Interim assessment 3. Mathematics testing plan

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gremyachevskaya school No. 1

“Agreed” “I approve”

Head of the Moscow Region School Director_________ Guseva N.V.

Shpilkova N. N.

MoD protocol _______

dated "____" _______2016 No.____ order dated "___" ______2016 No.___

Test materials

for intermediate certification

in mathematics in 3rd grade

Teachers: Shilyganova I.V.,

Shpilkova N. N.

R. p. Gremyachevo


Interim certification mathematics

3rd grade (2015-2016 academic year)

1. The purpose of the work is to determine the quality of students’ assimilation of program material for grade 3.

level of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the standard in mathematics;

level of formation educational activities;

level of development of self-control skills when performing educational tasks.

2. The content of the work corresponds work program training course"Mathematics" for 3rd grade (author's program

Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V. Kolyagina Yu.M., Volkova S.I., Stepanova S.V., approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (("School of Russia" Concept and programs for primary classes. In 2 parts - M.: Education, 2010.), in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education.

3. The following are used methodological manuals:
Mathematics. 3 grades Part 1, 2 Moro M.A., Bantova S.I. Enlightenment, 2014

Math notebook for 3rd grade, 3rd grade. Part 1, 2 Moro M.A., Bantova S.I. Enlightenment, 2015

Mathematics tests: 3rd grade. Part 1, 2: Rudnitskaya V., Education, 2015


The materials for the intermediate certification were compiled by a primary school teacher.
3. Selection and distribution of tasks. Based on the analysis of the program requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of 3rd grade students, the following topics were identified:
"Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 1000"

“The order of performing mathematical operations”;

"Solving compound problems."

"Polygon Perimeter"

"Comparison of quantities"

The distribution of test tasks across these blocks is presented in the table.

Total: 6 100%

4. Structure of monitoring control work.

The test contains 6 tasks that allow you to determine the degree of mastery of the studied program material.

The knowledge, abilities and skills of students, which are tested in each of the tasks, are given in the table.

Structure of the test

5. Time and method of completing tasks.

One lesson (45 minutes) is allotted to complete the test. Each student receives the text of one of the test options.

6. Work options.

The test is compiled in 2 versions, identical in the number of tasks, level of difficulty, and order of tasks.

Maximum number of points – 5 points
Criteria for assessing the test work

Number of errors Mark

no errors 5

1-2 errors 4

3-5 errors 3

more than 5 2

Note : Task No. 6* is assessed separately.


Option I
1. Solve the problem.

36 kg of potatoes were collected from one plot, and 3 times less from another. All potatoes were packaged in 4 kg bags. How many packages did you get?

2. Solve the examples in a column.
138 + 567

447 – 189

152 6


18 + 36:9 + 6 8

(80 + 180:3) + 60

4. Draw a rectangle with sides 5 cm and 3 cm. Find its area and perimeter.

5. Translate.

125 cm = ... m ... dm ... cm

847 dm = … m … dm

7 m 3 cm = ... cm

6.* Solve the problem:

The doctor prescribed the seven gnomes to each take 3 tablets a day for a week and gave them 9 packages of medicine, 20 tablets each. Will the dwarves have enough pills?

Option II
1. Solve the problem.

Solve the problem.

One bag contains 27 kg of cereal. And in the other it is 3 times less. All cereals were packaged in 2 kg bags. How many packages did you get?

2. Solve the examples in a column.
523 + 197

831 – 369

279 3


3. Find the meaning of the expressions.

(18 + 36): 9 + 6 8

720:(2 + 7) + 120

4. Draw a rectangle with sides 6 cm and 2 cm. Find its area and perimeter.

5. Translate.

8 m 4 cm = ... cm

275 cm = ... m ... dm ... cm

631 dm = … m … dm

6.* Solve the problem:

Winnie the Pooh, Brer Rabbit and Piglet ate 7 cans of condensed milk together. Piglet ate half as much as Brother Rabbit, and Brother Rabbit ate half as much as Winnie the Pooh. Who ate how much condensed milk?

Answers to test assignments
Task No. Option 1 Option 2

1. 12 packs. 18 packages

2. 705, 258, 912, 132 720, 462, 837,396
3. 70, 200 54, 200

4. Р –16 m,
S– 15 sq.m. R – 16 m,S– 12 sq.m
5. 1m2dm5cm, 84m7dm, 703 cm, 804 cm, 2m7dm5cm, 63m1dm

6. additional Yes, 33 left 4,2,1


1.Moro M.I. Mathematics: textbook for grade 3 / M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova,
S. I. Volkova and others: at 2 o'clock - M.: Education, 2014.

2.Moro M.I. Notebook on mathematics for grade 3: at 2 o'clock / M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, S.I. Volkova and others - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2015.

3. Mokrushina O. A. Lesson-based developments in mathematics: 3rd grade. To the educational set of M. I. Moro - Moscow: “VAKO”, 2014.

4. Shklyarova T. V. Collection independent work“Measure and calculate!”, 3rd grade (Manual for primary grades) / M.: “Gramotey”, 2010.

5. Shklyarova T.V. Collection of independent works “Try and solve!”, 3rd grade (Manual for primary classes) / M.: “Gramotey”, 2011.

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 04/27/2016



Nightingale song

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

A)Fades awaylongday.

b) They fall silentvotebirds.

c) Here he isis sittingonbitch.

The wonderful head falls silent

Huge - ____________________


A)Fades awaylongday.

The wonderful head falls silent



Appendix No. 3

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Control and measurement material for intermediate certification work

for the 3rd grade course in the subject Russian language

Last name, first name________________________________________________



Dawn in the forest.

1. The warm summer night is over. 2. There is a light fog over the forest. 3. Morning dew covered the leaves on the trees. 4. The songbirds woke up. 5. The cuckoo crowed loudly. 6.The warm summer sun has risen. 7.It dried the dew. 8.The birds sang joyfully. 9. A tired hare returned from a night hunt. 10At night a cunning fox chased him. 11. The little bunny ran away from all the enemies.

Words for reference:singers, crowed, rose.

1.Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis:

A)Light fogstands above the forest.

b)Woke upsingersbirds.


2. Sort out the words according to their composition:

The summer fox began to sing

3. Indicate the number of the sentence that says who returned home tired?_________________________________

4. Find synonyms for these words:

to be sad - ____________________

wet - ____________________

4.Make two sentences on the topic “Summer”.


Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016


Assessment Guidelines


replacing words;

two corrections;

two punctuation errors;

word wrap.

Grammar tasks.

Exercise 1 .

Assessment Guidelines



Invalid offer


Task 2. Analysis of words by composition.

Assessment Guidelines


All words are parsed correctly


Two words parsed correctly


One word parsed correctly


All words are parsed incorrectly


Task 3.

Assessment Guidelines


Correct offer selected


Wrong offer selected


Assessment Guidelines





Assessment Guidelines



1-2 corrections are allowed.


In terms of content and speech design:



In terms of content and speech design:

Admitteddeviations from the topic;

Dictionary is poor;

There are speech inaccuracies;



In terms of content and speech design:

I don't comply with offerst topic;

ABOUTthere is no connection between them;



Mark on a five-point scale

Primary points

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 04/27/2016

Demonstration material for intermediate certification work

for the 3rd grade course in the subject of mathematics

Last name, first name________________________________________________



Nightingale song

1. The sun has set. 2. The long day is fading. 3. The voices of the birds fall silent. 4. Silence falls. 5. But in the dusk of the evening a new bird song was heard. 6. The singer tries out his strong, wonderful voice. 7. It clicked and made a long whistle. 8. He was silent for a moment, whistled again, and began to trill.

9. Who sings so well at dusk? 10.Here he is sitting on a branch. 11. Sam gray, as tall as a sparrow.

12. The bird raised its head and opened its beak. 13. The nightingale’s song floats easily and freely in the silence of the night.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

1.Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis:

A)Fades awaylongday.

b) They fall silentvotebirds.

c) Here he isis sittingonbitch.

2. Sort out the words according to their composition:

The wonderful head falls silent

3.Indicate the number of the sentence that talks about whose song is heard in silence?_________________________________

4. Find synonyms for these words:

Sad - ____________________

Huge - ____________________

4.Make two sentences on the topic “Spring”.



A)Fades awaylongday.

The wonderful head falls silent



Students make up two sentences that are related in meaning. In which the logical sequence of disclosure of the topic is observed. The offer must be widespread.

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from April 27, 2016

Demonstration material for intermediate certification work

for the 3rd grade course in the subject of mathematics


Last name, first name ________________________________Class______

1. Arrange the numbers in descending order.

32, 203,220, 222,23 ________________________________________________

2. a) Replace the numbers with the sum of the digit terms.

342 =__________________________________________________________________

809 =__________________________________________________________________

560 = ____________________________________________________________________

3.Solve the equation: 563 - x = 210 . What is x equal to?

a) 310 b) 353 c) 210 d) 110

4.Compare .

6 dm 5 cm _____ 5 dm 6 cm 2 m 6 dm ____ 26 dm 2 m 1 dm ____ 21 cm

5. Specify the procedure

36: 3 - 12:3 + 23

(24+57) -45

6. Connect the example with the answer

681 392 + 425 238

817 571 - 239 384

854 714 ׃ 3 332

654 227 ∙ 3 657

7. a) Find the perimeter of the rectangle if the rectangle is 7 cm wide and 4 times longer.

b) Find the length of each side of a square whose perimeter is 24 cm.


a) Mom put 48 apples on 4 plates. How many apples are on each plate?

60 12 52 Other answer ____

b) The seamstress sewed 2 buttons onto 12 trousers. How many buttons did she sew on?

3 75 24 40 Other answer ____

9.Read the problem. Choose the right solution.

The guys grew 52 red roses, yellow roses - 4 times less than red ones, and white roses - 28 more than yellow roses. How many white roses did the guys grow?

A) 1) 52 - 4 = 48 (pcs.) B) 1) 52 + 4 = 56 (pcs.) C) 1) 52: 4 = 13 (pcs.)

2) 48 + 28 = 76 (pcs) 2) 56 + 28 = 84 (pcs) 2) 13 + 28 = 41 (pcs)

10. The table shows the results of high jumps of three 4th grade students - participants in school competitions in 2014 and 2015.

Last name, first name

Result in 2014 (cm)

Result in 2015 (cm)

Vasilyeva Ira


Petrov Vitya



Syrova Galya



Lena looked at the table data and said: “Compared to 2014, Petrov achieved the greatest success.” Is Lena right? Explain your answer.

Answer: ______

Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.222, 220, 203, 32,23.

2. 342 = 300+40+2

809 = 800+9

560 = 500+60

3. b) 353

4.6 dm 5 cm > 5 dm 6 cm 2 m 6 dm = 26 dm 2 m 1 dm > 21 cm

1 3 2 4

36: 3 - 12:3 + 23

1 2

(24+57) - 45

6. 681 392 + 425 238

817 571 - 239 384

854 714 ׃ 3 332

654 227 ∙ 3 657

7. a) 70cm

b) 6cm

8.a) 12 apples

b) 24 buttons

9. B) 1) 52: 4 = 13 (pcs)

2) 13 + 28 = 41 (pcs)

10. Yes.

Explanation: Vitya Petrov increased his result by 14 cm, and other participants by 5 cm and 8 cm.

Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Criteria for evaluating intermediate certification work

in the subject of mathematics in 3rd grade

Distribution of test work tasks by content (topics)

Content blocks


Test task numbers

Number of jobs

Number sequence

Representation of three-digit numbers as a sum of digit terms.

