How to improve logical thinking. How to develop logical thinking for children? Video: how to develop logic and speed of thinking

Still from the cartoon “Despicable Me”

A child with developed logical thinking stands out among his peers - it will be easier for him to study and solve school and everyday problems. talks about interesting working options for training logic in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

For those preparing for the main school exam

It is interesting and effective to develop logic and thinking with your child at home. And for this you do not have to be a teacher or have any special knowledge. Experts recommend alternating types of games to train different types of thinking: visual-figurative and visual-actional, abstract-logical and verbal-logical, spatial, non-standard.

1. Oral games

Games with words are a very simple and accessible way to develop a child’s logical thinking, broaden their horizons and, of course, increase their vocabulary. Choose games that teach you to identify analogies, generalize, distribute objects and phenomena into groups, and make logical connections.

  • Play association games. Name an object and offer to name a similar one. Ask why the child chose it, what similar features he found.
  • Come up with new endings for famous fairy tales.
  • Write stories and poems together: someone starts one line - the other continues according to the meaning
  • Play “Danetki”: think of an object, phenomenon or character and invite your child to guess it by asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no”.
  • Play the “believe it or not” game. You say a phrase, for example, “all cats are red” or “a watermelon is a berry.” The child’s task is to answer whether the statement is true or false. If the answers and solutions are ambiguous or there are several of them, this is even good. The main thing is that the child can logically justify the answer.

2. Look-take-write-draw

Children for the most part are visual learners, so they like games with pictures and images. Activities using cards, paper and pen stimulate the development of figurative and logical thinking.

Here are some ideas for this type of activity:

  • offer games for comparing and grouping objects by color, shape, size and other characteristics;
  • solve puzzles with matches - “remove one match to make another figure”;
  • make up stories based on pictures;
  • solve riddles and puzzles on paper, go through labyrinths.

3. Board games

Colorful sets with drawings, figures, and clear rules attract both children and adults. Checkers, chess, sea battle, dominoes are time-tested classic games that will always be relevant and suitable for family recreation. They teach you to win gracefully and accept defeats, to enjoy communication and the process of the game.

In addition, tiles and pictures from board games can be used for teaching. Here are some ways.

  • Invite your child to guess objects and toys by touch and shape.
  • Arrange the figures or pictures according to the algorithm. For example, make sequences of them: increasing, decreasing, by color, size.
  • Use dominoes and triminoes to learn counting, addition and subtraction.

4. Design

Children by nature are builders and creators. Building games help develop motor skills, fine motor skills and creative thinking. Creating buildings according to diagrams and reproducing ideas in reality develops spatial and structural-logical thinking.

It would be nice to find time for joint activities with your child in this format. Using cubes you can create very entertaining tasks.

5. Riddles and puzzles

This is a great way to practice lateral thinking and logic with your children. The most understandable type of puzzles for everyone is oral, which were passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day.

To boost your child’s imagination and spatial perception, use puzzles in the form of geometric shapes (Rubik’s cube, Tangram, Pentomino).

6. Chess problems

A good selection of problems on the chess board will introduce the child to chess pieces, the basic rules of the game and the coordinate plane. You can come up with tasks on your own on the chessboard or print ready-made ones from the Internet. Today's children may prefer an interactive format.

Checkmate the black King in one move:

For example, on our platform there are more than 100 chess problems for beginners, from simple to difficult.

7. Logic problems

Perhaps solving logical problems is the most effective way to develop logic and thinking. Books and manuals with tasks are convenient to take on the road. But their frequent drawback is the lack of consistency, clear presentation of theory and comments on the solution.

Logic and thinking can and should be developed and trained in different ways. The main task of the parent is to find and offer the child good games, educational sites or other interesting formats of activities that will stimulate the child’s development in the right direction. For example, you can study on the online platform

And also “Shapes, developments and reflections”, “Truth and lies”, “Motion problems” and more. The site has more than 3000 tasks, 15+ thematic categories, 3 difficulty levels.

