Famous ghosts. The most legendary Russian ghosts

The Internet is full of ghost photos, but not all of them are genuine. In this collection, we have collected for you the most famous photographs with ghosts, the authenticity of which has been established by competent experts.

Photo taken at an intersection in San Antonio, Texas. Andy and Debi Chesney made a special trip to this intersection to check out the ghost legend and take some photos. Quite unexpectedly, a transparent figure appeared in one of the photographs after development.

Freddie Jackson was a mechanic in the Royal Air Force during the First World War and died in 1919 after being hit by a propeller. But two days later he appeared in a squadron group photo, peeking out from behind his head best friend.

It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Reyham, who resided at Reyham Hall in the early 17th century.

According to available records, she was buried in 1726. It is suspected that the funeral was a hoax, but in fact Charles locked his wife in a remote part of the house and kept her there until her death.

In 1891, Lord Combermere died after his carriage overturned. The photographer set up his camera in the lord's library with the lens shutter open for one hour.

And everyone else at that time was almost four miles from home at the lord’s funeral. After development, everyone immediately noticed in the photograph the outline of the head and hands of a man sitting in the owner’s favorite chair.

Ghost on the stairs National Museum Greenwich (England). The former clergyman made his famous photograph in 1966. Experts, including several from Kodak, have concluded that the image is not a fake.

In 1959, Mabel Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit her mother. She took a photo of her husband sitting in the front passenger seat. The film was developed, after which it turned out that someone wearing glasses was sitting in the back seat.

In 1996, Ike Clenton took a photo of his friend who was dressed in a cowboy outfit. And it was right in the middle of Boothill Cemetery near the town of Tombstone.

They both claim that when this picture was taken, no one was in sight near them. Ike Clenton says it is impossible to take a photograph like this without showing the legs of the person standing behind.

This photograph was taken during an investigation by the Society for the Study of Ghosts in the cemetery at Bachelor's Grove. On August 10, 1991, several members of the society were in the cemetery near a small abandoned grave.

In 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crew members of the steamship Watertown, were accidentally killed by a steam escape. They were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico. The next day, the crew photographed their “faces” appearing and disappearing in the water.

His Reverend K.F. Lord took a photo of the altar in his church in North Yorkshire, England. The photograph and negative were carefully examined by experts who found no evidence of editing or re-exposure.

Mrs Andrews came to the cemetery to visit her daughter Joyce, who died when she was 17, and did not notice anything unusual when she took this photo. The woman claims that there were no children nearby.

In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley photographed the interior of St Botolph's Church in London. On the top floor of the church, in the upper right corner of the photograph, a translucent figure is clearly visible, shaped like the outline of a girl.

According to the book “Real Ghosts” by author Brad Steiger, where this photo was published, there was only one photographer in the church at that time. Since the figure who appeared in the photo was all in black, it was assumed that it was a clergyman.

The photo was taken near Alice Springs, Australia in 1959. Translucent female figure in the foreground may not be due to double exposure, as experts say.

This famous photo was taken from security camera footage by a nurse at an unknown hospital. A dark figure stands on a patient lying on the bed.

The photo is known as “Face in the Window.” A mysterious face looks out from a courthouse in Alabama. According to the stories, this face former slave named Henry Wells, who was struck by lightning.

Photo of the so-called Ghost Bridge, according to legend, the photo shows the ghost of a woman drowned in the river.

The photo was taken in the abandoned Waverly Hills sanatorium, where tuberculosis was treated. Because effective treatment at that time there was none; the mortality rate was very high.

After the discovery of antibiotics, the sanatorium was closed, but according to legend, the souls of the patients still roam there, and on this photo one of the nurses is Mary Lee.

The Myrtle Plantation House in St. Francisville, Louisiana is one of the most famous haunted houses. The most famous of them is the ghost of the slave Chloe, who was hanged.

The Whaley House is also known for paranormal activity. Thus, it is believed that this photo shows the ghost of Thomas Whaley, who died from ant poisoning.

This is a very old photo that was taken during the renovation of the house. Supposedly it depicts the ghost of a Confederate soldier who died during the American Civil War.

Wedding photographer Neil Sandbach was photographing the area when he photographed this barn in Hertfordshire, England. An incomprehensible white figure appeared in the photo, the presence of which Neil could not find an explanation for.

In 1975, Diana and Peter Berthelot visited Worsted Church. Peter photographed his wife praying in silence in one of the church pews. Later he learned that he managed to capture in the photo the White Lady, about whom there are legends among the local population.

The picture shows a happy mother and son who have just moved to new house in Chicago. After development, the photo revealed the face of an old woman and a bulldog, which can be seen in the reflection of the door.

This photo was taken at Hampton Court Palace in England in 2003. According to experts, the image of the ghost at the door is not a photomontage.

Charleston's Old Town Jail is over two hundred years old and thousands of inmates have died here. It is assumed that the light figure in the photo is the ghost of one of them.

This is a photograph taken at Lake Dorothy Dunn, Wisconsin, USA. According to the photographer, there were no children around when the photo was taken.

