Fiction in children's literature 4. Outline of a reading lesson (4th grade) on the topic: Extracurricular reading lesson "In the world of science fiction"

Lesson literary reading, 4th grade

Lesson topic: Fantastic stories by Kir Bulychev about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva

Lesson extracurricular reading

Technologies: critical thinking, gaming technology, ICT


There will be a file here: /data/edu/files/o1449418527.rar (Materials for the lesson)

Planned lesson results:

During the classes:

1. Update necessary knowledge

The lesson starts with work with a book exhibition.

Students look at the exhibition of books presented on the slide and give it a title. Then the teacher displays the title “Fantastic stories by Kir Bulychev about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva” on the screen, and the children complement the exhibition with the books they brought to class.

2. Motivation educational activities

Based on the title of the book exhibition, students formulate the topic of the lesson, and then, with the help of the teacher, set themselves the following tasks: to clarify knowledge about the genre of the works they read, to learn to talk about the main character, to find out Interesting Facts about the author.

3. Organization cognitive activity students

The lesson stage is aimed at clarifying students’ ideas about the following terms: fantasy, story, adventure. First, children give interpretations of words based on their experience. Then the teacher gradually displays fragments of dictionary and encyclopedic articles on the screen, during the analysis of which the students’ knowledge is clarified. The finale of the work is the conscious correlation of the literary term with the read work.

The next slide allows you to continue the conversation about Alice's adventures and is intended for students’ reconstruction of fragments of the story’s content“The girl with whom nothing will happen” in order to clarify the understanding of the meaning of what was read.

Children are invited to split into two teams and take part in the game “Tic Tac Toe”, the rules of which are similar to the rules of the famous children's game of the same name, but in order to put their icon in the selected cell, the team must answer the question “hidden” "under the picture.

To whom and for what purpose did Professor Seleznev start writing about Alice’s adventures?

Name the victim of a failed experiment that Professor Seleznev met in his garden.

Which of Alice's pets could talk and read?

“I wanted to keep them for myself. I didn’t know that humanity was looking for them.” Who did Alice bring in the basket of strawberries?

Describe the device with which Alice ended up visiting the science fiction writer Arkady.

Few people believed in the success of this experiment, but all the satellites in the world showed this outstanding event. What event is shown in the illustration?

What event made Alice famous and ruined the reputation of biologists?

With the help of what device, with whom and about what is Professor Seleznev talking?

Having recalled the main events of the story in memory, children are ready to talking about the main character- Alisa Selezneva.

Children talk about what interested them in the main character of the books they read, Alisa Seleznyova. Then the teacher displays portraits of Alice made by different illustrators and invites discussion next questions:

What features of Alice are reflected in different illustrations?

Which illustration do you particularly like and why?

What portrait of Alice would you draw yourself?

The work on this slide is completed by compiling a story about Alice based on the plan. The teacher draws attention to the fact that such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, courage, curiosity are valued in Russians folk tales, in literary works of different genres created by different authors in different eras. These qualities are also important in our Everyday life, they will not lose their value even through the centuries.

Children select questions that interest them and learn to use control buttons to get an answer. Depending on the questions chosen, children move on to the following slides:

4. Summing up the lesson

Summing up the lesson is aimed, first of all, at popularizing in the classroom the image of the reader as an inquisitive, interesting, intelligent interlocutor with whom they want to be friends, consult, and at students’ awareness that each of them can be such a person.


Bulychev K. Reserve of Fairy Tales. - M.: “AST”, 2004.

Materials of the First orientation seminar for participants of the “Successful Reading” project (November 12 - 14, 2007, St. Petersburg).

Pennak D. Like a novel. - M.: “Scooter”, -2005

Encyclopedia for children. Volume 9. - M.: “Avanta+”, 2000.

“What is fantastic? - wrote I. Annensky. - Fictional, which does not happen and cannot exist." This emphasizes that the term “fantasy” is significantly narrower than the term “fantasy”. V. Leibin’s dictionary of psychoanalysis gives the following definition of this concept: “Fantasy is a mental activity associated with the creation of imaginary ideas that are not really reflected in the world around us; a product of the imagination generated by man’s own activity.”

