What is creepypasta, how to make friends with it? Where did it come from, how to get there? "Creepypasta": characters and their stories (photos) Popular creepypastas.

Like you're kissing your chick and then the phone rings. You pick up the phone and there is a voice: “What are you doing with my daughter?” You tell her and she’s like “my dad died.” SO WHO CALLED?

Worst creepypasta in the history of the Internet

During the Enlightenment, it seemed that the human mind was about to get rid of absurd superstitions, tame nature and “disenchant” the world. This partially came true: although immortality pills and colonies on Mars are still a long way off, over the past centuries we have learned to build many useful machines - from a coffee grinder to a server. But when it comes to superstition, the Enlightenment was a disastrous failure. It turned out that ghosts, devils and women hide in the shadows of cars and the wilds of the World Wide Web as easily as behind a stove or in a dark forest.

Our ancestors told creepy stories by the light of a torch. We scare each other under the flickering of the monitor, and from the shadows the same monsters are looking at us as a hundred and a thousand years ago. Scary stories wandering around the Internet are called “creepypasta” - from the words “creepy” (“creepy”) and “copypasta” (text that is spread across the Internet by the magical keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V). Some of these stories are indistinguishable from those heard in the old days: the walking dead, cannibals, homicidal maniacs, cursed houses. But there are also legends that take place on the Internet itself.


The easiest way to scare your neighbor with the help of high technology is a screamer (screamer). They send you a link to a photo of cute kittens. You open it without paying attention to the .gif extension, and very soon you regret it: from the depths of the picture, a terrible face with empty eye sockets jumps at you like a jack-in-the-box. If you embed such a miracle into a seemingly innocent video or game, its appearance can be accompanied by a loud scream - hence the name. A cheap trick that we have seen in a million horror films and will see in a million more - because, despite all its banality, it works.

But there are files on the Internet that are worse than the “squealers.” For example, they say that everyone who watched the video called Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv committed suicide. On YouTube, it’s not hard to find a twenty-second video of a mustachioed man staring at you through the red haze. No one has died from it yet, but this is only because the video is cut off, but if you find the full version... The photo smile.jpg causes epileptic seizures and insanity - if it doesn’t cause it, it means it’s not real. Those who listened to needles.mp3 begin to vomit blood. The picture burningman.jpg, once you open it, will live on your monitor forever.

The Grifter video, the unreleased Disney cartoon Suicide Mouse, the SpongeBob episode called Squidward's Suicide, the photo of Jeff the Killer - the stories of dangerous files are endless, as are the attempts to recreate them, as well as parodies.

How can a picture or video harm a person? There is a pseudoscientific explanation: sound waves or images have a destructive effect on the nervous system or subconscious. Sometimes the creation of such files is attributed to the military developing psychotropic weapons, aliens, or a self-generated intelligence on the Internet. Another explanation is older than science: there could be a demon or ghost behind the file, capable of burning the computer or biting off its head. The third option is that there are no explanations at all. Why did the guy who ran the barelybreathing.exe program start seeing people with their eyes gouged out everywhere? Who cares if this story gives the reader chills!

By the way, there is also a fake barelybreathing.exe on the Internet, and it is really dangerous: by running it, you risk seeing on top of all windows... No, not a face with gouged out eyes, but the banal “Windows is blocked.”


Urban legends about video games began along with the video games themselves. Back in the early 1980s, American children retold the story of the Polybius slot machine, which gave players nightmares, epileptic seizures and amnesia. Later, these machines were taken somewhere by men in black. And since it’s in black, it means this was another Pentagon experiment to create psychotropic weapons. The intelligence services were closely monitoring the record tables, and they say that one of the best players in Missile Command and Asteroids received an offer that was difficult to refuse...

Modern video game legends rarely turn to conspiracy theories. And it’s no secret that Google is watching everyone, the Pentagon openly produces propaganda video games, and universal psychotropic weapons can be easily downloaded from lineage2.com. No, today there are damned cartridges in use, bought second-hand from suspicious strangers, and no less damned mods that are sent from unknown addresses.

Sometimes cursed games start out as normal and then become weirder and creepier. Sometimes the game world is so disfigured from the very beginning that even those who have never seen this game, but only read about it, feel uneasy. One way or another, things will not end well: almost any damn game will sooner or later step off the screen to get the player in reality.


