Required reading works 3. What is extracurricular reading? Tales of the peoples of Russia

Summer! Ah, summer! Vacations and doing nothing for all children. But is this right? Many will argue. But one way or another, teachers give assignments to their students for the summer, especially in primary school- from the first to the third. In particular, every year children are given a list of literature for the summer so that students do not forget how to read during the three months of rest. This known problems, during summer holidays children lose their reading technique and on the first of September they read with difficulty, two or even three times slower than at the end of the last school year. Hence the problems with completing assignments in all other subjects, because any assignment must first be read and understood, but how can this be done if the child has forgotten how to read over the summer? Does my child have to do any summer assignments during the holidays? Leave your opinion in the comments.

Children studying in the Perspective program are not heavily loaded with reading during school, even in the third grade they are not asked to read as much as in some other programs, and if they are also allowed to relax in the summer, trouble cannot be avoided. Therefore, we present to your attention literature lists for the summer after third grade for the Perspective program. The lists were developed by teachers specifically according to the age of the students and adapted to the modern curriculum.

List of literature for the summer after 3rd grade, UMK Perspective

  1. G. Skrebitsky "Tales of the Pathfinder"
  2. A. Gaidar " A military secret", "RVS",
  3. V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment.”
  4. L. Panteleev “On a skiff”, “Chief engineer”.
  5. V. Belyaev “Old Fortress”.
  6. A. Nekrasov “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”
  7. A. Volkov “Yellow Fog”, “The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle”.
  8. A. Lindgren “Kalle Blumkvist - detective.”
  9. R. Kipling “The cat that walked by itself.”
  10. C. Dickens. "The Adventures of Oliver Twist."
  11. E. D'Hervilly "The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy."
  12. D. Rodari “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “Tales by Telephone”
  13. V. Georgiev “Shurshiki”, “Yolki-Palki: Field Marshal Pulkin”
  14. Gubarev V. Stories “Travel to morning star", "Three on an Island", "In Far Far Away Kingdom", "Lore of deep antiquity"
  15. L. Davydychev “The life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and a repeater.”
  16. Y. Koval “The lightest boat in the world”
  17. V. Korzhikov “Solnyshkin’s Sailing”
  18. S. Lagerlöf “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese”
  19. Y. Lari " Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali"
  20. V. Medvedev “The Unknown Adventures of Barankin”, “Captain Lying Head”
  21. Y. Olesha “Three Fat Men”
  22. O. Preusler “Little Baba Yaga”, “Little Merman”
  23. S. Prokofiev “Patch and Cloud”, “Invisible Eye”
  24. E. Seton-Thompson “Tales of Animals”
  25. Yu. Sotnik “Archimedes Vovka Grushina”, “Clairvoyant, or this terrible one”
  26. P. Travers "Mary Poppins"
  27. E. Uspensky “Down the Magic River”, “Fur Boarding School”.
  28. S. Alekseev “Stories from Russian history”, “The story of a serf boy”, “Stories about the great Moscow battle”, “Stories about the defense of Leningrad”
  29. A. Ishimova History of Russia in stories for children.
  30. Yu. Krutogorov "Alexander Nevsky", "Baptism of Rus'", "Battle of Kulikovo".
  31. M. Gallai "Valery Chkalov"
  32. B. Zhitkov “Sea stories”.
  33. Nadezhda Valner “Holgin city”.

List of literature for the summer after 3rd grade No. 2, Perspective program

  1. S.T. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower
  2. A.P. Chekhov. Kashtanka
  3. A.M. Bitter. In people
  4. L. Lagin. Old Man Hottabych
  5. V. Kataev. Son of the regiment
  6. A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken or Underground inhabitants
  7. Yu. Olesha. Three fat men
  8. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Tyoma's childhood
  9. K. Bulychev. Alice's Adventures
  10. G.A. Skrebnitsky. Tales of the Pathfinder. Forest voice
  11. N.I. Sladkov. Bureau of Forest Services
  12. G.Ya. Snegirev. Little monster
  13. Fairy tales: C. Perrault, Brothers Grimm, G. H. Andersen
  14. L.Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  15. M. Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  16. E.T.A.Hoffman. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
  17. J. Swift. Gulliver's Adventures
  18. E.Raspe. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  19. A.S. Exupery. A little prince
  20. V.Hugo. Gavroche. Cosette
  21. Charles Dickens. The Adventures of Oliver Twist

How to read books in summer

Any list is a guideline. It is not at all important to search and read absolutely all books from all lists. But make sure your child reads at least 1 hour a day. Some people read voraciously and can read for a long time, for example, before going to bed. Some people cannot look at a book for more than 15 minutes. Adapt to the child, let him read 4 times for 15 minutes, but he must read. Don't force your child to read as a punishment. Read something out loud to him yourself, discuss what you read for better memorization. And then reading will be a pleasure.

So the third grade is over. And so that children do not forget how to read over the summer, they need to read for at least 30 minutes 2 times a day. In the morning I got up, brushed my teeth, made the bed, had breakfast, and read. I also read it before bed. And it’s not a burden, and it’s beneficial. It would be good to develop such a habit in a child from first grade... The reading lists for the summer after third grade are quite impressive. They already have voluminous books. For children who read 90 words per minute, reading all the literature on the list may not even be realistic. But teachers should not demand to read all these books. Choose the most interesting for a child. Try to cover all the books, read every day, but it doesn’t matter if you can’t read all the literature given by the teacher.

List of literature for reading in the summer UMK Planet of Knowledge 3rd grade

  1. Myths of the peoples of the world (one from ancient Greek, Sumerian, Slavic)
  2. Tales of the peoples of the world (one Russian, Armenian, Italian, Indian)
  3. Russians folk epics one each about Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich
  4. Krutogorov Yu. Alexander Nevsky, Baptism of Rus', Battle of Kulikovo.
  5. A.P. Gaidar "Hot Stone", " Blue cup", "Chuk and Gek", "Timur and his team", "RVS", "The Tale of a Military Secret".
  6. R. Kipling “Why does a camel have a hump?”
  7. Alekseev S. Stories about the great Moscow battle.
  8. Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
  9. A. Nekrasov “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”
  10. Kir Bulychev “A Million Adventures”
  11. Erich Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
  12. V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”

We lead reader's diary(notebook):

List of literature after 3rd grade according to the Harmony program

  1. N. Nosov. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  2. A. Lingren. Madike and Pims from Junibakken
  3. S. Prokofiev. Astrel and the guardian of the forest. Sorcerer's Apprentice. The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
  4. I. Akimushkin. Traces of unseen beasts
  5. D. Sabitova. Circus in a box
  6. T. Kryukova. Miracles are not make-believe
  7. I. Tokmakova. Marusya will be back
  8. Yu. Aleshkovsky. Shoo and two briefcases
  9. V. Golyavkin. My good dad
  10. V. Chaplin. Zoo pets
  11. P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  12. B. Zhitkov. What happened
  13. S. Kozlov. Hedgehog in the fog
  14. T. Janson. Moomintroll and others
  15. E. Levitan. Fabulous adventures of a little astronomer
  16. V. Kurchevsky. A true tale about pencils and paints
  17. V. Durov. My artists. My animals
  18. G. Pivovarova. Through the pages of entertaining geography
  19. A. Chekhov. White-fronted
  20. I'm Larry. The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Valya
  21. S. Alekseev. Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers
  22. G. Cherneno. Journey to the land of robots
  23. V. Krapivin. Squire Kashka
  24. S. Aksakov. The childhood years of Bagrov's grandson
  25. A. Bolotov. The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, written by himself for his descendants
  26. K. Ushinsky. Child's world and reader
  27. L. Charskaya. Notes of a little schoolgirl
  28. B. Zhitkov. Sea stories
  29. K. Chukovsky. Silver coat of arms

List of recommended literature for the summer according to the Zankov system for 3rd grade (moving to 4th grade)

  1. E. N. Uspensky “25 professions of Masha Filipenko”;
  2. V. P. Krapivin " White puppy looking for owner";
  3. A. P. Gaidar “Timur and his team”;
  4. N. I. Dubov “The Fugitive”;
  5. S. T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”;
  6. K. G. Paustovsky “The Disheveled Sparrow”;
  7. Jan Ekholm “Tutta Karlsson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others”;
  8. Ian Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”;
  9. L. A. Kassil “Conduit and Schwambrania”;
  10. Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey";
  11. J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again;
  12. V. F. Odoevsky “Town in a Snuff Box”;
  13. A. Pogorelsky " Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants".

