Live hat of noses test. Tests for extracurricular reading based on the works of N. Nosov

Lesson objectives:

    continue work on N.N. Nosov’s work “The Living Hat”;

    develop the ability to determine and analyze the composition of a work;

    develop the ability to analyze the character and actions of heroes;

    develop the ability to compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;

    improve expressive reading skills;

Equipment: textbook “Native Speech”, author. Klimanova L.F., portrait of the writer Nosov N.N., exhibition of the writer’s books, audio recording, emoticons ().

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting the lesson goal.

– Today we continue to work on N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat.”

– Look at our exhibition of books by the writer N.N. Nosov. The books that I took from our school library do not look new, they are the most shabby, well-read. Why do you think?

- That's right, they are read, they never sit on the shelves.

III. Checking understanding of the work.

(Pictures are posted on the board: car, hat, potatoes, kitten, skis, hockey stick, sled, ski pole, guys)

– Find those objects and those characters that appeared in the story. Name the extra items.

– Open the textbook on p. 54

– At home, you read N.N. Nosov’s story again and divided it into parts.

– Why do you think the writer called his story the living hat? (There was a kitten under her, she seemed alive. She moved as if she were alive).

-What was the kitten's name? (Vaska)

– What were the names of the boys - the heroes of this story? (Volodya and Vadik)

-What were the guys doing? (Were playing)

- What suddenly happened? (They heard something fall somewhere)

– What weapon did they choose to fight the hat? (Potatoes)

– What happened when the guys started throwing potatoes at the hat? (They heard a plaintive meow)

– Who were the guys really afraid of? (Kitten)

– Which proverb is suitable to describe the behavior of boys? (The master's work is afraid. Fear has big eyes. The head is big, but the brain is small. A wolf stumps a cowardly bunny.– proverbs written on the board)

IV. Learning new material.

– How many parts can this story be divided into? Remember that each part must contain the main idea. (For four). Let's create a story plan together. Why do we plan a story? (To make it easier to remember the development of action in the story, for retelling)

– Listen to the recording of the beginning of the story, and when you hear that the first part has ended, clap your hands. ( Recording the story up to the words “Something flopped and fell on the floor”)

– What did you notice when you listened to the recording of the story? (Does not correspond to the text in the textbook).

– N.N. Nosov wrote the story exactly as we just listened to it. In our textbook, the authors of the textbook changed this part. They did this so that you, the reader, could more accurately imagine the picture of development.

– What is this part of the story about? (About how the kitten caught flies)

– How can you title this part? (Kitten plays)

– Did the boys know who was hiding under the hat? (No). What about the readers? (Yes)

- This means that the author wanted readers to know that fear was in vain, so he began his story with how the kitten got under the hat. This part of the story is very important, it is called the introduction. What impression do you have about the characters in the story? Are they brave boys or cowards? (Children give different answers).

– Which emoticon is suitable for the first part?

– How many characters are there? (Vadik, Vova, author)

– Prepare the reading. (After 1-2 minutes of buzzing reading, the children read the second part in roles). ( Children read until the words “Jump off the couch and run out of the room.”

– Which emoticon is suitable for this part?

– What is this part of the story about? (About how the boys got scared)

- Come up with a title for this part. (Fright)

– Read the third part of the story by person, i.e. dialogue. How many participants in the dialogue? (Two) Look at what words each character in the story says. (After 1-2 minutes of buzz reading, children read with dialogue) ( Children read until the words “...ran into the kitchen.”)

– What is this part of the story about? (About how boys throw potatoes at a hat)

- Come up with a title for this part. (Guys' decision)

– Read the fourth part in sequence.

– Which smiley goes with this part?

– What is this part of the story about? (About how a gray tail poked out from under the hat)

- Come up with a title for this part. (The boys revealed the “secret” of the living hat)

What did the boys feel when they learned the “secret” of the hat? (Relief).

  1. The kitten is playing.
  2. Fright.
  3. Guys' decision.
  4. The boys revealed the “secret” of the living hat.

- Now compare the plan of the story that you and I have drawn up with the one given in the textbook, question No. 5 p. 59. Well done, are we?

– Stroke yourself with your right hand on the back of your head, forward, and with your left hand on your stomach, clockwise. Put on your thinking cap – 4 times.

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

– This is a fun, humorous story; together with the author, we laugh at the characters who find themselves in a funny situation.

