Intermediate certification 3rd grade. Control and measuring material

Explanatory note:
In accordance with paragraph 10 of part 3 of article 28 of the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» the implementation of ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students, the establishment of their forms, frequency and procedure are within the competence of educational organization. The above Regulations are an approximate form proposed by the project developers and must be adapted by a specific educational organization when it is developed and approved by the educational organization.

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - primary educational programs general, basic general and secondary general education"and the Charter of the educational organization. 1.2. This Regulation on conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is a local regulatory act of an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) regulating the frequency, procedure, assessment system and forms of conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress. 1.3. Development educational program, including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students. 1.4. Current monitoring of student progress is a systematic check of students' educational achievements, carried out by a teacher in the course of educational activities in accordance with the educational program. Conducting ongoing monitoring of progress is aimed at ensuring the alignment educational process in the most effective way to achieve the results of mastering basic general education programs provided for by federal government educational standards primary general, basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard). 1.5. Interim certification- this is the establishment of the level of achievement of the results of mastering educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) provided for by the educational program. Intermediate certification is carried out starting from the second grade. Option 1 Interim certification is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results school year. The timing of the intermediate certification is determined by the educational program. Option 2 Interim certification is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results of the quarter (trimester). The timing of the intermediate certification is determined by the educational program. Option 3 Interim certification is divided into a quarter (trimester) intermediate certification, which is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results of the quarter (trimester), as well as a ready-made intermediate certification, which is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module at the end of the academic year. The timing of the intermediate certification is determined by the educational program. Option 3a). The annual intermediate certification is carried out as a separate procedure, regardless of the results of the quarterly (trimester) certification. Option 3b) Annual intermediate certification is carried out on the basis of the results of quarter (trimester) intermediate certifications, and represents the result of quarter (trimester) certification if the academic subject, course, discipline, module was mastered by the student within one quarter (trimester), or average arithmetic of the results of quarter (trimester) certifications in the event that an academic subject, course, discipline, module was mastered by the student in more than one quarter (trimester). The rounding of the result is carried out in favor of the student \ the rounding of the result is carried out in the direction of the results of the interim certification for the last quarter (trimester) \ the rounding of the result is carried out taking into account _____________________ (indicate other significant circumstances). Option 4. Interim certification is carried out in academic subjects, courses, disciplines, modules for which the educational program provides for intermediate certification, within the time limits provided for by the educational program (at the end of the year, half-year, trimester, quarter). 2. Contents and procedure for ongoing monitoring of student progress 2.1. Current monitoring of students' progress is carried out during the academic period in order to: - control the level of students' achievement of the results provided for by the educational program; — assessing the compliance of the results of mastering educational programs with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; — conducting student self-assessment, evaluation of his work by a teacher with the aim of possibly improving the educational process; 2.2. Current control is carried out by a teacher implementing the relevant part of the educational program. 2.3. The procedure, forms, frequency, and number of mandatory activities during ongoing monitoring of student progress are determined by the teaching staff, taking into account the educational program. 2.4. The results of current monitoring are recorded, as a rule, using a five-point system. The educational program may provide for a different scale for recording the results of mastering educational programs (for example, ten-point), and may also provide for recording a satisfactory or unsatisfactory assessment of the results of mastering educational programs without dividing into levels of mastery. Current monitoring of the progress of first-grade students during the school year is carried out without recording student achievements in the form of grades on a five-point system; it is permissible to use only positive recording that does not differ by level. 2.5. The consequences of receiving an unsatisfactory result of ongoing progress monitoring are determined by the teaching staff in accordance with the educational program, and may include extra work with the student, individualization of the content of the student’s educational activities, other adjustments to the educational activities in relation to the student. 2.6 The results of current monitoring are recorded in documents (class registers and other established documents). 2.7. The progress of students studying according to an individual curriculum is subject to ongoing monitoring, taking into account the specifics of mastering the educational program provided for by the individual curriculum. 2.8. Teaching staff bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) information about the results of ongoing monitoring of student progress both by filling out the required documents, including in electronic form (student diary, electronic diary), and at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students. Teaching staff, as part of their work with parents (legal representatives) of students, are required to comment on the results of ongoing monitoring of student progress orally. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to receive information about the results of ongoing monitoring of the student’s progress in writing in the form of an extract from the relevant documents, for which you should contact _____________________ (options: to the class teacher, secretary of the educational organization). 