Individual cards with a fairy tale theme. Own fairy tales using the proppa method

All the games described below are united by the use of special “fairy-tale cards”, or more precisely, cards with fairy-tale characters. Of course, you can come up with much more games using such cards than are proposed here. These games are aimed at high school students, within the framework of fairytale therapy training on prevention ike negative influence on and individual work with school youth who have been exposed to violence.
Before the start of the training, the facilitator makes cards on which the names of fairy-tale characters are written - 20–30 male and the same number female. Each fairy-tale character can be duplicated many times. It’s good if on the card, in addition to the character’s name, there is also his portrait (preferably in color).


Female characters: Princess Nesmeyana, Cinderella, Snow Queen, Alyonushka, Baba Yaga, Squirrel, Old Woman with a Broken Trough, Sleeping Princess, Evil Stepmother, Beautiful Princess, Little Robber, Malvina, Fedora, Fairy, Gray Mouse, Lisa Patrikeevna, Caring Mother, Mother Hen, Ogre's Wife, Fluffy Kitty, Thumbelina, Witch, Snow Maiden, Evil Queen, Little Mermaid, Old Woman Shapoklyak, Snow White, Thieving Magpie, Gerda, Dragonfly, Tortilla Turtle, Cuckoo, Little Red Riding Hood, Monkey.
Male characters: Pinocchio, Barmaley, Ilya Muromets, King, Soldier, Winnie the Pooh, Karabas-Barabas, Cipollino, Ram, Pierrot, Matroskin the Cat, Kesha the Parrot, Sorcerer, Polkan the Dog, Piglet, Tin Woodman, Koschey the Immortal, The Ugly Duckling, Boy Thumb, Ogre, Puss in Boots, Dragon, Peter Pan, Scarecrow, Robber, Dunno, Gray Wolf, Old Wizard, Rabbit, Homemade, Ant, Tricky Dwarf.

The more fairy-tale characters offered, the better. The main thing is to meet two conditions: firstly, these characters must be known to everyone, and secondly, they must be striking characters and have a set of obvious qualities and characteristics.

You can prepare a large poster listing fairy-tale characters. In this case, all participants receive blank cards according to the number of group members.
Another option: each participant can write on specially prepared blank cards the three most attractive and least attractive fairy-tale characters (one name on each card). The cards are handed over to the presenter. Thus, the set contains six times more cards with the names of fairy-tale characters than there are participants.
To make it easier to select cards, you can lay them out on the floor in the center of the circle or place them on the tablet in several rows in special pockets in alphabetical order.


In order for the player to receive feedback from other training participants, the following procedure can be carried out.
Each participant chooses from the set a card with the name of the fairy-tale character with whom he associates the main player (the one who receives feedback). If the opinions of group members coincide, it is precisely necessary that each card be presented in three or four copies. The cards are placed face down in front of the protagonist.
He himself also makes elections. First he chooses the character he considers himself similar to, then the character he thinks the majority of the group has chosen.
Then he looks at the cards suggested by the group members. The most frequently encountered characters are selected. You can act out scenes from the corresponding fairy tales in which the protagonist would play these roles.
Discussion takes place on the following issues.

  • How did the protagonist feel in a particular role?

  • Which characters seemed completely alien and unacceptable?

  • Which of the heroes, on the contrary, are perceived as kindred spirits?

  • What surprised the protagonist in the choice of group members?

  • What was unexpected?

  • Which of the selected fairy-tale characters is considered by the protagonist as an ideal worthy of imitation?


The group is divided into subgroups of five people. The cards are shuffled, and representatives of the subgroups draw five cards at random from the pile.
After twenty minutes, each subgroup must act out a fairy tale in front of the other participants, in which all the characters assigned to it would act.


Each group member draws a card with the name of a fairy-tale character. Then a procedure is carried out that can be called “Writing a fairy tale in a circle.”
One of the participants suggests the beginning of a fairy tale by saying a few phrases. The story is picked up by the participant sitting on the left, then the next one, etc.
The most important condition: the participant who received the word must introduce his hero into the plot of the fairy tale being created. If this is not possible during the first passage of the “fairy tale circle,” then you need to introduce your character during the second or third circle (you should not carry out more than three circles, since in a sufficiently large group, due to the abundance of characters in the fairy tale, you can get “stuck”).


