Essay based on the painting by S. Vinogradov “Spring”

Famous artist Sergei Arsenievich Vinogradov is considered by many to be Levitan’s heir. He connects his creativity with traditions landscape painting. His main theme of creativity is life in harmony with nature and their complete fusion. Most of all, his pen was successful in sunny subjects. Such works include the painting “Spring”.

It depicts a wonderful sunny day in early spring. On the left a house looks out towards the sun. Shadows fall on the windows and seem to entice residents to go outside. The trees have not yet fully woken up and turned green, but they have already shed the heavy snow and are enjoying the first warmth. Some areas of the land have already been completely freed from snow cover, and now fresh grass pleases the eye. But there are also snowy places that give the picture a little coolness.

Looking at the picture, it is impossible not to notice the bright blue and clear sky. This is exactly what it is like at the beginning of spring. You look and your eyes water from the brightness. All living things begin to reach out to this sky. And a blade of grass, and bushes, and trees with their branches, even an evergreen pine explodes its needles upward, filling them with light.

This picture does not show us the arrival of spring, but the beauty of life. How easy and simple everything begins to seem as soon as nature smiles and rejoices.

The famous artist Sergei Arsenievich Vinogradov is considered by many to be Levitan's heir.
He connects his work with the traditions of landscape painting.
His main theme of creativity is life in harmony with nature and their complete fusion.
Most of all, his pen was successful in sunny subjects.
Such works include the painting “Spring”.

It depicts a wonderful sunny day in early spring.
On the left a house looks out towards the sun.
Shadows fall on the windows and seem to entice residents to go outside.
The trees have not yet fully woken up and turned green, but they have already shed the heavy snow and are enjoying the first warmth.
Some areas of the land have already been completely freed from snow cover, and now fresh grass pleases the eye.
But there are also snowy places that give the picture a little coolness.

Looking at the picture, it is impossible not to notice the bright blue and clear sky.
This is exactly what it is like at the beginning of spring.
You look and your eyes water from the brightness.
All living things begin to reach out to this sky.
And a blade of grass, and bushes, and trees with their branches, even an evergreen pine explodes its needles upward, filling them with light.

This picture does not show us the arrival of spring, but the beauty of life.
How easy and simple everything begins to seem as soon as nature smiles and rejoices.

The painting “Spring” depicts a fine spring day in the countryside. The spring sun is shining brightly and the sky is bright blue. On foreground In the picture we see a front garden near the wall of a rural house. A tall, slender pine tree with green needles grew much higher than the roof. The front garden is surrounded by young trees, probably planted not so long ago. They also form a semicircle.

In front of the house, the snow had only partially melted, leaving last year's reddish grass exposed. But a wide strip of snow remained, encircling the house in a semicircle. Thin and flexible trunks of young trees cast clear shadows on the ground and on the wall of the house. These shadows are sinuous like snakes.

In the background you can see other rural houses, tall and thin trees with last year's reddish leaves. There are no people visible in the picture. But in the front garden there is some kind of wooden box, a little like a beehive. This means that people live and farm here.

I really liked the house in the picture, although the artist only depicted it from one side. It's simple an old house, gray-blue color. It is wooden, but built on a stone foundation. It has many small windows, as was previously customary. A carved wooden cornice decorates the house.

The lines and colors on the artist’s canvas combine well with each other and look very natural. The painting “Spring” breathes the harmony and tranquility of nature.

The first painting is "Spring is Coming".

In this painting, the artist depicted only the very beginning of spring. Early spring. The snow is still thick, and to get to the house you have to make a path. The sky is fraught with anxiety, and although gray winter clouds hang over the world, blue shreds of spring radiance are already tearing them here and there.

Pay attention to the colors. The trees seem to be deliberately colorful spring colors, as if overtaking the awakening of nature, despite the still wet bare branches, they are endowed with succulent bright colors, foreshadowing the approach of the long-awaited warmth. The earth on the hills begins to thaw, and darkens thick and juicy. The old house is still closed, but he also feels that soon, very soon people will return to it, and he, warmed by the sun, tries to get rid of the last traces of snow on the veranda.

