Treatment for stuttering at home. Breathing exercises for stuttering

The problem of stuttering occurs in both children and adults. It causes a lot of inconvenience and can seriously undermine self-esteem. And it’s not just the speech defect itself, but a general lack of self-confidence. It’s like a vicious circle: the more you stutter, the more embarrassed you become, which makes you stutter even more... But everything can be solved if you believe in yourself.

We asked experts about how to get rid of stuttering once and for all. Yana Borisovna Polya, a speech therapist of the highest category, says: Most often, stuttering appears in childhood. The most dangerous period is from 3 to 5 years, during the rapid development of speech. But this disease can also affect an adult. Stuttering is a violation of the tempo, rhythm of fluency of speech as a result of convulsions of the articulatory apparatus. A person who stutters may fiddle with his clothes, make involuntary movements with his arms and legs, and may develop nervous tics. Some people who stutter “mask” their defect by inserting meaningless words or sounds into their speech: “so”, “here”, “mmm”, “uh”...

How to cure stuttering? Remember that this is not only a speech defect. It is associated with a disorder of the nervous system. It often turns out that a person’s physical health is not ideal. In an adult, stuttering may remain from childhood or appear spontaneously. Often the problem “dies down” in conditions of calm and harmony, and reappears when a person is exposed to stress. In such cases, you should contact a number of specialists: a neurologist, a speech therapist, a clinical psychologist. A psychologist will help relieve tension and fear of speech. The speech therapist will teach or help you remember the skills of speech breathing, smooth and continuous speech. And the neurologist, for his part, will provide assistance to the nervous system.

It is useful for people who stutter to engage in some sports: swimming, yoga, karate. Singing, theater groups, dancing - all this also helps a person to relax, feel confident, develop breathing, plasticity, and cope with general bodily tension.


In the meantime, the doctor is treating you, use popular practices to combat stuttering.

Treatment for stuttering

How to cure stuttering? Instead of the attitude “oh horror, now it’s going to start again,” choose the attitude: “this is such a feature of mine.” Internally accept the fact that you stutter and try to live with it. If you are afraid of how others will react to your stuttering, you can tell or hint about the problem in advance. The calmer you are about the defect, the less often it will appear.

Learn to relax yourself

Everyone has their own “recipes” for relaxation. Some people are helped by a rosary that can be fiddled with in their hands, a piece of paper whose edges can be folded and unbent, or perhaps a certain crossing of the fingers, which gives a peaceful state. When you are ready, begin your speech. You will see: its quality directly depends on your internal state.

Play a home performance

Many stutterers, when talking with loved ones, completely forget about their problem. But she reminds herself in stressful moments. Rehearse in front of your sister, your man or your parents the speech that you are going to give at the meeting tomorrow. Remember the feeling of relaxation and self-confidence, and save them until the “X” moment.

Learn to breathe correctly

Breathing exercises from yoga or qigong can help regulate breathing when stuttering. Learn to control the force of inhalation and exhalation, the rhythms of intake and removal of air from the lungs. Repeat the exercises every day without skipping them: soon you will feel that your stuttering has decreased.

Think about anything - just not about your own speech

People often stutter from the very fact of their uneven speech. This makes them lose the thread of the conversation and miss the point of the conversation. Try to shift your attention from your own voice to the idea you want to convey or to your interlocutor. Concentrate on processing speech information, put emphasis not on form, but on content.

Take breaks

How to get rid of stuttering? When you feel a stutter coming on, give yourself time to regulate your breathing. Pause the conversation and take a deep breath. Repeat inhaling and exhaling, listening to your breathing. This way you can control your speech, and light pauses will give you an interesting mystery in the eyes of your interlocutor.

Get inspired

While you're practicing your speech, be patient and enthusiastic. And good literature and cinema will help you with this. For example, the Oscar-winning “The King's Speech”: feel yourself in the place of the main character and go with him all the way from complexes to complete victory.

Daria Mazurkina quickly looked for ways to get rid of stuttering

The problem of stuttering among adults is very common; many famous people suffered from stuttering and, despite this, achieved significant heights in their careers and succeeded in family and business.

Stuttering is expressed in speech impairment, hesitation in pronunciation after the first sound of a word. During a conversation, a stutterer feels strong muscle tension, he loses control over his speech and verbal organs. The speech centers of a stuttering person do not work synchronously, hence the imbalance in social contact and communication.

Types of stuttering

There are three types of stuttering:

  1. Stuttering in people with nervous system defects.
  2. A speech defect that arose when a child was retrained from left-handed to right-handed.
  3. Stuttering acquired during life, due to stress, chronic fatigue, severe emotional shock, trauma, fear, depression, and so on.

Speech defects are characterized by exacerbation during periods of psycho-emotional arousal, which is why it is difficult for stutterers to speak in public and in front of an audience.

Treatment methods for stuttering in adults

Treatment of stuttering has deep roots in the past. That is why many recipes for getting rid of stuttering in adults at home have survived to this day.