LogicLike to help - have fun and develop!

Every day a person has to look for solutions to various problems or simply compare facts. In the everyday bustle, we rarely think that such skills can be developed. Many people think that this is unrealistic for adults, others cite lack of time. Today we will consider such an issue as the development of logical thinking.

What it is?

To fully find out what this phenomenon is, let’s pay attention to its components - thinking and logic itself.

Thinking is understood as a mental process during which information is processed and connections are established between events, objects or phenomena. The factor of subjectivity, that is, a personal attitude towards something, is very strong here.
Logic leads our thinking to objectivity. Simply put, this is the science of correct, true thinking. It has its own methods, laws and forms. The “cornerstone” for her is experience and knowledge, not emotions.

In order to come to simple conclusions, common sense is enough. But in difficult situations, one cannot do without appropriate thinking, which helps to “work out” the most correct course of action even with a minimum of facts.

Important! It is better to do the first exercises once. For example, solve one crossword puzzle or play a few simple games of chess. For starters, this will be enough.

Logical thinking is a process during which a person resorts to logical concepts based on evidence and prudence. Its goal is to obtain a reasonable conclusion based on the “given,” that is, specific premises.

There are three types of logical reasoning:

  • Figurative-logical. With it, the situation seems to be “played out” by the imagination, while we remember the images of the objects involved or the features of the phenomena. Yes, you can call it imagination.
  • Abstract. Here it is more complicated; categories, objects or connections are used that do not exist in reality (that is, abstractions).
  • Verbal, in which people share their logical judgments with others. What is important here is not only a penchant for analysis, but also competent speech.
Having learned what logic is, let's see how it can be useful in life.

What is it for?

The ability to think logically is valuable for everyone, regardless of occupation. True, for some it is a means of obtaining a general, everyday conclusion, while others use formalized and strict logic (engineers, philosophers, mathematicians).

Did you know? Aristotle was the first to systematize knowledge about logic. The philosopher wrote a series of six works devoted to basic concepts and categories. This collection is known as the Organon.

Thinking training helps:

  • Make the right conclusions faster and more accurately, even in;
  • Calculate soberly, avoiding self-deception and not allowing yourself to be misled;
  • Correct your own mistakes and;
  • State your arguments clearly and concisely;
  • Convince your interlocutor by giving the necessary arguments.

Any of these points is worth thinking about working on your logical apparatus. Having mastered such techniques, you can quickly separate the necessary data from verbal or documentary “husk.” There is also a psychological point: with such an “arsenal” a person is not afraid of difficulties and confidently achieves academic success or career heights.

Logical thinking: innate or acquired?

The ability to think logically is a trait that people acquire. This is confirmed by both psychologists and other specialists. No one is born with the gift of logical thinking already formed.

Even the simplest level, figurative and logical, appears by the age of one and a half years, when babies begin to analyze everything that surrounds them and gradually separate the important from the unimportant.

Such skills are often called experiential, that is, those that are associated with personal experience. Unfortunately, they are often supplemented with templates that are “driven in” by the environment. This is how critical thinking abilities are lost.

Meanwhile, anyone can reach the level of abstractions. We often talk about non-existent phenomena, without even thinking about the fact that our logical apparatus is working hard at this time.
Teachers and “techies” will confirm that their own experience and regular training perfectly develop logic, even if a person was far from regular multi-level thinking. There would be a desire.

Is it possible to develop logical thinking in adults?

It is possible and even necessary. The world is changing very quickly, and with the old “baggage” of knowledge it can be difficult to think about something carefully. Many people believe that the basics they receive at school or university will be enough, but this is not entirely true.

It happens that the first levels are completed easily, but then it’s a bit of a grind. Don't despair, give it a little rest, and the solution will definitely come.

Don’t be afraid to peek at answers (especially at the very beginning of class). Once you know the inputs and solutions, you can calculate a logical solution path and apply it to other situations.