The Mary King's Inn in Edinburgh, Scotland has long had a reputation as a haunted house.

The teenager took this photo while attending a wedding at Tulloch Castle in Scotland in 2008. According to The Sun, the castle has been around since the 1200s and is haunted by the ghost of the “Green Lady.”

This photo is from the Decebal Hotel in Romania. Legend has it that an ancient Roman treasure is hidden somewhere in a 150-year-old building, and this ghost is guarding it.

Photo from the Tea Room in Australia. Owner Dan Clifford said the motion sensor triggered something late at night and that's what he found on the security video.

The picture was taken in England, in Aston Church. Experts cannot explain the nature of the ghostly figure.

The photograph shows the ghost of a child looking out of the window. famous house Haunted House at 432 Abercorn Street in Savannah, USA. Legend has it that a girl tied to a chair by the window died of heatstroke in the house.

This famous photograph was taken at the beginning of the 20th century. A disembodied hand is imprinted on the Queen Anne bureau.

The story behind this photo is also widely known. The photo was taken before the relatives took the old woman to a nursing home. Her husband, who had died 13 years earlier, allegedly appeared behind her.

A police officer took a photo of the abandoned truck before it was towed. A ghostly figure was later seen inside.

This photo was taken at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, USA, known for its paranormal activity. Experts find it difficult to explain the nature of the ghostly figure in the photo.

The belief in ghosts and apparitions is so strong that some of them have truly world fame. Films are dedicated to them. Books are written about them. They are researched in every possible way and material is constantly republished in print media. If they were representatives of the physical world, they could become millionaires from their fame, but so far those who use them manage to do this.

All over the world, in every country, there are a lot of houses that have received the nickname “haunted house”. And again, in this competition, old Europe convincingly holds the palm. Foggy Albion is especially different from everyone else, where almost every city has such a house. Let's start with England.

The most famous ghosts : Borley Rectory.

The world fame of this house, which is exactly what it is called, began after the famous researcher and ghost hunter G. Price, already mentioned above, wrote a book about it, “The Most Unsettling House in England.” Then the whole world learned that there are places where evil spirits are as natural as the noise of leaves in the yard. In any case, that’s what Price argued, who, by the way, was repeatedly accused of juggling and falsifying facts, which is normal for such things in any case.

The rectory, Borley Rectory, was built in Borley, fifty miles south of London, in 1963 by priest Henry Ball. Since England is not distinguished by its special geographical expanses, it is not surprising that other buildings have stood on the site where the house was built for many centuries: a manor house and a Benedictine monastery. Perhaps it was the factor of layering of times that could play a major role. This was confirmed by the story of a certain nun from the monastery, who was walled up alive within its walls and her ghost was allegedly observed more than once by local residents. G. Ball, who built the house, saw him.

Until 1928, two generations of residents of the house changed and all of them different times noted strange phenomena, associated not only with a nun, but also with strange flying fireballs.

When the new owners moved into the house, that’s when all the fun began. There was such obvious and strong activity of inexplicable phenomena in the house (knocks, door movements, creaks, steps, glows, etc.) that new family Priest Smith could not stand it and turned to the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, Harry Price, who subsequently spent a lot of time in the house studying it. However, the phenomena did not stop and the family soon left their place of residence and relatives of the priest Balla who built the house moved into Borli Rectory. But even they could not live in this house for a long time, since the strange phenomena only worsened and they also moved out. Then Price rented the house and, with a team of assistants, began studying it, which later became public knowledge.

Price was allegedly able to make contact with the ghost of a nun and recorded many other phenomena. However, the history of the house ended in 1939. An unexplained fire occurred while a new tenant was moving into the house. Oddly enough, the house that burned to the ground continued to amaze local residents and the whole of England, when even Price himself had long been dead, since unexplained phenomena in the surrounding area continued. They say that you can still see the ghost of a nun in the alley near the house. Someone even managed to photograph him.

The most famous ghosts : Edinburgh castle.

Built in the 11th century, the castle has become a symbol of the typical idea of ​​haunted castles. Fans of the paranormal claim that it is practically teeming with all kinds of evil. Or rather, its dungeons are teeming with evil.

Where so many ghosts came from or so many claims that they exist there is unknown. Maybe because the castle was built on an almost 133-meter rock - the remains of an ancient volcano. Maybe because in the 17th century captured soldiers were kept there. Perhaps because during the terrible plague, people were buried alive in the area of ​​the castle’s southern bridge. However, most likely, nothing can explain this. Probably people themselves get what they want to see or they see what they were inspired to see. One way or another, no excursion to the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is complete without visiting the ancient castle. And no inspection of an ancient castle ends with stories and supposedly testimonies from tourists about the presence of ghosts in this colorful building.

The hysteria around Edinburgh Castle not only does not fade away with time and the increasing development of civilization, but quite the opposite. This is evidenced by the ghost hunt, unprecedented in the history of mankind, which happened in 2001 in this very place. A group led by the famous British psychiatrist and ghost hunter Richard Weismann and nine other scientists, accompanied by at least two hundred volunteers, spent several days exploring all the corridors, basements and attics of this structure in search of evidence of a mystical presence in it.

