Scenario for the report concert of the choreographic department. Open lesson on choreography

Report concert of the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Yanaul
“The sea is calling, the wave is singing.”
05/12/2016 19.00
Purpose of the event: Creating conditions for the formation of family values
students, demonstrating acquired knowledge, skills, creating a situation
success, organizing meaningful leisure time for children and their parents, expanding the general
and musical horizons.
Logistics: auditorium, foyer, screen, laptop,
multimedia video projector, computer presentation(slides), poster,
programs, music Center, audio recordings, video camera, video recording of the concert,
camera; technical staff.
Decor. The stage is designed in the form of a ship deck with all the attributes
marine themes: steering wheel, anchor on a chain, rope ladders, sails.
The festival begins with a waltz by students of the Choreography association,
manager Raila Gerasimova
At the end of the dance, the dancers remain on stage. The presenters come out.
1. Waltz
At this long-awaited moment,
At this long-awaited hour
The holiday opens with a solemn, beautiful
Exciting and graceful
His Excellency Mr. Waltz!
The sounds of the waltz sound again and its participants, spinning in another circle,
line up on foreground. The presenters occupy the last place.
2. Fanfare for the presenters to enter. Leave the background.
Eliza. Good afternoon dear friends!
Ruzil. Hello, moms and dads!
Eliza. Grandmothers and grandfathers!
Ruzil. Our friends and acquaintances!
Eliza. And also dear guests!

Ruzil. The staff of the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the city of Yanaul welcomes everyone
present in this hall at the festival children's creativity"The sea is calling, the wave
Eliza. Today our guest is the head of the administration municipal district
Yanaul district Vazigatov Ilshat Agzamovich.
Deputy Head of Administration for Social Issues of the Municipal District
Yanaul district Mindiyarova Gaukhar Yasavievna.
Ruzil. Head of the Department of Education of Yanaul District Sharafislamov
Arthur Albertovich.
Eliza. Veterans of teaching work.
Eliza. For many years, students at the House of Pioneers and schoolchildren have been delighting with their
creativity of children and adults.
Ruzil. Welcome to our wonderful world
Together. The world of childhood!
"Overture" from the film "Captain Grant's Children"
A year has passed, rushed by like the wind,
The wind of change has swept us.
New ideas and ventures
He brings to every new day.
Ruzil. Dear friends, dear viewers. It has already become a good tradition
every year to announce projects of significant and relevant events in the country.

Eliza. And this year the Year started Russian cinema and students at home
pioneers and schoolchildren from all creative associations were also prepared for
surprise for you.
Ruzil. The guys prepared a real holiday on the theme of one
children's film.
Eliza. Let's start the holiday already, and let the audience find out for themselves
(The introduction to the song sounds. Performance by dance students
association " Modern dance"and Akhmadullin Nikita,
leader Renata Kalimullina. At this time, Ruzil puts on a jacket
4. Vocal choreographic composition
"Sailors on deck"
5. The “Overture” theme again
Students of the Amplua theater association appear on stage.
Stage production of an episode based on the novel by J. Verne “The Captain's Children”
Mary. We would like to see Lord Gl Narvan.
Captain. He's not on board, miss. The lord is not on the ship. If you like I can
escort to Lady Gl Narvan.
Robert. No, we need Lord Glnarvan himself.
Mary. Sorry my brother, he's tired. We came from afar. Or maybe
Perhaps we will be allowed to wait for the lord here on the ship?
Captain. .It is a great honor for me, madam. I am the captain of this ship -
John Mangles, ma'am
Mary. Mary Grant. And this is my brother Rbert.
Captain. Mary Grant? Are you Captain Grant's daughter?
Mary. Yes, sir.
Lady Glenarvan. Mary Grant?

Captain. Let me introduce you to Miss, Lady Gl Narwan.
Lady Glenarvan. I ask you to!
Captain. Lady Grant!
Mary. Your husband placed an ad in the Times. I beg you, tell me what you need
known about the crash of the Britannia. Is our father alive?
Lady Glenarvan. My girl, I don’t want to inspire you with illusory hopes.
Mary.. Speak, madam, speak. I can handle grief.
Lady Glenarvan. But it may happen that soon you may see
my father. You can imagine our joy when we finally
managed to restore the text of these notes; they were written on three
languages: English, French and German. Unfortunately, the water spared
just a few words.
Mary. Where is the document, madam? I would like to see my handwriting
Lady Glenarvan. Lord Gl Narvan took him to the Admiralty. He hopes
sending a ship to search for Captain Grant.
Mary. Is it possible? May God bless you and your spouse.
Lady Glenarvan. Anyone in our place would do the same. Only
the hopes that I planted in your heart would be justified.
Lord Glenarvan. These people have no heart.
Lady Glenarvan. Did they refuse you?
Lord Glenarvan. They said the document was dark and incomprehensible. They
stated that the disaster occurred four years ago and that there was little chance
find him. They claimed that they were captured by the Indians and were taken away
deep into the country and that you cannot search all of Patagnia for the sake of three people,
three Scots. That the search will destroy more people than it will save, in a word...
In a word, they gave all the reasons, deciding in advance to refuse. They remember
Captain's projects for an independent Scotland. And now poor Grant
irretrievably lost.
Lady Glenarvan. Edward, Miss Mary, her brother Robert, the captain's children
Granta. It was their lords of the Admiralty who just condemned them to orphanhood.
Miss Mary...
Lord Glenarvan. Dear Miss, if I knew that you...
Robert. We ourselves will go to these gentlemen!
Mary. No, Rbert, no... Let's thank our dear owners for everything they
did for us. We will never forget and move away.
Lord Glenarvan. What are you going to do?

