Brain-ring “Healthy children in a healthy family.


"World Health Day".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about health and factors influencing human health.

Children are divided into two teams, choose a team leader and come up with a name


You are friends with the red sun, Glad to see the cool wave, You're not afraid of the rain Snowfall is not scary. You're not afraid of the wind, You don't get tired in the game, And you go to bed early, And you rise with the sun. In winter you go skiing, You're frolicking on the skating rink. And in the summer, tanned Swimming in the river. Do you like to jump, run, Play with a tight ball. You will grow up healthy! You will be a strong man!
(S. Ostrovsky)

Leading: Guys, can we say that this poem is about you?(YES) Leading: Why do you think so? (We follow a daily routine, in winter we like to ski, skate, sled, and in summer we sunbathe in the sun and swim in the river; we like to play outdoor games, walk, play sports, etc.)
Leading: Guys, if you follow all these rules, then we can say that you lead what kind of life?(Healthy lifestyle) Leading: Right. Why do you think it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle?(To be healthy) Leading: That's right, guys, in order to be healthy you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: AND We have gathered here because today is World Health Day. We will play and remember what rules must be followed in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as what affects our health. And our game is called brain-ring. Ready?(YES!)

Before the game starts, we will give the floor to our teams to introduce themselves.

Senior team......

Preparatory group team…..

( command presentation)

We're starting the game!

Task 1 “Say a word”

1 Chew steel pipes
If you clean often...
2 I take dumbbells boldly -
I train my muscles...
3 Do you want to become stronger?
Raise everything...
4 Let the temperature go down
Here's a liquid...
5 Svetka is unlucky today -
The doctor gave bitter...
6 Yulia was lucky today -
The doctor gave sweets...
7 Juice tablets are the most beneficial of all,
He will save everyone...
8 Even though it stings the wound,
Redhead heals well...
9 For Alenka’s scratches
The bottle is full...
10 They declared battle against the bacilli,
Wash your hands clean with...
The team that answers correctly first earns 1 point for each answer.

Task 2 “Place the pictures in the correct sequence”

Pictures appear on the screen

Leading: The team's task is to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a short story based on them.
The jury evaluates each story on a five-point scale (reliability of information, completeness and correctness of sentence construction)
The team receives an additional point for the correct placement of the pictures.

Task 3 “What is useful and what is not”

Pictures for each team appear on the screen.

One of the team members must give the correct answer. One point is awarded for each answer.


Dear guys, now I think it's time to relax a little. And I invite everyone to come out and warm up.

Physical exercise “Forward four steps.”

We've rested a bit and it's time to test our knowledge again!

The next task is not easy! You should now remember the proverbs about health. I will read the beginning of the proverb to you, and you will finish it.

Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.

Health has no price.

Healthy - jumps, sick - cries.

If you harden yourself from a young age, you will be good for the rest of your life.

Laughter is the health of the soul.

He is weak in health and not a hero in spirit.

Clean water is a disaster for sick people.

Wash yourself more often, don’t be afraid of water.

Healthy teeth are good for health.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Wash yourself whiter, you will be nicer to people.

Vanya was cured - the bathhouse helped him.

Sleep is better than any medicine.

Onions are a friend to health.

Eat right - and you don't need medication.

He who chews long lives long.

Appetite comes with eating.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread is father, water is mother.

A bad lunch when there is no bread.

The river's banks are red, lunch is pies.

Sugar destroys teeth, but carrots strengthen them.

Lunch without vegetables is like a holiday without music.

Garlic and onions for seven ailments.

Movement is a companion to health.


I think it's time to play some more. 4 people are invited from each team.

Game "Hygiene Products".

There are various objects on the table in front of you. You can only take one item at a time. You should bring personal hygiene items to your team for the person. Then the team explains what this or that thing is for.


Well done team! They coped with the task perfectly.

I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself.

What gives me health? (sport)

Now we will check how you know different sports. There are puzzles on the table in front of you. You have to put a picture together and say what sport it is. Ready? Then let's begin.

Game "Assemble the puzzle"

Guys, as they say, a healthy person has more fun and life.

Now, while the results are being summed up, you and I will take a little rest again.

Physical exercise “If life is fun...”