I was personally struck by the fact that this issue was dealt with by professional and recognized scientists, and not typical ufologists, who, unfortunately, very often do not differ in their objective perception of the world. Although it is not at all surprising that the entire procession was led by no one but a psychiatrist. This is probably the most suitable specialist for most of these cases.

As befits a serious approach, this crowd of people gathered in the cult castle not just to stare at it and look for ghosts stunned by the huge crowd in the darkest corners. Scientists are fully armed with all the necessary equipment capable of recording the most insignificant vibrations and unnatural changes in the internal environment of the building.

What did you manage to record in the end? Of course, no one saw the ghosts with their own eyes, but they still managed to document them in photos, videos or devices whole line oddities: inexplicable shadows on walls and ceilings; mysterious silhouettes in the dark; strange green blotches on surfaces. And this is not counting those subjective experiences of danger and fear that accompany almost all participants in the experience.

The most famous ghosts: London Underground.

Ghosts in England have chosen all possible forests, parks, cemeteries, castles, churches, shops and almost all mansions. It seems that old England attracts not only immigrants from all over the world in search of better life, but also ghosts who seem to like the climate there. So it turns out that they have already filled all possible habitats and even began to settle in completely unusual places. For example, in the subway. Just like beggars.

No joke, the London Underground is indeed another place where, according to eyewitnesses, there are also many ghosts that frighten the measured Englishmen. In 1994, Aldwych station was closed and began to be rented out for various parties and other entertainment events, which began to be visited, as they say, by some deceased famous singer, nostalgic for public attention. She is regularly seen by workers at this former station. Sometimes it is possible to notice traces remaining in the places where she appeared.

The site of what is now Covent Garden Station was once a pharmacy frequented by the actor William Terriss, who was murdered in 1897. Since the mid-20th century, he has been seen very often at this metro station. Once, when he appeared in the rest room for metro workers, many witnesses to this fact asked the authorities to transfer them to other areas of work.

The most famous ghost of London's underground is Anne Naylor, who was murdered in 1758 and regularly haunts Farringdon station at night. Late visitors to the station and those rushing to work before everyone else very often hear her screams and speech in this place, and therefore she received the nickname Screaming Ann.

The most famous ghosts : The White house.

In general, it is not that uncommon to see ghosts and apparitions big personalities of years gone by in the places of their former work. Even in the Moscow Kremlin after the death of V.I. Lenin, his ghost was observed many times. The same applies to the ghost of Ivan the Terrible and a number of other famous rulers. The situation is no better with the official residence of Japanese prime ministers. The fact is that this building has always had a bad reputation and bloody incidents have occurred in it. It would be funny, but this adds problems directly to the prime ministers who are forced to work in such an atmosphere. Some of them, such as Yoshiro Mori, directly stated that the residence was haunted.

But the most unusual cases occurred in the Republic of Malawi, where the president had to call priests of all possible faiths to exorcise a spirit from his residence, and in Israel, where a security camera in the Knesset once discovered a strange luminous object

The White House in the US capital Washington, where presidential administrations and the presidents themselves have long held meetings, has become especially famous for ghost visions. The spirit of President Abraham Lincoln, who, as it happens, is not the first time in the chronicles of the anomalous, is especially disturbing the chambers of the people's representatives. The first to see the spirit of Lincoln was the wife of President Calvin Coolidge, who saw him directly in the oval office, where he was noticed most often. Then one of Roosevelt's secretaries saw him. The persistent ghost did not pass by even such a high-ranking person as the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, who spent the night in the White House during the time of the same Roosevelt.

According to rumors, there are supposedly a lot of other famous and not so famous ghosts in the White House. For example, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson saw in the garden in front of the building the ghost of the wife of one of former heads states. And Vice President Henry Wilson was seen several times in the basement of the building. Among other celebrities whose spirits have at one time or another been seen in the White House, one can note two former speakers of the House of Representatives, D. Cannon and C. Clark, who regularly visit the current inhabitants of this building, although it is, of course, simply impossible to verify this, since despite total video control, no evidence of these phenomenal phenomena was ever presented to the public.

One could attribute all the unusual phenomena in the White House to journalists looking for good fees, but among the witnesses unusual phenomena in the most important residence in the world there were such personalities as Bill Clinton’s wife Hilary, who, by her own admission, was shivered by the noise of footsteps invisible people. Unlike other wives of presidents, Hilary deserves more trust, if only because of her personal extremely successful political career.

The most famous ghosts : Golshany.

The history of a small town in Belarus could be observed on the air “Inexplicable, but true”, where many witnesses and workers were interviewed historical museum, located in a 17th century Franciscan monastery. The short story is that from the very moment the buildings were built, strange phenomena were observed in them. To this day, museum workers sometimes witness ghosts and unexplained phenomena. More than one research group came to Golshany and some of them also managed to witness these phenomena.