Mary. I will throw myself at the queen's feet. Let's see if she turns a deaf ear
the words of two children begging for their father to be saved.
Lord. You can't get through to the queen.
Lady Glenarvan. Mary Grant, listen to me. Edward! Captain Grant
throwing this letter into the sea, he entrusted his fate to the one to whom it would fall
hands. It came to us.
Lord Glenarvan. What do you want to say?
Lady Glenarvan. The Duncan is a good and reliable ship, isn't it, captain
Captain Mangles. Of course, madam. Any sailor can only
dream of such a ship.
Lady Glenarvan. So, “Duncan” can safely sail to the southern seas?
Captain Mangles. Yes, anywhere, even to the ends of the world, even around it.
Lady Glenarvan. Then, let's go, friends! On the search...
Together. Captain Grant!
Heroes theatrical production leaving. They remain on stage
Captain and Robert.
6. Topic: " Merry wind»
Eliza. I hope you recognize the characters of the director’s wonderful film
Stanislav Govorukhin based on the novel by Jules Verne “The Children of Captain Grant”.
Now you and I can go on a trip around the world, in
amazing countries, full of different...
Ruzil. But now, different musical adventures.
Captain. Ruzil. I welcome you, dear friends, on the deck of our
ship! Are you ready to hit the road?
Robert. Ready?
Captain. Attention! The crew should prepare to depart!
Robert (aka cabin boy). Eat get ready!

Speech by students of the Sports Tourism Association,
winners of republican and regional competitions in sports
Head Leniz Gilvanov
7. For the tour team.
Captain. All hands on deck!
Robert (cabin boy). There's a whistle to everyone!
Captain. Raise the sails!
Robert (cabin boy). There's time to raise the sails!
Captain. Raise the anchor!
Robert. There is to raise the anchor!
8. Performance by students of the dance association
"Just Dance". Head: Ekaterina Puchkina.
Captain. Full speed ahead!
Robert. There's full speed ahead!
9. The sound of the ship's signal for departure
The unknown awaits brave guys!
Captain. And so that the path is successful and cheerful,
Don't forget to take the song with you!
Live music “Love, girls, simple romantics.”
Performance by students of the “Young Guitarist” association and Ainur Nuriev
Robert comes out, holding a mop,
Mops the mop several times across the floor. Having stopped,
leans on it and looks thoughtfully into the distance. The Captain comes out.
Captain. What, cabin boy, are you daydreaming again? Did you scrub the deck?
Robert (cabin boy). I scrubbed the deck! Painted the mast! Collected the ropes! Anchor
Cleaned it to a shine!
Captain. I praise you, cabin boy! Now you can go about your business! Did
case! Dance with confidence!
10. Sailor girl performing dance
association “Zvezdochka”, soloist of the association “Choreography”
Khakimov Damir, leaders Aisylu Khalikova, Raila
11. Sailor dance (Damir)

The captain, Robert, Mary come out from the left wings.
Mary. Robert, dear, don't be offended by the captain.
Robert. But, Mary, he keeps nagging me all the time and only promises
transfer to the rank of boatswain.
Mary. So there are reasons for this. After all, you really are still very
young and not so confident in maritime affairs. Eg,
our ship "Duncan", can you describe it?
Robert. Yes, sure. This is the fastest ship and has a strength of 15
Captain. (hugging both of them by the shoulders) Yes, add 2 to it and you won’t
you'll be wrong.
Robert. (showing offense, throws off the captain's hand) You see, Mary, he
always finds fault.
Mary. Mr. Captain, would you like to treat my brother more
respectfully and appoint him as a boatswain. Believe me, he's trying.
Captain. But to become a boatswain, it is important to know a sea map. Will he be able to
Will your brother find your father's whereabouts and show you the way forward?
Mary. Well, Robert, are you ready?
Robert. Yes, Mary. (The captain hands him a map, he carefully
is considering). Mr. Captain, as far as I know, our father
is located at thirty-seven degrees eleven minutes south
latitude... (pause) Longitude is unknown - the number is blurred. Therefore... (pause)
look for Captain Grant... we need somewhere... (joyfully) thirty
seventh parallel!
Captain. Well, that's commendable. I believe you managed to educate in your
brother of a real sea wolf.

Mary. Thank you, captain. I hope that your praise is worth considering,
as your consent to appoint my brother as a boatswain.
Captain. Of course, madam. Boatswain, indicate the further path!
Robert (now a boatswain). He quickly climbs onto the cockpit and looks into
I see a ship straight ahead.
I don’t foresee any danger for us.
Captain. Boatswain, signal an urgent greeting!
Robert (boatswain) Send greetings to the ship!
(beeps, suddenly stops beeping)
Captain! Their flag has a skull and crossbones!
The theme of pirates sounds.
Pirates, led by their
ataman (Students of the Just Dance association, head
Ekaterina Puchkina)
Ataman. Aboard!
The first pirate. Who are they? Where are you sailing from?
Second pirate. And what kind of cargo are you carrying with you?
Captain. And I'm the captain of the ship. We are sailing to different countries and we'll take you
creative report of talented guys.
Ataman. Link them!
The boatswain runs down from the forecastle to help the Captain, but they
tied up and taken backstage.
Band performance.
The Captain and Robert come out and take off the remaining ropes.
They inspect the ship and go up to the forecastle. The captain stands behind
Robert (boatswain). Which good pirates, left the ship themselves.

Captain. Yes, otherwise we would have to throw them overboard. But I think,
the ship has lost its course and we are running aground.
Robert (boatswain). He looks through the telescope. We are being carried straight into the swamp!
Captain. Hang in there, boatswain! Steers the helm, imitates pitching
Robert (boatswain). Look, captain, frogs! They are dancing! Dancing
"Dance of the Frogs"
Students of the dance association “Zvezdochka”, director
Aisylu Khalikova. Band performance.
The captain and Robert remain on the forecastle.
Robert (boatswain). Mr. Captain, I see nice guys in checkered
shirts and cowboy hats.
Captain. Daiteka, I’ll take a look too... Oh, you’re mistaken, boatswain, this is not
guys, but the girls are nice and, by the way, they dance well.
Students of the "Modern Dance" association in an incendiary
cowboy country.
Robert (boatswain). I see islands. The guidelines coincide with those on
map. Look, captain.
Captain. Indeed... This is Patagonia, according to the map the old name
Australia. Perhaps we will finally be able to find your father.
Captain. We must go ashore. Boats on the water!
Robert (boatswain). There are boats on the water!
The captain and the boatswain go backstage
Papuans dance.