Science fiction writers are afraid of computers almost with more pleasure than ordinary users. And we’re not even talking about the universal plot about artificial intelligence trying to conquer the world. The horrors of computerization are much more varied. In King’s old story “The Almighty Text Processor,” what was typed on the keyboard of an old “personal computer” began to come true. The main character, having discovered this feature in time, “erased” the unloved family from reality and replaced it with a more suitable one. In “The Programmable Boy” by Alexander Tyurin and Alexander Shchegolev, a Soviet schoolboy came to grips with one of the first home computers - it led the alliance of pseudo-intelligent technology and electronics and nearly plunged one particular family into the abyss of materialism.

Later, when describing virtual reality, writers came up with their own folklore for it. For example, in the famous “Labyrinth of Reflections” Sergei Lukyanenko describes the legends of the ancient Fidonet network: the Invisible Boss, the Lost Point, divers dying in virtuality. And Oldie in the story “Golden Man” created a horror story based on the most real Internet reality. For them, the word spoken in forum battles suddenly gained power - and in response to “Afftar, drink poison,” the addressee ended up in the hospital with severe poisoning. But a real study of computer folklore in science fiction is still awaiting us.

For example, the Jvk1166z.esp mod for Morrowind greets the player with a message: the thread of your destiny has been broken. All the main storyline characters are dead, the game begins in a world without a future. At the edge of the field of view looms the Assassin - a dark figure, little by little taking away the hero’s health. You are invited to take a walk into a new dungeon, where you will find a gallery of paintings taken from your hard drive - something that the original game could not do in principle, but damn games do all the time. Gradually, the light in the game world fades, the characters behave weirder and weirder, and the sky of Tamriel turns into the sky of Earth. The alignment of the stars points to a specific date, but what does it mean? Unknown: The messages from the only player who gets far enough end with the fact that the Assassin visited him in the real world.


One of the most popular sources of inspiration for spooky stories is the Pokemon series. Many of them are dedicated to Missingno - a bug Pokemon with graphical garbage instead of an image. In some parts of the game you can not only meet him, but also catch him. From the point of view of the game world, Pokemon-That-Shouldn't-Be is itself a Lovecraftian nightmare - why shouldn't it get out into the real world?

But the story of Lavender Town again turns to pseudoscience: supposedly the melody played in this city had a detrimental effect on the brains of minors, causing madness and suicide. However, there is some truth in this story - sometimes creepypasta really has an effect on the reader’s brain, forcing him to do strange things. For example, pick up an editor and create a real game based on the story. One example of this amazing phenomenon is the story of the cursed Lost Silver cartridge recreated in playable form with dying Pokemon trained by a Pokemaster without arms and legs.

Another tale that has leaked from folklore into gaming reality is Herobrine. According to legend, this empty-eyed man, whom gamers met in the angular spaces of the game Minecraft, is a ghost who, during his lifetime, was the brother of the game’s creator, Markus “Notch” Persson. In fact, there was no brother, but as the story grew in popularity, more and more mods appeared that added Herobrine to the game. It is not in the official version of the game. And Notch never tires of confirming this, releasing patches one after another, where the list of updates says: “Herobrine has been removed from the game.” Don't like Minecraft, prefer little ponies? Then don't miss the Luna Game series about the hardship of living for a thousand years on the moon, and Dreamy Rainbow, based on the infamous horror fan fiction Cupcakes. Just when the screen begins to plunge into darkness, from which the crazy faces of not-so-kind horses emerge, don’t say that you weren’t warned.

But the creepiest and most compelling creepypasta about games is the legend of Ben Drowned. This story begins the same way as many others: a lonely gamer under the nickname Jadusable bought a cartridge with the game The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask from a stranger. The game behaved strangely. The hero was pursued by a creepy statue, unpleasant music sounded, the characters said frightening things, among which two phrases were repeated: “Isn’t it true that you suffered a terrible fate?” and “You shouldn’t have done that...” The gamer managed to record something on video - the videos are on his YouTube channel, each more terrible than the other.