Those who believe in the presence of a real ghost in this place are completely sure that it belongs to a young girl who was walled up alive within the walls of the monastery during its construction. The fact is that during an unsuccessful construction there was a so-called construction sacrifice. This brutal custom of building houses was widespread in old times. It is believed that in many historical palaces and fortresses there are grooves in the walls with the same walled-up children or girls.

There would be this simple story an ordinary story, but one day, while carrying out repair work, the builders discovered the same construction victim in the wall, which only once again proved that not everything was in order with the monastery.

The most famous ghosts : White Ladies.

It just so happened that completely different ghosts in different countries people accidentally started giving the same names. This is not surprising, because you can’t come up with a new name for a ghost for every castle, and there are ghosts, judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, in every ancient castle. So several ghosts, called White Ladies, were born all over the world. The most famous of them are three: Belarusian, Czech and Estonian. And in each case, White ladies are the most famous in their countries.

Belarusian White Lady- this is the same construction victim in Golshany, which was written about above. It is impossible to envy her fate, but it was not much easier for the Czech namesake, who during her lifetime was called Perchta from famous surname Rozhmberkov. The moment of marriage, which her harsh father forced her to do, was fatal for her, and which she did not want at all, as if she felt something was wrong. And so it turned out. The husband was extremely cruel and Perkhta lived with him for more than twenty years in unbearable conditions. Immediately after her death, a strange white female ghost began to be noticed in absolutely all the castles of the Rožmberk family, of which there are as many as five. To this day, the White Lady is regularly spotted in these castles and has become the most famous Czech ghost.

The story of the Estonian White Lady is no less sad. According to legend, during the Middle Ages, a monk of the Dome Cathedral at the Bishop's Castle fell in love with a local peasant woman. However, her parents wanted to marry her off to a rich man and she was forced to dress up as a boy and hide in the cathedral as a choir member until better times. However, the couple was soon seen through. The monk was thrown to die in a dungeon, and the girl was walled up alive in the wall.

It is difficult to say how true the legend is. However, the girl’s ghost can still be seen in the city of Haapsalu, as they say local residents and Ghostbusters. Moreover, this is the same one rare case, when anyone can become an eyewitness. To do this, you only need to be in this city in early August of each year and observe the local Bishop's castle, or rather, the remains of it. As even the official authorities of the city, represented by the mayor himself, assure, probably hoping to attract tourists in this way, the White Lady can be seen in these places even during the day, but it is even better on a full moon with a clear sky.

It’s interesting, but people gather at the ruins of the castle not only to look at the ghost, but also because it has become a symbol of strong and happy love. It is for this reason that on August days in the city of Haapsalu there are much more couples in love than typical ghost hunters.

The most famous ghosts : The Black Hunchback in Ostankino.

No one remembers exactly when a very strange old woman, nicknamed the Black Hunchback ghost, began to appear for the first time on the territory of the modern Ostankino district and the Ostankino museum-estate, built at the end of the 18th century. At first, individual peasants simply saw her. Then she warned about the bad consequences of local builders who dug up some wasteland for production purposes. At the same time, every time she somehow appeared and disappeared out of nowhere. Everything would have been fine if one day, as rumors say, she had not appeared to Emperor Paul himself when he was in these places and had not warned him of impending troubles (he was killed in March 1801).

So to this day, the Black Hunchback appears from time to time in the area of ​​​​the television center, and its inhabitants have long made it a custom to take this mystical character seriously. At any corporate television party, it is customary to leave a glass of vodka and a bar of chocolate for grandma, as if to appease her in case of emergency. They believe in her existence not only from conversations and legends, but also because there is a lot of evidence that she regularly appears on the television center. This especially often happens at critical moments for him.

Many people associate the mysticism of the Ostankino places with historical data that previously there were someone’s remains on them, which is where the name of the area came from. However, this is excluded, since the original name was Ostashkovo.

The most famous ghosts : Mikhailovsky Castle.

Perhaps the most famous in the territory modern Russia ghost's abode. Yes, what a ghost. According to evidence and legends based on real facts, the ghost of Emperor Paul himself haunts the Mikhailovsky Castle. It should be noted that it is not always possible to see it there. They say only once a year - on your birthday, September 20, 1754. On this day, allegedly, you can see him walking around the building, looking out the windows and opening the doors.

Why should Paul the First appear on his birthday in this particular place? There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the castle, built by architects Bazhenov and Brenn, was originally the design of the Emperor himself. Pavel himself took part in the direct architectural design of the building. Subsequently, the Mikhailovsky Castle became not just the favorite habitat of the royal person, but also a kind of fortress in which he could feel safe. As you know, Paul’s contemporaries were not very fond of him for his views, let’s say, not entirely of a patriotic nature. In other words, the love invested in the building, according to psychics, could not remain without a trace and could have power even after his death. It seems like, even in the next world, in other world he regularly recalls his favorite place in all of Russia (he also had a lot of favorite places abroad).

Secondly, it was in the Mikhailovsky Castle that it overtook violent death Paul the First, why his spirit may also still be attached to the place, as ghost hunters believe. It is curious, but by a strange coincidence, before the appearance of the castle, in its place there was Summer Palace Elizaveta Petrovna, in which the future emperor was born. It turns out that his life's journey began and ended in the same place. Isn't there still an argument for his presence in this place?