At the end of the dance, the Captain and Bosun return. They are covered
We hoop the Papuans and circle in place.
Performance of associations "Choreography"
Suddenly they hear...
shots. Papuans run screaming from the stage
The Professor appears.
Robert (boatswain). Look, captain, this is our professor! Hurray! We
Captain. How did you end up here?
Professor. Will you forgive me, gentlemen, but I was floating in the hold of your
Robert (boatswain). So you were on the ship the whole time?
Professor. I remind you once again - not on the ship, but in the hold...
Captain. What does it mean?
Professor. Don't be angry, captain.
Professor and Robert. Smile!
17. For the background “Captain, smile!”
(and singing: “Captain, captain, smile, because a smile is the ship’s flag!”
Captain, captain, pull yourself up! Only the brave conquer the seas!”
Captain. So, dear professor, what wonderful specimens do you want?
Did you manage to replenish your butterfly collection?
Professor. ABOUT! I'm happy, gentlemen! You have no idea where I am
I just haven’t been looking for these beautiful insects! I was also in Africa, in
India, in Asian countries. But, I dare say, I collected not only
collection of amazing butterflies.

Robert (boatswain)... I guess you also collected various insects.
Professor. You are right, young man, so are the insects. But I also collected
souvenirs. Would you like to take a look?
"Russian doll"!
Students of the dance association. Head Aisylu Khalikova.
Band performance
Robert and the Professor come out. The Professor has wooden spoons in his hands.
Robert (boatswain).. Are these also souvenirs? Can I try it too? (beret
spoons and taps rhythms). Something doesn't work out very well.
Professor. Did you think it was so easy to play on wooden spoons? You
look how real spooners do it.
Students from the Zadorinki spoon makers association. Supervisor
Ekaterina Puchkina. Band performance.
The Professor and Robert come out.
Robert (boatswain).. Mister Professor, where else have you been?
Professor. It would be more accurate to ask where I haven’t been... But that’s not the main thing, young man
man... And the fact that wherever I was, I found amazing things everywhere
similarities between peoples. Look for yourself!
Mari dance.
Students of the dance association "Choreography"
Band performance. The Captain, the Professor and Robert come out
Robert (boatswain). Amazing... You, Mr. Professor, are not a sailor, but
We've been everywhere and everywhere.
Professor. This is not surprising, young man. After all
the main thing is the dream, isn't it, captain.

Captain. Yes, and most importantly, go towards your dream. Overcome difficulties
that will arise along the way!
Robert (boatswain). My father... My father always said that too! I want to be
a sailor like my father, Captain Grant!
Captain. I'm sure you'll be a real sailor, Robert.
Robert (boatswain). Thank you, captain!
Professor (looks through the telescope). It seems to me that there is someone there...
Robert. This is our father! We found it!
Captain. You're right, it's him, Robert. Are you ready to meet your father?
Boatswain, send Captain Grant a greeting!

Robert. There is to send a greeting!
Meeting of children and father.
23. Final song in the production. "Cheerful Wind"
Students of vocal associations “Inspiration” (director: Faizrakhmanova
A.S. and “Ikhlas” (director Z.U. Sakhautdinova)
24. Overture
The Captain remains on stage. The presenter comes out.
Eliza. Here it is musical journey we have committed, on our
ship, dear friends!
Ruzil. But don't rush to go ashore. Our journey continues!
The past year – the Year of Literature – has revealed a huge number of talents
Pera art. Readers and poets, writers and even artists tried their
strength in various thematic competitions, dedicated to the Year Literatures.
Eliza. An exemplary group of the theatrical association of the House of Pioneers and
schoolchildren "Tamsy" performed successfully in the final republican
competition festival of theatrical folklore groups "Pearls"

Bashkortostan" and became a third degree laureate! (applause).
head of Fluza Mukhametdinova
Ruzil. We are happy to congratulate you guys on your well-deserved victory! Please
to please both our audience and to present again on the stage of the House of Pioneers
and schoolchildren an excerpt from the production “Salavat Yulaev National
hero Bashkir people" (applause).
25. background “Salavat”
Band performance
26. background “Salavat” cutting
Ruzil. Theater is something that doesn't happen on stage. But how is a movie made?
Let's get a look? manager Liliya Faukhutdinova
27. background journalism
Speech by the association “Journalism”
28. overture background
Eliza. Thanks guys. There is a lot ahead of us interesting events,
and perhaps you guys will make a fascinating video or even a film yourself.
After all, now we know how movies are made.
Eliza. You know, if I were a director, I would make a good, kind
Ruzil. About love?...
Eliza. And about love too. And the most important thing is that this movie has all
huge world, without fear and wars. And so that they don’t play in my film, but live
real life, and not famous artists, A ordinary people with cute
with a kind heart.
Ruzil. It seems to me that your dream is possible. After all, your first steps
our members from the association are already doing good
"Mercy". And we can see this on the screen.
The presenters remain on stage and occupy the edge of the stage. During
presentations The presenter reads poetry.

People, be kind, become a little kinder in life,
So that warmth from your hearts,
The world has become warmer, so that the ice of all grievances melts,
People, be kind, warm each other with kindness.
It’s not easy to be kind at all,
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness does not depend on color.
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
You just have to, you just have to be kind,
And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.
And the Earth will spin faster,
If we are kinder to you.
No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.

Presentation of the association. Head Elvira Akhmatyanova.
Students vocal association"Inspiration". Performance
29. “Good song”!
30. for the background “Cheerful Wind”
Eliza. Yes, indeed, we live in a happy time, where each of us
can use his abilities at will.
Ruzil. I would like to wish that songs always sound,
Eliza. A dream swirled in a whirlwind of dance!
Ruzil. In the sea of ​​wanderings and travels
Together. The sails were filled with soul!

31. Artists. The final.
Eliza. Dear viewers, this is our festive concert approached
end. We wish you creative success!
Ruzil. See you again, friends!
Presenters: Sadrislamov Ruzil, Arslanova Eliza.

Sound engineers: Gainullin V.G., Arantseva I.A.


reporting concert

department of aesthetic orientation

Government institution education

« high school No. 3 Orsha"


The screensaver sounds.

Narration. Exit of the Tutti choir

Throughout the Universe there is one Light, there is one Love for all,
Everyone has been given full talent, so that the soul can live in creativity.
Listen to the call of your heart, understand its call,
Discover the talent in yourself so that your soul can be dissolved in love.

