I am a patriot of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reflection Assignment

Development class hour for 3rd grade on Knowledge Day

Description of material: I offer you a lesson summary on the topic “I am a patriot of my country” for 3rd grade students. This material will be useful to primary school teachers.
Democratization of society and successful development of the state largely depend on civic qualities the younger generation. It is known that the most important part moral education There is always the education of schoolchildren in the spirit of patriotism. Patriotism (translated from Greek language the word “patre” means “Motherland”) is the most important principle of teenage education. Patriotic education begins in childhood with acquaintance with the works of oral folk art, with history native land, with the traditions of his people. We will show how this can be done in a school setting using the example of developing a class hour for the third grade.

Class hour for the Day of Knowledge, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan and the Constitution of Kazakhstan, 3rd grade

Subject: I am a patriot of my country
Target: formation of Kazakhstani patriotism among students
- education of patriotism and active civic position in the context of the implementation of a national idea by studying the history of the country, native land;
– fostering a sense of love and pride for one’s country;
– fostering a sense of love and respect for the Kazakh language, customs, traditions of the Kazakh people, other ethnic groups and ethnic groups Kazakhstan;
– spiritual and moral education of children;
– development of intellectual abilities
Description of work: This class hour is held on September 1. This event is aimed at developing Kazakhstani patriotism. It expands the children’s understanding of the history of Kazakhstan. Technique used critical thinking.
Forms of work– whole class, group, individual.
Purpose: the material is designed for children 8-9 years old and may be of interest class teachers, educators.
Equipment: recording of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cards with words, Dictionary Russian language, map of Kazakhstan, autumn leaves, envelope.
1. Organizational moment
The anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is played
Hello guys. I am very glad to see you all in our class rested and matured. I wish you success in the new academic year, health to you and your loved ones, peaceful skies in our state.
Today, I invite you to our first lesson of this school year.
What should you be like in class? (attentive, resourceful, active, ...)
I think that you will all be attentive and active, and most importantly, show what you know and how you can work.
And now we need to divide into 3 teams and get ready for work (according to the color of autumn leaves).
2. Report the topic of the lesson
Today, in all corners of our homeland, class hours will be held at very interesting topic. And by which one, you will now find out. Now you have taken the leaves different colors on which numbers and letters are written, you now need to attach all these pieces of paper to the board in order of numbers.
-What happened?
Let's all read together the topic of our lesson, “I am a patriot of my country.”
-Who is a patriot?
3. Conversation on the topic
a) Work on the dictionary.
The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives the following description: a person, loving his homeland, native state, ready for heroic deeds and personal sacrifices in the name of the fatherland

B) Cluster: Let's define the traits that are characteristic of a patriot. (We draw a person, stick on the features. We justify the choice. Each group has an envelope with cards on their desk - find, read, stick and prove)

1 envelope
Ready to defend the Motherland.
Good student.
Doesn't like to work.
Playing sports.
Likes animals.
Doesn't listen to his parents.
Loves the place where he was born and raised.

2 envelope
Loves and does not forget his mother, his home
Doesn't want to study.
He proudly realizes that there is no country on Earth better than ours.
Not only loves, but also protects nature.
Does not give up his seat to elders on the bus.
Knows state symbols
Decorates the Motherland with his work

Additional material:
The coat of arms of Kazakhstan has the shape of a circle. The central element is shanyrak, which personifies the hearth and is a symbol of family. Shanyrak with its rays represents the unification of many peoples. An important part of the coat of arms is two mythological horses, because The whole life of nomads is connected with the horse. The horses seem to protect the shanyrak from both sides. The five-pointed star is used as a symbol of happiness, peace, and a sign of eternity. The ears of corn represent the wealth of the Motherland.
Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan blue color, which symbolizes unity and a cloudless sky, peace and prosperity. golden sun with rays - symbolizes wealth and peace, rays - friendship of all peoples living in the country. The soaring steppe eagle symbolizes generosity and vigilance, the height of thoughts.
National anthem The Republic of Kazakhstan is a solemn work. In the life of any state, the anthem plays a big role. It unites the citizens of the country. They open official meetings of state leaders. The anthem is performed at special holidays, military parades, and sporting competitions. Listen to the Anthem while standing, showing respect for main song of your country.
3 envelope
Knows his state language
Destroys birds' nests.
He knows the history of his country and is proud of his ancestors.
Ready to defend the Motherland
Throws trash.
Reads well, writes poetry
Good friend.

