Scenario of literary entertainment for children of the senior group “a journey to the land of books.” Literary lounge for parents of preschool educational institution “Visiting Korney Chukovsky

Literary festival script
in the preparatory group of kindergarten

"Visiting Yesenin"

Target: Getting to know the life and work of S.A. Yesenin


Continue to introduce children to their native land, develop knowledge about the sights of their hometown.

To develop attention in children, stimulate curiosity, develop thinking, emotional responsiveness to poetic works; improve the grammatical structure of speech; develop coherent speech; develop endurance and orientation in space; practice running fast.

To cultivate love for the small homeland, respect for the heritage of the native land, one’s people, a sense of pride in the poet-countryman; foster a desire to preserve national values.

Materials and equipment:

An area in the music room, decorated in the style of an old Russian hut (stove, wooden table, benches, bed, samovar, chest), gramophone (imitation craft), album with photographs from Yesenin’s life, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists; a book of poems by Yesenin; musical audio recordings of songs based on Yesenin's poems

Preliminary work: conversation about the great Russian poet; viewing a filmstrip about S.A. Yesenin; excursions to Konstantinovo; vocabulary work: time flywheel, chest, countryman, outback, symbol of Russia, cradle, record, gramophone, repertoire, samovar, stove.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Dear Guys! I am very glad to see you all in a great mood today! It's golden autumn outside. We love her for her generosity, clear days, for the beauty of forests painted in gold and crimson colors. Which one of you likes this time of year and why? (children's answers)

Child 1. There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant...

Child 2. Autumn came to us again in September,

Rain often prevents children from playing in the yard.

But look at the colors,

On the bushes, on all the trees near the foliage...

Educator. Let’s go on a journey with you on such a wonderful day! Let our time flywheel help us with this. I wonder where he will send you and me this time? I'm sure the journey will be exciting. We just need to take this key with us. I don’t know what it’s for, but I think it will be useful to us. Let's hold hands, close our eyes and... Let's go!

(music sounds, a curtain opens, behind which a room of a Russian hut is equipped: a stove, a wooden table, a samovar, a window with curtains, a wooden table, a chair, a bed, a bookcase, on the floor there is a path, a chest. Children open their eyes)

Educator. Guys, I wonder where we are? Let's take a look around. Do you think we are in the past or the future? (children's answers) What household items indicate that we are in the past? (children's answers) I wonder whose house this is? Who lived in it? Guys, you and I have the key! It seems to me that he will help us answer all our questions. But what is this key for? Let's look around again and think (children look around, give answer options and point to the chest). Let's try to open this chest. (opens a chest in which there are many different objects. Invites the child to get something. The child takes out a piece of the calendar). Guys, does the date October 3rd mean anything to you? (children's answers) Today is also October 3! Let's see what else is in the chest. (the second child takes out the book and gives it to the teacher). This is a very old book, over time the pages have turned yellow, not everything can be read, but I will try, and you will help me.

White birch tree under my window

She covered herself with snow, for sure... (children: silver)

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Water causes fog and dampness.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun is quiet... (children: rolled down)

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls... (children: curled)

If the holy army calls:

“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”

I will say: “There is no need for heaven.

Give me... (children: My homeland)

Educator. Guys, do any of you remember who the author of these wonderful lines is?

Children. These poems were written by S.A. Yesenin.

Educator. That's right, guys! And I think I understand where you and I are. It is no coincidence that the time turner sent us here. Because on October 3, in the small village of Konstantinov, on the Oka River, not far from Ryazan, our fellow countryman S.A. Yesenin was born. How do you guys understand the meaning of the word “countryman”? (children's answers. The teacher generalizes: “countryman - born with someone in the same area). And today we found ourselves in the house where Sergei Yesenin was born. Let's see what else is in the chest (the 3rd child takes out an album with scattered photographs and gives it to the teacher). Guys, look - this is an album with photographs from the life of the poet. Only they all fell apart. Let's try to put them in order. So, we have already guessed that today we will talk about S.A. Yesenin. And his portrait is the first photograph in the album. This is a famous poet not only in our country, but throughout the world. His poems are imbued with special warmth, cordiality and emotionality. Many of you know his poems by heart. Who wants to read?