Another list according to Zankov

  1. Russian folktale Sea king and Vasilisa the Wise.
  2. Bylina Sadko
  3. Lermontov M.Yu. Borodino
  4. Andreev L. Petka at the dacha
  5. Chekhov A.P. Vanka. Grisha. White-fronted.
  6. Kuprin A. Elephant.
  7. Berestov V. Poems
  8. Bazhov P. Blue snake. Sinyushkin well.
  9. Aleksin A. In the land of eternal vacations.
  10. Bulychev K. Reserve of Fairy Tales.
  11. Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time.
  12. Koval Yu. The Adventures of Yura Kurolesov.
  13. Veltisov E. Adventures Electronics.
  14. Twain M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
  15. Burnet F. Little Lord Fauntleroy.
  16. Barry D. Peter Pan.
  17. Saint-Exupery A. The Little Prince.
  18. Lindgren A. Roni, daughter of a robber. The Adventures of Emil from Lenoberga.
  19. Raud E. Muff, Low Boot and Mossy Beard.
  20. Rodari D. Gelsamino in the land of liars.
  21. Maeterlinck M. Blue Bird.
  22. Hoffmann E. The Nutcracker or the Mouse King.

Summer literature list for the School 2100 Program

  1. Kuprin A.I. “White Poodle”
  2. Garin-Mikhailovsky G.M. “Childhood Themes”
  3. Alekseev S.P. Stories about the War of 1812; One hundred stories from Russian history
  4. Gaidar A.P. "Timur and his team"; “Drummer's Fate”
  5. Guryan O. “The Boy from Kholmogory”
  6. Koval Y. “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov”
  7. Kryukova T. “Unlearned lessons”
  8. Lagin L. “Old Man-Hottabych”
  9. Nosov N. “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”
  10. Y. Olesha Y. “Three fat men”
  11. Oseeva V. “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”, “Trubachev’s detachment is fighting”
  12. Gauf V. Fairy tales: “Frozen”; "Little Longnose"
  13. Hugo V. “Gavroche”; “Cosette”
  14. Lagerlöf S. “The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese”
  15. Seton-Thompson E. Stories about animals. – Animal heroes. Little savages
  16. Voskoboynikov V.M. “The Life of Wonderful Children” Books 1,2,3.
  17. Krapivin V. “Squire Kashka”, “Shadow of the Caravel” Stories
  18. Tomin Yu.G. “Carousels over the city” Fantastic story
  19. Lindgren A. “Mio, my Mio!” Fairy tales
  20. Maeterlinck M. “Blue Bird”
  21. Ilyina E. “The Fourth Height”
  22. Kataev V. “Son of the Regiment”

Summer literature list 3rd grade School of Russia

  1. M. Lermontov. Ashik-Kerib
  2. P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse
  3. I. Krylov. Wolf and crane. Quartet
  4. V. Odoevsky. Town in a snuffbox
  5. A. Chekhov. Boys
  6. V. Garshin. The Tale of the Toad and the Rose
  7. S. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower
  8. L. Andreev. Nipper
  9. E. Schwartz. A Tale of Lost Time
  10. B. Zhitkov. How I caught people
  11. K. Paustovsky. Shopping cart with fir cones. dense bear
  12. M. Zoshchenko. Christmas tree
  13. V. Bianchi. Orange neck
  14. Mamin-Sibiryak. Adopted
  15. A. Kuprin. Barbos and Zhulka
  16. V. Astafiev. Haircut Creak
  17. Yu. Koval. The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov
  18. E. Veltisov. Adventure Electronics
  19. K. Bulychev. Alice's Travels
  20. D. Swift. Gulliver's Travels
  21. G.H. Andersen. Mermaid
  22. M. Twain Adventures Tom Sawyer
  23. F. Baum. Oz
  24. F. Burnet. Little Lord Fauntleroy
  25. D. Barry. Peter Pan
  26. A. Lindgren. Baby and Carlson
  27. R. Bradbury. All summer in one day
  28. T. Jansson. Tales about Moomintroll
  29. A. Saint-Exupery. A little prince

And the second:

List of literature for the summer after 3rd grade for the School of Russia

  1. Hans Christian Andersen " The Snow Queen", "Ugly duck" .
  2. Arkady Petrovich Gaidar "Blue Cup".
  3. Bazhov P. “Malachite box”, “Ural tales”.
  4. Bulychev K. series “Alice and her friends.”
  5. Volkov A. “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (continued)
  6. Gubarev V. The stories “Journey to the Morning Star”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”.
  7. Lagerlöf S. “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese.”
  8. Larry Ya. “The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Valya.”
  9. Lindgren A. “Baby and Carlson”, “Pippi” Long stocking and etc.".
  10. Milne A. “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything.”
  11. Medvedev V. “The Unknown Adventures of Barankin”, “Captain Lying Head”.
  12. Nekrasov A. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”
  13. Olesha Yu. “Three fat men.”
  14. Oseeva V. “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades.”
  15. Proysler O. “Little Baba Yaga”, “Little Merman”.
  16. Rodari D. “The Adventures of Cipollino.”
  17. Seton-Thompson E. “Stories about Animals.”
  18. Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”
  19. Ishimova A. History of Russia in stories for children.
  20. Zhitkov B. On the ice floe.
  21. Kassil L. Main army.
  22. Kataev V. Son of the regiment.
  23. M. Zoshchenko, stories.
  24. N. Nosov “Dunno in the Sunny City.”
  25. Medvedev "Barankin, be a man."

