Word picture on the theme of spring. Spring time in Russian painting and poetry

Currently, in the world of show business you can often hear the name Lena Lenina. And this is not surprising. After all, she is not only an actress and photo model, but also owns a huge network nail salons, and writes books not only in Russian, but also in French.

Like many women in her circle, she was able to walk along the so-called Cinderella road. And from a provincial student to become a woman known even outside of Russia. In her writings, which enjoy quite good success, Lenina tells her readers about the complexities and background of not only successful business development, but also about the seduction of the opposite sex.

This real socialite has something to tell her readers, because now in continuation for long years she continues to stun the public and build her own empire, gradually, step by step, mastering more and more new areas of activity.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lena Lenina?

Most of the artist’s admirers, mostly men, of course, are interested in Lenina’s parameters such as height, weight, age. It’s not difficult to find out how old Lena Lenina is. She was born in October 1979, which means that she is already 38. Still, inquiries regarding this socialite really have an enviable frequency.

Lena Lenina's height is slightly above average - 170 centimeters, which, however, is practically ideal parameter for the model. If we talk about the weight of the actress, then according to the latest information it is approximately 56 kilograms. And this means that her figure, with such height, is very slender. And such parameters easily allow Lena to amaze fans with a very immodest, and sometimes even overly provocative form of clothing.

The biography of Lena Lenina is, at its core, a story about enormous success, which was the result of a combination of hard work and, of course, talent. You could even say that this is a Cinderella story modern style. After all, at 38, she already has everything that many others can only dream of.

Future star was born in the Siberian Akademgorodok. Her parents worked in health care. Lena's father studied issues related to the search for medications for serious illnesses, including cancer, and her mother was a cardiologist. From her early childhood, Lenochka vividly showed enthusiasm and passion for the learning process. This was especially true for studying foreign languages. For example, back in kindergarten she began to actively comprehend French, and continued her studies in a special school. But at that time, Lena could hardly imagine what service knowledge of the French language would serve her in later life.

Having received secondary education, the future actress and model had the intention of enrolling in the Novosibirsk university at the Faculty of Geophysics. It so happened that during her studies, Elena began working part-time as a model. Due to the emergence of such a non-trivial hobby for a geophysics student, she quit her studies to focus on modeling and various other creative projects.

In show business, Lena Lenina was able to become clean water sensation. At the age of nineteen, she was able to launch an advertising company from her own name, and also organized author's program on television in Novosibirsk. However, a little later, Lena decided for herself to move to the Russian capital in order to pursue more promising and profitable television projects. Over time, she moved from Moscow to France.

Among other things, the girl was able to realize herself as a writer. Her debut autobiographical work in French was published in 2004. It tells the story of the path that a provincial student had to go through to get to the very top of show business. Besides her, there were several more books, not only about herself, but also about other influential and celebrated people of our time. And a year after the release of her debut French book, her premiere book in Russian, entitled “Passion for Excellence,” was published. It should be noted that she had major success and was distributed throughout Russia in huge quantities.

Also at the moment, Lenina is the owner of a large chain of nail salons. You can look at the list of services and prices by entering the query into a search engine: “Lena Lenina manicure salon official website.”

Also, one cannot fail to mention Lenina’s acting talent. She, as an actress, also uses great success. For example, Lena plays roles in both Russian and foreign films. She can be seen in the biographical film about famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

In the film she played the role of his wife. By the way, this film was even included in the program of the Cannes Film Festival. In particular, Lenin can often be seen in various talk shows not only on Russian, but also on Ukrainian television.

But Lena didn’t stop there either. About three years ago, the pop diva launched new business– manicure salon. Women's impressions and recommendations about him are very flattering. And, apparently, they are true, since these salons are extremely popular, and their number continues to grow.

Lenina met her first husband back in the days when she was a university student in Novosibirsk. She even bore him a son, who was named Clementius. However, very soon after the birth of the child, the family broke up.

Despite the endless interest from men, the socialite was in no hurry to commit herself again official relations with anyone.

