Literary works on the theme of space. Books about space: non-fiction and fiction

The electronic library of our portal site contains a huge number of books about the secrets and mysteries of space, most of which will certainly interest you. They will awaken memories from childhood and take you to the fairy-tale world of unforgettable fantastic adventures.

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Space and literature from the site

The cosmic myth is a complex phenomenon of world and Russian culture. There has never been a dispute between writers and scientists about which picture of the cosmos will be more correct - scientific or artistic, because today these two systems successfully exist, as it were, separately. It is generally accepted that the language of science cannot be well translated into the language of artistic speech, while the language of art is not adequately reflected in complex scientific terminology. But be that as it may, there are two models of the world that are in invisible interaction.

Newton's cosmos and Goethe's cosmos never formally came into contact with each other, despite the obvious fact that Faust was written by a man who accepted Newton's image of the world. As is known, Newton preceded Goethe, but now a rare cosmological model can do without indirect and direct appeals to Faust. Of course, scientific reliability in this case plays a secondary role.

The Homeric cosmos embossed on the shield of Achilles has little in common with Einstein's and Newton's concepts, but the Iliad never becomes outdated. From a scientific point of view, a cosmic myth can be improved, or it can correspond to new scientific achievements - in art, its value is not measured by this.

Tyutchev's described horror of the abyss of space was motivated by Newton's empty Universe, where there is an infinite amount of space and time. In Einstein's theory of relativity we are talking about zero time, but despite this Tyutchev does not become obsolete. The reader is interested in the writer not only in the present tense, he is immersed in art with his future and past, with all the confirmed and refuted myths.

Space and literature: myths are refuted in science, but not in art

In Russian literature, myths about space have not previously been the subject of a separate study, although “Tyutchev’s space”, “Dostoevsky’s” space, “Lermontov’s space” have become quite familiar phrases in the context of modern literary criticism. Indirectly or directly, these topics are touched upon in the works of V. Toporov, G. Gachev. A striking example of this kind of research is the work of Ya. Gurevich, S. Averintsev, A. Losev on Byzantine, ancient and medieval literature and aesthetics. In this case, a certain methodology has been developed, which consists in the fact that various works of art act as material for the cosmological model of an ethnographer, philologist, literary critic, historian.

The portal site presents a review of books about astronauts and space for all those who are interested in the topic of space exploration and who are not indifferent to the role of our country in world astronautics. We have collected both scientific, fantasy and children's books about space.

3. Philosophy of cosmism.
4. Cosmism in architecture
5. Space in literature and poetry
6. Cosmism in painting
7. Space music. Theremin
8. “Contact” of works of art with space
9. Voyager Mission

Pupils of the 11th grade of KhSS No. 133 "Iice Arts"
Krasnikova Alexandra

Kharkov, 2013


Translated from Greek, the word "cosmos" means "order" (as opposed to chaos). Now this word is used as a synonym for the word “Universe”. This suggests that humanity is increasingly convinced that our world is harmonious; exists, subject to strict and unchanging laws. We are trying to understand these laws using the achievements of mathematics, physics, philosophy... And, it should be noted, we have already achieved a lot in this area. Although some things still remain a mystery to us...
But man is an inquisitive creature. At all times, we have been fascinated by that small “piece” of Space that we see from Earth - the starry sky... Even ancient people composed myths and songs about space; they depicted it in drawings, depicted it in sculptures... By the way, many ancient myths quite accurately reflect the information about the structure of the world that modern scientists possess (this fact is included in the paleocontact theory of Eric von Däniken, but more on that later).
With the advent of telescopes, people were able to look “further deep.” Stars, nebulae, galaxies... An incredibly beautiful sight...
As before, humanity reflects its “cosmic” thoughts, feelings and sensations in works of art.
" Stars
not engaged to anyone.
With no one!
And so beautiful!” wrote Garcia Lorca.
It’s probably not very difficult to guess what feeling of fascination and fascination I feel for everything that concerns Space - this mysterious extraterrestrial world...
And I really want to reflect this feeling in my work. I would like to convey to the reader all the beauty and harmony of the Universe in which we are lucky enough to live. The knowledge that I currently possess does not allow me to do this using mathematics and physics. So I decided to “turn to art for help”...
I hope that I can achieve my goal.