Leading: Z Find this, adults and, of course, children:
D In order for everyone in this world to live long,
ABOUT Give up bad habits completely.
R Wake up early, make friends with sports
ABOUT It is also very important to eat right -
IN vitamins and vegetables will be very useful for everyone.

Which team do you think won? Of course both! You showed excellent knowledge today. And now we will reward both teams.


Guys, you and I know that you can’t watch TV for a long time. So we'll watch it quite a bit. Because we have a surprise for you. And now the famous Smeshariki will remind you once again about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Watching cartoons on healthy lifestyle

“Health Lessons” - Caring for your hands and feet. Posture - slender back. Dental care. First aid for foreign bodies in the eye, ear, nose. What is health? How to avoid poisoning. Themes of lessons in primary school on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: How to preserve vision. First aid for poisoning.

"Health Center" - Health Center. Interaction of system levels. Information flows. Automated complex of dispersed surveys AKDO. Contact the Health Center. Survey results. Evaluations and conclusions of expert systems. Printable form of a healthy lifestyle passport. Result of the patient's request. Medical card of the Health Center.

“Health at School” - Our social partners: Results of project activities: School Health Zone. Expected Result. Diagnosis of students. Legitimacy of the project. Interviews with competent specialists. School project. Argumentation of the problem. Our own solution to the problem of preventing psychoactive substances and introducing a healthy lifestyle.

“Health School” - Concept. Psychological relief zone. OU Development Program. Changes planned throughout the year. Changing the quality of education. Expected results. Medical services. Implementation of the concept. Active mobility zone. Creation of new medical offices. Gym. The educational institution development program as a tool for managing the quality of education.

“Human life and health” - Extracurricular activity “If you are strong and healthy, you are ready for serious matters.” Mass media. Project objectives: School administration. Relevance of the project. Creating health-preserving conditions at school. Bos health office. RANKING (in order of importance for students). We choose a healthy lifestyle. We play together and learn new things.

“Students’ health” - Questionnaire “Me and the meaning of my life.” Varied. No rush. Move more! “We are building the house of our health.” “Schoolchildren’s attitude towards alcohol” For students. 8-11 grades Healthy lifestyle. For students 9-11 grades Combine work and rest correctly. Ministry of Health and Sports. Class hours on the topic: The main rules of a healthy lifestyle.



Lesson topic:

"If you want to be healthy"

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To always be healthy,

Cheerful, slim and cheerful,

I'm ready to give you advice,

How to live without doctors.

You need to eat tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons,

Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunch,

And for dinner - vinaigrette.

I need to play sports

Wash, temper,

Get into cross-country skiing

And smile more often.

Well, what if your lunch

You'll start with a bag of candy,

You’ll eat imported chewing gum,

Sweeten it with chocolate

And then for the whole evening

You'll sit down to the TV

And look in order

A series of series

Then for sure

Your companions are always -Myopia, pale appearance

And poor appetite.


Do you know?

1 Round

  • Questions for the first team:
  • 1. Which human organ is compared to a pump?
  • 2. What is the function of the skin?
  • 3. Which human organ is both a filter and a stove?
  • 4. Why is alcohol harmful to humans?
  • 5. All their lives they have been racing, but they cannot overtake each other.
  • 6. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they have.
  • Questions for the second team:
  • 1. Which human organ is compared to a computer?
  • 2. What security posts prevent invisible enemies - microbes, viruses, dust and dirt - from entering your body?
  • 3. What human organs are affected by smoking?
  • 4. Why do people need eyebrows, eyelashes, tears?
  • 5. My brother lives behind the mountain, but he won’t meet me
  • 6. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow it.


Hygiene is the basis of health

  • Never wash your hands.
  • Neck, ears and face.
  • This stupid activity leads to nothing.

Your hands will get dirty again.

Neck, ears and face.

So why waste energy?

Time to waste.

Getting a haircut is also useless.

There's no point.

As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • Questions for the first team:
  • 1. Why must we brush our teeth twice a day?
  • 2. Why should you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or at least your hand when coughing and sneezing?
  • 3. What do you think is more correct: to wash the floor with a wet mop, or to sweep it with a dry broom?
  • Questions for the second team:
  • 1. Why is it necessary to wash your hands before eating?
  • 2. What can the bad habit of biting your nails lead to?
  • 3. Why should a person wash himself daily, or at least 1-2 times a week, in the shower or in the bathhouse, or in the bathroom?