The action here develops very quickly, events follow one after another. We said in previous lessons that it is very difficult to depict an action in a picture. But look how the artist got out of a difficult situation. To do this, look at the illustrations for the story. (Children look at the illustrations on p. 55 and p. 57).

– The artist created a series of pictures, each of which corresponds to one moment of the action, and together they tell the story of what happened.

– Which of the guys do you think is Vadik and which is Volodya? Prove your opinion.

– How does the artist convey that the boys were “shaking with fear”? Compare how the boys are sitting in the second and last pictures. Does the story say what position the characters are sitting in? (No).

– The artist must “translate” the writer’s language – the word – into his own language, the language of colors.

Game “Blitsoporos”.

– Tell me, this is how everything was in N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Children answer questions quickly):

1. Was the kitten Vaska sitting on the floor or on the closet?

2. Did Volodya and Vadik see or not see how the kitten got under the hat?

3. Who wanted to raise his hat: Volodya or Vadik?

4. Did the hat crawl towards Volodya or towards Vadik?

5. Did Vadik hit the hat or Volodya with a potato?

6. Did Vaska snort and squint from the light or tremble with fear?

Game “Recover the Word”

- All these words came across in the story, restore them by adding vowels.

- Let's check how attentive you are to the words you read. The very beginning of the story is written on the board. Some letters are missing. What letters should I insert?

K...tenk Vaska s...doing on the near the and l...kicked flies. And in fashion, on the very edge... the hat stings...

VI. Lesson summary.

– Which writer’s story did we work with in class today?

– What is this story about?

– Which part of this story do you remember most? Why?

VII. Homework.

Prepare a retelling according to plan p. 59, v. No. 5.

Mikhalchenko Natalya Nikolaevna, 220– 686– 282

Theses: in the lesson, work continues on the topic “N.N. Nosov’s Living Hat”, the ability to identify and analyze a work is formed, the ability to compare, generalize, and draw one’s own conclusions is developed.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Living hat


1. Kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor and catching...

1) fleas 2) flies 3) fluff

2. A chest of drawers is...

1) Low cabinet with drawers for small tools.

2) Low cabinet with drawers for food or small items.

3) Low cabinet with drawers for linen or small items.

3. They sat in the room and painted...

1) Volodya and Vadik

2) Vadik and Vasily

3) Volodya and Vadim

4. The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The guys look at her and shake from...

1) laughter 2) fear 3) cold

5. They jumped off the couch and ran out of the room to...

1) balcony 2) to the dining room 3) to the kitchen

6. The boys saw the hat walking around the room for the first time. They thought that someone was tugging at her...

1) a thread

3) rope

7. To see who is hiding in the hat, boys


1) ski pole and mop

2) poker and broom

3) poker and ski pole

8. What did the boys “shoot” at the hat?

1) cucumbers 2) potatoes 3) zucchini

9. Who was the first to reveal the secret of the “living” hat?

10. Who hit the potato in the hat?

1) Volodya 2) Vadik 3) both boys together

11. When a potato hit the hat, from under the hat it first appeared...

1) the kitten itself

2) first the paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out

3) a gray tail, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out

12. Vadik grabbed Vaska and let’s hug him, asking: “Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?” But Vaska did not answer anything, but only...

1) snorted and squinted at the lamp

2) squinted from the light and trembled with fear

3) snorted and squinted from the light

Literary quiz with answers based on the stories of N. Nosov for elementary school students

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara
Description of material This material can be used by primary school teachers to summarize the reading of N. Nosov’s stories in extracurricular reading lessons. For extracurricular activities.
Target Formation of general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
Tasks Cultivating interest in fiction and love of books.
Development of individual creative abilities, speech, and thinking skills.
Expand your understanding of fiction.
Preparation Pick up a collection of stories by N. Nosov in your home or school library, read the stories “Patch”, “Car”, “Sparklers”, “Living Hat”, “Slide”, “Lollipop” and prepare questions on the content.


