the development of the basics of drawing and painting, supposedly teaching students to “self-expression.” A problem arises: students have no idea about basic art literacy. But back in the 17th century, the formation of academic pedagogical system drawing, especially much attention was paid to classes in the field of drawing, painting, and composition.

In 1834, drawing teacher A.P. Sapozhnikov considered drawing as the most important general educational subject, providing knowledge and skills, necessary for a person in life. His methodology oriented students towards active knowledge of the depicted objects, towards identifying the geometric structure and spatial arrangement.

The goal of the 3-year “Inspiration” program is to master the knowledge of the elementary fundamentals of realistic drawing, to develop skills in drawing from life, from memory, from imagination, to become familiar with the features of decorative and applied art, modeling, applique, and working with felt and fabric.
Distinctive feature program is that it is focused on the use of a wide range of various additional material on fine arts and applied creativity. By performing various types of needlework, students train such skills as drawing confident lines (Gorodetskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Khokhloma painting), a sense of shape and volume (modeling from dough, felt products), perseverance and concentration (beads).

They also combine an individual approach - one of the main conditions for achieving success in creativity - and teamwork. Collective results artistic work are used in the decoration of premises, used as gifts for relatives, friends, war and labor veterans, and in competitions at various levels.

If you don't develop Creative skills child, do not provide relevant knowledge and skills on time, then adolescence there will be a discord between what you want to express and what comes out. Disappointed in their capabilities, children give up drawing and lose interest in it forever. This is a contradiction in the requirements of modern education.

One of the main tasks of the Inspiration studio is to master the correct drawing sequence. The result depends on how the drawing is done. One of the main mistakes beginners make is the desire to immediately start drawing details, bypassing the most important stages: initial sketch and structural structure. Drawing from details leads to severe errors in proportions and composition. I strive to achieve in teaching that the drawing begins with general constructive outlines, with a harmonious arrangement on the sheet format, with compliance with proportions, and only then - a detailed and clean drawing.

The complex of work on a drawing is divided into separate stages, which must be mastered in a certain sequence - a gradual increase in difficulties - and each previous step is the basis and support for the next one.

The sequence of drawing stages should be such that the connection between them is felt and is a single process.

The principle of teaching is strength, accessibility, systematicity, consciousness, scientific character, clarity, connection between theory and practice.
Scientificity - the study of the laws of color science, perspective, optics, structural patterns, spatial arrangement of objects.

Systematicity - the process of mastering knowledge and skills determines the continuity between subsequent and previous topics, the connection of new material with what has been covered, the expansion and deepening of knowledge. New material recalls previously studied material, clarifies it and improves it.

Consciousness is the constant training in independent and active work, which is an excellent prerequisite for expanding and deepening acquired knowledge.

Accessibility - a clear determination of the complexity and depth of mastering the material for each age and ability of children, their individuality.

The strength of knowledge acquisition is achieved with the correct selection of topics, tasks, goal setting, and independent work.

Visualization is the presentation of material in which the concepts and ideas of students become clearer and more specific.

Teaching methods in the art studio “Inspiration”:

    each task combines executive and creative moments;

    creating a fun, but not entertaining, classroom atmosphere;

    creating a situation of success, a feeling of satisfaction from the creative process;

    possibility of independent choice artistic form and means for completing the topic after mastering the basic rules;

    combining fantasy with drawing rules;

    theoretical knowledge in all sections accompanies each lesson, starting from the first, and is consolidated throughout the year;

    mandatory independent work, especially based on the results of a block, half a year, or year;

    practice and development artistic perception perform in unity, are consolidated in activities such as conversations, explanations, exhibitions, competitions, collective and combined activities;

    "Master classes" of the teacher.

The most important issue in teaching is content. The theme of children's drawings, especially at the beginning of their education, should be lively modern reality, which allows you to systematically develop children's attention, observation, memory, imagination, and creative initiative. By depicting the world around him, the child learns to compare, analyze what parts an object or picture consists of, and think figuratively. Training is conducted using geometric, naturalistic, combined methods, with elements of “free drawing”; the gap between educational and independent drawing is gradually being eliminated. IN free topics Individual teacher guidance predominates.

The most important points in the management of children's creativity are:

    Children's enrichment aesthetic perception by observing the nature of life, various types of arts;

    Use at work various materials(watercolor, pastel, gouache, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons);

    Creating a light, creative atmosphere in the classroom that ensures ease and interested seriousness in children’s work.

This atmosphere is created primarily by the teacher’s interest in classes, faith in the child’s strengths, based on knowledge of his capabilities, demandingness combined with respect and friendliness towards the child.