Solving equations

Conversion of quantities


Computational operations with three-digit numbers

Solving problems with geometric content


Problem solving


Solving logical problems

Number of points for each task

Exercise 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Task 7

Task 8

Task 9

Task 10











Marks for completing the test taking into account points (10 tasks):

“5” - if the student scored 19-20 points (91%-100%)

“4” - if the student scored 15-18 points (75%-90%)

“3” - if the student completed 10-14 points (50%-74%)

“2” - if the student completed less than 9 points or less (less than 50%)

Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Criteria for evaluating intermediate certification work

in the subject Russian language in 3rd grade


Assessment Guidelines


There are no errors in the work, 1-2 corrections are allowed; the work is written carefully, in accordance with the requirements of the letter.

There were no more than 2 spelling errors or 4 omissions, the work was done cleanly, but there were minor deviations from calligraphy standards.

3-5 spelling errors or 8 omissions were made. The work is written carelessly.

There were 6 or more spelling errors or more than 8 omissions, the work was written sloppily.

An error in dictation should be considered:

violation of spelling rules when writing words;

incorrect spelling of words with uncheckable spellings;

omission, rearrangement, replacement of letters, syllables in words;

replacing words;

lack of punctuation within the program of this class

The following are not considered as errors in dictation:

errors on sections of spelling and punctuation that were not studied;

single omission of a period at the end of a sentence if the first word of the following

sentences are written with capital letters;

an isolated case of replacing one word with another without distorting the meaning.

The following are considered one mistake in dictation:

two corrections;

two punctuation errors;

repetition of errors in the same word.

The following are considered minor errors:

repetition of the same letter in a word (for example, potato);

the same word written twice in a sentence;3

incorrect spelling of one word (if there are several such words in the work

words) to the same rule;

word wrap.

Grammar tasks.

Exercise 1 . Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis?

Assessment Guidelines


The sentence with is correct grammatical basis


Invalid offer


Task 2. Analysis of words by composition.

Assessment Guidelines


All words are parsed correctly


Two words parsed correctly


One word parsed correctly


All words are parsed incorrectly


Task 3. Indicate the number of the sentence that says who returned home tired?

Assessment Guidelines


Correct offer selected


Wrong offer selected


Task 4. Find synonyms for these words.

Assessment Guidelines


Correctly selected synonyms for each word


Correctly selected synonym for one of the words


Not one synonym was found


Task 5. Write two sentences on the topic “Summer”

Assessment Guidelines


In terms of content and speech design:

Correct and consistent sentence construction, logically consistent presentation of the topic, absence of factual errors, rich vocabulary, correct speech format (no more than one speech inaccuracy is allowed)


There are no spelling or punctuation errors;

1-2 corrections are allowed.


In terms of content and speech design:

Correct sentence construction, the topic is covered, but there is a slight violation of the sequence of presentation of thoughts;

There are some factual and verbal inaccuracies;

No more than 3 speech defects in the content and structure of the text are allowed;


2 spelling and 1 punctuation errors.


In terms of content and speech design:

Admitteddeviations from the topic;

There were some violations in the sequence of presentation of thoughts;

Dictionary is poor;

There are speech inaccuracies;

No more than 5 speech defects in the content and structure of the text are allowed.


3-5 spelling errors and 1-2 punctuation errors.


In terms of content and speech design:

I don't comply with offerst topic;

The sequence of presentation of thoughts is disrupted;

ABOUTthere is no connection between them;

More than 6 speech defects and errors in the content and structure of the text


More than 5 spelling and 3-4 punctuation errors.


Table for converting points into marks on a five-point scale

Mark on a five-point scale

Primary points

Final testingin fine arts 3rd grade

1 . Which of the following concepts does not denote the type visual arts?

a) graphics b) sculpture c) cinema d) painting

2 . How many colors can you identify in a rainbow?

a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d) 13

3. What genre does the depiction of birds and animals belong to?

a) landscape b) everyday c) animalistic d) still life

4. What is the name of a painting made up of small colored squares of special glass (smalt)?

a) applique b) mosaic c) engraving d) reproduction

5. A drawing made with pencil, charcoal, ink or paint of the same color is classified as...

a) graphics b) painting c) ornament d) relief

6. Colors that cannot be obtained by mixing paints are called...

a) basic b) compound c) warm d) cold

7. Which of the following colors is not the main one?

a) yellow b) red c) blue d) green

8. White paper, there is a board for mixing paints and getting the desired color...

a) easel b) palette c) pastel d) watercolor

9. What is defined as the art of construction, architecture, the art of design?

a) architecture b) interior c) graphics d) composition

10. Which painting uses only white and blue paints?

a) Khokhloma b) Gorodetskaya c) Gzhel d) Dymkovskaya

11. Paintings depicting, various items household items, food, fruits, flowers.

a) landscape b) portrait c) sketch d) still life

12. A pictorial, graphic or sculptural decoration made from repeating geometric, plant and animal elements is...

a) ornament b) reproduction c) appliqué d) coloring

13. What colors can be mixed to create purple?

a) red and brown

b) red and blue

c) red and black

d) blue and brown

14. What is the name of a composition made of multi-colored glass that transmits light and is built into a window opening?

a) painting b) stained glass c) mosaic d) sculpture


Explanatory note

for intermediate certification in mathematics

for 3rd grade students.

Testing was developed on the basis of the federal state standard for primary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of October 6, 2009).

The purpose of this test is to carry out an objective individual assessment of educational achievements for a 3rd grade mathematics course. With the help of this work, the quality of the student’s mastery of the basic educational program of primary general education in the subject “Mathematics” is assessed, as well as the achievement of meta-subject planned results, the possibility of the formation of which is determined by the characteristics of this subject.

  1. Federal State Standard for Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373): text as amended. and additional for 2011 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards).
  2. Sample basic educational program educational institution. Primary School/ [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – 2, 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010, 2011. – 204 p. (pp. 60-63, 137-139, 180-182).
  3. Planned results of primary general education / (L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 1,2,3rd edition. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 120 p. (pp. 57-69).
  4. Assessing the achievement of planned learning outcomes in primary school / (M.Yu. Demidova, S.V. Ivanov, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 1, 2, 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 215 p. (pp. 46-104).

The main purpose of testing is to test and evaluate the ability of 3rd grade students to apply acquired knowledge to solve a variety of educational and educational problems. of a practical nature by means of mathematics.

The content of the work assignments makes it possible to ensure the completeness of testing students’ preparation at a basic level and the ability to record the student’s achievement of this level. The completeness of the test is ensured by including tasks based on the material from the main sections of the primary school mathematics course: “Numbers and calculations”, “Arithmetic operations”, “Working with word problems”, “Spatial relations. Geometric figures", "Geometric quantities". The work makes it possible to carry out a more subtle differentiation of students according to their level of preparation and to record the third-grader’s achievement of the planned results required for mastering not only at a basic, but also at an advanced level. For this purpose, tasks of an increased level of complexity are included. Thus, the results of the student’s work make it possible to characterize both the state of the student’s basic training and his development (the ability to find several correct answers, express his thought, prove it, etc.).

Content block

Number of jobs in progress

1. Numbers and quantities

5 (№ 1, 3, 4, 10, 14)

2. Arithmetic operations

8 (№ 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19)

3. Working with word problems

3 (№ 5, 15, 20)

4. Spatial relations.

Geometric figures.

1 (№13)

5. Geometric quantities

3 (№ 11, 12, 16)


Distribution of work tasks by level of complexity.

Tasks 1-4, 6-9, 11-14, 16-19 check the mastery of 3rd grade students educational material at basic difficulty level.

Most tasks do not require cumbersome calculations, which can significantly reduce the impact of computational errors on the student's understanding of the concepts and methods learned and the ability to apply them to solve problems.

Three types of tasks are used in the work: with the choice of the correct answer from four proposed options; with a short answer when you need to write down the result of the action performed; with a record of the decision or explanation of the answer received.

Performance evaluation system individual tasks and work in general

Basic level tasks, presented in any format, are assessed on one scale, advanced level tasks - on a different scale.

Completion of any basic level task is scored 1 point. Completion of advanced level tasks, depending on the complexity determined by the content of the task and its form, as well as the completeness and correctness of the student’s answer, is assessed from 0 to 2 points maximum. The work includes only four tasks of an increased level of complexity.

The results of completing a group of tasks of a basic level of complexity included in the work are used to assess the third-grader’s achievement of the level of compulsory basic training, which is the necessary basis for ensuring the possibility of successfully continuing education in primary school.

lead time

– for tasks of a basic level of complexity – from 1 to 3 minutes;

– for tasks of increased complexity – 3 minutes.

1 lesson is allocated to complete all work.

Below is a work plan that provides information about each task, controlled knowledge, types of skills and methods of cognitive activity.

Mathematics Test Plan


Content block

Controlled knowledge/skill

Difficulty level

Job type

Approximate time

Executions (min)


Point for completion

Numbers and quantities

Understand positional notation of numbers.


Arithmetic operations

Increase the number several times, knowledge of the multiplication table.


Numbers and quantities

Understand positional notation of numbers and mathematical terminology.


Numbers and quantities

Establish a pattern and continue the sequence of numbers.


Working with word problems


Arithmetic operations

Knowledge of the mathematical rule “Dividing a sum by a number”


Arithmetic operations

Knowing the order of operations in an expression


Arithmetic operations

Extra-table division, multiplication table, procedure.


Arithmetic operations

Name the components when dividing, knowledge of the division table.


Numbers and quantities.

Knowledge of time units, ability to distribute in ascending order


Geometric quantities

Knowledge of units of area.


Geometric quantities

Calculate the perimeter of a square when solving a practical problem.


Geometric figures

Recognize studied geometric shapes (quadrangles, triangles). Find all quadrilaterals that have a given property (having a right angle).


Numbers and quantities

Ability to represent a number as a sum of digit terms


Working with word problems

Solve a problem using an arithmetic method in two steps; write down the decision.


Geometric quantities

Calculate the area of ​​a rectangle when solving a practical problem.


Arithmetic operations

Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number.


Arithmetic operations

Find the fraction of a number when solving a practical problem.


Arithmetic operations

Ability to write division of a sum by a number as an expression.


Working with word problems

Solve a practical problem, perform actions with named numbers.



24 points

Legend: B – basic complexity, P – increased complexity;

VO – choice of answer, KO – short answer (in the form of a number, value, a few words);

RO – detailed answer (recording a solution or explanation of the answer received).


Time to complete the work – 1 lesson.

Read the assignments carefully!

At work you will meet different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose an answer from several proposed ones and circle the number next to the answer that you consider correct.

In some, you will only need to write down the short answer received in the form of a number or words in a specially designated space.

There will be tasks in the work where you need to write down a solution or a short answer and explain this answer.

Some tasks will seem easy to you, others - difficult. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If you have time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

We wish you success!


1 option

  1. What number has 8 tens and 6 ones?
  1. 68 2) 86 3) 28 4) 81
  1. If you increase the number 9 by 7 times, you get the number:
  1. 45 2) 73 3) 63 4) 54
  1. What number must be added to four tens to make 60?
  1. 60 2) 20 3) 40 4) 54
  1. Identify the pattern and write the next two numbers on the additional line

2,4,6,8, _______________________________________________

  1. Solve the problem.

A pencil case and 3 identical pens cost 75 rubles. What is the price of one pen if the price of a pencil case is 48 rubles.


  1. Choose the expression that makes the equality true: (20+16):2=

1)20:2+16:2 2) 20:2+16 3) 20+16:2 4) (20+2):16

  1. What action is performed by the third: (57+24):27*13=?
  1. Choose the correct solution to the expression: 48:24*2
  1. 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
  1. Find the quotient of the numbers 69 and 3. Write down the answer.
  1. Write down the numbers representing units of time in ascending order.

