Voronkova is an extraordinary teacher. extracurricular reading

Sections: Primary School

Goals: introducing students to the works of L. Voronkova and Y. Korinets; the formation of correct expressive reading in compliance with the basic norms of literary reading; develop the ability to find the main idea of ​​a work, observation, beautiful expressive speech, creative and emotional potential; to cultivate interest in the works of authors, a good attitude towards the family, especially the mother, to create a moral feeling.

Equipment: textbook “Literary reading”. 2nd grade. L. A. Efrosinina; M., "Ventana-Graf", 2008; reader, workbook, excerpt from Z. Voskresenskaya’s story “Mom”, leaves for modeling the cover, multimedia presentation (Appendix 1), exhibition of books on the topic “Stories and poems about Mom”

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

  1. The long-awaited call is given
    The lesson begins.
    Put your mind and heart into your work,
    Cherish every second of your work.
  2. Breathing exercise.

Who do you and I become in a reading lesson? ( readers, and also reciters)

The reader has tools that help delight the listener. Which? ( voice and breath)

Breathing training (standing)

  • Stand up straight, calmly
  • Place one hand on your upper abdomen and the other on the side above your waist.
  • Exhalation. Inhale on a count (1-5)
  • Hold air (1-3)
  • Exhale (smoothly), as if to the sound [a] (3 times)
  • Imagine a cake with lit candles. Let's put out all the candles: fufufu...; every candle ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
  • Hold your breath until the end of the phrase: zhzhzh..., w, w, w, w, w.
  • Let's release the air from the ball: sssss, s, s, s, s, s.
  • We pronounce: s-z, z-s, sh-h-sch-ts; w-sh-ts.

II. Checking homework

What work were you introduced to in the last lesson? ( with I. Pankin’s legend “The Legend of Mothers”)

What is a legend? (Children's answers.)

Slide I.

Shall we check?

Name the heroes of the work (mothers, sons, Neptune, his daughters - seagulls).

Slide II.

Why is the work called that?

Why are sailors strong and invincible? ( their mothers gave them the best they had)

What best did the women of a distant country give? ( beauty, strength, vision)

Why do sailors love to look at seagulls so much? ( they wear their mothers' beauty)

What is the main idea of ​​the legend?

Finish the sentence with the words of the legend.

Slide III.

Have you seen, my boy, weak women?
If, dear boy, you ever see...

Why did the mothers do this? ( because love their children very much)

Can their action be called heroic? ( yes, because it was necessary to have fortitude, courage)

How did this work make you feel?

IIIWorking on learning new material.

1. Introductory conversation about mothers.

Mom is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us and accompanies our entire life. Every mother carries maternal love in her heart.

What does the word “Mom” mean to you? (Children call.)

Slide IV. Mom is...

2. - Many writers and poets have works dedicated to their mother. Read an excerpt from Z. Voskresenskaya’s story “Mama.” (Read in a chain.)


The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Why is this the most beautiful word on Earth? ( mom is the closest person)

Why does every person need a mother's love?

What holiday do we celebrate in March?

Slide V.

How many of you congratulated your mother? Today we’ll find out in class how the heroes of the works did it.

Physical exercise. Eye exercises

  • 15 eye movements from right to left, left to right.
  • 15 eye movements up and down.
  • 15 rotational eye movements from right to left.
  • 15 rotational eye movements from left to right.

Close your eyes tightly. Open.

Close your eyes and imagine a big white screen. Mentally color it, avoid spaces: yellow, green, your favorite color.

3. Work according to the textbook p.74.


Brief message from the teacher.

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova was born in Moscow, but the family moved to a village near Moscow. There, in the village, she developed the habit of constant, patient work, and discovered the beauty of Russian nature. And she reached for the pen to express her love for the land and people in poetry and prose. She traveled a lot around the country, working as a journalist.

Brief review of books.

4. Independent reading of the story

What have you read?

How did this story make you feel? Why? ( pleasant, joyful, the girl congratulated her family, brought them joy)

Answer to 1-2 questions in the textbook.

Why is the story named this way? What kind of gift are we talking about? (about willow)

5. Differentiated work.

1 gr. Divide the text into parts. Title each part.