The last fragment of the story cannot be read directly on the Internet - you need to download the document TheTruth.rtf, which, at the request of Jadusable, was uploaded to the server by his roommate. You will learn how the gamer defeated Ben and freed himself from the curse... And if you know how to read between the lines, you will find the encrypted word “LIE”. Re-read the text again, pay attention to inconsistencies. Remember that at the very beginning of the story, Jadusable claimed to live in a room alone. Yes, yes, you just freed Ben. Now it lives on your computer. You shouldn't have done this...


Most horror films born on the Internet are disguised as real stories, authentic documents, diaries and letters from real people. Some go further and try to break down the wall between the reader and the text. The simplest and dirtiest technique, comparable in cheapness and effectiveness to a screamer, is: “This text is cursed. Now I'm standing behind you. Don't look back." The creators of others act more subtly, like, for example, the author of this mini-pearl:

They say that during torture, some victims escape into a fantasy world and cannot WAKE UP. In this unconscious state, the victim lives as if in a normal world, where no one tortures her. The only way to understand that you need to WAKE UP is to find one of the messages scattered throughout this fantasy world, telling the victim about his condition and imploring him to WAKE UP. And even then it may take months to drop the illusory world and YOU NEED TO WAKE UP.

Object No. 173. Harmless as long as you look at it. But it’s worth blinking at least once...

But there are also horror films that don’t even try to pretend that they are anything more than an online literary project. Oddly enough, this doesn’t make them any less creepy. Let's take a look at The Holders, for example. This is a collection of creepypastas built on a wiki principle (English original theholders.org, translations are scattered throughout the Runet), telling about magical Objects and those who hunt for them. Each entry is a detailed instruction explaining how to find the Keeper of a certain Object, pass the tests that the Keeper will ask, and, if you are lucky enough to avoid a terrible death, what to do with the thing he gave you.

An even more popular creepy project, also working on the Wikipedia principle, is The SCP Foundation, “Special Containment Conditions Foundation.” This is a detailed inventory of numbered objects of varying degrees of anomaly, stored in the bins of a secret organization. Some of them are relatively safe, like numbers 085 (live drawing), 504 (intelligent telekinetic tomatoes with a subtle sense of humor) and 581 (any adaptation of a summer subject must contain typos). Some can cause the end of the world, or maybe they have already caused it - for example, number 682 (absolutely invulnerable Nyarlathotep bald), 804 (an empty globe that sends into oblivion any creation of human civilization a hundred meters around) or 1055 [INFORMATION CLASSIFIED].

There are games based on this project. SCP-087 will allow you to walk along number 087 - an endless staircase on which an unpleasant surprise awaits you, and in SCP-087 Containment Breach you will experience first-hand what the consequences of violating “special containment conditions” lead to. Be careful: both the original English-language site scp-wiki.net and its Russian translation scpfoundation.ru have an anomalous ability to quietly absorb hours and days of free time.

But the most terrible creation of the Internet is the myth of the Skinny Man (Slender Man). Unlike most online legends, his place and time of birth are known exactly: June 8, 2009, on the Something Awful forum. In a thread where forum users boasted about the art of photomontage, creating “paranormal images” with monsters and ghosts, two black and white photographs appeared, in the depths of which a skinny faceless figure with tentacles could be discerned. They quickly came up with a name for the monster and created a story with murders, persecutions and kidnappings. And then a series of pseudo-documentary films “Marble Hornets” appeared on YouTube, the heroes of which were looking for the truth about a terrible creature, calling him the Operator. In response, one after another, blogs of truth seekers began to multiply (“Another Fool”, “In Search of Truth”, “Dreams in the Dark”), the Everyman HYBRID and Tribe Twelve video series... Someone started a blog on behalf of a murderer working to the Operator, someone on behalf of the victim. The search for the Skinny Man has turned into a global game without rules and masters, but with a plot. It's not easy to figure this out, but for those who are interested, one of the encyclopedias - for example, slenderia.blogspot.ru or theslenderman.wikia.com - can be a starting point.

Now movies are being made about the Skinny Man (Slender Man, Proxy, Entity), games are being made (Slender, Slenderman’s Shadow, Slender: Source, Slendr), and countless creepypastas and fanarts have been created. And amid this creative riot, the question sounded alarmingly: what if collective inspiration and fear summoned a monster from oblivion? Before 2009, there was no Skinny Man... But what if there is now? And if there is, what other online legends could come to life?