65 s; 24 m; 2 hours; 2 weeks; 13 months; 1 min

  1. 1 m2 is:
  1. 10 dm 2) 10 dm 2 3) 100 dm 2 4) 100 dm
  1. The side length of the square is 7 cm. What is the perimeter?
  1. 12 cm 2) 28 cm 3) 28 cm 2 4) 64 cm
  1. Look at the figures shown in the picture. Circle the numbers everyone
  1. Imagine the number 45 as a sum of digit terms.
  1. 20+20+5 2) 20+25 3) 10+30+5 4) 40+5
  1. Solve the problem.

There are 48 pencils in 6 identical sets. How many pencils are there in 4 identical sets?


  1. What is the area of ​​a rectangle if its length is 8 cm and width is 4 cm?
  1. 12 cm 2) 24 cm 3) 32 cm 2 4) 32 cm
  1. Increase the number 6 by 14 times. Mark the correct answer.
  1. 84 2) 78 3) 98 4) 91

18. Determine how many months there are in one fourth of the year?

  1. 4 months 2) 3 months 3) 8 months 4) 6 months

The sum of the numbers 76 and 24 divided by 50.


20.Solve the problem.

On a sheet of rectangular paper 12 cm long and 5 cm wide, a black square is drawn, the sum of the lengths of its sides is 20 cm. Find the area of ​​the white part of the sheet.



Teacher: /_______________/

Assistant: /______________/


  1. option
  1. What number has 6 tens and 3 ones?
  1. 39 2) 93 3) 63 4) 91
  1. If you reduce the number 42 by 7 times, you get the number:
  1. 6 2) 8 3) 36 4) 48

3.What number must be added to two tens to make 70?

  1. 2) 50 3) 40 4) 4

4. Identify the pattern and write the next two numbers on an additional line

4, 8, 12, 16, ____________________________________

5.Solve the problem.

Gingerbread and 4 identical chocolates cost 72 rubles. How much does one chocolate bar cost if a gingerbread costs 16 rubles?


6. Choose an expression that makes the equality true: (60+18):2=

1)60+18:2 2) 60:2+18 3) 60:2+18:2 4) (60+2):18

7.What action is performed last: 90-60+30:15=?

  1. subtraction 2) multiplication 3) division 4) addition

8.Choose the correct solution to the expression: 64:32*2

  1. 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1

9. Find the quotient of the numbers 48 and 4. Write down the answer.


10.Write down the numbers indicating units of length in ascending order.

  1. cm 100 cm 10 cm 11 dm 3 min 11 mm

11. 1 dm 2 is:

  1. 1 m 2) 100 cm 2 3) 100 cm 4) 10 cm 2

12.The length of the side of the square is 6 cm. What is the perimeter?

  1. 24 cm 2) 36 cm 2 3) 36 cm 4) 12 cm 2

13. Look at the figures shown in the figure. Circle the numbers everyone quadrilaterals that have a right angle.

14. Present the number 37 as a sum of digit terms.

1)10+10+10+7 2) 30+7 3) 20+17 4) 10+20+7

15.Solve the problem.

There are 56 buttons on 8 identical sweaters. How many buttons are on 5 of these sweaters?


16.What is the area of ​​a rectangle if its length is 7 cm and width is 3 cm.

1) 28 cm 2) 21 cm 2 3) 20 cm 4) 49 cm 2

17.Reduce the number 90 by 6 times. Mark the correct answer.

  1. 96 2) 15 3) 84 4) 10

18. Determine how many hours there are in one sixth of a day?

  1. 4 hours 2) 3 hours 3) 8 hours 4) 6 hours

19.Write down the expression and find its meaning.

The difference between the numbers 37 and 18 multiplied by 3.


20.Solve the problem.

On a sheet of rectangular paper 15 cm long and 6 cm wide, a black square is drawn, the sum of the lengths of its sides is 24 cm. Find the area of ​​the white part of the sheet.



Teacher: /_______________/

Assistant: /______________/

Checking and evaluating assignments.

In multiple-choice tasks, the student must choose only the correct answer from four options provided. If a student chooses more than one answer, the assignment is considered completed incorrectly.

For short answer assignments, the student must write down the required short answer. If a student gives incorrect answers along with the correct answer, then the task is considered completed incorrectly.

In the following table, the numbers of correct answers are given for tasks with a choice of answers, the correct answers are given for tasks with a short answer, examples of solutions and explanations are given for tasks with a written solution or explanation, a description of complete and partially correct answers is given, and the number of points that are awarded for one answer or another. Some tasks contain notes regarding the impact of possible shortcomings that students make on the correctness of the answer.

For completing each of the 16 tasks of a basic level of complexity, the following is awarded: 1 point - correct answer, 0 points - incorrect answer or no answer.

For completing each of the 4 tasks of an increased level of complexity, depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer, 0 to 2 points are awarded.

Criteria for assessing the completion of task No. 15.

Criteria for assessing the completion of task No. 20.



Characteristics of task assessment

The correct sequence of all solution steps is given, the calculations are performed correctly, the correct answer is written down

The solution to the problem is correct, but there are no explanations, the correct answer is written down


The correct sequence of all solution steps is given, but one computational error was made, or the correct sequence of all solution steps is given, but the answer is missing


The sequence of all solution steps is correct, but one computational error was made and the answer is missing

All solution cases that do not meet the above evaluation criteria

Note . The presence of spelling errors is not taken into account when grading math assignments.

Job rating scale.

23 – 24 points – score “5”

20 – 22 points – score “4”

15 – 19 points – score “3”

less than 15 points – score “2”

Overall rating quality of work.

23 – 24 points – high level

15 – 22 points – average level

less than 15 points – low level


Final testing in music grade 3

Student's first and last name_________________________________

A) ensemble B) choir C) duet

A) soloist B) ensemble C) trio

A) treble clef B) pause C) stave

A) 7 B) 5 C) 8

A) poet B) conductor C) pianist

A) expressive performance of the work B) tempo of the work C) diction of the work

A) drawn-out, sad B) cheerfully, solemnly, loudly

A) choreographer B) conductor C) director

A) melody B) song C) march

A) the role of rhythmic accompaniment

B) the role of solo instruments

C) serve as an additional tool

A) violin B) piano C) organ

20.Cello instrument:

A) string-bowed

B) string-plucked

B) wind


1 option

1. What is the name of the science that studies living nature?

  1. astronomy 2) biology 3) ecology 4) philology

1) microbes 2) stream 3) mountain 4) snow

1) parsley 2) nettle 3) dandelion 4) quinoa

5. What gas do living things emit when breathing?

6. Indicate the properties of water.

1) transparent 2) colorless 3) odorless 4) fluid

7. What does soil give to plants?

1) carbon dioxide 2) water with mineral salts 3) energy 4) light

8. What are substances?

1) comet 2) ant 3) water 4) nail

1) spider 2) earthworm 3) dragonfly 4) crayfish

10. What organ system are the lungs?

12. The first emperor of Russia?

1) Peter I 2) Rurik 3)Catherine II 4) Prince Oleg

1) peace 2) power 3) inwar 4) state

1) G.S. Titov 2) Yu.A. Gagarin 3) V. Tereshkova 4) Grechko N.R.

1) Tsar 2) President 3)Governor 4) Mayor

1) 1917 2) 1991 3) 1920 4) did not disintegrate

17. Name the descendants of the Eastern Slavs:

1) Russians 2) Poles 3) Ukrainians 4) Belarusians 5. Germans

18. Why did the Slavs begin to unite?

1) it’s easier to live 2) it’s easier to work 3) it’s easier to protect your lands 4) it’s easier to walk

19. 1. What is the continent called?

1) Large reservoir. 2) A large piece of land surrounded by water.

3) The surface of the Earth depicted on a plane, where objects are designated by symbols.

20. Insert numbers into the sentence.

21. A model of planet Earth is...

1) map 2) globe 3) site plan 4) layout

22. What is fauna?

inanimate world

Interim environmental assessment

studies _____ 3rd grade ______________________________________________________________

Option 2

1. What distinguishes humans from other living beings?

1) movement 2) growth 3) breathing 4) mind

2. What applies to living nature?

1) Sunbeam 2) bear 3) rock 4) ice

3. What is the environment?

1) inanimate nature 2) living nature 3) everything that surrounds a living being.

4. Specify a cultivated herbaceous plant.

1) carrots 2) clover 3) dandelion 4) quinoa

5. What gas do plants produce in their leaves under the influence of light and water?

1) oxygen 2) hydrogen 3) nitrogen 4) carbon dioxide

6. Indicate the properties of air.

1) transparent 2) colorless 3) odorless 4) flowing

7. What is not included in the composition of soil?

1) sand 2) water 3) air 4) earthworm

8. 8. What are substances?

1) sun 2) starch 3) ball 4) nail

9. Which animal belongs to the group of insects?

1) spider 2) wagtail 3) butterfly 4) sea urchin

10. What organ system do veins belong to?

1) digestive 2) respiratory 3) circulatory 4) musculoskeletal

11. What were the names of people who worshiped various gods of nature?

1) boyars 2) nobles 3) pagans 4) people

12. The first emperor of Russia?

1) Prince Igor 2) Rurik 3)Catherine II 4) Peter I

13. What does the word empire mean?

1) law 2) war 3) power 4) state

14. Who is the first astronaut?

1) G.S. Titov 2) V. Tereshkova 3) Yu.A. Gagarin 4) Grechko N.R.

15. The head of our state?

1) Queen 2) President 3)Governor 4) Mayor

16 In what year did the USSR collapse?

1) 1991 2) 1920 3) 1917 4) 1941

  1. People who excavate?

1) botanist 2) zoologist3) archaeologist 4) biographer

  1. Who are the ancestors?

1) People who lived before us 2) People who live with us now

3) People who will live after us

  1. The territory of the Slavs was located between the seas:

1.Red, Black, Baltic 2.Black, White, Baltic

  1. Insert numbers into the sentence.

On planet Earth there are ____ continents and ____ oceans.

  1. A model of planet Earth is...

1) layout 2) globe 3) area plan 4) map

  1. What is flora?

1) plant world 2) animal world 3)inanimate world


Explanatory note

for intermediate certification in Russian language

for 3rd grade students

Testing by academic subject“Russian Language” was developed on the basis of the federal state standard for primary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373). When compiling it, the following documents and materials were taken into account:

  1. Federal state educational standard for primary general education: text with amendments. and additional / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards)
  2. Planned results of primary general education / (L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova – M.: Education, 2009. – 120 p. (p. 22-26)
  3. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010. – 204 p. (p. 119-125)
  4. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. Formation of universal educational actions. Reading. Work with text. (Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [compiled by E.S. Savinov]. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010. – 204 pp.; pp. 36-44)

The work is intended to carry out the procedure for intermediate certification of individual achievements of 3rd grade students in the academic subject “Russian language”.

The main goal of the work is to test and evaluate the ability of third-graders to apply the knowledge acquired in the process of studying the Russian language to solve various educational and practical problems using the Russian language.

The completeness of the test is ensured by including tasks based on the material of the main sections of the Russian language course in elementary school: phonetics, word composition, morphology, syntax, spelling, speech development. The content of the tasks of the final work allows us to ensure the completeness of testing students’ preparation at a basic level and the ability to record the student’s achievement of this level. Due to the inclusion of tasks of an increased level of complexity, the work makes it possible to carry out a more subtle differentiation of students by level of preparation and record the third-grader’s achievement of the planned results required for mastering not only at a basic, but also at an advanced level. Thus, the results of the student’s work make it possible to characterize both the state of the student’s basic training and his development (the ability to find several correct answers, express his thought, prove it, etc.).