In the early morning of February 17, 1600, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome's Campo di Fiori (Place of Flowers) by decision of the Papal Inquisition. The Catholic Church, which for thousands of years had stifled any manifestation of freethinking and the human mind, celebrated another victory, having dealt with the man who dared to challenge the tenets of faith.

Giordano was physically destroyed. But neither the persecution of the churchmen, nor the gloomy prison, where he suffered for seven long years, could kill his powerful spirit. He did not renounce his views and, after listening to the verdict of the papal court, contemptuously threw in the face of the inquisitors: “You are probably reading the verdict with more fear than I am listening to it!”

Bruno was convicted and executed because he defended the idea of ​​the infinity of worlds, the movement of the Earth, and the conservation of matter. In the book “On the Infinity of the Universe,” the scientist wrote: “There are countless suns, countless earths that circle around their suns just as our seven planets circle around our Sun. On those worlds there are living beings.”
In his books and anti-religious pamphlets, Bruno defended the idea that the Universe is united by internal causal connections and does not require a creator (God). Official medieval thought considered the Universe to be finite, and attributed infinity to the deity. For Bruno, the Universe was infinite, and the Earth was the same planet as others in the Universe.
The brilliant visions of Giordano Bruno were confirmed by science three centuries later. Today on Campo di Fiori in Rome there is a monument to the unconquered Bruno with the inscription: “From the century that he foresaw, on the spot where the fire was lit.”

But was Giordano the first in the history of mankind to express thoughts about the infinity of space, about other suns and earths?

(continued in table of contents above)


List of literature for the exhibition prepared for Cosmonautics Day.

Exhibited in the Art Literature Hall in April 2011

“What is impossible today will be possible tomorrow.”

Tsiolkovsky K. On the Moon. - M., 1957.

Tolstoy A. Aelita. - M., 1955.

Belyaev A. Star KETS. - Perm, 1987.

Efremov I. Star ships. Andromeda's nebula. - M., 1965.

Bulychev K. One Hundred Years Ahead: Science Fiction. stories. - M., 1991.

Fantasy of the century. - Minsk; Moscow, 1995.

Section 1. Cosmonautics in the fine arts

“The limits of scientific knowledge and prediction to foresee


Okorokov B. Discovery of the peaceful space era // Art No. 4. - pp. 19-24.

Shilov A. Son of the Motherland. 1980 // Shilov A. Painting, graphics. - M., 1990. - P. 43.

Kukulieva K., Kukuliev B. Son of Russia. Palekh // Ogonyok No. 11. - P. 9.

First minutes: photographs // Peskov V. Fatherland. - M., 1978. - P. 38-40.

Goodbye, earthlings. 1977 // Image of the Motherland: album. - L., 1982. - T. 2.

Cernovich I. Man, earth, space: space in art // Art No. 12. - P. 4-10.

Tikhomirova O., Tikhomirov L. In the name of humanity. // Tikhomirova O., Tikhomirov L. Painting. - M., 1977.

Reshetnikov F. Portrait of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation, Pilot-Cosmonaut // People of the Soviet Land. - L., 1986. - P. 134.

Tolkunov N. Portrait of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation, pilot cosmonaut of the USSR. 1975 // Union of art and labor: people of labor in art. art. - M., 1982. - P. 320.

Savelyev V. Cosmonauts in the landing area: photo // In the rhythm of the century. - M., 1981. - P. 15.

Space in the service of peace: painting, sculpture, graphics. - M., 1987.

Korolev Yu. Star brothers. 1980 // Image of the Motherland: album. - L., 1982. - T. 1.