As M.I. Meshcheryakova noted: “Game is one of the most important genre categories of fiction, creating that convention that allows you to turn the incredible, which does not take place in reality, into the conditionally possible.” The playful function of fiction makes it similar to a fairy tale, and its cognitive function is related to myth and science.

A special direction in the development of children's and youth fiction in the second half of the 20th century was the emergence of children's fiction itself (not only addressed to younger schoolchildren, but imbued with a child’s worldview) fiction, in the center of which is the image of a child with his specific understanding and vision of the environment (K. Bulychev “Girl from Earth”, “One Hundred Years Ahead”, E. Veltistov “Electronic Boy from a Suitcase”, “ Ressi - an elusive friend", A. Moshkovsky "The Lost Starship", "Seven Days of Miracles", G. Galakhova "The Impossible Kukushkin", V. Gubarev "Journey to the Morning Star", G. Pocheptsov "Cube", "The Adventures of a Robot", "Castle on mysterious planet”, P. Amatuni “Space “Pea”” and many others).

Children's fiction is in many ways close to a fairy tale, first of all, by the presence of a miracle. But unlike folk tale the miracle is connected with today's reality. This is a kind of synthetic genre that combines the fantasy of a fairy tale with a science fiction idea. The beginning of the children's series science fiction set stories about the adventures of a girl from the 21st century, Alisa Selezneva. There was nothing similar in Soviet children's literature at that time. Home luck cycle - charming image main character, which has truly become “our own” for several generations of readers. Alice was the most ordinary - restless, curious, resourceful, in general, a normal girl who could be found in any yard. Therefore, children perceived Alice as a real, living character, with whom they could fight space pirates, make a great scientific discovery, or become a real princess. The books in the series were written by the author over several decades, starting in 1965 (the story “The Girl to Whom Nothing Happens”) and ending in 2003 (“Alice and Alicia”). There are 52 stories in total in the cycle. The most popular and quite appropriate for preschool perception is fantastic story"Alice's Journey" .

Actually, children's fiction is mainly based on the ability to invent, characteristic of children's worldview. own worlds. Like children's literature in general, children's fiction itself has a number of differences from traditional fiction: adventure plot basis, intense plot, abundance of exciting events, mystery. It is designed to help the new generation grow up, orienting it in complex information flows.

The first works of modern fantasy began to appear at the beginning of the 20th century. Among them are “The Elven King's Daughter” by Lord Edward Dunsany, “Conan” by Robert E. Howard, “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C. S. Lewis. Fantasy by C. Lewis “The Chronicles of Narnia” is typical work of this genre, besides, it is understandable and close to children, since in the center there is a child hero. Lewis's fantasy has a wide educational potential, deep semantic richness, a fast-paced adventure plot and Christian-philosophical overtones.

One of the most striking works of recent years is Joanna Rowling's Harry Potter series. J. Rowling's main achievement is that for the first time the main character of a children's book, even one written in the fantasy genre, was not just a wizard, but a child wizard. Being in the border zone, the cycle combines a lot of both fantasy and new fairy tale. Thanks to Harry Potter for last years Many works have appeared in which the main character or heroine is a little sorcerer or witch - “Glassblower” by A. Birger, “Magical Holidays” by A. Ivanov and A. Ustinova, “Denis Kotik and the Queen of Winged Horses” by A. Boyarina

Works in the fantasy style have a great educational value. Thanks to this genre, children have the opportunity to get acquainted with world culture, history, literature, mythology, religion, and even natural science and geography.

Extracurricular activity in 4th grade “In the world of fantasy”

(the lesson will introduce students to a new genre of literature - science fiction stories and books by science fiction writers Evgeny Veltisov and Kir Bulychev)

Solve the crossword puzzle.

The name of one of the evil sorceresses from The Tale of Lost Time. (Not Olga). (Martha).

The name of Comrade Denis from the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Bear).

The name of the boy on whose behalf the stories of V. Dragunsky are narrated. (Denis).

The new word that the hero of V. Golyavkin’s story “I didn’t eat any mustard” heard means a document giving the inventor the exclusive right to an invention. (Patent).

What type of public transport did the hero of V. Golyavkin’s story ride out of boredom? (By tram).

