Presentation on the topic "Introducing children to the traditions of the Bashkir people." Bashkir people: culture, traditions and customs Bashkir ore miners presentation

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Bashkortostan is a multinational republic. Representatives of more than 70 nations and nationalities live on its territory. The most numerous of them are Bashkirs (21.9%), Tatars (28.4%) and Russians (39.3%). The remaining nationalities together make up 10.4% of the population of Bashkortostan. In total, representatives of over 130 nationalities live in Bashkortostan.

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The population in Russia is 1345.3 thousand people, including 863.8 thousand people in Bashkiria. They live in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, and Tyumen regions. They live throughout Russia.

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They speak the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altaic family; dialects: southern, eastern, the northwestern group of dialects stands out. Russian and Tatar languages ​​are widespread. Russian and Tatar languages ​​are widespread. Writing based on the Russian alphabet. Believers Bashkirs are Sunni Muslims.

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Bashkirs are Turkic-speaking nomads who began their movement to present-day Bashkiria in the 4th century. from the southern steppe strip. The Southern Urals and the adjacent steppes, where the formation of the people took place, have long been an arena of active interaction between different cultures and languages. In the 1st millennium AD e. The penetration of the nomadic Turks into the Southern Urals begins, displacing and partly assimilating the aborigines; the Turkic tribes obviously played a decisive role in the formation of the language, culture and physical appearance of the Bashkirs.

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The traditional occupation of the Bashkirs has long been semi-nomadic cattle breeding; they bred mainly horses, as well as sheep, cattle, and camels. Other activities included hunting, fishing, and beekeeping. Ancillary occupations and crafts were developed - weaving, woodworking, blacksmithing and jewelry. A special role was played by the processing of hides and skins and the manufacture of clothing and shoes from them.

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The traditional rural settlement of the Bashkirs was the aul. Under conditions of nomadic life, its location changed; permanent settlements appeared with the transition to sedentary life, as a rule, on the site of winter roads. At first they were characterized by a cumulus layout, then it gave way to a street layout, in which each grouping of related families occupied separate ends, streets or blocks. The number of households varied from several dozen to 200-300 or more; in settlements there were 10-20 households.

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Islam. The writing system for the Bashkir language was first created on the basis of Arabic graphics, in 1929 it was transferred to the Latin alphabet, and since 1939 - to the Russian graphic basis.

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The basis of the Bashkir women's costume is a body dress (kuldek) with frills, decorated with a woven pattern and embroidery. Frills, cuffs, and pintucks on the chest appeared on dresses only at the beginning of the 20th century. The turn-down collar was usually made of factory-made, softer fabric (satin, chintz), and the chest slit was fastened with lace. The hem and sleeves are bordered by red stripes of a braided pattern, and the red satin collar is embroidered with counted satin stitch. The tunic-like cut of clothing is the most common in the national costume of the peoples of the region.

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The folk clothing of the Bashkirs unites the traditions of steppe nomads and local settled tribes.

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Meat and dairy foods predominated; products of hunting, fishing, honey, berries and herbs were consumed. The Bashkirs retained elements of traditional beliefs: veneration of objects (rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.) and phenomena (winds, snowstorms) of nature, heavenly bodies, animals and birds (bear, wolf, horse, dog, snake, swan, crane, golden eagle, falcon, etc., the cult of rooks was associated with the cult of ancestors, dying and reviving nature). Among the numerous host spirits (eye), a special place is occupied by the brownie (yort eyyahe) and the water spirit (hyu eyyahe). The supreme heavenly deity Tenre subsequently merged with the Muslim Allah. The forest spirit shurale and brownie are endowed with the features of Muslim shaitans, Iblis, and genies. The demonic characters bisura and albasty are syncretic. The interweaving of traditional and Muslim beliefs is also observed in rituals, especially homeland and funeral ceremonies.

Bashkiria is mine! Earth and sky!
My love, my nightingale land,
I feel sorry for the one who has never been here
I feel sorry for the one who didn’t sing kurai!
Mustai Karim.

Bashkir writer and poet - Mustai Karim.

“Girl in a Bashkir costume” Artist Khabirov R.S.

“Bashkir kumys” Artist Kashcheev F.A.

The Bashkirs have long lived on the Ural land.

Until the end of the 19th century, the Bashkirs led
semi-nomadic lifestyle, but gradually
became sedentary and mastered agriculture,
Eastern Bashkirs for some time
practiced summer camping trips and
in summer they preferred to live in yurts, with
time, and they began to live in wooden
log cabins or adobe huts, and then
and in more modern buildings.

Bashkir holidays.

Eid al Adha
Like many Bashkir folk holidays, Eid al-Fitr came along with Islam. This is one of
the most important holidays of the year, on this day occurs
breaking the fast after a long fast. In Bashkiria this
The holiday is celebrated very widely. In the morning all people
go to the mosque, then cover the houses
rich tables, some of the food is always given away
those in need, also the poor need to be given money so that they
there was something to praise Allah for. The holiday is connected with the help
to the elderly and the needy, with good deeds. Bashkirs in
Beef dishes must be prepared on this day
horse meat, put on festive costumes, a lot
dancing. There is no place for despondency on this day.