Questions for the first team:

  • What first aid does a person need for sunstroke?
  • or when you felt sick in the sun?

2. What should be done first in case of a burn?

3. What to do if you are injured

and are you bleeding?

Questions for the second team:

1. What to do if a person has a nosebleed?

2. What do you think needs to be done?

if you have frostbite on your nose or cheek?

3. What to do if a person

badly bruised and scraped your knee?


  • What measures to prevent flu in winter do you know?

2.Name the diseases of “dirty hands”

3. What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

4. Why can’t you drink cold water immediately after exercise?

  • Why can't you pet unfamiliar cats and dogs?

2. How to avoid sunstroke?

3. Why shouldn’t you chew pencils, pens, or nails?

4. Why can't I smoke?


if you liked the lesson,

you were interested and in a good mood;

green -

if you weren't quite

happy with the job

and you were in a sad mood ;

in red -

  • in red -
  • in red -
  • in red -
  • in red -

if you were not happy


  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,
  • if you were not happy occupation,

and you were in a gloomy mood.

Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Participants: The game is attended by 4 teams of 6-7 people, grades 9-11.


  • The name of the Brain Ring game is “For Life”.
  • He who does not take care himself cannot be saved.
  • True courage is caution.
  • Everything is great for a healthy person.
  • The head is the beginning of everything.
  • If you are healthy, you will get everything.
  • People say: “If you want to be happy for one day, go visit, if you want to be happy for a week, get married, if you want to be happy for a month, buy yourself a car, if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy!”
  • In Russia, in 2008 alone, 47 people became victims of counterfeit and low-quality alcohol products. Human.
  • In total, on average, 50% of men and 25% of women smoke in the world, many of whom have not yet reached adulthood.
  • According to a UN report, 2.5% of the planet's population (about 140 million people) use marijuana or hashish, 13 million. – cocaine, 8 million – heroin.
  • Laughter, and that's all! The correspondent asks the grandfather: “Grandfather, do you have AIDS in the village?” The grandfather, not knowing what he’s talking about, thinks to himself: “I’ll say no, he’ll think we’re in some kind of wilderness. I’ll say that there is, and he’ll start asking for more.” And then he decided to answer like this: “There is, but very little, just for himself.

(All words belong to the presenter).

Good afternoon dear friends!

We all know that human life is the most precious thing given to a person. And we also know that health cannot be bought for any amount of money. At all times, a responsible, strong, persistent, hardworking person was valued. Therefore, we must take care of our health, cultivate willpower and hard work.

And today we are holding the first game of the intellectual club “High School Student”. The game is called “For Life”, we will play it according to the principle of the brain ring game.

Rules of the game: 4 teams participate in the game. Teams draw lots.

1st round Teams 1 and 2 play.
2 round Teams 3 and 4 play.
3rd round The final (winners of each round play).

The presenter asks a question worth 1 point. 1 minute for discussion. The team that knows the answer picks up a card. If the answer is correct, the team gets 1 point; if not, the next question is worth 2 points. The round lasts until one of the teams scores 6 points. The team that wins the final wins.