1st child:"A low house with blue shutters..."

2nd child:“Go away, my dear Rus'...”

Educator. Guys, what do you think the poet wrote about in these poems? (children's answers, the main correct one is about the Motherland). Absolutely right! Sergei Yesenin was born in the very center of Russia, in the outback, where there is beautiful nature, free meadows, clean air. The village of Konstantinovo stretches along the high bank of the Oka. From the cliff one can see the vast distances beyond the river, water meadows, and forest expanses. Yesenin grew up among the expanse of nature, and nature taught him “to love in this world everything that puts the soul into flesh.” He fell in love with this discreet beauty and glorified it in his works. “The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work,” said Yesenin (the story is accompanied by a display of photographs). And I think we can put these photographs in the album depicting the native land where the poet was born. I suggest looking into the chest again. (4th child takes out a handkerchief). Guys, what do you think a scarf is for, other than to maintain hygiene? (children's answers, including: you can play with him). Right! As a child, Sergei Yesenin was inexhaustible in inventions and games, and breathed the atmosphere of folk life. He grew up as a bully, a bully, and the initiator of children's games.

Thin and short,

There is always a hero among boys.

Often, often with a broken nose

I came to my home.

Educator. Guys, what folk game with a scarf do you know? (children: “Burn, burn clearly”). And Seryozha Yesenin, as a child, spent a long time fishing. I visited haymaking with adults and knew peasant work from childhood. In the evenings, songs and dances did not subside in the meadows, jokes and laughter were heard all around.

I love above the mowing site

Listen to the hum of mosquitoes in the evening.

And how the guys bark with Talyanka,

The girls will come out to dance around the fires.

Educator. Guys, talyanka is a type of accordion. The poet forever preserved the memories of the days spent under his stepfather’s roof. Let's look into the chest again (the 5th child takes out a birch leaf). What tree do you think this leaf is from? (children's answers, correct: birch). And what tree does Sergei Yesenin speak about especially warmly and tenderly in his poems? (answers: birch). The poet considered the birch tree to be a symbol of Russia. You and I know the poem dedicated to the winter birch tree well. Who wants to read? (the child reads the poem “White Birch” by heart). Let's add a photo of a birch tree to the album. From early childhood, the poet fell in love with Russian nature, he felt himself a part of it, which is why his poems about nature are so light and tender. Many artists, delighted and inspired by Yesenin’s poems, painted their own paintings. I suggest you look at some of them (which are hanging on the walls) and think about what poems by Yesenin they could correspond to. (A.I. Kuindzhi “Birch Grove” - “The golden grove dissuaded...” I.E. Grabar “February Azure” - “Above the window there is a month...” I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” - “Golden foliage whirled...”) . I suggest you supplement our album with photographs and once again look into the chest (in the background is “Lullaby” based on Yesenin’s poem “Evening like soot...”. The 6th child takes out a down scarf and a toy cradle). Guys, who do you think we’ll be talking about now? (children's answers, correct: about mom). Right. His mother, Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenina, had a huge influence on the future poet in his youth (shows a photograph). Yesenin retained and carried his love for his mother throughout his life. In the most difficult moments of loneliness, he turns to his mother as his most faithful friend (reads “A Letter to his Mother”). Let's add a photo to the album. His grandmother, Tatyana Evteevna Titova, also had a great influence on the poet (shows photo). Yesenin began writing poetry early. Having learned to read at the age of 5, with a good memory, the young poet began to fantasize and remake fairy tales with bad endings that his grandmother told (the child reads a poem. “Grandmother’s Tales”). Let's add a photo of grandma to the album. I suggest we look at what else is left in our chest (the 7th child takes out the record). How many of you know what this is? (children's answers) This is a record. It is similar to a modern CD that can be listened to on a player. And now I’ll start the gramophone, and we’ll listen to what’s recorded on the record (the song “The Golden Grove Dissuaded...”). Do you agree with me that Yesenin’s poems captivate with their lightness, clarity, and the melody is clearly heard in them? That is why many of Yesenin’s poems are set to music. Our Ryazan Philharmonic often hosts performances by the State Academic Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E. Popov, performing songs based on poems by Sergei Yesenin. The choir is a pearl of Russian culture; be sure to attend its concerts with your parents. I suggest finding a photo of the choir for our album (put the photo in the album). Guys, many years have passed since S.A. Yesenin wrote poetry. But grateful Ryazan residents do not forget their great countryman. Yesenin’s name is still closely connected with our city. There are many places in Ryazan that bear his name. I suggest you find such places in Ryazan among the photographs and add them to the album (photo of Yesenin Street, monument to Yesenin in the Kremlin, Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, library named after S.A. Yesenin).