Trees reach for the sun. It seems that they are trying to warm up, and are stretching their arms - branches towards the sun, and only the loach has not yet woken up, and hangs with dry lashes on the railing of the veranda. No birds or funny dog, greeting everyone who approaches the house with a joyful bark. You can’t hear the children’s voices that ring here all summer. Everything is waiting.

There is still frost at night, and the melted snow on the veranda is bordered by icy laces, but the silence is already alert, waiting. AND fresh breeze drives the clouds away, clearing the way for Spring.


Second picture. "Spring".

It's almost the end of April here. The sky is blue-blue, the kind that only happens in spring.

During the day the sun warms up, and there is no snow left around the house. There is still snow in the field and between the trees, but its days are numbered. It’s not for nothing that this month is nicknamed “snowman”.

And around the trees the snow has already melted. They breathe and reach for the sun. Spring juices flowed under the skin-bark, the buds swelled, and the first young leaves opened their tiny palms. They are almost invisible, but the light green haze on the flexible branches is already pleasing to the eye.

Fresh greenery breaks through the old grass. And it seems that the old house, bathed in sunshine, is smiling at Spring. The drops rang, the crystal icicles melted, and only wooden lace crowned its roof.

Two paintings, two springs. On one there is only timid hope, on the other the birth of warmth.

But in each there is a piece of the Artist’s soul.




Other questions from the category

Make up sentences with isolated circumstances. the following words must be present During, Despite In continuation

Thanks to

To avoid

In contrast In consequence

For absence


Because of

With consent

With Consent

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer M. E. Saltykov - Shchedrin: “Thought forms itself without concealment, in all

completeness; That’s why she easily finds a clear expression for herself. And syntax, grammar, and punctuation willingly obey it.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.
(1) There is sleep and silence on the farm. (2) We walk along a low fence, white under the moon, made of flat wild stone in a southern way. (3) It feels as if I was born here, and lived my life here, and now I’m returning home.

(4) I knock loudly on the window frame. (5) There is no need to sleep now that we are back. (6) And now the plank door swings open. (7) Panchenko, my orderly, sleepy, yawning, stands barefoot on the threshold.

- (8) Come in, Comrade Lieutenant.

(9) It’s good to return home from the bridgehead at night like this. (10) You don’t think about it there. (11) You feel it here with all your might. (12) Before the war, I never had to return home after a long separation. (13) And we didn’t have to leave for a long time. (14) The first time I left home for a pioneer camp, the second time I left for the front. (15) But even those who returned home before the war after a long separation did not then experience what we are experiencing now. (16) They returned bored - we are returning alive...

(17) Sitting on the windowsills, the scouts watch the two of us eat, and their eyes are kind. (18) And in the corner there is a wide country bed. (19) White pillowcase stuffed with hay, white sheet. (20) People did not understand or appreciate much before the war. (21) Does a person in peacetime understand what clean sheets are? (22)3 Throughout the war, I only slept on sheets in the hospital, but then they were not pleasing.

(23) I lie down on my royal bed, smelling of hay and fresh linen, and sink into the ground. (24) My eyes are stuck together, but I barely doze off when, with a start, I wake up again. (25) I wake up from silence. (26) Even in my sleep, I got used to listening to the explosion of shells.

(27) And thoughts about the guys remaining on the bridgehead come into my head. (28) I close my eyes - and again it’s all before my eyes: the signalmen’s dugout, which was hit by a bomb, the road in the forest and the black heights occupied by the Germans...

(29) No, I don’t think I’ll fall asleep. (30) Carefully, so as not to wake the guys, I go out into the yard, carefully closing the door. (31) How quiet! (32) It’s as if there is no war on earth. (33) Ahead, the moon sets behind a clay pipe, only its edge glows above the roof. (34) And there is something so ancient, endless in this, which was before us and will be after us.