Our time is losing in terms of children's literature; it is rare to find books by new authors with truly interesting and meaningful fairy tales on store shelves, so we are increasingly turning to writers who have long established themselves. One way or another, we meet on our way children's stories by N. Nosov, which, once you start reading, you won't stop until you get to know all the characters and their adventures.
N. Nosov’s stories are interesting to read because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and a loving father. His warm, respectful attitude towards the children made it possible to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.
Amazing Sunny City!
How dear you are to me, friend, to this day!
How wonderful it was to read then
Nosov's books are a blast!
Oh, what a great fairy tale!
No, not a fairy tale, but a hint for life...
Wonderful days
We spent where the cornflowers are
Like fairy trees...
How beautiful childhood moments are!
1. In what story did Mishka and I ride on the bumper of a car?

2.What did Mishka boast to the guys in the story “Sparklers”?

(Bengal lights)
3.What did Mishka add to the powder to make sparklers?

4.Why did the lights need to be hidden from the dog?
(She ate them)
5. What did the guys bring from the forest in the story “Sparklers”?

6. Why is the story called “The Living Hat”?

(A kitten sat under the hat and moved with the hat)
7. What did the guys take in their hands in case the hat got into their hands?

(Hockey stick and ski pole)
8. What did the boys throw into the hat?
9. In what story did the guys Kostya and Shurik make a snake out of putty?

10. Why didn’t the kids like the movie?
(They didn't have time to watch it)
11.What is the name of the hero of the story “Patch”?

12. How did Bobka tear his pants?

(Climbed over the fence, got caught on a nail)
13. Why didn’t mom put a patch on it?
(She said: “You managed to tear it, manage to sew it up!”)
14. What did the patch look like that Bobka installed for the first time?

(for dried mushroom)
15.What did Bobka use to circle the patch on his pants?
(Ink pencil)

16.What did Bobka regret when he learned to sew patches?
(About not learning how to sew on buttons)
17.Where did Bear find the lollipop? And in what story?

(Discovered in the sugar bowl, in the story "Lollipop")
18.Why did the sugar bowl break?
(Stuck to my hands and fell)
19. How did Mishka explain to his mother why he ate the candy?
(Behaved well)
20.Who was sitting at home while everyone was building the slide?
(Kotka Chizhov)

What did Kotka do to avoid slipping while climbing the slide?
(Sprinkled with sand)
Years go by, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his stories and characters do not age. Sincere and amazingly kind heroes are begging to be included in all children's books.

Reading lesson summary. N.N. Nosov. "Living Hat" 2nd class


Familiarize children with N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat.”

Develop the skill of reading silently and out loud;

Develop memory and attention.

Instill an interest in reading.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

So, friends, let's start the lesson.
We've got a big bag
And who are they for? For you.
I know you love games
Riddles, songs, fairy tales,

But there's nothing more interesting
What are our funny books!

Statement, purpose of the lesson.

Guys, let's start the lesson by doing exercises that will help develop reading techniques.

2. Warm up.

1 Articulation gymnastics.

2. Working with tongue twisters.

Capa's hat fell to the floor.

Read the tongue twister slowly.

Read the tongue twister quickly.

Read the tongue twister with a joyful mood.

Read the tongue twister offendedly.

3. Reading the syllabic table (Bottom to top)





















































By whom














Lay down








































Sit down






















Central Committee












The seam







3.Creating a problem situation. (motivation)

Reads a poem while holding a hat.

A hat is the best friend in the world

Adults and children know.

Helps with a bright set

And being fashionable helps.

It will hide from rain and wind,

He wishes us good luck!

What is this poem about?

How many of you know what a hat is?

Now listen to how the meaning of the word “hat” is interpreted in the explanatory dictionary. (HAT - HEADDRESS WITH HIGH BRIMS. According to Ozhegov)

4. New material.

It's time to get acquainted with the work that we will read in class.

Take some pieces of paper, cross out the letter “b”, make up the last name, first name, patronymic and the title of the work that we will read today from the remaining letters.


“Great life”

In his stories, as you have already noticed, Nikolai Nikolaevich does not miss an opportunity to tell his readers something interesting and useful. He very simply, easily and with humor tells us about human strengths and weaknesses.

Look at our exhibition of books by writer N.N. Nosov. Don't forget to read these books! How many of you are familiar with the story “The Living Hat”?

Do you think the hat could be alive? Today we will find out about this.

2. Vocabulary work.






- Read the words in chorus and explain their meanings.

Look at the drawing

Explain the meaning of the words chest of drawers and poker. Working with an explanatory dictionary.

Dresser - a piece of furniture consisting of several drawers located one above the other (for linen and various small items).

Illustration in the textbook p.55.