In 2011, the Duke of Orleans introduced the then established publicist to a French rich man named Pascal Florent Edouard. The couple began a relationship, but the young people separated quite quickly, their relationship did not last more than two years. According to Lenina herself, the reason for the quarrel was the groundless outbursts of her husband’s jealousy, as well as his demands to quit business and other projects, and become exclusively a housewife supported by her husband.

Soon after the divorce proceedings, by the way, there was a rumor that the artist began dating her ex-husband’s business partner.

The personal life of Lena Lenina, as before, never ceases to excite the minds of fans. IN currently lady lives in own home with mother and little son. It continues to develop all areas of its activities. This is especially true for her small empire called “Lena Lenina Manicure Studio”.

As mentioned earlier, the parents of this socialite are medical workers. By the way, it is worth mentioning that real name Lena - Razumov. However, when Lena decided to pursue her dream - a career in show business, she decided to change it to a more beautiful and sonorous one.

It is also important to say that the future business woman grew up and developed very responsible, persistent and ambitious daughter. She often showed herself in numerous competitions, including literary ones. Lenina herself claims that she wrote her very first story when she was little, but it was already published in the newspaper.

This one is truly luxury woman went through two divorces. She returned to her homeland, Russia, and currently Lena Lenina’s family is her mother and son. Despite the fact that the artist dreams of a daughter, Lenina still refuses to tie the knot again.

Lena Lenina's children are another point in which her fans show particular interest. So far, all that is known is that Lenina has one and only son, whom she gave birth to while still a student. For a short period after the birth of the child, everything was fine in their family. But soon the couple began to quarrel frequently, and later the husband even began to beat Lena. After breaking her collarbone, Lena filed for divorce on her own.

According to the businesswoman, she has her own approach to raising her baby. For example, she tries to interfere less, allowing her son to make some decisions himself. Often she also takes Clementy with her to some official meetings, so that from such a young age he has some idea of ​​the adult world of business.

Lena Lenina’s son, Klimenty, is already growing up much more ambitious than his mother. It’s interesting that he’s not that old yet, but he already has his own business: he makes T-shirts with a variety of prints. And, as the businesswoman herself claims, he again invests all his accumulated money in business - he purchases the necessary equipment.

Among other things, it should be noted that the boy is already surprisingly conscious. He leads absolutely healthy image life - watches his diet, plays sports. He also masters gerontology, a science that studies the principles of the aging process.

Lena Lenina's ex-husband, Pascal Florent Edouard, is a French billionaire. At first, their family union seemed flawless. But time has shown that this aristocrat turned out to be an overly hot-tempered and jealous man with patriarchal views on the structure of the family. In addition, he tried to use all sorts of tricks so that the artist would part with all her business endeavors and successes and focus solely on her family. Lena was not happy with such prospects.

Despite the breakup, Lena speaks of her ex-husband with great warmth. She claims that he is very reliable and clever man. Lenina even tries to return at least friendly relations with him. However, Pascal seems too offended by the woman to resume any communication with her.

First of all, it is necessary to recognize that Lena Lenina has repeatedly made statements in various interviews that she can be called an opponent plastic surgery. Therefore, we can say that the photo of Lena Lenina with some surgical intervention simply does not exist in nature. Lenina is of the opinion that cosmetology is on her modern stage can help maintain a beautiful appearance without any plastic surgery.

When asked about the secrets of her beauty, Lenina replies that she gets a lot of rest, eats exclusively healthy food and does sports exercises. Among other things, she does not drink alcohol. History, however, is silent about smoking.

Lena Lenina understands perfectly well that you shouldn’t lag behind the times, and social networks these days are great option to maintain attention to your personality. Instagram and Wikipedia of Lena Lenina exist. True, Wikipedia is only in French. There you can only read a short biography of the artist and a list of publications.

As for Instagram, Lena regularly updates her profile, presenting her subscribers with pictures from various events. Such as a concert, exhibition or fashion show. She does not forget about her personal archive. Sometimes she shares photos from vacation, restaurant or home. Occasionally, in her captions, the artist even jokes about her own hairstyle or costume.