This game uses Propp's cards (in our version they include 24 functions) and the seven main types of fairy tale characters he describes (Hero, Sender, Antagonist, Giver, Helper, False Hero, Princess). These characters are also written on cards.
Seven are selected at random from a stack of Propp cards. As a result of the general discussion, the sequence of functions in the plot of the future fairy tale is determined.
Then the following procedure is carried out: one of the participants draws a card from a pile with fairy-tale characters, another - from a pile with character types, a third - from a pile with the names of group members. As a result, the fairy-tale hero is assigned a specific role in the fairy tale and a performer is immediately appointed. For example, Koschey the Immortal will play the role of the Giver in the fairy tale, and Sergei will play him.
If a character type like the Princess appears, you need to draw cards until a female fairy-tale image appears. In this way, seven characters with specific functions are selected
in a fairy tale.
The remaining participants become spectators of the performance, which must be staged by seven performers.


The general procedure is similar to the previous one, only characters from one fairy tale are selected for the stack of cards with fairy-tale characters, for example Karabas-Barabas, Pinocchio, Malvina, etc.
As a result of the random distribution of character types and sequence of functions in a tale, players are forced to change the plot and content of the initial tale and actually invent a new one.


A protagonist is selected from the group. He presents his problem in a metaphorical form - he offers the beginning of a fairy tale, which defines the main character.
After this, the presenter invites the protagonist to choose cards with those heroes who will be present in his fairy tale (it is not necessary that the selected heroes are directly associated with specific people from the protagonist’s environment; characters who are not in reality can be introduced into the fairy tale).
The protagonist then selects performers for each role from among the group members.
The further process can be organized in different ways.
If the presenter has the skills of a psychodramatist and the appropriate qualifications, then the staging of fairy tale scenes can be carried out according to the rules and techniques of psychodramatic action.
If there is no such qualification, then the protagonist and the performers he has chosen simply come up with a continuation of the fairy tale they have begun and act it out. In this case, improvisation is especially welcome.
The facilitator should assist participants through nondirective intervention. Perhaps in the process of such playing it will be possible to find a metaphorical solution to the protagonist's problem.


To play the game, each group member must have a set of cards with fairy-tale characters. However, if this is difficult to do, then you can get by with one set for everyone, containing at least three or four copies of each card.
In the latter case, the players take turns approaching the tablet with cards (it must be positioned so that the rest of the group cannot see which cards the player chooses, but at the same time the player himself can see his comrades). The player chooses for each group member a card with the fairy-tale character with whom he associates. He takes the card for himself, assuming that most members of the group associate him with this character.
While the first player distributes cards to the group members (“face down” - for the time being no one should see what he got), the second player approaches the tablet.
After all participants choose cards for each other and for themselves, the presenter allows them to turn over the cards and familiarize themselves with their contents.
Then you can discuss who managed to correctly determine what associations it evokes, and share your feelings with group members.


From a set of cards with fairy-tale characters, those that represent the heroes of one fairy tale are selected. These cards are randomly distributed among the participants. Each player is required to describe the events taking place in the fairy tale from the perspective of the character whose role they have played.
The discussion is organized around the following questions.

  • What is the difference between the presentation of events in different heroes?

  • Why is there such a difference?

  • How did you feel while playing your character?

  • What new things have you discovered in this famous fairy tale?
Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Lidia Pirogova

I would like to introduce you to didactic manual"IN visiting a fairy tale". In the group we are currently implementing a project of the same name, so I decided to create this benefit for the purpose to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales. At this time allowance included only Russian folk fairy tales. I'm planning to create something similar didactic manual on author's fairy tales and the 135th anniversary of K. I. Chukovsky.

