What can you draw during the summer holidays? Drawing for children on the theme: Summer

Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Nastenka. Nastenka was very beautiful girl, but completely naughty. Unfortunately, she loved only herself, did not want to help anyone, and it seemed to her that everyone lived only for her sake.
Her mother will ask: “Nastenka, tidy up your toys,” and Nastenka replies: “You need it, you clean it up!” Mom will put a plate of porridge in front of Nastenka for breakfast, butter the bread, pour cocoa, and Nastenka will throw the plate on the floor and shout: “I won’t eat this disgusting porridge, you need to eat it yourself, but I want sweets, cakes and oranges! And in the store she didn’t have a clue when she liked some toy, she would stamp her feet and squeal for the whole store to hear: “I want it, buy it!” Buy it immediately, I said!” And it doesn’t matter to her that mom doesn’t have money and that mom is ashamed for such an ill-mannered daughter, but Nastenka, you know, screams: “You don’t love me! You must buy me everything I ask for! You don’t need me, right?!” Mom tried to talk to Nastenka, convince her that she shouldn’t behave like that, that it was ugly, tried to persuade her to be an obedient girl, but Nastenka didn’t care.
One day Nastenka had a very strong fight with her mother in the store, because her mother did not buy her another toy, Nastenka got angry and shouted angry words to her mother: “You are a bad mother!” I don't want a mom like you! I do not love you anymore! I don't need you! Leave!". Mom didn’t answer anything, she just cried quietly and went wherever her eyes looked and, without noticing that the further she went, the further Nastenka became from her, she forgot that she had a daughter. And when my mother left the city, it turned out that she had forgotten both her house and Nastenka, and forgot everything about herself.
After the quarrel, Nastenka turned around and went home, didn’t even look back at her mother, she thought her mother was coming, as always, after, having forgiven everything to her beloved daughter. I came to the house, looked, but my mother was not there. Nastenka was glad that she was left alone at home; she had never been left alone before. She threw off her shoes and blouse haphazardly, threw them right on the floor in the hallway, and went into the room. First of all, I took out a bowl of sweets, turned on the TV and lay down on the sofa to watch cartoons. The cartoons are interesting, the candies are delicious, Nastenka didn’t notice that evening had come. It’s dark outside the window, it’s dark in the room, only a little light from the TV falls on Nastenka’s sofa, and from the corners there’s a shadow, darkness creeping in. Nastenka felt scared, uncomfortable, lonely. Nastenka thinks that her mother has been gone for a long time, when will she come. And my tummy already hurts from the sweets, and I want to eat, but my mother still doesn’t come. The clock has already struck ten times, it’s already one in the morning, Nastenka has never been awake so late, and her mother still hasn’t come. And all around there are rustling noises, knocking noises, and crackling noises. And it seems to Nastenka that someone is walking in the corridor, creeping up to the room, and then suddenly it seems that the doorknob is knocking, but she is still alone. And Nastenka is already tired, and she wants to sleep, but she can’t sleep - she’s scared, and Nastenka thinks: “Well, where is mom, when will she come?”
Nastenka huddled in the corner of the sofa, covered her head with a blanket, covered her ears with her hands, and sat there all night until the morning, shaking with fear, and her mother never came.
There is nothing to do, Nastenka decided to go look for her mother. She left the house, but didn’t know where to go. I walked and wandered the streets, I was cold, I didn’t think to dress warmer myself, but there was no one to tell me, and there was no mother. Nastenka wants to eat, in the morning she only ate a piece of bread, but the day turns towards evening again, it’s about to start getting dark, and she’s afraid to go home.