Okay, well done guys!

Can you call yourself patriots? Are you like these little people?
Guys, I want you to grow up to be real patriots of your fatherland. And for this you need to love and respect your Motherland. The homeland is the most important, the most precious and everything favorite word. Every person has his own homeland. By this word we mean our school, our family, our beautiful city, our entire huge Republic of Kazakhstan.

Homeland is your father and mother,
Motherland is a friend and peer to match,
The homeland is your land and capital,
The homeland is an aul and a village.

4. Physical education minute
-If you are happy to go to school, raise your right hand.
- If you think you should study the history and culture of your country, take a step forward.
- If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, take a step back.
- If you care about the fate of our country, clap your hands.
- If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.
- If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.
- If you think that you need to study and obey the laws of your country, sit quietly at your desk.

5. Conversation about the Constitution and Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Guys, who knows what holiday our country celebrated on August 30? (Constitution day)
-Guys, who knows what the Constitution is?
The Constitution is a set of Laws by which all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan live. Every person must respect the laws of his country and not break them. Respect the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect the State Symbols RK (coat of arms, flag, anthem), feel proud of your country. Study and know the state language - Kazakh, speak Russian and English languages. Be a true patriot of your country. Love and respect your land, your homeland.
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan contains a lot of laws, and there are also laws in the Constitution that concern you, schoolchildren.
Article 30, paragraph 1.
“Citizens are guaranteed free secondary education in state institutions. Secondary education is compulsory."

But along with rights, you must fulfill responsibilities. Those. you must go to school, study well, be worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Because you are the future of our country and you will build the future of our country.

Guys, what other public holidays do you know? (December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Every year on December 16 we celebrate the holiday - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
And this year our country celebrates important event in its history:
25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
-What does the word “independence” mean? (this means independent decision maker).
In 1991, on December 16, the Constitutional Law of the Republic was adopted
Kazakhstan “On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. It was on this day that the dream of all generations of our people came true; a young state was proclaimed on the ancient Kazakh land.

6. Conversation about friendship.
Guys, this bird flew to our lesson today. Who knows what kind of bird this is? (pigeon)
Why did the dove fly to us, who guessed? (symbol of peace and friendship)
People of 121 nationalities live in Kazakhstan: Kazakhs, Germans, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Uyghurs, Koreans, etc. Each nation is proud of its history, spiritual values, traditions, customs, and language. But all of us people different nationalities, has one thing in common: We are the people of Kazakhstan. All the peoples of Kazakhstan live together, peacefully, and love their Motherland. After all, the most important thing on earth is peace and friendship!
We have people of many nationalities living in Kazakhstan. Everyone speaks different languages. But the state language is Kazakh. Let us now find out how well you know Kazakh language Your task is to translate the presented words into Kazakh. Which group will do it faster?
Well done guys, you are real patriots of your country, since you know the state language.

7. Game "Kazakhstan Expert"
Attention question:
1.What holiday is celebrated on July 7 in Kazakhstan? (President’s Birthday and Capital Day)
2. Which language is the state language in Kazakhstan (Kazakh)
3. Which language in Kazakhstan is called the language of interethnic communication (Russian)
4. The bird depicted on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Symbolizes freedom and independence. (eagle)
5. Our president N.A. Nazarbayev set us the task of speaking 3 languages, Which ones? (Kazakh, Russian, English.)
6. Solemn song, a symbol of state sovereignty. It is performed in schools at lines, at various meetings. (Anthem)
7. The holy book of Muslims (Koran)
8. How old is the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (25 years).

8. Reflection
Continue the sentence.
I attended a class called...
What I remember most was...
My emotional state...
This class is teaching me...

Our lesson today has come to an end. I really want to believe that you understood and learned a lot. Every person living on the planet feels a sense of pride in their homeland, their people and country, their land and history. I think that you will become real patriots of your country.