Not so long ago, photographs appeared on the Internet in which naked Lena Lenina, relaxing on a Maldivian beach, decided to sunbathe topless, and at the same time, without any embarrassment, demonstrate to everyone without exception all the advantages of her figure.

As you can see, the most piquant areas of the body are hidden under retouching. The socialite never tires of shocking the public with her behavior and images.

Naked Lena Lenina photo

Lena Lenina's haircuts and hairstyles, as many have already noticed, are another point with which she strives to surprise the public. There were, of course, simple styles for loose hair, and there were also ponytails. But at some events it’s just “something with something” - there’s no other way to say it.

There were whole “bushes”, and “jugs” on the head, and playful ponytails, and high hairstyles in the manner of French wigs from the time of King Louis. And at one of the photo shoots, her hair even got entangled in a low-hanging chandelier! Without a doubt, this woman knows how to surprise.

Those who achieved success and became stars in Moscow, Days.Ru were going to give a special place in the article to the outrageous writer, businesswoman, model, actress, organizer of social events and owner of the Network of Manicure Studios Lena Lenina, but they faced a big problem: all sources of information, including Wikipedia, differed in their testimony about the date of birth of the famous blonde . The 70s and 80s are indicated everywhere, only with a specific year - complete confusion. Overly sarcastic sources managed to turn the young woman into an almost 50-year-old lady, apparently confusing her with someone, because when looking at Lena it becomes obvious that she is much younger.


To find out the truth about the writer's age, Days.Ru contacted the main socialite of the capital and a frequent guest of all more or less large parties, occasionally singing on the stage. Contrary to custom, this time he asked not to use his name in the article, so that he could take a walk and have a delicious meal at Lenina’s next event. Our source, he said, I saw Lena’s passport, which indicated the date - October 25, 1979, that is, it turns out that the businesswoman is now 34 and soon all of secular Moscow will gather to celebrate her birthday.

It’s interesting that many sites were mistaken about the place where the beauty was born, calling Lena’s birthplace Novosibirsk. In fact, she was born in Omsk, maiden name- Razumova, and in Novosibirsk she worked at her own enterprise, where she earned her first million. The next stage in her life was Paris, where most For the time being, the model lives with her husband and son.

The assertions of some publications that Lenina trained as a geologist make me smile. In fact, the writer received a degree in advertising psychology in Paris. And there she defended the equivalent PhD thesis on the topic "Etiology of neurolinguistic programming and psychological manipulation sexual partners in the information society." You can believe it or not, but the same friend of hers claims that, without yet having an education, at the age of 17, an enterprising girl, who has had flair and a business streak since childhood, created in Novosibirsk own company for the production of Helen-Video television advertising and a few years later earned her first million, which helped her settle comfortably in Paris. The same information was confirmed to us by another friend of Lena, a well-known producer in narrow circles, who is convinced that a writer can make a profit even out of thin air. He also recalled that many billionaires have demonstrated their ability to multiply capital with early years, because this skill is not taught in universities - it is a gift and a great success.

However, this is too much like a fairy tale, so we contacted Lena Lenina herself, around whom there are so many myths and mysteries, and found out how she managed to become a star in Europe and a welcome guest on the red carpet of Cannes. “I am often invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Either by fashion or jewelry brands, or by the organizers of the festival. And every time I manage to excite the pompous editors of Western magazines with some innocent joke in my character. I like to click them on the nose,” the writer admitted with a laugh, having in view of their extraordinary size and shape of hair. - Fortunately, some of them share my sense of humor and are not seriously prudish. Last year, my updo caused a flurry of discussions in the press - more than 100 thousand criticizing or praising materials appeared in the Russian-language Internet space alone in a month. Our people dubbed the hairstyle a “torpedo melon”, French journalists called it a “medical candle”, but no one knows what inside was actually just inflated strawberry-scented contraceptive. New, of course."