Summing up and surprise moment

Educator. Well done! How many photos were added to the album at once! However, there were empty spaces on the album pages. The older you get, the more photographs from the life of our great fellow countryman it will be replenished. We should be proud and remember that we live in Ryazan, the homeland of the great poet Sergei Yesenin. And this photo album will help us remember today’s journey into the past. Did you enjoy the trip? Do you smell this amazing smell now? This is the smell of pies from a Russian oven! I invite you to a tea party - the samovar and pies are ready!


Yesenin S.A. Collected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Sovremennik, 1990.

Voronova O. E. Sergei Yesenin and Russian spiritual culture. - Ryazan: Uzoroche, 2002.

Kunyaev St. Yu., Kunyaev S.S. Sergey Yesenin. - M.: Mol. Guard, 2005.

Lekmanov O., Sverdlov M. Sergei Yesenin: Biography. - M.: Astrel, Corpus, 2011.

Skorokhodov M.V. Sergei Yesenin: the origins of creativity (issues of scientific biography) / Rep. ed. T. K. Savchenko. - M.: IMLI RAS, 2014.

Yusov N. G. Famous and unknown Yesenin. - M.: New index, 2012.

Program content: enrich the knowledge of families in matters of musical culture, instill a love for musical and literary works of Russian and foreign classics, develop aesthetic taste, fill the lives of children and parents with joy and beauty.

Hall decoration: the curtain is decorated with snowflakes, there are candles in candlesticks on the guest tables, and Christmas trees are placed around the room.

The musical work “Sweet Dream” by P.I. Tchaikovsky is played.

Musical director (M.r.).

Quiet, quiet, let's stand next to each other, music enters our house

In an amazing outfit - multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls move apart, the whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing, the forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Steppe paths run into the distance, melting into the blue haze -

This music hurries and calls us to follow it.

Hear, this is “Sweet Dream”. And with the sounds of this beautiful music, like a sweet dream, we will be transported to a magical, fairy-tale forest, to the winter forest of the Fairy of Music.

The lights are dimmed, the music sounds louder, and the Music Fairy enters the hall:

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to my domain.

The light turns on.

Fairy of Music. For today's meeting I have prepared a surprise. I ask you all to close your eyes so that a winter miracle can happen.

The lights turn off, garlands are lit on the Christmas trees, candles are on the tables, and “Serenade” by I. Haydn is played.

Fairy of Music. Snowdrifts fell at dusk, brocade was woven on the windows,

Drawing shadows on the piano, a candle plays with its flame.

In a cozy room we are all together by this small fire

Let's listen to poems, music, and songs all in silence.

The music fairy takes out 4 balls of thread: white, green, red, yellow.

He asks the children: - Which ball should we choose for this time of year?

Children. White.

Fairy of Music. Yes, here it is, a white ball, I’ll now roll it on a magic saucer, and together you and I will find ourselves in a winter fairy tale.

“Waltz” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds.

M.R. It’s so good to dream and think about something pleasant to this waltz! It's winter outside, the air is cold and frosty. And here it’s so warm and cozy here, and it’s so nice to be among friends. Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Sugar crunch underfoot, frosty patterns on the windows, a magic carpet covering the entire field to the very horizon. Many poets and composers imagined winter as a fairy-tale sorceress who wrapped all of nature in her blanket of snow until warmer times. But she, enchanted by the frost, is full of hidden life and her own charm. Therefore, many lines of great poets and sounds of famous composers are permeated with a feeling of admiration for the beautiful winter.

Parents read A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”.

Fairy of Music. Dear friends! Let's listen to the wonderful work of the great Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi "Winter" from the cycle "The Seasons" and imagine what the composer saw and what he was thinking about when he composed this music. After listening, children and parents exchange their opinions.