What language did Pavel study all summer in one of V. Dragunsky’s stories? (English).

What word did he learn after two months of hard work? (Pete).

A product, a spicy seasoning that the hero of V. Golyavkin’s story did not eat. (Mustard).

What was the magical object in The Tale of Lost Time? (Walkers).

Who did Mishka love? (Grandmother).

What word is in the highlighted cells?

What does it mean?

The word “fantasy” itself comes from the Greek word fantasy - imagination. The same word means dream. People have dreamed for a long time. We dreamed about everything. It was once difficult to make fire. It took man 1,000 years to invent matches. And now you and I have begun to forget what it is, because there is a lighter - gas, gasoline and even electric. And flying into space could only be a dream. But now we live inXXIcentury, and no one is surprised by the exits in open space, photographs from Mars... science does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy 100 years ago is a reality today.

In the second half of the twentieth century, when science began to develop especially rapidly, it appeared great amount worksscience fiction . This is the name given to a vast branch of literature that seems to “look into the future,” into the world of incredible, wonderful ideas and images. Writers aware of the possibilities modern science, are trying to answer many questions. What awaits people when space flights become a common occurrence in everyday life?.. How will the first meeting with representatives of other worlds take place? – will they come to Earth or will earthlings find them in the endless expanses of the Universe?.. What will happen to old Earth if people continue to spend thoughtlessly Natural resources?..What will society be like when an “artificial” person is created?..

Science fiction writers answer these questions differently. Perhaps, after reading their books, you will want to argue with them?..

    Working with a book exhibition.

What books by science fiction writers have you become familiar with for today's lesson?

What fantastic things do the authors talk about in them?

    Introduction to a fantastic story.

Today we will get acquainted with such a genre as a fantasy story. It's called "A Million and One Days of Vacation." It was written by Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov.

1. Reading an excerpt from the story by prepared students.

“E. Veltistov’s fairy tale tells about an unusual vacation among schoolchildren among the stars, where one day can be equal to thousands of earthly years.

The ship "Victoria", on which three fifth-graders are flying to meet their parents working in deep space, falls into the sphere of attraction of an invisible star - a "black dwarf" or "black hole". Happens to ship passengers extraordinary adventures, they meet themselves “yesterday” and “tomorrow”...

2. Answers on questions.

What does "takhis" mean and in what language?

What were the names of the children on the ship Victoria?

Why have none of the earthlings met tachyons in their lives?

What was the speed of the earthlings' spaceships?

- “Where does what disappears go?”

    Introduction to the history of book creation.

Evgeny Veltistov wrote several fantasy books for children. The most famous of them is “Electronic - a boy from a suitcase.”

1. Evgeniy Serafimovich Veltistov.

In the preface to one of the many editions of this very famous book The writer says: “Once a young author was going on vacation to the sea. I packed my suitcase and got into a taxi. He carries his suitcase to the train and is surprised: it’s heavy! As if there were not a shirt and flippers, but bricks. To make it easier and more fun to carry, I began to fantasize: “Maybe there’s someone in the suitcase? Maybe there's... an electronic boy? I’ll put the suitcase on the shelf, I’ll open the lid, the boy will open his eyes, stand up and say: “Hello, my name is Elektronik...” He entered the compartment, clicked the locks and gasped. It turns out that in his haste he mixed up the suitcases: he took another one full of books. The train started moving... I had to do without fins by the sea. But I read to my heart's content. And I didn’t forget about the imaginary boy.” Of course, you recognized the boy immediately. Do you know its creator?

Evgeny Veltistov went to school for the second year of the Great Patriotic War. There were few books at that time - so he decided, when he grew up, to become a seller of children's books so that he could read them all. As an adult, he changed his mind and studied to be a journalist. He began to write himself - first in various newspapers, then in the magazine Ogonyok. He traveled throughout our country and abroad, met with different people, accumulated impressions and thought about his future books.

The first book, “Adventures at the Bottom of the Sea,” was published in 1960. The famous Electronician first met readers four years later. True, queues for Elektronik began to form in libraries only after the release of the three-part series TV movie, the script of which was written by Veltistov himself. The film was a huge success, letters from readers to television, and to the editor. Newspapers " Pioneer truth“and the writer himself received more than eighty thousand.