3. Contents and procedure for intermediate certification 3.1. The objectives of the intermediate certification are: - objective determination of the actual level of mastery of the educational program and achievement of the results of mastering the educational program; — correlation of this level with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard; - assessment of the achievements of a particular student, allowing to identify gaps in his mastery of the educational program and take into account the individual needs of the student in the implementation of educational activities, - assessment of the dynamics of individual educational achievements, progress in achieving the planned results of mastering the educational program 3.2. Interim certification in the Organization is carried out on the basis of the principles of objectivity and impartiality. Evaluation of the results of students' mastery of educational programs is carried out depending on the results achieved by the student and cannot be made dependent on the form of education, form of training, the fact of using paid additional educational services and other similar circumstances. 3.3. The forms of intermediate certification are: - written test - a student’s written response to one or a system of questions (tasks). Written answers include: homework, test, laboratory, practical, control, creative works; written reports of observations; written answers to test questions; essays, presentations, dictations, abstracts and more; - oral test - a student’s oral response to one or a system of questions in the form of an answer to tickets, conversations, interviews, and more; - combined inspection - a combination of written and oral forms of inspection. Other forms of intermediate certification may be provided for in the educational program. In cases provided for by the educational program, the completion of those other tasks, projects during educational activities, the results of participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, and other similar events can be taken into account as the results of intermediate certification. The educational program may provide for a cumulative point system for assessing the student’s performance results. 3.4. The results of intermediate certification are recorded, as a rule, using a five-point system. The educational program may provide for a different scale for recording the results of intermediate certification (for example, ten points), and may also provide for recording a satisfactory or unsatisfactory result of an intermediate certification without dividing into levels. 3.5. If a student misses, for good reason, more than half of the instructional time allotted for studying an academic subject, course, discipline, or module, the student has the right to postpone the interim assessment. New term the conduct of intermediate certification is determined by the Organization taking into account the curriculum, individual curriculum based on the application of the student (his parents, legal representatives). 3.6. Teaching staff bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) information about the results of interim certification of students both by filling out the required documents, including in electronic form (student diary, electronic diary), and at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students. Teaching staff, when working with parents (legal representatives) of students, are required to comment on the results of the intermediate assessment of students orally. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to receive information about the results of the student’s interim certification in writing in the form of an extract from the relevant documents, for which they must contact _____________________ (options: class teacher, secretary of the educational organization). 3.7 Features of the timing and procedure for conducting intermediate certification can be established by the Organization for the following categories of students at the request of students (their legal representatives):  those traveling to educational and training camps, to school Olympiads, to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps and other similar events;  departing for permanent place residence abroad; - for other students by decision…. (teaching council or other body). 3.8. For students studying under an individual curriculum, the timing and procedure for intermediate certification are determined by the individual curriculum. 3.9 The results of the interim certification are discussed at meetings methodological associations and the pedagogical council of the Organization. 4. The procedure for transferring students to the next grade 4.1. Students who have fully mastered the relevant part of the educational program are transferred to the next grade. 4.2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt. 4.3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt. 4.4. The organization creates conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensures control over the timeliness of its elimination. 4.5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the organization, within the period established by this paragraph from the moment of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness or maternity leave. Option 1 Students are required to eliminate academic debt within ___ (specify specific date(no more than a year), for example, a month) from the moment of its occurrence. This period does not include vacation time. Option 2 Students are required to eliminate academic debt no later than ____________________ (specify a specific date). 4.6. To conduct intermediate certification when eliminating academic debt for the second time, the Organization creates a commission. 4.7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification. 4.8. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next grade. 4.9. Students in the Organization for educational programs of primary general, basic general education, secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are retained for re-education, transferred to study in adapted educational programs in in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum. The organization informs the student’s parents about the need to make a decision on the organization of the student’s further education in writing. 5. Features of conducting intermediate certification of external students 5.1. Interim certification of external students is carried out in accordance with these regulations in the terms and in the forms provided for by the educational program, in the manner established by these regulations. 5.2. At the request of an external student, the educational organization has the right to set an individual deadline for conducting intermediate certification. 5.3. A citizen who wishes to undergo intermediate certification in an educational organization (his legal representatives) has the right to receive information about the timing, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification, as well as the procedure for external enrollment in an educational organization. 5.4. A citizen who wishes to undergo intermediate certification (his legal representatives) must submit an application for enrollment as an external student in an educational organization no later than __________ (options: two weeks, five working days, a month) before the start of the corresponding intermediate certification. Otherwise, the citizen is not allowed to conduct intermediate certification within the specified period, except for the case provided for in paragraph 5.2 of these regulations.