Nastenka went into the park, sat down on a bench, sat there, crying, feeling sorry for herself. An old woman came up to her and asked: “Why are you crying little girl? Who offended you?”, and Nastenka replies: “My mother offended me, left me, left me alone, abandoned me, but I want to eat and I’m scared to sit at home alone in the dark, and I can’t find her anywhere. What should I do?" And that old lady was not simple, but magical, and she knew everything about everyone. The old woman stroked Nastenka’s head and said: “You Nastenka offended your mother very much, you drove her away from you. From such resentment, the heart becomes covered with an icy crust and a person leaves wherever his eyes look, and forgets everything about his past life. The further he goes, the more he forgets. And if three days and three nights pass after your quarrel, and you don’t find your mother and don’t ask her for forgiveness, then she will forget everything forever and will never remember anything from past life" “Where can I look for her,” Nastenka asks, “I’ve already been running around the streets all day, looking for her, but I can’t find her?” “I’ll give you a magic compass,” says the old woman, “instead of an arrow there is a heart.” Go to the place where you and your mother quarreled, look carefully at the compass, where the sharp tip of the heart points, that’s where you need to go. Look, hurry up, you don’t have much time left, and the path is long!” The old woman said this and disappeared, as if she had never existed at all. Nastenka thought that she had imagined everything, but no, there’s a compass, here it is, clutched in her fist, and instead of an arrow, there’s a golden heart on it.
Nastenka jumped up from the bench, ran to the store, to the very place where she had offended her mother, stood there, looked at the compass and suddenly saw her heart come to life, fluttered, darted around in a circle and stood up, tensed, pointing in one direction with its sharp tip , trembles, as if in a hurry. Nastenka ran with all her might. She ran, she ran, now the city was over, the forest was beginning, the branches were whipping her face, the roots of the trees were preventing her from running, they were clinging to her legs, there was a stabbing pain in her side, she had almost no strength left, but Nastenka was running. Meanwhile, evening had already come, it was dark in the forest, the heart on the compass was no longer visible, there was nothing to do, we had to settle down for the night. Nastenka hid in a hole between the roots of a large pine tree and curled up into a ball. It’s cold to lie on the bare ground, the rough bark scratches your cheek, the needles prick through your thin T-shirt, and there are rustling noises all around, it’s scary for Nastenka. Now it seems to her that wolves are howling, now it seems that the branches are cracking - a bear is making its way after her, Nastenka has shrunk into a ball and is crying. Suddenly she sees a squirrel galloping up to her and asks: “Why are you crying, girl, and why are you sleeping in the forest at night, alone?” Nastenka answers: “I offended my mother, now I’m looking for her to ask for forgiveness, but here it’s dark, scary and I really want to eat.” “Don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you in our forest,” says the squirrel, “we don’t have wolves or bears, and I’ll treat you with nuts now.” The squirrel called her cubs, they brought Nastenka some nuts, Nastenka ate, and fell asleep. I woke up with the first rays of the sun, ran further, the heart on the compass urged me on, hurried me, the last day remained.
Nastenka ran for a long time, all her legs were knocked down, she looked - there was a gap between the trees, a green lawn, a blue lake, and by the lake there was a beautiful house, painted shutters, a cockerel weather vane on the roof, and near the house Nastenkina’s mother was playing with some other people’s children - cheerful , joyful. Nastenka looks, can’t believe her eyes - other people’s children call her Nastenka’s mother mom, but she responds as if this is how it should be.
Nastenka burst into tears, sobbed loudly, ran up to her mother, wrapped her arms around her, pressed herself against her with all her might, and Nastenka’s mother stroked Nastenka’s head and asked: “What happened, girl, did you hurt yourself, or did you get lost?” Nastenka shouts: “Mom, it’s me, your daughter!”, and mom forgot everything. Nastenka began to cry more than ever, clung to her mother, shouting: “Forgive me, mommy, I will never behave like this again, I will become the most obedient, just forgive me, I love you more than anyone, I don’t need any other mother!” And a miracle happened - the ice crust melted on mom's heart, she recognized Nastenka, hugged and kissed. I introduced Nastenka to the children, and they turned out to be little fairies. It turns out that fairies do not have parents, they are born in flowers, eat pollen and nectar, and drink dew, so when Nastenka’s mother came to them, they were very happy that they would now also have their own mother. Nastenka and her mother stayed with the fairies for a week and promised to come visit, and a week later, the fairies brought Nastenka and her mother home. Nastenka never quarreled or argued with her mother again, but helped in everything and became a real little housewife.