Read the passage that tells about the appearance of the electronic boy.

How was he different from ordinary children?

Who did Elektronik become friends with?

What certificate did Seryozha Syroezhkin give him? For what?

Tell us about the interesting adventures of these boys.

For those who are interested in the work of E. Veltistov, I recommend reading other books by this author: “Ressi - the elusive friend”, “Gumm - Gum”.

2. Kir Bulychev (real name – Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) born in 1934 in Moscow.

Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko wanted to travel, live in a tent, do scientific discoveries. Imagining himself as an explorer, he traveled the length and breadth of the Moscow region, read books about expeditions to the Gobi Desert, and collected extensive collections of minerals. And of course. I imagined myself as a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...

Everything turned out differently, however: Igor graduated from the Moscow Institute foreign languages and got to work far away Asian country- Burma. And, having returned home, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1966, he defended his dissertation and research work began.

But then one day... the editors of the almanac "Seeker", with which Mozheiko collaborated, got into difficult situation. The thing is. That just before submitting the materials to the printing house, it was decided not to print one of fantasy stories. However, the artist had already drawn an illustration for this story, and the picture, as if on purpose, appeared on the printed cover of the issue. From it, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked sadly at the editorial staff.

The drawing urgently required an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write according to fantastic story, the best of which was supposed to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist scientist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editorial office. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When the Dinosaurs Died Out”) seemed to the staff the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue.

But how to sign such an unexpected creation? “Igor Mozheiko” seems inconvenient. After all, he’s a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. "Wife's name plus maiden name mother,” the author decided and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript.

This is how the serious historian Igor Mozheiko began writing “frivolous” fiction. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not give up his scientific studies in any way. At the same time as the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. One can only wonder. How does Igor Vsevolodovich have enough time and energy for all this? However, no, there is just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, dream of somehow increasing the day...

    Review of books by Kir Bulychev.

Currently, 15 volumes of K. Bulychev’s works have already been published. Another 15 volumes are being prepared for publication. What is this writer writing about?

Bulychev Kir “The Great Guslyar” Novels and stories.

Where else, if not in Russia, will you find the town of Velikiy Guslyar? And its inhabitants, who are capable of not losing their presence of mind in the most unexpected situations, be it buying talking goldfish in a pet store, another brilliant discovery of Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, or a meeting with space aliens, from which in Lately Has the city become a bit crowded?..

It is no secret that in Velikiy Guslyar there are underground passages and treasures literally under every street. One of these treasures may be, for example, a pot-bellied bottle containing a real elixir of youth...

Bulychev Kir “We need a free planet.”

“You obviously don’t imagine the difficulties and dangers of space travel,” the alien Gnets-18 told Cornelius Udalov. – You can die, fall into the past, end up in the sixth dimension, turn into a woman. Finally, you may become a victim of space dragons or contract galactic tabes.” However, the head of the Velikiy Guslyar construction office, who was overcome by a thirst for wanderings, firmly decided to help Gnets-18 find in endless space a free planet, vitally necessary for “brothers in mind.”

Bulychev Kir "Fantastic bestiary".

"Bestiary" is a book about beasts, and "Fantastic Bestiary" is a book about imaginary beasts. Kir Bulychev wanted to tell “about creatures that never existed... and look at them through our eyes. Then scary tales become funny, and sometimes touching.” For this, he selected for his amazing menagerie: a unicorn, a kraken, a dragon, an echidna, a sphinx, a basilisk, a mermaid, a kikimora - you can’t list them all. But among the creatures invented in ancient times, there are others - those that were unknown to anyone. A special section “Fictions of Our Day” is dedicated to them.

Bulychev Kir "Atlantis: Gods and Heroes."

“...there was one people in the world from which not only not a single book or inscription has survived, but not even a clay shard, not even a bead or a coin, not to mention the ruins of palaces...

These people are Atlanteans. Their country was called Atlantis.

Saying that Atlantis sank entirely, along with cities, fields, mountains and swamps.

And you can read about it only in one book... Atlantis is one of unsolved mysteries history of the Earth..."

