Additional material about the work of archaeologists. Knowledge and skills

An archaeologist is a scientist who studies the past of mankind using material sources, is engaged in archeology (from archeo (archios) - ancient and from the Greek lygos - word, doctrine).

Archeology is a historical discipline that studies the historical past of mankind from material sources.

Material sources are instruments of production and material goods created with their help: buildings, weapons, jewelry, dishes, works of art - everything that is the result labor activity person. Material sources, unlike written ones, do not contain a direct story about historical events, and the historical conclusions based on them are the result of scientific reconstruction. The significant originality of material sources has necessitated their study by archaeological specialists who excavate archaeological sites, examine and publish findings and results of excavations, and use these data to reconstruct the historical past of mankind. Special meaning archeology is intended to study eras when writing did not exist at all, or the history of those peoples who did not have writing even in later historical times.

An archaeological scientist can study the remains of sunken ships at the bottom of the sea (marine archaeology), dig up and examine everything that remains of human settlements past centuries(field archaeology) or, using special materials and techniques, try to reconstruct things from past times, recreating them literally bit by bit (experimental archaeology).

The profession of an archaeologist is often compared to the work of a surgeon - both have one thing wrong move using a knife can lead to the death of the patient.

Of course, in most cases, “antiquity hunters” do not wield a knife, but a shovel, scoop, spoon, and even an ordinary toothbrush. Well, you can’t do without the notorious brushes for cleaning found valuables.

In addition to profound knowledge in the field of history, a professional archaeologist must have drawing and drawing skills, be able to take photographs, and be familiar with the basics of restoration and conservation various items made of stone, clay, metal, wood, leather, fabric, bone and so on. Without special knowledge in ethnography, anthropology, topography, geodesy, geology, without a solid grasp of information on auxiliary historical disciplines, such as heraldry, sphragistics, numismatics, textual criticism, an archaeologist cannot become a specialist.

To successfully perform an activity, it is necessary to exchange information with colleagues. Typically, professional communication occurs directly.

Life on the expedition is scheduled very clearly: general wake-up at 7 am (and those on duty at breakfast must get up even earlier), work throughout the entire hour-long day with short breaks for food and sometimes swimming, lights out at 11 pm.

Personal qualities

Willingness for hard work








The ability to abstract

Love of history.

A professional archaeologist must have a higher education.

Medical contraindications

Heart disease or blood pressure disorders;

Convulsions, loss of consciousness;

Hearing disorders;

Speech disorders;

Chronic infectious diseases;


Hemorrhoidal disorders;

Skin diseases;

Decreased visual acuity.

Boris Melnikov, Chairman of the Archaeological Commission of the Omsk Department of the Russian Geographical Society, Member of the Board of the Omsk Union of Professional Archaeologists, Candidate of Historical Sciences

What does an archaeologist do?

Mainly – writing reports and processing materials. The reports are large and very formalized, the materials received are of the same type and do not look like treasures. IN summer time, if you manage to find money, go on an expedition. A couple of times a year I manage to write and sometimes even publish small articles and communicate with colleagues at conferences.

Where does an archaeologist work?

An archaeologist can work at a university as a teacher in the history department or in a thematic department. Archaeologists are also welcome: here they will monitor the safety of objects found during excavations, help organize exhibitions and excursions, and conduct lectures for visitors. There are also vacancies in private companies.

If you're lucky, you can combine all of the above.

Is it possible to become an archaeologist without a history education?

No, higher academic education is required. There are history faculties in every city, and in some places more than one, so you can always enroll if you wish. During compulsory archaeological internships, students gain an insight into the profession that allows them to understand: is this really what they want to do for the rest of their lives?

Plus to historical knowledge, an archaeologist must understand ethnography, geology and geodesy, master “auxiliary historical disciplines”: heraldry, numismatics, sphragistics... Be aware of what is happening in scientific world, study articles and monographs, go to conferences, enter into discussions. A good archaeologist is a lifelong learner.

What skills does an archaeologist need?