1. Mastering the educational program (with the exception of the educational program preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of an educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum and in the manner established by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, ensuring that students receive general education in the form family education, are obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than two times within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.

7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

9. Students studying in an educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Students in basic professional educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from this organization as having failed to fulfill their obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 04/27/2016



Nightingale song

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

A)Fades awaylongday.

b) They fall silentvotebirds.

c) Here he isis sittingonbitch.

The wonderful head falls silent

Huge - ____________________


A)Fades awaylongday.

The wonderful head falls silent



Appendix No. 3

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Control measuring material work intermediate certification

for the 3rd grade course in the subject Russian language

Last name, first name________________________________________________



Dawn in the forest.

1. Summer is over warm night. 2. There is a light fog over the forest. 3. Morning dew covered the leaves on the trees. 4. The songbirds woke up. 5. The cuckoo crowed loudly. 6.The warm summer sun has risen. 7.It dried the dew. 8.The birds sang joyfully. 9. A tired hare returned from a night hunt. 10At night a cunning fox chased him. 11. The little bunny ran away from all the enemies.

Words for reference:singers, crowed, rose.

1.Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis:

A)Light fogstands above the forest.

b)Woke upsingersbirds.


2. Sort out the words according to their composition:

The summer fox began to sing

3. Indicate the number of the sentence that says who returned home tired?_________________________________

4. Find synonyms for these words:

to be sad - ____________________

wet - ____________________

4.Make two sentences on the topic “Summer”.


Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016


Assessment Guidelines


replacing words;

two corrections;

two punctuation errors;

word wrap.

Grammar tasks.

Exercise 1 .

Assessment Guidelines



Invalid offer


Task 2. Analysis of words by composition.

Assessment Guidelines


All words are parsed correctly


Two words parsed correctly


One word parsed correctly


All words are parsed incorrectly


Task 3.

Assessment Guidelines


Correct offer selected


Wrong offer selected


Assessment Guidelines





Assessment Guidelines



1-2 corrections are allowed.


In terms of content and speech design:



In terms of content and speech design:

Admitteddeviations from the topic;

Dictionary is poor;

There are speech inaccuracies;



In terms of content and speech design:

I don't comply with offerst topic;

ABOUTthere is no connection between them;



Mark on a five-point scale

Primary points

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 04/27/2016

Demonstration material for intermediate certification work

for the 3rd grade course in the subject of mathematics

Last name, first name________________________________________________



Nightingale song

1. The sun has set. 2. The long day is fading. 3. The voices of the birds fall silent. 4. Silence falls. 5. But in the dusk of the evening a new bird song was heard. 6. The singer tries out his strong, wonderful voice. 7.Clicked and made a long whistle. 8. He was silent for a moment, whistled again, and began to trill.