Much attention in teaching is paid to drawing from life.


    color identification;

    the concept of “cold and warm colors”;

    color combinations;

    patterns of perspective;

    structural structure;


Topics at all stages are tied to the seasons, to events and memorable dates, to holidays, with corresponding complication as the students’ experience increases.

At the beginning of the school year, class topics are related to autumn motifs. Landscapes « Golden autumn", "Autumn in the City", "Mushroom Glade" allow you to study at the first stage and consolidate in the next stages such concepts as composition, linear and aerial perspective, rules for drawing trees in the background and background, color solutions. In the still lifes “Gifts of Autumn”, “Basket with Mushrooms”, etc. Develops skills in drawing fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, leaves, compositional solution, chiaroscuro.

With the onset of winter, we study topics that reflect extraordinary beauty, feature, natural phenomena of this time of year. In the topics “What color is the snow”, “Frosty afternoon”, “ Winter evening» we convey bright, contrasting color schemes, learn to draw trees in the snow; The painting technique of “tone stretching” is very relevant. The structural structure of birds, animals, their proportions and sizes, painting help to study the themes “Bullfinches”, “Walk in the Forest”, “Bird Dining Room”.

In the second and third years, technical and painting techniques are improved, complicated, combinations are used different materials(for example, watercolor and pastel). The themes “At the skating rink”, “Ski trip”, “Winter fun” are suitable for drawing people and their movements.

The New Year theme is especially interesting: “Toys for spruce branch", "Gifts under the Christmas tree", " New Year card", "Let's celebrate Christmas", etc., where it is possible to use, in addition to the drawing, a varied assortment of decorative elements. We also make souvenirs for family, loved ones and friends, toys and decorations for the Christmas tree and club, using various types of creative work.

Darling spring theme- flowers, where there is enough simple drawing it is possible to use a variety of painting techniques, as well as apply decorative elements when making souvenirs for mothers and grandmothers. In the spring, when first-year students have already learned basic techniques drawing and painting, we pay great attention to production themes, drawing objects, toys, we study portraits and more detailed structure and proportions of human figures, birds, animals. Drawings are made from memory, from imagination, from life. Students of the second and third years of study improve the techniques of drawing and painting with gouache, watercolor (“Prima”, “Hyperrealism”), especially the techniques of pastel, charcoal, sanguine. There are many “free” topics where fantasy and imagination are demonstrated, memory and attention are trained, and previously learned skills are consolidated.

In the management of training there must be a correct increase in the requirements for the quality of the drawing and the definition teaching aids necessary to meet these requirements.

also in educational work reflections of well-known objects and phenomena familiar to children, people, animals, plants, city and country houses, etc.

In teaching management, the main thing is the following: the more the child’s work involves creative nature, the less direct clues.

If the question concerns technical issues or the work is of a purely executive nature, a direct instruction and requirement for more accurate implementation of the proposed form is quite appropriate. The form of comments and instructions is not uniform. For some children, a hint, a small reminder, is enough. leading question, others require detailed explanation. For those who are unsure of themselves - an encouraging tone, and for those who are overly confident - more demanding and critical.

IN creative work There are certainly moments to borrow and imitate. These questions - where, when and what to imitate - are carefully regulated, otherwise it leads to passivity and the fading of the students' creative initiative.

The teacher’s drawings are carried out simultaneously with explanations, show the progress of execution, methods of work, serve as a means of activating attention, thinking, memory, and are combined with the display of other visual aids. In some cases they are erased after explanation. The drawing is carried out from a schematic to a more detailed image (a maple leaf - into a polygon, a butterfly - into a trapezoid, etc.). Auxiliary lines make it possible to start and work on the image correctly. It is especially useful for children to see simply the work of a teacher in drawing, in creative work, which teaches children technique, thoroughness, and attitude towards creativity. Drawing together between a teacher and children should be very delicate and careful, because the teacher’s skills differ from children’s, and an attempt to imitate often ends negatively; children may feel awkward and disappointed in their abilities.

Education based on nurturing interest, independence, good choice themes and materials provide an opportunity to demonstrate children's abilities and achieve significant improvement in drawing at each stage of learning. Students have well mastered the concept of “perspective”, chiaroscuro, color science, diagrams for constructing drawings, drawings from memory, representation from life, plot compositions, improved skills in conveying volume and spatial arrangement, analyzing, comparing a drawing with an object, depicting a human figure, animals, birds, conveying the structure, volume, proportions, draw consciously, avoiding mechanical copying. Students mastered the techniques of working raw, hyperrealism, color overlays, color fusion, and the laws of color (indoors and plein air).

An indicator of students’ successful completion of the “Inspiration” program is participation in club, district, city and regional competitions in fine art and creative work. Students of the art studio become repeated winners and prize-winners of competitions at various levels.