Summer literature list for 3rd grade, Perspective program

Russian literature

  1. S.T. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower
  2. A.P. Chekhov. Kashtanka
  3. A.M. Bitter. In people
  4. L. Lagin. Old Man Hottabych
  5. V. Kataev. Son of the regiment
  6. A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken or Underground inhabitants
  7. Yu. Olesha. Three fat men
  8. N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Tyoma's childhood
  9. K. Bulychev. Alice's Adventures
  10. G.A. Skrebnitsky. Tales of the Pathfinder. Forest voice
  11. N.I. Sladkov. Bureau of Forest Services
  12. G.Ya. Snegirev. Little Monster (read online or download pdf)

Foreign literature

  1. Fairy tales: C. Perrault, Brothers Grimm, G. H. Andersen
  2. L.Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  3. M. Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  4. E.T.A.Hoffman. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
  5. J. Swift. Gulliver's Adventures
  6. E.Raspe. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  7. A.S. Exupery. A little prince
  8. V.Hugo. Gavroche. Cosette
  9. Charles Dickens. The Adventures of Oliver Twist

And the second:

List of literature on the Perspective program:

  1. Mythological stories of Ancient Greece.
  2. Russians fairy tales and fairy tales different nations“Little Khavroshechka”, “Princess Nesmeyana”, “Flying Ship”, “Finist - clear falcon», « Magic lamp Aladdin" (Arabic tale)
  3. Epics of the Kyiv cycle
  4. Aesop's Fables
  5. Krylov's fables
  6. N. Garin-Mikhailovsky. Tyoma's childhood
  7. C. Perrault. Rike with a tuft
  8. A. Milnn. Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything
  9. Yu. Koval. Nightingales
  10. Yu. Dmitriev. About nature for big and small
  11. A. Gaidar. hot stone
  12. K Paustovsky. Steel ring
  13. L. Petrushevskaya. Fairy tales
  14. S. Kozlov. Fairy tales
  15. Ian Larry. Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali
  16. S. Lagerlöf. Nils' Journey with the Wild Geese
  17. D. Darrell. My family and other animals
  18. D. Harris. Tales of Uncle Remus
  19. C. S. Lewis. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  20. D. Rodari. Gelsomino in the Land of Liars, The Adventures of the Blue Arrow
  21. R. Kipling. Why does a camel have a hump?
  22. E. Raspe. The Adventures of Munchausen
  23. E. Seton-Thompson. Street singer
  24. F. Baum. The Wizard of Oz
  25. O. Preusler. Little ghost
  26. P. Travers. Mary Poppins
  27. V. Golyavkin. Stories
  28. Yu. Raskin. When dad was little
  29. E. Hogarth. Muffin and his funny friends
  30. E. Uspensky. Crocodile Gena and his friends
  31. V. Gubarev. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
  32. S. Prokofiev. The Wizard's Apprentice
  33. L. Lagin. Old Man Hottabych

and lists according to the Federal State Educational Standard for all programs:

Summer literature list for future 4th grade No. 1

  1. P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse"
  2. A.S. Pushkin - poems, fairy tales
  3. 3. M.Yu. Lermontov "Ashik-Kerib"
  4. F.I. Tyutchev - poetry
  5. A.A.Fet - poetry
  6. N.A. Nekrasov - poems and poems
  7. V.F.Odoevsky "Town in a snuffbox"
  8. S.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"
  9. E.L. Shvarts "The Tale of Lost Time"
  10. S.A. Yesenin - poetry
  11. 13. M.I. Tsvetaeva - poetry
  12. E.I. Charushin - stories about animals
  13. E.S. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics"
  14. K. Bulychev "Alice's Journey"
  15. D. Swift "Gulliver's Travels"
  16. G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"
  17. M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
  18. V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
  19. E.T.A.Hoffman "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"
  20. "Star Boy"
  21. "Little Longnose"
  22. R. Kipling "Mowgli"
  23. Y. Olesha "Three fat men"
  24. R. Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
  25. A. Pogorelsky "Black chicken or underground inhabitants"
  26. P. Travers "Mary Poppins"

Universal list for the transition from 3rd to 4th grade No. 2

1. Epics: “Ilya Muromets goes free”, “The first battle of Ilya Muromets”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Dobrynya, Ambassador of Prince Vladimir”, “Sadko” retold by I.V. Karnaukhova
2. A.K. Tolstoy “Ilya Muromets”
3. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”
4. M.Yu. Lermontov “Three Palms”, “Two Giants”, “He Was a Child...”, “Cossack Lullaby Song”
5. L.N. Tolstoy “The Squirrel and the Wolf”, “Milton and Bulka”, “The Old Man and the Apple Trees”, “The Tsar and the Shirt”
6. A.P. Chekhov “The Fugitive”, “Children”, “White-fronted”, “Kashtanka”
7. F.I. Tyutchev “December morning”, “I love the thunderstorm at the beginning of May...”, “These poor villages...”, “The clouds are melting in the sky...”
8. A.A. Fet “September Rose”, “I came to you with greetings...”, Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...”, “Wonderful picture...”
9. A.N. Pleshcheev “Grandmother and Granddaughter”, “My Kindergarten”, “Childhood”, “The Past”
10. I.S. Nikitin “Morning on the shore of the lake”, “Memories of childhood”, “Music of the forest”, “The moon shines merrily over the village...”
11. I.A. Bunin “On the pond”, “Northern birch”, “The snow is melting...”, “First matinee...”
12. V.F. Odoevsky “Poor Gnedko”, “Indian Tale of Four Deaf People”
13. P.P. Bazhov “Blue Snake”, “Golden Hair”, “Jumping Fire Girl”
14. E.L. Schwartz “The Absent-Minded Wizard”
15. V.Yu. Dragunsky “There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya”, “Dog Thief”
16. V.V. Golyavkin “Notebooks in the rain”, “Our conversations with Vovka”, “How I met New Year", "Kaleidoscope"
17. B.S. Zhitkov “Pudya”, “Jackdaw”, “Mug under the Christmas tree”
18. K. G. Paustovsky “Hare’s Paws”, “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”, “Cat Thief”, “Warm Bread”
19. M.M. Zoshchenko “Galoshes and Ice Cream”, “Stupid Story”, “Brave and Smart”, “Smart Animals”
20. V.Ya.Bryusov “Lullaby”, “I Love the Canary”, “Kolyada”, “First Snow”
21. S.A. Yesenin “Sparrows”, “Powder”, “The bird cherry is pouring snow...”, “Good morning!”
22. M.I. Tsvetaeva “For books”, “On Saturday” (excerpt), “From a fairy tale - into a fairy tale” (excerpt)
23. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters Kutafya and Princess Pea", "The Rich Man and Eremka", "Skewer"
24. A.I. Kuprin “Peter the Cabman”, Starlings”, “White Poodle”
25. M.M. Prishvin “Chicken on poles”
26. E.I. Charushin, cycles of stories about Tyupa and Tomka
27. V.P.Astafiev “Spring Island”, “Horse with a Pink Mane”
28. B.L. Pasternak “March”, “July”, “Menagerie”
29. D.B.Kedrin “Frost on the glass”
30. N.M. Rubtsov “Bear”, “Swallow”, “Sparrow”, “About the Hare”
31. S.D. Drozhzhin “In peasant family", "Village", "Song of Mikula Selyaninovich", "Snow sparkles and flies"
32. K. Bulychev “Girl from Planet Earth”
33. G. H. Andersen “Snail and Rose Bush”
34. M. Twain “Dick Baker and His Cat”
35. S. Lagerlöf “The Amazing Journey of Nils Holgersson through Sweden”, “The Tale of Christ” (excerpts)

Universal shortlist:

  1. Epics: Sadko, Healing of Ilya Muromets, Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the Robber.
  2. A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants.
  3. A. Gaidar. Timur and his team. Distant countries.
  4. D. Grigorovich. Gutta-percha boy.
  5. N. Nekrasov. Grandfather Mazai and the hares.
  6. D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Adopted Emelya the hunter.
  7. A. Volkov. Yellow fog. The mystery of the abandoned castle.
  8. Kir Bulychev. Alice's journey.
  9. D. Swift. The Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver.
  10. M. Twain. Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Today, during a period of active reorganization educational standards and programs great attention devoted to the subject of literature. This trend is especially typical for junior school, because teachers try to instill a love for books in children’s hearts and minds as early as possible. Therefore, in this article we will look at what modern extracurricular reading(3rd grade). A list of references with detailed explanations, recommendations and advice for teachers, parents and everyone will be presented below.