Distribution of tasks by main sections

Distribution of work tasks by level of complexity

The purpose of the work determined its structure and level of complexity of the tasks. The test contains two groups of tasks that are mandatory for all students to complete. The purpose of the first group is to test the mastery of basic (core) knowledge and skills in the subject, and the second group is to test the ability of students to solve educational or practical problems in the Russian language, in which the method of execution is not obvious.

The work contains 20 tasks. To the first group test work includes 16 tasks, which is 80% of the tasks from the total number of tasks; the second group includes 4 tasks, which is 20% of the tasks from the total number of tasks. Information about the difficulty level of the task is given below in the work plan.

The work uses several types of tasks: with a choice of the correct answer from several proposed ones, with a short answer, with a detailed answer.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

Tasks with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed ones are scored 1 point if the choice is correct and 0 point if the choice is incorrect or if there are both correct and incorrect choices. For assignments with short or extended answers, you can receive from 2 to 0 points; the difference in scoring depends on the completeness and accuracy of the assignment. Details about assignment grading and scoring criteria are provided in the grading guide.

Job completion time

The approximate time to complete the tasks is:

1) for tasks of a basic level of complexity – 1-3 minutes;

2) for tasks of increased complexity - from 2 to 5 minutes.

45 minutes are allotted to complete the entire work.

Test work structure:The test work consists of 2 equivalent options, each of which includes 20 test tasks of 2 levels of complexity.

The first level – from 1 to 11 and from 13 to 17 tasks – is basic.

The second level is 12, from 18 to 20 tasks - increased.

Foundation level assignments test the mastery of program requirements.

Advanced-level tasks do not exceed the requirements of the program, but are given in a formulation that is unusual for students and require a short answer; they are non-standard, given for the development of logical thinking and require a detailed answer.

Work Case Plan

Detailed information on the distribution of tasks by program sections, by type of task and by level of difficulty is given in the work plan.


Content block

Controlled knowledge/skill

Job type

Difficulty level

Maximum score for completion

Phonetics and graphics

Distinguish between sounds and letters.


Phonetics and graphics

Distinguish between sounds and letters.


Composition of the word

Knowledge of all parts of a word.


Composition of the word


Composition of the word

Determine the presence of a given morpheme in a word.


Composition of the word

Find the ending, root, prefix, suffix in words with uniquely distinguished morphemes



Find a noun with given grammatical features (gender, declension, case form)



Find a noun with given grammatical features (gender) among other parts of speech



Find a noun with given grammatical features (case form)



Find an adjective that agrees with the given noun



Identify grammatical features of adjectives





Find the word in the preposition






Find a word with an unpronounceable consonant






The ability to select a test word for a word with an unstressed vowel in the root






Knowledge of spelling b after sibilants






Find a verb with given grammatical features (tense, number, person).






Find a common grammatical feature of a group of words






Determine the presence of studied spellings in words.






Determine the presence of studied spellings in words. Independently determine the method of action when grouping words with the same spelling





25 points


Difficulty level: B – a basic level of difficulty, P – advanced level.

Type of task: VO - with a choice of answer, KO - with a short answer, RO - with a detailed answer.


45 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

In your work you will encounter different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose an answer from several proposed ones and fill in the circle next to the answer that you consider correct. Please note: sometimes in multiple-choice tasks there is only one correct answer! In some tasks you will need to write down a few words.

Some tasks will seem easy to you, others - difficult. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If there is time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to correct your answer, cross it out and circle it or write down the answer that you think is correct.

We wish you success!

  • a word can consist of a root, a suffix and an ending;
  • a word can consist of a prefix, suffix and ending.
  • vase
  • northern
  • transitions
  1. What parts of the word, besides the root, are there in the word hut?
  • prefix and suffix
  • suffix and ending
  • prefix and ending
  • shelf
  • book
  • gait

The highway goes around the swamp and goes into the forest.


  • sad
  • be sad
  • sadness
  • fire
  • fly through the forest
  • to fish
  • lived with my sister
  • marvel at the beauty
  1. Determine which adjective goes with the noun family.
  • big
  • friendly
  • strong
  1. An adjective is a part of speech that...
  • names objects
  • names the characteristics of an object
  • names the action of an object
  1. Three out of four words have a common grammatical feature (gender, number, ...). Find and underline the “extra” word.

boot, city, birch, garden

Because ______________________________________________________________


  1. Find a word with a preposition.
  • (y) fly
  • (at) the sofa
  • (care
  • participant..nick
  • wonderful
  • delicious
  1. Choose a test word for this word CR..SEW
  • shake
  • tiny
  • sew up
  • reeds..
  • borsch..
  • watchman..
  • mouse...
  1. Determine the gender of the verb:The sun looked through the windows.
  • male
  • female
  • average
  1. In which of the “fairytale” words should you write soft according to the rules of the Russian language?sign after hissing?
  • Krinyavsky shmyak
  • uklya kurol
  • horny musch
  • putukunkay kvoch
  1. curtains - storm
  2. plud - plut
    1. Determine how many sounds are in the word EL.
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  1. Choose the correct statement:
  • a word can consist of a prefix, root and ending;
  • a word can consist of a prefix and a suffix;
  • a word can consist of a suffix and an ending;
  • a word can consist of a prefix and a suffix.
  1. Find the word that is correctly parsed in composition.
  • goat
  • color
  • gait
  1. What parts of the word, besides the root, are there in the word grass?
  • prefix and suffix
  • prefix, suffix and ending
  • suffix and ending
  • prefix and ending
  1. Find the word that matches the diagram
  • road
  • notebook
  • drive
  1. From the sentence, write out the noun with a zero ending.

On Sunday our whole family went to the park.


  1. Which word is a feminine noun?
  • painful
  • disease
  • get sick
  • bolt
  1. Find a phrase in which the noun is used in the genitive case.
  • meet my sister
  • enjoy the rain
  • look at the picture
  • run from the wolf
  1. Determine which adjective matches the noun cloud.
  • big
  • fluffy
  • distant
  1. A noun is a part of speech that...
  • names the characteristics of an object
  • names objects
  • names the action of an object
  1. Three out of four words have a common grammatical feature (gender, number, ...). Find andUnderline the “extra” word.

month, stars, address, pie

Explain why this word can be considered “superfluous.”

Because ____________________________________________________________________


  1. Find a word with a preposition.
  • (c) whist
  • (with) the wind
  • (to mix
  1. Find a word with an unpronounceable consonant.
  • rider..nick
  • wonderful
  • close
  1. Choose a test word for the given word SP..SEW
  • sew
  • will keep up
  • rush
  1. In which word do you need to add a b sign?
  • watchman..
  • birth..
  • garage..
  • hut..
  1. Determine the gender of the verb:A seagull circled over the sea.
  • male
  • female
  • average
  1. Which of the “fairytale” words should be written according to the rules of the Russian language? soft sign after the hissing?
  • Mbyluvsky Chluj
  • roaring smooch
  • ashvaya with love
  • pecking fucoche
  1. Which group of words should be inserted into?O?
  • d..draw,, z..ran;
  • ..created, spoke, p..flew;
  • n..walked, passed..led, in..climbed.
  1. Write the words in three columns depending on what spelling is at the root.

top, heart, bed, late, tremble,

blouse, whitewash, sad, legs

Test work evaluation:

For each correctly completed basic task, the student receives 1 point.

For each correctly completed task of an increased level of complexity, the student receives 2 points, for a partially completed task - 1 point, if the task is not completed or the student has not started completing the task - 0 points.

If a student scores 23-24 points, he receives a mark of “5”.

If a student scores 20-22 points, he receives a “4” mark.

If a student scores 15-19 points, he receives a mark of “3”.

If a student scores less than 15 points, he receives a mark of “2.”

Feature of the test work is the complete independence of students. The teacher should not help students complete test tasks. If the teacher sees that a student is having difficulty completing a task, all he needs to do is invite him to move on to the next task.

Corrections in work are allowed, because This is a characteristic of the student’s development of the most important action of self-control for educational activities.


Interim certification for literary reading

Pupil(s) 3rd grade

Read the text:


Valya was a coward. She was afraid of mice, frogs, bulls, spiders, caterpillars. That’s what they called her - “coward”. Once the guys were playing outside, on a large pile of sand. The boys were building a fortress, and Valya and her little brother Andryusha were cooking dinner for dolls. Valya was not allowed to play in war, because she was a coward, and Andryusha was not suitable for war, because he could only walk on all fours.

Suddenly, shouts were heard from the direction of the collective farm barn:

-Lokhmach has broken free from his chain!..He’s running towards us!..

Everyone turned around.

- Lokhmach! Lokhmach!.. Be careful, guys!.. The guys rushed in all directions. Valya ran into the garden and slammed the gate behind her.

Only little Andryusha remained on the pile of sand; you can’t go far on all fours. He lay in the sand fortress and roared with fear, and the formidable enemy was attacking.

Valya squealed, ran out of the gate, grabbed a scoop in one hand, and a doll's frying pan in the other, and, shielding Andryushka with herself, stood at the gate of the fortress.

A huge, furious dog was rushing across the lawn straight at her. He turned out to be short and very wide. His bared, fanged mouth was already very close. Valya threw a frying pan at him, then a scoop and shouted with all her might:

-Go away!

- Whoops! Whoops, Lokhmach! Here! - It was the watchman running across the street to cut across Lokhmach.

Hearing a familiar voice, Lokhmach stopped and wagged his tail. The watchman took him by the collar and led him away. It became quiet on the street. The guys slowly crawled out of their shelters: one was coming down from the fence, the other was crawling out of the ditch... Everyone approached the sand fortress. Andryusha was sitting and was already smiling, wiping his eyes with dirty hands.

But Valya cried bitterly.

“What are you doing?” the guys asked. “Did Shaggy bite you?”

“No,” she answered, “he didn’t bite... I was just very scared... (1236 words) (N. Artyukhova)

Part 1.

1. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?



c.late autumn.

2.Where do the events described in the text take place?

a.on the street. the yard. the house.

3. Why was Valya considered a coward?

a. I was afraid to be at home alone.

b. I was afraid of mice, frogs, bulls, spiders, caterpillars.

c. was afraid to answer at the blackboard.

4. Indicate a combination of words that is close in meaning to the phrase “rushed in all directions”

a. in different directions. shelter.

under the protection of adults.

5. Mark the proverb that defines the main idea of ​​the text.

a. perish yourself, but help your comrade.

b. one for all, and all for one.

c.brave is not the one who has no fear knows, but the one who found out and goes to meet him.


b. main idea.

7.Which section of the book will you place this work?

a.a. about our little brothers.

b. friends are known in trouble.

c. He who has lost heart is lost.

8. Determine the genre of the work

a.fairy tale,


v. fable,

city ​​epic.

Part 2.

9.Name the heroes of the work.

10. Using numbers, reconstruct the sequence of Vali’s actions after the shouts: “The shaggy man has broken free from his chain!... He’s running towards us!...”

a. stood up,

b. ran out,

v. slammed,

g. ran in,


e. shouted,

I gave up,


11. Restore the correct sequence of points in the outline of the text you read.

a. Vali’s belated cry.

b. Warning of danger.

c. Life-saving assistance.

g.Children playing on a pile of sand.

village of Lokhmach.

12. Do you consider Valya a coward? Why?

13. Write down the names of writers (2-3) who wrote about children and about children.

14.Name the heroes of the works of children's writers whom you would like to be like.

Part 3.

Formulate and write down an answer (5-6 sentences) to the question

15. Did you like this work and why?

The folder contains materials on intermediate certification in the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, music, technology and art.