Important! Reading serious books - historical, philosophical or popular science - also helps. There is no point in “swallowing” hundreds of pages of them; read little by little, pondering the information.

In many serious companies, HR specialists give candidates such problems during the course, assessing the speed of solution and the reasoning of the answer. They can be either purely professional or without reference to the type of activity. So you'll have to work on your logic.

Board games

The first thing that comes to mind is chess. A leisurely game requires analysis and thoughtfulness, while reaction speed is not needed here. You can play with anyone, but it is better to choose a stronger opponent who can show the fastest and most effective combinations. After just a few games, you will notice that you yourself are playing complex etudes, counting on a move or two ahead.

There are also a lot of other games - entire thematic sets are offered, based on the plots of popular books or TV series. This is a great way to pass the time with friends or family, while at the same time keeping your logic in good shape.

There are also plenty of such games of intelligence. This is a great tool for those who are thinking about how to develop logic. Some of them come with a countdown, but this should not be annoying.
They all use the “cause-effect” principle. That is, the initial data may have several solutions, but only one will be correct. Despite all the apparent simplicity, it will be difficult for an unprepared person at first - the answer options often seem mutually exclusive, although they are composed in such a way that it seems that any one is suitable. This is the essence of training.

Did you know? The Russian philosopher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasiliev is considered one of the “fathers” of modern (or non-classical) logic. Having started his work back in tsarist times, already in 1918 he entered the list of “old” scientists recognized by the Soviet government.

The number of questions can be any - from 10 or more, so you can “indulge” in such tasks even during your lunch break.

Crosswords and puzzles

Everything is simple here. Trying to fill all the cells with missing words, we “scroll through” all our knowledge.

Japanese Sudoku is more difficult. The cells have to be filled in so that in each 3x3 square (and there are usually 9 of them) the numbers from 1 to 9 appear once, and the same story with large lines and columns. Start with the simplest ones, usually the difficulty is indicated in the task.

An excellent way would be to solve graphic crosswords, at least the Japanese ones. They have one solution in the form of a picture. It will work if you shade the cells correctly (based on the indicated numbers). Here, too, you can peek at the solution and compare it with the initial data - it can be difficult to get your bearings right away.

You can try making your own crossword puzzle. Making riddles can be more difficult than looking for the answer, especially since you have to correlate the location of letters and cells.

Study of deduction and induction

In order not to complicate things, we immediately note that the deductive method provides a conclusion from the general to the particular, and induction, on the contrary, brings the disparate to the general.

Important! A diary helps analyze the connection between events. To some it seems archaic, but at times it is useful to re-read old notes and restore them in subsequent actions and “calculate” possible options for their development.

Deduction- this is pure logic, but it has one weakness: the initial facts must be true. Here is an example of such a conclusion: “all racing cars are difficult for ordinary drivers”, “I am an ordinary driver”, therefore “I cannot cope with a powerful car on the track”.

In life we ​​use more often inductive method, such reasoning is based on facts that may turn out to be untrue. Then our conclusions have to be substantiated. This often leads to hasty generalizations and wrong decisions. There is also the so-called incomplete induction, in which the conclusion significantly exceeds the “sum” of the individual facts.

These abilities can be developed by mentally “driving away” various everyday situations and cases.

Developing logical thinking in children

When working with, you have to take their age into account. This is worth remembering when thinking about how to develop logical thinking in a child.

At different stages of development, equally diverse logical methods are used:

  • For the youngest (up to 3 years old), clarity and simplicity are important. At this stage, the foundations are laid: kids learn to distinguish between different things and (objects for different purposes and cubes with different colors are used).