The answer to this question is being sought by a community based on thefarmythos.com website. They collect information about all the fiends of the Network, which there is not enough space to talk about here: the Artificial Baby, the Plague Doctor, the Crest, the Nameless Child, the Mother of Snakes... And only about the Red Hand, the Black Sheet and the Green Fingers you will not find a word there.

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Creepypastas are widespread on the Internet - short stories designed to shock or frighten the reader. Did everyone sit around the fire as a child and tell each other creepy stories? Creepypasta is the same thing, only on the Internet. Here are ten of the most interesting such stories, sometimes frightening, but more often stupid. Just don't read it at night - just in case.

1. 1999
Known simply as "1999," the story is one of the most realistic and chilling urban legends on the Internet. The main character of the story is a Canadian blogger named Elliot, who was trying to unravel the mystery of the mysterious TV channel that he watched in 1999. The transmissions were too sketchy, so Elliot somehow realized that the channel was most likely run by a local thug.

Elliot continued to search for information and eventually learned that the owner of the television station was luring children to his house in order to sacrifice them. Elliot also realized that this psycho not only tortures and kills children, but also wears a bear costume and calls himself “Mr. Bear.”

There were only a few shows on the mysterious TV channel; it worked from four to nine in the morning. The first show was called “Boobie” - the heroes in it were living hands on some cheap table. The main character (the hand) was called Bubi, she was in every episode. However, as time passed, the episodes became more and more strange.

During an episode called "The Scissor Game," Boobie was holding a pair of scissors while her other, smaller hand was twitching as if she was being forced there. Then Boobie stabbed her other hand several times with scissors, and at that time a muffled child's cry was heard. Eventually the scissors reached the bone and there was a terrible crunching sound. Elliott never saw any more episodes with Booby.

Next came Mister Bear's Basement, which featured a psycho dressed up as Mister Bear. We will not describe what actually happened on the screen - there are too many gory details. Finding stories online is easy, so you can do it yourself if you feel like it.

In the end, the police intervened in this chaos, and the sadistic TV channel was closed forever.
Elliot, by the way, is a strange guy - would you watch this?

2. Candle Bay
The story appeared in a forum thread that was talking about an old children's show from the 1970s. There was a girl in it who imagined she was friends with pirates. The show was somewhat controversial as throughout one episode all the characters screamed without stopping.

All they did was stand still and scream for the entire episode while the little girl cried. Various people commented on their memories of it, and it became clear that there was something dark and disturbing about the "sweet" low-budget show.

Recent comments made it clear that the show was much more sinister than childhood memory retained. The show's main villain, a skeleton named "Kozhnik", stood out from the rest. Apparently his mouth was sliding back and forth rather than up and down as it usually does. The commentator even remembered that when the girl asked why he had such a strange mouth, he looked straight into the camera and replied: “To chew your skin.”

Another commenter questioned whether the show even existed and asked the mother if she remembered a children's show from the 1970s called "Candle Bay." She was sincerely surprised that he remembered this. Apparently, he asked if the program was still on and tried to tune the TV to the desired channel. Then the air in the room became stale and remained so for 30 minutes.

3. Rake
In 2003, an incident involving a strange humanoid creature occurred in the northeastern United States, which attracted a lot of attention from the local media. After this, most written evidence of what happened mysteriously disappeared from web pages, and people began to see the creature more often. The strange thing is that people reacted to it in different ways - from attacks of panic to almost childish curiosity.

The creature continued to appear, and then the hunt began for it - after all, we must, in the end, find out who or what it is. Finally, in 2006, researchers working together made a frightening discovery - they unearthed almost two dozen documents dating back to the 12th century, all of which spoke of the appearance of a creature called the “Rake.”
One of his most impressive appearances was described by a woman. Here is how it was.
In the middle of the night, the woman suddenly woke up and accidentally woke up her husband. She apologized and her husband turned to look at her. He gasped with fear and hugged his wife - something clearly frightened him very much. At the foot of the bed sat, every now and then turning away from them, that most infamous creature, resembling a large hairless dog.

The couple's eyes were not yet accustomed to the darkness. The creature jumped up and sat down less than 30 cm from the husband’s face. It looked at him for a while and then rushed towards the nursery. The frightened spouses immediately rushed after him, but it was too late: their daughter was lying in her crib covered in blood and dying. Her last words: “It was Rake.”
The rake disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. No one ever saw him again.