In addition to the ability to dig (and this is not as easy as it may seem, you are not digging a hole in the garden), you need to be able to take photographs, draw and draw. A professional archaeologist must also have good computer skills, be able to use a theodolite, level and total station, and know the basics of conservation and restoration of various objects. Be able to independently search for information, analyze it, create a picture based on individual facts: this will be useful not only in “desktop” archeology, but also in “field” archaeology.

What character traits does an archaeologist need?

Firstly, unpretentiousness is very important: living and working conditions on the expedition are far from resort-like.

Secondly, patience: you often have to spend whole days on small, painstaking work with a brush and brush.

Thirdly, tolerance: expeditions can be long, different people go there, so you need to be emotionally prepared for this, be able to find mutual language, even make compromises, be calm and balanced.

Fourthly, although this is not a character trait, you need to be physically prepared and resilient: you have to dig a lot and carry heavy loads.

And, of course, passion for archeology - otherwise you yourself will suffer, and you can drag others down with your despondency.

What are the advantages of this profession?

The opportunity to make small discoveries every day.

The chance to go down in history, albeit small, because fame in the professional community does not guarantee worldwide fame.

You can see ancient mounds with your own eyes, touch things that, although unsightly in appearance, are thousands of years old...

What about the cons?

The absence of the usual comfortable conditions on the expedition (field food, overnight in a tent, camp shower and toilet, mosquitoes and midges, high and low temperatures, etc.), hard work, frequent and prolonged work, which can result in problems in the family. In addition, not every expedition ends in success - it may happen that you end up with poor health without moral satisfaction.

Who shouldn't become an archaeologist?

I do not advise women who want to have a normal family to do this; men who dream of a career, fame and big earnings.

It will be difficult for diabetics, heart patients, and allergy sufferers on expeditions; each such case must be considered separately with the attending physician.

What salary can an archaeologist expect?

Candidate of Sciences, without part-time jobs - within 30 thousand rubles. And the profitability of a part-time job varies and depends on the person’s specialization and his weight in the scientific community: a famous archaeologist with the right topic, for example, they may be asked to be a consultant on the set of a film or a reviewer of a popular science book.

Can a Russian archaeologist excavate, for example, Ancient Egypt?

Maybe. As a digger or laboratory assistant. They also produce more archaeologists abroad than are required, so with a basic Russian education you will not be able to become, for example, an expedition leader. Some expeditions are self-financing and offer participation to everyone (those who qualify based on health, skills and abilities), but for money. Therefore, if finances allow and you want to work in an international team, you can follow such offers.

Is it possible to get a job abroad?

Only an academic degree gives small chances: at least a candidate of sciences, or better yet, a doctor. There are plenty of archaeologists abroad, so you can get there only if you have good academic connections and personal contacts with foreign colleagues, as well as publications in foreign journals and ownership foreign language. So consider: 4 years of bachelor's degree, 2 years of master's degree, 3 years of graduate school, five years of work - and only then do you get a tiny chance. In addition, the topic of your specialization should be of interest abroad, and you should have a certain scientific weight among those who study it.

Are there any myths about the work of an archaeologist?

Most popular myth, because of which many guys go to study to become an archaeologist, and then are disappointed - that this is not a job, but an exciting adventure. Indiana Jones is a movie. And only in movies do most archaeologists see gold and silver things.

Some people confuse different specialties and think that archaeologists dig up dinosaurs or look for those who died in the Great Patriotic War. Yes, archaeologists can work in both places, but in this case they will be called either paleontologists or search engines. The specifics, technology and goals will be somewhat different.

Some of the very young and naive believe that expeditions are a vacation combined with excavations. No, the day is scheduled very clearly - an early general rise (and those on duty get up even earlier), work with a lunch break, a general bedtime. No one wants slackers who don't keep to their schedules.

Is the profession of an archaeologist promising, is it worth getting this specialty now?

Quantity scientific expeditions- with excavations, study of material - is constantly decreasing. But federal legislation requires mandatory archaeological examination when carrying out construction and other work. So the profession remains, but at the level of performing a set of routine procedures.

When using materials from the site, an indication of the author and an active link to the site are required!