Dew on the wings. - M., 1982.

Space is my work: Sat. doc. and artist prod. - M., 1989

Monument to commemorate the outstanding achievements of the Soviet people in space exploration in Moscow // Monuments of the USSR. - M., 1969. - Ill. 142.

Section 2. Space in science fiction

"Science fiction is, after all, bold

task for science and technology."

Bachilo A., Tkachenko I. Captives of the black meteorite // Pishchenko V., Shabalin M. UFO from Grachevka: science fiction. stories. - M., 1995

Constellation: Sat. science fiction stories and tales. - M., 1978.

Stern B. Whose planet?: science fiction. stories. - M., 1987.

Strugatsky A., Strugatsky B. Inhabited island; Kid: fantastic. novels. - M., 1997.

Noon, XXI century No. 11.

Ivanov A. Ships and galaxy. - M., 2004.

Ural Pathfinder No. 4.

Zlotnikov R., Orekhov V. Starship Troopers: science fiction. novel. - M., 2009.

Lukyanenko S. Dive to the stars: stories and stories. - M., 2008.

Law of Deep Space: Science Fiction. works. - M., 2007.

Star Rider: Fantasy: vol. 8. - M., 1990.

Space fiction, or Space will be ours!: an anthology. - St. Petersburg, 2008.

Filenko E. Galactic Cons5.

Section 3. Space in painting and cinema

« The power of imagination increases as knowledge increases."

Space: album of postage stamps. - M., 1969.

Kolosov L. Shot into the Universe; Valley of Flight // Acts of the Celestials: Fantasy in Painting. – N. Novgorod, 1993.

Gerchuk Yu. Sense of space // Decorative art of the USSR No. 4. - pp. 21-22.

Leonov A., Sokolov A. For the benefit of all mankind: artistic exploration of space // Art No. 4. - pp. 9-16.

Pokrov M. Space theme in the works of A. Leonov and A. Sokolov // Art No. 3. - P. 18-22.

Dzhanibekov V. Space is a world in which it is more interesting than on Earth // World of Museum No. 4. - pp. 20-21.

Chanyshev I. “Republic on Mars”: about the film “Aelita” // Soviet Screen

No. 20. - pp. 18-19.

Sosina N. “Taming the Fire”: about the film by D. Khrabrovitsky // Soviet Screen. -1971. -

Vasiliev R. “Through thorns to the stars”: a film based on the works of K. Bulychev

// Soviet screen. -1981. - No. 7. - P. 9-10.

Stishova E. Space as suffering: about the film “Paper Soldier” // The Art of Cinema. 2009. - No. 2.- P. 26-34.

The secrets and mysteries of space attract not only scientists, but also writers and poets. Such creations take the reader into an unforgettable world of fantastic adventures. The space theme is very often touched upon in world and Russian culture. There are science fiction, fiction, and documentary books about space. Many of them have already become artistic treasures. This topic was addressed by such masters as Kir Bulychev, G. Wells, Burroughs, S. Lem, R. Heinlein, G. Garrison, R. Bradbury and others. Books about space and astronauts attract adults and children.

Popular space fiction

What's up there? Many people are interested in this question. In search of an answer, people pick up fantasy books. Space is incredibly mysterious and tempting. Here are the books whose authors looked to the sky:

  • The ironic saga "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams). The author sends his cheerful hero on a journey across the Galaxy. Many thrills and exciting adventures await him. The book contains not only science fiction, space, but also a subtle philosophical line.
  • A work about an intelligent, cruel and dangerous criminal of the 26th century called “Glass Jack” (Adam Roberts). All space inhabitants know that nothing is impossible for the murderer and criminal Glass Jack, who even tries to compete with the speed of sound.
  • Fantastic epic "Dune" This saga has won many fans and is considered the best science fiction novel about a planet made of sand. Herbert created an original picture of the distant future.
  • The book of the popular science fiction writer "Invincible". The plausible portrayal of human contact with other civilizations is a theme for which this writer is remembered. The upgraded "Invincible" is sent to the mysterious planet Regis III, on which there is no civilized life, but it is very dangerous.
  • The Strugatsky brothers' novel about a bright, interesting, clean world - "Noon. XXII Century." This is the most memorable work of famous authors and belongs to utopian fiction. Several generations of readers have already fallen in love with him.
  • Space detective by Jack McDevitt "The Flying Dutchman". A luxury spaceship flies to observe the collision of two stars. The crew of the ship mysteriously disappears somewhere. The hero of the detective will have to find out the secret of their disappearance.

Space theme for the little ones

Heroes who explored the Universe have always attracted the youngest readers. The secrets of the solar system, stars, planets - all this was presented in the most accessible language by many authors for children. Science fiction and space are interesting even in preschool age. What can you recommend to young readers? Here are the most famous books about space for children:

  • Narration by I. Ivanov “Petya’s extraordinary adventures in space.” It is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first human flight into space. From it, children learn about heroes who made scientific achievements. The hero of the book, Petya, goes on an exciting journey, discovering an unknown world.
  • Fascinating stories by K. A. Portsevsky "Mine about space." From it, children will be able to learn why day follows night, why it is cold in winter and warm in summer, what galaxies, asteroids, meteorites, and comets are.

  • A new space theme - "Star Tales" by E. Levitan. This collection will be able to convey the mysteries of the Universe to children in a very accessible form. Also very popular is Levitan's publication "Fairytale Universe".
  • Illustrated atlas "The Luminous Book of Space" by Nicholas Harris. It talks about complex things in a simple and clear way. Children learn useful facts with the help of various labyrinths, stickers, and games. The creators paid great attention to large illustrations.

Children's encyclopedias

Modern children's encyclopedias tell very accessible stories about spaceships, the work of astronauts in orbit, space stations and cosmodromes. Modern encyclopedias and books about space for children are very colorful and bright. A lot of them have been published.

  • Encyclopedia for junior schoolchildren by S. V. Zhitomirsky "Cosmos". In it, young readers will be able to explore constellations, planets, starry skies, and distant galaxies. There are many interesting facts and wonderful photographs collected here.
  • John Farndon's Children's Encyclopedia of Space. Young readers will be able to learn about the stages of space exploration and hypotheses about extraterrestrial civilizations. Here is a description of the International Space Station and the stay of astronauts on it.
  • Entertaining encyclopedia by V.I. Tsvetkov "Space". In it, children will be able to learn about the solar system, black holes, the speed of light, and celestial bodies. All information is accompanied by bright, interesting illustrations.

Works for schoolchildren

When a student is seriously interested in astronomy, we can recommend the following fiction and popular science books about space:

  • Ya. I. Perelman "Entertaining astronomy." This book explains complex concepts and discoveries in simple language.
  • Collection of Nik Gorkavy "Celestial Mechanics". With the main characters - Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein - schoolchildren will be able to travel into amazing cosmic tales.
  • Bestseller by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking "George and the Mysteries of the Universe." The book is rich in information and has a detective-fiction plot. The student will be able to learn about vacuum, space suits, the theory of relativity and the birth of stars.

Classics of the genre

Fiction about space includes stories, novels, stories, fairy tales, and poems. Many works related to the theme of space have already become classics. It's worth remembering them.

  • Fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". The travels and thoughts of the little prince won the hearts of many readers. It makes you plunge into a special, touching and beautiful world.
  • Books by the Russian science fiction writer Here are some from the huge list: “Alice’s Journey”, “The Secret of the Third Planet”, “One Hundred Years Ago”, “The Girl from Earth”, “The Purple Ball”.
  • Legendary works of H.G. Wells. These masterpieces are well known to many: “War of the Worlds”, “The Time Machine”, “The First Men on the Moon”.
  • The works of the great Ray Bradbury. He is the father of many genres of science fiction. The most famous novels: “The Martian Chronicles”, “Fahrenheit 451”. Also stories on this topic: “Asleep in Armageddon”,
  • Remarkable masterpieces determined the development of modern science fiction. It is worth remembering the cult books: “Citizen of the Galaxy”, “Stepchildren of the Universe”, “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”, “Tunnel in the Sky”.