4. Where bad children end up
This creepypasta is about a photographer who decides to find out information about an old children's TV show he watched as a child during the Lebanese war. All he remembered was that the half-hour show contained graphic images and scare tactics, apparently to deter children from misbehaving.

According to the photographer, the show was an attempt by the media to keep children under control - every episode kept saying that “bad children go to bed late” and “bad children steal food from the refrigerator at night,” and that this should not be done.

The photographer remembered that in each episode there was a final scene, each time the same - an old rusty iron door slowly grew in the frame, and as the camera approached the door, someone could be heard screaming. The closer to the door the camera was, the louder and clearer the screams became. And then the inscription appeared: “This is where bad children end up” - this meant the end of the episode.

The photographer managed to find the studio where the show was filmed. Although the place seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, the ill-fated rusty door from childhood was still there. Behind the door was a small room with traces of blood, feces and bones. But what scared the photographer most was the microphone hanging in the middle of the room.

5. Keyhole
This is a legend about a man who stayed in the same hotel for several nights. When he received his room keys, the woman at the desk warned him that there was an unnumbered door on the way to his room. She explained that the room was locked, all sorts of things were kept there, and under no circumstances should he go there or even look inside. The intrigued man went straight to his room and didn’t ask any questions.

By the second night, curiosity got the better of me. He tried to turn the handles on the door without a number, and realized that the door was closed, as the woman had said. But our hero was not going to give up so easily - he looked through the keyhole. Behind the door was a room very similar to his own. And in the corner opposite the door stood a woman with very fair skin, leaning her head against the wall. The embarrassed man returned to his room, but on the third day he decided to look through the keyhole again.

This time all he saw was red. Just a deep, rich red color. Perhaps the woman in the room realized that someone was spying on her and plugged the keyhole with something.

Our hero decided to ask the woman at the counter about all this. She sighed and asked if he had looked through the keyhole. He replied that yes, he looked, and then the hotel owner told him everything: many years ago, a husband killed his wife in that very room, and now her ghost is looking for him. They say that the ghost itself is very pale, almost white, but its eyes are red as blood.

6. Angel Statue
This story is about a couple who wanted to leave home at night and have fun. They had children, so they decided to call a nanny who had looked after children more than once. When the nanny arrived, the children were already asleep, so she decided to watch TV.

The house, unfortunately, only had one television in the marital bedroom, and the nanny called her employers to ask if she could watch it there. They allowed it, but then the nanny called again and asked if it was possible to cover the angel statue with something, because it made her very nervous. Hearing this, the father fell silent for a while, and then ordered the nanny to immediately take the children out of the house and call the police, because they did not have any statue of an angel.
When police arrived, the nanny and children were found dead in a pool of blood. The statue disappeared.

7. Grifter
"Grifter" is a scary Internet legend that first appeared in 2009. She talks about a video apparently so horrifying that it scares or makes anyone who watches it hysterical. Apparently, the video contains dying children, agonizing screams and close-ups of corpses.

“Grifter” is truly terrible - yes, yes, the clip exists. Fortunately, the footage is not real: the creator of the legend admitted in 2009 that he borrowed the so-called “documentary footage” from the film “Log.”
And while most people now know it's a hoax, The Grifter is still a scary story worth telling around the campfire. Some viewers even tried to arrange the footage from the video in chronological order to make it seem as realistic as possible.

8. SCP Foundation
Special Containment Procedures, also known as the SCP Foundation, is a fictional organization with a dark past that first appeared in 2007. The Foundation supposedly consists of many doctors, researchers and agents whose goal is to understand and compile a complete catalog of anomalous creatures. And, of course, the Foundation “does everything possible to ensure that materials do not fall into the wrong hands or into the outside world.” And to study all sorts of anomalous problems, the Foundation conducts experiments on death row prisoners.

It all started with a creature codenamed "SCP-173", which is described as a statue with a bloody face and short limbs. It was found that the creature is unable to move while being looked at, but as soon as eye contact is broken, the creature immediately kills the victim - breaking his neck. Well, so that they don’t take their eyes off him, probably.