Eid al-Adha

This Muslim and Bashkir holiday in
September is celebrated and is associated with
sacrifices and pilgrimage to Mecca.
It means the highest point on the way to holy places.
In the morning, all mosques in Bashkortostan hold
festive services and special rites
sacrifices. Then in every house
tables are set, on this day it is obligatory
you need to give a gift to someone in need. Often
the head of the family buys an animal carcass at the market:
a ram, a cow, a horse and, cutting up part of it, gives
poor. After this, the Bashkirs go to each other
to visit a friend, where at the festive table
praise the Lord.


Bashkirs celebrate Kargatuy as “rooky”
holiday" at the time when the rooks arrive in the spring,
the meaning of the holiday is to celebrate the moment
awakening of nature from winter sleep and also an occasion
turn to the forces of nature (by the way, the Bashkirs
believe that it is the rooks that are closely related to them) with
asking for prosperity and fertility in the future
agricultural season. Previously participated in
Only women and
the younger generation, now these restrictions
removed, and men can also dance in circles,
eat ritual porridge and leave the leftovers
on special boulders for rooks.

Many Bashkir holidays are associated with seasonal
agricultural cycles, Sabantuy or holiday
plow is one of them.
It marks the completion of spring work in the field.
People pray for a good harvest and try
appease the gods. Celebrations are held on large
squares where the entire population of the village can gather.
It is customary for families to come to this holiday. Fun
includes traditional songs, rituals and dances. also in
on this day it is customary to hold comic competitions
wrestling, running in bags, and other types of competitions. Prize
the most dexterous and strong - a live ram. On this day
You definitely need to smile and joke a lot, among the Bashkirs
there are special songs that call
mercy of the gods.

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KAZ UMEKHE (kaz omese or kazh umekhe) - a festival of goose urine. This autumn holiday occurs during the period of the first frosts and the slaughter of geese. On this day, millet porridge is cooked in rich goose broth and served with goose meat. NORUZ - falls on March 21-22. The holiday is dedicated to welcoming spring.

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Native ritual. Naming The birth of a child is a special event in the Bashkir family. After birth, the child received a temporary name (diaper name), which was given by the midwife. The child received a permanent name after the naming ceremony at the “ISEM TUYY” holiday (naming the child). The religious naming ceremony is usually performed by the mullah and the child’s grandfather, an old neighbor. Refreshments are provided for the ritual participants. In the past, Bashkirs did not record the date of their birth. However, children's birthdays are now widely celebrated.

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Folk Games The Bashkirs, whose lives were closely connected with horse breeding, achieved significant success in equestrian sports. Among the equestrian competitions, the following were popular: BEIGE - racehorse competition. The start was given in the steppe, and the riders finished in the village. Baige is always included in the Sabantuy program. AUZARYSH (waddling) is an equestrian game. Two riders, having saddled their horses, must pull each other from the saddle or force the opponent to jump to the ground. Riders are allowed to grab each other by the neck, sash, arms, and push the opponent’s legs out of the stirrups. KUK-BURE (gray wolf) or “goat-tearing”. Two groups of riders must take the goat carcass from one of the riders.

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Folk games KYZ KYUYU (catch up with the girl). A girl is riding a horse, and a young man riding on another horse must catch up with her and kiss her. CUT OF VINES. The galloping rider must cut down the vine rods (1.5-2 meters long). In addition to equestrian competitions, national wrestling (KURYASH) was very popular. Kuryash was held on the Maidan (a flat grassy area). The fight is carried out on a “stand” with both hands grabbing the sash “crosswise” on the opponent’s back. A modern match lasts 5 minutes.

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Folk games Games with a ball (ball) were also popular: “SOKOR TUP” and “SEKEN”. SOKOR TUP (hole and ball). With the help of sticks (similar to clubs), players try to roll the ball into a cauldron (cauldron), i.e. into the hole, located in the center of the circle. The players prevent the “attacker” from doing this. SEKEN (analogue of hockey). The game involves two teams. The main task is to “hammer” a wooden ball behind a stake or stone (set at the border of two fields).

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Folk games During the holidays, the most popular games were lasso tug-of-war (up to 20 people participated), “sack running”, “breaking pots blindfolded”, “getting coins out of a bowl of milk with your lips”, “bag fight”, “men running”, tied in pairs by the legs,” as well as horse racing, archery, throwing spears and stones at a target, and racing (yugyrmak). Sports competitions were an indispensable part of the holiday, along with treats and mass games. For example, during the wedding they competed in wrestling. On the day of the wedding feast (tui), horse racing was held in the bride's house.


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Traditions of the Bashkir people

Southern Urals - Homeland of Bashkiria

Cold sky, transparent distances, huge frozen rocks. It was not for nothing that this region was given a proud name - Ural

Ural means land of gold. The Ural is a deep expanse of rivers. These are forests that, like packs of wolves, surrounded the foothills of the mountains in a ring.

The distances sparkle with the light of factories, Trains thunder between the blocks of rocks. It was not for nothing that this region was given a proud name - the Ural!