“We have one homeland, one destiny and one land” (N.A. Nazarbayev)

What is patriotism? In my understanding, patriotism is love for the Motherland and people, devotion and desire to defend the Fatherland in difficult times, pride in social and cultural achievements their country, remember the historical past of the Motherland, the desire to preserve inherited traditions and strive for a bright future. This is a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised, sympathy for the suffering of his people, respect for the native language and state symbols of the Republic.

Patriotism has its roots in the family. Parents who show love and respect for their country, interest in national culture and traditions, instill these feelings in children, thereby raising children to be patriots.

The child repeats after everyone and does everything he sees. A parent must teach not only with words, but also with actions; the parent himself must be like that. And the child, seeing that his father and mother are hardworking, sympathetic and brave patriots of their country, will think that this is how it should be, that this is the norm, that this is a true citizen of his republic. Therefore, it is important to raise children and the main thing is for society to understand the importance of this process.

A patriot of his family will become a patriot of school, university, and he, in turn, will live and work for the good of his Motherland. Society must create all conditions for the formation of a healthy family, and healthy family should become a source of healthy citizens. The surrounding society makes an important contribution to the upbringing of a child. It instills a sense of patriotism through its attention and familiarization with the history of the people.

A good example is work with children of prosecutors, as was done this summer. While the parents fulfilled their duty and served the Motherland, the state took care of their children.

According to the Action Plan for summer period on organizing leisure time for children of employees of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.K. Asanov, children were able to visit various museums, where they got acquainted with the history of the emergence and life of the Kazakh people, visited various institutions related to the protection and protection of the population, were able get acquainted with the work of your parents, take part in competitions and attend sports relay races together with your parents.

This is how we work with the younger generation. It is carried out everywhere, starting from kindergarten, further in secondary school, college, institute, university. This is how a true citizen of his country grows.

IN modern world citizenship and patriotism are key characteristics relations between man and state. They have a number of similarities, but at the same time, patriotism and citizenship are two phenomena that are different in nature. The main difference between citizenship and patriotism is that citizenship is a political and legal state that presupposes the presence of rights, freedoms and responsibilities enshrined in the rules of law, and patriotism is most often defined as a feeling.

Citizenship is one of those issues social development, which never lose their relevance. Moreover, the theme of citizenship begins to play special role in difficult periods of development of states, when it is necessary to unite the efforts of citizens and take high responsibility for the fate of their fatherland. However, citizenship is not only love for home country, but also the conscious and civilized fulfillment of one’s civic duties and one’s civic duty.

"If you are a child of your country, if your heart lives with its joys and sorrows, if the honor of a citizen is dear to you, work for the country by the sweat of your brow so that it becomes stronger, nobler and more beautiful. Don’t forget that only you are the owner of both the land and the country!” - this is what the leader of the country Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev says.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have protected our lands. If we recall history, it took Kazakhstan more than two hundred years to gain its independence. Thousands of people fought for the freedom of our country and many died. They showed courage and will for a common victory. It is thanks to these people that we live in a free and independent state. The unity and cohesion of the people provided us with a bright future.

We must remember these people and be proud of the true patriots of our country. We must be eternally grateful to those people who gave their lives for us. They gave their lives for the sake of those who were not yet there, whom they did not yet know.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan remembers the significant day, December 16, 1991, when we gained independence. Twenty-five years have passed since that day. Today, independent Kazakhstan can confidently set goals and make plans for the future. Since our independence, we have done a lot: we built a strong state, created one of the most dynamic economies, and improved the standard of living of people. Now we, the people of Kazakhstan, should not stop there, we need to move to new heights.

Today there are many problems in the country. Some live with the dream of leaving the country, instead of contributing to the development of the country. No need to leave in search better life, but you need to create it with your own labor, in your own country. Others blame blindly state power, without the desire to improve their way of life and lifestyle. Still others are carried away by the Western way of life, forgetting history, culture, traditions and native language. Remembering the words of the President of the Republic: “ True love towards the Motherland does not tolerate patriotic eloquence, because with this alone a person is unlikely to make his Motherland happy,” now in peacetime it is necessary to do as much as possible specific everyday things to improve the condition of one’s homeland. Schoolchildren need to try to study better, students need to learn the basics of science, and civil servants need to work for the good of the people, the military should properly defend their homeland, scientists, doctors, public figures, people of culture, entrepreneurs - everyone needs to do their job at the highest level.