"Iso 3rd grade"


Testing and measuring materials for intermediate certification in fine arts in the 3rd grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom.

1.Purpose of work: determine the level of formation subject results for 3rd grade students based on the results of mastering the program. Establishing the actual level of theoretical knowledge of students in fine arts; establishing compliance of the students’ level of knowledge with the requirements of the program

2. Form: test.

3. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

4. Time of work

5.Stages of work:

3) performance of work:

b) completing tasks.

6.Work specification.

Tasks: check the students’ level of mastery of the following sections:

    Art in your home;

    Art on the streets of your city;

    The artist and the spectacle;

    The artist and the museum.

Task number Controlled skills Task type Maximum score
A1 Artistic experience creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A2 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A3 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A4 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of decorative and applied arts VO 1
A5 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A6 Experience in artistic and creative activities in the field of fine arts VO 1
A7 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A8 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres VO 1
A9 Experience in artistic and creative activities in the field of color science VO 1
A10 Experience in artistic and creative activities in the field of color science VO 1
B1 Experience in artistic and creative activities in the field of color science CO 2
B2 Experience in artistic and creative activities in the field of painting genres KO 2
B3 Experience in artistic and creative activity in the field of painting genres KO 2


There are 13 tasks in total.

10 tasks (VO) - tasks with a choice of one answer,

    task (KO) - task with a short answer

8.Evaluation criteria.

For tasks of type A, the maximum score for completion is 1.
For tasks of type B, the maximum score for completion is 2.
For an incomplete correct answer - 1 point, for an incorrect or no answer - 0 points.
To answer question B1, you need to correctly name the three colors obtained by mixing, B2 - at least 2 objects that are depicted in still lifes.
For a complete answer, in question B3, name at least 2 names of Russian artists.

“5” - received by students who have completed 94-100% of the work;
“4” - received by students who have completed 75-88% of the work;
“3” - received by students who have completed 50-70% of the work;
“2” - received by students who have completed less than 50% of the work

Conversion scale primary score on school marks

School grade “2” “3” “4” “5”
Total score 0-7 8-11 12-14 15-16

I. Read the task, choose the correct answer and mark it.
1. An artist's depiction of a person's face is called...
a) landscape; c) portrait;
b) still life; d) painting
2. A painting depicting nature is called...
a) landscape; c) portrait;
b) still life; d) painting
3. Who is a painter?
a) a person who can write;
b) artist;
c) a writer who writes lively, funny stories;
d) a person who draws very quickly and a lot
4. Which painting uses only white and blue paints?
a) Khokhloma
b) Gorodetskaya
c) Gzhel
d) Dymkovskaya
5. Which of the following authors is an artist?
a) I.I. Levitan; c) P.I. Tchaikovsky;
b) K.G. Paustovsky; d) B. Zakhoder
6. Who comes up with appearance buildings?
a) sculptor; c) architect;
b) fashion designer; d) engineer
7. What genre does the depiction of birds and animals belong to?
a) landscape b) animalistic
b) household d) still life
8. What is not depicted in still lifes?
a) household items; c) vase with flowers;
b) fruits and vegetables; d) people
9. Choose a warm color:
a) blue; c) black;
b) yellow; d) white
10. Which of the following colors is not the main one?
a) yellow b) blue
b) red d) green
Job type B.
II. Give a short answer to the questions
1. Solve artistic examples
Red + yellow = _________________
Blue + yellow = ___________________
Blue + white = _____________________
2. What do artists depict in still lifes?
3. Name the names of Russian artists that you know ______________


Job type A

Job number 1 2 3 4 5 6

Answer in a b c a c

Job number 7 8 9 10

Answer c d b d

Job Type B

B1 - orange, green, blue;

B2-fruits, vegetables, dishes;

B3-I. Levitan, I Shishkin, etc.


The final test (in the form of testing) is compiled in accordance with the B.M. program. Nemensky in fine arts on the basis of the state educational standard of primary general education and is intended for conducting intermediate certification without certification tests in fine arts in grade 3.

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"mathematics 3rd grade"


School director __________ Lomteva N.V.

" ______" _________________ 2016

Test and measurement materials for the intermediate certification in mathematics in the 3rd grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kajerom.

    Goal of the work: to establish the correspondence of the levels of mastering the ZUN program in the mathematics course of 3rd grade students, the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in Everyday life and practical activities.

    Form: test.

    The certification material is based on Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

    Work time: 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the work in the second or third lesson.

    Stages of work:

b) completing tasks.

    Job specification.

Mathematics Test Plan

Controlled knowledge/skill

Difficulty level

Job type

Approximate time

execution (min)


point for completion

Numbers and quantities

Understand positional notation of numbers.

Arithmetic operations

Increase the number several times, knowledge of the multiplication table.

Numbers and quantities

Understand positional notation of numbers and mathematical terminology.

Numbers and quantities

Establish a pattern and continue the sequence of numbers.

Working with word problems

Arithmetic operations

Knowledge of the mathematical rule “Dividing a sum by a number”

Arithmetic operations

Knowing the order of operations in an expression

Arithmetic operations

Extra-table division, multiplication table, procedure.

Arithmetic operations

Name the components when dividing, knowledge of the division table.

Numbers and quantities.

Knowledge of time units, ability to distribute in ascending order

Geometric quantities

Knowledge of units of area.

Geometric quantities

Calculate the perimeter of a square when solving a practical problem.

Geometric figures

Recognize studied geometric shapes (quadrangles, triangles). Find all quadrilaterals that have a given property (having a right angle).

Numbers and quantities

Ability to represent a number as a sum of digit terms

Working with word problems

Solve a problem using an arithmetic method in two steps; write down the decision.

Geometric quantities

Calculate the area of ​​a rectangle when solving a practical problem.

Arithmetic operations

Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

Arithmetic operations

Find the fraction of a number when solving a practical problem.

Arithmetic operations

Ability to write division of a sum by a number as an expression.

Working with word problems

Solve a practical problem, perform actions with named numbers.

24 points

Legend: B – basic complexity, P – increased complexity;

VO – choice of answer, KO – short answer (in the form of a number, value, a few words);

RO – detailed answer (recording a solution or explanation of the answer received).


Time to complete the work – 1 lesson.

Read the assignments carefully!

In your work you will encounter different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose an answer from several proposed ones and circle the number next to the answer that you consider correct.

In some, you will only need to write down the short answer received in the form of a number or words in a specially designated space.

There will be tasks in the work where you need to write down a solution or a short answer and explain this answer.

Some tasks will seem easy to you, others - difficult. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If you have time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to correct your answer, cross it out and circle it or write down the answer that you think is correct.

We wish you success!

The content of the work assignments makes it possible to ensure the completeness of testing students’ preparation at a basic level and the ability to record the student’s achievement of this level. The completeness of the test is ensured by including tasks based on the material from the main sections of the primary school mathematics course: “Numbers and calculations”, “Arithmetic operations”, “Working with word problems”, “Spatial relations. Geometric figures", "Geometric quantities". The work makes it possible to carry out a more subtle differentiation of students according to their level of preparation and to record the third-grader’s achievement of the planned results required for mastering not only at a basic, but also at an advanced level. For this purpose, tasks of an increased level of complexity are included. Thus, the results of the student’s work make it possible to characterize both the state of the student’s basic training and his development (the ability to find several correct answers, express his thought, prove it, etc.).

Distribution of tasks by main sections

Content block

Number of jobs in progress

1. Numbers and quantities

5 (№ 1, 3, 4, 10, 14)

2. Arithmetic operations

8 (№ 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19)

3. Working with word problems

3 (№ 5, 15, 20)

4. Spatial relations.

Geometric figures.

5. Geometric quantities

3 (№ 11, 12, 16)

Distribution of work tasks by level of complexity.

Tasks 1-4, 6-9, 11-14, 16-19 test the assimilation of educational material by 3rd grade students at a basic level of difficulty.

Most tasks do not require cumbersome calculations, which can significantly reduce the impact of computational errors on the student's understanding of the concepts and methods learned and the ability to apply them to solve problems.

Three types of tasks are used in the work: with the choice of the correct answer from four proposed options; with a short answer when you need to write down the result of the action performed; with a record of the decision or explanation of the answer received.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

Basic level tasks, presented in any format, are assessed on one scale, advanced level tasks - on a different scale.

Completion of any basic level task is scored 1 point. Completion of advanced level tasks, depending on the complexity determined by the content of the task and its form, as well as the completeness and correctness of the student’s answer, is assessed from 0 to 2 points maximum. The work includes only four tasks of an increased level of complexity.

The results of completing a group of tasks of a basic level of complexity included in the work are used to assess the third-grader’s achievement of the level of compulsory basic training, which is the necessary basis for ensuring the possibility of successfully continuing education in primary school.

lead time

The approximate time to complete the tasks is:

for tasks of a basic level of complexity - from 1 to 3 minutes;

for tasks of increased complexity – 3 minutes.

1 lesson is allocated to complete all work.

For each multiple-choice task, there are 4 options, one of which is correct. You need to choose the correct answer and circle it. In tasks No. 4,5,9,10,14,15,19,20, solutions are written on an additional line.

8.Evaluation criteria.

In multiple-choice tasks, the student must choose only the correct answer from four options provided. If a student chooses more than one answer, the assignment is considered completed incorrectly.

For short answer assignments, the student must write down the required short answer. If a student gives incorrect answers along with the correct answer, then the task is considered completed incorrectly.

In the following table, the numbers of correct answers are given for tasks with a choice of answers, the correct answers are given for tasks with a short answer, examples of solutions and explanations are given for tasks with a written solution or explanation, a description of complete and partially correct answers is given, and the number of points that are awarded for one answer or another. Some tasks contain notes regarding the impact of possible shortcomings that students make on the correctness of the answer.

For completing each of the 16 tasks of a basic level of complexity, the following is awarded: 1 point - correct answer, 0 points - incorrect answer or no answer.

For completing each of the 4 tasks of an increased level of complexity, depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer, 0 to 2 points are awarded.

Criteria for assessing the completion of task No. 15.

The solution is correct, the calculations are done correctly, the correct answer is written down

The calculations were done correctly, but there was an error in the name.

The problem was solved correctly, but the oveet is missing.

All cases of solution that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1.2 points

Criteria for assessing the completion of task No. 20.

Characteristics of task assessment

The correct sequence of all solution steps is given, the calculations are performed correctly, the correct answer is written down

The solution to the problem is correct, but there are no explanations, the correct answer is written down

The correct sequence of all solution steps is given, but one computational error was made, or the correct sequence of all solution steps is given, but the answer is missing

The sequence of all solution steps is correct, but one computational error was made and the answer is missing

All solution cases that do not meet the above evaluation criteria

Note. The presence of spelling errors is not taken into account when grading math assignments.

Job rating scale.

23 – 24 points – score “5”

20 – 22 points – score “4”

15 – 19 points – score “3”

less than 15 points – score “2”

General assessment of the quality of work performed.

23 – 24 points – high level

15 – 22 points – average level

less than 15 points – low level


1 option

1.What number has 8 tens and 6 units?

      2) 86 3) 28 4) 81

2. If you increase the number 9 by 7 times, you get the number:

1) 45 2) 73 3) 63 4) 54

    What number must be added to four tens to make 60?

      2) 20 3) 40 4) 54

4. Identify the pattern and write the next two numbers on an additional line

2,4,6,8, _______________________________________________

5.Solve the problem.

A pencil case and 3 identical pens cost 75 rubles. What is the price of one pen if the price of a pencil case is 48 rubles.


6. Choose an expression that makes the equality true: (20+16):2=

1)20:2+16:2 2) 20:2+16 3) 20+16:2 4) (20+2):16

7.What action is performed by the third: (57+24):27*13=?