In May of this year, Lena made a splash with her outfit with “huge Christmas decorations" - this is exactly what Internet commentators called the star beads from large balls. "A giant silver necklace that fell below the knees, which was a great contrast to the traditional and conservative jewelry sponsors of the festival, was awarded special attention making headlines in the world’s leading press,” the artist recalls with pride. – I didn’t even realize that my name would be written without errors on the covers of publications such as Mirror, Telegraph or NYDaily... In general, the Cannes Festival is like the Olympics for show business, and participation in its opening ceremony is like a gold medal. So I am a multiple Cannes champion.”

Lena has long proven that it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of shocking - her imagination does not dry out when it comes to extravagant images. The model can easily put a chandelier on her head, paint it in pink color a live cat, weave a poisonous spider into her hair and go out into the world with a naked slave on a chain. “I work with world champions in hairdressing, and with their help I manage to realize all my wildest fantasies. This is art. Modern. Has anyone asked Picasso why he does this? Shocking is also an art. Walking the line between shocking and awe-inspiring is a masterful skill. Anyone who takes my humor too literally is just... happy people“who have so few problems that discussing my actions becomes an event for them, and I envy their problems,” Lenina reasoned.

It is obvious that Europeans are enthusiastic about individuals who are creative and original in their approach to their own image. Suffice it to recall the triumph of Conchita Wurst. How more unusual appearance, the greater the chances of success in France. Often those who are successful in business and public life people don't have time for their personal lives, but not Lena. She married successfully and lives in Paris with her husband and son, about whom little is known. There are also many myths around Lenina’s husband, Count Pascal Florent-Edouard.. People who are not indifferent to the writer’s work are at a loss as to who he works and why he doesn’t come to Moscow with his son. “When they ask me about my personal life, I rear up and vividly imagine how a journalist opens my abdominal cavity, takes out my intestines and begins to wrap them around his fist. Pascal is truly an aristocrat and entrepreneur, he has a timber processing plant and trades in forests. He doesn’t come to Moscow because he was offended by the Russian embassy, ​​where he was rude, and he no longer wants to issue visas to us,” Lena explained the Count’s reluctance to appear in Moscow. - And he has no time to travel, he has a lot of work. My son also has no time to travel, he studies at a French school and promised to become a millionaire and give his mother a pink Ferrari. I try not to say what his name is, because in our family I’m the only one who loves journalists.”

However, even with all the writer’s love for journalists, she has a serious reason to be offended by them. Reporters often accuse Lena of using literary slaves. Even the Wikipedia website authoritatively asserts that the model does not write her numerous novels herself, but does not say where these suspicions came from. Wikipedia is often wrong. She claims that I was born four times, which is physiologically impossible. As for literature, I recently published my 23rd book in non-fiction format, “Business Lunches in Bristol, or Secrets of Success in Business.” And at the same time she presented to the public her next audiobook, published by the Ardis publishing house, this time a novel, “Billionaire,” about the adventures of a Russian oligarch on the Cote d'Azur of France, replete with luxury, intrigue, yachts, planes, drugs, murders and diamonds in oysters As a child, I did not plan to become a writer, I thought I would remain a reader, and was in a hurry to do more in this direction. Mom scolded me when after lights out she caught me with a flashlight under the blanket, but I mastered Schopenhauer, Montaigne, Seneca and Chesterfield before my peers learned to kiss. Apparently, the amount of reading once necessarily turns into quality, that is, into the desire to write. But in my case, the reason for writing my first book was a check for a round sum from a French publisher who sincerely believed that I was a KGB agent. In this regard, I had to disappoint him, but the book was such a success that Russian publishing houses paid attention to me, and since then my Lenin library can compete in the number of volumes with Vladimirilichevskaya. By the way, despite the numerous slanderous attacks of well-wishers, I write myself. Any linguist who listens to my speech can judge this and, thanks to the characteristic phraseological units, will make sure that I love words,” she fought off the attacks of Lenin’s slanderers.