M.R. Do you remember how Yesenin wrote: “Winter sings and calls…”?

Children come out and read a poem by A.S. Yesenin “Winter is singing and calling, the shaggy forest is lulled by the ringing of the pine forest.....” Then they perform the song “Winter has come” by T. Kireeva.

Fairy of Music. And I want to invite you to listen to another piece of music called “Blizzard. Troika,” and was written by the famous Soviet composer Georgy Sviridov (listening).

Fairy of Music. Now let’s try to describe the mood in which the composer was riding in the troika (all participants in the evening are involved in the conversation).

M.R. Well, we listened to a lot of good music, and now I invite everyone to play together. Children and parents play the game "Blizzard".

Fairy of Music. Friends, the time has come to say goodbye to you. You are wonderful listeners, sensitive and active. I hope that we will see you again very soon. See you soon!

The candles and garlands go out, the lights come on.

M.R. Our musical and literary meeting is coming to an end. And on this frosty evening here, in a cozy music salon, without betraying traditions, we will end it with a cup of delicious aromatic tea.

Literary and musical evening prepared by I. Brileva

Literary evening “Tale after tale”

Senior group

Preliminary work: the group organized an exhibition of children's works based on fairy tales, illustrations by artists for fairy tales, and an exhibition of books.

Educator: Do you like listening to fairy tales? Fairy tales appeared many years ago and were passed down from elders to younger ones. All nations have fairy tales - Russian, Ukrainian, Eskimo, Even and others. Almost all fairy tales have good and evil. Name the evil heroes of fairy tales. Of course, this is Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, etc. What about the good ones? Vasilisa, Ivanushka, Zhikharka, Emelya, etc. In almost all fairy tales, good defeats evil. Fairy tales teach us to be kind, honest, smart. Let us also visit fairy tales today. What does it take to get into a fairy tale? Of course, say the magic words:


Children are divided into two teams: “Kolobok” and “Turnip”. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

1 task. Quiz “Name the fairy tale” (Task for each team in turn).

“But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie” (Masha and the Bear)

“Oh, Petya, simplicity, you blundered a little,

You didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window” (Cat, Rooster and Fox).

"The pretty maiden is sad, she doesn't like spring

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears” (Snegurochka)

“There is neither a river nor a pond where you can drink water

Very tasty water in the hole, from the hoof" (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

“The little goats opened the door

And everyone disappeared somewhere” (Wolf and seven kids).

“I pounded and pounded on the plate with my nose

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with his nose” (The Fox and the Crane).

Task 2. I have a lot of items in my basket. Help me find out what fairy tales they are from and to whom they need to be returned.

Wolf tail, rolling pin, gilded spoon, poured apple, three spoons, egg.

3 task. The postman brought telegrams. Guess which fairy-tale characters sent them to us?

“He left his grandfather and left his grandmother”

“Save us, the gray wolf wants to eat us”

“Layed a simple egg”

“Help me find Masha”

4 task. For captains. Compose a fairy tale and name it. In the meantime, the captains are completing the task, let's look at the illustrations for fairy tales and try to guess which fairy tales we are visiting.

Task 5. The teacher invites the children to dramatize a fragment of a fairy tale for both teams. (Prepared in advance).

6 task. Now I just have to see how you listen carefully to fairy tales and remember them.

What did Zhikharka say when he was laying out the spoons?

What was the name of the little goat Alyonushka near the pond?

Who can call Sivka-Burka?

What words did Emelya say to fulfill his desire?

What did the fox call the cockerel when the cat was not at home?

What song did the goat sing?

Our journey through fairy tales is over. Let's summarize. The winning team receives incentive prizes.

(Preparatory activities:

Previously, students were given the task of preparing to read by heart a poem about the nature of a 19th century poet (to choose from) (As you go, write down the titles of the poems and the names of their authors).

Teacher's opening speech.

Russian nature has long inspired poets, writers, and landscape painters with its beauty. By drawing nature, they expressed their attitude towards it and conveyed their undisguised love for their native land. Let us also try to learn to truly see, hear and understand what is happening around us, and then nature will reveal its secrets to us. To do this, we will get acquainted with the works of Russian artists, composers and poets, and see their skill in creating the image of the Motherland.