Traditional methods of stuttering therapy are based on various breathing techniques that help relax the speech and breathing organs:

  • Starting position - stand straight, palms down, arms relaxed. Bend your torso slightly forward and round your back, trying to keep your head, neck and shoulders as relaxed as possible. Take a quick, deep breath in through your nose. Returning to the starting position, exhale actively and noisily through your mouth or nose. Repeat the exercise 10-12 approaches 8 times.
  • The starting position is to stand straight, hands on your hips, back straight. Turn your head left and right, inhaling out loud as you turn, and exhale as you smoothly move your head from side to side. When performing the exercise, try not to strain your body and head. Repeat 2-3 times for 30 breaths.
  • Sit on the floor in the lotus position, put your hands on your knees, try to completely relax. Take a deep breath, filling your lungs to capacity, exhale in portions, pushing out the air with smooth abdominal movements. Repeat exercises as fatigue sets in.

Breathing training actively loads the diaphragm, helps relax the vocal cords, preventing them from closing and interfering with conversation. It is better to do breathing exercises in the morning and evening, on an empty stomach.

Normalization of speech function is facilitated by taking sedatives and relaxants. infusions and herbal teas, since the root of stuttering lies in some tension in the nervous system and the inability to get rid of constant discomfort.

Alternative medicine techniques should be carried out in combination with the main methods of conservative treatment by a defectologist. Prepare a herbal medicinal mixture from equal parts of dried and crushed flowers of calendula, lemon balm, sweet clover, licorice and birch leaves. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath, waiting until it boils. The finished decoction is infused for an hour or two and drunk two or three small sips during the day before meals.

There is another, no less effective recipe that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system of an adult: take the same number of flowers of chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, anise, motherwort and lemon balm, pour one spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours. You need to drink half a glass of the infusion every day, at least four times a day.

For stuttering in adults, medicinal aromatic oils are widely used at home. Inhaling useful and pleasant incense calms, gives confidence, improves mood, relieves tension and irritation. It is better to conduct an aromatherapy session in the evening, in a calm and cozy home atmosphere. The most effective in combating stuttering in adults are aromas of pine, rosemary, sandalwood, basil, rose and bergamot.

Healing fragrant oils are also added to the bath; oil extracts of sage, thyme, wormwood, geranium and lavender are used for this purpose. The water for a therapeutic bath should not be too hot, a temperature of about 37-38 degrees is enough, only 2-3 drops of aromatic oil are added to the water. The bath should take about 15 minutes. For lasting results, you need to take a 15-day course of evening fragrant baths.

Herbal tea will help calm and relax a stuttering person: in a two-liter thermos, put two handfuls of rose hips and one handful of viburnum berries, leave for 5 hours in a row. Drink ready-made tea with lemon and honey.

To relieve spasms that occur during speech, stutterers are recommended to drink a medicinal drink based on whole cow's milk. Boil the milk, after boiling, add a pinch of dry cinquefoil herb, remove from heat, cool, strain and drink one glass a day.

Stuttering can be treated at any age and not only with medication. Try it, maybe one of these recipes will help you too! Good luck!

How to get rid of stuttering at home for an adult - exercisesGrade 4.07 /5 27 votes

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Discussion: 19 comments left.

    You know, I really liked the exercises, the thing is that when I start to worry, I can’t say a single word. It’s scary to go to the doctor, but everything seems to be fine in the family, I communicate without problems. But when my boss calls me or I have to speak at public events, I start to stutter. When I started doing breathing exercises little by little, at first I didn’t notice it myself, but for the first time I communicated with my boss as equals, I was able to calmly explain everything to him, without any defects. Now I do breathing exercises every day, and I’ve just finished it, thank you for the useful information.

    I showed your article to a friend, he has been practicing the exercises for the second month, he called and said that it has become much easier. He says that he began to control himself better in conversations, not to worry too much, and the words were pronounced clearly without hesitation. I myself have known him since childhood; when he was little, he tried to remain silent in company so that we would not tease him again. And when we grew up, our paths diverged and we rarely met, he grew up practically silent, I was the opposite. So when he began to use the recommendations that I advised him at the next meeting, he felt better, he began to call me every week and thank me for my help.

    It is very difficult to get rid of stuttering, but every person who stutters can reduce it to a minimum. I can write how to speak much better and better. bnmrtyjklasdfgh@mail .ru

    Methods for getting rid of stuttering. A small improvement can be felt after a few sessions. Write: [email protected]

    Bilateral decreased function of the vagus nerves can provoke speech disorder. This is due to the fact that the vagus nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate, and epiglottis, which are responsible for human speech. The vagus nerve also innervates the bronchi, and the diaphragm is also directly involved in the formation of beautiful speech. The strongest healing effect on the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve occurs when working through the carotid sinus. Through the carotid sinus, the cervical sympathetic node, the brain (speech associative center) of the brain, the vagus glossopharyngeal nerve, is massaged with a point-bioenergetic effect. During massage through the carotid sinus of the brain (speech associative center), vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve. The cells in the speech and association centers, the vagus nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vocal cords, the root of the tongue, and the branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve are effectively restored and healed, and speech becomes effortless.