Poker - a device for mixing fuel in a stove - a thick iron rod with a straight bent end.

5. Working with text.

Reading the text paragraph by paragraph and answering questions.


What was the cat's name?

Where was Vaska sitting?

Who did Vaska see on the hat?

What was he doing at the beginning of the story?


What were the names of the boys in this story?


How did I convey the boys’ state of mind while reading? (Trembling voice, whisper, scream, horror in the voice).

Why weren't we scared? (They knew that Vaska was there).


What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat?

What happened to the hat?


What feeling did the guys have?

What did Vadik suggest?


What did Volodya suggest?

Who hit the potato in the hat?


Who did the boys see?

What was the mood of the guys?

What do you think the kitten felt throughout the story?

Did you find this story funny or sad?

What feelings did you experience?

6. Physical education minute

7. Consolidation of the studied material.

This is a fun, humorous story; we, together with the author, laugh at the characters who find themselves in a funny situation.

Working with illustrations on p. 55 and p. 56.

The artist created 2 pictures, each of which corresponds to one moment of the action, and together they tell the story of what happened.

What do you think in the picture (page 56), which of the guys is Vadik and which is Volodya?

How does the artist convey that the boys were “shaking with fear”? Compare how the boys are sitting in the first and second pictures.

- Choose a proverb for the text.

"Seven times measure cut once"

"Fear has big eyes"

“If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest”

Can this proverb indicate the main idea of ​​this story?

Game “Blitsoporos”.

Tell me, this is how everything was in N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Children answer questions quickly):

1. Was the kitten Vaska sitting on the floor or on the closet?

2. Did Volodya and Vadik see or not see how the kitten got under the hat?

3. Who wanted to raise his hat: Volodya or Vadik? (Volodya)

4. Did the hat crawl towards Volodya or towards Vadik? (Vadik)

5. Vadik hit the hat or Volodya with a potato? (in the hat)

6. Did Vaska snort and squint from the light or tremble with fear?

8. Lesson summary.

What is the name of the story we read?

Why was the hat alive?

What would you do if you were the boys?


-Perhaps you’ve heard the expression “THROW YOUR HATS”?

(In the old days they actually did this to a person with whom they were angry, expressing their contempt for his bad deed.)

But with the help of hats they expressed joy and delight. They were thrown up. The greater the joy, the higher the caps and hats flew.

I suggest you take advantage of this custom. How satisfied are you with your work in the lesson, rate yourself as a reader, an active student, whether you were interested in the lesson, toss your hat so high.

Express their answer options.

9. Homework:

Expressive reading of text, preparation for role-based reading.

Unfortunately, today's children are less and less likely to want to read. It will help to introduce younger schoolchildren to the literary word, teach them to distinguish useful, interesting books that are accessible to them, shape their reading horizons and gradually make them real readers. extracurricular reading lessons.

Extracurricular reading program developed by Svetlovsgay N.N. has lost its relevance. There are no new programs. The teacher is given freedom to choose the authors and works being studied. However, in many schools, teachers have completely abandoned extracurricular reading or replaced lessons with formal reading diaries, in which parents write, so as not to fall face down in the mud, such an incredible number of pages read by their child that one is simply amazed. In my opinion, this is unacceptable.

The purpose of extracurricular reading lessons is to ensure continuous exposure to a wide range of children's works during the learning process.

The teacher independently determines the circle of authors whose work will be studied with children in class. It is advisable to choose works that are close and understandable in semantic content, allowing you to organically use musical accompaniment and easily and interestingly stage individual parts of the story. After all, as you know, literature is closely connected with music, theater, and fine arts. You can start with your children’s favorite authors, whose works they have been familiar with since kindergarten. This could be Marshak S.Ya. (“Cat’s House”, “Who Will Find the Ring?” “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Luggage”, “So Absent-Minded”, “Twelve Months”), Chukovsky K.I. (“Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Grief” , “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Stolen Sun”), Nosov N.N. (“Cucumbers”, “Patch”, “Putty”, “On the Hill”), fairy tales by Perrault S. (Little Red Riding Hood, “Cinderella” , “Puss in Boots”, “Tom Thumb”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Rike with the Tuft”), fairy tales by G.H. Andersen. (“Thumbelina”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “Flint”, “The Swineherd”, “Baby Talk”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “Wild Swans”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “The Little Mermaid”, “ Princess on the Pea"); fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm (“The Worn Slippers”, “King Thrushbeard”), O. Wilde (“The Egoistic Giant”, “The Nightingale and the Rose”, “The Devoted Friend”, “The Happy Prince”, “The Remarkable Rocket”, “The Young King”) ).