Undoubtedly, it is a very controversial question that in this ancient building there is at least some otherworldly force. However, its story forces one to connect to the imagination all possible stereotypes regarding ghosts and everything connected with it, and perhaps that is why people consider Mikhailovsky Castle a haunted place.

The most famous ghosts in history

We hear about ghosts all the time and not only in fiction or cinema. Oh no, from time to time messages from them reach us in the form of rumors, or slip into the news.

Let’s be honest, almost everyone in their life has at least once encountered a strange event or phenomenon. Many of which can be attributed to ghosts.

True, most of them, of course, have a rational explanation, but most will agree not all. There are cases that are nothing other than paranormal phenomena you can't explain.

Here we propose to get acquainted with a number of the most famous ghosts. Of course, the list will not be complete, because in different parts of the world, there are their famous habitats and famous perfumes.

But still the list is not small. Who knows which of the ghosts presented here are real and which are not. The best option is to check it out and see it with your own eyes.

And so which of the ghosts has earned world fame:

– Slave from Myrtle Plantation– this plantation and mansion still exist to this day and are famous among seekers of the otherworldly.

The fact is that at least two ghosts live here, a slave poisoner who took revenge on her master, but mistakenly killed his wife and daughters with poison. She was hanged for this, too. The second ghost is just youngest daughter fallen at her hands. It is usually seen in mirrors around the house.

This spirit lives in the state of Illinois. Not Big city Justit, for over eight decades now, has had occasional encounters with a blue-eyed, blonde-haired young girl who asks to pick her up on the side of the road.

She calls herself Mary and always wears White dress. When drivers drop her off, she always disappears at Resurrection Cemetery.

– in fact, there are several such ships, but the most famous of them is the “Flying Dutchman”, it was launched in 1641 and disappeared that same year, after its captain Hendrik Van der Decken, on a bet, went into the worst storm around the Cape of Good Hope.

No one saw the ship again, but its ghost began to appear in that area next to other ships, and then disappear just as without a trace.

– this woman went down in history, her fate was very tragic but bright. Second wife of King Henry VIII of England, mother of the future Queen Elizabeth I.

Three years after the wedding, she was accused of incest and witchcraft. The verdict was execution, after which the ghost of the queen was seen more than once in several ancient churches, as well as castles in London. According to some, however, this is not one ghost, but several.

- the not very large city of Coronado in California, has one hotel, created in the Victorian style.

Horribly, a guest, Kate Morgan, who moved in, was found shot dead on the path that led to the sea.

Apparently she shot herself, and her spirit never found peace. Because mystical things began to happen in the hotel.

In particular, some guests stated that they saw the ghost of a woman.

– yes, all King fans will remember “The Shining.” It was thanks to this work that the hotel became famous.

– this ghost lives in an English castle. According to legend, this woman was named Sarah Whitehead.

She is looking for her brother, who was once accused of forging bank checks. This was such a big shock that even after death she continues to look for him.

– considered one of the most terrible in London. This ghost or ghosts appears in the form of a girl or a little boy.

And they say that his presence can lead to such an attack of fear that people risk their lives and encounter him.

This is just a small part huge list known ghosts, which, moreover, is gradually replenished. You can learn about other famous ghosts in other articles on the site.

In our world, which has been studied, it would seem, far and wide, inexplicable phenomena are still encountered. And, although the existence of paranormal phenomena has not been scientifically proven, many still believe in them. Perhaps because people are naturally curious, and ghosts are an amazing chance to at least look behind the veil of mystery of the otherworldly. Here is a selection of the most famous ghosts in the world.

1. The Ghost of the White Lady

The White Lady is a collective name for ghosts. As a rule, eyewitnesses describe long-haired women in a white dress, with dark sad eyes and a thin, pointed face. Sometimes they also talk about bloody hands and face, and Mikhail Rosenberg, during his trip to the Czech Republic, saw a Lady wearing black gloves.

This ghost is one of the most famous in the world. According to legend, the Czech White Lady is none other than Perchta Rozmberk, who is considered the guardian of the Rozmberk family and families close to it. Her story could have happened to any noble young woman who lived in the Middle Ages: young Perchta was forcibly married to a man much older than herself, the aristocrat Jan Lichtenstein. He turned out to be a villain, a pervert and a sadist, often raped and beat his young wife, and also, not embarrassed by her presence, organized orgies in the castle. The unfortunate woman endured bullying for 20 years, because the morals of that era did not allow her to leave her despot husband and return to her family, and the church would not give permission for a divorce.

They say that before his death, Count Liechtenstein asked his wife for forgiveness, but she could not forgive him. Then the count cursed his wife with the words: “May you have no peace after death!”

Since then, Perchta has appeared in the former possessions of the Rožmberks: the old castle of Sovinec and the nearby town of Cesky Krumlov. It does not harm anyone, but for the descendants of the family it can mean a warning about the imminent death of one of the relatives. Her portrait with a signature in an unknown language has survived to this day. There is a legend that the White Lady will appear to anyone who can decipher the signature. himself and tell you where the huge treasure is hidden.