(Music plays. Her Majesty Nature appears)

Nature: Hello guys! I am Nature.

The world around us is beautiful. What makes up this beauty? This is the dense taiga, and the vastness of the sea, and the endless expanses of fields, and our curly hills, and the rivers and lakes in which you so love to splash in the summer. The simplicity of the surrounding places hides a sweet beauty. Poets of the 19th century depicted many beautiful landscapes in their works. By the way, remind me what a landscape is? (children's answer). And with the help of what artistic and expressive means were the pictures of nature created? Let's call Professor Literary Knowledge for help.

(Professor Literary Knowledge comes out and talks about epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons with examples. The guys check their definitions in their notebooks)

Nature: I have four seasons - Seasons. And in each of them I become new and more beautiful than before. Many talented people dedicated their works to me. Among them are artists and composers, writers and poets. Thus, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi wrote works called “Seasons”, today we will get to know him. I will also be glad to hear how 19th century poets portrayed my four seasons in poetry.

Teacher: So, guys, let's start with the time of year, which is also compared to the awakening of nature. This is... spring - joyful, cheerful with the sun's rays and ringing with murmuring streams. Spring is fragrant with smells and blossoms, noisy and mischievous, and also spring is beautiful, because everything around is blooming, blooming and birds are making nests.

Listen to how spring is imagined by Vivaldi and (attention to the screen) artists

(display of paintings and music)

Did the ideas match?

Teacher: The next time of year, which children love very much. This summer. It is beautiful not only because of the holidays, but also because it is, perhaps, the most colorful. Summer is friendly, warming with hot sun and refreshing with warm rains. Summer is full of greenery, flowers and plants, when insects swarm in the field, animals are busy with their business and birds are singing, and it’s also a good summer.

Listen and see.

(slide show and music)

(reading by heart)

Teacher: Now let’s turn to the time of year, which is often called a dull time. Autumn is sad and thoughtful, tearful with drizzling rains and beautiful with colorful leaves. In autumn, trees shed their leaves, covering paths, benches and lawns with a colorful carpet of leaf fall, and autumn is also tender and beautiful. Whether it’s rightful or not, now we’ll see.

(music and paintings)

Teacher: Guys, what time of year is it now? That's right, winter. Do you like winter? Why?

(because in winter everything changes around, nature transforms)

Russian poets also loved this wonderful time of year and dedicated many of their poems to winter.

Now close your eyes (music is playing) and imagine that you have been waiting for so long for “real winter” to come and snow to fall, but it still hasn’t happened. And so you went to bed. And in the morning, when we woke up, we looked out the window. Oh miracle! The first snow has fallen! Describe the snow seen from your window. What is he like?

(white, fluffy, light, silvery and sparkles in the sun, a little blue...)

What feelings, what mood do the changes that happened at night cause you?

(My soul is happy, I want to run out into the street, play, run, tumble in the snow. I want to do something good, say something kind to my mother, grandmother, friends.)

— Now look at the reproduction of the painting by the artist Plastov, which is called “The First Snow.”

What is shown in the picture?

What kind of snow? Is it similar to the one you described?

How does the artist convey the feeling of joy and delight from the first snow?

So, we see that the children depicted in Plastov’s painting experience the same feelings of joy as you do when meeting the first snow.

(music sounds. Zimushka-winter appears)

“I miss you very much all year and I rejoice when my time comes.” And I won’t lie, many people like me. Are there those among you who love the beautiful winter?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Thank you, Zimushka, for coming! We really like you very much. What patterns do you draw on the windows, and what intricate snowflakes do you weave! In gratitude for this beauty, many poets of the 19th century dedicated their poems to you. Listen to me.

(reading by heart)

Winter: Thank you guys, I’m very pleased! Tell me, what do they call me in poems? And what magic words helped the poet paint winter pictures?

(The guys list the poetic “nicknames” of winter, as well as the paths with which poets of the 18th century depicted winter landscapes)

(sorceress, sorceress, old woman)

Teacher: Let's answer the question: how does nature appear in the poems of different poets?

(children's answers)

(Nature and Winter come out)

Teacher: In the noise of birches, in the light of the sun, in the singing of birds, we will listen to the melody of the works of Russian poets, their lyrics will always live. Admire your native nature and take care of it! Our literary evening has come to an end. Thanks guys.