After studying the works of writers, I assign one or two works to be read to the children for a week, then in class the children write a test on the work they read. When several works of the author being studied have been read and studied, I conduct a general quiz lesson, KVN, an auction lesson, and invite children to dramatize excerpts from fairy tales and write an essay about their favorite work.

I offer some tests on the works of N. Nosov.

Mishkina porridge

1. Where did Nikolai live when Mishka came to him?

a) in the village
b) in the city
c) at the dacha
d) in the village

2. How many days did mom leave for?

a) for one
b) by two
c) for several

3. How much cereal did Mishka pour in?

a) half a pan
b) on the bottom
c) a whole pan

4. Where did the guys cook the porridge?

a) on the stove
b) at the stake
c) in the oven

5. How many times did the guys add water?

a) many times
b) 2 times
c) 3 times

6. Why didn’t Bear bring water?

a) was afraid to go into the dark
b) dropped the bucket into the well
c) there was no water at the pump

7. What did the guys use to fill the water?

a) a teapot
b) a glass
c) a mug
d) a saucepan

8. Why didn’t the guys eat the porridge?

a) not cooked enough
b) not salty, bitter, stinks of burning
c) didn’t want to eat it

9. What else did the guys try to cook?

a) boil potatoes
b) fry the pasta
c) fry fish
d) cook soup

10. How did the guys thank their neighbor?

a) water was applied
b) hay was cut
c) the garden was weeded
d) the garden was watered.

On the hill

1. What was the name of the boy in the story? ____________________________

2. What did the hero of the story decide to ride down the hill?

a) on a sled
b) skiing
c) skating
d) on a board

3. Why couldn’t the boy go for a ride?

a) did not freeze well
b) was not ready yet
c) didn’t know how to ride properly

4. How did he ruin the slide?

a) scratched everything
b) sprinkled with sand
c) poked holes

5. What did Kotka do to make it easy to climb the hill?

a) side sills
b) nailed the railing
c) sprinkled sand on the back.


1. Where did Pavlik take Kotka?

a) to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries
b) to fish in the river
c) travel

2. What did the collective farm watchman do?

a) ran after them
b) blew the whistle
c) fired a gun

3. What did Kotka decide to do with the cucumbers when his mother was sent back?

a) take it to Pavlik
b) throw it in a ditch and say that he carried it
c) eat on the way
d) take it to grandfather

4. How many cucumbers did Kotka give?

and all
b) one thing was missing
c) two or three were missing

5. What is the story about?

a) about good and evil
b) about honesty and conscience
c) about two boys and cucumbers


1. What kind of pants did Bobka wear?

a) black
b) blue
c) protective color

2. Where did Bobka tear his pants?

a) caught on a nail
b) fell and broke on the asphalt
c) climbed a tree and tore it apart on a branch

3. How many times did Bobka sew on a patch?

a) sewed it right away
b) sewed it 2 times
c) his mother helped him

4. What did Bobka promise the guys to learn to do?

a) sew on loops
b) sew buttons
c) sew on a hanger
d) tie shoelaces


1. Why are Valya and Kolya entertainers?

a) made up different stories
b) started some games
c) told tall tales

2. What fairy tale did the children play?

a) Wolf and Fox
b) Teremok
c) The Three Little Pigs

3. Why were the children afraid?

a) Someone touched Valya’s leg, and she thought it was a gray wolf
b) there was some rustling sound
c) someone knocked

4. How did the story end?

a) they stopped playing the three little pigs
b) the game continued
c) started playing another game


1. Where did the children get the putty?

a) the glazier gave
b) found
c) picked from the window

2. How did the guys lose their putty?

a) the uncle sat on her
b) lost
c) the big boys took it away

3. What were the guys doing when they scraped the putty off the chair?

a) started watching a movie
b) talked to each other
c) ate gingerbread

4. After an unsuccessful search for putty, the children saw on the screen:

a) sequel to the film
b) dark screen
c) the inscription “End”

5. Review of the film:

a) liked the movie
b) I liked the movie, we’ll go again
c) some nonsense on vegetable oil

Living hat

1. What were the guys afraid of?

a) someone knocked
b) the hat was moving
c) strange sounds

2. Actions of the guys:

a) defended themselves from the hat as best they could
b) ran away from home
c) sat rooted to the spot and waited for what would happen next

3. What was Vaska doing when he jumped out from under the hat?

a) snorted and squinted from the light
b) ran away as best he could
c) scratched, pulled out of the children’s hands, meowed.