Archeology began to be mentioned back in Ancient Greece. For example, Plato understood this concept as the study of antiquity, and in the Renaissance he meant the study of the history of Greece and Ancient Rome. In foreign science, this term is associated with anthropology. In Russia, archeology is a science that studies fossil materials that are associated with human activity in ancient times. She studies the excavations and this moment collaborates with many scientific fields and has several sections dealing with different eras and cultural areas.

The profession of archaeologist is a multifaceted and interesting job.

People study the culture and life of ancient civilizations, reconstructing the distant past from the remains that are carefully excavated in the layers of the earth. This work requires great care and painstakingness. Because over time, the remains of the past become more fragile and dilapidated.

An archaeologist is a person who excavates in search of sources for new research. This profession is often compared to detective work. The work of archaeologists is creative, requiring attention, imagination and abstract thinking - to recreate the original picture ancient world in past.

The profession became popular in Greece and Ancient Rome. Since then, stone, bronze and iron age, many excavations were carried out and even more ancient ones were found architectural monuments. During the Renaissance, the main goal of archaeologists was to find antique sculptures. As a separate science, it was formed at the beginning of the 20th century.

What qualities should an archaeologist have?

You need knowledge of the many facts accumulated by scientists in your chosen field for your activities. This could be the Neolithic or Paleolithic era, Bronze, Early Iron, Scythian times, antiquity, maybe Slavic-Russian archeology etc. The list is not complete and can be continued. Archaeologist is an interesting profession, but it requires the erudition of scientists and the ability to compare various sources.

Such a person must have his own opinion and be able to defend it, argue, based on logic, and not on emotions. It can be difficult, but it is necessary to abandon your hypotheses if there are facts that refute them. The work of archaeologists requires important qualities- this is patience, diligence, accuracy. They are extremely necessary during excavations.

Good endurance and physical training are required, since the work of archaeologists most often involves excavations that take place in various climatic conditions. Plus there is no allergy to organic materials. An archaeologist is a person who must be balanced, calm, and able to work in a team.

Knowledge required

Professionals must be able to draw, draw, and photograph. Know the basics of not only restoration, but also conservation of metal, stone, clay and organic materials (leather, bone, wood, fabric, etc.). A broad knowledge of anthropology, linguistics, ethnography, geodesy, topography, geology and paleozoology is required. Those archaeologists who study historical antiquities must have a good knowledge of history and auxiliary disciplines (textual criticism, numismatics, paleography, sphragistics, heraldry and much more).

Field archaeologists must be economists, good organizers, teachers and psychologists. But the most important thing is that they must be able to “see the earth,” read its layers and layers and correctly compare the antiquities found.

Occupational diseases

Human archaeologists have their own diseases, which they acquire during expeditions. Most often this is gastritis or a stomach ulcer, which directly depends on the quality of food, since there are often no normal conditions for cooking. Rheumatism and radiculitis are also common, since very often archaeologists have to live in tents in various weather conditions. Because of this, various arthrosis and arthritis occur.

What is the job of an archaeologist?

What do archaeologists do? Not only global excavations, but also individual mosaic fragments that need to be correctly selected and carefully put together into one whole. It often happens that it takes many years to unravel the secrets of the past. But the final result is worth it. Because this is exactly the way to recreate the past, which seems to be hidden forever in the bowels of the planet.

What do archaeologists do? They study sources, analyze them and subsequently supplement them with various known facts. Research includes not only excavations, but also a desk part, when work takes place directly with artifacts and documents. Scientists can work not only on land, but also under water.

The most famous archaeologists

Heinrich Schliemann is the German scientist who discovered Troy. This is one of the first pioneer archaeologists who began to study antiquity. He was born on January 6, 1822. According to the horoscope - Capricorn. Conducted excavations in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. For almost half of his life, Henry tried to demonstrate the historical importance of Homer's epic. He tried to prove that all the events described in the poems are not fantasy, but reality.

Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl was born in 1914, on October 6. He wrote many books. His expeditions were always bright, filled with heroic events. Many of his works caused controversy among scientists, but it was thanks to Tour that interest in ancient history peoples of the world has increased significantly.