9. Who sings so well at dusk? 10.Here he is sitting on a branch. 11. Sam gray, as tall as a sparrow.

12. The bird raised its head and opened its beak. 13. The nightingale’s song floats easily and freely in the silence of the night.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

1.Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis:

A)Fades awaylongday.

b) They fall silentvotebirds.

c) Here he isis sittingonbitch.

2. Sort out the words according to their composition:

The wonderful head falls silent

3.Indicate the number of the sentence that talks about whose song is heard in silence?_________________________________

4. Find synonyms for these words:

Sad - ____________________

Huge - ____________________

4.Make two sentences on the topic “Spring”.



A)Fades awaylongday.

The wonderful head falls silent



Students make up two sentences that are related in meaning. In which the logical sequence of disclosure of the topic is observed. The offer must be widespread.

Appendix No. 2

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from April 27, 2016

Demonstration material for intermediate certification work

for the 3rd grade course in the subject of mathematics


Last name, first name ________________________________Class______

1. Arrange the numbers in descending order.

32, 203,220, 222,23 ________________________________________________

2. a) Replace the numbers with the sum of the digit terms.

342 =__________________________________________________________________

809 =__________________________________________________________________

560 = ____________________________________________________________________

3.Solve the equation: 563 - x = 210 . What is x equal to?

a) 310 b) 353 c) 210 d) 110

4.Compare .

6 dm 5 cm _____ 5 dm 6 cm 2 m 6 dm ____ 26 dm 2 m 1 dm ____ 21 cm

5. Specify the procedure

36: 3 - 12:3 + 23

(24+57) -45

6. Connect the example with the answer

681 392 + 425 238

817 571 - 239 384

854 714 ׃ 3 332

654 227 ∙ 3 657

7. a) Find the perimeter of the rectangle if the rectangle is 7 cm wide and 4 times longer.

b) Find the length of each side of a square whose perimeter is 24 cm.


a) Mom put 48 apples on 4 plates. How many apples are on each plate?

60 12 52 Other answer ____

b) The seamstress sewed 2 buttons onto 12 trousers. How many buttons did she sew on?

3 75 24 40 Other answer ____

9.Read the problem. Choose the right solution.

The guys grew 52 red roses, yellow roses - 4 times less than red ones, and white roses - 28 more than yellow roses. How many white roses did the guys grow?

A) 1) 52 - 4 = 48 (pcs.) B) 1) 52 + 4 = 56 (pcs.) C) 1) 52: 4 = 13 (pcs.)

2) 48 + 28 = 76 (pcs) 2) 56 + 28 = 84 (pcs) 2) 13 + 28 = 41 (pcs)

10. The table shows the results of high jumps of three 4th grade students - participants in school competitions in 2014 and 2015.

Last name, first name

Result in 2014 (cm)

Result in 2015 (cm)

Vasilyeva Ira


Petrov Vitya



Syrova Galya



Lena looked at the table data and said: “Compared to 2014, the most great success Petrov achieved.” Is Lena right? Explain your answer.

Answer: ______

Explanation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.222, 220, 203, 32,23.

2. 342 = 300+40+2

809 = 800+9

560 = 500+60

3. b) 353

4.6 dm 5 cm > 5 dm 6 cm 2 m 6 dm = 26 dm 2 m 1 dm > 21 cm

1 3 2 4

36: 3 - 12:3 + 23

1 2

(24+57) - 45

6. 681 392 + 425 238

817 571 - 239 384

854 714 ׃ 3 332

654 227 ∙ 3 657

7. a) 70cm

b) 6cm

8.a) 12 apples

b) 24 buttons

9. B) 1) 52: 4 = 13 (pcs)

2) 13 + 28 = 41 (pcs)

10. Yes.

Explanation: Vitya Petrov increased his result by 14 cm, and other participants by 5 cm and 8 cm.

Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Criteria for evaluating intermediate certification work

in the subject of mathematics in 3rd grade

Distribution of tasks test work by content (topics)

Content blocks


Numbers test tasks

Number of jobs

Subsequence number series

Representation of three-digit numbers as a sum of digit terms.

Solving equations

Conversion of quantities


Computational operations with three-digit numbers

Solving problems with geometric content


Problem solving


Solving logical problems

Number of points for each task

Exercise 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Task 7

Task 8

Task 9

Task 10











Marks for completing the test taking into account points (10 tasks):

“5” - if the student scored 19-20 points (91%-100%)

“4” - if the student scored 15-18 points (75%-90%)

“3” - if the student completed 10-14 points (50%-74%)

“2” - if the student completed less than 9 points or less (less than 50%)

Appendix No. 4

to order No. 48

Municipal educational institution "Ground school Vostochny"

from 27.04. 2016

Criteria for evaluating intermediate certification work

in the subject Russian language in 3rd grade


Assessment Guidelines


There are no errors in the work, 1-2 corrections are allowed; the work is written carefully, in accordance with the requirements of the letter.

No more than 2 spelling errors or 4 omissions were made, the work was done cleanly, but there were minor deviations from calligraphy standards.

3-5 spelling errors or 8 omissions were made. The work is written carelessly.

There were 6 or more spelling errors or more than 8 omissions, the work was written sloppily.

An error in dictation should be considered:

violation of spelling rules when writing words;

incorrect spelling of words with uncheckable spellings;

omission, rearrangement, replacement of letters, syllables in words;

replacing words;

lack of punctuation within the program of this class

The following are not considered as errors in dictation:

errors on sections of spelling and punctuation that were not studied;

single omission of a period at the end of a sentence if the first word of the following

sentences are written with capital letters;

an isolated case of replacing one word with another without distorting the meaning.

The following are considered one mistake in dictation:

two corrections;

two punctuation errors;

repetition of errors in the same word.

The following are considered minor errors:

repetition of the same letter in a word (for example, potato);

the same word written twice in a sentence;3

incorrect spelling of one word (if there are several such words in the work

words) to the same rule;

word wrap.

Grammar tasks.

Exercise 1 . Which sentence has the correct grammatical basis?

Assessment Guidelines


The sentence with is correct grammatical basis


Invalid offer


Task 2. Analysis of words by composition.

Assessment Guidelines


All words are parsed correctly


Two words parsed correctly


One word parsed correctly


All words are parsed incorrectly


Task 3. Indicate the number of the sentence that says who returned home tired?

Assessment Guidelines


Correct offer selected


Wrong offer selected


Task 4. Find synonyms for these words.

Assessment Guidelines


Correctly selected synonyms for each word


Correctly selected synonym for one of the words


Not one synonym was found


Task 5. Write two sentences on the topic “Summer”

Assessment Guidelines


In terms of content and speech design:

Correct and consistent sentence construction, logically consistent presentation of the topic, absence of factual errors, rich vocabulary, correct speech format (no more than one speech inaccuracy is allowed)


There are no spelling or punctuation errors;

1-2 corrections are allowed.


In terms of content and speech design:

Correct sentence construction, the topic is covered, but there is a slight violation of the sequence of presentation of thoughts;

There are some factual and verbal inaccuracies;

No more than 3 speech defects in the content and structure of the text are allowed;


2 spelling and 1 punctuation errors.


In terms of content and speech design:

Admitteddeviations from the topic;

There were some violations in the sequence of presentation of thoughts;

Dictionary is poor;

There are speech inaccuracies;

No more than 5 speech defects in the content and structure of the text are allowed.


3-5 spelling errors and 1-2 punctuation errors.


In terms of content and speech design:

I don't comply with offerst topic;

The sequence of presentation of thoughts is disrupted;

ABOUTthere is no connection between them;

More than 6 speech defects and errors in the content and structure of the text


More than 5 spelling and 3-4 punctuation errors.


Table for converting points into marks on a five-point scale

Mark on a five-point scale

Primary points