What is the nationality of Tata from house 2. It became known who will be born to Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkranz.

Name: Tata Abramson (Zukhbaya)

Date of birth: February 27, 1993

Place of birth: Georgia

Anthropometric data: height 169 cm, weight 60 kg

Occupation: participant in the television project Dom-2 (never worked anywhere before)

Marital status: engaged to Valery Blumenkrants (expecting a child)

short biography

The Dom-2 project has been broadcasting on the TNT channel for more than ten years. During this time, the television production of all Rus' saw thousands of different participants, most of whom they probably no longer remember. But this story is not about Tattoo Abramson. She is one of the few participants of House-2 who managed to prove herself and gain an enviable army of fans in a matter of months.

Future star TNT TV channel was born in Georgia. She lived there with her parents until she was twelve years old, and then the whole family emigrated to China. As Tata herself has repeatedly said, higher education they received it in the Middle Kingdom. There she tried her hand at acting and modeling, but, probably, the girl was not successful in China and returned to Russia immediately for the Dom-2 project. It is also worth noting that Abramson speaks five languages, including English and Chinese, which she has repeatedly demonstrated on the program.

The girl loves to talk about her Jewish roots and often jokes about this topic. Although neither Tata herself nor her mother, Maria Tristanovna, could ever explain where their notorious Jewish roots.

Tata Abramson at Dom-2

Tata Abramson's arrival at Dom-2 was different from many other arrivals of new participants. The girl who came with Tata started an affair on the project on the very first day, and the young man asked the entire team to vote for her. Although most of The male half of House-2 liked Tata more, she had to go out of the gate. But on the same day, Gleb “Strawberry” Zhemchugov encouraged the guys to collectively ask the presenters to return the spectacular Tattoo to the project, and the guys did not regret it.

Tata Abramson is distinguished by the violent disposition of a true Georgian. She can chalk up a good half of the scandals of which she was the provocateur. The girl provokes not only girls, but also boys into quarrels. Partly because of this, at first the girl’s personal life on the project did not work out, and she was a loner for more than six months, except for short-term romances.

Appearing within the walls of the countries' main television production, Tata Abramson loudly declared her sympathy for Fedor Strelkov. She tried to look after the young man, gave him different signs attention, but Fedor at that moment was already in love with another participant - Kristina Lyaskovets. Then Tata came to her for the project ex-boyfriend, but even here the relationship did not work out.

A few weeks later, Tata Abramson announced herself as a couple with Semyon Frol. Despite the fact that the guys dated for about a month, their romance went unnoticed by TV viewers and gradually faded away.

Tata Abramson found her happiness with Valery Blumenkrants, who Once again I returned to the television project precisely for her sake. Despite the temperamental nature of both partners, they still remained together for several months. And at the most critical moment for the couple Tata and Valery, the couple suddenly learned that they would soon become parents. Many participants believe that if it weren’t for common child, Abramson and Blumenkranz would hardly be together, but despite all the spiteful critics, the couple continues to post romantic photos together, dismantling love and care for each other.

Today, Tata Abramson has almost 230 thousand subscribers on Instagram. Not a bad result for a novice media person. Judging by the photographs, various brands often turn to her for advertising, and one must think that this brings her a good income.

One of the most popular photos Tata on Instagram is a photo of an engagement ring from Valery Blumenkrants. According to various sources, its cost is 150-300 thousand rubles. Subscribers showered the gift with flattering comments, and Tata herself forgave Valery his correspondence with other girls for such luxury.

On this moment the pregnant girl left the television project Dom-2 along with her future husband Valery Blumenkrants and her mother Marina Tristanovna, who lived on the project for just over a month and took care of her daughter. Latest photos After leaving the project, the tats are saturated with warmth and comfort. Tata, with a rounded belly, publishes her photos and photos of her house with Valery. Fans in the comments wish the couple mutual understanding and love, which they lacked in House-2. Tata Abramson’s Instagram loudly declares to all ill-wishers that after the project, the life of the future spouses has just begun.