Since we're talking about secrets, then Days.Ru asked the model to reveal her secret as a bonus perfect figure. “I lead a boringly healthy lifestyle: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use drugs, and I haven’t even tried either one or the other. I don’t eat meat, I don’t drink cola, I don’t take medications and I exercise regularly.. I have a lot of work, and it is very stressful, so I burn calories easily, although I eat a lot of sweets and fruits. I get enough sleep and do it with my loved ones. As for the ideal figure, it is unlikely that you, who have seen me in life, will be believed by readers who look at me through the prism of television and photographic lenses, which a priori visually add ten kilograms. But thank you for your kind words,” Lena says modestly.

And finally we asked this strong woman about her possible phobias. “The biggest fear, from which I still feel feverish at night, I experienced in childhood. I was about seven years old, and my family and I were visiting my uncle at the dacha. My uncle loved to make crafts. In one of his rooms country house He built, to the envy of all his neighbors, a multi-level deep cellar - five meters deep - for storing vegetables, pickles and preserves. One fine afternoon, not knowing that my uncle had opened the cellar and was messing around on one of its floors, I ran into the room. An eight-month-old nephew lay on the bed and snored sweetly. I reached out to him to pull the blanket that had slipped off him and, having only managed to grab it by the edge, I flew down into the open cellar at full speed,” Lenina recalls with horror. “But the cellar not only didn’t bury me, but by some lucky chance it didn’t even harm me.” I was pulled out alive and unharmed in a state of shock and fear. Out of fear that I could drag an innocent baby into the “flight”. But I didn't cry. I laughed uncontrollably from shock. Mom said it was a nervous reaction. And also she is still convinced that a miracle happened and a guardian angel saved me from death. But every time, remembering this episode in a dream or in reality, I am seized with terrible horror at the thought that I could drag a baby into the abyss with me.”

The biography of the outrageous writer Lena Lenina has a lot dark spots, which should have been shed light on for a long time. We conducted our own investigation and found out the true age of the star, the place of her birth and education, and also traced the entire thorny path on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival.

While making material about ambitious provincial women who achieved success and became stars in Moscow, we were going to give a special place in the article to the outrageous writer, businesswoman, model, actress, organizer of social events and owner of the Network of Manicure Studios Lena Lenina, but we were faced with a big problem: all sources of information, including Wikipedia, differed in their testimony about the date of birth of the famous blonde. The 70s and 80s are indicated everywhere, only with a specific year - complete confusion. Overly sarcastic sources managed to turn the young woman into an almost 50-year-old lady, apparently confusing her with someone, because when looking at Lena it becomes obvious that she is much younger.
To find out the truth about the writer’s age, we contacted the main socialite of the capital and a frequent guest of all more or less large parties, occasionally singing on the stage. Contrary to custom, this time he asked not to use his name in the article, so that he could take a walk and have a delicious meal at Lenina’s next event. Our source, according to him, saw Lena’s passport, which indicated the date - October 25, 1979, that is, it turns out that the businesswoman is now 34 and soon all of secular Moscow will gather to celebrate her birthday.