In one city, not a small one, not big city Once upon a time there lived a girl, Natasha. She was neither fat nor thin; not short, not tall; not beautiful, not ugly; not good, not evil. Natasha lived with her grandmother Galya and mother Olya. She didn't have a dad. Or rather, he was and even lived, but only somewhere far away, on the very edge of the earth. That's what her mother told Natasha. And Natasha wasn’t particularly sad that she didn’t have a dad. She was even incredibly happy about this turn of events. After all, everyone felt sorry for her: “Oh, you poor girl,” everyone said to Natasha, “oh, unfortunate little girl, growing up without her father’s affection, care and attention!”

At the same time, EVERYONE hugged her, kissed her on the cheeks, stroked her head, treated her to sweets, gave her toys, allowed everything and forgave her everything. In general, they spoiled us. Natasha knew a lot different words, but mostly spoke only two words. These were her favorite words:

The first is “I WANT!”

Second – “I DON’T WANT!”

Natasha and her mother will go to the store and see there beautiful doll and says: “I WANT!”

Mom tries to explain to the girl that the doll is very expensive, that they already have many new wonderful dolls at home. But Natasha doesn’t even want to listen to her mother, she just points her finger at the “Barbie” or “Cindy” she likes and repeats through tears and squeals. "WANT!"

Natasha’s mother buys this doll, the happy girl brings it new toy home, plays with it for half an hour, sometimes even a whole hour, then pulls out the doll’s arms and legs, tears the dress, cuts off the hair, throws the mutilated doll on the floor, and no one scolds or punishes her for such disgusting behavior. The spoiled girl gets away with everything.

The next day, Grandma Galya asks her beloved granddaughter what she will eat for lunch. Natasha replies that she wants to dine on meat and gravy, mashed potatoes with milk and butter, as well as “bow” pasta, turkey cutlets, “milk” sausages, pickles and sauerkraut. Despite the fact that Grandma Galya has gout, her legs, heart and head and back hurt badly, the old woman, overcoming the pain, goes to the market, buys groceries, carries heavy bags home, spends almost her entire pension to buy delicious food for her granddaughter; cooks, boils, fries, standing at the stove for several hours without taking a break. Lunch is ready. Natasha sits down at the table, eats a spoonful of THIS, then a forkful of THIS, then turns fuchsia with disgust, grimaces, puffs out her cheeks displeasedly and says: “I DON’T WANT!”

“But you haven’t eaten anything,” Grandma Galya is amazed, “granddaughter, Natasha, eat a little more, please, for my sake!”

- DON'T WANT! – Natasha repeats arrogantly.

- Well, I tried so hard, I cooked with all my heart, with all my heart, especially for you!

DON'T WANT! – Natasha says offendedly and begins to whine.

- Well, you yourself asked me to prepare all this, you said that you really wanted to eat just such a dinner!

DON'T WANT! – Natasha screams through a crazy roar, shedding tears. The girl, without stopping crying, jumps out from under the table, runs around the house, throws everything, scatters it, hits, breaks.

“Calm down,” Grandma Galya asks her, “don’t cry, granddaughter!” Well, what can I do so that you don’t cry and scream what you want?

- Want! I want gingerbread,” Natasha shouts, sniffling and rubbing tears and sniffles across her flushed face, “I want chocolate, I want lemonade, I want..., I want..., I want...!”

- Okay, okay, I’ll buy everything now, I’ll just borrow money from my neighbors and run to the store for the sweets you want. And you, please, while I’m gone, clean up your room, wash your face, brush your teeth, do your homework...

- Don't want! – Natasha starts screaming again, having almost calmed down.

- Don't want! - the naughty, spoiled girl repeats, and again tears flow from her eyes, and again her nose fills with snot.

“Okay, okay,” the grandmother tells her, “I’ll clean everything myself, and you don’t need to wash your face, and you don’t have to brush your teeth, and don’t do your homework, just don’t worry, don’t cry, my beloved granddaughter!”

Natasha calmed down and stopped crying. Grandmother Galya left home to fulfill the next whims that came into her granddaughter’s head. Natasha was left at home alone, deliberately broke her grandmother’s cup, cut the curtain in her mother’s bedroom with scissors, and drew on the wallpaper in the hallway with felt-tip pens. Tired of entertainment, she went out onto the balcony to rest and breathe fresh air, spit from a height on cats and dogs running below.

Suddenly, the Green Man was about to fly past her in a black Zaporozhets convertible, but he changed his mind, braked, and returned.

- Hello, Natasha! - The Green Man told her.

- Where do you know me from? – a surprised Natasha asked him.

– I know all the children by their first names, patronymics and last names! - said the Green Man. – I actually know everything!

- Liar-braggart! – Natasha called him back and stuck her tongue out at the Green Man.

“Oh, so,” thought the Green Man, “well, you’ll pay for everything, well, I’ll punish you so much that you won’t think enough!” And he said out loud:

“I know for sure that you, Natasha, don’t want to study!”

- Don't want!

– You don’t want to work!

- Don't want!

- Do you want gingerbread, chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, ice cream, hamburger, hot dog and cola.