I found pictures on the Internet fairy tales, printed them on a color printer, pasted them on thick paper, cut them out, we got a lot of cards with plot pictures from fairy tales. I also printed out the text fairy tales. Every fairy tale I put it in the house - an envelope, numbered it. Like this happened:

Children love to listen fairy tales, because after reading we definitely play, compete in knowledge fairy tales.

Here are some activities that children will enjoy perform: "Tell fairy tale from pictures", "Help the hero return to his fairy tale"(to the heroes of one fairy tales got a character from another fairy tales, "Lay out pictures according to content fairy tales(algorithm)", "From what fairy tale hero?",

“Who can lay out the cards in order the fastest?” (2 sets of identical cards are used).

IN allowance included fairy tales for children of different ages, because I work in a mixed-age group.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract to the game guide The game guide on career guidance is intended to gain knowledge about the types of railway transport and.

Didactic manual "Apple Tree". This manual is intended for working with children from 3 to 7 years old. Description of the manual: On a fabric base.

I bring to your attention the didactic manual “Calendar”, which will be useful for children of all preschool age (from 2 to 7 years).

Didactic manual "Polyanka" Purpose: Formation of cognitive and research skills based on sensory representations. Tasks:.

Didactic games with the manual “Wardrobe with clothes” - “What are clothes made from?” - getting to know the types of fabrics, talking about them: how they are made, from what.

Didactic manual “Fairytale World” PRESENTATION Slide No. 1 Didactic manual “Fairy-Tale World” Dear colleagues, I will begin my speech with words. Slide No. 2 The fairy tale is clever.

Lesson notes for the second junior group “Visiting a Fairy Tale” as part of the project “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Program content: Consolidating a familiar fairy tale in children's memory; Development of communication skills, creative.

Alla Sushilina Methodical manual-theater in a suitcase “Visiting a fairy tale” All children love to listen to fairy tales, but when does a fairy tale come to life?

I noticed that a child’s interest in a particular fairy tale is determined not only by its content, but also by its graphic design. Successful illustrations and cartoons are memorable and evoke a lot of positive emotions - my daughter returns to them again and again.

But, in addition to books, the fairy tale plot is visually reproduced using sets of cards (usually 6-8 pieces). Moreover, you can tell not only traditional fairy tales for primary preschool age (“Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Ryaba Hen”), but also more complex ones, for example, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Puss in Boots” and "Musicians of Bremen". Of course, in an adapted (but not distorted) version. I think that for most parents, like me, reading a prose work three times is enough to remember, after which the text in front of your eyes is simply not needed.

Games with cards are different:

  • guess which fairy tale this episode is from (the child is shown one card, or the child himself chooses one of several, turned upside down),
  • find a picture that shows...,
  • what happened after or before...,
  • find an extra card in a row or add a missing one,
  • make up your own story using the pictures.

You can make cards yourself by cutting them out of inexpensive books of an “inconvenient” format. In addition to fairy tales, children will also be delighted illustrations for your favorite cartoons(“Masha and the Bear”, “Luntik”, “Little Einsteins”). To make them, just print out and paste screenshots onto cardboard. The easiest way is with Masha: ask a request in Yandex pictures masha and the bear alone at home or Masha and the Bear Bon Appetit and get an excellent selection for each episode.

Classes with such material are an excellent training for memory and imagination, as well as the ability to trace cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

I reproach myself for remembering only one publishing house that produces small cards for children - Prof-Press. But there are many hardworking people on the Internet who, for example, have collected a huge collection of educational cards for children in one place. You can download illustrations for “Turnip” or “Kolobok” for free here ]]> ]]> . Having placed the pictures on an A4 sheet and output them through a color printer, you can paste them onto cardboard and then cut them. It is convenient to place the subject pictures on a flannelgraph or (protecting the edges with tape) simply lay them out on the table.

Good morning, dear parents!

I suggest you and your kids play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

In front of you are pages - a field and cards for them.

The games are designed both for the youngest children, to simply introduce them to the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as role-playing games, games for memory training, attention to logic, and most importantly, fine motor skills of the fingers and speech development.

