Sobchak horse face. Ksenia Sobchak: “I am a fairy horse”

A person does not have to learn how to spend money. Moreover, some people know how to spend their earned money correctly, while others, on the contrary, with all their desire, cannot control this process.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands one simple truth. To live within your means and not be constantly in debt, you need to learn how to spend money correctly. The most important thing is that all possible expenses for a month never exceed available income. Otherwise, a person will never get out of the state of eternal lack of money.

It is the inability to spend money correctly and wisely, or perhaps a simple unwillingness to keep track of your budget, that leads to thoughtless purchases and waste. But the constant lack of money in your pocket leads anyone normal person in a state of constant stress. Agree, when there is always money, a person feels much more confident. After all, having money gives not only confidence in the future, but also makes psychological and emotional condition a person is much more stable.
There are a few simple principles that help you spend your money correctly:

1. A person needs to accustom himself to purchasing things not at the height of the season that has already begun, but several months before it begins. It is this habit, developed over the years, of buying goods at a discount and at the best prices. affordable price will help you save a significant amount Money. So, for example, it would be better to buy a fur coat you like at a discount in the summer season, and not at a time when winter is in full swing.

2. A person who knows perfectly well the “price” of his money and how hard it is earned will begin to purchase products at numerous wholesale markets. By purchasing goods in bulk, there is an ideal opportunity to save a significant portion of money and avoid unnecessary expenses. Therefore, the most correct decision is to buy products at wholesale outlets.

3. In order not to constantly ask the same obsessive question about how to spend money correctly, it would be a good idea for every person to learn how to bargain! When coming to the market or store for a certain expense, you need to look for discounts and learn to negotiate. There is nothing shameful or scary about this. Moreover, even fairly rich people resort to this rule, despite the fact that they have a lot of money in their accounts. Perhaps if they didn’t know how to bargain, they wouldn’t be so rich.

What should I do if I constantly spend a lot of money?

To learn how to spend your money correctly, you do not need to complete any special courses or attend seminars. A person can easily learn this “science” on his own. The main thing is the desire and desire to achieve success in this matter.

Well, in order to To spend money wisely, you need to take note of a few simple rules:

1. You need to constantly record in writing all your expenses: purchases of groceries, household goods, necessary little things and so on. This approach is very correct! It will help over time to identify those expense items that could easily be avoided and, accordingly, save money.

2. You need to learn to live off your own own funds. That is, you should never take out debt, run to banks for loans, or lend your funds to other people. To start spending correctly, you need to start with a clean slate: pay off existing loans and pay off debts.

3. No matter how funny it may sound, it is better to go to the store to buy food on a full stomach. A hungry man can spend more money for completely unnecessary products.

4. You need to go to markets and shops with a pre-prepared list of necessary goods. This measure will allow you to avoid unnecessary purchases and help you save a lot.

5. When the right approach to financial waste last place takes the accumulation of money. This means that a person also needs to learn to save at least ten percent of his income. This approach will help you save a certain amount of money, which in the future can easily be invested either in a profitable investment project or in a deposit bank account. Passive income from investing will help you become more confident in your future. Moreover, constantly saving money will provide an opportunity to save up for an expensive purchase (new furniture, car, renovation, training, etc.).

6. To avoid many unnecessary temptations, it is better to save all your money on a card. After all, when all the cash is at hand, it is easier to spend it.

All of the tips listed can really help a person learn how to spend money correctly. The ability to manage and control a budget will allow you to live with dignity, and not drag from one paycheck to another.

Next: Which is better: separate or joint budget?

In French, spending money means not buying too much, choosing the cheaper ones, according to promotions. But by the way, spending in Russian is much more interesting! When you go home and catch yourself thinking that you bought all sorts of junk and didn’t have a lot of money!!! but it’s still somehow joyful)))

  • #9

    How is it to spend money in French? I can't. I spend it in Russian! That is, I came, I saw, I bought.

  • #8

    Learn to spend money in French! In Russia, the people are still a little wild (with all due respect). There is no drinking culture. There is no culture of behavior. The same attitude applies to money. French is required! French!))