– And I know a place where there are a lot of all sorts of goodies and sweets, and there are also a lot of Lego toys, construction sets, Dandy and Playstation game consoles, computers, cell phones, sideplayers, empatrippleers and thousands of thousands of other different, beautiful things that you can’t count. Moreover, everything is completely inexpensive, come up, choose, take away for almost nothing, you just need to do something, it’s a mere trifle. Want?

- A tiny trifle, completely nonsense, you need to fill a small bucket with water from a puddle to the top.

- It’s really nothing! - Natasha exclaimed joyfully, thinking that now she would no longer have to beg and beg from her grandmother and mother for what she wanted, she would no longer have to make false claims. crocodile tears and swallow salty, tasteless snot. Now she will have everything, a lot of her own!

- Want! – Natasha squealed.

“Then get into my car quickly,” the cunning, angry and insulted Green Man told her, “let’s fly to where everything is, otherwise I’ll change my mind and put another girl in my convertible!”

Natasha, without a moment’s hesitation, jumped from the balcony into the Green Man’s car and sat next to him in the next chair. He pressed the gas pedal and the black Zaporozhets flew quickly, quickly: faster than an airplane, faster than a rocket, faster than a comet.

Natasha didn’t have time to look back when she found herself on the BLACK PLANET of the Green Man. There was a small black bucket in front of her, and around the bucket there were endless, deep, huge puddles of water. And the water in those puddles is cloudy, dirty, smelly.

“Well,” the Green Man told her, smiling slyly, “you fill the bucket with water to the top and you will immediately get what you want, what you dream of, in any quantity.”

-Where do we get water from? – Natasha asked.

- From the puddle! – the alien answered.

- From what?

- From any!

- How to get water? What to wear?

- Type with your hands, carry in your palms!

Natasha collected water from one puddle with her hands and carried it in her palms to the bucket. While she was carrying it, almost all the water spilled through her fingers, leaving only a few drops of muddy, dirty, stinking water in the girl’s hands. Natasha threw her drops into a bucket, went to another puddle, collected water from there, carried the rest to the bucket, and splashed it out. She walks and walks, carries water and carries it, but the bucket still won’t fill to the top. The girl was tired, wanted to eat, wanted to drink, wanted to sleep. She approached the Green Man and said in a tired voice:

– As soon as you fill the bucket with water to the brim, you will immediately get everything you want! - he answers the girl.

Natasha looked at the bucket, but it was completely empty, not a drop of water in it. The girl took a closer look at the bucket, but it turned out to be bottomless. A small, low, narrow, well, very tiny bucket. But it has no bottom at all, and instead of a bottom there is a black, endless abyss. All those droplets that Natasha was able to carry to the bucket, those that did not flow through her fingers, fell into the abyss without end and without edge, irrevocably.

And then the girl realized that no matter how much water she carried into the bucket, it would never be filled to the top, nor to half, nor would the bottomless black bucket be filled to any degree.

“I don’t want any more goodies, no sweets, no toys, no mobile phones, no laptops, no bluetooth,” Natasha said pitifully.

- What do you want? – the evil, cruel alien asked her.

– I want to go home, to my mother, to my grandmother!

- Live with me on the BLACK PLANET for a hundred years, a hundred days, a hundred hours, a hundred minutes and a hundred seconds, all this time without rest, food, drink or sleep, carry water from puddles into a bucket, then I will let you go home to your mother and grandmother.

– Is there no other way? – Natasha asked the Green Man.

– How do you mean “different”? – the alien clarified.

– In a different way – it’s faster!

- Do you want it faster?

- You can do it faster! – the Green Man calmly declared, clapped his hands three times and cast a magical alien black spell:

“Whether you want it or not, you’ll get yours!”

And at that very second Natasha found herself in her hometown at the very central entrance To the market. Only she was no longer a little girl, but an old grandmother in torn, greasy clothes and worn, holey shoes. In one hand she has a plastic cup with change, and the other hand is extended for alms. People pass by, and Natasha, who has turned into an old beggar, says in a plaintive voice:

- Give it to grandma for some bread!

Natasha wants to leave that place, but she can’t. She wants to tell passers-by that she was deceived, bewitched, but it doesn’t work out. He wants to cry, but he can’t.

Her mother Olya and grandmother Galya are walking through the market. Natasha saw them and tried to tell them that she loved them, that she would no longer be capricious, lazy, or misbehave, that she wanted to go back to their home, wanted to become a little girl again, obedient, hardworking, polite, kind, honest, modest, only instead she told them:

- Give me a penny, give me some bread!