It’s interesting that many sites were mistaken about the place where the beauty was born, calling Lena’s birthplace Novosibirsk. In fact, she was born in Omsk, her maiden name was Razumova, and in Novosibirsk she worked at her own enterprise, where she earned her first million. The next stage in her life was Paris, where the model lives most of the time with her husband and son.
The assertions of some publications that Lenina trained as a geologist make me smile. In fact, the writer received a degree in advertising psychology in Paris. And there she defended the equivalent of her PhD thesis on the topic “Etiology of neurolinguistic programming and psychological manipulation of sexual partners in the information society.” You can believe it or not, but her same friend claims that, not yet having an education, at the age of 17, an enterprising girl, who has had flair and a business streak since childhood, created her own television advertising production company Helen-Video in Novosibirsk and a few years later earned her first million, which helped her settle comfortably in Paris. The same information was confirmed to us by another friend of Lena’s, a well-known producer in narrow circles, who is convinced that the writer will be able to profit even out of thin air. He also recalled that many billionaires showed their ability to multiply capital from an early age, because this skill is not taught at universities - it is a gift and great luck.
However, this is too much like a fairy tale, so we contacted Lena Lenina herself, around whom there are so many myths and mysteries, and found out how she managed to become a star in Europe and a welcome guest on the red carpet of Cannes. “I am often invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Either fashion or jewelry brands, or festival organizers. And every time I manage to excite the pompous editors of Western magazines with some innocent joke in character. “I like to flick them on the nose,” the writer admitted with a laugh, referring to her hair of outstanding size and shape. “Fortunately, some of them share my sense of humor and are not seriously sanctimonious.” Last year, my high hairstyle caused a flurry of discussions in the press - more than 100 thousand criticizing or praising materials appeared in the Russian-language Internet space alone in a month. Our people dubbed the hairstyle a “melon torpedo,” French journalists called it a “medical candle,” but no one knows that inside, in fact, there was just an inflated contraceptive with the smell of strawberries. New, of course."

In May of this year, Lena made a splash with her outfit with “huge Christmas tree decorations” - that’s what Internet commentators called the star’s beads made from large balls. “The giant silver necklace that fell below the knees, which contrasted greatly with the traditional and conservative jewelry of the festival sponsors, received special attention and made headlines in the world’s leading press,” the artist recalls proudly. – I didn’t even realize that my name would be written without errors on the covers of publications such as Mirror, Telegraph or NYDaily... In general, the Cannes Festival is like the Olympics for show business, and participation in its opening ceremony is like a gold medal. So I am a multiple Cannes champion.”

Lena has long proven that it is not for nothing that she is called the queen of shocking - her imagination does not dry out when it comes to extravagant images. A model can easily put a chandelier on her head, paint a live cat pink, weave a poisonous spider into her hair and go out with a naked slave on a chain. “I work with world champions in hairdressing, and with their help I manage to realize all my wildest fantasies. This is art. Modern. Has anyone asked Picasso why he does this? Shocking is also an art. Walking the line between shocking and awe-inspiring is a masterful skill. “Everyone who takes my humor too literally is just happy people who have so few problems that discussing my actions becomes an event for them, and I envy their problems,” Lenina reasoned.

It is obvious that Europeans are enthusiastic about individuals who are creative and original in their approach to their own image. Suffice it to recall the triumph of Conchita Wurst. The more unusual the appearance, the greater the chances of success in France. Often people who are successful in business and public life do not have time for their personal life, but not Lena. She married successfully and lives in Paris with her husband and son, about whom little is known. There are also many myths around Lenina’s husband, Count Pascal Florent-Edouard. People who are not indifferent to the writer’s work are at a loss as to who he works and why he doesn’t come to Moscow with his son.

“When they ask me about my personal life, I stand on my hind legs and vividly imagine how a journalist opens my abdominal cavity, takes out my intestines and begins to wrap them around my fist. Pascal is truly an aristocrat and entrepreneur, he has a timber processing plant and trades in forests. He doesn’t come to Moscow because he was offended by the Russian embassy, ​​where he was rude, and he no longer wants to apply for visas to us,” Lena explained the count’s reluctance to appear in Moscow . - And he has no time to travel, he has a lot of work. My son also has no time to travel, he studies at a French school and promised to become a millionaire and give his mother a pink Ferrari. I try not to say what his name is, because in our family I’m the only one who loves journalists.”