The whole Earth will become beautiful and everything will suddenly come to life,
Create in joy, friends, and happiness will come to you!
We are musicians and singers, we are all artists,
Everyone can be a poet when there are flowers in their soul!

"Star Rain"

Fanfare sounds. The choir splits into two directions. Leading exit.

IN. Good afternoon, dear friends. Today is a holiday at our school, fanfares are thundering, the hall welcomes guests with festive decorations, costumes are full of colors, the light of the ramp illuminates the stage, and this means that we are opening the “Parade of Talents”.


For us, this is a summing up of the year, an opportunity to show ourselves, and for you, guests and spectators, to evaluate our achievements, of course, to be happy for us and get charged Have a good mood.

The parade of talents was opened by the Tutti Choir.

This year, the team represented our school and our city at the Republican choral competition “Let’s Sing Together” and became holders of a 2nd degree diploma at the regional stage. And in the finals of the competition, which took place in Minsk, the Tutti choir took an honorable third place. In addition, the team was awarded a special diploma from the republican competition “ Young talents Belarus" in the National Camp "Zubrenok".

"Spring range"


The screensaver sounds. The choir leaves.

School director Alla Vladimirovna Sinyavskaya is invited to the stage to greet the parade participants and award awards.

Director's word

AWARDS1st block Background on awardedno

Musical screensaver

Theater! How much does a word mean?
For everyone who has been there many times!
How important and sometimes new
There is action for us!

Theater! Theater! How much they mean
Sometimes your words are for us!
And how could it be otherwise?
In the theater, life is always right!

Fans continue the parade of talents theatrical genre, and there are a lot of them in our school. These are the theater groups “Poteshki”, “Peer”, and the poetry theater “Firefly”. Our school is one of the few where theatrical traditions. Participants of theater groups not only participate in competitions and festivals, but also organize theater evenings for their peers, parents, and kindergarten students. And now the youngest participants will appear on this stage theater group"Teremok". “Gaped” is the name of the miniature they will present to your attention.

Theater "Teremok" "Gawked"

To the sounds of fanfare, applause and admiring glances KVN fans, at the talent parade, I represent the school KVN team “Our Roof”. This team has a five-year history, fourth edition, two victories in the season. This year the team became second in the finals of the regional school league and received a 2nd degree diploma from the Vitebsk open league school teams KVN, and Alexander Batyukov was recognized as the best player of the season. On behalf of the team, I would like to express my gratitude to the parents for their understanding, patience and support.

The teaching staff of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3” in Orsha expresses gratitude and appreciation for their personal contribution to the development of the material and technical base of the school, for their support, cooperation and active life position

AWARDSІІ block.Background on awardedno

Holiday Parade continues the Laureate of the regional festival of creativity for children and adolescents “I’ll be a star” rhythm and plastic theater “Formula of Movement”


What can be compared to music in sound?
Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?
Are there thunderstorms? Is the brook babbling?
I can't find any comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul, -
Love or sadness, fun or sadness.
In any mood given by nature
Suddenly the music starts playing

Elizaveta Kalanich sings for you.


Last one on the block vocal group(Chinese song)

B\O Chinese song

B/O Exemplary Costume Theater “Obraz”

Breath of Heaven"

Costume theater “Image”. Leaders Vinogradova N.Ya. and Derevianko E.V. This creative team has been for more than 10 years business card our school. This year he was awarded the honorary title “Exemplary”. The team members represent our school, our region at regional, republican competitions and festivals. Thanks to the support of parents this school year, the team members attended the regional festival “Zdravnevskaya polytra” in Vitebsk, the festival of Chinese lanterns in Minsk, and took part in the commercial competition “Sails of Hope”. Dear parents, children, please accept my words of gratitude.


Oh, music is the language of love,
Creation of God's glow.
How do you cleanse your soul?
How do you spark inspiration?

The musicians continue the parade of talents. On stage instrumental duet Sinyakova Tatyana Balinskaya Daria



You are greeted by the laureate of the regional festival of creativity for children and teenagers “I’ll be a star”, the vocal group “Confetti”


Magic power art
Truly a powerful word.
And if your soul is empty,
You say it again.

The magical power of art
And suddenly everything around became new.
And you wanted to smile
And make someone else happier.

Live, create, dare
Learn willingly and a lot,
Discover your talents
And the road will be joyful!

Sung by Ivan Voroshkov

"New day"

All concert participants

Anniversary folk songs, dancing, offers to celebrate Theatrical script concert program as part of the anniversary folk ensemble song and dance. Excellent performances by different groups, the plan consists of songs, dances, and round dances.

Scenario of a theatrical concert program - beginning

As part of the 60th anniversary creative activity folk group - Russian song and dance ensemble "Beauty of the Native Land"" (The curtain opens. On the stage there is scenery village hut, rubble. The light is bright red (dawn) smoothly turns into full (flood). The noise phonogram “Village Life” sounds (mooing cows, barking dogs, crowing roosters, passing carts, etc.)

3 presenters (members of the ensemble) come on stage. Addressing the audience in the hall)

1st: Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd: Hello, small and big!

3rd: What day, today?! Festive!

2nd: Dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time. We have a place and a word for everyone on the zavalinka, and we have stored up some fun things for every taste! A guest in the house is a joy for the owner!

1st: Can everyone see it? Can everyone hear? Was there enough room for everyone?

3rd: And at the holiday today I gathered honest people, So that, as has been done for a long time, Sing and lead a round dance for everyone.

2nd: Let's be honest, today a joyful holiday awaits you. I see that people are coming here to amuse you.

Ensemble exit.

1. Vocal and choreographic composition “Will I go, will I go out” After the performance of the number, the ensemble members move around the stage, communicate - What a good day... - Oh, ladies, listen! And how the birds sing... However, they also rejoice at the holiday - How nice, girls! Let's have a dance tonight. - And that’s true! Did they bring the gramophone? - What do we need it for?

We are masters of singing and dancing even without him. - We’ll have a holiday for ourselves. Yes, such that the soul will rejoice! -Have you noticed that many have forgotten how to rejoice? bright sun, warm autumn, snowy winter. - But I definitely noticed.