Another example is "SCP-682": it is said to be a reptile-like creature that cannot be killed. By the way, it is most popular on the SCP wiki.

9. Jeff the Killer
Jeff was a little boy. His family moved to a new house, and the very next day after the move he was invited to a neighbor's birthday party. He decided to take his brother Liu with him.

While Jeff and Liu were waiting at the bus stop, they were attacked by three teenagers. Jeff successfully defeated and left his attackers lying in the street with broken arms and stab wounds. And then Jeff realized that his greatest pleasure was inflicting pain on others. This feeling was always with him, but it became stronger when someone made him angry.
Shortly after this incident, Jeff's mother woke up in the night due to screams coming from the bathroom. She walked in and found Jeff carving a permanent smile into his cheeks with a razor. He also managed to cut off his eyelids so that he would never sleep. Realizing that her son had gone crazy, she ran to the bedroom to wake up her husband, but Jeff stood in her way with a knife in his hand. The last thing she heard was: “Mommy, you lied.”
Jeff killed both parents - only his brother remained. Liu woke up when he heard muffled sounds coming from his parents' bedroom. When everything calmed down, the boy tried to sleep again, but could not get rid of the feeling that someone was watching him. Suddenly someone's hand covered his mouth, and he felt a blade plunging into his stomach. Liu tried to break free, but it was too late. “Shh,” Jeff said, “you just need to sleep.”
Jeff was never seen again, but legend has it that he is still in the house, waiting for his next victim.

Creepypastas are widespread on the Internet - short stories designed to shock or frighten the reader. Did everyone sit around the fire as a child and tell each other creepy stories? Creepypasta is the same thing, only on the Internet. Here are ten of the most interesting such stories, sometimes frightening, but more often stupid.

1. 1999

Known simply as "1999," the story is one of the most realistic and chilling urban legends on the Internet. The main character of the story is a Canadian blogger named Elliot, who was trying to unravel the mystery of the mysterious TV channel that he watched in 1999. The transmissions were too sketchy, so Elliot somehow realized that the channel was most likely run by a local thug.

Elliot continued to search for information and eventually learned that the owner of the television station was luring children to his house in order to sacrifice them. Elliot also realized that this psycho not only tortures and kills children, but also wears a bear costume and calls himself “Mr. Bear.”

There were only a few shows on the mysterious TV channel; it worked from four to nine in the morning. The first show was called “Boobie” - the heroes in it were living hands on some cheap table. The main character (the hand) was called Bubi, she was in every episode. However, as time passed, the episodes became more and more strange.

The fairy tale, familiar to everyone from childhood, ends with Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother being saved by woodcutters. The original French version (by Charles Perrault) was not nearly as sweet. There, instead of a little girl, there appears a well-bred young lady who asks the wolf for directions to her grandmother's house and receives false instructions. The stupid girl follows the wolf's advice and gets him for lunch. That's all. No woodcutters, no grandmother - just a happy, well-fed wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, which he killed.

During an episode called "The Scissor Game," Boobie was holding a pair of scissors while her other, smaller hand was twitching as if she was being forced there. Then Boobie stabbed her other hand several times with scissors, and at that time a muffled child's cry was heard. Eventually the scissors reached the bone and there was a terrible crunching sound. Elliott never saw any more episodes with Booby.

Next came Mister Bear's Basement, which featured a psycho dressed up as Mister Bear. We will not describe what actually happened on the screen - there are too many gory details. Finding stories online is easy, so you can do it yourself if you feel like it.

In the end, the police intervened in this chaos, and the sadistic TV channel was closed forever.

Elliot, by the way, is a strange guy - would you watch this?

2. Candle Bay

The story appeared in a forum thread that was talking about an old children's show from the 1970s. There was a girl in it who imagined she was friends with pirates. The show was somewhat controversial as throughout one episode all the characters screamed without stopping.

All they did was stand still and scream for the entire episode while the little girl cried. Various people commented on their memories of it, and it became clear that there was something dark and disturbing about the "sweet" low-budget show.

Recent comments made it clear that the show was much more sinister than childhood memory retained. The show's main villain, a skeleton named "Kozhnik", stood out from the rest. Apparently his mouth was sliding back and forth rather than up and down as it usually does. The commentator even remembered that when the girl asked why he had such a strange mouth, he looked straight into the camera and replied: “To chew your skin.”