2. Anku

The word “Anku” itself is translated as “skeleton” or, in some interpretations, “Messenger of Death”. This ghost has been seen on the roads of Brittany. It always appears on old country roads and never near busy highways or populated areas. However, the ghost did not disdain small villages and, according to legend, visited them often.

Anku looks like a corpse or a skeleton with long white hair. He is wrapped in a dark cloak with a hood thrown over his face, hiding the greenish putrid light in his sunken eye sockets, with a scythe on his shoulder. He is always followed by a funeral cart drawn by a skeletal horse. His appearance was accompanied by the ringing of funeral bells, gusts of icy wind and the dull loud clatter of horse hooves.

It was believed that whoever was lucky enough to see the anka would die within the next two years. Some sources say that an eyewitness, when meeting a ghost, was certainly knocked down by an unknown force, and earth was stuffed into his mouth, perhaps the same one that would soon be thrown on his coffin. If a person encountered anku at midnight, he would certainly die within a month.

However, anku is not just one mysterious entity. The previous messenger of death was replaced every year by another unfortunate man, who happened to be the last to die of the year. There is another opinion: anku is none other than the biblical character Cain, the first person to commit murder.

The last time Anka was allegedly seen was about 50 years ago. It is possible that there is simply no place left for such ghosts in our enlightened age.

3. Shivering boy

There is a strange place in Ireland - Gripmain Castle. Now no one lives in the castle, but it is well preserved and is open to tourists. And, of course, like most respected European castles, it has its own ghost, known throughout the world as the “Trembling Boy”.

They say that if you stay in the castle overnight, then around midnight a pale translucent silhouette of a child with dark hair falling into his eyes will appear next to your bed. The boy will whisper, “It's cold, I'm so cold,” and may even touch your face with his icy fingers. Eyewitnesses said that after they woke up, the boy did not leave, but continued to stand by the bed and complain about the cold. He got away only after the unfortunate visitor to the ancient castle turned on the light. At the same time, the ghost did not leave the room, did not evaporate, no - it simply disappeared, as if it was not there, which, however, is quite possible.

According to legend, the boy was the heir to a rich old family of Northumbrian earls and received the castle from his father, who died when his son was only six years old. His uncle-guardian decided to get rid of the rightful owner and appropriate the castle for himself, so he took the child to the field winter night and left him there alone. By morning the boy was frozen, and his uncle finally received the coveted castle. True, together with a ghost: some sources describe that the boy “returned” the very next night after his burial and tormented his uncle for the rest of his life.

The ghost of a child is still seen in the castle, and some impressionable tourists talked about his appearance in daytime. In some cases, entire groups of people who have never met before and visited Gripmain Castle for the first time in their lives speak about his appearance with one voice.

4. Lady from Echt

The lady from Echt can be found in Holland. The ghost is not tied to any specific place and can appear anywhere. The lady from Echt looks quite impressive: a torn dark dress, a thin cloak thrown over her shoulders, her head lying in her thin, emaciated hands, and blood oozing from the stump of her neck. However, this ghost is quite harmless for the casual traveler.

You can meet the Lady, as usual, only at night. In some cases, the headless female figure may simply walk by, and in others, it may stop in front of the person and speak to him. If for some reason a strange ghost likes you, it will take you to the place where the treasure is buried, but will ask you not to take a single coin for yourself, but to distribute everything to those in need. If the one who received the treasure does not fulfill this condition, then the gold coins found and appropriated by him will turn to dust.

One day the Lady from Echt met a young man on the road returning home at night. She showed him the place where the treasure was buried and said that he could take it for himself if only he dug up the treasure without making a sound. But the stupid young man, seeing a chest full of gold, could not resist a joyful cry, after which both the chest and the ghost literally fell through the ground. Since then, no one has seen the headless ghost. Apparently, the Lady finally became disillusioned with people and left for another world.

5. Black Lady of Nesvizh Castle

The Black Lady is the ghost of Barbara Radziwill, a representative of one of the most noble families of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Previously, she could be found in one of the rooms of her family nest - Nesvizh Castle. The ghost looked like a beautiful blond woman with sad brown eyes in a rich black dress and pearls on her slender neck.

It so happened that, while still alive, the young and beautiful princess met the heir to the Polish crown, Sigismund Augustus. As usual, passion arose between the young people, they became lovers and eventually got married secretly. Soon after this, Sigismund's first wife Augusta died of epilepsy, and Barbara was presented to the court as the king's legal wife. Unfortunately, Queen Mother Bona Sforza hated all the offspring of the Radziwill family, and therefore Barbara was soon poisoned on her orders and died in terrible agony. They did not bury her in the tomb of the Polish kings, but took her body to her native castle.