What happened? Where did this feeling of joy go? Will anyone answer these questions? - It’s too early to answer them, to discover the secret of the elixir of youth, to find rejuvenating apples, wash at the source of living water. Probably, those who know how to enjoy life never grow old. - (addresses the previous interlocutor by name) Oh, _____________, why are you talking about something sad? Look at the faces of my fellow countrymen. Enlightened, happy.

And our village is dressed up like a bride-to-be. Lovely to see! Village, sweet village, Wave of accordion, wave of rye. Through hopes and disbelief you go to rebirth. And so it has been since ancient times, through centuries and years. Our cities have always grown vibrant with the energy of the village. Let our villages be crushed, Still there is no closer and dearer The depths of your sleepless skies

And the width of the plowed fields. Gray fogs over the houses, The fire of the morning dawn, Since we all come from here, no matter what you say. From this unforgettable distance, To which we are increasingly drawn, All of us, caressed by the village, Nourished and warmed by it.

2. The choir performs the song “My Village.” After the performance of the number, the next group of participants in the conversation approaches the microphones. - Yes, it’s villages like these that make Mother Russia strong. Wherever you look, there is space on all four sides. There is a reason, Rosseyushka, to love you, to call you mother... It is from these white-trunked birches, vast fields and talkative rivers that the Russian strongwoman comes. - Wow, you said it beautifully. It took my breath away.

I just want to speak in poetry. - Well, then why bother you? You are our poetic weaver. Well, let's write poems about Mother Russia. - And I’ll tell you. Oh, our strength is mighty, Our fields are wide! Abundant, dear, Glory, Russian land! (The participants in the conversation disperse, making room for the round dance.)

3. A female dance group performs the round dance “Mother Russia.” After the performance of the number, the next group of participants in the conversation approaches the microphones. A little later, the performer of the next concert number approaches them. - Oh-oh-oh, so Natalya came to us! Natasha, why are you so “wound up”? Natalya: How could she not be.

Yesterday I sang a teasing song to my friend, but he was offended... - Well, you are our famous soloist, you perform just like an artist! - What kind of song is this? Natalya: Cheerful, mischievous... - Well, then sing it to us, and we will tell you - make up or not... Natalya: I’ve been ready to sing it for a long time... - Announce! Over to you! Natalya: “There was grass along it.” Performed by me - Natalya Zakharenko.

4. Song “It was along the grass.” Performed by Natalya Zakharenko. - Don’t be upset, Natalya, the song is harmless. Your brave friend will come to the holiday, you will smile at him, as you know how, and the ice will melt in his soul, and everything will work out for you. Natalya: Calmed down. I will now wait for my beloved. (Natalya goes aside to the group of participants) - Fathers are lights!

And what kind of “peas” came to the holiday? - So this is Alevtina’s “brood.” - Why are they all with spoons? - So it was grandfather Ignat who cut out spoons for all of them for the holiday. I spent the whole week whittling and crafting. - Hey, girls, mischievous curls, hit the spoons, ringing palms. You came to dance with us! Start performing!

5. “Dance with Spoons” performed by the children’s room dance group“Naughty curls” - Oh, yes girls, nimble little skirts! Well! Did you wipe your noses?! - We know, we know! Yes, in their family, all the characters and habits are sorted into shelves. -Where are they laid out?! - Yes, even in dances, even in songs! -In songs? So THAT is good.

Nowadays, few people sing songs; more and more people listen to songs. How is it... (addresses another). What word did they come up with?.. Ah, ball-de-ut! - But he’s telling the truth! After all, we got so crazy that, bored, we went for walks around the cities and villages... - But not everyone is crazy, some can even sing songs.. - Oh, really? - Those are the ones you love! And if you don’t believe it, then sit down and listen!

6. Song “Near the River” After the performance of the number, two groups of festival participants approach the microphones. - Well, have you heard? - They heard, but didn’t hear, behind the big roofs. - Or maybe they will distort you in ditties? - Try it, but there are so many of us! (Points to all the spectators).

Let's ooh and you'll go deaf! -And we will dance for you, dance. - Yes, dancers have long since disappeared from our land. - No matter how it is... While we are thinking about ditties here, the dancers themselves will come out into the circle. The groups move apart to make room for the dance group.

7. Dance “Varenka” A group of women comes out. - Oh, the holiday is in full swing, the sun is warming hotly, Let's stand on the edge, women, and talk about what. Oh, where, where are you going, deep river, No holiday is good for us women without a man. We, of course, have more fun and peace of mind with him. You won’t find one hundred percent, ladies, on a bright day.

Scenario of the Center's reporting concert additional education children "Journey over the Rainbow"

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of the MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The script is aimed at children age category from 6 to 17 years old and will be useful and interesting to teachers of schools, art schools, teachers - organizers of additional education and parents.
Target: Report of creative teams. Showing the level of creative and performing growth of teams of creative associations for academic year.
- demonstrate Creative skills students;
- develop artistry and stage presence;
- develop students’ ability to work in a team

Equipment: Sound design, lighting, scenery, costumes.
Progress of the concert program:

Fanfare sounds. Exit of presenters (Ekaterina - teacher, Eva - student)

Eve: Good evening!

Catherine: Good, because we are surrounded good people and happy smiles!

Eve: Good, because summer is coming, and that means vacation! Sunny days and warm summer rains.

Catherine: And if there is a rainbow in the sky...

Eve: It's just a miracle!
Life in the world is more interesting.
If the rainbow shines
If a joyful song
It flies along the rainbow.

Catherine: Our journey through the rainbow opens with Ekaterina Bulycheva, a student of the Domisolka creative association, leader Elena Bushueva.
1. Song "C" Good morning, People"

Catherine: Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center for Additional Education for Children entitled “Journey along the Rainbow”. Today a rainbow of talents will shine before you.
They say talent is a valuable gift. And every child is a whole world. Some people like to sing and dance, others like to craft, draw, and design. And every child is talented in his own way. There are no untalented children! You just need to find in every child that very zest, that very spark that will someday grow into a star and appear over the years talented person, maybe big star. And wonderful teachers help our children open up and express themselves. Some of them are wise with experience, others are just embarking on the teaching path. But they are all united by a love for children and a desire to sow a spark of goodness. To make the world brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

Eve: Today in this hall there is a holiday
This holiday is a holiday of childhood,
He will leave a mark on every heart

Catherine: And the director of the Center for Additional Education for Children, Svetlana Valerievna Kurova, will open the door to the fairy tale.
Director's speech

Catherine: Meet the variety of colors, genres, songs, dances, beautiful costumes– in general, meet a real rainbow of talents.