And her mother Olya and grandmother Galya did not recognize her, and passed by and went away. And all because the Green Man in a black “Zaporozhets convertible” from the BLACK PLANET turned the girl Natasha into an old beggar-woman. Such evil, insidious magical witchcraft!

Kids! Boys! Girls! In all cities, in all countries, when you walk down the street and see old beggars and old beggars with outstretched hands, you know that these are girls and boys enchanted by the Green Man, who knew many words, but were so spoiled that they usually spoke only two words :

"WANT!" and “I DON’T WANT!”

This is their fate: either carry muddy, dirty, stinking water from puddles in their palms into a bottomless black bucket on the BLACK PLANET of the Green Man or ask for a penny for some bread on our planet EARTH!

And you – children – what words do you know?

What words do you usually say?

Igor Grushevsky
The Tale of the Girl Dasha

Once upon a time there was girl Dasha. She was obedient and good girl, but sometimes she could be capricious, get very angry and stamp her foot. That's how it was girl Dasha.

Not far from their house there was a dark one, dense forest. Mom didn't allow it Dare to go there, always scary gray wolf, a brown bear and, of course, Baba Yaga.

Dasha Such stories always made her feel scared, her little heart began to beat loudly, ready to jump out of her chest at any moment.

One fine sunny morning my mother gave Dasha's order: – prepare lunch, since she urgently needed to run errands.

Dasha promised, but never fulfilled the order. Her friends invited her to go for a walk. The weather was wonderful and Dasha decided that she would first take a walk and then have time to prepare everything for her mother’s return. But, as often happens with children, Dasha became very interested in the game and... did not notice how evening had come. Realizing that she wouldn’t make it in time for her mother’s return, she got very scared and ran home as fast as she could. But I didn’t have time.

Mom asked what happened? And Dasha, instead of tell the truth, suddenly started lying. Mom was very upset and offended that Dasha was lying. She scolded Dasha, but Dasha was so angry with her mother that she decided to run away into the dense forest to spite her.

It was a pleasant summer evening. The sun was still shining high.

“Well, let the wolves eat me, the bear trample me and Baba Yaga carry me away.”– thought Dasha, going deeper and deeper into the forest.

Suddenly it suddenly became dark, something began to rustle, squeal and howl protractedly.

Dasha was very scared. She really wanted to go home, but she got lost. Girl she screamed piercingly, tears flowing from her eyes.

Suddenly everything suddenly became quiet. There was a ringing silence in the air. Dasha fell silent, afraid to break the ominous silence. But this did not last long. Suddenly thunder and lightning struck, illuminating the forest for a second. The outlines of the trees and their shadows turned out to be so ominous and insidious that Dasha again began to shriek and cry.

- Maaaam, maaaam! – Dasha kept screaming in fear. - Maaamochka! – and continued to cry.

Mom was too far away and could not help.

Lightning flashed once again, bringing the shadows to life. They stretched their gnarled paws towards Dasha, trying to tear her apart. And from all sides the ominous lights of someone’s eyes began to glow. Dasha rushed to run as fast as she could.

There was a very loud thunder with terrible lightning, and it began to rain. Dasha instantly got wet and chilled. She ran, stumbling and falling, clinging to sharp branches that hit her in the face. Lightning flashed, and predatory shadows continued to pursue it. Red and green lights were added to the yellow lights. Dasha was most frightened by the red ones.

It was very difficult to run in the dark; she stumbled and fell into some kind of liquid, which began to suck her in, smacking her lips. Out of fear, Dasha screamed and lost her voice. She waved her arms in all directions, trying to grab onto something.

When the slurry sucked her almost to her heart, Dasha was still able to grab a rowan branch with both hands and, trying with all her might, tried to escape from the smacking slurry. But that was not the case, her shoes fell to the bottom of the nasty slurry, from which a bony "hand" and grabbed hold of Dashina bare foot and began to pull down. Dasha kicked her free leg and grabbed onto something. It was very difficult. "Hand" turned out to be very strong. But Dasha somehow managed to escape from "hands". With all her strength she grabbed onto the saving branch and escaped from captivity. She jumped up and ran as fast as she could. A malicious groan echoed through the forest and lightning flashed. Dasha ran with all her might, suddenly, in the light of lightning, she noticed a huge tree with a hollow. She ran up to him, quickly climbed up and dived into the dark hole. Huddled in "corner", curled up and held her breath.