  1. Why do you think the tobacco industry has not yet used its political influence to remove the words “Smoking is dangerous to your health” from advertising posters and cigarette packs? (This inscription protects the tobacco industry from lawsuits. If a person, having started smoking at the age of 12, and at 45 got lung cancer, decided to sue the tobacco company, then it has a good excuse: we warned that smoking is dangerous to your health) .
  2. Who are passive smokers? (These are people who simply inhale tobacco smoke).
  3. How is the word alcohol translated from Latin? (Spirit).
  4. During what ritual did a person taste wine for the first time? (As the ancient historian Titian wrote, during the rite of fraternization, two people held each other tightly by the right hand, their thumbs were tied, and they made a prick. By licking the protruding drops of blood, these people became brothers. Later, their own blood was replaced with wine).
  5. A recent study in the UK showed that the more a person smokes, the more they cry. What do you think explains this interesting relationship? (When lighting and smoking a cigarette, tobacco smoke curls upward, gets into the eyes, they begin to water in defense. Therefore, the more a person smokes, the more he cries. In addition, over time, the shine in the eyes is lost, and premature wrinkles appear) .
  6. What did Americans call the plague of the 20th century? (Smoking) Today, a third of the world's population smokes.
  7. What drink was called aqua vita in the 15th century? (living water), and already in the 18th century it was renamed water of death (aqua mortis)? (Vodka).
  8. In Ancient Rus', at a wedding feast, guests drank honey and beer to their heart's content, but the young, according to custom, did not touch these drinks. Why? (Alcohol is a narcotic and toxic substance. Ethanol penetrates the egg and sperm, disrupting the genetic structure of DNA. If conception occurs when alcohol is present in the mother or father’s body, then there is a 99% chance that the child will be born with mental and physical disabilities).
  9. Complete the Japanese proverb: first a man drinks wine, and then... (the man drinks wine).
  10. Where does tobacco come from? (From America).
  11. What is withdrawal? (Hangover, withdrawal symptoms).
  1. Name one of the legal, commonly available drugs. (Alcohol).
  2. According to doctors, drug addiction is a disease, but without one stage. Which? (Recovery).
  3. A country in which for a hundred years alcohol has been considered “enemy No. 1” at the level of public policy. Therefore, it has the highest alcohol prices and the strictest restrictions in Europe. (Norway).
  4. Name the ruler under whom a public drinking establishment, a tavern, first appeared in Rus'. (Ivan groznyj) In 1555, by order of Ivan the Terrible, the first tavern was created. As you can see, the story that “Russians always drank” is not entirely true. At that time, the tsarist authorities had to drive peasants into taverns literally by force, inducing them to drunkenness through general flogging and ruin, since the sale of alcoholic beverages was supposed to bring huge revenues to the treasury.
  5. Bismarck believed that this drink makes a person “lazy, stupid, powerless.” Name this drink. (beer) Beer contains a large amount of carbohydrates. In addition, when drinking a large amount of beer, and even with fish, water-salt metabolism is disrupted. Result: “beer belly”, obesity...
  6. Arrange certain categories of people depending on their number. (chronic alcoholics, drunkards, frequent drinkers, “cultural” drinkers.
  7. Finish the proverb: before hops it is sick, in hops it is sweet, and after hops... (disgusting).
  8. A woman chopping wood would not be offensive - it’s war;
    Husband at the front - you are alone.
    But the epidemic is to blame for all this... Finish the sentence. (Guilt)
  9. In what century did vodka appear in Russia? (In the 16th century. Moreover, this supposedly “original Russian drink” was imported from Europe (according to one version, from Genoa, according to another, from Germany).
  10. Which Russian ruler banned smoking? (Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich).
  11. Alcohol is the best way to deprive a person...of the most valuable thing given to him by nature. What is it about? (About the mind).

3 round (final).

  1. Trying to replace vodka with beer is the same as replacing a demon... with whom? (Devil).
  2. Among the beneficial substances in alcoholic drinks are... Finish the sentence. (There are no such substances).
  3. Johann Goethe was confident that “humanity could achieve incredible success if it was more..” complete the sentence (sober).
  4. Name a country in which a drunk driver who causes an accident with human casualties is sentenced to death. (Japan) According to statistics, Japan has the lowest number of accidents caused by drunk driving.
  5. It poses twice the health risk of smoking. What is this? (Sedentary lifestyle).
  6. What does the word “marijuana” mean in Portuguese? (Poisoner).
  7. What is the name of the law prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages? (dry).
  8. What comes first on the long list of consequences of drinking? (Colossal loss of life).
  9. Complete the German proverb: a person takes the first glass, the next…. (they take the person themselves).
  10. An organ that retains more than 30% of the alcohol that enters the body. (Brain).
  11. At the beginning of the 20th century they said that “Prohibition in America was drowned in...” What drink are we talking about? (In beer).
  12. One commercial asks the question: “Why do people smoke?” Duplicate your answer. (So ​​that we have work).

Congratulations to the winning team.

The fight against bad habits is a complex and multifaceted problem. But each of us has the right to choose. I advise each of you to make your own: live and be healthy.

People say: “If you want to be happy for one day, go visit, if you want to be happy for a week, get married, if you want to be happy for a month, buy yourself a car, if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy!”

And now guys, pick up three circles of different colors: red, green, black. And when leaving, attach the circle of your choice to the scoreboard, and answer the question: Was this game interesting and useful for you?