Did you know? Mastering logical techniques at an early age sometimes leads to unusual results. For example, the legendary mathematician William Sidis consciously called himself an atheist at the age of six, which was a bold step for America at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • At 3–4 years old, verbal and figurative logic is consolidated. The easiest way is to draw with one extra object. The child is asked to tell why he is not suitable. You can also “play” with words.
  • Before school (5 - 6 years old) they take the simplest tasks with numbers and graphic games, and make speech and question games more complex;
  • After 7 years, they try to improve speech skills, develop the ability to generalize, analyze and search for cause-and-effect relationships. During this period they move on to abstractions.
To make it interesting for children, classes are conducted in a playful way. Individual inclinations are also taken into account. At the same time, problems are not solved “head-on” - if it is difficult for a child, then they are simplified. And, of course, no notations.


They must be age appropriate. At the same time, the child imagines what objects or phenomena are mentioned in the task. The main emphasis is on imaginative thinking - in the form of a riddle, kids usually reveal new “facets” of the things around them.

This approach allows us to evaluate everything that is happening in a multi-faceted way. The most effective interval for such exercises is from 2 to 5 years.

There are many such sets on display in any children's store. Again, they choose based on age.

For kids, it is better to choose a set of large figures (the same cubes or balls). They do not contain elements that a child could inadvertently swallow. By assembling simple structures from them (snakes, houses, etc.), you activate the logical apparatus - the baby remembers the characteristic features and tries to recreate them.
For those who are older, prefabricated Lego-type modules are available. Here you have to work according to the instructions, correlating the details with the image. Parents' help will be very helpful. Such sets have another advantage - the nodes can be combined. For example, assemble another house or another car from “blocks”. This will only be beneficial, developing your thinking.

It’s more difficult with younger schoolchildren - it’s not easy to tear modern children away from gadgets, and they won’t be interested in banal cubes. This is where parents come into play. In stores you can see kits for assembling models of airplanes or ships. If you buy a kit of initial complexity with a small number of parts, you can not only interest the child, but also spend more time with him - without the help of his father, he is unlikely to immediately assemble what is in the picture.


Games with geometric figures are suitable for kids. Offer to find an extra one or collect identical ones. At the same time, ask how they differ.

Did you know? We started solving Rubik's cubes for speed immediately after they appeared. The current record is held by Colin Barnes (5.25 sec). But the Brazilian Pereira Campanha, with a result of 25.14 s, is hardly inferior to him in skill - he assembled the figure... with his legs!

Association also comes into play here - when showing a figurine, you can ask what it resembles. For spatial imagination, they are folded into simple structures such as a house.

Speech games are also important, especially those focused on the difference: “in spring it’s warm, and in winter it’s …”. If this stage has already been completed, they name the objects and ask them to say which group they belong to.
Older children can be shown the basics of playing chess or checkers. By explaining the movement of the figures, you seem to provoke the child to try out different options. Simple “tac toe” should not be forgotten either.


Such logical “ABCs” lay the foundations of thinking. Their elements are made large and safe for children.

Popular types are dies that are connected if the patterns on them match the desired color or letter. For example, on one there is a black cat drawn

True, it is better to postpone complex monochromatic areas such as the image of the sky - if it is not possible to assemble it right away, the child may lose interest or lose faith in his abilities.

We learned how to “develop” our logic skills and what it takes to do so. As you can see, it is quite simple for both an adult and a child. Good luck in your training!

Logic itself is not a human skill given from birth; it is learned throughout life, receiving valuable lessons. Such a tool for understanding the world is not close to emotional human nature, so people prefer to think and do as they are more accustomed to. However, this science underlies most of the laws of the Universe. The ability to think and reason consistently and consistently is useful in solving many problems. Be it building business projects, persuading opponents, or shopping in a store. And the question immediately arises: “How to develop logical thinking and live as efficiently as possible?” We will consider the answer to this in the article below.

People often make mistakes that defy logic. They think that it is enough to be guided by common sense and experience gained, ignoring the laws and special techniques of formal logic. However, this may be sufficient only when making elementary judgments and solving simple problems; when carrying out large-scale operations, certain knowledge will be required that will not allow you to make erroneous actions.

What is logic

In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to explain this phenomenon more broadly, dividing it into components.

