The most popular myths and legends. The most famous legends of Russia

Each of us can become an excellent dancer, because human body truly made for dancing. Many people have a sense of rhythm, emotions corresponding to music help create a mood, and as for movements, they can always be diversified. Those simple steps that we give out in clubs are, as a rule, not enough to express yourself through dance, impress those who are nearby and simply get a huge charge of positivity. So let's start learning hip-hop! Why hip-hop? Because it’s easy, pleasant, interesting, and it’s also cool to be able to dance no worse than Beyoncé or Justin Timberlake.

Hard to learn, tough to fight

Typically, dancers working in the show demonstrate their skills in open combat. The so-called battle is an opportunity to prove here and now that your style is cooler. Battles also contribute to the improvement of technique, the search for new movements and sequences, and the overall steady growth of the dancer’s skill. This technique works great in . All students, overcoming shyness at first, go to the center of the hall one on one with the “enemy” and show him, the teacher and themselves (first of all) that the lesson has been learned and progress is obvious. Such “paired” presentations help you painlessly record your mistakes and shortcomings, and at the same time borrow something new from your colleagues.

This is why learning to dance hip-hop at home is more difficult. Results are not achieved as quickly when alone. But self-study at home allows you to get acquainted with its basics quite well.

Screen instead of mirror

So, let's learn to dance hip-hop at home. To begin with, we free up space, dress more comfortably, and put on sneakers. For what? Leg muscles that are unaccustomed to regular exercise can fail at the most unexpected times. this moment, and sneakers will help avoid sprains, your feet will warm up faster in them, and therefore there will be fewer injuries. Of course, hip-hop is no more dangerous than any other modern dance! Problems can only arise with the corners of the furniture in the room or with uneven floors. This is another reason why it is preferable to study in a special room.

But once we start, we don’t stop. There are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet, it’s quite difficult to choose the best one. Therefore, take my word for it and stop at the lessons from Alexander Dragon. This is not just a set of movements, but complexes developed within the framework of the author’s “Quick Start” methodology. First, let's warm up. Let the monitor be like a mirror, repeat the movements in a mirror manner. We remember that a good warm-up is the key to results. Let's get started!

First - to rock

The concept of “groove” dominates in hip-hop (in Russia it is also called “kach”). This is the drive from music, rhythm and body movement to the beat. It doesn’t matter what the mirror shows at first, the main thing is that you enjoy it and don’t intend to stop. The easiest way to catch the groove is by bending your knees to the beat. Try it! And now you can familiarize yourself with the simple basic movements hip hop dance. How to learn at home? Just. Look from the Dragon!

Unity of styles

When we learn hop-hop at home, a lot of questions arise. Do I need popping or is it complicated and irrelevant? Is moving like a robot cool or not so cool? And in what order should we comprehend all this? Yes, it is very difficult to comprehend the depth of the cultural layer of hip-hop on your own, without a mentor. After all, you need to learn the basics, penetrate into the history of movements, understand what happened from what, what has already left the dance floor, and what is just coming.

The entire palette of styles within the framework of hip-hop training can be learned at the Dragons school. In the hall, under the guidance of experienced dancer-teachers, you can resolve all your questions and immediately get on the wave. And if after reading this text you have a desire to rock with us, we are waiting, come! We don't care about your age, height, weight or level physical training! Everyone can enjoy dancing!

A modern legend.

Mark Zuckerberg says that for a long time negotiated the connection between Facebook and WhatsApp. And the negotiations did not produce results.

For reference. WhatsApp appeared in 2009. It was founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton. In 2014, when WhatsApp had 400 million monthly active users, Facebook wanted to acquire WhatsApp. Both WhatsApp and Facebook were expected to benefit from this merger.

Mark Zuckerberg invited Jan Koum to his home to once again discuss the terms of the acquisition of WhatsApp.

At some point in the conversation, Jan Koum said that he needed to take a break and just think, and a tense silence hung in the room.

And then a miracle happened. Here's what Mark Zuckerberg said later:

“My dog ​​Beast came into our room with a puzzled look. With all his appearance he shows that he does not understand why we are sitting in silence. After looking at everyone, he walked towards Ian and jumped into his lap. Ian began to stroke Bist and after a few seconds suddenly said: “Okay, deal.”

In one city they held a competition for the best artist.

And in the end, the jury chose the two best. But the judges could not decide which artist was the best. Then they turned to the Sage for advice.

The sage addressed the finalists with a question:

– How many shortcomings do you see in your paintings?