    Bilateral decreased function of the vagus nerves can provoke speech disorder. This is due to the fact that the vagus nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate, and epiglottis, which are responsible for human speech. The vagus nerve also innervates the bronchi, and the diaphragm is also directly involved in the formation of beautiful speech. The strongest healing effect on the vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve occurs when working through the carotid sinus. Through the carotid sinus, the cervical sympathetic node, the brain (speech associative center) of the brain, the vagus glossopharyngeal nerve, is massaged with a point-bioenergetic effect. During massage through the carotid sinus of the brain (speech associative center), vagus, glossopharyngeal nerve. The cells in the speech and association centers, the vagus nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vocal cords, the root of the tongue, and the branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve are effectively restored and healed, and speech becomes effortless. tel. 8-906-092-2828

    I got rid of stuttering myself at home without any specialists. I only needed instructions for working on speech from the site These are exercises for articulation, establishing correct breathing, strengthening the force of exhalation, consolidating speech, etc. Everything turned out to be very simple and easy.

    Most experts in the world consider stuttering as a psychological communicative phenomenon. To confirm this conclusion, testing was carried out on our website ( for several years, the results of which identified more than 90% of people with stuttering, whose stuttering becomes significantly less, and also absent altogether in situations “alone with oneself” (i.e. out of communication).

    This means that stuttering is, first of all, a problem of communication and psychological contact (a person’s expression of his feelings through facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, speed and rhythm of speech during communication).

    The website has started enrollment for an intensive course to overcome stuttering at the Utes sanatorium (one of the largest health resorts in Alushta).
    The course program includes: 100 hours of individual and group lessons! Individual and group psychotherapy. An individual program is developed for each participant.
    Staging fluency of speech (individual work with a specialist) - 15 hours. If necessary, use computer biofeedback - DAF, FAF (Frequency Altered Feedback) to develop smoothness.
    Development and staging of intonation (individual work with a specialist) - 8 hours. Computer training of intonation according to Stanislavsky, telephone training - 15 hours.
    Expressive speech production (individual work with a specialist) - 5 hours. Programmable biofeedback and computer training of speech expressiveness - 10 hours.
    Voice acting, the art of impersonation, acting skills (group work) - 20 hours
    Behavioral training for communication on the street in the city (Alushta, Yalta) - 20 hours.
    Video modeling of behavior in a group (video filming in a group) - 10 hours, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are used.
    Physiotherapy, salt room, swimming pool, speech therapy massage.

    1. Choose a comfortable position (lying, sitting, standing), place one hand on your stomach, the other on the side of your lower chest. Take a deep breath through your nose (this pushes your stomach forward and expands your lower chest, which is controlled by both hands). After inhaling, immediately exhale freely and smoothly (the abdomen and lower chest return to their previous position).
    2. Take a short, calm breath in through your nose, hold the air in your lungs for 2-3 seconds, then exhale long, smoothly through your mouth.
    3. Take a short breath with your mouth open and, with a smooth, drawn-out exhalation, pronounce one of the vowel sounds (a, o, u, i, e, s).
    4. Smoothly pronounce several sounds on one exhalation:

    5. Count on one exhalation up to 3-5 (one, two, three...), trying to gradually increase the count to 10-15. Make sure you exhale smoothly. Count down (ten, nine, eight...). 6. Read proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters in one breath. Be sure to follow the instructions given in the first exercise.
    The drop and the stone are chiseling.
    They build with their right hand and break with their left.
    Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.
    Toma cried all day on a bench near the house.
    Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.
    There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
    Like thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hillock: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas...

    I wonder how many Egorkas you can get on one exhale?
    7. Read the Russian folk tale “Turnip” with correct inhalation during pauses.

    Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big.
    Grandfather went to pick turnips. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.
    Grandfather called grandma. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
    The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandma, grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out!
    The granddaughter called Zhuchka. The bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out!
    Bug called the cat. Cat for Bug, Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out!
    The cat called the mouse. Mouse for the cat, cat for the Bug, Bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip, pull and pull - they pulled out the turnip!

    All subsequent exercises given in this article are designed to be performed taking into account the described speech breathing technique.

    Psychological exercises for voice development.