Eve: Rainbow is great!
Rainbow is a good mood
Rainbow is harmony!
Rainbow is all of us!
And we are childhood!
On stage, children's dance group It is led by a wonderful, talented teacher Marina Golubenko.
2. Dance “Clock”

Catherine: The rainbow journey continues. The first color of the rainbow is red. The word "red" in ancient times meant "beautiful." A beautiful number - the dance “Rossinochka - Russia” will be performed for you by a dance group, the director Oksana Zhuikova is a talented teacher, known not only in our city, but also beyond its borders. Meet me.
3. Dance “Rossinochka – Russia”.

Catherine: In our beautiful, rainbow country of the Center for Additional Education of Children, all fairy-tale dreams come true.

Eve: And I so dream of a fluffy white kitten. Do you like little kittens? Yes, well then, meet the dance group of Marina Golubenko. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”
4. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”

Rainbow beauty
She told you to bow.
invites you to visit,
To a colorful land!
Where the next path awaits us is orange. And on this wonderful path you are greeted by the dance group “Vivat”. The team is led by an excellent teacher - director of modern ballroom dancing- Elena Kirasirova. "Spring Waltz".
5.Dance “Spring Waltz”

Catherine: Walking along the orange path, you immediately imagine the orange sun, the sea, and dolphins swimming on the waves. By the way, the song about dolphins is perfectly sung by Elizaveta Feoktistova, a student of Elena Bushueva from the Domisolka creative association.
Our “Domisolka” celebrated its fifteenth anniversary in April of this year. More than forty Domisolka graduates continued their education in music school, five of them entered the music school. And one of the very first students of “Domisolka” is a teacher and head teacher of the Dimitrovgrad Music College. We are proud of our graduates. And the credit for this goes to the wonderful teachers Elena Viktorovna Bushueva and Natalya Sergeevna Ustinova, who today put their soul and knowledge into the new generation of students. Meet Elizaveta Feoktistova with the song “Dolphins”
6. Song "Dolphins"

Catherine: Traveling along the orange path of the rainbow, we bring to your attention another dance number, dance “Apple” performed by students of Marina Golubenko.
7. Dance “Apple”

Catherine: Orange color Rainbow is the friendliest and most cheerful. Yes, you can see this for yourself. The friendliest team on stage. This team can be called a family. Here the elders take care of the younger ones. Kids take great pleasure in helping their elders. And this family is headed by a kind, sympathetic, and most importantly talented teacher, Marina Devzheeva. On stage are the choreographic studio "Suite", the dance "Cheerful Rain".
8. Dance “Cheerful Rain”

Catherine: To all participants of the orange episode - Thanks a lot. And we move on. What color is next in the rainbow? (answers from the audience) Name something yellow... (answers from the audience)
Eve: And also - sunbeams.

Catherine: “Sunny Bunnies” is the name of the dance performed by the group, led by a young, talented teacher - director of interesting, memorable dances Yulia Beschetnova. Let's meet sunbeams.
9. Dance “Sunny Bunnies”.

Catherine: (behind the scenes) We meet the “Smile” choir, director Valery Vatyukov. Accompanist Elena Neugodnikova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region. Music by Kabalevsky, words by the Alien. "Our land"
10. Song “Our Land”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Music by Yuri Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky “Horn and Pipe.”
11. Song “Horn and Pipe”.

Eve: If smiles shine on faces,
If children sing and dance,
So joy is knocking on the door,
And life on the planet continues
And in the creative association “Akuna - Matata”, led by Anastasia Tribunskaya, life is just beginning. This team less than a year. But they were already able to win our love.
We meet, watch and applaud.
12. Hakuna matata number.

Catherine: We've already gone through three colors of the rainbow. Next color is black! No? Oh, sorry, green! Hands up, who loves green?
I invite you to the green path of the rainbow. Ilya Kuyanov from the creative association “Domisolka” travels along the green path with us with the song “Computer”.
13. Song “Computer”

Eve: The color green is the color of spring,
the color of nature's revival!
We bring to your attention a very lively and fiery dance"Latin mix". On stage is the dance group “Vivat”, director Elena Kirasirova.
14. Dance “Latin Mix”

Catherine: They say that there are no miracles in the world... Believe me, they exist and are even next to us! And we bring to your attention a wonderful number - the dance “Box of Pencils”, the leader of the group is Yulia Beschetnova.
15. Dance “Box of Pencils”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Oksana Zhuikova’s team completes the tour along the green carpet with the dance “Letka - Enka”.
16. Dance “Letka - Enka”

Catherine: Traveling along the rainbow, we move on to the next path blue color. And this kingdom also has its own artists. We meet the choreographic studio “Suite” with the dance “Voyage”.
17. Dance “Voyage”

Catherine: Deep, noble, blue, our path is illuminated Blue. Clean, calm as the surface of a lake, and vast as the sky, as varied as a song in all its manifestations. Meet Samira Gumerova with the song “And I would like to sing and dance.”
18. Song “I wish I could sing and dance.”

Eve: I also love to dance and dream of a big stage.

Catherine: Yes, probably catch it blue dream, which is always somewhere nearby, but elusive, it’s difficult how to catch moments of creative flight and inspiration. But the Sunrise dance ensemble always succeeds.
A creative team led by Elena Troshina is dancing for you.
Dance with the intriguing name “Mad World”
19. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Eva, it seems to me that you are flying in the clouds the whole concert. Let's
Let's take a short break in the vocal and dance numbers.

Eve: Let's do it, especially since the friendly, active, very creative creative association “Scout” and the cheerful, positive “School of Counselors” are waiting behind the stage to perform. The head is a young teacher - a leader. Knowing how to lead Ekaterina Timofeeva.
20. Performance by scouts and counselors.

Friends, we are traveling along the rainbow and moving onto the blue path of the rainbow. And Elizaveta Feoktistova meets us with the song “I would like to draw a dream.” Creative association“Domisolka”, director Natalya Ustinova.
21. Song “I would like to draw a dream.”
Catherine: (behind the scenes)
Oksana Zhuikova's dance group is on stage. Dance "Cha-cha-cha". We are greeted with applause.
22. Dance “Cha – cha – cha.”