Homework. Compile a dictionary of epithets based on the poem you read.


What colors is the painting painted in?
What words are they conveyed in?
How is this or that time of year shown?
Do you know the proverbs about this time of year?

Target: improve children's artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems.


  • Introducing children of senior preschool age to the artistic word.
  • Development of artistic skills.
  • Improving the sound-pronunciation side of children's speech.
  • Attracting the attention of teachers and parents to the problem of memorizing poems.
  • Evoking a joyful, emotional mood, stimulating the desire to memorize poems.
  • Socialization of children, expanding the boundaries of communication.

Guests: senior teacher, speech therapists, educators, typhlopedagogues, parents.

Stages of implementation:

Stage I – organizational. Goal: selection of thematic material.
Stage II – preparatory. Goal: individual training of children, preparation of thematic drawings for the decoration of the hall.
Stage III – performing. Goal: holding a reading competition.
Stage IV – evaluation. Purpose: jury evaluation of listened poems.

Criteria for evaluation:

1. Expressiveness and loudness of reading.
2. The ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work.
3. Compliance with the melodic-intonation and tempo-rhythmic pattern of the poem.
4. Emotionality of performance.
5. Natural behavior.
6. The ability to convey your attitude to the content of the poem through intonation, gesture, and facial expressions.
7. Sound pronunciation skills – clarity of speech.

Awards: prizes, certificates, medals

  • "The ability to carry yourself on stage"
  • "For charm"
  • "For expressiveness"
  • “The funniest poem”
  • “The kindest”
  • “Amazing nearby”

Visibility: multimedia presentation<Annex 1 > , which contains portraits of children's writers: Agnia Barto, Boris Zakhoder, Andrei Usachev, Emma Moshkovskaya, Eduard Uspensky; an exhibition of children's books by these writers.

Comic songs:“A big secret for a small company” lyrics. Yunna Moritz, music. S. and T. Nikitin (3 min. 6 sec.)

Musical performances and dances:

  • “Let’s dance, Peggy, let’s dance” by I. Tokmakov, Berkovsky (2 min. 16 sec.)
  • “Two bears were sitting” Andrey Usachev (2 min. 14 sec.)
  • “Tur-la-la” Andrey Usachev (2 min. 07 sec.)
  • “From hill to hill in the city of Zagorsk” by A. Barto (1 min. 23 sec.)

Game breaks:“An amateur fisherman sits on the lake in the morning...” A. Barto (1 min. 13 sec.)

Cartoon:“Once upon a time there lived a small old man”


Children enter the hall and take their seats. At this time, the song “Big Secret for a Small Company” sounds, lyrics by Y. Moritz, music by T. and S. Nikitin.

- I invite you to visit us in the living room, where we will perform today, and read poetry for everyone.

Good book -
My companion, my friend,
Leisure time is more interesting with you.
We're having a great time
Let's spend it together
And our conversation
We are slowly leading...

(N. Naydenova)

(Annex 1 . Slide 1)

Poems are different
Nice, simple.
Poems can be sad
There are also funny ones.

– Today we will go on a train journey to the fairy-tale country “Chitaika”, where unusual trees grow with books instead of leaves. ( Annex 1 . Slide 2a)
- Well, are you ready? Then let's go! ( Annex 1 . Slide 2b)

Meet the poetess Agniya Barto (Annex 1 . Slide 3)
You all remember Agnia Barto’s poems “They dropped the bear on the floor...”, or “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”, or “The bull is walking, swaying...”.
So today the guys have prepared poems for you. We invite Seryozha and Zhenya.


How big Andryushka is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch,
He has a toy in his hands -
Rattle with a bell.

The boy looks - what a miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He won’t understand: where did he come from?
Is this bell ringing?

– Barto’s poems are easy to remember, their meaning is simple and clear. We invite Ksyusha and Sonya. They will recite poems from the “Younger Brother” series.

I made a truck
For sister Katyushka.
Katyushka raised a cry:
- Is this a truck?
Three empty spools.

I made her a horse,
Let him take it, don’t mind!
Katya looks at me
Doesn't want to take the horse:
- It's just a stick!