(35) I sit on a stone and remember how at school forty-five minutes of a lesson were longer than two centuries. (36) States arose and collapsed, and it seemed to us that time had flown before us with amazing speed and now it was just taking its normal course. (37) Each of us had a whole human life, from which we lived for fourteen, fifteen years.

(38) I have been fighting for three years now. (39) Have the years really been so long before?.. (40) I return to the house, cover myself with my head and, shivering under my overcoat, fall asleep.

Sergei Vinogradov belongs to the generation of Russian masters Russian art, which, following best traditions Peredvizhniki, took the path of renewal in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among these giants (Serov, Levitan, Korovin and others) Vinogradov did not get lost; he had his own deeply individual style, developed his own themes, and his technical and coloristic techniques are recognizable.

With great patience and hard work, the artist won high creative positions, leaving behind the old school, which has already played its role critical realism. Absorbing new trends, through searches and doubts, Vinogradov followed his own path in art, his canvases are filled with light, air, and soaked in the sun.

Sergei Arsenievich Vinogradov was born on July 13, 1869 in the village of Bolshiye Soli Kostroma province in the family of a rural priest. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1880 - 1889) with I.M. Pryashnikova, V.E. Makovsky, V.D. Polenova, in St. Petersburg Academy arts (1889) from B.P. Villevalde, K.B. Veniga.

S.A. Vinogradov is the author of early genre paintings with “talking” titles: “Horse dealer”, “Repairing the barge” (1888), “Workers’ lunch” (1890), “Beggars at the church fence” (1899), “Day laborer”, “Peasant woman”, “Shepherd”, - In them, the artist, in addition to the plot, looks for a landscape beginning. His paintings tend to be contemplative and eventless: “Women”, “In the House”, “Coming Out”, “Through the Stubble”.

"Pier on the Volga" 1885
Art Museum of the Altai Territory,

"At the Tavern" 1887
Taganrog Art Gallery

"Workers waiting for a steamer on the Volga pier" 1888
Oil on canvas 66x82
Volgograd Museum fine arts

"Repairing the barge" 1888
Oil on canvas 41x28

"Women of Tula" 1889
Cardboard, oil 68.5x49
New Jerusalem Museum

"On the Volga" 1889


"In the hut" 1890
Omsk Museum of Fine Arts

"Baba" 1890
National Art Museum Republic-Sakha,

"In the Church" Late 1890s
Cardboard, oil 63x47
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Hut" 1890
Oil on canvas 38.4x32.3

"Peasant Woman. Study" 1890
Oil on canvas 32x19
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Peasant Girl"
Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

"Peasant yard" 1890s
Kharkov Museum of Fine Arts

"Boy at the Window" 1890
Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts,

"Workers' Lunch" 1890
Oil on canvas 44.5x67
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Peasant Woman with a Rake. Study" 1891
Oil on canvas 36x20
State Tretyakov Gallery

"At the Chapel" 1892
Oil on canvas 72x59.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Women (Girlfriends)" 1893
Oil on canvas 80.3x66.7
State Tretyakov Gallery

“Portrait of Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin”
Oil on canvas 102 x 66.5
Yaroslavl Art Museum

"Women" 1894
Oil on canvas 44x64.2
State Tretyakov Gallery

"To Work" 1895
Kharkov Museum of Fine Arts

"Children" 1895
Odessa Art Museum

"Dayman" 1897
Oil on canvas 68.5x49
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Lake in the Forest"
Collection of Vladimir Pesic

"Autumn" 1898
Kirov Regional Art Museum

"Old Church in Plyos" 1898
Oil on canvas 20x33
State Tretyakov Gallery

"On the River" 1899
Oil on canvas 53x99
Museum musical culture named after M.I. Glinka

"Beggars" 1899
Canvas, oil
Smolensky state museum-reserve

"Night" 1900s
Cardboard, oil 66.3x84.5
Private collection

"Evening (Barns)" 1900
Oil on canvas 46.5x80
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Evening in the Country" 1900s
Oil on canvas 59.5x85
Chelyabinsk Art Gallery

"In the workshop" 1900
Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia,

"Study with a Boat"

His style of writing was especially influenced by V.D. Polenov, whose classes allowed Vinogradov to find in the landscape own topic– plein air with effects, usually of sunset lighting. After his early, mostly genre paintings, in the 1900s and 1910s the artist focused on landscapes in the spirit of impressionism. In 1889 he received the title of class artist, from 1912 - academician, from 1916 - full member of the Academy of Arts. He taught at the Stroganov School of Art and Industry in Moscow; in Kharkov and Riga.