Eve: Mom is the dearest person in the world. It’s impossible to count how much is put into the word “MOM”. But the most important thing is that we owe our lives to her, my mother. Do you often dedicate poems and songs to your mother? Just like that, without holidays and memorable dates? And today we dedicate the next issue of our program to my mother. Song "Mom". Performed by Daria Vishneva.
23. Song “Mom”.

Catherine: Thanks to everyone on the blue carpet. We continue to travel across the rainbow.

Eve: Rainbow. The beauty of the earth is immediately imagined in the brightest colors of the rainbow, green, orange, yellow, blue, purple. And all these colors are in creativity, which is so unique and diverse. Now I imagine everything in the purple color of the rainbow

Catherine: Why, Eva?

Eve: Because purple very calm, lyrical and most
Unusual, from all the colors of the rainbow.

Catherine: But purple is quite rare, not an everyday color in nature.

Eve: Therefore, people often associate it with wizards and fantasy.
Remember the fairy tales: purple capes are the favorite clothing of magicians.

Ekaterina: We meet a magical, bewitching dance with a fan. Performed by Marina Golubenok Dance Studio.
24. "Fan Dance"

Catherine: The world of creativity is amazing because it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars. How many are there? Millions! Many millions. And in our city today new lights came on from the performances of our guys. The choreographic studio “Suite” closes the journey through the rainbow of talents with the dance “On the Wings of the Wind”
25. Dance “On the Wings of the Wind”

Eve: Today is a holiday - the day of talents,
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And on this bright day for you
The song “Childhood” will be performed for you.

Catherine: Vocal group “Cover”, leader Alexander Petrov. "Childhood".
26. Song “Childhood”.

Catherine: Purple color, it turns out, is a color close to energetic, active and cheerful people. They look for new adventures, discover new worlds within themselves, and even perceive failures with inexhaustible optimism and bright smile.

Eve: We greet with optimism and a smile the perky dance called “Chernomorochka”. On stage at Sunrise, director Elena Troshina.
27. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Our journey is coming to an end. And Eva Kurova introduced you to the creativity of teachers and students of the Center for Additional Education for Children.

Eva and Ekaterina Kurova.
It's great that there is a country like this
Where we sing and play songs.
And it is full of all sorts of miracles,
And we call it a fairy tale.
And believe me, only in this country,
We become three times stronger.
In this kind magical land
You can become the most important hero.


reporting concert of the pop art studio "Harmony"

"Let's light up the stars!"

Korosteleva Natalya Anatolevna,

additional education teacher

MBUDO "Creativity Development Center

children and youth" Leninsky district


(curtain opens)

On the stage senior group. There's a song playing

1. "Wake up, friend"

(the presenters come out from the opposite wings)

Alice : Good afternoon, dear guests!

Pasha: Hello, dear friends, connoisseurs of children's creativity!

Alice: We are pleased to welcome you on this spring day to the anniversary program of the Harmony pop art studio!

Pasha: It seems that very little time has passed since that memorable concert when we celebrated our tenth anniversary.

Alice: How Time flies quickly and inexorably. And soStudio "Harmony" is already 15 years old!

Pasha: I would say: “Only 15 years!” After all, the team is still so young. There are so many interesting and educational things awaiting the guys ahead. From lesson to lesson the boys and girls continuereach the heights of vocal mastery.

Alice: We didn't come this way in vain,

We learn to work hard.

For so many years there are only friends around,

After all, we had to cook in the same pot.

Pasha: You have reached the anniversary mark

The whole team is cheerful and brave.

Please accept congratulations soon,

Alice: Accept a musical gift from the most young participants vocal studio.

2. “Boogie – dance woogie”

Pasha : Each of us, looking at the night sky, dreams of seeing a falling star and wishing cherished wish. But, as comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon only have time to say: “Wow!” We can only hope that someday, looking into the starry sky, we will see not the fall, but the birth of a new star.

Alice : As it turns out, the birth of stars is not only an astronomical phenomenon. Our vocal group is a constellation of talents of varying sizes. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore are seen and known by many, others are just beginning to open up and are so far less noticeable. Therefore, the program for today’s concert “Lighting up the stars!” is the motto of everything creative life team.

Pasha: The stars are symbol of success,

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

And children, like stars, also shine!

No wonder there is such a shower of stars today!

Alice: A star team The celebrity guests should certainly congratulate you! Meet! On the stage, Polina Pankrashina is one of the brightest stars of our team, the winner of the “We Are Together” competitions in St. Petersburg, “ Star Project", "I have something to sing", "Singing Kesha" from Barnaul, "Emerald trills" from Belokurikha and many others.

3. "The Little Prince"

Pasha: And now I would like to talk about the creation of the pop art studio “Harmony” Job, creative path our teacher N.A. Korosteleva began with our Center for Creativity with vocal - choreographic studio“Veselochki”, where Natalya Anatolyevna came in 1998 after graduating from Barnaul music school. There Natalya Anatolyevna raised her first bright stars - Anya Yudakova, Artyom Burulev, Nastya Cherkasova, Olya Izvekova. First diploma and cup All-Russian competition“Eaglets of Russia” in 2000 was awarded to Anya Yudakova.

In 2003, after graduating from the Institute of Culture and Arts, Natalya Anatolyevna created her own studio and called it beautiful name- “Harmony”. For many years, professional and beloved teachers have been working in the studio - N. A. Vakhramova, V. P. Goryacheva, L. V. Popova. Over the 15 years of the studio’s activity, there have been many performances both at thematic concerts of the Center and at various competitions and festivals. These are “Crystal Springs” 1st, 2nd places, annual participation in the patriotic competition, in the regional competitions “Singing Kesha”, “Mr. Schlager”, “Golden Note”. In 2008, the soloists of the ensemble Vince Dasha and Alina Bystritskaya became diploma winners of the All-Russian competition “Blue-Eyed Anapa.” In 2010, there was the city of Krasnoyarsk, where soloist Irina Polteva took the laureate diploma at the All-Russian competition “Starry Rain”. In 2012, the ensemble and soloists Pavel Kondratov and Irina Polteva became laureates of the international competition “Victoria” in the city of Kazan. In 2013, our team was glorified by Artem Fedorov - becoming a 1st degree laureate at the regional competition “Emerald Trills” in Belokurikha. Subsequently, every year our team took part and took good places in this competition. In 2016, the ensemble “Matryoshechka” conquered international competition“We are together” by composer Alexander Ermolov in Novosibirsk, after which the ensemble “Matryoshechka” was invited to perform in Novosibirsk. Saint Petersburg. Many performances and victories are behind us, but all the good things are of course ahead!