I folded two flaps.
“Oh,” said Katya, “
Oh, what a beauty:
A doll in a colorful dress!

Barto's comic poems sound like a mischievous game. Sasha will tell us about the frogs.

Little frogs

Five green frogs
They are in a hurry to throw themselves into the water
The herons got scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
I'm not afraid one bit!

(The projector turns off)

- And now the guys from the preparatory group will show you comic skit to the poems of Agniy Barto: “From hill to hill in the city of Zagorsk...”

Before you is a poet Andrey Usachev(Annex 1 . Slide 4). He came up with a lot of funny, mischievous poems for children. We invite Nikita.

A car was walking down the street
With a very powerful body.
And a man was walking towards
With a very thick belly.

That car hit
On a man with Puzov.
And the car fell apart
Along with a powerful body.

And the man looked
For the remains of the body...
Well, and Puzovo
He scratched himself in embarrassment.

Alyosha will tell us about how the donkey was taught to read and write.

Donkey certificate

The owner gave the donkey a primer:
– If you read all the letters, I’ll give you a cracker!
Donkey, probably two hours
He kept repeating: - A, and A, and A...

– Read at least the letter “B” –
And I'll give you a carrot!
And he is a head with ears -
He started talking: - A, I A, E-A!

- Guys, do you know who gathers in flocks? And who walks in the herd? But the poet Andrei Usachev decided to confuse us a little... Seryozha will tell us about it

Herd and flock

What is the difference between a herd and a flock?
The herd is grazing.
And the flock flies.
A flock of geese flies south.
And a flock of geese waddles into the meadow.
This is the difference between a flock and a herd.
You need to remember this well!

(The projector turns off)

– The guys from the preparatory group have prepared for you funny story based on the poems by Andrei Usachev “Tur-la-la”

(Annex 1 . Slide 5)

Poetry Irina Tokmakova warm, gentle, lyrical and cheerful, playful songs similar to folk songs in melody and intonation. Denis says.


Please, don't slide down the railings,
You can get caught in the teeth of crocodiles!
They lurked on every platform
And everyone who moves out is grabbed by the heels
And they are dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.
Please, don't slide down the railing!

strange beast

Some strange beast is walking around
And leaves the door wide open.
And we are behind this beast
We all close the doors.
We're tired, we're tired,
We stopped working
We don't eat or drink now,
We're just closing the door
Well, how can we tame the beast?
And train the beast to the door:
So that this beast follows you
At least sometimes I would close the door!

Tokmakova also writes fairy tales. “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter A” - a fun learning to read, “Maybe zero is not to blame?!” – a fun introduction to mathematics. (The projector turns off)

The guys from the preparatory group will show comic dance based on the poem by Irina Tokmakova “Let’s dance Pegi, let’s dance.”

(Annex 1 . Slide 6)

Emma Moshkovskaya is a great and original poet. It is so childish that it seems that the poems were written not by an adult aunt, but by a small child. We invite Andrey and Gosha.

- Doctor, doctor,
What should we do:
Or not wash?

If you wash, then what should we do:
Wash frequently
Or less often?..

The doctor answers:

The doctor answers angrily:

Guys, you've probably heard how children, when something doesn't work out for them, say: “I CAN'T!” It turns out that Emma Moshkovskaya knows him and there is no need to be afraid of him.

I CAN'T live in the world.
He was lying on the shore.
He lay and he got in the way,
He did not allow diving.

Well, how can I run?
Jumped over I CAN'T!
And dived! And nothing!
And don't be afraid of him!

It probably seems to you that your grandmothers were always as old as you know them. That's Sasha is surprised:

Poems about grandmother

Is it really grandma?
I didn’t knit the heels,
And she played tag,
Did you play hide and seek?

Is it really grandma?
Dear grandmother,
Along the grass-ant
Did you jump barefoot?

Grandmother braided
Braid with a red ribbon...
Is it really grandma?
A girl?

– And now you will hear poems that will make you want to go out for a walk. Lisa:

Why should we sit?
Looking out the window?

Over there by the window
A midge is crawling.
Here at the window
The cat jumped

Why should we sit?
Looking out the window?
What's in the window?
In the window - a little!

And if we go out,
We'll see a lot!

What a window to us!
Let's go out!