What is extracurricular reading?

Why is it needed? to the modern child? How is extracurricular reading useful for development (grade 3)? List of references, most important works from the list and interesting authors - this is what will allow you to give answers to your questions.

This process is characterized by the act of independent reading, which is only pedagogically organized, directed and corrected by adults. While children themselves learn the material and draw information from fiction, journalistic, popular science and other types of literature.

Independent reading is one of the most important components of the gradual formation of a mature personality, since it is during the personal perception and processing of the information read that the student develops reading tastes, discipline, the ability to independently choose, and separate the main from the secondary. The basic foundations of moral, aesthetic and mental development are laid, and personal worldviews are gradually developed.

That is why the list of literature for extracurricular reading (grade 3 is no exception) and its compilation require competent and rational organization on the part of adults who are more experienced in this matter.

Why is extracurricular reading in 3rd grade so important?

The answer to this question lies in understanding the very essence of the development of the child as a person, as well as a subject school system. What is extracurricular reading (3rd grade)? The school creates a list of references based on the established program. And at this stage of student development, it expands qualitatively.

By 3rd and 4th grade, children can already embrace a more diverse range of literary genres. So, to fiction, studied in previous classes, magazine and newspaper articles, notes, and essays are gradually added. This is due to the fact that by the age of 9-10 years, students, as a rule, develop an interest in periodicals for children, their horizons continuously expand, and new interests and hobbies arise, for example, collecting and modeling.

Extracurricular reading (grade 3), a list of literature for which will be presented below, is an excellent tool for parents and teachers to teach children a deeper psychological perception of what they read, because works can be associated with absolutely any aspect ordinary life. A child of this age, like no other, needs guidelines that can be book characters. The plastic, pliable consciousness of 3rd grade students craves conversations about characters, their actions, and expression of their own attitude to what is happening on the pages of books. Ignoring such impulses is wrong and unpedagogical.

The main person organizing the process of extracurricular reading

How can extracurricular reading (3rd grade) interest students? The list of references, the frightening piles of books - somehow everything doesn’t fit. Do children who want to go out, play and have fun with friends care? Of course, this is exactly what you might think at first. Universal and in all cases effective advice There is no way to regularly stir up student interest in a book. The teacher is the main character in this process, so he must be as competent and sensitive as possible. Together with artistic originality a certain work, individual and age characteristics and characteristics of a particular student, the teacher should always ask two main questions:

  1. What is the student reading?
  2. How does he perceive the material he reads?

Based on his own observations, the teacher must implement an individual line of reading development with each child. Often a list of books for the summer (3rd grade in in this case is a particularly important step) depends not only on the chosen program, recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard or advice teaching aids, but also on what a particular child is more inclined towards.

Of course, the basic material is the same for everyone, but often interested and caring teachers, who even keep special diaries recording the dynamics of students’ reading activity, invite one to read entertaining story about children, the second - a scientific story about animals, the third - to evaluate a fairy tale. This is not an easy path, because you need to keep track of and discuss what you read outside the school walls with everyone, but it is extremely productive. In addition, the teacher is required to constantly develop himself - he must be aware of new products in the field of children's books, and have an impeccable knowledge of childhood classics.

What forms of process organization are effective?

Maintaining student interest in extracurricular reading can be achieved through:

  • Established connections with the district or city children's library, where thematic events, discussions, and evenings are held.
  • Creating a certain atmosphere, attracting children (and even their parents) to participate in book fairs, conversations, games and matinees, watching films, exhibitions, staging performances.
  • A productive technique is reading diaries, in which students can not only dryly write about their emotions and attitude towards the characters in the stories, but also draw, come up with illustrations and covers, write out quotes they like, give brief assessment and character descriptions.

A set of works that should be read primarily in summer time a child of 9 years old, is not a constant and changes depending on what is being implemented in the class curriculum, as well as the choice of the teacher himself. However, they were collected here key works, which are included in the overwhelming majority of all lists:

  • Russians folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world;
  • A. Milne, “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”;
  • A. Gaidar, “Timur and his team”, “Chuk and Gek”;
  • stories by V. Dragunsky for children;
  • Aesop's fables;
  • Russian epics;
  • N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, “Tema’s Childhood”;
  • K.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe;
  • D. Rodari, “The Adventures of Cipollino”;
  • F. Baum, “The Wizard of OZ”;
  • R. Kipling, “Mowgli” and others;
  • E. Uspensky, stories and fairy tales;
  • S. Marshak, “12 months”;
  • M. Lermontov, “Borodino”;
  • E. Charushin, V. Bianki, stories about animals.

Now it’s time to look at the key, most notable works on the list and understand how extracurricular reading changes over the course of a child’s development (grades 2-3). The list of references will be the same in some ways, but different in others.

Fairy tales, works of folklore

Everything that is created by the Russian people “wanders” from class to class in elementary school. Gradually, riddles, proverbs, sayings, and jokes are joined first by tales about animals, then by magic and everyday ones. In 3rd grade, we are introduced to epics. Folklore genres for proper education junior schoolchildren are extremely important, because they contain, in a crystallized form developed over centuries, the ultimate folk wisdom and experience.

K.S. Lewis: first acquaintance with the world of fantasy

The listed work this author can be considered an experimental point, because the tendency to introduce a child to the fantastic world is only gaining strength. In the 1st and 2nd grades, a child is not yet fully ready to perceive such literature, because this book is an adaptation of a children’s fairy tale in the form of a children’s fairy tale. biblical story about God's creation of the world. In it, the lion Aslan created the country of Narnia. Such important issues are raised as the fall of people, the need to fight evil, and the entertaining nature of the plot for a child is explained by the fact that the main characters- the same ordinary guys, who in the blink of an eye find themselves in the world of magic.


This genre is generally one of the most beloved by children. Is it only at this age that he gets into extracurricular reading? Grades 3-4 (the list of references for the first of them is presented in this article) really differ in this regard. If with students aged 9 years the teacher devotes time to fables Special attention, then this genre is then replaced by larger works, mainly novellas or short stories.

However, this is a cost of program time, which cannot accommodate everything. Nevertheless, fables contribute to moral, ethical, and aesthetic development. They activate creative thinking, which turns out to be necessary for understanding fable metaphors, allegories, and hidden meanings.

List of literature for 11th grade

  1. I. A. Bunin poems, stories: “Mr. from San Francisco”, “ Sunstroke», « Dark alleys"(2-3 stories from the collection).
  2. A. I. Kuprin “Olesya”, “ Garnet bracelet"and other prose.
  3. A. T. Averchenko prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  4. M. M. Zoshchenko prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  5. Poems by V. Ya. Bryusov, K. D. Balmont, N. S. Gumilev, M. I. Tsvetaeva.
  6. M. Gorky “At the Bottom”, “Old Woman Izergil”.
  7. A. A. Blok “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, poem “Twelve”.
  8. S. A. Yesenin poems to choose from.
  9. V. V. Mayakovsky poems, poem “Cloud in Pants”.
  10. M. A. Bulgakov " dog's heart", "Master and Margarita"
  11. A.P. Platonov prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  12. A.N. Tolstoy “Peter I” (survey study).
  13. A. A. Akhmatova’s poem “Requiem”, poems to choose from.
  14. B. L. Pasternak poems from the novel “Doctor Zhivago”.
  15. M. A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don", stories to choose from.
  16. V. P. Nekrasov “In the trenches of Stalingrad” or K. D. Vorobyov “Killed near Moscow”
  17. V. V. Bykov prose to choose from.
  18. Poems by K. M. Simonov, N. S. Tikhonov, A. A. Surkov and other authors about the war.
  19. A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “ Matrenin Dvor».
  20. A. T. Tvardovsky, works to choose from.
  21. V. G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”
  22. V. P. Astafiev prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  23. V. M. Shukshin prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  24. A. V. Vampilov “Eldest Son”
  25. V.V. Nabokov or I.S. Shmelev prose to choose from (2-3 stories).
  26. Poems (songs) by A. A. Galich, V. S. Vysotsky, I. V. Talkov, V. R. Tsoi, B. Sh. Okudzhava.
  27. I. A. Efremov, K. Bulychev, A. N. and B. N. Strugatsky prose to choose from.
  28. T. N. Tolstaya “They sat on the golden porch...”, “Yorik”, “Kys”.
  29. L. E. Ulitskaya prose to choose from.
  30. Review of current periodicals: magazines “October”, “ New world" and others.