There are famous archaeologists in Russia. These include he was born in 1908. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. This is a famous Russian orientalist historian and academician. He explored many monuments North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Already in 1949, he was appointed deputy director of the Hermitage for scientific affairs.

Outstanding discoveries

Archaeological scientists highlight the 10 most significant finds in the world that were found during excavations:

Unexplained Finds

What unusual things do archaeologists find? There are a number of excavated exhibits that are simply impossible to explain logically. Alarmed scientific society Acambaro figures. The first was found in Mexico by the German Waldemar Jalsrad. The figures seemed to have ancient origin, but caused a lot of skepticism among scientists.

Dropa stones - echoes ancient civilization. These are hundreds of stone discs found on the cave floor, engraved with stories about spaceships. They were controlled by creatures whose remains were also found in the cave.

Terrible finds

In archeology, there are also some rather creepy finds. For example, screaming mummies. One of these was tied hand and foot, but there was a scream frozen on her face. There were suggestions that she was buried alive, tortured, poisoned. But studies showed that the jaw was simply poorly tied or not done at all, which is why the mummy’s mouth was open.

Archaeologists have also found huge claws of an unknown monster. And the found skull and beak of enormous size only convinced scientists that it would not be pleasant if such a monster came across someone on its way. But later it turned out that these were ancient ancestors and their height was 2-3 times higher than human height. It is said that there is a possibility that this bird has survived to this day, and it can be found in areas of New Zealand. The natives of this country have many legends concerning Moa.

Archaeologists' tools

During excavations, these types of tools are mainly used: bayonet, shovel and sapper shovels, picks and shovels of various sizes, brooms, sledgehammers, hammers and different sizes tassels. The work of an archaeologist can be quite difficult, especially when it comes to excavating large mounds.

An important point is proper work on site. And the ability to pick necessary tool also needed. The excavation director not only monitors the health of archaeologists, but also helps to use the right brushes and shovels correctly.

How to become an archaeologist

You can study both full-time and part-time. Archaeologist is a profession that can be acquired by anyone who has a passion for antiquity and excavations. To do this, you need to enter a university that trains historians. It is in this discipline that they can then engage in excavations and other areas. An archaeologist is a historian. However, unlike the latter, he is engaged not only in the study of theory, but also personally searches and explores antiquity.

Archaeologist salary

The average Russian salary is approximately 15 thousand rubles. But for just one expedition, an archaeologist can receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Wage V different cities may vary. For example, in Moscow it ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In the regions it is approximately 5-7 thousand lower.

For archaeologists there is no longer interesting profession than the one they chose. It’s not surprising, because hard work in the deserts, among steep cliffs, far from civilization, is fully rewarded amazing finds, which become a real sensation and allow you to immerse yourself in the distant history of mankind.

Who are archaeologists? And what are they doing?

What is an archaeologist?

An archaeologist is a scientist who studies human history according to material sources. These include tools, dishes, jewelry, objects of art, remains of buildings and other objects once created by man.

The work of an archaeologist involves constant excavations, hikes, expeditions, and research that help make great discoveries and piece by piece recreate all stages of people’s lives from the beginning of humanity.

What does the word "archaeology" mean?

The work of archaeologists is based on ancient science archeology, closely related to many other disciplines - history, anthropology, paleography, genealogy.

Term "archeology" is a combination of two ancient Greek words - ἀρχαῖος (ancient) and λόγος (teaching). The first scientist who began to systematically study this science is considered to be Herodotus.

His works "History", telling about the Greco-Persian wars and the customs of many peoples, are the earliest full-scale historical treatise and play important role in understanding ancient culture.

What does an archaeologist do?

Archaeologists study the culture of disappeared civilizations, excavate ancient cities, and reconstruct history from layers of earth and remains. Unlike written evidence, physical sources do not directly tell the story of the past, so archaeologists must conduct laboratory analyzes and study scientific reconstruction events.

Archaeologists often work in museums, where they are responsible for the safety of finds and introduce people to the results of their activities. Often, in order to recreate a picture of the past and reveal the secrets of history, they have to work on some archaeological site for many years, sometimes in difficult weather conditions, so the main qualities of archaeologists are patience, endurance and excellent physical fitness.