Here you can download the games themselves based on fairy tales and cartoons:

They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Kolobok”, “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”.

What options can there be for playing fairy tale games with kids:

1. To begin, print out the cards and fields for them, laminate or cover with tape, and cut into small cards. And now you can play.

Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Kolobok”, tell the story to your child while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell the story and, in the process, invite the child himself to sort the characters of the story into cells.

2. Another option is to put all the characters into cells, and then ask the child to close his eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the child guess who is missing.

3. Arrange the cards with the characters in the order they appear in the fairy tale, and now mix them up and invite the child to establish the correct sequence.

4. When the child knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales by their cells. When the baby can do this easily, add more characters and more fields.

If you have any other possible ideas for games with cards, write in the comments)))

Good luck to everyone, raise smart kids)


for individual work on literary reading

to the textbook Native speech 2nd grade

Card No. 1

Connect the first word of the hero's name with the second with a line.

Goat – Golden Comb

Chanterelle - swans

Cockerel - Khavroshechka

Geese - as big as a finger

Boy prince

Ivan - dereza

Princess - sister

Snake frog

Tiny - Wise

Vasilisa Morevna

Marya Gorynych

Ivan the Fool

Card No. 2

Connect a line between a fairy-tale animal and its character trait in Russian fairy tales.

Fox gullibility

Wolf stupidity

Ram cunning

Cockerel resourcefulness

Cat loyalty

Hare cowardice

Bear showing off

Black grouse stubbornness

Dog savvy

Card No. 3

Thanks to Russian folk tales, these sayings appeared. Continue them.

Heather how...

Hungry like...

Stubborn as...

How healthy...

Quirky as...

Dirty as...

Chatty as...

Cowardly as...

Card No. 4

Match the old word from folk tales with its meaning.

Ali, al











Card No. 5

Connect with a line the character traits of the stepdaughter and the natural daughter from the fairy tale “Morozko”.

Polite kind

Envious daughter lazy

Hardworking patient

Modest arrogant

Obedient stepdaughter rough


Card No. 6

What fairy tales are these helper heroes from? Connect with a line.

Gray wolf "Goat dereza"

Pike “Snow Maiden and Fox”

Rooster "Tereshechka"

Fox "The Frog Princess"

Stove “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”

Gosling “At the command of the pike”

Vasilisa the Wise "geese - swans"

Card No. 7

Match the word with its meaning. What fairy tale are these words from?

Boiled spelled Covered hole in the ground dug

for housing.


Svetlitsa Property given to daughter at

Getting married.

Dugout Ancient women's headdress.


Dowry Porridge from wild wheat grains.


Rat Bright front room in the hut.


Kichka Army in Rus'.


Card No. 8

Combine the name of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale with the fairy-tale characters from this fairy tale.

“The Tale of the Pope and his worker Balda” Elisha

"The Tale of the Dead Princess..." Dadon

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" Stolbovaya noblewoman

“The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” Imp

“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by Matchmaker Babarikha

Card No. 9

Place a tick next to the main idea “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

If you have many desires, you will not achieve your goal.

The more you have, the more you want.

Greed and envy do not lead to good things.

Card No. 10

Place a tick next to the main idea of ​​“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”

You must be responsible for your actions.

You must keep your word, even if you regret what you said.

Be careful in choosing friends and life partners.

Card No. 11

Place a tick next to the main idea “Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”

If you don't know a person, don't accept gifts from him.

Envy is the mother of all vices.

Love can endure all trials.

Card No. 12

Place a tick next to the main idea “Tales of Tsar Saltan...”.

Deception will always be discovered.

You must be tolerant and be able to forgive your offenders.

You don't need to listen to the advice of others, you need to listen to your heart.

Card No. 13

Put a tick next to the main idea “Tales of the Pope and his worker Balda.”

The greedy and stingy will be left with nothing.

Kindness and modesty will be rewarded.

Cunning and ingenuity will help in the most difficult task.