Popular science literature about space

Many domestic and foreign scientists turned to the topic of space and documented their materials. Here are the most significant works:

  • Documentary work by the classic American master Tom Wolfe "Battle for Space". The author talks about the conquest of outer space during the Cold War.
  • Project by Fred Adams and Greg Laughlin "Five Ages of the Universe. In the Depths of the Physics of Eternity." This creation covers the history of space from the very first steps.
  • Scientific documentary work by Anton Pervushin "108 minutes that changed the world." The author talks about the preparation for the flight of the first man - Yuri Gagarin.

Books of memories

Many astronauts who underwent training before the flight wrote books about space. It is worth listing the following memories: Valery Sharov “Invitation to Space”, Yuri Baturin “Daily Life of Russian Cosmonauts”, “Diary of a Cosmonaut”.

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Space in literature and art “The lips of the wise tell us: There are many different lights there: Countless suns burn there, Peoples there and the circle of centuries...” / M.V. Lomonosov / “A dream is not something that already exists, but also not something that cannot exist...” Stanislav Lem (09/12/1921- 03/27/2006) By education he was supposed to become a military doctor, but became a philosopher, futurologist and science fiction writer. Famous works: “Solaris”, “Man from Mars”, “Astronauts”. The novel “Solaris” was adapted into a feature film of the same name. Born and lived in Poland. Abstract to the novel “Solaris” Kelvin arrives at the Solaris station at the very end of interest in the living Ocean of Solaris. By this time, only three researchers remained at the station - Gibaryan, Snout and Sartorius. However, upon arriving at the station, Kelvin learns that Gibaryan committed suicide, Snaut looks insane and warns Kelvin that if he sees anyone else at the station besides Snaut and Sartorius, then let him control himself and not consider himself crazy, Sartorius has completely locked himself in the laboratory and does not want to see anyone. Kelvin will have to find out all this and much more. But the answers found will do little to clarify what is happening - rather, they will lead to new, more complex questions that concern both the intelligent Ocean of Solaris and humans. “As soon as we go beyond the solar system, we are faced with a cosmic reality of a completely different order...” Arthur Clarke (12/16/1917-03/19/2008) Science fiction writer, futurist, scientist, inventor. Born and lived in England. Famous works: “A Space Odyssey” (4 cycles), “Odyssey of Time” (3 cycles), “City and Stars”, “Sands of Mars” and many others. He proposed ideas for creating global communications, weather forecasting from space, a space elevator. Excerpt from A. Clark’s novel “The Sands of Mars” “Are you listening, Earth? You all know that you cannot breathe Martian air. It is very rarefied, there is practically no oxygen in it. Port Lowell, our largest city, is housed under six clear plastic domes. They are supported by air pressure from the inside. We breathe this air very well, although it is thinner than yours... There were 10 creatures in the clearing, too busy eating to pay attention to the uninvited guests. Most of all they resembled very fat kangaroos. Almost spherical bodies swayed on long, thin legs. They had no fur, but their skin shone strangely, like polished leather. The weak arms, which looked extremely flexible, were located in the same place as those of people, and ended with a thin brush, small, like a bird’s paw, thin and helpless. There was no trace of a neck...” “Nothing great in the world is accomplished without passion” Alexander Belyaev (03/04/1884 - 01/06/1942) By training, a lawyer became a science fiction writer, the founder of Soviet science fiction. Famous works about space: “The Star of Kats” , “Ariel”. I was personally acquainted with K. E. Tsiolkovsky. An excerpt from A. Belyaev’s novel “Star of KETS” “..Please, please come here,” Meller calls