2 gr. Complete the tasks in the workbook on p.44.

Students draw triangles of different colors:

  • green (confident that the task is completed correctly)
  • blue (I doubt the task is completed correctly)
  • yellow (failed)
  • red (experienced difficulties, but overcame them)

7. Checking the completed work.

1 gr. Rough plan

  1. Behind the willow
  2. Gifts for grandmother and mother.
  3. Gratitude from relatives

2 gr. Comment on completed tasks.

FM. Exercises to music. "Song about Mom" ​​music. T. Savina, Art. E. Titova.

8. Work on the work of Yu. Korinets “March”.

1) Independent reading (p.75)

What have you read?

What mood did it evoke? Why?

SlideVII Yuri Iosifovich Korinets

3) Teacher's story:

Yuri Iosifovich Korinets was born in Moscow. As a child, he was fond of drawing and even became a professional artist. He worked in a magazine and entered the literary institute. In his poetry, good always defeats evil, he knew how to see a miracle in the ordinary, in any object, the thing inhales, as it were, a particle of its soul.

Which plant bloomed first?

How did the hero congratulate his mother?


Prove that this is a poem (there is a rhyme)

Name consonant words (rhymes)

4) Preparing for expressive reading

a) Name the tools of expression.


What tone? ( glad)

Pace? ( moderate)

Pauses (/, //)

Logical stress.

b) Work with a pencil. Place pauses, underline words (logical stress). Work in pairs.

c) Expressive reading of a poem (2-3 people)

III. Cover modeling and artwork comparison

1st century – to the story by L. Voronkova.

2nd century – to the poem by Yu. Korinets.

a) Self-test. SlideX

b) Comparison.

What common? ( Theme about children and mother)

What can you say about the heroes of the works? ( They take care of mom, love her, congratulate her on Women's Day)

IV. Generalization

Why did the writer and poet write these works? ( tell how to congratulate your mother to bring joy to the listener)

8) S. Bogomolov’s poem “Beautiful Mothers.” (Student reading.)

V. Reflection

What discoveries did you make during the lesson?

What did the lesson make you think about?

Who is happy with their job? Draw your mood (joy, calm, annoyance, surprise).


VI. Homework(optionally)

Who would want to learn a poem by heart?

Who wanted to make a baby book?

Who wants to find works about mom?

Looking at the exhibition at the blackboard (books about mom.)

List of used literature

  1. Omorokova M.I. Learning to read expressively. Notebook manual. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2003.
  2. Internet materials.