    Work on K. Bulychev’s book “Alice’s Journey”.

1. Children's stories about what they read.

Have you read about Alice's adventures? If not, then you have lost a lot! After all, this girl fromXXIcenturies, something that every self-respecting teenager could dream of was achieved. For example, to tame a cute, tiny - about two and a half meters - brontosaurus, to go with his father, a professor, to space trip for rare animals for the Moscow zoo, save an entire planet from destruction, ride into the past in a time machine, become a princess of a medieval kingdom, destroy a den of space pirates, enter a fairy tale reserve without permission...

Name the heroine of all these adventures.

In what books did you read about them?

Tell me what you found out about this girl.

What did you find out about her parents?

Which of Alice's friends can you name?

2. Working on an excerpt from a fantasy story.

Kir Bulychev "Consilium".

a) reading a passage in a chain;

b) answers to questions:

What is the name of the story? What does this word mean?

Why did the consultation meet in Alice’s father’s office?

Who exactly was the goat?(Director of the Fairy Tale Reserve, Professor, Doctor of Science Tsarevich).

How did Professor Tsarevich turn into a goat?

Which of the heroes of the story did not doubt that the goat was a professor, the director of the reserve?(Alice and the fat king).

How did scientists decide to “scientifically” test whether a patient is human?

Who was present at the consultation?

Did the goat help solve the scientists' problem? How did he behave?

Why do you think?

How did scientists propose to “cure” the goat?

What do you think could happen next?

How did Alice perform in this episode? What can you say about her?(Knows how to keep secrets, does not like empty talk, treats people with respect, believes in fairy tales and magic).

    Summing up the lesson.

What is the name of the genre of literature that we met today in class?

What books by science fiction writers did we talk about in class?

Who is interested in these books? How? Do you want to read them?

Answer the quiz questions.

    Where did these lines come from?

A) “He bent over the suitcase, unlocked the locks, and threw back the lid. In a suitcase, on soft blue nylon, lay stretched out to his full height, a boy with eyes closed…»

B) “The talking bird is protected by the law of the planet Blook as a very rare and interesting creature.”

2. Who from literary characters Were you friends with Serezha Syroezhkin?

3. Who is talked about in the following passage of literary work?

“Like any student, he got bad marks. Nobody, of course, scolded him for bad grades.”

4. What work are these lines from?

a) “Svetlovidov to Igrek: “Add 723,022 and 252,910.” Half a minute later, Igrek’s phone started working: 975. 932.

b) "Do you play chess?" - asked the engineer. X answered briefly: “Yes.” Then the engineer asked him to solve the sketch: “I only have the king on e8, there are no other pieces. You have a king on e6 and a rook onh1. How will you play?

5. Three Alices.

In the land of Literary Heroes there lived three Alices. Two of them knew how to play chess, and one did not. What kind of Alices are these and what works are they from?

Read the two lists carefully. In the first list - literary heroes who knew how to play chess, in the second - the authors literary works. Connect the characters of the books and their authors.

A) Dunno, Elektronik, Hottabych, Alisa, Alisa Selezneva, Deniska Korablev.

B) Bulychev, Dragunsky, Veltistov, Carroll, Lagin, Nosov.

Answers to the quiz.

    E. Veltistov “Electronicist - a boy from a suitcase”

K. Bulychev “Girl from the Earth.”


    About Electronics.

    E. Veltistov “Electronicist - a boy from a suitcase.”

    Alisa Selezneva and Alisa, who visited Through the Looking Glass, knew how to play. Alice the fox didn't know how to play.

    Bulychev - Selezneva, Veltistov - Elektronik, Dragunsky - Korablev, Carroll - Alisa, Lagin - Hottabych, Nosov - Dunno.

With these books we hid under a blanket with a flashlight, then under our desks during boring lessons. They took us to other worlds. And we rushed through space and time - into the exciting cosmic distances, into the intriguing twenty-first century...

“The Adventures of Karik and Valya”, Ian Larry

“Barankin, be a man!”, Valery Medvedev

If you really, really don’t want to learn, this is a wonderful opportunity to try what it’s like to build a nest or repair an anthill. The memories will last a long time! Flip through.