One artist said:

– If I saw a flaw in the picture, I would correct it immediately. This picture is flawless.

Salvador Dali was surrounded by legends and secrets. For example, he could tell buyers that he used a large number of bee venom mixed with paint. That's why this painting is so unusual and should cost at least a million.

Salvador Dali. Oil painting. A dream caused by a bee flying around a pomegranate.

Here is one of the legends. Salvador Dali often visited restaurants that were new to him, inviting him to lunch different people: rich buyers, art connoisseurs, critics and just friends. He treated everyone at his own expense. Dali ordered the most expensive dishes for his guests.

When the time came to pay the bill, the artist signed the check with a generous hand, and then... turned the check over and wrote a few warm words of gratitude to the owner of the establishment, completing the gratitude with his sweeping signature.

Dali was sure that the owner of the restaurant would never dare to cash such a check with the original signature of Salvador Dali himself!

That’s exactly what happened: restaurant owners did not cash such a check. After all, they understood that they would be able to help out much more over time. more money for this check than just the invoice amount. Essentially, Dali paid for an expensive lunch with a piece of paper with his signature.

But such a receipt under glass hung in the most visible place in the restaurant, saying: “Salvador Dali himself eats with us!”

Well, the artist saved a lot of money, acquired new customers and gained fame as a generous friend.

/ Legends / Historical legend/ The Legend of Salvador Dali /

According to statistics from the British Royal Society of Ghosts, on average every square meter At least 3 ghosts live on the inhabited surface of the Earth. We managed to photograph some of them, and even talk to some of them. We present the most famous myths and legends.

10th place: Argonauts. The myth of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece is very old. The very first recorded version of this myth is already a reworking of it, very far from the original story. Argonauts (literally "sailing on the Argo") - participants in the voyage on the ship "Argo" for the Golden Fleece to the country of Colchis. The journey of the Argonauts is described in most detail in the poem "Argonautica" by Apollonius of Rhodes.

9th place: Beowulf. The only existing manuscript of Beowulf dates back to around 1000. But the epic itself dates back, according to most experts, to the end of the 7th or the first third of the 8th century. Beowulf, a young knight from the Gaut people, having learned about the attack of the monster Grendel on the Danish king Hygelac, goes to help the king.

8th place: The legend of the fern flower. According to ancient folk legend Those who find a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala will find happiness. By the way, this myth exists not only in Russia. The legend of the fern flower was also believed in Lithuania and Estonia.

7th place: The Legend of King Arthur. Italian researcher Mario Moiraghi claims that legendary sword King Arthur really exists and is located in a rock in the Abbey of San Galgano in Italy. By the way, in his book, Moiragi states that the legend of King Arthur is Italian, although it was traditionally assumed that King Arthur and the Holy Grail were invented in northern Europe or in France.

6th place: Poltergeist. Some claim that poltergeists (“noisy spirit” in German) terrorized our ancestors for thousands of years. During a poltergeist, objects can appear and disappear out of nowhere, for example, a fire can pour or appear right out of thin air, pipes can burst, plugs can burn out, dishes can break, etc. Events of this kind usually last about 2-3 months, and only sometimes for several years.

5th place: Loch Ness monster. The first mentions of Nessie begin in 565. A monster is described as resembling a giant toad, “only it wasn’t a toad.” Seventh-century Latin accounts of Nessie noted the appearance of a dragon "cum agenti fremitu", meaning "violently",

4th place: No one has really seen Bigfoot yet, but Nepalese mountain tribes still believe in the existence of the terrible Mi-Go or “Abominable Snowman” lurking among the icy and mountain spiers.

3rd place: Flying Dutchmen. Legend has it that there once lived a Dutch captain, Van der Decken. He was a drunkard and a blasphemer. And then one day near the cape Good Hope his ship was caught in a strong storm. The navigator advised him to take refuge in one of the bays, but instead of heeding the advice, Van der Decken shot the navigator. This act angered God, and since then Van der Decken’s ship has been wandering the seas. With a rotten hull, it nevertheless holds up well on the waves. The damned captain recruits his crew from drowned men, and the more vile and vile their deeds in life were, the better.

2nd place: Bermuda Triangle. The literature on the Bermuda Triangle describes in detail 50 cases of disappearances of ships and aircraft. In almost all cases, ships and planes disappeared without a trace along with their crews. By the way, about 140 thousand people were nevertheless saved from shipwrecks in the area Bermuda Triangle US Protective Service.