As the leader of our country says: “Our country needs citizens who have inherited from their ancestors and have absorbed a feeling of ardent love for their father’s land and native people, who would selflessly serve our independent state, have erudition and breadth of thinking, are deeply and comprehensively educated, and resourceful and smart, courageous and responsible, healthy physically and morally.” The “Kazakhstan-2050” strategy and messages from the leader of the nation, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, to the people of Kazakhstan have become important stages revival of the system patriotic education. Because people cannot be restrained by strict laws and fear. In our time, we need other incentives and our President points the way to instilling patriotic feelings among Kazakhstanis.

Today, no less actual topic this is the formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic. Respect for the Constitution, law and symbols of the Republic acts as one of the elements of legal culture.

Legal culture is not just knowledge of the law, but above all respect for its norms and real action according to the law. To respect the law, a person first needs to understand social values and general legal principles. The foundation of respect for the laws lies in the proper performance of one's duties, respect for the rights and freedoms of other citizens and intolerance for any violations of law and order. In everyday discussions about the problem of legal culture, one can often come across statements that there is no legal culture and that legal culture is inherent only in a society with a developed state of law. We cannot agree with this. So, neither the individual nor the society can be deprived of legal culture.

“The duty of each of us is to appreciate and respect the Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem of our Republic... With them we are recognized, recognized and welcomed throughout the world,” said N.A. Nazarbayev.

Yes, everyone who considers himself a part of Kazakhstan understands that symbols are essential attributes of our state, personifying the identity and sovereignty of the country. The symbols of our country accompany each of us everywhere. life path. During official ceremonies and events they raise state flag and perform the national anthem, showing who we are and what we represent. At competitions, symbols show that you are not alone and that behind you there is your people and homeland who are rooting for you and supporting you. It is impossible not to treat symbols with respect, because this is an attitude towards the state itself.

Kazakhstan is multinational, and this is another advantage, because we are all one, and we are united by our Motherland, friendship, respect and general culture. More than seventeen million people live in Kazakhstan, representing more than one hundred nationalities. And all this is accompanied good attitude and sympathy for each other. All Kazakhstanis have one past, one present, one future. Now comes the century of a new generation. The future of Kazakhstan is in the hands of the young. For this, youth must remain the bearer of their native culture, it needs to be enriched, but not depersonalized. Our task today is to set the right direction for citizenship, patriotism, to develop respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic and to preserve the historical and cultural heritage countries.

The time of independence of the republic showed that the surest path is to combine the interests of all citizens of the country. The transition to a civil state of society, the formation of a single people in Kazakhstan becomes the core of the national idea. The President spoke about this in his Message: “We, Kazakhstanis, are one people! And our common destiny is our Mangilik El, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! “Mangilik El” is national idea our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors.”

Over 25 years of the country’s sovereign development, the main values ​​created unite all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and form a strong foundation for the future of the country.

The national idea “Mangilik El”, which was put forward by the head of state as the 85th step out of “100 concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms”, gave us a credit of trust, which is a matter of honor for every Kazakh citizen to justify.

Only we and the future generation will reap the benefits of her success! There is no need to be indifferent to the fate of the country, start today! Together we can raise “healthy” citizens and patriots of our Motherland! Let's build the future of our country with our own hands!

P.S. This article was prepared by the senior prosecutor for organizational and control work on the topic: “Propaganda of citizenship and Kazakhstani patriotism, formation of respect for the Constitution, laws and state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” which was published in the scientific, legal, socio-political magazine “Zan zhane zaman” in 12 (192) issue of 2016, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the topic: “I am a patriot of my country” makes you think and reflect on who I am true patriot your country and what it means to be a patriot of your country. For example, our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, all those who defended the honor of the Motherland, who fought for freedom, giving their lives for our bright future, can be called true patriots without a twinge of conscience. They, regardless of age, went to the battlefield, because it was important for them to remain independent, they wanted happy life for the country in which they were born and raised. Here it was clear who a patriot is and how to become one.

What does it mean to be a patriot of your country?