    You can develop your voice with these exercises, just as you can develop your muscles through exercise. As a result, the timbre of your voice will change, your voice will develop and become lower and more euphonious, its range will expand, pronunciation will become clearer, modulations will be more expressive, and expressiveness will be more convincing. The additional effect of exercise will be expressed in the activation of your strength. It is best to perform these exercises regularly, and in the morning, because this will charge you with energy for the whole day. Not only will you develop a more pleasant voice, but your overall well-being will greatly improve. As your voice develops, your personality will also improve.
    1. Stand in front of a mirror. Exhale, then inhale and say each sound until you have enough breath. So, take a breath and begin:

    This sequence is not random, you start with the sound of the highest frequency - "And". If you place your palm on your head, you will feel a slight vibration of the skin. This is evidence of more intense blood circulation. Making a sound "uh" activates the neck and throat area, you can feel it by placing your hands on your neck. Making a sound "A" has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing a sound "O" blood supply to the heart increases, and exercise with sound "y" has a positive effect on the lower abdomen. Say all the sounds slowly one after the other three times. If you want the timbre of your voice to be lower, and your voice to be deeper and more expressive, then pronounce the sound repeatedly throughout the day "y".
    2. Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen area, and for this you need to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Sound exercises "m" do it three times. Once very quietly, the second time - louder and the third time - as loud as possible so that the vocal cords tense. Placing your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.
    Particular attention should be paid to sound "R", as it improves pronunciation and gives strength and energy to the voice. In order to relax your tongue, do some preliminary preparation: raise the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth behind your front upper teeth and “grow” like a tractor. So, exhale, then inhale and begin to “growl”: "rrrr". After this, expressively and emotionally with a pointedly booming "R" say the following words:
    role steering wheel ring ruble rhythm rice carpet cook fence cheese goods grass wing lilac frost and so on.
    3. “Tarzan Exercise,” in addition to being a way to develop the voice, is a preventive measure against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand up straight, exhale, then take a deep breath. Make fists with your hands. Say the sounds loudly "iiiiiiiii" and at the same time beat yourself on the chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in the famous film.
    Now do the same exercise with sounds:

    At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronchi are cleared of mucus, how your breathing becomes free, how you are charged with energy. Clear your throat thoroughly and get rid of everything unnecessary! This exercise should be performed only in the morning, as it has a stimulating and activating effect.
    4. Indian yogis are known for their deep, beautiful voice, which is achieved with the help of this simple exercise.
    Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart, take several calm breaths in and out, then draw air into your stomach and make one sharp exhalation, accompanied by a sound "Ha-ah". The exhalation should be complete, and the sound should be as loud as possible (echo in neighboring houses). In this case, you can slightly bend your body forward.
    After several weeks of training using the proposed method, compare your current voice with the previous one, which you recorded on a voice recorder, and you will be convinced that the timbre of your voice has changed, and your voice as a whole has improved significantly, because now it has acquired greater suggestive power, which means that the outgoing The charismatic radiation from you became more intense, you began to speak more convincingly and have a stronger impact on the world around you.
    As a result of such training and performing the described exercises, not only your voice, but also your thoughts become calmer and deeper. The deeper and lower the voice, the deeper it settles in the consciousness, the more impression the spoken words make, and thanks to this you begin to speak not just differently, but much better. Due to this, everything that worries and worries you recedes and then disappears altogether. Therefore, never stop working on your voice and then you will never stop working on your personality.
    Working on your voice is working on yourself!

    Working on diction.

    Diction means a clear, clear and distinct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language with their correct articulation with a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases. Clear and clear pronunciation of words is ensured through the correct articulation of each sound, and, above all, the ability to open the mouth freely and wide enough during speech, because with a poorly opened mouth, sounds are pronounced as if through teeth.
    Articulation is also controlled at a subconscious level, like voice formation, so it is advisable to first of all understand the reasons why you have poor diction and reprogram them using techniques already known to you. The situation for reprogramming can be formulated something like this: “I have poor diction”, “I speak slurred”, “I burr”, “I incorrectly pronounce (can’t pronounce) the sound “L”(sounds "R", "Z", "S", "F" or others in accordance with your feelings.)". The reasons for poor diction are most often self-deprecating thoughts like "My job is to keep quiet" or "There are no Ciceros in my family", which are reprogrammed quite simply.
    After reprogramming the subconscious, diction, as a rule, improves significantly, and special exercises are used to further develop the mobility of the lower jaw muscles and the ability to open the mouth wide enough during speech.

    Exercises to develop mobility of the lower jaw.

    1. Freely lower your lower jaw until there is a two-finger gap between your teeth.
    2. Silently, protractedly (with one exhalation) pronounce the vowel sounds:
    (the distance between the teeth is two fingers);
    (the distance between the teeth is one finger);
    iiiiiiiiiiii(mouth slightly open).
    3. Say vowel sounds with your voice:

    4. Pronounce several vowel sounds together and drawn out on one exhalation:

    Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the mouth opening is sufficiently full.
    5. Say proverbs, sayings, and tongue twisters that are rich in vowel sounds that require a wide opening of the mouth. For example:
    Small, but smart.
    Two of a Kind.
    I found a scythe on a stone.
    Know the edge, don't fall.
    Like the fisherman, like the fish.
    A rolling stone gathers no moss.
    The snake has a bite, the hedgehog has a hedgehog.