  • #7

    Everything, unfortunately, depends on our capabilities - I could spend as much as I want, but my child and family do not allow me to do this. So in terms of extravagance, I have complete order.

  • #6

    I also spend a lot of money. I will spend everything I take. I especially can’t handle myself in cosmetics stores. I'll pick up all sorts of things, and then I come home and think - why did I even go to this store.... :-)

  • #5

    Men are also not always rational in terms of spending. My husband is just like that. As soon as the money appears. So he immediately goes and buys something, either for the car or for his loved one. I, on the contrary, buy with intention and calculation. If I gave my money to my husband, we would already become homeless!

  • #4

    (Saturday, 12 December 2015 21:58)
    I want to appeal to all women. If you spend a lot of money and cannot control yourself, then there is one sure way to avoid this - give your money to your husband!

    Absolutely. Now this is the only way I’ll do it... otherwise my husband is upset with me (((

  • #3

    It happens that even small amounts are spent recklessly. I would say this: the issue of spending money correctly is in itself very important. It doesn't matter whether there is a lot of money or a little. I hope I got the point across correctly. I wish you all a lot of money!!!

  • #2

    Another thing I don’t understand is that everyone has so much money now that they don’t know how to curb themselves and spend a lot? Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t spend much, because I don’t have money!

  • #1

    I want to appeal to all women. If you spend a lot of money and cannot control yourself, then there is one sure way to avoid this - give your money to your husband!!

  • Is your salary enough for exactly three days? This is not an argument for HR, but it is a great reason to reconsider your financial habits. Finding yourself broke at the end of the month is no big deal, even if your salary doesn’t fit on your platinum card. After all, every woman has the lucky talent of spending more money than she earns. Wasting money is more fun than bubble in the bathroom, but such a pastime still has its drawbacks. Surely you don’t really like living for a week before payday on bread and water, hiding from creditors and collecting change in your pockets winter jackets. Here are the top seven reasons why your financial situation is unsustainable.

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    Photo gallery: How to learn not to spend all your money: basic mistakes

    You have no cash cushion

    If you are suddenly fired or have a planned job change, you will be left without a livelihood. You should have a rainy day fund at least to be able to choose new job, and not agree to the first offer that comes your way (after all, you already sold your cat to buy cat food). Some professions allow you to find a new job in a matter of days, for example, if you are a hairdresser or a sales manager. But if you are an “internal corporate communications specialist” or a highly specialized lawyer, is there really such a demand for you?

    How to fight
    Do you assume that you can look for a job for more than one month? Start creating your own stabilization fund now. Save some money from your salary, albeit small. And it’s best to use not a piggy bank for this, but a refillable bank account (and hide the card away from it). In this case, you will not be so tempted to break your piggy bank and spend all the saved funds, moreover, on Bank deposit interest may “drip”, which, you see, is a trifle, but still nice.

    You don't save money for big purchases
    If you don’t have savings for something big, be it a new fur coat or a trip, you will always be forced to either deny yourself the purchase or borrow money for it. But it’s not always easy to find people among relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances who are ready to borrow a tidy sum, and bank loans are not cheap now with their rather large interest rates. So even if you don't have this moment specific understanding of what you want to buy, just save about 10-15% of your monthly income. Then decide what this money will be used for - for an apartment or for tickets to Disneyland.

    How to fight
    Plan all purchases - from groceries to cars and take into account your daily expenses. To do this, you can keep records in the “income/expenses” notebook the old-fashioned way or use electronic programs specially created for this; fortunately, now you can choose and install on your computer or smartphone any “home accounting” that suits you. With its help, you will immediately notice which expense items can be easily reduced or eliminated altogether, freeing up “extra” money in order to put it aside. Determine in advance the required amount that you will spend on average purchases (clothing, household appliances) and the timing of their acquisition.

    You have an expense item that takes half of your earnings

    If you spend 50% of your income on one expense item, for example, renting an apartment or repaying several loans, then you are depriving yourself of stability. In the event of a crisis or some difficult financial situation, you will have no reserves left to reduce expenses.