us. - Well, what should I treat you with? In front of me on the table are hermetically sealed jars, cylinders, cubes, balls. - We will feed you liquid food, semolina porridge from the nipple. You won’t be able to handle hard pieces: if they fly out of your hands, you won’t catch them. We have more and more vegetarian food... But now we have approached the line on which the light rays directly fell. Snowflakes, carried by the wind, melted; the storm turned into rain, which did not fall from the sky, but came from behind; the snow on the ground quickly melted and became loose and watery. Streams were already gurgling on the slopes of hillocks and hollows... At the end of December, far beyond the Arctic Circle - light, warmth and green grass! Pinch my ear to wake me up! – my friend exclaimed... “I searched until the end of my days in dusty, well-read books for a secret fairy tale about her” Alexander Kazantsev (09/2/1906 – 09/13/2002) The mechanical engineer became an outstanding science fiction writer. Particularly popular works: “Phaetians”, “Burning Island”, “Stronger than Time”, “Planet of Storms”, “Other Worlds” A feature film was created based on the novel “Burning Island”. An excerpt from A. Kazantsev’s story “Planet of Storms” “..The weather on Venus has improved. A strong but steady wind was blowing. The sky was high and red, the dawn of the invisible Sun moved across it. Work was in full swing around the rocket. People began to build a fortified camp. It was decided to build a strong fence around the ship that would protect the “colonists” from sudden attacks. Of course, first of all, lizards were meant, but...who knows, there could be more than just lizards...Tilting one wing higher than the other, the creature sank to the surface and...folded its wings, it threw them onto its back with the folds of a smoky cloak. Then it shook its head, and long dark hair scattered across the cloak. ..Of course, the girl had exactly the same face as the found sculpture...” “In order to survive and preserve its home - the Solar System, it is not enough for humanity to master time...” Vasily Golovachev (06/21/1948) Design engineer by profession, became a science fiction writer, screenwriter, producer. He writes about strong and brave space explorers, about overcoming possible problems in space, thanks to nobility, courage and bravery. Works: “Relic”, “Man of Combat”, “Stash” and many others. Based on the book “Smersh” the film “Forbidden Reality” was made. An excerpt from the story “Feed Bang Bang” “... “Oh my God!” Angelina whispered, not taking her eyes wide open from the amazing phenomenon. Lazorin also looked back. The geyser quickly froze, subject to a temperature of minus 220 degrees Celsius, but under the pressure of the planet's subcortical ocean it continued to grow, like a giant tree entwined with whirlwinds of steam and icy dust. Callisto vibrated, causing its bark to continue to crack, become blistered with emerging water, soar and boil….” “The essence of man is the amazing ability to get used to everything” Arkady (08/28/1925 - 10/12/1991) and Boris (04/15/1933 -11/19/2012) Strugatsky Soviet science fiction writers, co-authors and screenwriters. Feature films have been created based on many of their works. The most famous works: “Trainees.” “The Way to Amalthea”, “Distant Rainbow”, “Inhabited Island”, “Roadside Picnic”, “Aelita”, etc. The film “Stalker” was based on the novel “Roadside Picnic” Annotation to the novel “Roadside Picnic” One of the most famous works of the Strugatsky brothers, the fascinating story of stalkers - desperately brave people who, at their own peril and risk, go again and again to the alien landing site - an anomalous Zone full of dangers and deadly traps... The Strugatskys very often pose complex, intractable, or even completely unsolvable questions. For how many years have we been asking ourselves the question: are we alone in the universe? And what will they be like - aliens from other worlds? More developed and more humane? More bloodthirsty? What goals will they pursue when making contact with earthlings? Will