Meet another star, winner of many competitions and the most charming girl, singer – Dudnik Alisa!

4. “Let it go and forget it”

Pasha : This spring, the Harmony studio, together with the whole country, celebrates the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory.Time is taking us further and further away from the victorious May 1945. But no matter how far the years of war go into history, they will not be erased from the memory of our people.

Alice : A bright star lit up in the sky

on that May day when Victory came.

And let the years run mercilessly.

They cannot outshine that bright ray of light.

Pasha: Victory lives in everyone's heart.

Like the most joyful and bright holiday.

He will never, I believe, die.

We are all warmed by his immortality.

5. "Silence"

Alice: Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. But even with their excessive curiosity, it is not always possible to find answers to some questions. Do you know who lights up the stars in the sky?

Pasha : unfortunately no, you know, there are such things in the world that try not to try, well, no matter how you manage to understand...

Alice: And I know.

On the edge an old house,

A cheerful gnome lives in it.

During the day the gnome usually plays,

At night the stars light up.

This is nothing for him!

Pasha : That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!

We cannot count the stars in the sky...

Alice: And the gnome has friends!

6. “Smiling song”

Pasha: In the team there are always those whom people look up to, are proud of and admire. And in our team there are such children! These students represent not only their team at competitions at various levels, but also their fellow countrymen, who can rightfully be proud of them. The senior group of the pop art studio "Harmony" sings for you

7. "Soul in Love"

8. "Give Up"

9. “Jazz Rain”

Pasha : Dear viewers, let me ask you a few questions. This is not your first time at a concert of the vocal studio “Harmony”, and you know this group well. Tell me, what do you like about the work of our vocal studio?

(audience responses, briefly)

Alice: And one more question: what would you like to wish our guys?

(answers from the audience, briefly. At the end - “True friendship!”)

Pasha : Right, true friendship! This is exactly what boys and girls sing about!

10. "Geometry"

Alice: Love for the Motherland and respect for its history always have a place in the repertoire of our team


I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,

For intelligence, for holy deeds, for a voice as clear as a stream!

I love your meadows and fields, the transparent sound of your plains.

Willows bending towards the water, the tops of flaming rowan trees.

I love and deeply understand the pensive sadness of the steppes.

I love everything that I call in one great word - Rus'!

11. “My Russia – golden domes”

Pasha: We dream about " Main stage»:

To perform at the Big Kremlin.

Go to Eurovision

Alice A: Dreams are supposed to come true.

Just work and talent to connect...

Pasha: Well, for now we'll have to use scales

Teach-teach, teach-teach...

12. "Lady Jazz"

13. "Comrade"

Pasha : Spring. And the winds suddenly died down,

and the snow turned into a stream.

She was always beautiful

open, bright and no one's.

Alice: Oh, how many colors there are in this word

and the smell of forest flowers.

Oh, how much tenderness and affection there is in him,

so many unspoken words!

How much warmth, hope, light

and expecting miracles.

Spring is coming like a queen

like an angel sent from heaven.

14. “Hello, sun”

15. "Stamp your foot"

Pasha : (addresses Alice) - Do you know what you need to do to make your dreams come true?

Alice: And I think, To make your dream come true, you need to work hard and go towards your goal, with the support of friends and family.

After all, if we all act together, everyone’s dreams will come true!

Pasha: Let's chip in and buy some

Island. Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Let it be the “Island of Dreams”.

And he welcomes guests from all over the world.

Everyone will find a friend, a girlfriend.

And it will warm the souls of others.

And then, forgetting about all the ailments,

You will see how the dawn turns red,

Everyone will understand that their dream is not a ghost...

Happiness that cannot be measured forever

The sound of laughter will spread throughout the world

You just have to really believe in it!

16. “Dream Sail”

Alice: They say that the soul of every nation is in its songs. And there is also an opinion that of all the types of music ever invented by mankind, the most catchy are Russian folk songs.

Pasha: Exactly! Songs in folk style are associated with unbridled fun and boundless freedom. Just imagine: an endless field, an endless road, a starry sky and... beautiful Russian girls

17. "Crows"

Supervisor: 1 5 years of vocal creativity is already enough for the team to say: “We are one big family, we have traditions, achievements, plans and dreams.” And today another tradition is repeated: saying goodbye to graduates. This year “Harmony” has six graduates: Alisa D., Valeria Yad., Gelena Ch., Maria M., Artem F. and Pavel K. Let us greet our graduates with friendly applause!

Dear friends! Our team celebrates its anniversary today. And so many graduates! You will forever remain stars of the first magnitude in the constellation of talents of the Harmony vocal studio. But now you will have to shine your own light. And may your high school graduation years be successful for you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. As a musical gift, please look at the screen.

The Deputy Director of the Center for Creativity Development is invited to the stage to congratulate the graduates. Award ceremony for graduates, removal of cups

18. "Fly"

Pasha : Stars... How many times have we looked at and couldn’t stop looking at them! Sometimes you want to get up and take a closer look , but, unfortunately, this is not given to us. And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Alice: Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So does anyone need this?

This means it is necessary

So that every evening above the rooftops

Did at least one star light up?

19. “The most important thing in the world is your children”

at the end of the song the band exits

Pasha: The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth.

Our beloved parents are invited to the stage.

Congratulations from the Administration and parents

Pasha: Our friendly salute -

And warm regards.

to the native team

Already fifteen years

Alice: Today is a happy day

Day of creative zeal,

We are celebrating the fifteenth

TOGETHER: Birthday!

20. “Birthday” - final song and taking out the cake

So our holiday has come to an end, which, I think, gave us all the sea positive emotions. And may your life always be joyful and bright like spring. We thank everyone for your attention. And we say: “See you again, friends!”
All the best!