But patriots, regardless of what time they live in, in war or peace, are those people who not only love their Motherland, the Fatherland in their thoughts, but those who try to do everything possible so that the country prospers, so that the country has its inhabitants had a future. A patriot is someone who spares no effort, and sometimes even his life, so that the country is independent. This is someone who is always ready to defend the country’s borders if necessary. A patriot is someone who is interested in the history of the country in which he lives, knows the traditions, culture, and native language. These are people who know their roots, who honor the memory of those who gave their lives for our happiness. These people really deserve to be called patriots.

Yes, we don’t choose our homeland, but from childhood we become attached to it with soul and body, we love the city in which our life began, we are drawn home, to our native land, to small homeland, and all because we love our Fatherland.

The topic: “I am a patriot of my country” is often touched upon both at school and at home; patriotism is talked about in the media, but this feeling is individual, which means it manifests itself differently in all people. However, there is something in common, something that unites everyone - this is the desire to preserve and strengthen their country, to make it richer.

A true patriot of his country

It is not necessary to shout about your patriotism to the whole world; moreover, real patriots do not do this, they silently, not by talking, but by deeds, show their patriotism.
What can we, as schoolchildren, do for our country today? We can start small, for example, by actively taking part in organized cleanup days, we can stop littering in the entrances and on the streets. We can put things in order in our yards, parks and public gardens, look after historical monuments, mass and soldier graves, we can become kinder, support each other and move towards a common big dream - the dream of making our Motherland even brighter, more beautiful, richer. Then they will say about us: “These are patriots of their country.”

Fink Veronika Georgievna
College guidance counselor
MSE "Karasu Agricultural College" of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region

« Special meaning for all Kazakhstanis has love for the Motherland, for native land, to our ancestors, to our united and indivisible history"

“Just as there is no man without self-love, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the sure key to a person’s heart.”
K. D. Ushinsky

The purpose of the class hour: formation of citizenship, Kazakhstani patriotism, responsibility for fate of their homeland.

Tasks :

Continue to develop an understanding of the importance of love for to your homeland, To to his to the people and awareness of responsibility to them for one’s words and actions;

Instill a sense of citizenship, belonging to one’s native land country;

Develop creative abilities; stimulate interest in the spiritual culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

To educate in children Kazakh patriotism, love and pride for your country.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard, handouts, cultural items Kazakh people

Progress of the class hour.

1. Organizational moment (psychological attitude)

2. Communicate the topic and purpose.

There's a melody playing: "Holy war".

Have you heard this melody somewhere before? Where? When?

Why did I turn it on, who can tell me say, what will we talk about today?

Guys, today on our cool in an hour we will talk about such an important quality as patriotism.

Who can explain to me now the meaning of the word « patriotism» ? How do you understand it?

Guys, Patriotism- this is a manifestation of love not only for the strong and beautiful, great and powerful country, as well as to country which is not going through the best time: poverty, misunderstanding, discord, or military conflicts. It is in our time that the education of feelings patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for fate of your country is one of most important tasks education.

Modern society needs patriots, intellectually and spiritually developed people who love their Motherland, who honor the traditions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who are capable at any moment of self-sacrifice in the name of saving the lives of other people (their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, children, who sacredly revere the attributes of state power.

Guys, who has grandparents?

Have they ever told you about his difficult life during the war?

What do you remember most?

Guys, from your stories, I can confidently say that your grandparents, great-grandparents loved their country, they protected it for you!

Listen to a poem by Dmitry Suchkov.

The soldier is silent and sad

He leaves, to foreign lands

Rid the world of dark spots

His will is stronger than steel.

He rushed at the tank with a grenade

When hundreds of fighters retreated

He dug trenches with a shovel

Received orders and medals.

Not the German mine is scary to him

River waters and fires flames

He walked from Moscow to Berlin

He hoisted a banner over the Reichstag.

Guys, describe the soldier from the poem I read. What is he like? What was he doing?

We can say that he stood for his country? Protected her?

Do any of you know what events are described in the poem?

Do you want to know? Guys, quite recently, literally 65 years ago, when your great-grandparents and grandparents were alive, there was terrible war . One a country, Germany, represented by Adolf Hitler, went against many states. They wanted to conquer the whole world. But! Other countries They didn’t want to allow this, so they rebelled, and the great battle for freedom began!