Alternative literature list for grade 11

  1. A.P. Chekhov stories. Necessarily: “Death of an Official”, “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”, “Ionych”, “Lady with a Dog”. Plays “The Cherry Orchard”, “The Seagull”.
  2. A. I. Kuprin stories to choose from. Stories ( one to choose from): “Olesya”, “Garnet Bracelet”, “Duel”.
  3. I. A. Bunin poems, stories to choose from. Necessarily: « Antonov apples", "Dark alleys", " Easy breath", "Mr. from San Francisco."
  4. L. N. Andreev “The Story of the Seven Hanged”, “Judas Iscariot”.
  5. Stories by V.G. Korolenko, A.T. Averchenko, M. M. Zoshchenko.
  6. I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov stories, “12 chairs”, “Golden Calf”.
  7. M. Gorky early prose: “Old Woman Izergil”, “Makar Chudra”, “Song of the Falcon”. The play "At the Bottom".
  8. Poems by V. Ya. Bryusov, I. F. Annensky, K. D. Balmont, A. Bely, A. A. Blok, N. S. Gumilev, A. A. Akhmatova, O. E. Mandelstam, V. V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, I. Severyanin, B. L. Pasternak, S. A. Yesenin. M. I. Tsvetaeva, S. Cherny, Teffi, Ch. de Gabriak, N. A. Zabolotsky
  9. A. S. Serafimovich “Iron Stream”
  10. I. E. Babel “Cavalry”, “Odessa Stories”.
  11. B. A. Lavrenev “41st”.
  12. A. A. Fadeev “Destruction”, “Young Guard” (can be retold).
  13. N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” ( possible in abbreviation).
  14. E. I. Zamyatin “We”.
  15. J. Orwell "Animal Farm".
  16. A.P. Platonov “Chevengur”, “In a beautiful and furious world”.
  17. E. L. Schwartz “Shadow”, “Dragon” or any other play.
  18. M. A. Bulgakov “Days of the Turbins”, or “Ivan Vasilyevich”, or any other play, “Heart of a Dog”, “The Master and Margarita”, any stories.
  19. A. A. Block “12”.
  20. A.N. Tolstoy “Ibicus, or the adventures of Nevzorov”, “Viper”.
  21. M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” or “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “The Fate of Man”.
  22. V.V. Nabokov short stories to choose from, novel to choose from.
  23. Poems by M. V. Isakovsky, O. F. Berggolts, K. M. Simonov, M. I. Aliger, Yu. V. Drunina.
  24. K. M. Simonov prose to choose from.
  25. A. T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”.
  26. Poems by B. A. Akhmadulina, B. Sh. Okudzhava, R. I. Rozhdestvensky, A. A. Voznesensky, E. A. Evtushenko, R. F. Kazakova, N. M. Rubtsov, D. Samoilov, B. A Slutsky, I. A. Brodsky.
  27. Yu. V. Bondarev prose to choose from.
  28. G. Ya. Baklanov prose to choose from.
  29. K. D. Vorobyov prose to choose from.
  30. V. V. Bykov prose to choose from.
  31. B. L. Vasiliev prose to choose from.
  32. V. I. Belov prose to choose from.
  33. V. P. Astafiev prose to choose from.
  34. B. A. Mozhaev prose to choose from.
  35. V. M. Shukshin prose to choose from.
  36. Ch. T. Aitmatov prose to choose from.
  37. V. G. Rasputin prose to choose from.
  38. F. A. Abramov prose to choose from.
  39. D. A. Granin prose to choose from.
  40. V. D. Dudintsev prose to choose from.
  41. Yu. V. Trifonov prose to choose from.
  42. V. S. Makanin prose to choose from.
  43. A. M. Volodin “Five Evenings.”
  44. A. V. Vampilov “Duck Hunting”.
  45. A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” (Necessarily), “The Gulag Archipelago”, “Cancer Ward”, “In the First Circle”, “Matrenin’s Dvor” (optional).
  46. B. L. Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”.
  47. Poems (songs) by A. A. Galich, Yu. I. Vizbor, V. S. Vysotsky, Yu. Ch. Kim, I. V. Talkov, V. R. Tsoi.
  48. A. N. Rybakov “Children of Arbat”.
  49. A. I. Pristavkin “The golden cloud spent the night.”
  50. A. G. Bitov “Pushkin House”.
  51. V. O. Pelevin prose to choose from.
  52. T.N. Thick prose to choose from.

For the little ones

Elena Nikolaevna NIKLYAEVA, teacher primary classes School No. 61 named after. N.M. Ivanova warns: reading for a child should not be a punishment.

When a child prepares a reading diary with his parents and discusses what he has read with them, a taste for reading appears. The school, in turn, motivates with good grades. The books on the summer lists are recommended, at parental discretion. You can choose something from the list of works and add your own options or read everything in full. The list for the first grade begins with folklore texts and ends with stories about children and animals; we can observe a similar sequence in the lists for the second, third, and fourth grades. There is also a “thread” of key authors, which include Tolstoy, Dragunsky, Bianchi: their works are studied from the first to the fourth grades.

The reading diary is also filled out by the youngest students: as Elena Niklyaeva explained, its maintenance is most often assessed by the teacher, because in addition to reading lessons, there is also such a subject as extracurricular reading.

The design of the diary changes depending on the age of the child. This is a regular notebook, there is no printed version. For first-graders at our school, we suggest simply writing down the author of the work and its title, drawing illustrations, maybe making crafts from plasticine - the forms of work are the simplest. Then keeping a diary becomes more difficult. Second grade students are already answering questions about what they read and making up their own, highlighting the theme and main idea of ​​the book. In the third grade, schoolchildren work with a dictionary, write down unfamiliar words from the text, draw on personal experience: for example, opening a book about animals, write down what they already know about them, and after reading, write a short review. In fourth grade, these reviews become small essays. A reading diary can be kept both in the summer and throughout the school year.

Technological progress has reached children's reading: Even first-graders often no longer read books, but listen to them.

Reading is, first of all, a child’s communication with a book, an individual activity, - said Elena Niklyaeva.- But listening to an audiobook is also allowed if the child is on a trip. Format is also possible e-book. Of course, this is an extreme measure, but there are cases when school library the book you need no, but in the district they can only give it for ten days, after which you need to either renew the subscription or return the book. If the family goes away on vacation, it is very inconvenient. The recommendation here is clear: the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the work, but whether it is on paper or electronic is another matter.