Tata Abramson has a unique, if not exotic, appearance that no one remains indifferent to. Some consider her a rare beauty that no man can resist, others find the girl mediocre and believe that plastic surgery just ruined it appearance. But the fact remains that Tata looks spectacular and that’s exactly what she was striving for.

Tata had 2 plastic surgeries. The first thing she did was increase and change the volume of her lips. Nature gifted the girl with already plump lips, but the girl dreamed of more seductive forms. The result is obvious, and Abramson is quite pleased with it.

The next stage of “tuning” was rhinoplasty. This operation in last years began to enjoy wild popularity, and Tata is a girl who always keeps up with the times. Tata Abramson's nose has become thinner and sharper, so to speak. This does not prevent the Dom-2 participant from making it even thinner through make-up.

Anyone who closely followed the broadcasts could hear that Tata wanted to have surgery on her ears, press them down and make them a little smaller. But Abramson’s fans dissuade her from this idea and call her ears “very cute.”

Like any other girl on the Dom-2 television project, Tata dreams of breast enlargement, but has not yet decided to undergo this operation. In addition, plans had to change due to the current interesting situation girls. In addition, the girl gets Botox injections every four months and plans to continue doing them.

Tata Abramson has repeatedly stated that she considers plastic surgery to be real saviors for girls who have complexes about this or that part. And by her example she proves that plastic surgery helps to change better side without fear for health.

I always wanted to get my lips done, but I was very afraid... After overcoming my fear, I turned to a specialist.

Tata Abramson before nose surgery: photo

Acute sympathy for Fedor Strelkov forced Tattoo Abramson go on a reality show"House 2".

On March 23, 2016, the spectacular blonde burst onto the airwaves and declared her feelings without any hesitation.

But she made a fatal mistake by emphasizing Fedor’s physical parameters and ridiculing the guy’s intelligence together with Kadoni. This awkward situation sowed the first discord between the young people. Even after a while, they never managed to become a couple in love.

In the perimeter of “House-2” Tata met her next passion - Semyon Frolov. Unfortunately, this relationship was not destined to develop into something more. The chosen one unpleasantly surprised and pushed Tattoo away with his strange behavior.

The turning point for the girl was the arrival of her virtual friend Valery Blumenkranz to the show. Tata had feelings for the guy tender feelings, but colleagues on the project were skeptical about such an alliance: they remembered Blumenkrantz from the bad side.

Tata Abramson before and after plastic surgery

Tata Abramson appeared on the TV set as a blonde with an exotic but attractive appearance.

But within the framework of the project, it turned out to be difficult for the participant to maintain individuality. Severe pressure from rivals, high demands on appearance and constant attention from video cameras forced me to work on myself.

The desire to please the audience and dissatisfaction with her natural characteristics led Tatu Abramson to plastic surgeons. First of all, the beauty decided to add additional volume to her full lips without injections.

On her Instagram profile, Tata shared a photo after the procedure, causing a strong reaction from her followers. Tata herself does not pay attention to the negativity and explains the help of aesthetic medicine simply: “I always wanted to do my lips, but I was very afraid... After overcoming my fear, I turned to a specialist.”

According to some fans, Tata has changed a lot during the time spent on the TV set. And it’s not just about the lips enlarged by injections and a different hair color, which Valera Blumenkranz called mediocre.

When comparing photos of Tata Abramson before and after the proposed operation, the textured nose became less noticeable. It is quite possible that this difference is explained not by the help of surgeons, but by professional makeup and an updated hairstyle.

Information about Tata Abramson's plastic surgery interests both fans and envious people, and even ex-lovers. Tata herself ignores the radical transformation and rumors surrounding the photos before and after plastic surgery and confirms only the services of cosmetologists.