they want to enslave us or try to help us rise to their level of development? Will they destroy us inadvertently or will they just play and forget us forever, finding new, more exciting things to do? “The spacesuit floated slowly twenty-five kilometers from the middle plane of the Ring. Ahead, watery Saturn piled up like a gigantic dull yellow hump. Below, to the right and left, a flat sparkling field stretched across the entire screen. In the distance it was clouded with a greenish haze, and it seemed that the giant planet was cut in half.” Alexey Leonov Born on May 30, 1934. Flew into space twice: 1965, 1975. He was the first to go into outer space. Impressed by what he saw in space, he began to paint pictures about space. Paintings by Alexei Leonov: pilot-cosmonaut "Soyuz - Apollo" View from space Yutaka Kagaya Born in 1968 in Saitami. He paints wonderful pictures about Space, but not only... Since 1996 he has been painting pictures exclusively with the help of computer technology. Paintings by Yutaka Kagaya (Japan) Fantastic worlds Fantastic worlds Gemini Pegasus Yutaka Kagaya These mysterious constellations... Russian poets about the Universe Valery Bryusov (1873 - 1924) Perhaps every atom is a Universe with a hundred planets. Everything that is here is there, in a compressed volume, but also what is not here...” “I walked for a long time, and, choosing an icy hill for the night, I set up a flexible pole. In the polar darkness, not Sirius, not Vega, - As a sign of love, the Southern Cross sparkles..." Russian poets about the Universe Alexander Blok (1880 - 1921) "O edge of heaven - the Omega star, All in sparks, Colored Sirius. Overhead - mute Vega From the kingdom of darkness and snow Frozen over the earth..." "Worlds are flying. The years fly by. The empty Universe looks into us with dark eyes. And you, tired, deaf soul, repeat about happiness - how many times?..." Russian poets about the Universe Ivan Bunin (1870 - 1953) "Night has come, the sand has cooled from the stars. Sliding in the sand, I followed the caravan, And the Milky Way, a double stream, Whitened above it with a luminous fog...” “You are called divine, Mira, Queen in the constellation Cetus. Mysterious, like the talismans of Pyrrhus, the beauty of your short life..." Russian poets about the Universe Veronika Tushnova (03/14/1915 - 07/7/1965) "Everything was quiet and icy, Frost mica flickered, A big blue star looked at the world in surprise..." "My gaze was riveted to the autumn sky. Perhaps I will argue with fate And the stars fly and fly, And fall into the black sea...” Russian poets about the Universe Eduard Asadov (09.7.1915 - 04.21.2004) “By dawn everything fell silent - Silence. The slow, important moon, Entangled in the stars with a golden net, Hanged mysteriously over the water..." "By the bridge, shivering sleepily, Two willows drink the dawn with their palms A tiny moon, like a kitten, Climbing up a lantern..." These extraordinary constellations... Test questions: Name famous Russian science fiction writers. Name famous foreign science fiction writers. How fantastic Have you read works about space? Name the artists you know who dedicated their works to Space. Poetry is one of the methods of expressing admiration for Space. Name a poet who amazed you with his poems. Name poets who dedicated their poems to space, but were not named in the presentation. References 1 Asadov, E.A. Favorites. – Smolensk: Rusich, 2002. -624 p.2 Belyaev, A.R. Star KETS: Novels and stories. – M.: A-Di-Ltd, 1993.-396 p.3 Blok, A.A. Teach me to be bright: Selected lyrics 1898-1921. /The introductory article will be composed. A. Cherevchenko/-Magadan Book Publishing House, 1980. – 270 p. 4 Bunin, I.A. Collected works in 4 volumes: vol. 1. –M.: Pravda, 1988.-480 p.5 Golovachev, V.V. VVG, or the power of the times of Harmony: Science fiction novels. – M.: Publishing house “Eksmo”, 2004. – 512 p.6 Kazantsev, A.P. Stronger than time: Novel and story, - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 1997. – 489 pp. Internet resource7 (paintings by A. Leonov)8 (paintings by Yutaka Kagaya)