1) subtraction 2) multiplication 3) division 4) addition

8. Choose the correct solution to the expression: 48:24*2

1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1

    Find the quotient of the numbers 69 and 3. Write down the answer.


10.Write down the numbers indicating units of time in ascending order.

    ; 24 m; 2 hours; 2 weeks; 13 months; 1 min

11. 1 m 2 - This:

      m 2) 10 dm 2 3) 100 dm 2 4) 100 dm

12. The length of the side of the square is 7 cm. What is the perimeter?

    12 cm 2) 28 cm 3) 28 cm 2 4) 64 cm

13.Look at the figures shown in the figure. Circle the numberseveryone quadrilaterals that have a right angle.

14. Present the number 45 as a sum of digit terms.

1) 20+20+5 2) 20+25 3) 10+30+5 4) 40+5

15. Solve the problem.

There are 48 pencils in 6 identical sets. How many pencils are there in 4 identical sets?


16.What is the area of ​​a rectangle if its length is 8 cm and width is 4 cm.

1) 12 cm 2) 24 cm 3) 32 cm 2 4) 32 cm

17.Increase the number 6 by 14 times. Mark the correct answer.

1) 84 2) 78 3) 98 4) 91

18. Determine how many months there are in one fourth of the year?

    4 months 2) 3 months 3) 8 months 4) 6 months

19.Write down the expression and find its meaning.

Sum of numbers 76 and 24divide by 50.


20.Solve the problem.

On a sheet of rectangular paper 12 cm long and 5 cm wide, a black square is drawn, the sum of the lengths of its sides is 20 cm. Find the area of ​​the white part of the sheet.




Teacher: /_______________/

Assistant: /______________/

Option 2

1.What number has 6 tens and 3 units.

1) 39 2) 93 3) 63 4) 91

2. If the number 42 is reduced by 7 times, you get the number:

1)6 2) 8 3) 36 4) 48

3.What number must be added to two tens to make 70?

1)67 2) 50 3) 40 4) 4

4. Identify the pattern and write the next two numbers on an additional line

4, 8, 12, 16, ____________________________________

5.Solve the problem.

Gingerbread and 4 identical chocolates cost 72 rubles. How much does one chocolate bar cost, if gingerbread

costs 16 rubles?


6.Choose the expression that makes the equality true: (60+18):2=

1)60+18:2 2) 60:2+18 3) 60:2+18:2 4) (60+2):18

    What action is performed last: 90-60+30:15=?

    subtraction 2) multiplication 3) division 4) addition

8.Choose the correct solution to the expression: 64:32*2

    4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1

9. Find the quotient of the numbers 48 and 4. Write down the answer.


    Write down the numbers representing units of length in ascending order.

1 cm 100 cm 10 cm 11 dm 3 min 11 mm

11. 1 dm 2 - This:

1) 1 m 2) 100 cm 2 3) 100 cm 4) 10 cm 2

12. The length of the side of the square is 6 cm. What is the perimeter?

1) 24 cm 2) 36 cm 2 3) 36 cm 4) 12 cm 2

13. Look at the figures shown in the figure. Circle the numberseveryone quadrilaterals,

which have a right angle.

14. Present the number 37 as a sum of digit terms.

1)10+10+10+7 2) 30+7 3) 20+17 4) 10+20+7

15.Solve the problem.

There are 56 buttons on 8 identical sweaters. How many buttons are on 5 of these sweaters?


16.What is the area of ​​a rectangle if its length is 7 cm and width is 3 cm.

1) 28 cm 2) 21 cm 2 3) 20 cm 4) 49 cm 2

17. Reduce the number 90 by 6 times. Mark the correct answer.

    96 2) 15 3) 84 4) 10

18. Determine how many hours there are in one sixth of a day?

1) 4 hours 2) 3 hours 3) 8 hours 4) 6 hours

19. Write down the expression and find its meaning.

The difference between the numbers 37 and 18 multiplied by 3.


20. Solve the problem.

Black is drawn on a sheet of rectangular paper 15 cm long and 6 cm wide

square, the sum of the lengths of the sides is 24 cm. Find the area of ​​the white part of the sheet.


Teacher: /_______________/

Assistant: /______________/

10. Answers.

Option 1

    2; 2) 3; 3) 2; 4) 10.12; 5) 9 rubles; 6) 1; 7) 2; 8) 1; 9) 23; 10) 1 min., 65 s; 2 hours; 2 weeks; 13 months ; 11) 3; 12) 2; 13) 2; 3.5.; 14) 4; 15) 32 k; 16) 3 ; 17) 1 ; 18) 2; 19) (76 +24): 50 =2; 20) 35 cm2

Option 2.

    3; 2) 1; 3) 2; 4) 20.24; 5) 14 rubles; 6) 3; 7) 4; 8) 1; 9) 12; 10)1cm, 11mm, 10cm,100cm,11dm; 11) 2 ; 12) 1; 13) 2,3,5; 14) 2; 15) 35 p.; 16) 2 ; 17)15; 18) 1; 19) (37-18) *3 =57 ; 20) 54cm 2

11. Literature. The content and structure of the final test in the subject "Mathematics" are developed on the basis of the following documents and teaching materials:

    Federal State Standard for Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373): text as amended. and additional for 2011 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards).

    Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – 2, 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010, 2011. – 204 p. (pp. 60-63, 137-139, 180-182).

    Planned results of primary general education / (L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 1,2,3rd edition. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 120 p. (pp. 57-69).

    Assessing the achievement of planned learning outcomes in primary school / (M.Yu. Demidova, S.V. Ivanov, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 1, 2, 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 215 p. (pp. 46-104).

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"music grade 3"


School director __________ Lomteva N.V.

" ______" _________________ 2016

    Goal of the work: determine the level of development of subject results among 3rd grade students based on the results of mastering the music program.

    Form: test.

    The certification material is based on Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

    Work time: 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the work in the second or third lesson.

    Stages of work:

1) introductory briefing for children about the features of this work

2) filling title page

3) performance of work:

a) reading the assignments silently (students begin reading the assignments at the same time, at the teacher’s signal)

b) completing tasks of part 1 of the test;

c) completing tasks of part 2 of the test.

    Job specification.


Personal results:

A sense of pride in one’s Motherland, people and history of Russia, strengthening cultural, ethnic and civic identity in accordance with the spiritual traditions of the family and people;

Availability emotional attitude to art, an aesthetic view of the world;

Formation of personal meaning of comprehension of art;

Positive self-esteem of your musical and creative abilities;

Productive collaboration with peers when solving creative problems, respect for other opinions;

Respect for the historical and cultural traditions of other peoples.

Meta-subject results:

– observation of various phenomena of life and art in educational and extracurricular activities, understanding their specificity and aesthetic diversity;

Orientation in the cultural diversity of the surrounding reality, participation in the life of a group, class, school, city, region, etc.;

Mastering the ability to realize one’s own creative ideas through understanding goals, choosing ways to solve problems of a search nature;

The use of sign-symbolic and speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems;

Ready for logical actions(analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, classification by styles and genres of musical art);

Planning, monitoring and evaluating one’s own educational activities, understanding their success or reasons for failure, the ability to adjust one’s actions;

Participation in joint activities based on cooperation, search for compromises, distribution of functions and roles;

Ability to perceive the world in all its social, cultural, natural and artistic diversity.

Subject results:

– sustainable interest in music and various types of musical and creative activities;

Developed artistic perception, ability to evaluate works different types arts, reflect on music as a way of expressing human spiritual experiences;

General concept about the importance of music in human life;

Basic skills and abilities in various types of educational and creative activities;

The use of elementary skills and abilities in the embodiment of the artistic and figurative content of musical works in various types of musical and educational and creative activities;

Willingness to apply the acquired knowledge and acquired experience of creative activity in the implementation various projects for organizing meaningful cultural leisure in extracurricular and extracurricular activities

    The structure of the test work option.

The test consists of 20 tasks designed to test basic subject knowledge. The first part of the work consists of 10 questions, for each task an answer option is given, from which the student must choose one correct one, or establish correspondence. The second part of the work is a quiz of 10 musical excerpts based on the musical repertoire completed over the year. For each correct answer - 1 point

8.Evaluation criteria.

Grade “5” - the student scored 16 - 20 points Grade “4” - the student scored 12 - 15 points

Score “3” - the student scored 8 – 11 points Score “2” - the student scored less than 8 points.

9. Control and measuring material.

Last name ________________________ First name ______________________


1. “Three pillars” in music:

a) opera, ballet, overture

b) song, dance, march

c) sonata, symphony, romance

2 . Which musical composition dedicated to the ancient Russian prince, who won the battle with the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipsi

a) opera “Ivan Susanin”

b) cantata “Alexander Nevsky”

c) opera-epic “Sadko”

3. Indicate the correct parts of the Peer Gynt suite by Edvard Grieg:

a) “Morning”, “Solveig’s Song”, “The Death of Oze”

b) “Dance of the Lilac Fairy”, “Puss in Boots and the White Cat”, “Dance of the Carabosse Fairy”

c) “Hosanna”, “Ocean-Blue Sea”, “Für Eliza”

4. What piano cycle is the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky dedicated to his nephew Volodya Davydov:

a) "Seasons"

b) “Pictures at an Exhibition”

c) “Children's album”

5. Indicate the characters of the opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Snow Maiden":

a) Lel, Mizgir, Berendey

b) Sadko, Lyubava, Nezhata

c) Sigismund, Antonida, Vanya

6. Three ballets by P.I. Tchaikovsky

a) “Raymonda”, “La Bayadère”, “Romeo and Juliet”

b) “The Nutcracker”, “ Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty"

c) “Spartak”, “Giselle”, “Petrushka”

7. Musical performance, in which characters sing and dance to the music of the orchestra:

d) overture

8. A musical performance in which the characters dance to the music of an orchestra:

b) overture

d) sonata

9. Instrumental piece-introduction to an opera or ballet:

a) overture

c) sonata

10. Establish a correspondence between composers and their works:

A) M.I. Glinka “Snow Maiden”

b) P.I. Tchaikovsky "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

V) N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “Children’s Album”

Part 2 Music quiz.

1) "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt". E. Grieg.

2) "Willows." A. Grechaninov, poems by A. Blok

3) The Snow Maiden's aria “Walking for berries with friends” from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Snow Maiden”.

4) Sadko’s song “Oh, you dark oak tree” from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko".

5) Choir “Glory” from the opera by M.I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".

6) “Morning Prayer” by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the “Children’s Album” series.

7) “Baba Yaga” from the series “Pictures at an Exhibition” by M.P. Mussorgsky.

8) I.S. Bach "Scherzo Joke".

9) "Clara's Lullaby" from the opera "Porgy and Bess". J. Gershwin.

10) Choir “Hosanna” from A. Lloyd-Webber’s rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar”.


10. a – “Ruslan and Lyudmila”b – “Children’s album”

c – “Snow Maiden”.


1.Kritskaya E.D., Sergeeva G.P., Shmagina T.S. “Music”: Textbook for 3rd grade elementary school students - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013

2. Workbook for 3rd grade students, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013

3. Reader musical material to the textbook “Music”: 3rd grade: M.: Prosveshcheniye, 2013;

The content of the curriculum corresponds to the working curriculum in music for grade 3 in accordance with the federal state educational standard of the second generation of primary general education, an approximate program of primary general education in music, taking into account author's program in music - “Music. Primary school", authors: E.D. Kritskoy, G. P. Sergeeva, T. S. Shmagina, M., Prosveshchenie, 2013.

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"Russian language"


School director __________ Lomteva N.V.