"Night" 1900s
Cardboard, oil 66.3x84.5
Private collection

Oil on canvas 100x57
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Across the stubble" 1900
Oil on canvas 107x178
Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts

"Autumn" 1901
Oil on canvas 38.5x58.5
Kostroma State Art Museum

"Autumn. Backyards" 1901
Oil on canvas 39x58.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Early Spring Evening"
Collection of Vladimir Pesic

"The Shepherd. Study for the painting "Across the Stubble" 1900
Oil on canvas 100x57
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Barn" 1901
Oil on canvas 53x74
Samara Regional Art Museum

"Northern Village" 1902
Oil on canvas 63x86

"Spring" 1902
Oil on canvas 80.4x101.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Spanish Dancer (Otero)" 1903
Oil on canvas 167x93 Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

His creative and, as a consequence, exhibition life were very active. He took part in the exhibitions: “Partnerships traveling exhibitions"(in 1892 - 1901), "Moscow Association of Artists" (in 1894 - 1895), "36 Artists" (in 1901 - 1902), "World of Art" (v. 1901 – 1903), “Union of Russian Artists” (1903 and 1906 – 1923), as well as foreign ones (1906 - Paris; 1907 - Berlin).

"Pier. Arkhangelsk" 1903
Oil on canvas 33x47.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

The works of this one of the most talented and prosperous Russian artists, located in the Saratov State Art Museum named after A.N. Radishchev, date back to the period of his work in the Union of Russian Artists, in the creation of which he took a significant part in 1903. Artists “ Union” was united by an orientation towards the achievements of painting by V.D. Polenov and I.I. Levitan. They were united not only by the similarity of the theme - views of ancient Russian cities, villages, estates, houses - but also by the well-known unity of the pictorial system. Their impressionism was predominantly of a nationally distinctive nature.

"In the estate in autumn" 1907
Oil on canvas 62.3x80
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Hunting with Greyhounds" 1907
Lugansk Regional Art Museum

"At K.A. Korovin's" 1908
Oil on canvas 71.8x98
Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum

"Monte Carlo. Study" 1909
Far Eastern Art Museum,

"Moscow street"
Taganrog Art Gallery

Memorial Museum-Estate of N.A. Yaroshenko,

"Sunny day. Lady at the balustrade" Circa 1908
Plywood, oil 42.5x53.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Summer" 1909
Oil on canvas 66x98
State Russian Museum

"In the house"
Oil on canvas 87.5 x 70.5
Kaluga Regional Art Museum

"Estate" 1910s
Oil on canvas 62x79
State Tretyakov Gallery

"In the estate" 1910
Oil on canvas 56.3x71
State Tretyakov Gallery

"In the estate" 1910
State Museum arts Republic of Kazakhstan,

"In the garden"
Canvas, oil
Private collection, Moscow

"To the Reverend" 1910
Oil on canvas 47x66
Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve

"To the Reverend" 1910s
Oil on canvas 34x68
Collection of K and A. Rudentsov

"Natasha's Angel" 1910s
Cardboard, oil 26.5x22
State Tretyakov Gallery

"The Ovins" 1910
Oil on canvas 51x65.5
Sevastopol Art Museum

Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum

"The Garden in Autumn" 1910
Paper on cardboard, mixed media"96x96
Irkutsk Art Museum