    6. Read the poem, pronouncing the sounds clearly "and I":
    The sky was already breathing in autumn,
    The sun shone less often,
    The day was getting shorter
    Mysterious forest canopy
    With a sad noise she stripped herself,
    Fog lay over the fields,
    Noisy caravan of geese
    Stretched to the south: approaching
    Quite a boring time;
    It was already November outside...
    A.S. Pushkin

    While performing the exercises, make sure that the lower jaw drops freely downwards; at first, pronounce vowel sounds with a little emphasis.

    Exercises to develop lip mobility.

    With sluggishness and insufficient mobility of the lips, the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of many vowels and consonants suffers. So, to pronounce sounds "y", "Yu" you need to stretch your lips forward like a tube to make sounds "O", "yo" round your lips, and for sounds "With", "z" stretch your lips into a smile. To develop lips, it is useful to use the following exercises:
    1. Stretch your lips into a smile without exposing your teeth.
    2. Stretch your lips in a smile with your teeth exposed and your mouth closed.
    3. Pull your lips tightly closed forward (as when whistling).
    4. Pull your lips forward in a tube shape.
    5. Alternate between pulling your lips into a tube and stretching them into a smile.
    6. Lift your upper lip, exposing your upper teeth, then lower your lower lip, exposing your lower teeth.
    7. Pronounce vowel sounds in a drawn-out manner (first without a voice, but with emphasized articulation, then with a voice):
    iiiiii(lips stretched into a smile);
    oooooh(lips oval);
    uuuuu(lips like a tube).
    8. Say consonant sounds (first silently, then with voice):
    ssssss, zzzzzz(lips stretched into a smile);
    shhhhhhh, zhzhzhzh(lips extended forward in an oval shape).
    9. Pronounce several sounds in a continuous and drawn-out manner on one exhalation:
    iiiiiiiiiight(the lips are first stretched, then take the shape of a tube);
    uuuuuuuuuu(lips change from a tube shape to a smile);
    ooooooooo(rounded, tube, smile);
    ssssssshhhh(when pronouncing a sound, the lips are stretched, when pronouncing w, they are extended forward);
    zzzzzzzzzzzhzh(when pronouncing z, stretch your lips, when pronouncing w, stretch your lips forward).
    10. With lips tightly closed, create an explosion when pronouncing sounds. "P", "b"(dad, woman, bagel, cereal, drum, stick).
    11. Strengthen the clarity and clarity of pronunciation of sounds in words willow, game, iron, lesson, scrap, perch, donkey, spinning top, lawyer, south, hedgehog, tree, Irina, institute, incubator, emerald, shelter, snail, rod, sensation, ophthalmologist, equipment, juice, lock, wheel, hat, school, beetle, belly, drying, sun, iron, folder, drum, broom, bicycle, apron, sweatshirt, jacket.
    When pronouncing words, watch the position of your lips in front of the mirror.
    12. Read proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters. Make sure that your lips are positioned correctly and that your words and phrases are pronounced clearly.
    Stand for each other and you will win the fight.
    You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.
    Cabbage loves water and good weather.
    The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
    Wolves prowl, looking for food.
    There are pins and needles at the Christmas tree
    13. Read the story aloud and make sure that your lips are actively involved in pronouncing sounds and words Bells. I really love these simple flowers - cheerful bells. You will come out of the forest into an unmown meadow overgrown with tall grass and gasp with joy - so many different flowers flaunt, similar to a festive round dance. All over the green meadow, daisies are turning white, dandelions are turning yellow, and peas are blooming. And above all, and most cheerfully, are the purple bells. From the light breath of the warm summer wind, the bells sway, bow, and silently ring, joyfully welcoming the guest. The familiar and lovely flowers of our meadows and forests bloom all summer, bells ring silently.

    Exercises to develop the muscles of the tongue.

    The tongue takes an active part in the formation of most speech sounds. The clarity of speech largely depends on its work. Particular difficulties arise when pronouncing words with a combination of consonants, when it is necessary to quickly switch the movement of the tongue from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the tongue, improve its mobility and switchability, before using exercises in pronouncing sounds, words and phrases with a combination of consonants, clearly practice the following movements.
    1. Stick your tongue out and move it left, right, up, down.
    2. Stick your tongue out and make circular movements from left to right, then vice versa - from right to left.
    3. With your mouth open and your tongue slightly protruding, make it wide, narrow, and cup (the tip and sides are slightly raised).
    4. Using a slightly raised, tense tip of the tongue, “brush” the upper teeth from the outside and inside, in the direction from the inside of the teeth to the outside and vice versa.
    Monitor the correct execution of movements using a mirror. Make sure that all tongue movements are performed easily and freely, without much tension.

    Exercises in clearly pronouncing consonant sounds in syllables.

    Read the syllables:
    1. pa, po, pu, py, pe, pya, pyo, pyu, pi, pe, ta, then, tu, you, te, cha, te, ty, ti, te, sa, so, su, sy, se, xia, seo, siu, si, se, zha, zho, zhu, zhi, zhe;
    2. ap, op, up, yp, ep, at, from, ut, yt, et, as, os, us, ys, es, ash, osh, ush, ish, esh

    Exercises in clearly pronouncing words with a combination of consonant sounds.