SUBJECT. Work on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift”.
GOALS. Continue working on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift.”
Improve the skills of correct, conscious and fluent reading. To develop the ability to navigate the text, highlight the main idea of ​​the work, and evaluate the actions of the characters.
Develop and correct mental activity, attention, oral coherent speech through corrective exercises.
Foster a sense of thoughtfulness and respect for others.
EQUIPMENT: plan, supporting words, excerpt from the text, proverbs.
I wish you guys
Don't be bored in class
Read it fluently and correctly.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
Answer questions.
Be active and friendly
Curious and obedient.
Waits for everyone at the end of the lesson
His Majesty Success!
- What work did we work with in the last lesson?
-Who is the author of this story?
- What was the homework assignment? (read part 3)
We will check reading part 3 in various ways:
- 1st and 2nd paragraph – buzzing reading;
- dialogue between Seryozha and Comrade Nyura - by role;
- “binary” reading (excerpt about Seryozha’s drawing);
- in a chain (one word at a time).
- Well done boys! I see that you were preparing for the lesson.
And now we will continue to work on the content of L. Voronkova’s story “Dear Gift”.
And an expensive gift for me will be your active participation in the lesson, your retelling, work with the plan, proverbs, your correct reading and attentive attitude to the matter.
1) Working with a plan.
Before you start reading, you must restore the story plan that we made in the last lesson. (Plan points are mixed up)
- Arrange the points of the plan in the desired sequence.
Beautiful vase.
“Gifts” for Aunt Nyura.
Drawing by Seryozha.
2) Work on content.
Let's work on point 1 of the plan.
- For what event did the guys prepare their gifts?
- Find and read how the author describes this morning?
- What was the mood of the guys and Comrade Nyura? (joyful)
- What gift is mentioned in part 1?
- Who was this gift intended for?
- Read the lines describing the vase.
- What feeling did Comrade Nyura feel at that moment? (sadness)
- Confirm your answer with the words of the text, conveying Comrade Nyura’s sad mood in your voice.
Point II of the plan is called “Gifts” for Aunt Nyura.
- Why is the word “gifts” enclosed in quotation marks?
- Who were the gifts prepared for?
- At what point did the guys feel guilty before Comrade Nyura?
- Read this passage by role, excluding the words of the author. (ie. Nyura, Fedya, Vera Gribkova)
- How did the schoolchildren try to correct their mistake?
- Find in the text the words that the author uses instead of the word “gifted”. (separated, served, left, brought, served, gave, pulled out, allocated)
- Why does the author use such words?
- Were these gifts given from a pure heart?
- With what feeling did Comrade Nyura accept the gifts? (indifference)
- What lines speak about this? Read it.
And now everyone has stood up quietly,
Together we raised our hands up,
To the sides, forward, backward.
Turned right, left.
Sit down quietly and get back to work!
Retelling of part 3.
Now let’s work on point 3 of the plan.
- Tell us how Seryozha Kamyshov gave a gift to Nyura, using words and expressions from the text.
Illustration work.
- Look at the illustration on page 95.
- How would you describe this mud?
- What do you think is the most important thing the artist wanted to show?
- Pay attention to the expression on Comrade Nyura’s face. What is it like? (surprised, thoughtful, kind, confused)
- Why was Comrade Nyura surprised?
- What feeling did she have now?
- Why do you think?
And now I suggest you scan the description of Seryozha’s drawing. In other words, you will skim this passage again, and then describe Serezha’s gift close to the text, using the supporting words located on the board (green birch trees, blue and red flowers, yellow sun)
- What detail of the picture is missing among these words? (blue river)
- So, describe Seryozha’s drawing.
- Well done boys! You were very attentive!
And now I suggest you check your attentiveness again. Let's play the game "Trap".
Game "Trap"
One student will read the last paragraph of the story but will replace some of the words in the text. And the task of the rest is to find a replacement. Mark the words with a pencil. But the main condition of the game: do not shout, listen to the passage to the end! (Student reads passage)
- Why did Comrade Nyura call Serezha’s gift an expensive gift?
- In what words do you think Comrade Nyura contains the main idea of ​​the story?
- What does this story teach?
Well done! And you completed this task!
If you were attentive throughout the lesson, then you can easily arrange Comrade Nyura’s state of mind in the right order.
Joy for teachers, slight sadness, indifference, surprise, warmth, gratitude
We worked on the whole story. I see that you are well versed in it. Therefore, I suggest you play Hide and Seek.
In front of you on the board is the sentence “I even forgot to smooth out my cowlicks.”
- Find and read the paragraph in which this sentence is located.
Game "Head and Tail".
The teacher reads the beginning of the sentence, and the students quickly find it and read it to the end.
HOMEWORK. Retelling the entire story and drawing.
We will summarize the lesson using proverbs.
- Choose the proverb that can be attributed to this story.
(Seven do not wait for one thing.
A gift is not expensive, but attention is expensive.)
- Why do you think so? Explain the meaning of this proverb.
- So how should we treat the people who surround us?
That's right, guys! We must be attentive, kind, respectful to all the people who surround us. You live in families and in a boarding school, there are a lot of people around you, not only parents, teachers and educators, but also technical staff, cooks, bathhouse workers and many others. You must respect the work of all workers and not forget anyone. Let Seryozha Kamyshov be an example for you!
Let us once again turn to the proverb “It’s not a gift that’s precious, but attention.”
State educational institution "Slashchev boarding school"
in 5th grade

Literary reading

Lesson topic: Extracurricular reading. L. Voronkova. Joy.

The purpose of the lesson: Development of students' skills and abilities in the process of reading and analyzing the story, creative interpretation of the content in the dramatization.