Having caught her breath and calmed down, she felt that it was very warm and cozy here, and not as dark as it seemed.

The forest still rumbled and sparkled, the rain continued to rage. Something illuminated the hollow with some kind of faded, but pleasant, light. There were a lot of warm dry leaves here. Dasha took off all her wet clothes, buried herself in the leaves, curled up, cried that she ran away from home, offended her mother, but quickly fell asleep. The sleep was sound and dreamless.

Dasha woke up cheerful. All the clothes were already dry. Having dressed and put herself in order, she quickly hurried to get out of here. Although she liked it here, it was not clear whose hollow it was and who lived here.

To her surprise, the sun was shining very brightly; it was already day. Nothing reminded me of yesterday's thunderstorm. Dasha looked around and saw to the side a gap in the spruce trees with a very bright clearing. She quickly climbed down from the tree and hurried there. She saw a wonderful clearing with a small orchard and a small beautiful house. The gentle sun was shining.

The house was not on chicken legs and even without delicious gingerbread and delicacies, as in one fairy tale which she was reading.

The path was only around the house, to the garden, and there was not a single path from the forest to the house itself. Dasha hurried to go into this wonderful house. She knocked on the door, but when she heard no answer, she entered.

The house smelled delicious of pies and berries. A sweet old lady in an apron stood near the table. She rolled out the dough on the table with a rolling pin.

- Oh! Hello! – Dasha greeted. - Grandma, are you hard of hearing?

A "grandmother" At her words I just laughed out loud. Dasha had fun too. It was clean and cozy here.

- Grandma, you are a laughing stock! – Dasha said through ringing laughter.

A "grandmother" I laughed even more and started dancing in a squat position, with my hands on my hips. Oh, how Dasha had fun. She forgot about her mother again. A "grandmother" was already waving her handkerchief in the dance, continuing to have fun, and Dasha along with her.

Girl She was so immersed in the dance that she stepped on the tail of a black cat with red eyes, who unexpectedly approached her.

The cat screamed, became all fluffy, arched his hump and showed his claws, preparing to pounce on girl.

All of a sudden "laughing grandma" stopped the fun and shouted to the cat:

- Go away, you damned one!

And somehow she looked at Dasha terribly. Dasha got scared and screamed:

- Mother! Mommy!

– It was necessary earlier! – answered strictly "grandmother". - You should have called before. It won't help now. Late! – the last word sounded like a sentence.

Masha became very, very scared. Yes, as scary as it has never been before.

- Late? – Dasha asked stuttering.

- It's too late! – she repeated in a squeaky, nasty voice "grandmother". - I was waiting for you yesterday. But every cloud has a silver lining. But I prepared the dough. “She laughed maliciously and waved her handkerchiefs, and in an instant she turned into a terrible, terrible old woman with long fangs.

Dasha screamed loudly again and rushed to the doors, but they were locked. Then Dasha rushed to the window, but the shutters slammed it. Dasha pressed herself against the wall.

The old woman laughed even louder. The cat laughed too.

- Baba Yaga in happens in fairy tales, and I am Laughter. You called me correctly. As if she knew who I was, and she burst into her squeaky laugh again.

- Ba-ba-ba-grandmother, a-a-w-why were you not scary then?

“So I’m not scary,” and she laughed again.

- A-ah, what do you want to do?

- Like what? – Granny Laughter was sincerely surprised, raising her eyebrows. - To eat you.

- For what? – Dasha squeaked desperately.

- What do you mean why? – the old woman got angry again. “You are a mean girl, but I love eating things like that.” With pies.

“But I didn’t do anything wrong.” – Dasha tried to justify herself, having lost hope of getting out of here.

– Didn’t you do anything? - got even more angry "grandmother" and it became even scarier. - Who didn’t listen to mom, huh? Are you angry with your mom? Who ran away into the forest to spite their mother, where she strictly forbade him to go? Who went to have fun with their girlfriends instead of following mom's orders, huh? These are the cheerful and naughty ones that I eat. That’s why I’m called Laughter,” and she started laughing again.

Dasha went completely limp.

Grandmother Laughter went to the table and sprinkled it with flour, rolled out a large, large piece of dough. She grabbed Dasha under the arms and threw her into the dough on the table. Dasha tried to break free, but the old woman pressed her with one hand, and with the other she very quickly swaddled her in dough, like a child in a swaddle. Only one face remains. The old woman would have swaddled him too, if not for one circumstance that spoiled all her plans. Someone suddenly called out to her voice:

- Hey, old one!