– Emma Moshkovskaya’s poems are simple, but with meaning, serious, but filled with humor. Vladik:

Sour poems

The sour sun has risen,
looks - the sky has turned sour,
There's sour in the sour sky
The cloud hung...

And the unfortunate ones hurry
Sour passers-by
They eat terribly
Sour ice cream...

Even sugar is sour!
All the jam has turned sour!
Because it's sour
There was a mood.

– What’s your mood now? The following poem will help you calm down in the evening. Ira and Vika read:

We reached the evening

We ran and hurried
Because they lived fast!

We ran and jumped
And we haven’t rested since the morning,
And they ate
On the run
And they drank
At a gallop, out of breath,
Tired, surprised:

We reached the EVENING,
We see -
There is nothing to run further:

There's a star in the sky
Lit up
Need to live

You are probably a little tired of sitting - I invite you to play. Game “Fisherman...” to the poems of A. Barto, repeat all the movements after me.

“An amateur fisherman sits on the lake in the morning...” ( Annex 1 . Slide 7)

– If I’m scratching my head, it’s okay!
There's sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes!

Everyone knows the author of these poems. This Boris Zakhoder. It was he who composed songs, chants, noisemakers, puffers, etc. for Winnie the Pooh.
Zakhoder’s poems are immediately remembered - they are so remarkable in form. We invite Dima:

My lion

Dad gave it to me
Oh, I was chicken at first!
I've been there for two days
I was afraid of him
And on the third -
It's broken!

Masha and Borya:

We've got a mischief maker.
The whole family is grieving.
In the apartment from his mischief
There is literally no life!
No one really knows him,
But everyone knows
That everything is always to blame
He is the only one - NOBODY!
Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,
Found some candy there
And all the candy papers
Who threw it under the table?
Who drew on the wallpaper?
Who tore the coat?
Who poked their nose into daddy's desk?
– NOBODY is a terrible tomboy!
The mother said sternly. –
We finally have to
Approximately punish!
NOBODY will go today
Neither to visit, nor to the cinema!
Are you laughing?
And my sister and I
Not funny at all!

(The projector turns off)

The guys from the senior group have prepared for you funny story based on Andrei Usachev’s poem “Two Bears Were Sitting” ( Annex 1 . Slide 8)

Everyone knows the story of the friendship between the kind, intelligent crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, a homeless creature of unknown origin who came to Moscow illegally in a box of oranges. This story is full of adventure, light humor and wonderful language discoveries.

Eduard Uspensky He composed not only fairy tales, but also poems for children. We invite Kamil

The tiger went for a walk

One two three four five,
The tiger went out for a walk.
They forgot to lock him.
One two three four five.

He's walking through the streets
Doesn't bother anyone
But for some reason from the tiger
People are running away.

Who climbed the tree
Who hid behind a stall,
Who was on the roof?
Somebody got stuck in the drain.

And on the Christmas tree, like toys,
Two old women were accommodated.
The whole city was empty in an instant -
After all, jokes with a tiger are dangerous.

The tiger sees that the city is empty:
“Let me come back,” he thinks.
It's more fun at the zoo
It's always full of people."

He himself, a man from childhood, inventive, independent, wanted children’s heads to be boiled, so that there would always be some interesting thing to do, so that even the smallest ones would be free creative individuals. Listen to the poem “Memory” Zhenya reads:

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,
I tell everyone and everywhere,
Any suggestion
I'll repeat it right away.

- “Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I was washing the cactus on the window.”

Well, what is there to talk about?
I would begin to praise myself.
I want a story about Vanya
It's very easy to repeat:

Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
Well, and the cactus at this time
Washing the old lady at the window.

The cactus rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I washed Vanya on the window.

Vanya rode on the window,
Led the old lady on a belt,
Well, and the cactus at this time
I washed the dog on the horse.

I know what I'm saying.
I said I would repeat it.
So it came out without errors,
Why should I boast in vain?

– Guys, today you pleased us so much, surprised us so much, and how expressively you read the poems! We are very happy for your success. As a gift to all of you - the cartoon “Once upon a time there lived a small old man” based on the poems of Daniil Kharms

The jury sums up the results. The winners are awarded with certificates and valuable gifts - books.