    Read aloud words with a combination of two, three and four consonants: entrance, insert, luggage, tourist, map, flowerbed, service, tail, swipe, snatch, collect, roach, stamp, pimple, swaggering, platoon, swim, weave, straighten, move, spark, feed, canvas, look, grotesque, breast, cover, moment, smooth, tetanus, smooth out, tetanus, trunk, hawk, fires, sprats, emerge, open, health resort, fight, meet, overseer, uniform, warning, metro builder, colander, journey, transcription.

    Exercises in the clarity and clarity of pronunciation of sounds and words in phrasal speech.

    To practice the precision and clarity of pronunciation of consonant sounds and words, it is useful to use tongue twisters, which are built on a combination of consonant sounds that are difficult to pronounce. Reading tongue twisters should begin at a slow pace, while clearly pronouncing each word and each sound. Gradually increase the pace, but make sure that the clarity of pronunciation does not decrease.
    Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.
    The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw.
    From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
    The bull's white lip was blunt.
    The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.
    Fenya has a sweatshirt, Faya has shoes.
    On seven sleighs, seven people sat in the sleigh themselves.
    The chick's chick clung tenaciously to the chain.
    Prokop arrived - the dill was boiling. Prokop left - the dill was boiling. Just as dill was boiling under Prokop, dill was boiling without Prokop.
    Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
    The bee buzzed and the spider buzzed.
    Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.
    The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style; I should repack the cap, but re-pack it.
    There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
    The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
    You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly
    Say small tongue twisters in one exhalation. Maintain the smoothness and consistency of their pronunciation.
    Further consolidation of good diction is carried out by reading poetic and prose texts aloud. At the same time, at first it is necessary to continue to monitor the work of the lips, tongue, lower jaw, the clear pronunciation of vowel sounds (stressed and unstressed), the clear pronunciation of consonants, but do not allow their pronunciation to be amplified or emphasized.
    Each exercise is practiced until it can be performed easily and freely, without much tension.
    When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account the correct use of speech breathing and voice. So, when pronouncing tongue twisters, it is necessary to correctly convey their content, pause appropriately, and get air in a timely manner.
    Classes to practice good diction are held daily for 10-15 minutes. The transition to the next exercise is carried out only after the previous one has been worked out quite clearly.

    When we see a person suffering from a stutter, we hear his forced pauses in speech, we do not understand that it is so difficult to speak without hesitation? Indeed, this is difficult for them, because the reason for the hitches lies in spasms and minor convulsions of the speech apparatus, which are not so easy to overcome. Stuttering is a neurological disease, but treatment must be carried out simultaneously by a whole team of doctors. But why do people stutter? Is this a congenital pathology or an acquired defect? Let's try to figure it out.

    Causes of stuttering in children and adults

    Stuttering is a disease that has a hereditary gene. That is, if there are people who stutter in the family, then your children are also predisposed to this defect. The disease manifests itself even with a slight shock or stress. Children aged three to five years most often suffer from stuttering. With proper treatment, by school age this disease goes away almost without a trace. This is why it is important to start treatment on time. Let's look at the main reasons why stuttering occurs in children and adults.

    1. As has already been indicated, the main cause of stuttering is stress, fear, and a sudden change in emotional state. Sometimes children acquire stuttering in dysfunctional families, when their mental state is “on the brink”. But in most cases, stuttering strikes a child during some kind of surge. For example, if a dog scared you. There is an opinion among people that in order to get rid of stuttering, the child needs to be scared again. However, we do not advise you to do this, because no one can guarantee what result you will get; you may worsen the situation. To treat such children, you need to create a calm environment at home, do not scold the child, and do not quarrel with each other.
    2. Sometimes stuttering appears at the time when the child begins to burst into speech. This usually occurs in children who have been blocked in speech development. Once they begin to connect their speech, they want to say a lot at once. But the mouth, unfortunately, does not have time. Such haste also often leads to stuttering. To eliminate such a reason, you need to patiently listen to the child’s words, do not rush or push him. Try to understand everything he tells you.
    3. People who take everything to heart often suffer from stuttering. If this is a child, then he is most likely very impressionable and vulnerable. Usually he reacts very sensitively to changes in the behavior of adults, to the tone of their voice. If this is the cause of stuttering, you need to monitor your condition and convince your child that everything is okay.

    In fact, the causes of stuttering are just a trigger. It all depends on the person’s neurological health, as well as on the development of his speech apparatus. More than half of people who stutter are cured of this disease by adulthood. However, stuttering can return during stressful public speaking situations, so when stuttering is diagnosed, it is best to begin treatment immediately.