Oddly enough, this is perhaps the only ghost whose origin can be explained by anything other than the rich imagination of the people who saw it. Barbara, for example, was seen by many people during a spiritualistic seance arranged for the inconsolable king by the famous “magician and spellcaster” of that time, Pan Tvardovsky. He summoned the spirit of the dead queen using the so-called magic mirror, having previously agreed with the king that he would not try to touch his wife. Of course, the king could not stand it, tried to hug her, and she disappeared with a loud ringing sound. The secret of its appearance lies in the mirror that Pan Tvardovsky, who left Nesvizh Castle in a hurry, left there. Behind a thin layer of amalgam is engraved the appearance of Barbara, exactly as she was in life. If light hits a mirror under certain angle, then a ghost appears in the room.

Agree, this is an amazing trick in its execution, and explains quite a lot. It is quite possible that other ghosts seen by people in other parts of the world and under other circumstances appeared due to some completely understandable reasons. Another thing is that these reasons are still unknown.

6. Ghost ship

Surprisingly, the world's most famous ghost is not a man, but a ship - the Flying Dutchman. It is observed off the southern coast of Africa to this day, although always at a great distance. It is described as a battered old sailing ship. Previously, until the 20th century, sailors allegedly managed to get close to the ghost ship, and then it was possible to discern the ghostly silhouettes of emaciated men (according to another version, skeletons moving along the deck).

Fata Morgana

According to legend, the captain of the ship, Philip Van der Decken, fell in love with a girl, but she did not reciprocate his feelings, and then the stern sailor killed her fiancé. The girl did not survive this and threw herself off the cliff into the sea, and Van der Decken had to flee. While trying to go around the Cape of Good Hope, his ship was caught in a strong storm, but the ambitious captain did not want to wait out the bad weather in some bay. Instead, he began to blaspheme and swore that none of his crew would go ashore until they had rounded “that damn cape,” thereby bringing a curse upon himself and his crew. Since then, the ship has been forced to sail across the ocean, and none of the crew is able to go ashore. There is a version that a captain can step ashore once every ten years for exactly one day, and if during this time he finds a girl who voluntarily agrees to become his wife, then the curse will disappear.

The appearance of the Flying Dutchman is often explained by the phenomenon of Fata Morgana - a mirage that appears in the sea above the surface of the water.

7. The Ghost of Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is another ghost that is not tied to a specific place. According to history, it can be found anywhere in the UK. Most often, eyewitnesses claim to have seen her wandering the corridors of the Tower of London, sitting near a window at the Priory of Dean in Windsor, or on the estates of Blickling Hall. She is described as tall beautiful woman dressed in white, carrying a severed head in her hands. She was sometimes seen riding in a carriage drawn by headless horses and driven by a headless coachman.

The story of Anne Boleyn's ghost originates in another legend of unhappy love. Anna was the second wife English king Henry VIII. For her sake, he founded the Anglican Church. This was necessary in order to divorce the previous wife: the Papal Throne at that time was categorically against divorce proceedings, especially when it came to monarchs. One way or another, the king married Anna, she bore him a daughter, but then the king’s love ended, and he became interested in his new favorite. Henry accused the unfortunate Anna of treason, took him into custody and subsequently executed her. Since then, Anna has been forced to wander through the expanses of her native country, unable to find peace.

Interestingly, no one has ever seen the ghost of the treacherous Henry. At least in written sources there is nothing about it. As for Anna, her frequent appearances are written about in every guidebook of a more or less famous castle.

8. The Brown Lady from Ryman Hall

The Brown Lady is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole, according to official sources, the wife of Viscount Townsend II who died in 1726. Her father did not consent to their marriage for a long time, and when Dorothy finally married the Viscount, she very soon fell in love with another man. Her angry husband locked her in one of the rooms of their castle, Ryman Hall. It is believed that she died of smallpox, but some historians are inclined to believe that the cause of death was depression from separation from her lover. There is also a version that a jealous husband pushed her down the stairs.

Since then, the Brown Lady has been seen more than once in the corridors of the estate. It is believed that she cannot leave Ryman Hall until she finds her children, whom she did not see until her death due to her husband’s ban on visiting them. She looks like a blurry female figure in a strict brown dress. This is a rather "peaceful" ghost. The lady never tried to make contact with eyewitnesses, did not speak to them or even look in their direction - she simply wandered along the corridors of the house and disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Surprisingly, there is even one photograph of this ghost, taken in 1936 by respected photographers Captain Provand and his assistant Indra Shira. These people had an impeccable reputation, so most ordinary people of that time did not question the authenticity of the photograph. It was published in the authoritative magazine “Rural Life” and served as excellent advertising for the old estate. However, it is inappropriate to talk about the authenticity of the photo these days: firstly, even in the first half of the 20th century it was easy to make such a fake, and secondly, there is no longer any documentary evidence of the existence of a ghost.

9. Black dogs

Black dogs are traditionally described as shaggy, calf-sized dogs with glowing red eyes and a grinning mouth with huge fangs. They were seen only in Great Britain and Ireland, most often near river and sea shores or in cemetery graveyards. Otherwise, legends about creepy black dogs vary greatly. According to some sources, meeting a dog means inevitable death, either immediately from its fangs, or soon from an incurable disease. According to other beliefs, dogs were considered, despite their appearance, to be good messengers and could guide home lonely girls walking along the road at night or lead a lost child out of the forest, and were dangerous only for sinners or criminals.