"Spring is Coming" 1911
Paper, tempera 95.2x95.5

Essay on the painting:
Early spring. The snow is still thick, and to get to the house you have to make a path. The sky is fraught with anxiety, and although gray winter clouds hang over the world, blue shreds of spring radiance are already tearing them here and there.
The trees seem to be deliberately full of spring colors, as if ahead of the awakening of nature; despite the still wet bare branches, they are endowed with rich, bright colors, foreshadowing the approach of the long-awaited warmth. The earth on the hills begins to thaw, and darkens thick and juicy. The old house is still closed, but he also feels that soon, very soon people will return to it, and he, warmed by the sun, tries to get rid of the last traces of snow on the veranda.
Trees reach for the sun. It seems that they are trying to warm up, and are stretching their arms - branches towards the sun, and only the loach has not yet woken up, and hangs with dry lashes on the railing of the veranda. There are no birds visible, no cheerful dog greeting everyone who approaches the house with a joyful bark. You can’t hear the children’s voices that ring here all summer. Everything is waiting.
There is still frost at night, and the melted snow on the veranda is bordered by icy laces, but the silence is already alert, waiting. And a fresh wind drives the clouds away, clearing the way for Spring

Oil on canvas 95.5 x 95.5
State Russian Museum
Saint Petersburg

It's almost the end of April here. The sky is blue-blue, the kind that only happens in spring.
During the day the sun warms up, and there is no snow left around the house. There is still snow in the field and between the trees, but its days are numbered. It’s not for nothing that this month is nicknamed “snowman”.
And around the trees the snow has already melted. They breathe and reach for the sun. Spring juices flowed under the skin-bark, the buds swelled, and the first young leaves opened their tiny palms. They are almost invisible, but the light green haze on the flexible branches is already pleasing to the eye.
Fresh greenery breaks through the old grass. And it seems that the old house, bathed in sunshine, is smiling at Spring. The drops rang, the crystal icicles melted, and only wooden lace crowned its roof.
Two paintings, two springs. On one there is only timid hope, on the other the birth of warmth.

Interior in the evening. 1911
Paper on cardboard, wax crayons. 26 x 39 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery

"In the house"
Canvas, oil
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Hunter with skis" 1912(?)
Oil on canvas 85.5x77
Tyumen Museum of Fine Arts

Picnic. 1912

"Pond" 1913
Oil on canvas 99x107
Astrakhan State Art Gallery

They ride with greyhounds. 1913

"Moscow Kremlin"
Penza Regional Art Gallery named after K.A. Savitsky

"Spring Landscape" 1913
Krasnoyarsk Art Museum

"In the House" 1914
Saratov State Art Museum

His work “In the House” is distinguished by a bright, cheerful mood. The painting is a kind of synthesis of interior and landscape: both the walls and the furniture in the rooms depicted in the painting face the outside world, the garden in which the house stands. Nature “flows” freely through him, providing a general emotional setting. The interior is major and full of joyful affirmation of today's life.

"Plays" 1914
National Art Museum The Republic of Belarus,

"Village" 1915
Saratov State Art Museum

The painting is of a sketch nature: in fact, it is a large study the size of an average painting, full of dazzling light and sparkling color, so consistent with the bright image depicted spring day. Reflections of the spring sun lie on the roofs of houses, logs, and still transparent tree crowns. The colors are bright and rich. The work literally fascinates with its bravura, life-affirming experience of a natural motif. Vinogradov follows here not so much Levitan as Arkhipov.

"Crimea. Blooming May" 1915-1918
Oil on canvas 106x88.5
Novokuznetsk Art Museum

In 1915-1917 S.A. Vinogradov lived and worked in Crimea, living in Gurzuf at the dacha of his friend Konstantin Korovin.
Paintings created in Crimea, S.A. Vinogradov, filled with spectacular shimmers of sunlight. This is Alupka. Crimea, 1917”, “Crimea, Blooming May”, “Southern Night”, reminiscent of the paintings of Kuindzhi and others.

"Crimean landscape" 1915
Oil on canvas 80.7x102.5
State Tretyakov Gallery

"Sea shore. Alupka"
Canvas, oil
Collection of K and A. Rudentsov

"Alupka" 1917
Location unknown