Rule 1

Remember that the book is not a punishment. You cannot interrupt your child’s play with instructions to urgently read a book because it was assigned to read at school. It is important that the child himself wants to read.

To do this, parents or teachers use various techniques outside of school hours. For example, when an adult begins to read, he asks the child to continue reading; asks to read small text under the picture, the rest of the text is read by an adult; The whole family reads the book (dad starts, mom continues, child finishes).

Rule 2

Rule 3

Rule 4

On long trips (by car, train, plane), invite your child to listen to an audiobook. Discuss with him which of the characters he liked, whether he (she) would like to listen to another book by this author.

Rule 5

Recommended list of literature for independent and family reading in the summer by 1st grade students (compiled by M.V. Boyko, senior teacher of the department primary education St. Petersburg APPO, co-author of the course “Literary Reading” of the educational complex “School of Russia”, educational complex “Perspective”

  1. V. G. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, “Apple”, “Uncle Misha”, “Christmas Tree”, “Fisher Cat”, “Sack of Apples”.
  2. A. Preisen “About a little goat who could count to ten”, “Merry New Year”.
  3. L. Muur “Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond.”
  4. A. Balint “Gnome Gnomych and Raisin.”
  5. E. Blyton “The famous duckling Tim.”
  6. N. N. Nosov " Living hat", "Dreamers", "Entertainers".
  7. V. V. Bianki “First Hunt”, “Like an Ant Hurrying Home”, “Whose Nose is Better”, “Forest Houses”, “Owl”, “Who Sings What?” and other stories.
  8. M. S. Plyatskovsky “Sun as a keepsake.”
  9. M. M. Zoshchenko “Smart Animals”, “Exemplary Child”.
  10. V. G. Krotov “How Ignatius played hide and seek”, “How the worm Ignatius almost became a dragon.”
  11. D. Bisset “Everything is topsy-turvy.”
  12. F. S. Khitruk “Toptyzhka”.
  13. G. B. Oster “Charging for the tail.”
  14. G. M. Tsyferov “Locomotive from Romashkovo.”
  15. E. I. Charushin “Tyupa”, “Tomka and the Magpie”.
  16. S. V. Mikhalkov “The Three Little Pigs”.
  17. E. N. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.”
  18. Russian folk tales “Cockerel and bean seed", "Teremok", "Wolf and Fox", "Morozko".


(If you really want to...)

Invite the children to draw illustrations for the books they have read. Before they start drawing, ask them to find a page in the text (book), a fragment of which you would like to depict in an illustration. Encourage the children to write captions under the picture (perhaps a title or a sentence from the text).

If your child likes to sculpt, then offer to depict the most liked or remembered fragment using plasticine and natural materials(cones, twigs, spikelets). Offer to sign the work.

2nd grade students (compiled by M.V. Boyko, senior teacher

  1. T. I. Aleksandrova “Little Brownie Kuzka.”
  2. S. V. Mikhalkov “Holiday of disobedience.”
  3. S. G. Kozlov “Shake!” Hello!".
  4. A. K. Westley "Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Children and a Truck."
  5. E. Hogarth "Muffin and his merry friends."
  6. M. Yu. Mokienko “How the Baba Yagas saved a fairy tale.”
  7. E. Yu. Shim “Forest Tales”.
  8. V. Yu. Postnikov “Pencil and Samodelkin in the land of pyramids.”
  9. S. A. Mogilevskaya “Stamp of the country of Gondelupe”.
  10. E. N. Uspensky “School of Clowns.”
  11. V. V. Golyavkin “Bob and the Elephant.”
  12. O. V. Perovskaya “Guys and animals.”
  13. E. Raud “Muff, Low Boot and Mossy Beard”
  14. B. S. Zhitkov “Stories about animals.”
  15. B.V. Zakhoder “Island Somewhere”.
  16. A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all.”
  17. N. N. Nosov “Merry Family”.
  18. A. N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”
  19. E. N. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat.”
  20. V. Bianchi “First Hunt”, “Forest Houses”, “Whose Nose is Better?”, “Tails”, “Punched Barrel”, “Forest Bun - Spiny Side”, “Pilot Spider”.
  21. A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son Guidon and beautiful princess Swans."
  22. Russian folk tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Tereshechka”, “Geese-Swans”.


(If you really want to...)

Invite the children to make a hand-drawn cartoon based on the works they read, write captions under the slides. Or invite them to supplement the content of the text they read: change the beginning and write it down in the form of drawings, signs, come up with a different ending to the text, depict it using drawings, notes.

Perhaps you and the guys will create a cartoon based on the work you read. Fragments of the text will be included in the cartoon, sculpt the cartoon characters, take a lot of photographs, and voice it.

Recommended list of literature for independent and family reading in the summer3rd grade students (compiled by M.V. Boyko, senior teacherDepartment of Primary Education of St. Petersburg APPO,co-author of the course “Literary Reading” of the educational complex “School of Russia”, educational complex “Perspective”

  1. N. N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.”
  2. A. Lindgren “Madike and Pims from Junibakken.”
  3. S. L. Prokofiev “Astrel and the Guardian of the Forest”, “The Magician’s Apprentice”, “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”.
  4. I. I. Akimushkin “Traces of unseen animals.”
  5. D. R. Sabitova “Circus in a box.”
  6. T. Sh. Kryukova “Miracles are not make-believe.”
  7. I. P. Tokmakova “Marusya will return.”
  8. Yu. Aleshkovsky “Kysh and two briefcases.”
  9. V.V. Golyavkin “My good dad.”
  10. V.V. Chaplin “Pets of the Zoo”.
  11. P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”
  12. B. S. Zhitkov “What Happened.”
  13. S. G. Kozlov “Hedgehog in the Fog.”
  14. T. Janson “Moomintroll and others.”
  15. E. P. Levitan “Fairytale adventures of a little astronomer.”
  16. V. V. Kurchevsky “A true tale about pencils and paints.”
  17. V. L. Durov “My artists. My animals."
  18. G. P. Pivovarova “Through the pages of entertaining geography.”
  19. A.P. Chekhov “White-fronted”.
  20. Y. Larry “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya.”
  21. S. P. Alekseev “Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers.”
  22. G. T. Chernenko. "Journey to the Land of Robots."
  23. Yu. I. Koval “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov.”
  24. V. P. Krapivin “Squire Kashka.”
  25. A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes."


(If you really want to...)

Information read in works can be presented in the form “ logbook", "two-part diary". Flight magazines - a general name various techniques educational writing, according to which students write down their thoughts while studying a topic. When a logbook is used in its simplest form, students write down answers to the following questions before reading or otherwise studying the material.

    What do I know about this topic? (Theme about nature, about animals, about the author, by title).

    What new did I learn from the text? What do I remember? What surprised me?

Having met in the text key points, students record them in their logbook. When reading, during pauses and stops, students fill out the columns of the logbook, connecting the topic being studied with their vision of the world, with their personal experience. Conducting similar work, the teacher, together with the students, tries to demonstrate all the processes visibly, so that the students can then use it.

A two-part diary is a technique that allows the reader to connect the content of the text with his personal experience. Double diaries can be used when reading text in class, but working with this technique is especially productive when students are tasked with reading a large amount of text at home. He looks like this.