Card No. 14

Connect with a line the name of the fairy tale and the character traits that were ridiculed in it.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" Envy

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan..." Greed

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" Stinginess

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" Falsehood

“The Tale of the Pope and his worker Balda” Laziness


Card No. 15

Which words most accurately describe the princess from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? connect with an arrow.

Attentive lonely

Faithful neat

Fair princess Thoughtful

Shy polite

Hardworking modest

Good economic

Card No. 16

What words most accurately describe the character of Balda from “The Tale of the Pope and his Worker Balda”? connect with an arrow.

Economic vindictive

Fair cunning

Kind Balda resourceful

Brave greedy

Hardworking stupid

Smart lazy

Card No. 17

“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Wolf and the Goat”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Three Bears”, “Gray Neck”, “Kolobok”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Town in a Snuffbox”.

Card No. 18

Cross out the signs that do not belong to the signs of the fairy tale.

Triple repetition, fairy-tale beginning, fairy-tale ending, magical events, ancient words, stable combinations of words, real events, magical objects, fairy-tale characters.

Card No. 19

Match the name of the fairy tale with the fairy tale hero.

Ivan is a fool “Moroz Ivanovich”

Monster "Girl Snow Maiden"

Needlewoman “Three Bears”

Nigella "Scarlet Flower"

Snow Maiden “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

Nastasya Petrovna “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

Sloth "Black chicken, or underground inhabitants"


Card No. 20

Underline the title of the fairy tale to which the proverb “Like the work, such is the reward” fits.

P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

S. Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower"

L. Tolstoy. "Lipunyushka"

M. Mikhailov. "Two Frosts"

D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Gray Neck"

A. Tolstoy. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Card No. 21

In what order did the events of S. Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” take place? Number it.

The youngest daughter asks to bring a scarlet flower.

A merchant picks a scarlet flower in a mysterious forest.

The merchant goes on trade business.

The monster asks to give one of his daughters instead of the merchant.

The youngest daughter puts on a magic ring.

The youngest daughter goes to visit her relatives.

The youngest daughter gets used to the monster.

The monster turns into a prince.

The sisters are up to no good.

Card No. 22

Which proverb expresses the main idea of ​​the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky"The Fox and the Goat."

    The stupid man turns sour, but the wise man sees through everything.

    An untested friend, a hundred uncracked nuts.

    There is honey on the tongue, and ice on the mind.

    He grew up with a shaft, but he couldn’t stand it.

    As it comes back, so will it respond.

Card No. 23

Match the title of the fairy tale with its theme.

“The Scarlet Flower” About diligence and modesty.

“The Little Humpbacked Horse” About the meaning of life, the struggle for happiness.

“The Black Hen, or About Justice.

underground inhabitants"

“Two Brothers” About hard work and respect for elders.

“Two Frosts” About compassion and loyalty to the word.

“Lipunyushka” About hard work.

Card No. 24

1. Connect with an arrow the character traits of the main heroines of V. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”.

Selfish economic

Lazy sloth sloppy

Two-faced brave

Fair needlewoman responsive

Kind and modest

Careless patient

2. Match the characters with the name of the fairy tale and the writer.

Guidon M. Gorky “Sparrow”

Fish - whale V. Odoevsky “Town in a snuffbox”

Needlewoman M. Mikhailov “Two Frosts”

Princess A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Spring V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

Sparrow Pudik S. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”

Frost Blue Nose P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

Beast of the forest

3. “Amazing transformations.” - Who did the heroes of fairy tales turn into?

King Guidon _________________________________

Chicken Chernushka _________________________________

Krupenichka _________________________________

Miracle of the sea _________________________________

Ivan is a fool _________________________________

(from a fairy tale by P. Ershov)

Snowball _________________________________

4. “Fairy-tale item.” – Who would you ask for a fairytale item?

Hemp seed _________________________________

The Scarlet Flower _________________________________

Feather heat - birds _________________________________

Bucket with heels _________________________________

Golden nuts _________________________________

Talking mirror _________________________________

Card No. 25

Underline the names of Leo Tolstoy's fables.