Expected results

Subject: developing a technique for reading text with dialogues, active participation in stage interpretation of the text;

Personal: emotional-value attitude to the content of the story, activation of creative activity;

System-activity: active collaboration in a group in solving creative problems.

Lesson type: Extracurricular reading lesson

Equipment, visibility: Portrait of L. Voronkova, book exhibition.


I . Organizing time. Reading tongue twisters.

II . Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. The teacher's word.

We will read, talk and stage a short play based on the story “Joy” by the famous children's writer Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova.

But first, let's get to know the writer herself.

The name of the wonderful children's writer L. Voronkova is known not only to our country. Her books are read in many other countries...Lyubov Fedorovna created an entire library for children of different ages..

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova was born in 1906 in Moscow.

She studied at the city art school and loved to draw. I dreamed of being an artist. I drew everywhere, even on the ground. The most expensive gift, memorable for a lifetime, turned out to be a box of colored pencils for her. Even in early childhood, I somehow unexpectedly wrote my first poems.

She wrote poems about a domestic worker, Varvara, whose fate was reminiscent of her own. The poems were published in the newspaper Komso-Molskaya Pravda.

Since then, her life has changed: she became a journalist, and soon a children's writer.

In 1940, Lyubov Fedorovna’s first book was published - “Shurka”, thin, only eleven tiny stories.

After "Shurka" she conceived a new book for children - "Sunny Day". But the war prevented the plan from being realized. It was no longer possible to write about the joyful, cloudless childhood of the girl Tanya and her friends. The time has come for other heroes.

One after another, the books “Forest Hut”, “Girl from the City”, “Village Settlement” began to be published. The story “Girl from the City” immediately brought great fame to the author.

And then the stories followed: “It’s Snowing”, “Golden Keys”, “Girlfriends Go to School”, “Star Commander”. All these stories are about two girlfriends, Tanya and Alenka, who live in the village and help adults. Other works are also known: “Childhood on the Outskirts” Tale, “Geese-Swans”. The story “Granddaughter Vanya”, Collection of stories “Elder Sister”.

2. Today we will read the story “Joy” from the collection “Vanya’s Granddaughter.”



The guys sat on logs under the birches and talked.

“And I’m happy,” said Alyonka, “I have a new ribbon, look how shiny it is!”

She showed off her braid and the new ribbon in her braid.

“I’m also happy,” Tanya said, “they bought me colored pencils.” A whole box.
- Just think, joy! - said Petya Petukhov.

I have a fishing rod. I'll catch as many fish as you want. And what about some kind of pencil-dashi? They'll sign up and that's it. Here Dyomushka also wanted to boast:

And I have a pink shirt, here it is! - said Dyomushka and spread his arms so that everyone could see what a beautiful shirt he had.

Only Vanya listened and said nothing.

“And Vanyushka doesn’t even have any, even a little, joy,” said Alyonka, “he sits and is silent.

No, there is, - said Vanya, - I saw flowers.

Everyone started asking questions.

Which flowers?

I saw it in the forest. In the clearing. When I got lost. It’s already evening, it’s dark all around. And the flowers are white and seem to glow.

The guys laughed:

You never know how many flowers there are in the forest! I also found joy!

“And I also saw roofs once in winter,” said Vanya.

The guys laughed even louder:

So, in the summer you can’t see the roof?

I see. Only in winter there was snow on the roofs. And the sun was shining. On one side the roof is blue, and on the other it is pink. And everything shines.

Here's another! - said Alyonka. - As if we didn’t see the snow on the roof. And that he was blue and pink, you made that up.

Yes, he did it just like that,” said Petya Petukhov, “he did it on purpose!”

Maybe you have some other joys? - asked Tanya.

“Yes,” said Vanya, “I also saw silver fish.”

Dyomushka jumped up.

Where? - Real ones? Silver ones?

Petya Petukhov even jumped up.

In the pond? In the river?

“In a puddle,” said Vanya.

Everyone burst out laughing. And Petya Petukhov grumbled:

I knew it. He did it all on purpose!

No, not on purpose,” said Vanya, “after the rain there was a puddle under the apple tree.” Blue. And the sun was shining in it. And there was wind. The water trembled and silver fish played in it.