Bobik visiting Barbos

1. What was the name of Barbos’ friend?

a) Fluff
b) Vaska
c) Murzik

2. What did Barbos do before meeting Bobik?

a) was walking on the street
b) sat on the windowsill and yawned around
c) ran a race with the cat

3. How did Bobik get into the apartment?

a) through the window
b) through the door
c) through the balcony

4. Where did Bobik live?

a) in the house at the entrance
b) under the fence
c) in the kennel

5. What was the first unusual object Bobik saw?

a) watch
b) a picture
c) carpet

6. Where did Bobik see another dog and was very surprised?

a) in the mirror
b) in the window
c) in another room

7. What did Barbos hit with his paw when he climbed onto the shelf?

a) in porridge
b) in cabbage soup
c) in jelly

8. Where, according to Barbos, did grandfather sleep?

a) on the bed
b) on the sofa
c) near the door on the rug

9. What was hanging on the nail?

a) belt
b) whip
c) broom

10. Where did Barbos hide from his grandfather?

a) ran out the window
b) hid in a corner near the closet
c) hid under the bed

11. What did the cat Barboska bring for dinner?

a) a piece of sausage
b) chicken leg
c) a piece of meat


1. How many days earlier did the guys arrive?

a) in 2 days
b) for a few
c) in 1 day

2. What was the name of the camp guard?

a) Natalya Petrovna
b) Olga Ivanovna
c) Maria Maksimovna

3. What birds had nests on old linden trees?

a) crows
b) rooks
c) nests forty

4. Which of the guys went to bed in the middle?

a) Kolya
b) Kostya
c) Teddy bear

5. What did Bear put under the pillow?

a) stone
b) ax
c) knife

6. Which of the guys fell asleep first?

a) Kostya
b) Teddy bear
c) Kolya
d) no one fell asleep

7. Why did the guys wake up in the morning?

a) from a terrible knock on the door
b) the watchman woke up
c) got up themselves

8. Who knocked on the guys’ door at night?

a) no one
b) watchman
c) dog paw
d) crow

9. Who do the guys consider brave?

a) Kolya
b) Teddy bear
c) Kostya


1. How many people were in each brigade?

a) three
b) two
at four
d) several

2. What award should the winning brigade receive?

a) certificate of honor
b) red banner
c) cash bonus

3. What was the plot number for Viti and Kolya?

a) No. 12
b) No. 14
c) No. 11

4. What did Mishka do most when digging the site on the first day?

a) rested under a bush
b) ran around other areas
c) dug by the sweat of his brow

5. What did Mishka do most on the second day of work?

a) measured the dug up area and the root of the stump with a tape measure
b) constantly talked with other guys
c) repaired a shovel

6. What was supposed to scare away the crows from the garden?

a) watchman
b) guard dogs
c) scarecrow

7. What idea came to Mishka’s head?

a) make a miracle shovel
b) at night, when everyone is asleep, dig up the garden
c) dig up a garden at night with a walk-behind tractor

8. By what sign did the guys understand that this was their garden?

a) a stump stuck out in the middle of the garden
b) there was little dug up land on the site
c) the guys checked the site number

9. The next day Mishka and Kolya were the first to rush to the garden

a) no, they trailed behind all the children
b) yes, we ran forward to quickly finish digging up the area
c) walked with all the guys together and laughed.

10. Did the news make Mishka and Kolya happy this morning?

a) yes, because they will have to receive the banner
b) no, because found out that they dug up someone else's land

11. How did the guys decide to mark the lagging area?

a) put up a scarecrow
b) mark the area with green flags
c) constantly give other guys to help those lagging behind

12. Mishka and Kolya stopped being lagging behind by the fall

a) yes
b) yes, but only in the fall
c) no, because Mishka always confused everything

13. What else did Mishka and Kolya take in addition to the banner?

a) a whole basket of grown vegetables
b) certificate of honor
c) scarecrow