“Scientific Son”, “Kitten”, “Father and Sons”, “Bird”, “Liar”, “Fox and Crane”, “Lion and Dog”, “Two Comrades”, “Lipunyushka”, “Hedgehog and Snake”, “The Old Man and the Apple Trees”, “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”, “The Elephant”, “The Jackdaw and the Jug”.

Card No. 26

Underline the names of L.N. Tolstoy’s works, the theme of which is friendship and mutual assistance.

“Scientific Son”, “Father and Sons”, “Shark”, “Liar”, “Lion and Dog”, “Squirrel and Wolf”, “Two Comrades”, “Gardener and Sons”, “Fire Dogs”.

Card No. 27

Connect the title of Leo Tolstoy’s work with its theme with a line.

About friendship, mutual assistance “Old grandfather and grandsons”

About respect for elders “Two Comrades”

About laziness and carelessness “The Squirrel and the Wolf”

About good nature “The Learned Son”

Card No. 28

Match the name of the fable with the proverb.

Take it together - it won't be too heavy. "The Fox and the Crane"

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone. "Father and Sons"

As it comes back, so will it respond. "Squirrel and Wolf"

An unknown friend is not good for services. "The Hedgehog"

Card No. 29

What was the main idea of ​​L.N. Tolstoy that can be expressed by the proverb “An old friend is better than two new ones”?

“Kitten”, “Fire”, “Bone”, “Bird”, “Filipok”, “Elephant”, “Lion and Dog”, “Jump”, “Fire Dogs”, “Shark”, “Girl and Mushrooms”.

Card No. 30

Which fairy tales by K.D. Ushinsky can be correlated with folk tales in content? Connect with a line.

Folk tales Tales of K.D. Ushinsky

“Porridge from an axe” “Golden egg”

"Cat, Rooster and Fox" "Geese"

“Chicken Ryaba” “Rooster and Cat”

“Winter quarters of animals” “Boiled ax”

"Geese - Swans" "Terrible Goat"

“Goat - Dereza” “Rogue Cat”

Card No. 31

Which works of K. Ushinsky and L. Tolstoy are similar in content? Connect with a line.

L.N.Tolstoy K.D.Ushinsky

"Fox and Crane" "Wolf and Dog"

“Old Grandfather and Granddaughter” “Cowardly Vanya”

"Wolf and Dog" "Grandfather"

"Scholar's Son" "Mice"

“Mice and the Cat” “As it comes around, so it responds”

Card No. 32

Match the title of the work and the hero.

"Cockroach" Bear

"Moidodyr" Aibolit

"Barmaley" mosquito

“Fly - clatter” crocodile

"Stolen Sun" sparrow

Card No. 33

Connect a fairy-tale name with a fairy-tale hero.

Moydodyr is a red-haired, mustachioed giant

Fly doctor

Cockroach grandma

Aibolit shark

Fedora clattering

Doodle crocodile

Totosha Washbasin

Card No. 34

Connect the characters of the fairy tale with the sounds they make.

The saucer "growls and screams"

Kettle "boots top top"

Rams are chattering and rattling

Chicken “ding-la-la”

Cockroach “knocked on the gate: tra-ta-ta”

Bug "where-where"

Card No. 35

Find the extra word. Cross it out.

Bears, mosquitoes, crayfish, cat, cockroach, spider, elephant, wolves,

sparrow, kangaroo.

Card No. 36

Connect the hero with the item that belongs to him.


Mosquito dishes

Crocodile copper basin

Bears boots

Moidodyr saber

Fedora flashlight

Fly clatter bicycle


Card No. 37

What did the animals ask for in the poem “Telephone”? Connect with a line.

Elephant books

Gazelle galoshes

Carousel monkeys

Crocodile chocolate

Card No. 38

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action he committed.

Aibolit lit the sea

The sparrow swallowed the sun

The crocodile washed her dishes

The mosquito brought the sun back into the sky

Fedora put out the sea

The bear saved the clattering fly

Butterfly ate a cockroach

Chanterelles cured the animals