However, even with all the writer’s love for journalists, she has a serious reason to be offended by them. Reporters often accuse Lena of using literary slaves. Even the Wikipedia website authoritatively asserts that the model does not write her numerous novels herself, but does not say where these suspicions came from. Wikipedia is often wrong. She claims that I was born four times, which is physiologically impossible. As for literature, I recently published my 23rd book in non-fiction format, “Business Lunches in Bristol, or Secrets of Success in Business.” And at the same time she presented to the public her next audiobook, published by the Ardis publishing house, this time a novel, “Billionaire,” about the adventures of a Russian oligarch on the Cote d'Azur of France, replete with luxury, intrigue, yachts, planes, drugs, murders and diamonds in oysters As a child, I did not plan to become a writer, I thought I would remain a reader, and was in a hurry to do more in this direction. Mom scolded me when, after lights out, she caught me with a flashlight under the blanket, but I mastered Schopenhauer, Montaigne, Seneca and Chesterfield before my peers learned to kiss. Apparently, the amount of reading once necessarily turns into quality, that is, into the desire to write. But in my case, the reason for writing my first book was a check for a round sum from a French publisher who sincerely believed that I was a KGB agent. In this regard, I had to disappoint him, but the book was such a success that Russian publishing houses also paid attention to me, and since then my Lenin library can compete in the number of volumes with Vladimirilichevskaya. By the way, despite the numerous slanderous attacks of well-wishers, I write myself. This can be judged by any linguist who listens to my speech and, thanks to the characteristic phraseological turns, is convinced that I love words,” she fought off the attacks of Lenin’s slanderers.

Since the conversation turned to secrets, we asked the model, as a bonus, to reveal the secret of her ideal figure. “I lead a boringly healthy lifestyle: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use drugs, and I haven’t even tried one, or the other, or the third. I don’t eat meat, I don’t drink cola, I don’t take medications and I exercise regularly. I have a lot of work, and it is very stressful, so I burn calories easily, although I eat a lot of sweets and fruits. I get enough sleep and do it with my loved ones. As for the ideal figure, it is unlikely that you, who have seen me in life, will be believed by readers who look at me through the prism of television and photographic lenses, which a priori visually add ten kilograms. But thank you for your kind words,” Lena says modestly.
And finally, we asked this strong woman about her possible phobias. “The biggest fear, which still gives me fever at night, I experienced as a child. I was about seven years old, and my family and I were visiting my uncle at his dacha. My uncle loved to make things. In one of the rooms of his country house, to the envy of all his neighbors, he built a multi-level deep cellar - five meters deep - for storing vegetables, pickles and preserves. One fine afternoon, not knowing that my uncle had opened the cellar and was messing around on one of its floors, I ran into the room. An eight-month-old nephew lay on the bed and snored sweetly. I reached out to him to pull the blanket that had slipped off him and, having only managed to grab it by the edge, I flew down into the open cellar at full speed,” Lenina recalls with horror. “But the cellar not only didn’t bury me, but by some lucky chance it didn’t even harm me.” I was pulled out alive and unharmed in a state of shock and fear. Out of fear that I could drag an innocent baby into the “flight”. But I didn't cry. I laughed uncontrollably from shock. Mom said it was a nervous reaction. And she is still convinced that a miracle happened and a guardian angel saved me from death. But every time, remembering this episode in a dream or in reality, I am seized with terrible horror at the thought that I could drag a baby into the abyss with me.”

Lena Lenina, whose biography and personal life arouse genuine interest among many, belongs to bright personalities. Facts from her life are often embellished with incorrect information, rumors and speculation, which, in order to maintain interest in himself, sometimes she spreads it herself. This article will present reliable facts from the life of this glamorous woman.

Childhood and youth

Lena Lenina (the biography of the queen of outrageousness testifies to this fact) was born in the most beautiful city Novosibirsk. The exact date She prefers to hide her birth, but, according to information from trusted sources, it happened in October 1979.

The girl’s mother and father worked in the medical field: the future writer’s mother was a cardiologist, and her father was engaged in research work. He worked on developing a vaccine against AIDS and malignant tumors. Lena has a brother, Vitaly.

In the family that lived in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, a scientific atmosphere reigned, and the children were raised in strictness. Lena and her brother often spent their leisure hours reading books.

Lena Lenina (the biography of a socialite proves this fact) studied French in depth at school and speaks it perfectly. Since childhood, the girl had a sense of purpose and a strong-willed character. In sixth grade, Lena wrote her first story, which was published in a local publication.