    How to fight
    You urgently need to change the situation. For example, start renting a more modest apartment, for example, by moving to a less prestigious area, and let the time you spend commuting to work increase slightly, but the cost of maintaining the apartment will decrease. Or, as an option, you can refinance the loan, actually covering old loan new, with a more favorable interest rate.

    Do you have debts or loans?

    If you borrowed money for your everyday small expenses, it means that you accidentally spent money that you didn’t even have time to earn.

    How to fight

    If you take out an interest-free loan, pay it back in small installments and do not take on new debt. If you are paying interest, repay the loan in as soon as possible, denying yourself entertainment and unnecessary pleasures. A loan is justified only if it is taken for a large and necessary purchase, such as an apartment or a car (if you cannot do without a four-wheeled friend), and the monthly payment amount is more than 40% of the total family income. If you use a credit card, return the money to the bank during the interest-free grace period (usually 40-60 days).

    If you buy impulsively and without thinking about the money you spend, you will always be broke, no matter how much you earn.

    Do you trust loans with a 0% rate?
    According to the laws Russian Federation Bank loan cannot be issued at an interest rate that is less than the refinancing rate. Today it is 8.25%. And if it seems to you that you are taking out a loan at 0%, then either you did not read the contract well, or these interests are already included in the price of the product for which the store so kindly provides a “zero” loan.

    How to fight
    Read carefully what you sign, especially what is written small print and compare prices before getting into debt, it is quite possible that the same thing in an online store costs much less than the one that is displayed in the store window with the tempting sign “interest-free loan.”

    You pay off one loan using another
    Are you in such dire straits that you have to take out a new loan to pay off the old one? This is the worst possible situation. A vicious circle from which it is almost impossible to escape.

    How to fight
    Urgently deny yourself everything, sit down on bread and water, take on a part-time job, but do not take out new loans. Otherwise, you will never be able to get out of this debt hole.

    You often buy unnecessary things
    You really liked it summer shoes, even though they're not your size and you also bought three pairs last week. But is it possible to deny yourself the little joys that you deserve? But very often, after short-term joy, bitter disappointment sets in, when there is still a long time until payday, and you spent all the money on “this beautiful dress” and “a very necessary (10th in your collection) phone case.”

    How to fight
    Don't reward yourself with unnecessary purchases. In the end, in mall instead of a store, you can go to a cinema or go ice skating artificial ice. Unplanned purchases - only for surplus. Partying on the latter is the last thing.

    Imagine yourself relaxing on your porch on a summer evening. own home with your family, sipping lemonade... and remembering how you bought new TV... The pleasure of material things does not last that long. Our brains have the ability to adapt to happiness. If we become happy because of buying a new thing, this feeling is unlikely to last long. New things soon lose their shine.

    Instead of spending money on things that will soon become old, try using them to create long-term memories. They will forever remain a part of our lives and help us become the person we want to be. Good impressions over time they turn into happy memories, and the bad ones become something like an anecdote that you can tell your children.

    Below is a list of 5 things you shouldn't spend a lot of money on, as well as what you should pay for. Use these tips to save money that you can then spend on the experience. It will enrich both your life and the people around you.

    What you shouldn't spend too much money on

    1. Electronics

    Electronics are a necessity these days, but that doesn't mean you have to spend all your money on the latest model. The feeling of owning a brand new device will be very short-lived, and it is almost guaranteed that more will appear within this year. new model.

    2. Home design

    There's always something new popular topic how to decorate your home. But you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on famous designer. You can make your home look just like the picture in the magazine yourself or with the help of family and friends.

    3. Cars

    Keeping up with the latest car models is not a smart way to live, unless you can pay for them in full before the new model comes out. Otherwise, you will end up in endless debt. You will never be successful if you have a car that you need to pay money for, and you already want to buy a new one, which will cost many times more.

    4. Fashion trends

    No need to reproach yourself for buying from time to time new shoes, clothing or accessories. But if every time you go to a store you try to buy new bag or shoes that cost over $300, you might want to stop yourself and spend that money on something else. There will always be new collections coming out, so there's no point in spending all your hard-earned money trying to fill empty closet space.

    5. Jewelry

    Unusual Jewelry always good to have if you are going to a formal event, office or party. If your budget allows you to spend several thousand dollars on a watch, that's very good. For the rest of us, there must be a fine line between accessories and debt for shiny things.