By thinking we mean the processing of received information by the human psyche, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and laws of intellectual mental activity. Its peculiarity is that knowledge is obtained not from sensory experience, but in the process of analyzing previously obtained data, inferential knowledge.

Thus, logical thinking is a thought process that forces a person to use logical constructs and concepts based on evidence, prudence and flexibility of thinking. The main goal is to obtain the most reasonable conclusion from the available data.

Logical laws are based on empirical knowledge of the world through experience. That is, a person draws a conclusion based on the creation or participation in a certain situation and subsequent awareness of its specific consequences.


The development of creative thinking and logic is only possible if the mind is accustomed to working in different directions. The development of logical thinking needs to be trained, here are some practical tips:

  • Studying Natural Sciences

Take up the study of science close to your spirit, which you have been putting off.
Physics, chemistry or history, other exact sciences perfectly stimulate flexibility of thinking. They teach how to build cause-and-effect chains.

  • Use reasoned argument

Instead of the standard desire to answer “because I’m in charge” or “it’s necessary,” try to convey your point of view to your opponent without emotions, constructively. Use logical as well as creative thinking, there can be a huge variety of dialogue options, get rid of the usual phrases and reactions.
Particularly interesting is the way of leading the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion through indirect statements with which he initially agrees.

  • Play chess, backgammon, checkers and card games

This is an amazing opportunity to develop logical thinking. After all, there is training in cause-and-effect relationships, calculating the opponent’s moves in advance. One is trained to learn lessons even from defeats. Thus, a person gradually removes negative thinking from his life.

  • Find other ways to use items

This exercise promotes excellent development of creative thinking in adults. Choose one item, be it a box of matches or a stool. And find all possible ways to use the item for other purposes than its intended purpose. You can count matches, lay out drawings, and use a stool as a stand for a Christmas tree. Get creative.

  • Association game

Use opposite meanings to emerging associations for specific words. Let's say hard wool, soft glass, hot ice. This helps our brain tune in to a different mindset and remove negative thinking.

  • Read books from the end

In addition to the understandable difficulties in completing this task, there are also nuances. Our brain is accustomed to the fact that resolution can only come when specific actions are taken. But both in life and in books, this is not always true. Sometimes the most unexpected events lead to results that were not intended. A gradual transition from the denouement to the preface will help debunk your guesses and learn an abstract vision of the situation, and also develop mobility and flexibility of thinking.

  • Expand your vocabulary

When you hear an unfamiliar word, look up its meaning in the dictionary. And also: what is the history of origin, original meaning and use now. This will help you look at the world in a more multifaceted way.

  • Words backwards

When in transport or on the street, read signs backwards. It will be very difficult. At first, you will only get short words, and then you will master the ability to read entire phrases! This is a great brain workout that shows there are alternatives. And, once in a problematic situation, it will be easier to see other options.

  • Invent something that doesn't exist

The exercise is to come up with an animal or object, a name that does not exist in nature. Leopard or birdfox, for example. And imagine or depict all this in detail. The point is that it is very difficult to invent something that does not exist. The brain still tries to reduce everything to familiar forms, especially in adults.

Sometimes negative thinking takes over, and it becomes difficult to complete a task that seems absurd. The ability to abstract from familiar forms and concepts, concentrate on still little-studied facts, and create fundamentally new things will be useful in any profession.

  • Solve anagrams

You need to make a word from the mixed letters. Develops the ability to quickly find hidden meaning and see meanings that are incomprehensible at first glance.

  • Use your other hand

If you are right-handed - left, if vice versa - right. Change your hand while performing everyday activities. This stimulates both hemispheres, improving concentration, activating new neural connections, thus stimulating logical and creative thinking.