Date of birth: February 27, 1993
Moscow city Age: 23 years old
Zodiac sign: Pisces from March 25, 2016

Biography of Tata Abramson

The biography of Tata Abramson is an interesting interweaving of life events and facts. She arrived for the project from Beijing, in addition, she is a Georgian Jew, and this alone is enough to attract interest from the audience. Tata moved to China with her family at the age of 12, and to this day she resides there permanently. The beauty not only looks beautiful, but is also distinguished by her exceptional intelligence, speaks five languages ​​fluently, and graduated from a university.

On Tata Abramson's Instagram there are from past and present life, by which one can judge the bright and rich life. For some time she worked as a model and actress, and starred in TV series. In the future, the girl plans to connect her life with TV and show business. Given his education and bright appearance, the plans seem quite realistic.

On VKontakte, Tata Abramson posts her photographs, in which one can note a beautiful, slender figure, stylish appearance - all this, combined with an excellent character, cannot but attract men. It was the sympathy from the guys that saved her from being kicked out of the project, but still Serious relationships not yet built.

Don’t think that the calm and easy-going, sociable and balanced Tata forgives everything. In a scandalous difficult situation she will not remain silent, she is not afraid to express and defend her point of view. Despite everything, the beauty is always in high spirits, she is extremely positive and cheerful. Judging by the information on VK, Tata Abramson places high demands on the stronger sex. She is looking for a generous and caring, but at the same time, brutal and serious man, who, among other things, must have certain external characteristics.

If many men like Tata’s appearance, then certain girls(and some guys too) think that she is too confused, too serious, and looks at the world too complicated. Such a vision of the world, according to others in the project, will not allow the young lady to stay on the project for a long time.

However, Tata Abramson continues to post on Instagram interesting photos, continues to build relationships and look for love on the project. The carefree and frivolous nature of the young lady is what pleases and attracts many; watching such participants is interesting, easy, and exciting. You can see all the newest things first on the TV show Dom 2, don’t miss it, find out everything first!

Tata Abramson Instagram - photo

In contact with

This page Tati Abramson VKontakte

Tata Abramson was born on February 27, 1993. It so happened that several blood flows in her at once: Georgian, Jewish and Russian. All this seriously affected her extraordinary and bright appearance, thanks to which she became famous throughout the country. She had fairly wealthy parents who could give their daughter everything she needed. As a result, in 2015, Tata and her parents moved to the capital of China, Beijing.


Because of the change of residence, the girl had a hard time. But, despite numerous difficulties, she was able to graduate from school with honors. Then Tata entered a local university. Knowledge of five at once foreign languages helped her navigate an unfamiliar country and make new friends. Not every person her age managed to achieve such success.

Carier start

As a result, after graduating from university, Tata Abramson decided to try her hand as an actress. Thanks to his attractive appearance and slim figure, she quickly got several roles in television series, as well as commercials. But this was clearly not what the aspiring actress dreamed of. She wanted to participate in serious projects and make herself known throughout the country.

Participation in "House-2"

As a result, having gone through a serious casting, Tata was able to get a place on the Dom-2 project, which made her a celebrity. Initially, things weren't going so well for her. Having arrived on the same day with another, no less bright girl, Tata had to leave according to the voting results. But she impressed all the men on the project so much that they demanded that the presenter leave both of them. In the end, they managed to achieve this. Thus, Tata became a full-fledged participant in the reality show.

Relationships within the project

Initially, Tata did not show any particular sympathy for any of the participants. But a few days later she became interested in Fedor, who had a slender, pumped up body, thereby seriously standing out from other men. But soon the heroine of our today’s article will tell you that there is absolutely nothing in common between them. Fedor, in Tata’s opinion, was not very smart and did not know how to have fun. So their relationship ended before it even really began.

Such an attractive person did not remain unnoticed for long. She immediately gained several fans, one of whom was her ex-boyfriend, who came to the project after Tata. He tried to return to his old relationship, but he was never able to do this, since Abramson had long since stopped loving this man.