    What should you spend your money on?

    1. Education

    There is no feeling in the world that can be compared to when you begin to understand a foreign language without even thinking about it. Although some courses foreign language very expensive, but they are worth it. Lessons from new cultures, religions or professions will open up a new unknown world for you.

    This does not mean that you should change your religion or your job. It just means you walked into class with an open mind and learned something new. This knowledge can be useful to you at any moment.

    2. Travel

    They can be very expensive, but travel is what creates memories that will last a lifetime, even if you had a negative experience. Usually we all laugh at things we used to worry about. A trip to one of the European countries can cost as much as a good laptop, and longer trips even less than the car you're planning to buy even though you don't need it.

    Replace all these material things with a kiss next to Eiffel Tower or a long trip through the Alps.

    3. Music

    Learn to play musical instrument- a great start to creating a new one family tradition. You can pass these skills on to your children and create new memories. You can also spend a few dollars and try creating new genre. Who knows, maybe the result will be several (or a couple hundred) new songs.

    4. Books

    They have always been special for those who turn the pages in delight. It's a completely different experience when you can use your own imagination to reproduce the images created by the author. Books never require updates, charging or rebooting. These are things that you can pass down from generation to generation.

    5. Food

    The advice to try new foods goes hand in hand with the advice to travel the world. Instead of spending several hundred dollars on a new bag, save it for when you have the opportunity to try new foods. You can take several culinary master classes on cooking from different countries. For example, in Italy you can take a cooking course in a vineyard. An Italian chef will be able to teach you how to cook truly amazing food. In addition, you can bring this knowledge home and treat your relatives and friends to a new dish.

    Remember...invest your money in things that will bring you memories, not in... material values. You don't have to spend everything to create memories, but if you do, you will never regret it.

    She is the daughter of lawyer Maria Hohenzollern, the one who knew a lot about this Masha, the one who was pushed into another world ahead of schedule for this knowledge - Anatoly Sobchak.

    She is the daughter of the right buttock of the same Maria Hohenzollern, kissing the liar queen, making her way to a coup d'etat - Lyudmila Narusova.

    She is now the Fifth Reich, a pseudo-state consisting of children of government officials who fiercely hate Russia and the Russian people. Let us remember that the Fourth Reich existed in the USSR in 1941 - 1943. It included the children of members of the USSR Government. Just as they wanted to kill Stalin, the daughter of Sobchak and Narusova is breathing unevenly towards the entire population of Russia.

    Today is a significant day - Ksenia Sobchak announced that she intends to run as a presidential candidate. She emphasized that she was going to the elections as a candidate “against everyone.” You can add against all Russians.

    Dozhd and Vedomosti relish the confession of “Mrs.” Sobchak that she informed Vladimir Putin about her decision to run. From the lips of these Zionist publications, such a reference sounds like “presented a fait accompli and forced to submit.”

    Ksenia herself explained it this way: “my family was connected with Mr. Putin great relationship since the times of St. Petersburg. Therefore, I considered it correct to say that I made such a decision. He said that each person makes his own decisions and is responsible for them. It seemed to me that he didn’t like it.”

    Alexei Navalny called Ksenia Sobchak “a caricatured liberal candidate with a cannibalistic position.” Probably the main thing here is “cannibalistic”.

    In Fig. Ksenia Sobchak with the support of the Israeli army.

    All representatives of Russian political forces spoke about it with jokes and jokes that were extremely low level. And the worst thing here is that these politicians have been of no use to anyone for a long time. As are their opinions.

    Now Sobchak must collect voter signatures. If she runs as a self-nominated candidate, she will have to raise 300 thousand. If she collects them according to the law, then it is almost impossible to do this: there is no resource, no organization. If Sobchak turns out to be registered, then it will become obvious that these signatures were collected for her by order...

    If Sobchak wins the nomination from the party, she will have to collect 100 thousand signatures. In this case, everyone will think that these signatures were collected by party members.

    In September, Levada Center asked which of public figures or female politicians could be president. 0.4% of respondents remembered Ksenia Sobchak.