Archeology is enough broad concept, which includes many narrower disciplines. Most archaeologists specialize in certain areas of history, which allows them to improve their knowledge and penetrate more deeply into individual stages of history.

Thus, a specialist in the field of historical archeology studies the past on the basis of written sources, an Egyptologist studies Ancient Egypt, and the archaeoastronomer studies the astronomical ideas of people in ancient times.

What knowledge do archaeologists require?

In order to conduct a comprehensive study of finds, an archaeologist must have knowledge in many sciences, including the exact ones. Geology, ethnography, topography, textual criticism, geodesy - this is only part of what a specialist needs to know to successfully study history.

Many people believe that archaeologists only engage in excavations, but in fact, their scope of activity includes many other works. In particular, to understand exactly where to dig, they have to work with written sources, spending hours studying ancient books, geographic Maps. Sometimes, to discover ancient objects, archaeologists engage in aerial photography or geological exploration.

What significant discoveries have archaeologists made?

Since the existence of archeology, experts in this field have made many amazing discoveries. In 1824, it was archaeologists who managed to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs, and in 1748 they excavated ancient city Pompeii, destroyed during the eruption of Vesuvius.

In 1871, the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the Homeric city of Troy; in 1900, thanks to Arthur Evans, humanity learned about Minoan civilization. In addition, archaeologists own such greatest discoveries, like the Inca city of Machu Picchu, the tomb of Tutankhamun, temple complex Angkor Wat, Qumran scrolls.

Details Updated: 12/22/2018 19:10 Published: 05/08/2017 13:00

An archaeologist is a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient peoples using artifacts found during excavations.

History of the profession:

Profession archaeologist its origins go back to the times of Ancient Rome. This was confirmed by numerous artifacts that were discovered during excavations during that period. During the Renaissance, specially trained people were actively searching for sculptures from antiquity.

Archeology as a separate science emerged only in the twentieth century. Today it includes sections exploring the culture of different periods.

Features of the profession:

An archaeologist is a person whose activity is directly related to the search for specific facts, so that as a result he can correctly determine historical period finds.

Depending on the methods of searching for artifacts, there are the following types of archeology:

  • Field - finds are sought through excavations on land.
  • Underwater - all work is carried out underwater.
  • Experimental – includes work on the restoration of ancient finds.

Working as an archaeologist combines intellectual work with endurance and incredible patience. At the same time, for a person who does not represent his later life without archaeology, found artifacts serve as a source of indescribable emotions. Thus, he makes an invaluable contribution to culture. Thanks to specific facts, archaeologists confirm and refute some theories regarding the place of residence and the peculiarities of life of ancient peoples.


The key task of an archaeologist is to most accurately recreate the picture of bygone years with the help of found finds. Subsequently, the artifacts are sent to the laboratory for the purpose of further classification and restoration if the item is damaged.

After finds are removed from water or the bowels of the earth, a detailed description of them should be immediately drawn up and included in the list. These data will be required at the stage of further research. Additionally, the artifact is photographed from all angles and a detailed sketch is made. Often, scientists have to carry out the procedure for the primary restoration of found objects directly in the field, because Sun rays And Fresh air have an adverse effect on the structure of jewelry that has lain for centuries under a layer of earth. If the find is not strengthened in a timely manner, it will completely collapse before it is delivered to the laboratory.

At the stage of recreating a previously unknown technology, the specialist is guided by excavation data, conducts research and draws appropriate conclusions. For this reason, engineering knowledge will often be required.

Important qualities:

  • Analytical mind;
  • interest in the events of past centuries;
  • physical endurance;
  • good vision;
  • no allergies to organic materials;
  • stress resistance;
  • scrupulousness;
  • responsible approach to work;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • determination;
  • readiness for frequent expeditions;
  • communication skills.

Skills and knowledge:

An archaeologist is representative of science, therefore his work, in addition to physical training will also require knowledge of the field of science for which he is looking for artifacts. You cannot do without knowledge in the following areas: scientific restoration, paleogeography, anthropology, heraldry, numismatics, textual criticism, ethnography, etc. It is also appropriate to learn diving and rock climbing.