Who needs to develop logic

Logical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. After all, with flexible thinking, each of us can:

  • find the optimally beneficial solution to a problem situation;
  • always be several steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible actions;
  • choose the right way to achieve your goal;
  • express your thoughts in a form understandable to everyone;
  • It’s quite easy to find arguments to sway opponents in your direction;
  • avoid making professional and life mistakes;
  • deal with sophistry and demagoguery;
  • be able to quickly formulate an answer to the question posed, avoiding blurting out the first thought that comes to mind, which can cause great harm later;
  • clearly see manipulations on the part of other people, do not become a victim of their deception;
  • be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, and quickly and easily eliminate them.

Why do you need to develop logic?

How to develop thinking? Every person has it to one degree or another. But for a better understanding of reality and the ability to operate with it, logical thinking, developed at a fairly high level, is necessary. This can only be learned through training.

Creative thinking can be developed and negative thinking can be eliminated. The brain is trained no less than the muscles, perhaps more. By constantly training thinking and memory, a person can develop throughout his life, methodically improving his performance. The development of intellectual abilities is a guarantee of effective self-improvement.

Thanks to the ability to think logically, a person acquires the ability to think creatively, because a completely different understanding of reality opens up, which gives many advantages.

It is commonly believed that creative thinking is opposed to logic and reason, but this is a false statement. Creative perception of reality is fundamental to creativity. This does not at all mean the need for negative thinking, which is characterized by focusing exclusively on the bad. On the contrary, it allows you to train your brain, clear it of stereotypes and interfering attitudes, and look at everything from the outside. This is how perfect horizons open up. As a result, the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way, to find previously impossible ways.

To think logically means to separate the important from the unimportant, to find connections and draw conclusions, to provide evidence and refutations, to be convincing and not to be gullible. And although everyone uses this ability more than once throughout their lives, most people think in stereotyped ways because they do not strive to develop logical thinking. They do not stimulate him, rarely resorting to logic, but it needs to be trained and this can be done almost from the cradle. You just need to know how to properly develop logical thinking, and first, understand how it works.

Each age has its own laws and types of logical thinking.

It is not yet common for young children to think about something abstractly, in their minds. The very first stages of the formation of logical thinking in children are visual-effective and visual-figurative. To comprehend, you need to see and touch.

Then verbal-logical thinking appears, when the child no longer necessarily has in front of him what he is talking and thinking about. In adults, such logical thinking is transformed into the ability to study a given task and set goals, develop a plan and ways to achieve it. The highest level of mental activity is the ability to think creatively, not to use ready-made knowledge, but to create new ones, invent and invent.

Logic in life

Obviously, the last of these logical thinking techniques are extremely useful for successfully overcoming any difficulties. But many retreat before them, confident that they will not cope. What a misconception! Even if the task is difficult, you can always approach it creatively. And for those who can’t do it, numerous tools and exercises for developing logical thinking will help: training, exercises, puzzles, games.

But first, the basic laws of logical thinking:

  1. Firstly, it is never too early or too late to develop it. There is no need to wait until the child grows up and learns to reason “in his head,” just as adults do not need to give up classes because of their age.
  2. Secondly, each level of mental activity has its own exercises for logical thinking, even if they seem too simple and primitive. Children's visual thinking is a step towards logical thinking, and it cannot be ignored by immediately demanding abstract mental operations from the child.
  3. Thirdly, logic and imagination do not exclude or replace each other. Fantasy and imagination help, and do not hinder, the development of thinking abilities. Therefore, in addition to standard logical tasks, there are also those that simultaneously stimulate the intellect, logic and imagination.

Developing means playing

Children don't think about how to develop their logical thinking, they just play. So let them receive both benefit and pleasure from an easy and fun activity.

First of all, riddles. Any, for example, wonderful riddles-poems by Timofey Belozerov. The main thing is to let the children think for themselves or think with them, but do not tell them!

Another example of an exercise for developing logical thinking: through images and pictures - take any children's picture and cut it into several parts. The younger the child, the fewer details are needed.

For older children - logical games with words. This includes searching for the superfluous, combining words into general groups based on certain characteristics, and guessing the intended objects through questions and answers. At the same time, the skills of generalization and classification, determining the properties of an object, and constructing logical connections are trained.