Student years

After leaving school, Lena Lenina (biography indicates that this was her creative pseudonym, but real name talented girl Razumova), entered the Novosibirsk University at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics.

Lena did not graduate from university because she plunged headlong into own business. Beautiful girl right in the university corridor I received an offer to work as a fashion model. She liked this activity; Lenina began to combine modeling work and study.

At the age of 19, she decided to go into commerce, dropped out of university and opened her own agency producing commercials.

First business

Developing a business in Russia in the nineties was difficult; it was necessary to work in difficult conditions. Lena had neither an office nor a home telephone. She had to negotiate with clients from a street pay phone.

Lena Lenina (the biography of a successful businesswoman is evidence of this fact) already at that time, thanks to her entrepreneurial abilities, was able to earn her first million. The girl acquired useful contacts and learned the basics of business.

Future famous TV presenter hosted a program on Novosibirsk television. She became famous person in his hometown.

Moving to Moscow

In the early nineties, Lena moved to live in Moscow, where she began to conquer the modeling Olympus. The girl became a popular model, officially changed her last name and became Lenina.

Lena Lenina, the biography of a talented TV presenter confirms this, also did successful career on TV. After some time, she became the host and producer of rating programs on the TVC channel: “Business Fever”, “Parisian Secrets”. She was a successful and popular person who was known throughout the country and often attended metropolitan parties and events.

Conquest of Paris

The next significant stage in Lenina’s life was her move to permanent place residence in France. For several years of living away from her homeland, Lena Lenina (biography, photos of that time testify to this) was able to achieve the status of famous Russian woman living in France.

She successfully continued to develop her modeling career in this country. Lena became the face of Russian and French manufacturers cosmetics, perfume, clothing for the fair sex.

In 2003, she became a participant in a popular show, an analogue of the Russian reality show “Behind the Glass.” After filming was completed, the first book of the aspiring writer Lenina, “Cours, cours,” was released. This book described life path Lena, talked about her steps to a successful life.

The talented writer did not stop at one creation; her new books, written in Russian or French, were published every year.

Having lived in Paris for more than 10 years, a successful businesswoman decided to return to Russia with her family. In 2005, she returned to her homeland, where she continued to write new books.

Personal life

Lena Lenina (biography and personal life confirm this) created her first family while studying at the university. Chosen One attractive girl became a handsome student with blue eyes.

Soon, a son, Clementy, appeared in the young family, but the couple began to quarrel often. One day, after another stormy showdown, Lena made the final decision to leave her husband. Together with the child she went to independent life. Famous woman to this day he tries not to mention his first marriage in his numerous interviews.

Despite the resounding success among the rich and famous representatives male, Lenina was in no hurry to marry again until she met the French count with a billion dollar fortune, Pascal Florent Edouard.

They were introduced to each other at his party by the Duke of Orleans. Pascal actively began to care for beautiful woman and subsequently invited Lena to become his wife. Lena Lenina (biography and personal life, photos below confirm this fact, her situation) agreed to marry the count. The lovers got married in France, and then went on a honeymoon to Bali.

Lena became the full-fledged mistress of her husband's mansion and at first they had harmonious family relationships. However, two years later, Lenina’s second marriage broke up. According to the socialite herself, Pascal was constantly jealous of her and made demands that she leave her job and spend more time with her family.

Son of a star

Currently, Lenin has formed family nest in the Moscow region with his son and mother. A woman who has achieved success in many areas of life, she still works hard. This is how she is, Lena Lenina: biography and personal life, her children arouse genuine interest among the public. She claims that the kids, in the person of her only son Clementy, are for her main value. She dreams of a daughter, but is afraid that her son, who wants to be the only one for his mother, may not like this.

Lena, due to her busy schedule, sometimes does not have enough time to communicate with her child. However, she tries to instill in him the qualities necessary for a real man and fill his life with harmony.

As the beautiful and successful woman Lena Lenina (the biography and personal life of this person confirms this), she achieved her entire life through her labor.

She loves to shock the public with her provocative outfits and hairstyles, enjoys the effect it has on others.