    Types of stuttering

    There are 2 types of stuttering:

    1. Neurotic stuttering or logoneurosis. With logoneurosis, stuttering is almost not noticeable, but it intensifies with excitement and stress. Otherwise, the child is healthy, he has no serious deviations in speech and motor development. In a calm, homely environment, the child speaks almost without hesitation, but with strangers the stuttering intensifies. In spring and autumn, the disease progresses (as with many neurological disorders).
    2. Neurosis-like, or in other words, organic stuttering. Usually, this is a consequence of a serious neurological abnormality. With such stuttering, speech stops at the very beginning, the person cannot say a word. This type of stuttering can be diagnosed based on tests and ultrasound of the brain. Typically, this type of stuttering appears in children at the age of 3-4 years; such children begin to speak late, their motor skills are undeveloped, and, as a result, articulation. Usually such children are restless, restless, and have no ear for music.

    Stuttering is a neurosis, so all traditional medicine recipes are aimed at calming, relieving tension and anxiety. Here are some useful recipes that can help you get rid of stuttering and restore fluent speech.

    1. Chamomile and valerian. To prepare this decoction you need to take a tablespoon of chamomile and a teaspoon of valerian. You need to prepare a rich decoction from the herbs, cool and strain it. You need to drink two tablespoons twice a day - morning and evening.
    2. Infusion of white ash for rinsing. Pour a tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. Then strain the broth and rinse your mouth with it in the morning. The infusion cannot be taken orally.
    3. Goose cinquefoil. Take a teaspoon of this plant, pour a glass of milk and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Cool the broth and drink 20 ml in the morning and evening. Wine can be used instead of milk.

    There are several other ways to get rid of stuttering at home.

    1. Singing. This is the most effective and easiest way to improve your speech. After all, it’s simply impossible to stutter while singing; it’s physically unacceptable. Try to sing as often as possible, and if you are worried, you can even communicate in a sing-song voice.
    2. Breathing exercises. This is also a real way to eliminate speech defects. You need to regularly take long breaths and exhales. Strelnikova’s gymnastics are very effective.
    3. Pause in communication. Try not to talk to anyone for several days, communicate through notes. When you write words and sentences on paper, you pronounce them mentally, and it is impossible to stumble in your thoughts. In addition, low writing speed teaches you to express yourself slowly, without haste.
    4. Don't force things. You cannot put pressure on a child, demanding that he pronounce fluent speech. Take a break from developmental lessons - no new words, learning poems or tongue twisters. Also limit your time watching TV and playing computer games.
    5. Complete rest. To restore harmony and balance, you need to engage in relaxing activities. Swimming and water games are very useful, and even better - dolphin therapy. Yoga, modeling from dough or plasticine, creating crafts and applications are also useful.
    6. Exercises for the tongue. These are a lot of fun activities that your kids will love. You need to hang your tongue between the roof of your mouth and the upper row of teeth. Let your child lick the plate after dinner - it’s not exactly aesthetically pleasing, but it’s very useful. After all, this warms up the muscles of the tongue and also improves the pronunciation of many letters.

    Drug treatment for stuttering

    An integrated medical approach consists of consultations with several specialists:

    1. A neurologist checks the condition of the nervous system. If deviations are detected, he prescribes special medications. Usually these are medications that improve nerve patency, as well as simple sedatives.
    2. The psychotherapist clarifies the emotional side of the issue. It reveals under what circumstances stuttering began and at what moments the disease relapses. This doctor conducts psychological sessions to give the patient self-confidence and teaches him to cope with anxiety.
    3. Close work with a speech therapist is also important. He will re-pronounce letters and teach you to speak smoothly, without hesitation.
    4. In special cases, adults are prescribed acupuncture sessions. The impact of needles on certain points perfectly calms a person.

    Modern method of stuttering treatment

    Among modern methods of treating this disease, one can note software products that change speech. These are simple programs that are publicly available. This application can be downloaded and installed on your phone. The voice simulator repeats your phrases with a bit of slowdown. That is, you learn to speak like the voice on the phone - a little smoothly and drawlingly. This helps get rid of hesitation and stuttering.

    The psychological aspect also plays an important role here. In front of the phone, a person does not worry or worry as much as during live communication. Therefore, he pronounces words more easily without stuttering.

    Prevention of stuttering

    As we know, prevention is better than any cure. Therefore, it is important to know about some rules that will protect you and your children from stuttering.

    1. Let there be a healthy and comfortable environment in your home. Do not allow yourself to swear in front of your children, be as friendly as possible to them. We are not telling you that you cannot punish a child for pranks and raise him “in a greenhouse.” However, you can scold in a calm, even tone, harshly, but without shouting or assault.
    2. If the child begins to stammer, do not focus attention on it. You cannot force him to pronounce unsuccessful sounds and syllables - after all, he does not do this on purpose.
    3. Listen to more music and pleasant songs.
    4. And even if you completely got rid of your stuttering, don’t worry if it comes back to you again due to extreme anxiety or stress. Now you know how to deal with it!

    Stuttering is just a small speech defect that can be successfully treated at any age. Before public speaking, try to calm down and distract yourself, because many famous people suffered from stuttering, but this did not stop anyone from becoming great and world famous.