She turned around and stared angrily at a little old man with a gray beard, who had a red fly agaric with white circles on his head. To be honest, the old man himself looked a lot like a fly agaric, so it seemed Dasha.

- Why did you complain? – the old woman asked again angrily.

– Why don’t we answer questions? - the old man, for some reason, liked to speak in the plural.

- What do you care, toadstool? I would walk through the forest while my legs are intact. – And she burst into laughter, turning again into a friendly old woman.

-Are we being rude? – the old man asked slyly.

- What? – Laughter didn’t understand.

- What are we hiding?

- Hey, forest trash, don’t be stupid.

- Ali what? – continued "cunning" old man winking cheerfully Dasha.

Steam started pouring out of the old woman's ears and nose. She started stomping her feet out of anger.

Suddenly a cat with red eyes attacked the old man. But the old man was not taken aback and, jumping high, sat astride the cat, grabbing him by the ears, shouted:

- Hey, damned one!

The cat was so stunned that he began to rush in all directions. Set up a tramcar. He pushed Old Lady Laughing into the second barrel of dough.

Dasha was not taken aback, broke out of the dough, grabbed the lid from the barrel and tried to close the old woman. But Laughter managed to stick her hand through and grab tightly onto the edge of the barrel. Dasha tried to press with all her might, but nothing worked. Then she bit the old woman hard on the fingers and she relaxed her hand, screaming in pain. Dasha slammed the lid tightly, tipped it on its side and rolled towards the lighted stove, where, with with great difficulty, together with the old man they put a barrel.

Suddenly, groans and screams were heard from the oven. The old woman begged for mercy, promising not to make pies out of naughty children anymore. Dasha was kind girl, although she sometimes liked to be capricious, so no matter what, she felt sorry for Old Lady Laughter. And she decided to pull it out of the stove, but the old man stopped her.

“Hey, honey, do you promise not to do that again?” Ali, no? - He asked the Old Lady.

- Oh, killer whale, my godmother, I promise, I promise.

- Well, Dashulka, then stomp three times.

Dasha immediately stomped three times.

- Well, my dear, repeat yourself.

But the old woman was silent.

- Don't be wise, villain! – the old man shouted to her.

The old woman promised not to do this again. old man with Dasha They pulled the barrel out of the stove and opened it. Steam poured out from there, and then the rosy Old Lady Laughter appeared, as if from a bathhouse.

Oh, how she bowed down and apologized to Dasha. Then she treated me girl with the old man delicious pies with berries. She put a pot-bellied samovar and a jar of linden honey on the table. Dasha I really enjoyed the meal.

Then Grandma Laughter took her home on a mortar.

Dasha ran to the house in tears. Mom, who was grieving and could not find a place for herself, saw her from the window and ran out onto the porch with outstretched arms and received her sobbing daughter in them.

Since then, Dasha has stopped being capricious and angry. She simply stopped behaving badly and completed all her tasks on time. Proverb, “It’s time for business, it’s time for fun”, became her motto.

© Copyright: Igor Grushevsky, 2011

Certificate of publication No. 211080300349

Wonderful, smart, good fairy tale especially for those kids who don't want to put away their toys!

Fairy tales, as we know, have a strong educational influence and therapeutic effect on a child due to the fact that the child identifies himself with the main character and lives with him all the events and consequences of his actions. From a fairy tale, a child draws conclusions about how to act correctly, what is good and what is bad, learns to interact and get out of difficult situations. This is why it is so important to read fairy tales and stories to your child. You just need to make sure that these fairy tales are literate and kind. That's how the story goes!

This story is about a girl who didn't like putting away her toys. Read it to your child, replacing the girl with a boy if you have a son. Even if you have no problems with order in the children's room, and the baby cleans up his toys himself, this fairy tale will still be interesting to him and will add to his enthusiasm in this difficult task - cleaning.

P.S. Read any fairy tale yourself before reading it to your child!

All the toys are in place!

Once upon a time there lived a little girl, Irishka. Everyone loved Irishka very much: mom, dad, grandparents, aunt and her cousins. And Irishka, like all little children, loved playing with toys more than anything else. She had a lot of them: balls, dolls, strollers, dishes, cubes, soft squirrels and bunnies, dogs and bears, cats and horses. There are also a lot of books, a sketchbook, a construction set, puzzles and even cars. Irishka was ready to play even the whole day.