This is the land of free steppes and forests

The land of deep rivers and bright lakes

A land of fertile plains and mountain ranges

More than a hundred nationalities live in the Southern Urals

Bashkirs - “Bashkort”: “bash” - head, “court” - wolf

Culture of the Bashkir people

Bashkirs are experienced livestock breeders

Skilled beekeepers

Behind the loose sands, Behind the Nogai steppes, high mountains rise with emerald valleys

Rivers, bright lakes, fast streams

There the steppes are undulating with grass, feather grass, and decorated with flowers.

That is my native land. Country of free Bashkirs!

Since ancient times, he was held in high esteem by the Tatars and Bashkirs. He is covered in the spirit of friendship - the whole world celebrates him!

Bashkir songs are beautiful and melodious

Bashkir dances are laconic and dynamic

Yurta - Bashkir national dwelling

The Bashkir land keeps many traditions and legends

Bashkirs are hospitable hosts

Tradition of welcoming guests Bashkirs are very hospitable hosts. It doesn’t matter who fate brings to their doorstep: an invited guest or an uninvited one, a generous holiday treat will definitely be placed on the table. The guest will be greeted with cordiality and warmth. When parting with guests, the Bashkirs have a wonderful tradition: to give guests small gifts, as a sign that their arrival brought happiness to the house, and to invite them to visit again.

Bashkir cuisine is unique and tasty

Honor and respect for elders

Tradition - veneration of elders Among the strong and respected traditions, I would especially like to highlight the veneration of elders. In a Bashkir family, grandparents are considered the main ones, and the youngest representative of the family is obliged to know the names of all his ancestors going back seven generations! What about families, family life?! The desire to start a family and have children is the dream of every Bashkir. Love for children is as strong and boundless as veneration of ancestors!

The Ural region, native space, beauty... Wherever you go, don’t forget!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of an integrated lesson with middle group children. Theme: "Acquaintance with the life of the Bashkir people." Application "Bashkir Palace".

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Lesson notes on the regional component...

Scenario for the performance of “Bashkirs”

Look at the globe:

Here it is - the globe,

Bashkiria on it

The size of a birch leaf...

Let you seem like a leaf on the globe,

By a hot blown breeze, -

Bashkiria is mine! Your son is simple

I admire your breadth...

Bashkortostan is incredibly attractive due to its diversity of nature. If you look at Bashkortostan from above, you can see mountains, hills, steep cliffs, and endless expanses of grain. In the east of the republic rise the Ural Mountains. They are covered with dense forests.

The republic is located in the southern Urals, on the border of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. About 100 nationalities live here (Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, etc. live)

The flag of Bashkiria is a cloth of green, white and blue with an emblem. The blue color means the purity of thoughts of the peoples of the republic, white – their love of peace, green – freedom. The kurai flower is a symbol of friendship; its seven petals symbolize the unity of the Bashkir tribes and the peoples of Bashkortostan.

The coat of arms is an image of a monument to Salavat Yulaev (a symbol of the courage of peoples) against the backdrop of the rising sun and its rays.

The capital of the republic, the city of Ufa, is a large, beautiful city.

The working strata of the Bashkir and Russian people live in peace and harmony. They always had to defend Russia's interests together.

We know well the name of the legendary hero of the Bashkir people, Salavat Yulaev.

He combined the talent of a poet, the gift of a commander, and the fearlessness of a warrior. These qualities reflect the spiritual image of the Bashkirs.

The Bashkir people have always been able to not only fight and work, but also have fun. Bashkir folk holiday - Sabantuy (translated as “festival of the plow.”)

This holiday is closely related to labor. After successful sowing, the grain growers took a rest.

Bashkir songs and folk dances are wonderful, the traditions and customs of the Bashkir people are good. You will now hear the melodies of the kurai - this wonderful national spiritual instrument.

Bashkortostan is a republic of big oil and petrochemicals.

Bashkortostan is a mechanical engineering republic.

Bashkortostan is a republic of grain fields.

Bashkortostan is a republic of fragrant honey and healing kumiss.

Bashkortostan is a country of singers, a country of poets.

Folk dances, as well as songs, fairy tales and legends, express the best features and aspirations of free, hardworking peoples. Spectators from many republics, regions and territories of our country became acquainted with the Bashkir art of folk dance. Bashkir dancers have visited several dozen countries on all five continents.


Today we talked about Bashkortostan, about its endless expanses, about countless riches that we can protect and increase. And the greatest wealth of Bashkortostan is its people. And may peace and friendship always flourish on your land, Bashkortostan, may there be enough space for all the peoples inhabiting this amazing region!

In colorful beautiful Bashkir carpets,

In virgin mountain air forests,

Under the golden rays of the sun,

Fragrant lindens captivate with flowers,

The bees of Bashkir honey are working,

Nature gives healing properties.

Soft grasses, in green time,

Hay meadows have a milk burden.

Mount Iremel is sacred in spirit,

Ufa is energetic, Inzer is full of water.

Agidel is decorated with a blue ribbon

Bashkortostan is our beloved region,

The kurai exalts the Fatherland with a song:

Cheerful Bashkortostan fly higher,

Shine as a guiding star for people!