“Old Man Hottabych”, Lazar Lagin

Marvelous stories about how Volka ibn Alyosha and Hassan Abdurrahmanych trolled the conductor, disrupted Soccer game and amazed moviegoers with the appearance of a bearded boy. Among other things, it is also a wonderful example of the fact that the same phenomena can always be looked at from different points vision. Flip through.

“Dunno on the Moon”, Nikolai Nosov

On the Earth’s satellite, it turns out, life is also in full swing, but it’s special. Normal shorties already have practically communism, while lunar ones have backward capitalism. So, in addition to the science fiction and adventure component itself, the fairy tale provided useful information about stocks, stock traders, the fight against competitors and other costs of developed commodity-money relations. Flip through.

“A Wizard Walked Through the City,” Yuri Tomin

What fool doesn't dream of finding a box of magic matches that can make any wish come true? But for some reason, when they are executed, everything starts to go awry... Look through.

“The Pea Man and the Simpleton”, Alexander Sharov

A thirteen-year-old boy becomes a sorcerer's apprentice. He will have to complete many difficult tasks. Not only to fight evil forces, but also not to let time go backwards - it’s no joke!.. An atmospheric thing, no less exciting than Gauff’s stories. Flip through.

“Journey to the Morning Star”, Vitaly Gubarev

The author of the famous “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” this time sends us all the way to the constellation Coma Berenices. Together with the boys characteristic names: Alyosha Popov, Nikita Dobrynin and Ilya Muromov. Flip through.

“Blue People of the Pink Earth”, Vitaly Melentyev

One day, sixth-grader Yurka, not getting along with his parents, went into the forest with his faithful Sharik and discovered an ordinary spaceship there. You understand, he was made an offer that no boy could refuse. Flip through.

“Five in a Starship”, Anatoly Moshkovsky

“I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there and they will come up with spacesuits for infants...” This is how the children of the future respond to their parents’ proposals to fly into space... What interests them then? Flip through.

“Tales and were of Deserted Spaces”, Vladislav Krapivin

It is very difficult to choose the best from this author: he probably simply does not have anything else that is not better. We wanted to be just like his heroes - and have the same adventures. Or at least so that his books don’t end... Look through.

“Girl from Earth”, Kir Bulychev

Kira Bulycheva, like Krapivina, would have to put everything here in an amicable way, because there can’t be too much of him. But the series about Alice is sacred; a cute and resourceful guest from the future is our everything! Flip through.

“Adventures of Electronics”, Evgeniy Veltistov

We adored electronics with Syroezhkin performed by the Torsuev brothers. However, they literary parent there was still a lot of interesting things in the luggage. Flip through.

“Above the Rainbow”, Sergey Abramov

To rise above everyone else thanks to a miraculous ability is cool. But a magical gift is such an object: now it is there, but now it is no longer there. But there is more own strength, patience and work, as well as mutual assistance. Flip through.

“Ways of the Titans”, Oles Berdnik

One day, already advanced humanity encounters an uncontrollable spaceship. It turns out to be our own ship, only launched thousands of years ago. The crew, of course, are no longer alive, but records remain from which people learn the dramatic details of their past. Flip through.

“The Island of Inexperienced Physicists”, Kirill Dombrovsky

What happens if several ordinary schoolchildren will be able to change physical laws, as they please? Well, there, reduce the friction or turn back time... Surely something interesting will turn out. Flip through.

“House of Wanderers”, Alexander Mirer

Humanity has to resist an attempt to take over from a powerful civilization that has already mastered the technology of transplanting the mind from one body to another. Earthly teenagers Masha and Seva help prevent the capture. Flip through.

“The Earth is still far away,” Alexander Svirin and Mikhail Lyashenko

The “Book of Knowledge” series from these authors really gave a lot of knowledge: in astronomy, biology, zoology, geography, history. And all in the form of communication with alien children! Flip through.

“The Great Work, or the amazing story of Doctor Mecanicus and Alma, who was a dog,” Alexander Poleshchuk

The adventure plot is successfully mixed with scientific facts: Thanks to the notes of Dr. Mecanicus, we will learn with interest how modern chemistry emerged from ancient alchemy. Flip through.