First, the dolls all got together, ate strawberry jam and drank cocoa. Then they're in elegant dresses went to the ball in a carriage.

Then a miracle city with all kinds of attractions, swings, carousels grew out of the cubes, and the dolls happily went to this amusement park. In the other corner of the room a huge zoo appeared, where all the toy animals lived. And if suddenly someone fell ill, a magical hospital was immediately built from the constructor, in which only good doctors, they were treated only with sweets, and no one was ever hurt. Then fancy puzzles were assembled on the children's table. And finally, it was the turn of pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. A magical flower would bloom on a snow-white sheet of paper, a wondrous city would be drawn, or, as if by magic, another wonderful drawing would appear, which would then decorate the walls of the children’s room.

The game was everything for Irishka; she lived in this world. But she didn’t want to put the toys back at all. Because of this, she often quarreled with her mother and father, but they loved her very much and did not want to punish her.

And one evening, when Irishka’s least favorite time came to put things in order, mom made a mysterious appearance and said: “Irishka, I want to tell you a secret - the Fairy of Disobedience lives in the world. She appears only at night, when all the little girls are already asleep and dreaming. She flies through the window into their rooms and looks at the order they have there. If everything is clean, she flies off to other children, but if she suddenly sees uncleaned toys, she bewitches them. The toys become so small they can fit through a window frame, and the Fairy takes any three to her Land of Naughty! In this country, toys really miss their owner and ask to go home. But the Fairy Sorceress won’t let them go anywhere!” Irishka listened very carefully, but did not believe her mother and went to bed without cleaning her room.

The next morning, after washing and having breakfast, Irishka went to her true friends- toys. As usual, the fashionista dolls gathered for a fun conversation. But the Agnet doll still didn’t want to be there. Irishka looked for it in the toy box, on her book shelf, under the table, under the bed. She even looked into the bathroom and kitchen, but her beloved Agnet was nowhere to be found! Irishka ran to her mother to ask if she had seen the doll, but her mother just threw up her hands.

The girl got tired of searching for the doll, and Irishka began playing with other toys. The dolls went to kindergarten, the cars had competitions, a miracle forest grew from a construction set, a kitten and a puppy climbed a hill made of blocks, and Teddy bear I decided to go visit the fluffy hare. The bear had already reached the chair where the fluffy hare had remained sitting yesterday, but it was empty. Mishka and Irishka looked under the chair, looked at the bed, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Missing again! The girl was completely bewildered. Where could her hare go if she left it on the chair? Or on the bed? Or maybe he was left lying on the floor altogether?

Deep in thought, Irishka sat down at her table and then her gaze accidentally fell on the sketchbook. To take her mind off sad thoughts, she decided to draw - she took out a blank piece of paper and drew a sun with a yellow felt-tip pen. The clouds in the sky were supposed to be blue, but this felt-tip pen wrote poorly - all because Irishka forgot to put the cap on it. But there were still pencils! You can paint the sky with them too. The girl began to look for them. I looked everywhere - there were no pencils, and that was it. At this point she completely stopped wanting to play and draw.

Irishka, although small, could count to three. Exactly three things were missing - exactly as many as the fairy could take to her Land of Disobedience! She ran to her mother in tears, because she was very sorry for her toys. How are they there without her?! And then mom revealed another secret: “Although the fairy is a powerful witch, all her spells will dissipate when all the toys spend the night in their places and there is order in the room.”

And that very evening Irishka herself, without her mother’s help, put things in order in her room. The blocks and construction sets were neatly put away in their boxes, the dolls slept in their cribs, the books were neatly placed on the shelf, even the balls and all the animals were put in their places. And at night the girl had a dream. In it she saw her toys stolen by the Fairy. They now lived in the Land of Disobedience, cried without her and asked to go back home. Irishka herself turned into a good sorceress who found the evil fairy and promised her that she would do everything to get her things back.

Now the girl has decided to always clean up her room and even help her mom and dad, be obedient and a good daughter. The next morning, as soon as I woke up, Irishka ran to the window to see if the missing toys had returned through the window frame. And how happy she was when she saw the Agnet doll, a fluffy hare and a box of pencils there. She hugged them all together and ran to tell her mother how she, a little girl, was able to win evil fairy Disobedience and get your friends back. Since then, Irishka never goes to bed without cleaning her room, and her mother doesn’t help her at all, well, maybe only a little.