" ______" _________________ 2016

Testing and measuring materials for intermediate certification in the Russian language in the 3rd grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom.

    Goal of the work: determine the level of development of subject results among 3rd grade students based on the results of mastering the Russian language program.

    Form: test.

    The certification material is based on Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

    Work time: 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the work in the second or third lesson.

    Stages of work:

1) introductory briefing for children about the features of this work

2-3 minutes

3) performance of work:

a) reading the assignments silently (students begin reading the assignments at the same time, at the teacher’s signal)

b) completing tasks.

    Job specification.

Job No.

Testable skills

A basic level of

Linguistic competence

Ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words

Ability to conduct morphemic analysis of a word

Ability to distinguish related (same-root words) and word forms

Ability to identify grammatical features of parts of speech

The ability to determine whether a sentence belongs to a certain syntactic model

Language competence

Ability to work with the lexical composition of the language

Compliance with spelling standards

Compliance with punctuation standards

Knowledge spelling standards

Communicative competence

The ability to determine the functional-semantic type of speech

Ability to restore the correct sequence of sentences in a text

Increased level

Ability to distinguish parts of speech.

Ability to identify the main members of a sentence

Ability to create text in accordance with a given type of speech

7 .Test work structure: the test work consists of 2 equivalent options, each of which includes 14 test tasks of 2 difficulty levels.

The first level - from 1 to 11 tasks - basic.

The second level – from tasks 12 to 14 – is advanced.

Foundation level assignments test the mastery of program requirements.

Advanced-level tasks do not exceed the requirements of the program, but are given in a formulation that is unusual for students and require a short answer.

8.Evaluation of test work:

For each correctly completed task of basic and advanced difficulty levels, the student receives 1 point.

If the task is not completed or the student does not start completing the task - 0 points. Tasks are considered completed if there are no errors.

In task No. 7, only studied spellings are checked.

If a task has one correct answer, and the student has marked two answer options, then the task is considered uncompleted.

If a student scores 13-14 points, he receives a mark of “5”.

If a student scores 9-12 points, he receives a “4” mark.

If a student scores 6-8 points, he receives a mark of “3”.

If a student scores less than 6 points, he receives a mark of “2”.

A special feature of conducting test work is the complete independence of students. The teacher should not help students complete test tasks. If the teacher sees that a student is having difficulty completing a task, all he needs to do is invite him to move on to the next task.

Corrections in work are allowed, because This is a characteristic of the student’s development of the most important action of self-control for educational activities.

9. Control and measuring material.

Intermediate certification in the Russian language for a 3rd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School" p Kajerom 1st option.

Last name ________________________ First name ______________________

A) place B) daughter C) talker D) lily

A) speck of dust B) screamer C) kind D) cloudless

3. What wordis not cognate wordnose?

A) bridge of the nose B) nose C) wear

4. Indicate the word that haswrong

A) rustled – verb, past tense

B) bushes – noun, inanimate

C) forest – adjective, singular

D) they – personal pronoun, plural

Sit down please!

A) narrative B) interrogative C) motivating

6. Underline the option in which the synonym for the word is incorrectly chosen.

A) naughty boy B) blizzard-blizzard C) flame-smoke D) alphabet-alphabet

A) tie..., pyro..., move..., soft...cue;

B) yag...yes, k...mnata, apple...ko, v...drain;

B) p..tuh,, sev...r; p...sunok;

8. Define sentence boundaries. Separate them with lines. How many proposals did you receive?

The cuckoo in the distance was cuckooing loudly, the aspen trees were rustling quietly, the hare jumped out into the clearing, the grasshoppers were crackling in the grass

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

9. Find the word withwrong with emphasis:

A) alphabet B) willow C) caterpillar D) gate

In winter, snow is removed from the streets. Here is a machine with an iron scraper and a round brush clearing snow from the road. Another car approaches. She stopped near a pile of snow.

A) description B) narration.

11. Choose the correct order of sentences to make the text.

1) They sting him on the tip of his nose and tongue. 2) The bees take revenge on the bear. 3) Clubfoot often raids the homes of wild bees. 4) The beast has to flee.

5) The brown bear is considered the owner of mixed forests.

A) 3 ,2,1, 4, 5 B) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1 C) 5, 3, 2,1, 4

12. Write down the nouns:

sing, singer, jump, jump, jumper, singing, singing.


Silvery dew covered the meadows.

14. Continue the text according to the text type/2-3 sentences/.

The weather in October is damp. It rains all month.


Intermediate certification in the Russian language of a 3rd grade student at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom, 2nd option.

Last name ________________________ First name ______________________

1. Underline the word in which there are voiced and voiceless consonants nearby.

2. Underline the word that corresponds to this scheme: prefix-root-suffix-ending.

A) pilot B) fairy tale C) silent D) run

3. What word is the same root wordstorm?

A) thunderous B) formidable C) threaten

4. Indicate the word that haswrong grammatical features of a part of speech are determined

A) maple – adjective, singular

B) under the cart – noun, inanimate

C) draws – verb, present tense

D) it is a personal pronoun, singular

5. Determine what purpose of statement this sentence is:Eat, chipmunk, eat!

A) narrative

B) incentive

B) interrogative

6. Underline the option in which the antonym for the word is incorrectly chosen.

A) laughter - crying B) heat - coolness C) beginning - end D) noise - knocking

7. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

A) fuck...ka, faith...ka, shka..., love...b;

B) p... portrait, bed, n... November, R... Dina;

B) tract...r, m...rose, k...rtina, t...por;

8. Define sentence boundaries. Separate them with lines. How many proposals did you receive?

morning, light clouds float across the sky, leaves quietly rustle in the trees, a duck leads the ducklings to the pond, how diligently they follow their mother

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

9. Find the word withwrong indicated by emphasis:

A) closets B) conscience C) kennel D) kilometer

10. Read the text. Think and determine what kind of text it is.

The Russian forest is beautiful in autumn. Bright colors pleasing to the eye. Dry leaves are falling. The ground was covered with a colorful carpet. Withered grass rustles underfoot.

A) description B) narration.

11. Choose the correct order of sentences to make the text.

1) In the summer they prepared pine and fir cones, seeds of various plants. 2) The kids love to make different things. 3) She will produce forest toys. 4) And now a workshop has been opened. 5) These forest crafts will decorate our classroom.

A) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 B) 2, 1, 4,3, 5. C) 2, 4, 5, 1, 3

12. Write down the nouns:run, running, blue, blue, beautiful, beauty, frost.


13. Write down the main parts of the sentence:Tomorrow Lyosha is going to the theater with his mother.


14.Continue the text according to the text type/2-3 sentences/

It's slightly frosty outside. The snow crunches underfoot.



1 option

Option 2

12. singer, jump, jumper, singing.

12. running, blue, beauty, frost.

13. Dew covered.

13. Lesha is coming.


    Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G., Dementieva M.N., Stefanenko N.A., Boykina M.V. Russian language. Working programm.

    Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Textbook.3rd grade. At 2 p.m. Part 1.

    Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Textbook.3rd grade. At 2 p.m. Part 2.

    Krylova O.N. Final certification in the Russian language: class. M.: Exam 2014

2. Testing and measuring materials. Russian language 3rd grade / compiled by V.V. Nikifirova. - 6th ed., revised. - M: VAKO, 2014.

View document contents
"technology 3rd grade"


School director __________ Lomteva N.V.

" ______" _________________ 2016

Testing and measuring materials for intermediate certification in technology in the 3rd grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom.

1.Purpose of work: to determine the level of mastery by 3rd grade students of the subject content of the technology course in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, to identify content elements that cause the greatest difficulties for students and to identify the dynamics of learning effectiveness.

2.Form: test and practical work.

Contents included in the educational complex “School of Russia” according to the textbook “Technology” by N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova and others, used in the municipal educational institution “Secondary School” by p. Kadzher in the 3rd grade.

4. Time of work: 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the work in the third or fourth lesson.

5.Stages of work:

1) introductory briefing for children about the features of this work

2) filling out the title page

3) performance of work:

a) reading the assignments silently (students begin reading the assignments at the same time, at the teacher’s signal)

b) completing test tasks; 7-10 minutes

c) completing practical work assignments. 30 -33 minutes

6.Work specification.

1) Remember the rules and techniques for working with various materials and tools; be able to identify raw materials and the material obtained from them; be able to distribute figures into groups, be able to identify types of information.

2)Execution finished product"Box" according to the drawing"

Creating simple compositions on given topic on the plane and in space;

Ability to use means of expression fine arts: composition, form, rhythm, line, color, volume, texture; various art materials to realize your own artistic and creative vision;

Ability to use various materials to make a product.

7.Structure of the test and practical work option.

1)Total - 6 tasks;

2) 1 work (according to the instruction card).

8. Answers and evaluation criteria.


    Give some examples of human inventions. 1 point for each example. (3 points)

    Write down the safety rules when working with scissors. 1 point for each correct answer. (3b.)

    Connect raw materials and materials with arrows. (3 points).

Metal mess

Grain dress

    Write down methods for propagating indoor plants. 1 point for each correct method. (3 points)

    Distribute the figures into groups: a) cube, pyramid, ball,

b) triangle, circle, square, rectangle.

1 point for correct classification. (1b.)

    Fill in the blanks. 1 point for each answer. (3 points)

Bird song - oral information.

The math problems in the textbook are written information.

A drawing is printed information


    Give some examples of human inventions of the twentieth century. 1 point.

    Write down the safety rules when working with a needle. 1 point.

    Connect raw materials and materials with arrows.

Linen ring

Metal flour

Thread grain

    Write down the rules of care indoor plants. 1 point.

    Find the extra figure: square, circle,ball , triangle.1 point.

    Fill in the blanks.

The teacher's story is oral_information.

Phone number in notebook– written information.

A message in a magazine or newspaper is printed information.

Practical work. 3 points. The rating is given separately.

9. Control and measuring material.

Intermediate certification in technology of a 3rd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School" in the village of Kajerom, 1st option.

Last name ________________________ First name ______________________

1.Give some examples of human inventions.


2.Write down the safety rules when working with scissors.


Metal mess

Grain dress

4.Write down the methods of propagating indoor plants.


5.Distribute the shapes into groups: cube, rectangle, pyramid, square, ball, triangle, circle.

A) __________________________________________________________


6. Fill in the blanks.

Bird song - ____________________________ information.

The math problems in the textbook are ____ ________information.

A drawing is ___________ __information

Practical work. Option 1.

Instruction card

4. Assemble and glue the box.

Intermediate certification in technology of a 3rd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom, 2nd option.

Last name ________________________ First name ______________________

1. Give several examples of human inventions of the 20th century.


2.Write down the safety rules when working with a needle.


3. Connect raw materials and materials with arrows.

Linen ring

Metal flour

Thread grain

4.Write down the rules for caring for indoor plants.

5.Find the extra figure: square, circle, ball, triangle.

6. Fill in the blanks.

The teacher's story is ___________________________________ information.

Phone number in the address book - ________________ __information.

A message in a magazine or newspaper is ______________ information.

Practical work. Option 2.

Instruction card

1. Look at the box layout drawing.

2. Unfold the box on paper or cardboard.

3.Cut out the scan. Do the ricochet. Carefully fold the scan along the lines

4. Assemble and glue the box.


    Federal State Standard for Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373): text as amended. and additional for 2011 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards).

2. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – 2, 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010, 2011. – 204 p. (pp. 60-63, 137-139, 180-182)

The certification material is compiled on the basis of the educational complex “School of Russia”: according to

Work programs for primary general education in technology in grade 3 for the 2014/15 academic year.

View document contents
"reading grade 3"


School director __________ Lomteva N.V.