    Video: how to get rid of stuttering

    Good day everyone! Did you know that exercises for stuttering in children bring almost 50% of the results in the treatment of this disease? The main thing here is regularity of classes and perseverance. But will a child really want to do something if he doesn’t feel like it? And monotony will depress him. But there is a way out! And now I will tell you about it.

    Stuttering is a serious speech disorder that is not immediately treatable. And the treatment here is multifaceted. In fact, it is necessary for the child not only to learn to speak correctly, but also to consolidate these skills. And this can only be done through everyday manipulation.

    But in order for the baby to perform them with pleasure, you need to interest him. How? Of course, with a game! Therefore, it is better to say not: “Let’s go and work out,” but: “Come on, let’s go and play!” And so that the baby does not get tired of the monotony, you need to make sure that the games are different.

    Well it's simple! After all, exercises for stuttering in children are aimed at developing the following systems:

    • Respiratory.
    • Articulatory.
    • Muscular (learn to relax).
    • Voice.
    • Development of a sense of rhythm.

    Do you see how much work needs to be done? There is no talk of monotony! Well, now that it is clear that it is possible to interest a child, let’s talk about the essence of each technique.

    Breathing exercises

    In general, breathing technique is a very useful thing. It helps not only with stuttering, but also speeds up the process of speech development. The most common is the Strelnikova charge. The point is that during various physical actions the baby inhales and exhales according to the rules. There are quite a lot of manipulations aimed at relaxation, the ability to control breathing, and the development of speech abilities.

    In addition to such a large-scale technique, I can offer simpler options, but this does not reduce their effectiveness.

    • Let the baby lie on his back. Place a soft toy on his tummy. Now you need to inhale, inflating your stomach. The toy will rise up. This is followed by a smooth exhalation with the sound “pfff”. At the same time, keep your breathing even and calm.
    • We blow cotton balls. Make small balls of cotton wool and blow along with your baby. First, the manipulation can be done on a smooth table. And then complicate the task: lay down a terry towel. Pieces of cotton wool will cling to the fibers. Thus, the baby will develop an interest in sports, he will take in more air and blow longer.
    • And soap bubbles! Well, what child doesn’t like to let them in? Both fun and useful at the same time!
    • You can blow into the water through a straw. Can you imagine how much delight this will bring to the little one?

    Tell me, do you know any other similar examples? Would you like to share? Well, for now I’ll tell you about articulation!

    Articulation gymnastics

    Articulation gymnastics for stuttering is recognized as one of the most effective. Still would! After all, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus are trained here! See for yourself:

    • We puff out our cheeks and let them down. Now we inflate each cheek separately.
    • We clap our lips against each other like fish.
    • Using the tongue, press on one or the other cheek alternately.
    • Puff out your cheeks and close your mouth. Now we hit the cheeks with our fists so that the air comes out with noise.
    • Let's imagine that the tongue is a toothbrush! Ask your baby to brush his teeth with his tongue while his mouth is closed.
    • Bite your upper lip, then your lower lip.

    In addition, you can ask the child to cough several times or yawn with his mouth open. The main thing is to be systematic! And don’t forget about complexity.

    Muscular gymnastics

    Have you noticed how a child who begins to stutter speaks? Speech is intermittent, sometimes there is not enough air to say even a word. And with all this, his muscles begin to tense up, any of them: the face, neck, shoulders... Moreover, the cause of the disease does not matter.

    Well, you need to learn to relax. Ask your child to tense any part of his body, for example, clench his fists tightly for 5 seconds. Now ask to relax as much as possible. Do the same with the other part of the body.

    Voice gymnastics

    Now let’s learn to speak loudly and confidently. During the exercises, ask the baby to hold his head straight and look straight into your eyes. This is so important in a conversation! Eye contact. When the child gets used to it, he will not feel constrained or embarrassed.

    Organize a small performance just for family members. Then you can invite friends whom the baby knows well. This method helps you learn not to be afraid to speak loudly and openly in public.

    Along with this, use other simple actions:

    • Singing vowels: AOIE, any other combinations. At the same time, adjust the volume: loud, quiet, loud, now quieter and quieter.
    • Chanting the same vowels, just change not the volume, but the intonation: angry, affectionate, sad, cheerful.
    • An imaginary ball hits the floor with the sound MO, the wall with the sound ME, and so on.

    And finally, let’s adjust the sense of tact in speech.

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    I remember in 5th grade I started attending school dance classes. There they were selected according to the following principle: the teacher tapped a melody with a key, and we had to repeat it. We do something similar when treating stuttering.

    Let's start with something simple. Knock 2 times, then 2 more. Let the child repeat. Now we complicate the task: knock 2, then 3 times.

    Instead of sounds, you can clap your hands to poetry. For example: “The Bunny was Abandoned by the Mistress...”. take simple and easy to remember rhymes. Yes, experts also advise singing folk songs or nursery rhymes.

    With constant and painstaking work, such speech therapy training will give excellent results. Dear adults, the health of the baby depends on our attitude! Believe and everything will work out!

    Now tell me how you have to get rid of the disease? What game exercises do you know? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!