If yes, then you choose the red circle.
If it's still green.
If not, black.

Today we say goodbye to you, be healthy!

Brain-ring for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Parents and educators - two banks of the same river”

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region
The brain-ring was held as part of a seminar by the Russian Educational Institution for preschool teachers on the topic “Creating a unified educational space “Kindergarten – Family” through the formation of an active position of parents in raising children.” This event is practically significant for senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students.
*clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents;
* to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators, as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;
*intensify the activities of teachers to generalize, disseminate and introduce into practical work the experience of colleagues from other preschool educational institutions;
*support teachers’ interest in further study of this topic.

Opening speech by the presenter (senior teacher):
“Preschool childhood” is a unique period in a person’s life when health is formed and personality develops. At the same time, this is a period during which the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to serious consequences in the future.
Among the main tasks facing the kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.” To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Therefore, an active course is needed to create a unified space for the development of the child, both in preschool educational institutions and in the family. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in Art. No. 18 “Preschool education” says the following: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood. To educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.”
And each of us must remember that a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of preschool teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.
An important condition for interaction with parents is the establishment of trusting business contact, cooperation between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of the parents and teacher is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school. And this is precisely what confronts the teaching staff with the need to look for an ally, a like-minded person in raising a child in the family.
Preschool teachers should be the initiators of establishing this cooperation, since they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore understand that its success depends on consistency in raising children.
And in conclusion, I would like to say the following. We use the combination of “working with parents” every day, which we are, in principle, accustomed to. 20 - 15 years ago, there was nothing wrong with this. A modern young parent is very different from the parents of the 80s and 90s... Now the age limit for parents is shifted towards an early age. Our young mothers are young, democratic, capricious, with high self-esteem. And teachers need to approach this wisely and subtly. Therefore, the combination of “working with parents” is incorrect, since it too strongly reflects our professional snobbery and attitude towards parents as objects of influence. Not every parent will accept such an attitude towards themselves and allow them to “work” with them. Therefore, the word “interaction” is more accurate. And I advise you to pay attention to this.

Today, dear colleagues, I invite you to play a business game with me, which has the specific name brain ring.
Form of implementation: two teams (working creative groups - by institution)
Brain-ring(English brain - brain) - a television version of the game, invented by the Odessa intellectual games club "Erudite". An analogue of our famous game “What, where, when?” That is, the brain ring is a “brain attack”, a battle, a battle, a competition, a game. And its goal is to define and identify the knowledge of a group of people on a certain topic.
So I want to reveal your knowledge on the topic “Interaction between family and preschool educational institution.”
Since you and I have been dealing with the problem of cooperation with parents for many years, we can all be called erudites in this area. And the game will help us remember and clarify existing knowledge, place emphasis, and identify issues that require additional study.
We need to split into 2 teams.
Brain ring consists of 7 rounds.
At the end of the brain ring, the results are summed up and the winners are announced.
And now I will introduce you to the rules of our Brain Ring.
Rounds usually open with a question for both teams; the team that rings the bell the fastest has the right to answer first. If a team answers before ringing the bell or answers incorrectly, the other team can answer and receive a point for the correct answer. The team with the most points wins.
The Brain Ring is evaluated by a competent jury: ...
So, let's start our Brain Ring.
First, you need to come up with a name for your commands (1 minute is allotted to complete).

ROUND 1(Gong sounds) "Pedagogical Dictionary"
Choose a definition for this concept:
(don't forget about the bell and the right of first response) Slides.
Questionnaire- technical means of specific social research, compilation, distribution, study of questionnaires.
Interaction- interpenetration, communication, exchange of thoughts, feelings, ideas.
Parenting is an international term that refers to helping parents in fulfilling the functions of educators of their own children and parental functions; necessary to optimize the process of raising a child, for the health of society itself.
Communication - a method of mutual relations specific to subjects, a way of being of a person in relationships with other people.
Pedagogical reflection- the ability to analyze one’s own educational activities, critically evaluate them, find the reasons for one’s pedagogical mistakes, the ineffectiveness of the methods used; to select methods of influence on the child that are adequate to his characteristics in a particular situation.
Family- a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, parents and children. Family members are connected by marriage or kinship relationships, a common life, and mutual moral responsibility.
Content- the defining aspect of the whole, the totality of parts of an object.
Method - a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity.
Form- external expression of any content.