“The Two Deaths of Cesare Rossolimo”, Arkady Lvov

One day, an employee of the Institute of Embryology did not show up for work. It looks like he committed suicide. However, not everything is so simple. And somehow connected with mysterious phenomenon hypnosis... Fascinating, despite the abundance of philosophy. And Lvov, by the way, was taught Zionism in the Soviet Union, and he had to emigrate. He now lives in New York. Flip through.

“Plutonia”, Vladimir Obruchev

The story is about a journey into the underground depths, to other geological eras - where you can meet ancient plants and animals that disappeared long before our appearance. Flip through.

“The Secret of Two Oceans”, Grigory Adamov

Science fiction dating back to Stalin's time - however, edited in later editions. The Soviet submarine Pioneer (that's right, with a pioneer inside) fights its enemies using super-duper scientific advances. Flip through.

“The Mystery of Engineer Graves”, Yuri Tupitsyn

In Tupitsyn’s books everything is as it should be: spaceships roam interstellar space, scientific progress opens up new horizons. And then one engineer built a monstrous bomb destructive force. And now, from a position of strength, it demands complete disarmament from nuclear powers. Otherwise... What will happen, what will happen! Flip through.

“The Adventures of Polynov”, Dmitry Bilenkin

“Polynov knew that psychologists in space are treated with irony...” However, the expedition to Mercury is not as routine as it seemed. And the “frivolous” specialist will have to enter into a real struggle in space and on Earth. Because he feels a responsibility to the future, which an amoeba does not have, but a person does. Flip through.

“Callisto”, Georgy Martynov

“One day, early in July, Professor Kupriyanov noticed a golden dot in the sky... A few hours later, humanity was shocked by the news of an unprecedented event: an unknown interstellar ship was approaching the Earth.” In general, it reveals immortal theme our non-loneliness in the Universe. Flip through.

“Phaetians”, Alexander Kazantsev

Kazantsev is a man and a ship, a prolific science fiction writer, inventor and chess composer. They even say that he is the author of the words “alien” and “helicopter”. In “Phaetae,” earthlings meet on Mars a civilization that survived the destruction of one of the planets during the world war. Kazantsev also has musketeer, communist, and even autobiographical fiction. Flip through.

“Aelita”, Alexey Tolstoy

The story of how two dashing earthlings started a mess on Mars attracted us with both movement and romance. love line. Flip through.

“Amphibian Man”, Alexander Belyaev

We were very touched by the film with the song “Hey sailor, you've been sailing too long,” but the book also captivated us. However, even H.G. Wells liked her, so we were not alone. Flip through.

“Hour of the Ox”, Ivan Efremov

In the future on Earth there will be continuous progress and communism. And in backward Tormans there is a totalitarian society. So our spaceship is flying there to help the poor people... A lot of philosophy, but it was swallowed with great enthusiasm. Flip through.

“Discovering yourself”, Vladimir Savchenko

A wonderfully witty and fascinating thing in which a scientist tries to create perfect computing machines, and as a result he accidentally ends up with real cloning. Flip through.

“Electronic Melmoth”, Gennady Gor

While maintaining his own appearance, the earthling Larionov still feels like an inhabitant of another planet. In his brain there are other people's memories, a different life. Who is he really? Flip through.

“Instinct?”, Sever Gansovsky

One astronaut ends up on a planet that has survived ecological disaster. And the survivors strictly follow the schedule, which is firmly imprinted in their subconscious at the level of instinct. You already understand that our hero would not be our hero if he had not tried to restore the consciousness of the poor fellows... Look through.

“There will be no contacts”, Ilya Varshavsky

Warsaw's fiction is distinguished by valuable qualitygood humor. However, his books contain inventions, miracles, and everything that is expected of the genre. He also wrote fantastic detective stories, in particular, he dabbled in sequels to “Sherlock Holmes.” Flip through.

“Roadside Picnic”, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Having discovered the world of the Strugatskys, an ordinary teenager very often fell ill with it seriously and for a long time. They started with the romantic-cosmic early things, continued with the cheerful “Monday” - and tremblingly opened the later things that made you want to cry... and try to become better.