" ______" _________________ 2016

Test and measurement materials for the intermediate certification in literary reading in the 3rd grade of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School” in the village of Kadzherom.

    Goal of the work: determining the level of mastery by 3rd grade students of the subject content of the literary reading course in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, identifying content elements that cause the greatest difficulties for students and identifying the dynamics of learning effectiveness.

    Form: test.

    The certification material is based on Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

    Work time: 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the work in the second or third lesson.

    Stages of work:

1) introductory briefing for children about the features of this work

2) filling out the title page (before starting the work, a sample of filling out the title page should be drawn up on the board)

2-3 minutes

3) performance of work:

a) reading the assignments silently (students begin reading the assignments at the same time, at the teacher’s signal)

b) completing tasks.

    Job specification.

Offered literary text.

All tasks for the text can be divided into four groups depending on their purpose:

1 group assignments are aimed at testing the general understanding of the content of the text read, at testing the ability to find information given explicitly.

2nd group assignments are aimed at testing the ability to extract information given in implicit form from the text and formulate simple conclusions based on what has been read.

3 group assignments are aimed at checking the understanding of the texts used in the text. linguistic means, to check your understanding of the sequence semantic parts text, genre features text.

4 group assignments are aimed at testing the ability to understand general meaning text, determine the author's intention, select from a number of those listed a sentence that conveys the main idea of ​​the text.

Distribution of tasks according to selected groups:

Task group


Total tasks

1 group of tasks

2,4,6,7,8,10, 13

2nd group of tasks

1, 3,5 ,11,12,16

3 group of tasks

4 group of tasks

Checking the degree of reading comprehension includes the following parameters:

1. Checking the degree of extraction of factual information, i.e. information given explicitly. It turns out how much the student understands what is being said in the text.

2. Checking the degree of extraction of information contained in the text in an implicit form, checking the ability to formulate conclusions based on explicit and hidden information. The child's ability to understand what is said in the text is tested.

3. Checking the degree of success of the analysis of linguistic means and text elements. The child’s understanding of polysemantic words used in the text, words used in figurative meaning, figurative expressions, phraseological units, to test understanding of the sequence of semantic parts of the text, genre features of the text.

4. Checking the degree of extraction of conceptual information, the ability to interpret and summarize information obtained from the text. The ability to understand the general meaning of the text and to come to an understanding of the main idea of ​​the text is tested.

    The structure of the test work option.

1. Text for each student in the class to read independently to themselves.

2. Twenty-one tasks for this text

In the proposed test work, you can highlight tasks three levels Difficulty: basic, advanced, high.

Difficulty level


Total number of tasks

2,4, 6,7,8,10,11,13,16,21


1, 3,5,9, 12,14, 15,20

In testing work they use following types type of tasks: tasks with choosing the correct answer from four proposed ones (15 tasks out of 21), 1 task for numbering sentences - students must arrange numbers from 1 to 5, determining the correct sequence of points in the plan, tasks with a short and detailed answer (5 tasks out of 2

    Evaluation criteria.

The test work is assessed in points. For each correctly completed task No. 2, 3.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 21 test work, the student receives one point. For correctly completed tasks No. 1, 4, 13, 16,19 - 2 points each, for partially completed tasks - one point each. For correctly completed task No. 17 - five points for the completely correct order of the points of the plan and one point for each correct point. Thus, the maximum number of points that a student can score for the entire work is 30.

General assessment of the quality of the test work: less than 10 points - low level of work performance; from 11 to 20 is an average level, from 21 to 30 is a high level.

A mark of “5” is given to a student if he scores 27 or more points,

“4” - from 21 to 26 points, “3” - from 11 to 20 points, “2” - less than 10 points.

9.Control and measuring material.


B. Emelyanov

We lived in the forest on the banks of the Ural River - me, Arkady Gaidar, three more of our comrades and a girl, Natasha. They lived well and cheerfully, hunted and fished.

But one day Gaidar returned to camp, thoughtful and sad. We immediately realized that something had happened. Gaidar didn’t even pet the little puppy Kutka. Kutka was offended, stepped aside and lay down under a bush, covering his muzzle with his paws.

Natasha looked at Gaidar and sighed, and I asked, according to our custom, directly and simply:

Who upset you, friend?

And then Gaidar unfastened the bandoleer, hung it next to the guns on a stake near the tent and said:

    I was saddened, comrades, by extraordinary events. Do you know a large tall tree in the forest whose top was split by lightning?

    There are three trees in that forest with split tops,
    I said.

    “One fell yesterday when there was wind,” Natasha said.

    You are right, my dear! - Gaidar was delighted, because he rejoiced at every true word. - But this is not the tree we are talking about. My tree stands on the edge of a large ravine, and at the top of it in the cleft is the nest of a large eagle with
    white head and different eyes.

    “We know,” we all said together.

    So, okay...” said Gaidar. “And now, hunters, I’ll tell you about the most important thing.” I went out hunting at dawn and sat down to rest near that very tree. I sat so quietly that the old black grouse came within five steps of me and
    I walked around for half an hour, muttering and swearing: someone had picked the best blackberries in that place...

    “I was picking blackberries,” said Natasha. “But there’s no need to swear at the old scythe - there are so many of them there...

    I don’t know,” said Gaidar, “but suddenly this bird darted through the bushes in great fear. And I, mind you, did not move and saw a wolf crawling out from under the ravine onto the path...

    Just think, it’s unprecedented! - we said. “Tell me, don’t worry.” Every night wolves howl on Thick Mane.

    But this wolf was not an ordinary one, said Gaidar.

    Which one? - we asked. - Blue, black, white? As tall as a horse?

    The wolf was gray and even a little shabby,” said Gaidar, “but the fact is that he was walking along the bottom of a dry bayou and rolling a watermelon in front of him...

    “I see,” we said. “It’s good that it’s not a cart full of hay.”

“I knew that you wouldn’t believe me,” Gaidar said sadly.

We shook our heads and said nothing more to our comrade. None of us have heard of wolves rolling watermelons through the forest.

And we weren’t used to not believing Gaidar, and we couldn’t believe him either.

The whole camp we went to the old aspen tree. They walked for a long time.

My hunting dog stood up twice, and I killed an old black grouse with a white lyre and fiery eyebrows. But we never met the gray shabby wolf. And a week later, grandfather Zakhar, an old fisherman and collective farm watchman, came to our camp from the village of Kolovertny.

Help, hunters, fight off the wolves! - he said.-
The melons are being ruined, there is no way to save them. A full offensive was launched against the collective farm watermelons. They don't eat as much as they spoil. Forty watermelons will be chewed by the gray devil and only the forty-first will be eaten.

Gaidar came closer to the old man.

    Does it happen, grandfather, that wolves roll away watermelons from the melon patch? -he asked.

    Why doesn't it happen! - said the grandfather. - The year before last I was sitting under the yar, catching carp, so he almost killed me with a watermelon. He rolled to the ravine and pushed the watermelon into the water. Like a bomb

    Well, what about you?

    And I use his rod.

  • “Run away,” said the grandfather.

In the evening, we sat in ambush on the collective farm melon fields, saw for ourselves how wolves were gnawing watermelons, and at dawn we asked Gaidar for forgiveness for not believing his story about the forest meeting.

That’s it,” he said, shaking hands tightly. “How can you not trust a comrade if you yourself don’t know the real truth!”

Assignments to the text First name Last name

1.What time of year does the story take place?_________________

Prove it._______________________________________________________________


2. Where did the heroes of the story live?

A) in the village; B) in a camp in tents;

B) in the camp in huts; D) on the veranda.

3. The name of which mountains is similar to the name of the river on which the friends lived?______________________________

4.What did your friends do on vacation? Choose all the correct answers.

A) swam; B) hunted;

B) caught fish; D) sunbathed.

5. One day Gaidar came to the camp sad, why?

A) was surprised by what he saw; B) missed home;

B) was afraid that they would not believe him; D) got sick.

6.What was the name of the little puppy?___________________________

7. What was the puppy offended by?

A) he was not fed; B) he was not taken hunting;

B) they didn’t pet him; D) he was not allowed into the tent.

8. Where did Gaidar sit to rest during that memorable hunt?

A) near a split tree; B) at the edge of the forest;

B) on the river bank; D) in raspberry bushes.

9. How do you understand the expression “the black grouse... cursed: someone picked the best blackberries in that place”?

A) spoke like a person; C) made sounds characteristic of black grouse;

B) showed dissatisfaction; D) was angry with people.

10. Who scared the black grouse?_________________________

11. What struck Gaidar so much?

A) the wolf was carrying a cart of hay B) he was as tall as a horse;

B) the wolf was gray and shabby; D) the wolf rolled a watermelon in front of him.

12. Why did your comrades distrust Gaidar’s story?

A) have never seen this ourselves; C) they never trusted him;

B) Gaidar often made fun of his friends; D) wanted to see everything with their own eyes.

13. Who was grandfather Zakhar? Choose all the correct answers.

A) an old fisherman; B) a tourist;

b) collective farm watchman; D) vacationers.

14. How do you understand the expression “the wolves opened a full offensive”?

A) went on the attack; B) attacked villagers in packs;

B) attacked the hunters; D) began to destroy watermelons.

15. How do you understand the meaning of the highlighted word in the sentence: “The melons are being ruined, I won't save you!»?

A) haven't arrived yet religious holiday Apple Savior; C) it is difficult to find salvation from wolves;

B) it’s easy to find salvation from wolves; D) Let them ruin themselves!

16. What helped prove the correctness of Gaidar’s words? Choose all the correct answers.

A) ambush at the melon plant; C) the story of grandfather Zakhar;

B) seen by hunters in the forest; D) a report read in a newspaper.

17. Arrange the points of the text plan in accordance with the content:

Looking for evidence

18. Which sentence better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

A) And we weren’t used to not believing Gaidar and couldn’t believe him either. C) I was upset, comrades, by extraordinary events

B) How can you not trust a comrade if you yourself don’t know the real truth? D) Help, hunters, fight off the wolves.

19. What is the main idea given text?

A) deception will always be revealed; C) a friend will always help;

B) a true comrade will not deceive, trust him; D) friends are known in trouble.

20. In which collection could this work be placed?

A) literary tales; IN) interesting cases on the hunt;

B) fables about animals; D) stories about the seasons.

21 What interesting things did you learn by reading this story?________________________________



1)summer; 2)c; 3) Ural; 4) b, c; 5 B; 6) Kutka; 7) b; 8) a; 9) b; 10) wolf; 11) g; 12) a;13) a, b; 14)g; 15)c; 16) a, c; 17) 5,1,2,3,4; 18)b; 19) b; 20) in; 21) individual answers.


The certification material is compiled on the basis of the educational complex “School of Russia”:

    Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Literary reading. Work program. (Collection of work programs “School of Russia”, grades 1-4. Manual for teachers educational institutions. – M.: Education, 2011)

    Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G. Literary reading. Textbook.3rd grade. At 2 p.m. Part 1.

    Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G. Literary reading. Textbook.3rd grade. At 2 p.m. Part 2.

When compiling the certification material, the following teaching aids were used:

    Krylova O.N. Final certification in literary reading: 3rd grade. M.: Exam 2014

2. Testing and measuring materials. Literary reading, grade 3/compiled by S.V. Kutyavina. - 4th ed., revised. - M: VAKO, 2013.

1. Mastering the educational program (with the exception of the educational program preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of an educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum and in the manner established by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, ensuring that students receive general education in the form family education, are obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.

7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

9. Students in educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt from the moment of its formation within the established time frame, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are left for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological -medical-pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Students in basic professional educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from this organization as having failed to fulfill their obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.