“He’s a chatterbox,” said Alyonka, “he doesn’t have any joy, that’s what he’s making up.”

Alyonka laughed. And Tanya said thoughtfully:

Or maybe he has more of these joys than we do. After all, he will find them wherever you want.

III . Reading and analyzing the story.

1. Primary reading.

2. Conversation based on content.

Who sat on the logs under the birch trees?

What were the guys talking about? - What joys did they have?

Why was Vanya silent?

What joys did Vanya talk about?

Why did the guys start laughing?

Do you agree with Tanya? - What is the main idea of ​​the story?

(Joys lie not only in material things, gifts, but also in the beauty of nature. In the beauty that surrounds us: sunsets and sunrises, moonlit nights, dew drops on the grass. But, as the Czech writer Karel Capek said: “Everyone is watching, but few see)

IV . Expressive reading of a story.

Reading motivation. In the story, the guys are all different. It must be read in such a way that we “see” and hear. Alenka, Tanya, Petya Petukhov, Demushka and Vanya.

V . Dramatizing the story.

1. Distribution of roles. Working on the image of the selected character.

2. Rehearsal. The teacher draws attention to the naturalness and realism of the performers’ performance. Particular attention is paid to the role of the author, because he is also the hero of the story: he worries, smiles, thinks.

3. Staging.

4. Discussion of the “performance”, assessment of one’s own achievements.

VI . Lesson summary. Ratings. Reflection: What new did you learn? What did you like most? Did everything work out as planned?

VI 1. Homework. Write an essay: “What joys there are in life.”

Topic: L. Voronkova. "Expensive gift"
Goal: to familiarize students with the work of L. Voronkova. "Expensive gift".
learn to highlight the main idea of ​​the work, characterize the characters and their actions; develop the skills of conscious, expressive reading; teaches you to find answers to questions in the text:
Corrective and developmental:
Develop coherent oral speech, memory, thinking, and the ability to analyze what you read; promote the development of expressive speech in students; enrich the student's vocabulary.
Cultivate a sense of love and respect for people, be kind, sympathetic, and attentive to others.
During the classes.
Org. moment.
I wish you guys
Don't be bored in class
Don't be lazy, don't yawn...
Be active and friendly
Curious and obedient.
Waits for everyone at the end of the lesson
His Majesty success!
Speech warm-up.
Breathing exercise “Balloon”, “Candle”
Logical stress
- Read the sentences in chorus with sequential logical stress.
What a wonderful day!
What a wonderful day!
What a wonderful day!
Phonetic exercise:
- Before we start reading, we will prepare our tongues and adjust our breathing:
Rara - ra - the game begins.
Ry - ry - ry - the boys have balls.
Ar - ar - ar - our samovar is boiling.
Shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter.
SA -s a -s a- a fox is running in the forest.
Reading a tongue twister: Our sail is sewn conscientiously, even a storm will not frighten us.
(- What do you mean sewn to last?)

Checking homework.
(Selective reading of excerpts from V. Medvedev’s story “The Phosphoric Boy”) - Who did you root for while reading this story?
4. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
5. Working on the story:
* reading by the teacher of part 1;
* vocabulary work: - What words in the text were not clear to you?
* conversation based on what was read:
- What did the children bring to school?
- Who showed the gift to Aunt Nyura?
Physical exercise - we don’t talk, but show) I take out my comb, take care of your - ..... hairstyle
Here is a dragonfly chirping, close your eyes quickly...
Trained Barbos wants to bite off my... nose
Pears have fallen from the tree, grab yourself by... your ears
Candles are lit in the hall, straighten your shoulders...
If your trousers are hemmed, you put it on the belt…. Hands
The reindeer are galloping through the forest, their... knees
There are patches on your pants, tear your heels off the floor.
* reading study:
- buzzing;
- along the “chain”
- by role;
* title of part 1;
* verbal drawing: - What illustrations could you verbally draw for this part of the story?
* selective reading: - Find in the text and read sentences in which the word gift appears, Aunt Nyura, guys.
6. Lesson summary.
- Did you like part 1 of the story?
- Would you like to read other stories by L. Voronkova?
7. Homework: pp. 92 – 93 read by role.
8. Grades for the lesson.