ROUND 2(Gong sounds) "Teacher's Crossword"(execution time 5 minutes)
1. One of the techniques for activating parents (Game)
2. The most interesting form of communication with parents (Competition)
4. What does the “RIVER” symbolize between the two banks (Children)
5) A questionnaire to obtain any information (Questionnaire)
6) Traditional form of holding a parent meeting. (Lecture)
7) The main method of studying families of pupils. (Observation)
8) Non-traditional form of holding a parent meeting (Auction)

ROUND 3 “Pig in a poke”
I “pull” a card with a question from the bag and read it out. If the team is ready to answer, it rings the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. From which regulatory document is this phrase taken:
“Parents are the child’s first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy.” (RF Law on Education)

2. Select the most complete answer: Family education is...
– more or less conscious efforts to raise a child;
– a controlled system of relationships and interactions between parents and children, aimed at achieving the desired results;
– raising children in a family environment;
– a means of family education;
– a form of general educational training for parents.

3. Name a method not related to the methods of studying families of pupils:
– observation;
– conversation;
– survey;
– interviews with parents;
- laboratory experiment.

4. Methods of activating parents include:
– teacher’s report;
– questions and examples;
– ignoring the child;
- diagnostics;
- control;
- a game.

5. What applies to non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?
– meetings;
– conferences;
– competitions;
– information stands;
– conversations.

6. What applies to traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?

- helpline;
- talk show;
– competitions;
– quizzes;
– consultations.

7. Traditional forms of work (remove the unnecessary)
– individual;
– subgroup;
– collective;
– visual and informational.

8. Does not apply to cognitive forms of communication...
– pedagogical briefings;
– meetings;
– consultations;
– oral journals;
– folklore holidays;
– brain rings

ROUND 4 “You for me, I for you”
Teams ask each other problematic pedagogical situations “parent - teacher” (prepared in advance, lying on their table).
The completeness and correctness of the answers is assessed. If the team asking the question completes their answers, they are awarded additional points.

Situation 1.
The mother of five-year-old Kolya came to the kindergarten with a complaint against the teacher. She believes that the teacher should not force the child to clean up his toys; there is a nanny for this. The child should develop, not clean.
Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 2.
Evening. Parents came for Vlad and Nastya. The children began to clean up their toys. Vlad’s mother stands, looks and rejoices, and Nastya’s mother shouts: “Get dressed quickly, I have no time!” “Mom, but you have to clean up after yourself,” says Nastya. “You will clean the house, but now I’m in a hurry.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

(Here, the teacher’s demands are canceled by the mother herself, so the work should be carried out not with the child, but with his parents. Then the effect of such educational influence will be noticeable).

Situation 3.
The teacher turns to Dima’s mother with a story about what the children learned new in class and offered to consolidate the learned material at home. In response, the mother sharply replies that she has no time to study with the child at home, that this is the responsibility of the teacher - he “gets money for this.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 4.
When picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents are indignant that his clothes are very dirty and accuse the teacher of not looking after the children well. Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 5.
Zulfiya is an active, lively girl who has difficulty adapting to the group. The teacher advises the mother to seek help from a pediatric neurologist. The girl’s mother took the advice with hostility and accused the teacher that she did not like her daughter because she was from a non-Russian family, saying that she would go to complain to the head.
In the following days, Zulfiya was not brought to kindergarten. Later it turned out that the girl was finally taken to a doctor, who prescribed her treatment. A month later, the girl began attending the group again, but the relationship between the teacher and her mother never improved. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?

Psychologist's comment: If the parent received such information from a kindergarten doctor or a teacher-psychologist, the reaction would be different, and there would be no conflict with the teacher. Do not take the “fire upon yourself”, seek the help of specialists. It is important to remember the boundaries of your competence!

Situation 6.
Sveta was often brought to kindergarten at 10.30, the time when all classes came to an end, and all that was left was a walk and communication with the children. Often they weren’t brought at all. Preparatory, speech therapy group. Her grandmother picked her up early after afternoon tea.
The teacher began to say that such visits would not bring any benefit to the child. Mom complained to the head teacher that the teacher was teaching them. Result: the girl was taken from kindergarten and enrolled in a preparatory group at school. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?