Exercises of a more complex level - analysis of sayings and proverbs, search for the general meaning in them, search for patterns in number series.

But it doesn't have to be complicated. Psychology teaches that logical thinking, like any skill, can be easily trained in an unobtrusive game form. Therefore, even adults should not neglect games. And quite a few of them have been invented: chess, reversi (a game where you need to surround and appropriate your opponent’s pieces), scrabble (compiling words as long as possible) and the like. These entertainments stimulate strategic and tactical thinking, the ability to anticipate the opponent’s plan and the consequences of one’s actions. So developing logical thinking is not only useful, but also interesting.

The development of logic is what every person needs, from small children to fully grown adults.

Logic helps us, based on a correctly constructed analysis of a chain of sequences or other circumstances, events and arguments, to draw the right conclusions and make the right decisions based on them. This property of a person helps him in any situation to find the optimal way out of them, or to predict and prevent all sorts of troubles.

Moreover, logic is an indispensable attribute of making competent management decisions, scientific discoveries and many other success stories in a wide variety of industries. That is why the development of logic is a priority for every person. But to improve logical thinking, it is necessary to systematically, with the help of various tools and methods developed by specialists.
Let's look at them in more detail:

Logic exercises.

A variety of exercises and logic problems develop concentration and attention, perception, thinking, non-verbal and verbal intelligence, as well as observation.

"Concepts in Order". Exercise for developing logic.

The point of the exercise is that you need to arrange concepts in a certain order: from particular meanings to the most general.
In such a chain, there must be a gender to species ratio (each subsequent word before the previous one.
For example:
"Temple, Parthenon, Building, Ancient Greek Temple, Parthenon, Construction for Ritual."
You need to write it like this:
"Parthenon - Ancient Greek Temple - Temple - Structure for Ritual - Building."
A few more examples to follow:
"Gas, Liquid Oxygen, State of Matter, Oxygen."
"Pine, Plant, Tree, Tree Species."
"Fairy tale" turnip ", genre, folk art, fairy tale."
This exercise teaches you to build a well-founded logical chain and associative series, and develops your thinking capabilities.

Exercise "Logicity".

For the examination, they present a form with tasks that consist of two interrelated categorical judgments and an inference - a conclusion (syllogism). They are given in different ways, sometimes correctly, and in some cases - false. It is necessary to determine the correctness of the conclusions and cross out the incorrect logical justifications - conclusions.
For example:
"All 5b students are excellent students. Vasya Petrov is an excellent student. Therefore, he is a 5b student." (Is the conclusion correct).
Other options:
"All of Shakespeare's works cannot be read in one night. Hamlet is the work of Shakespeare. Therefore, it cannot be read in one night."
"All metals are electrically conductive. Gold is a metal. Therefore, it is electrically conductive."

Computer games for developing logical thinking.

Logic games played on a PC are very convenient and easy to use. They are created in order to use all mental capabilities and choose the right solution, and some versions of such games allow you to develop memory functions. Moreover, it is an interesting, useful and fun pastime.

These are traditional chess, as well as checkers and other logic games that can be played on a computer.

For example, “Scrabble” is an excellent version of this game; each player on a special field, using his ability to think, collects one by one his own variants of words composed from the first word. In addition, "Erudite" (the Russian name for "scrabble"), in addition to thinking and logic, increases one's horizons and develops memory well.

"Reversi" is a relatively young game. It is carried out on a special field with two-color chips. It was invented in 1880 in England. Then it was forgotten, but in Japan it was revived again in the early 70s of the 20th century. Reversi" perfectly develops large-scale logical thinking, the ability to see the perspective of actions and calculate them several moves in advance.
Such logic games allow you to improve your strategic vision of problems, increase your speed of thinking and the ability to instantly find the right variants of problems, which is simply necessary in a modern, rapidly changing world.