1 place: Aliens. Currently in different organizations About 1-0 thousand evidence of UFO sightings and communication with aliens has been recorded. The myth about aliens is especially widespread throughout the world: aliens from outer space who visited the earth a long time ago. Some people consider the ancient Egyptians and Maya Indians to be aliens. By the way, the image of a green man with big eyes and in silver clothing was recognized as the most common idea of ​​aliens on Earth. The drawing of the “little green man” was sealed in one of the “time capsules”, which should be opened in three thousand years.


In the north of Moscow in Khovrino, an unfinished building resembling a ghost ship has stood for decades. It still brings fear to the residents of this Moscow region, since it has long had a bad reputation. This building is unfinished. Its construction began in 1980, but was never completed. This unfinished building is popularly called the Khovrinsky Abandoned Hospital and is one of the ten most terrible places in the world! The Khovrinskaya unfinished building is called everything: a house of horror, a cradle of nightmares, and even a citadel of darkness.

According to urban legend, the construction of this hospital began on bones, i.e. on the site where the old abandoned building once stood. Many people are sure that this explains all the failures that accompanied the construction process. Old-timers generally say that there used to be a large swamp on the site of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital. This is evidenced by the fact that currently the foundation of the unfinished building is sinking lower and lower into the groundwater. Construction of this architectural structure was suspended in 1985. Since the time the last builder left the territory of this building, the Khovrinskaya hospital has been living its own life, full of secrets and tragedies.

Another Russian legend is associated with a ghost train and, like the first, is urban. According to legend, every month in the Moscow metro a strange ghost train rushes along the rails at breakneck speed. According to eyewitnesses, sometimes he makes stops and opens the doors of his carriages. People who claimed to have seen the sign are sure that in its cabin the silhouette of the driver, dressed in a pre-war construction uniform, is clearly visible, and all the other cars of this strange train are filled with the souls of builders.

To understand the meaning of this legend, it is necessary to remember exactly how the Moscow metro was built. Its construction began in the 40s of the last century. Old-timers say that it was exhausting and hard work for all those involved in the construction of the Circle Line of the metro. The fact is that most of the builders were real prisoners, convicted of certain crimes of a political or criminal nature.

Moreover, the construction of this metro was marked by bloody events: at this time many workers allegedly died on the site. The fact is that from time to time unstable structures collapsed on them, and some people were generally driven into ventilation shafts and walled up without investigation or trial. After some time, at the cost of many human casualties, the “bloody” metro was finally completed. In this regard, the legend about Russian ghost. To this day, people complain that sometimes the phantom of a rusty train allegedly scares them. Eyewitnesses say that this train always appears after midnight and only on the Circle Line.


Modern people are unlikely to believe in myths and legends. However, despite the many available reliable facts, the legends still do not lose their popularity. Each guide uses the most bright stories to attract the attention of listeners. After all, legends evoke a feeling of surprise and admiration, especially when the topic concerns unique and unlike anything else places.

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland. Although scientists claim that the Giant's Causeway was formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption, there is a legend about the Celtic hero Finn McCool, who decided to fight the one-eyed giant Goll. To do this, he drove many columns into the bottom of the Irish Sea, which formed a kind of bridge. Having worked hard, the hero lay down to rest, and in the meantime Goll himself crossed the bridge to Ireland. Finn's wife, sensing danger, ran out to meet the giant and assured the monster that the sleeping Finn was a baby. Then she treated the uninvited guest to flatbreads in which the frying pans were hidden, and her husband to ordinary ones. The first broke his teeth, and the second ate his portion without even wincing. Frightened Goll, seeing the power of such a child, imagined his father and fled from the country, breaking the bridge behind him.

Palace complex Forbidden City in Beijing

This palace complex is considered the most extensive of its kind - 720 thousand m². If you went back in time, you would not be able to get inside without losing your head for it. Today, everyone has the opportunity to visit here and learn the legends that envelop this place. One of the most popular says that Emperor Zhu Di dreamed of four watchtowers that had never been seen before. Waking up, he ordered to build walls in the corners in three months. Forbidden City buildings taken away in a dream. In case of failure to comply with the order, the builders were threatened the death penalty. After a month, the chief architect was unable to develop a construction plan. Out of despair, he went for a walk around the city, during which he came across a seller of cages with grasshoppers. For fun, he bought one of the cages and was amazed. It was her design that was ideal model towers The Emperor was more pleased than ever with the result; the old man selling grasshoppers turned out to be the god of carpenters, Lu Ban.

Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

Alley of Baobabs, Madagascar. The island is famous not only for lemurs, but also for giant trees. The Alley of Baobabs is located in its western part. According to one legend, one day God was in a bad mood and a baobab came across his hand. Spilling out his anger, he uprooted the tree and inserted it back into the ground, crown down.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls. The facility is located on the border between the United States and Canada. The guides' favorite legend is that of the Maiden of the Mist; According to one version, the daughter of a Seneca tribe leader named Lelavala was chosen as a sacrifice to a god who lived in the depths of the waterfall. In this way, the inhabitants of the tribe wanted to appease the angry god who was poisoning the water. The selfless girl voluntarily went in a canoe to meet death, but she was saved by the god Hanu, who told about a terrible serpent that settled in the river and was the cause of all troubles. Lelavala returned to the village and told her father about the monster. Gathering warriors, the leader entered into battle with the serpent and defeated him.

Great Sphinx, Egypt

The sculpture, overlooking the Giza plateau, is considered one of the oldest surviving to this day. It represents a figure lying on the sand with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Story Great Sphinx shrouded in many legends and speculations. One of the most popular is the legend of Crown Prince Thutmose, the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiya. One day, while hunting in the desert, Thutmose recalled his guards to pray alone at the pyramids. Tired of the midday sun, he lay down to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx, which at that time was covered shoulder-deep in sand. However, the statue came to life and spoke to the man. She told Thutmose about the future reign and ordered him to clean his paws of sand. Then she looked at the prince with huge bright eyes and he lost consciousness. Having woken up, the heir swore an oath to fulfill the request. Having become Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he ordered the statue to be dug up and a granite stele installed.

the great Wall of China

One of the most romantic and heartbreaking legends about the construction of the Great Wall of China is the tale of Meng Jiang Nu. Living next door were two married couples named Meng and Jiang, who had no children. One day, Wife Jiang planted a lagenaria, which sent its vine through the wall to the neighbors. Over time, the plant produced a harvest in the form of a huge pumpkin. Friendly neighbors decided to divide it in half. After cutting the fruit open, they found a child inside. The girl was named Meng Jiang Nyu and began to be raised together. She has grown up a real beauty, which the world has never seen; She married Fan Xiliang, who was hiding from the government, which forced all young people to build the Great Wall of China. The happiness of the young did not last long; Fanya Silyan was found and forcibly sent to a construction site. The girl was waiting for her beloved whole year without receiving any news. Then she went in search of him, but they were in vain. No one knew where her husband was, and it was later discovered that he died of exhaustion and was buried in the wall. Meng Jiang Nu, unable to relieve her pain, cried for three days and three nights. Part of the wall she was standing against collapsed. The emperor intended to punish the widow for the damage, but when he saw her beautiful face, he proposed marriage. Meng Jiang Nu agreed, but on the condition that she bury her ex-husband properly. The emperor complied with the demand, but after this Meng Jiang Nu committed suicide by drowning herself in the sea.

Volcano Etna, Sicily

Volcano Etna, Sicily. The volcano is one of the highest and most active in Europe. Throughout its history, it has erupted more than 200 times. In 1669, Etna's eruption lasted four months, destroying 12 villages. According to legend, this eruption was caused by none other than the hundred-headed monster Typhon (son of Gaia), who was imprisoned by Zeus inside Etna. Every time Typhon was angry, there was an earthquake and eruption.

Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu, Japan

The mountain is considered one of the most recognizable natural attractions in the country. The object is popular topic V Japanese art; it can be found in songs, movies, and, of course, legends and myths. One of the legends tells about a married couple who lived near Mount Fuji. The husband was a bamboo collector. One day, while cutting raw materials, he found a girl the size of thumb hands. Rejoicing, the couple took the child into their care, since they did not have any children of their own. Then, continuing his work, the man discovered a gold bar in the bamboo. The suddenly rich family lived happily. The girl, who was named Kaguya-hime, grew up to be a beautiful girl. Many tried to win her hand, even the emperor himself, but the beauty refused everyone, wanting to return to where she came from - to the Moon. One day during a full moon, Luna's subjects finally came to Kaguya-hime to take her home. The girl left the emperor a gift in the form of the elixir of life and a letter. He, in turn, ordered the gifts to be taken to the mountain and burned, since he did not want to live forever without love. So the flame of the elixir and the letters turned Mount Fuji into a volcano.