Our great-grandparents and great-grandparents have risen! They began to defend our Motherland! Russia! So that in the future we, their great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children can live in peace. They gave their lives for us! Don't feel sorry for yourself. They loved their country! Were patriots!

Guys, can you tell me with confidence? say that you love your country?

To be patriot, you need not only to love and protect your country, but be proud that you live here!

Now all over country, in every city there are memorial monuments, monuments, sculptures, obelisks, eternal flames, dedicated to our fallen soldiers who loved and defended their country. Take a look at some of them. (illustrations) Where in our city and what monuments are there dedicated to our soldiers?

Guys, our Motherland was defended not only by our great-grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents, but also by small children and teenagers, who were between 8 and 20 years old. They also wanted to quickly free their home from enemies and therefore, secretly from their parents, they made their way into the ranks of the enemies and in those days obtained the most valuable information that could change the course of the war.

Here are some stories about such little heroes. Listen to them carefully, you will be inspired, imagine that time and you will understand these little heroes - patriots.(stories)

Did you like our heroes? Who is the most? Why?

Do you want to be like these heroes?

You have a task. Draw the houses of one of our heroes.

Let's sum up our conversation. So who is he patriot?

Guys, in life patriotism manifests itself not in fiery speeches from the podium, but in the usual planting of a tree near a school or home, in not throwing tickets on the ground when getting off the bus. And even in good grades, because grades are a measure of a person’s responsibility. A loser is an irresponsible creature who wants to remain illiterate and fall into the hands of his enemies. So we will all be with you patriots of our country, we will love, respect and take care of her. And also study well so as not to fall into the hands of your enemies!

Let's conclude that you really patriots of their country, and you want to do a lot for her.

Reflection– emoticons.

Name State symbols Republic of Kazakhstan.
What is an anthem?
How should the anthem be performed?
What color is our country's flag?
What does the blue color of our flag symbolize?
What is shown on the flag?
Why do we see an eagle on the flag? (the eagle is a symbol of freedom).
Look at the coat of arms and tell me what is depicted on the coat of arms?
Why do we see shanyrak in the center of the coat of arms? What does shanyrak symbolize? (hearth)
What is the name of fairy horses on the coat of arms? (tulparas).
What does the star symbolize? (dream, guiding star)
What is the name of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
What is the name of main city in any country?
What is the name of the main city of Kazakhstan?


Summing up our class hour, I suggest you listen poems:

We live as a friendly family in Kazakhstan,
Tatars, Kazakhs and Russians are with us.
So let it grow stronger forever and ever
Friendship of peoples of all languages!

Otan degen – atameken, Otan degen – tugan zher?
Otan ana, Otan ulken, Kazakhstan tugan el!

Russians and Kazakhs have a common path,
The path of friendship cannot be turned away from.
Peoples have passed through centuries together
Along the way we found reliable friends.

Ortak bіzge bіr Otan, ortak zherdіn baylygy
Enbek ortak, zher ortak, ortak bizge barlygy.

In the silence, in the solitude of the meadows,
I hear the echo of a distant life.
The kobyz rings - the legacy of the fathers,
It excites the blood with its sound.
Here's the wise one guard Korkyt-ata
Composed stirring hymns
About the life of the batyrs, the exploits of their sons
And the eagle's flight sang.
And the slight trembling of Kurmangazy’s strings
The wind of the free brings wanderings,
Aksak-Kulana long run,
Like the moment of a fallen star, bright.
And the horse is rushing, you can’t stop him,
Scattered his mane to the furious winds.
Oh, my steppe, what other warriors?
You will give to the times to come.

Many words have been said, how many songs have been composed
And sincere poems in different languages.
About the windy steppes, covered with snow,
About you, the eternal blooming land.
Protect your children, Earth,
May the nights be peaceful
We all have one, one country!
Love your children, Earth
We will be strong together
After all, we all have one Motherland!

Yes, guys, “she will be like that,” just like you will be. And I want our future to be in good hands. Maybe it will be your hands.

Please think about it and draw the right conclusion. The future can be improved by actively intervening in the present. Grow worthy people. Love your Motherland and be worthy citizens Republic of Kazakhstan!