From this article you will learn:

Conscientious teachers should give their students summer book list in reading and literature. And responsible and inquisitive students should read it from A to Z. In fact, it turns out that at the end of the school year, many teachers, who are wrapped up in the end, forget to do this. And if, nevertheless, the treasured list ends up in the hands of children, the latter, for the most part, happily throw it away until better times. But then August begins - and then the parents get involved, asking the poor child if he has read anything. If you have lost your list, no problem. We will help you restore it.

Naturally our summer reading list will be approximate. There is no single list approved by the Ministry of Education. However, what you will find here is as close as possible to age characteristics students by grade and those literature programs that they will have to study in the new academic year. Some useful tips will help you get the most out of them:

  • do not look for lists specifically for the programs “School of Russia”, “2100”, Korovina, Kurdyumova, Belenky, etc.: they all almost duplicate each other;
  • there is no need to try to read the entire list: you need to choose something that will be interesting to the child: the list was created in order to orientate oneself in the world of literature;
  • We advise you to keep a reading diary every day, writing down the author, the title of the book and the number of pages read per day;
  • It is advisable not to download books in electronic formats, so as not to damage your eyes when reading: now you can easily purchase very beautiful publications in stores or borrow them from the library;
  • if the book regular format, then it’s very easy to calculate the reading rate per day: add a zero to the class the child is moving to. That is, a first-grader needs to read 10 pages a day, and a 10th-grader needs to read at least 100.

Very often there is confusion with classes. To find list of books to read in the summer during the transition from one class to another, the list must be intended for the subsequent class. That is, if you have completed 3rd grade, you are no longer a third grader - accordingly, you should look at the list for 4th grade.

Lifehack. To remember the plot of the book, after each read it’s a good idea to watch a cartoon or Feature Film based on his motives.

In elementary school, everyone has now switched to the Federal State Educational Standard, in different schools are being implemented different programs: “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, “Primary school of the XXI century”, “Perspective Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "System of Elkonin and Davydov", "Rhythm", "Initial innovative school" However, the course literary reading in all these systems, it is aimed at one thing - to instill a love of books in young students. That's why it's so important for them to read in the summer. Our lists will only help them with this.

List of books for summer 2nd grade

  • Andersen G. H. Flint. Thumbelina. Ugly duck.
  • Bianchi V. Who sings with what. Phalarope. Arishka is a coward."
  • Grimm brothers. Three brothers. Brave tailor.
  • Demyanov I. Children's book.
  • Dragunsky V. Enchanted letter.
  • Zoshchenko M. The most important thing.
  • Kipling R. Baby Elephant. Why does a camel have a hump? Where did armadillos come from?
  • Koval Yu. Sparrow Lake.
  • Korshunov M. House in Cheryomushki. Petka and his, Petka’s, life.
  • Krylov I. A. Swan, Crayfish and Pike. Dragonfly and ant.
  • Ladonshchikov G. Starling in a foreign land.
  • Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and that's it, that's it.
  • Mikhalkov S. Storks and frogs.
  • Nosov N. Telephone. Adventures of Dunno. Dreamers.
  • Oster G. Bad advice.
  • Permyak E. Hasty knife. Magic colors.
  • Perrault S. Sleeping Beauty. Thumb Boy. Puss in Boots.
  • Russian folk tales: The Man and the Bear. Snow Maiden. Morozko. Sivka-Burka. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. Princess Frog.
  • Sladkov N. Dancing Fox.
  • Uspensky E. Crocodile Gena and his friends.
  • Ushinsky K. Who turns his nose up.
  • Tsyferov G. What's in our yard?
  • Charushin E. Scary story. Nikita and his friends.
  • Janson T. The Adventures of Moomintroll.

List of books for summer 3rd grade

  • Aksakov S. Scarlet Flower.
  • Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof.
  • Bulychev K. Alice's Journey.
  • Epics: Dobrynya and the Serpent. Nikitich. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.
  • Veltistov E. S. Adventures Electronics.
  • Gaidar A. Blue Cup. Hot stone.
  • Garshin V. The Tale of the Toad and the Rose. Frog traveler.
  • Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.
  • Ershov P. The Little Humpbacked Horse.
  • Zakhoder B. Gray star.
  • Kataev V. The pipe and the jug.
  • Kuprin A. Elephant.
  • Lagin L. Old Man Hottabych.
  • Lindgren A. Little Nils Carlson.
  • Marshak S. Twelve months.
  • Odoevsky V.F. City in a snuffbox.
  • Paustovsky K. G. Disheveled sparrow. The adventures of the rhinoceros beetle.
  • Platonov A.P. Magic ring. Soldier and queen.
  • Prishvin M. Pantry of the sun.
  • Prokofieva S. The Magician's Apprentice.
  • Pushkin A. S. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.
  • Russian folk tales: Vasilisa the Beautiful. Sivka-Burka. Finist's Feather - Yasna Sokola. Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water.
  • Tolstoy L. Jump. Shark. Lion and dog.
  • Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time.

List of books for summer 4th grade

  • Volkov A. The Wizard of the Emerald City.
  • Geraskina L. In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.
  • Golitsyn S. Forty prospectors.
  • Gubarev V. In open space.
  • Dick I. In the wilds of Kara-Bumba.
  • Dragunsky V. Deniskin's stories.
  • Zoshchenko M. Yolka.
  • Kassil L. At the blackboard.
  • Korinets Yu. There in the distance, across the river.
  • Kulikov G. How I influenced Sevka.
  • Kuhn N. Olympus.
  • Moritz Y. Raspberry cat.
  • Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home.
  • Panteleev L. Honestly.
  • Paustovsky K. Hare's feet. Meshcherskaya side. Golden tench. Basket with fir cones.
  • Prishvin M. Golden Meadow.
  • Segal E., Ilyin M. What from what.
  • Tolstoy A. N. Nikita’s childhood.
  • Turgenev I. Sparrow.
  • Uspensky E. School of Clowns. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.
  • Fraerman R. Girl with a stone.
  • Tsyferov G. The mystery of the baked cricket.
  • Chekhov A. Vanka.

At this stage, it is better for parents to take control of reading books in the summer and ask their children to read aloud to develop technique. After the daily quota has been overcome, you need to discuss what you read and make sure that the child understood the book.

Helpful advice. You don't have to read everything daily norm for 1 time. You can split it into a morning and evening dose, for example.

Some middle-level classes have now also switched to the Federal State Educational Standard. On the summer reading list for this age group includes mainly adventure works, the purpose of which is to continue to interest the child so that he does not give up this good cause.

List of books for summer 5th grade

  • Andersen G. H. Nightingale.
  • Astafyev V. Vasyutkino Lake.
  • Belov V. Starlings.
  • Gauf V. Dwarf Nose.
  • Gogol N. May night, or the Drowned Woman.
  • Defoe D. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
  • Zhukovsky V. The Sleeping Princess.
  • Zoshchenko M. Great travelers.
  • Kipling R. The cat that walked by itself.
  • Kuprin A. Wonderful doctor.
  • Paustovsky K. Cat-thief.
  • Platonov A. Magic ring.
  • Rodari D. Talking bundle. Tales on the phone.
  • Twain M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
  • Tolkien D. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again.
  • Wilde O. The Nightingale and the Rose.