Then she had several more bright suitors, but they all liked to behave provocatively, which scared off the project participant. But everything changed after Blumenkranz returned to the project. He began corresponding with Tata a few weeks before, after which he came to the “clearing” and began to win her favor. Thus, serious feelings flared up between them, which grew into love. But due to the hot-tempered nature of both, serious quarrels often occurred between them. Once Valery even used physical force against his beloved, which was simply unacceptable according to the rules of the project.

But, despite all the differences, they are still together. Moreover, Tata got married in the spring of 2017. Now Tata is expecting a child from Vasily.

Plastic surgery

The participant in the television project had long dreamed of transforming herself and making several changes in her appearance. She decided to start by increasing the volume of her lips. The operation was successful, but the opinions of the participants and the girl’s fans about the result were divided approximately equally. Some were pleased, while others felt similar surgical interventions superfluous. She also radically dyed her hair, becoming a brunette.

Marina Tristanovna Abramson was called to the project in order to somewhat smooth out the emotional outbursts of her pregnant daughter. However, with the arrival of my mother at House 2, she became even more unrestrained and rude. The reasons for this paradox were hidden in the past of their family.

A woman has always worked hard to provide for herself and her children. comfortable existence. She worked in the light industry for a long time, when such an opportunity arose, she began to develop own business in China. She taught her employees how to create beautiful and sought-after products, and brought them samples of clothing and shoes for this purpose. good producers. All this time Tata was with the nanny and did not feel the need for anything.

But, as it turned out, the daughter harbored a grudge against her mother for not receiving love and attention in childhood. She speaks extremely disrespectfully about her mother and constantly takes it out on her Bad mood, splashes out tons of his negative emotions and dissatisfaction over all sorts of little things. Perhaps the reason also lies in the fact that Marina Tristanovna’s business collapsed, and the daughter, accustomed to fulfilling all her whims, was not ready for this and now blames her mother for the fact that she will not be able to help the young family financially.

Before appearing on the TV show, my mother believed that her relationship with her daughter was quite acceptable. She worked hard and often brushed off her daughter’s childhood problems due to her own busyness. And then Tata refused to support her mother, who was fighting to preserve her business during the crisis, and her daughter did not want to know about any financial difficulties. At the same time, Marina Tristanovna claims that she has a stronger and warmer connection with her son; he was in the same position as Tata as a child, but turned out to be understanding.

In connection with the appearance of the elder Abramson on the perimeter, Irina Mikhailovna Dontsova sharply became more active. Apparently, she expected that she would be the only mother on reality who has the right to teach young people and endlessly give advice to everyone, but then Tata’s mother appeared with her life experience and their own views on life. Quarrels and conflicts often arise between two representatives of the older generation, even involving children in scandals.

When Valery and Tata decided to leave the project, it seems that it was Marina Tristanovna who persuaded them to return, because she realized that House 2 provides very serious financial support to a pregnant girl, free medical care in a good clinic.

Personally, a new man even came to her and arranged a romantic relationship for the lady, but she did not accept his advances, rightly believing that she was too old for a young man.

Rumors constantly flare up around the identity of Tata’s mother. Recently, a woman had to publish a photo of her passport because she was accused of actually being called Rosita Zukhbaya. In fact, the name turned out to be real, but she did not show the surname to the count.

During her time on the TV show, the elder Abramson slightly improved her appearance. She had a facelift and visited good cosmetologists.

At first, he seemed to find common ground with his future mother-in-law, but then he began to increasingly demonstrate his hostility and dissatisfaction with his relative, fully supporting Tata’s claims. When Marina Tristanovna left the perimeter for a month due to urgent matters in China, where she permanently resides, the young man organized a whole celebration for this occasion.

In general, all members of the household have an extremely negative attitude towards the fact that someone’s mother lives with them, but I thought that it was adult women who brought special warmth and charm to everyday life on reality.