Some esotericists explain the appearance of black dogs by the fact that certain magnetic parallels supposedly pass in these places (a controversial version). Others believe that dogs are the energetic imprint of dogs that lived in these places in the past, and their appearance is due to meteorological phenomena. Still others say that these are just ordinary dogs appearing at a distance from you, and fear, as you know, has big eyes.

It was never possible to film a black dog, so there is no documentary evidence of their existence. Of course, even a century and a half ago, in the vastness of Great Britain, corpses were found with obvious traces of fangs on the body, but ordinary wolves could do this to a lonely traveler.

William Hope was famous photographer ghosts in the 1920s of the last century. Among his fans was even Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series. Unlike his hero, the writer willingly believed in mysticism - spirits and ghosts.

No one knows who the elderly couple posed for the photo was. Most likely, the photographer played on the emotions of the spouses who lost only daughter and ready to give any money to see her again. Maybe that's what makes the photo so creepy - the idea that someone was profiting from someone else's misfortune.

The Ghost of the Tulip Stairs


Reverend Ralph Hardy, a former priest from White Rock, British Columbia, was planning to take a photo of the so-called "tulip staircase" at the National maritime museum in Greenwich. The exquisite spiral staircase was often photographed by photographers, and always without incident. But not this time. After taking the photograph in 1966 and developing it, Reverend Hardy was stunned.

A ghostly figure was walking up the stairs. Experts from all over the world tried to find a defect in the strange photo, but to no avail - even experts from Kodak admitted that the photo was not a fake.

Mother-in-law's ghost in the back seat

In 1959, Mrs Chinnery photographed her husband driving a car. When the couple developed the photo, they were horrified to notice a black figure with burning eyes in the back seat. Looking closely, Mrs. Chinnery recognized the ghost as her own mother. This is how mother-in-law jokes come about.

Newby Church Monk

Also known as the "Newby church spirit", it manifested itself in the Church of Christ the Comforter in North Yorkshire. The photograph shows the silhouette of a man, disproportionately tall, with his face covered by a bag. Probably the ghost wanted to cover up the signs of leprosy on his face.

Skeptics claim that the photo is nothing more than a joke played by one of the priests, who persuaded his friend to put a bag on his head. By superimposing one image onto another, a similar effect was achieved. Or is this not a joke after all?..

The Ghost of Amityville

In November 1974, 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Junior shot and killed his parents and four siblings in their home at 108 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York.

Two years later, professional photographer Gene Campbell joined the group of famous "ghost hunters" Ed and Lorraine Warren. They decided to spend the night in one of the scariest places in the world - the Amityville Horror House. Throughout the night, Ed and Lorraine tried to contact the spirits living in the house. All this time the photographer was filming.

In 1979, George Lutz, the owner of the house, showed the world photographs taken by the photographer. One of them clearly shows the ghost of little John DeFeo, one of the children killed in the house.

Skeptics claim that the photo shows paranormal investigator Paul Bartz, who was with his colleagues that night, very much alive.

Photo from Waverly Hills Sanatorium

The hospital was opened in 1910 and treated tuberculosis patients. The only treatment for this terrible disease in those days was Fresh air and sun rays.

Unfortunately, less than 5% of patients survived. About 8 thousand people died in the hospital. Exact number deaths are unknown. Dead bodies are still being found near the sanatorium, and among them is the body of nurse Mary Lee, who, according to rumors, contracted tuberculosis from patients and died. According to another version, she became pregnant by one of the doctors and was found hanging from a chandelier in room No. 502. The photographer caught the ghostly figure of Mary Lee on film. They say she still wanders the corridors of the hospital.

Freddie Jackson

Group portrait of Goddard's squadron serving in the First world war at the ship "Dedalus", it came out too... in a group. That is, all the soldiers were included in the frame, including the deceased Freddie Jackson.

His face is visible behind the pilot in the upper corner - fourth from the left. Freddie was an aircraft mechanic. He was killed by an airplane propeller two days before general photo. But Freddie's funeral took place on the very day of filming.

Ghost of the Cairn Terrier

Pictured is Lady Hehir with her Irish wolfhound Tara. But there is another participant in the photo: a small Cairn Terrier nestled behind the giantess Tara.

It turns out that this is also Lady Hehir's dog, named Cathal. True, Cathal died six weeks before the photograph was taken. During their lifetime, Tara and Cathal had very tender feelings for each other. Probably the dog did not want to leave his girlfriend even after death.

Ghost in a Broken Window

The picture was taken on February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. Someone knocked on the window of the house where the woman lived with her teenage daughter. The knocking was repeated until the owner of the house went outside and looked around carefully.

When she returned, a strange sound was suddenly heard, part of the glass fell out, forming an almost round hole. The next day, she asked her friend to take some pictures. In one of the photographs, the face of a mysterious woman is clearly visible, peering intently into the lens.