    This is fine. At least she won’t run away from the elections, and they will take place. This goal is very important, because the rest of the “political prostitutes” can turn to the left at the most crucial moment.

    The negative aspect of Ksenia Sobchak’s show off, in my opinion, is that she is a creature of the same Maria Hohenzollern, who for several years now has been wanting to organize a coup d’état in Russia and install her son Gosha as a fictitious king.

    Gosha is almost old, but not yet married. Not long ago they matched him with Ksenia Sobchak. But she moved on to someone else. I believe that this is not love, but a political maneuver: this “Golda Meyer” is simply smart in order to rush headlong into the neck of the already disgraced Gaucher.

    Apparently, Europe and Israel decided to stuff Ksenia Sobchak with shekels so that she would still look at Gosha and agree to become the queen of Russia. After all, another candidate - Poklonskaya - may soon be killed. She is inadequate.

    And Ksenia is adequate and cunning. She will be able to build a Zion that is still not being built in one country taken separately with battle and genocide of the Russian population - in Russia. To help her, her Kagal colleagues brought so many Asians into our country that their numbers have long outstripped the number of voting Russians.

    And this is the main horse of the Trojan Horse Ksyusha.

    Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper

    Today, October 25, a special episode of “Live Broadcast” - Ksenia Sobchak, who is going to run for the presidency of the Russian Federation, and her first television interview!

    Lyudmila Narusova came to Andrei Malakhov to support Ksenia. “Yes, I made it, I’m now my daughter’s opening act.” Here is what she said about her attitude towards Ksenia’s decision to run for office: “I am 66 years old, and I have never faced such difficult choice. Only child, whom I always supported, even if I didn’t like something... Now I realized that it was impossible to keep her. 36 years is the right age for this. You already have a certain life experience: both negative and positive. Do you have knowledge, education..."

    With the long-awaited birth of her grandson, Lyudmila Borisovna hoped that Ksenia would plunge into motherhood, and she would have a calm, happy old age. But with such a daughter, these dreams had to be put on hold. “A mother’s duty is to understand the motivation of her child’s actions and support him. Most In my life I was Sobchak’s wife, that’s the only way I was presented, and now I’m Sobchak’s mother. The niche between the two Sobchak suits me quite well. And the most important status for me is that of a grandmother."

    Ksenia graduated with honors from both her bachelor's and master's degrees at MGIMO. A professor at this university ten years ago gave Lyudmila Narusova his scientific book with the inscription: "Mothers of the future president."

    Why did Ksenia plunge into show business after university: filming in music videos and glossy magazines, participating in reality shows? Here's her mom's opinion. "The image of the 'blonde in chocolate' was exploited. It brought in income. She wanted life, drive. Her father did not leave her a gas pipe or an oil well. He left her certain life principles. And the girl needed to start earning money in order to gain financial independence. It’s not her fault that show business pays more than miners.”

    Ksenia navigated traffic jams to get to the studio where Andrei Malakhov was waiting for her. When asked by the presenter to break the rules in order to quickly get to the territory of the Gorky Film Studio, where the broadcast is coming from, she responded with a categorical refusal: “I’m not breaking the law.”

    Ksenia Sobchak: “My electorate is people who are not satisfied with the situation in our country, who are not satisfied with the lack of freedom of speech... A press conference is not the most difficult thing for a person accustomed to public speaking. Hard work What’s ahead of me is campaigning, working with people in the regions, collecting signatures.”

    Ksenia Sobchak is grateful to Bozhena Rynskaya for the fact that she, without knowing it, suggested an excellent candidate for the post of chief of the election headquarters. He became Bozhena’s common-law husband, political scientist Igor Malashenko. “Igor is now part of our team, he is a very talented and creative person.”

    “If I am a horse, then I am a unicorn who wants to bring people a fairy tale, joy and correct values. I gave birth to Plato in Russia, I live in Russia, and I don’t want to think, like many Russian officials, about which British school to send my son to. I I want Russia to start changing now."

    Is Ksenia Sobchak ready for the elections? What about possible provocations? After all, the presidential race is just beginning... All the answers are in the exclusive materials of the Live Broadcast!