List of books for summer 6th grade

  • Aleksin A. Call and come.
  • Astafiev V. Photo in which I am not.
  • Bradbury R. The Third Expedition.
  • Bulychev K. Reserve of Fairy Tales.
  • Henry O. Leader of the Redskins.
  • Gogol N. Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.
  • Doyle K. A. Hunchback.
  • Dostoevsky F. Boy at Christ's Christmas tree.
  • Dumas A. Three Musketeers.
  • Zheleznikov V. Traveling with luggage. The eccentric from the sixth "B". Scarecrow.
  • Iskander F. Evening road. The Forbidden fruit. First thing. Martyrs of the stage.
  • Krapivin V. Brother, who is seven. Valka's friends and sails.
  • Cooper F. Pathfinder. The Last of the Mohicans. Ghost story.
  • Leskov N. Pygmy. Stupid artist. Man on the clock. Deception.
  • Lindgren A. The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist.
  • London D. Where the paths diverge. The Tale of the Whale. On the shores of Sacramento. White silence.
  • Paustovsky K. Meshcherskaya side.
  • Platonov A. In a beautiful and furious world.
  • By E. Oval portrait.
  • Pushkin A. Belkin's Stories.
  • Reed m. Headless Horseman.
  • Seton-Thompson E. Lobo. Boy and lynx. Tito. Mustang pacer.
  • Stevenson R. Treasure Island.
  • Tolstoy L. Hadji-Murat.
  • Turgenev I. Khor and Kalinich.
  • Chekhov A. Defenseless creature. Surgery. Thick and thin. Burbot. Complaint book.

List of books for summer 7th grade

  • Astafiev V. Boy in a white shirt.
  • Bradbury R. Green morning. All summer in one day. Holidays.
  • Bunin I. Dreams of Chang.
  • Gogol N. Taras Bulba.
  • Gorky M. Makar Chudra. Old Isergil. Childhood.
  • Green A. gold chain. Scarlet Sails. Running on the waves.
  • Zhukovsky V. Svetlana.
  • Zoshchenko M. Case history.
  • Kuprin A. Emerald. Ballroom pianist.
  • London D. White Fang. On the shores of Sacramento.
  • Aldridge D. The Last Inch.
  • By E. Little Frog. Golden beetle.
  • Pushkin A. Bronze Horseman. Poltava. Queen of Spades. Stingy Knight. Boris Godunov.
  • Rozov V. Good morning!
  • Rybakov A. Trilogy about Krosh
  • Swift D. Gulliver's Travels.
  • Saint-Exupery A. Planet of People.
  • Twain M. A Ghost Story.
  • Tolstoy L. Hadji-Murat. Childhood.
  • Turgenev I. Burmist. Singers.
  • Wells G. War of the Worlds.
  • Fraerman R. Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love.
  • Chekhov A. Tosca. Slut.

List of books for summer 8th grade

  • Beers E. Man and the Snake.
  • Bunin I. Numbers. Lapti.
  • Hardy T. The fatal mistake of church musicians.
  • Henry O. Leader of the Redskins.
  • Gogol N. Marriage. Inspector. Petersburg stories.
  • Hugo V. The Man Who Laughs. 93rd year.
  • Jerome K. Jerome. Mrs. Corner pays.
  • Giovagnoli R. Spartak.
  • Dickens C. Caught red-handed.
  • Doyle K. A. How Copley Banks finished off Captain Sharkey.
  • Irving T. Rip van Winkle. Ghost groom.
  • Kipling R. The Devil and the Deep Sea.
  • London D. Under the deck awning.
  • Merimee P. Colombo. Capture of the redoubt. Tamango.
  • Maupassant G. Thuan.
  • Maugham W. Breakfast.
  • By E. The Stolen Letter. Glasses. Little frog.
  • Pushkin A. The Bronze Horseman. Captain's daughter. Boris Godunov.
  • Pushchin I. Notes about Pushkin.
  • Stevenson R. Owner of Ballantrae. Markheim.
  • Twain M. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Journalism in Tennessee.
  • Tolstoy L. Childhood. Adolescence. After the ball. Hadji Murat.
  • Turgenev I. Asya. First love.
  • Wells G. The Invisible Man.
  • Haggard G. King Solomon's Mines. Daughter of Montezuma. Ivory child. Beautiful Margaret. Martin.
  • Tsvetaeva M. My Pushkin.
  • Chesterton G. The Mystery of Flambeau.
  • Sheckley R. The smell of thought.
  • Shelley M. Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus.
  • Yamamoto S. Dialogue about the song.

Some books wander from list to list, but this should not confuse: it means that they are very important for assimilation literary program and it will be useful for the child to repeat the plot of the work, even if he read it last summer.

Helpful information. Usually it is high school students who are lazy to read in the summer. However, parents should understand that all these works will help them successfully pass final exams in the Russian language after grades 9 and 11, as well as write an essay on literature in grade 11.

Although summer book list for high school students does not differ in length; the volume of recommended works can frighten many.

List of books for summer 9th grade

  • Averchenko A. Crooked angles.
  • Aleksin A. Smoke without fire. Remember his face. Signalmen and buglers.
  • Bach R. Seagull named Jonathan Livingston.
  • Bulgakov M. The Adventures of Chichikov. Dog's heart.
  • Vasiliev B. And the dawns here are quiet. Tomorrow there was a war. Exhibit No…
  • Gogol N. Dead Souls. Petersburg stories.
  • Griboyedov A. Woe from Wit.
  • Karamzin N. Poor Liza.
  • Lermontov M. Hero of our time. Masquerade.
  • Likhanov A. Children's library.
  • Moliere J. B. The tradesman in the nobility.
  • Pushkin A. Evgeny Onegin. Southern Poems.
  • Radishchev A. N. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
  • A word about Igor's regiment.
  • Solzhenitsyn A.I. Matryonin yard.
  • Teffi. Marquita. Russians in Europe.
  • Fonvizin D. Minor.
  • Chekhov A. Bear.
  • Shakespeare W. Sonnets.
  • Sholokhov M. The fate of man.

List of books for summer 10th grade

  • Gogol N. Dead souls.
  • Goncharov I. Oblomov.
  • Dostoevsky F. Crime and Punishment.
  • Lermontov M. Hero of our time.
  • Leskov N. Stupid artist.
  • Ostrovsky A. Dowrylessness. Storm.
  • By E. Murder in the Rue Morgue.
  • Pushkin A. Evgeny Onegin. Queen of Spades.
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin M. History of a city.
  • Tolstoy L. War and Peace.
  • Turgenev I. Notes of a Hunter. Fathers and Sons.
  • Wilde O. Portrait of Dorian Gray.
  • Chekhov A. Ionych. Little trilogy. The Cherry Orchard. Uncle Ivan.
  • Show B. Heartbreak House.

List of books for summer 11th grade

  • Akhmatova A. Requiem.
  • Bulgakov M. The Master and Margarita.
  • Bunin I. Gentleman from San Francisco. Sunstroke. Dark alleys.
  • Bykov V. Sotnikov.
  • Vampilov A. Eldest son
  • Vorobyov K. Killed near Moscow.
  • Gorky M. Old Woman Izergil. At the bottom.
  • Kuprin A. Garnet bracelet. Olesya.
  • Mayakovsky V. Cloud in pants.
  • Nabokov V. Mashenka.
  • Nekrasov V. In the trenches of Stalingrad.
  • Pasternak B. Doctor Zhivago.
  • Rasputin V. Farewell to Matera.
  • Solzhenitsyn A. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.
  • Fat T. Yorick. Sitting on the golden porch...Kys.
  • Tolstoy A. N. Peter I.
  • Shmelev N. Summer of the Lord.
  • Sholokhov M. Quiet Don.

Summer book lists for students of any grade should not be a duty or obligation. It should be an interesting, exciting path into the world of art. And for high school students, the incentive should be the desire to successfully pass final exams. And without reading this is simply impossible.