Another commenter questioned whether the show even existed and asked the mother if she remembered a children's show from the 1970s called "Candle Bay." She was sincerely surprised that he remembered this. Apparently, he asked if the program was still on and tried to tune the TV to the desired channel. Then the air in the room became stale and remained so for 30 minutes.

3. Rake

In 2003, an incident involving a strange humanoid creature occurred in the northeastern United States, which attracted a lot of attention from the local media. After this, most written evidence of what happened mysteriously disappeared from web pages, and people began to see the creature more often. The strange thing is that people reacted to it in different ways - from attacks of panic to almost childish curiosity.

The creature continued to appear, and then the hunt began for it - after all, we must, in the end, find out who or what it is. Finally, in 2006, researchers working together made a frightening discovery - they unearthed almost two dozen documents dating back to the 12th century, all of which spoke of the appearance of a creature called the “Rake.”

One of his most impressive appearances was described by a woman. Here is how it was.

In the middle of the night, the woman suddenly woke up and accidentally woke up her husband. She apologized and her husband turned to look at her. He gasped with fear and hugged his wife - something clearly frightened him very much. At the foot of the bed sat, every now and then turning away from them, that most infamous creature, resembling a large hairless dog.

The couple's eyes were not yet accustomed to the darkness. The creature jumped up and sat down less than 30 cm from the husband’s face. It looked at him for a while and then rushed towards the nursery. The frightened spouses immediately rushed after him, but it was too late: their daughter was lying in her crib covered in blood and dying. Her last words: “It was Rake.”

The rake disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. No one ever saw him again.

4. Where bad children end up

This creepypasta is about a photographer who decides to find out information about an old children's TV show he watched as a child during the Lebanese war. All he remembered was that the half-hour show contained graphic images and scare tactics, apparently to deter children from misbehaving.

According to the photographer, the show was an attempt by the media to keep children under control - every episode kept saying that “bad children go to bed late” and “bad children steal food from the refrigerator at night,” and that this should not be done.

The photographer remembered that in each episode there was a final scene, each time the same - an old rusty iron door slowly grew in the frame, and as the camera approached the door, someone could be heard screaming. The closer to the door the camera was, the louder and clearer the screams became. And then the inscription appeared: “This is where bad children end up” - this meant the end of the episode.

The photographer managed to find the studio where the show was filmed. Although the place seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, the ill-fated rusty door from childhood was still there. Behind the door was a small room with traces of blood, feces and bones. But what scared the photographer most was the microphone hanging in the middle of the room.

5. Keyhole

This is a legend about a man who stayed in the same hotel for several nights. When he received his room keys, the woman at the desk warned him that there was an unnumbered door on the way to his room. She explained that the room was locked, all sorts of things were kept there, and under no circumstances should he go there or even look inside. The intrigued man went straight to his room and didn’t ask any questions.

The intoxication of horror has an ancient and very pathetic history. I think that even in primitive caves, our ancestors regularly gathered around the fire to listen to bloody tales about the atrocities of their Neanderthal competitors, about battles with mammoths or some kind of saber-toothed tigers. If so, then this is to some extent a prototype of current television series, which indicates, to put it smartly, the archetypal nature of the latter.

By the second night, curiosity got the better of me. He tried to turn the handles on the door without a number, and realized that the door was closed, as the woman had said. But our hero was not going to give up so easily - he looked through the keyhole. Behind the door was a room very similar to his own. And in the corner opposite the door stood a woman with very fair skin, leaning her head against the wall. The embarrassed man returned to his room, but on the third day he decided to look through the keyhole again.

This time all he saw was red. Just a deep, rich red color. Perhaps the woman in the room realized that someone was spying on her and plugged the keyhole with something.

Our hero decided to ask the woman at the counter about all this. She sighed and asked if he had looked through the keyhole. He replied that yes, he looked, and then the hotel owner told him everything: many years ago, a husband killed his wife in that very room, and now her ghost is looking for him. They say that the ghost itself is very pale, almost white, but its eyes are red as blood.

6. Angel Statue

This story is about a couple who wanted to leave home at night and have fun. They had children, so they decided to call a nanny who had looked after children more than once. When the nanny arrived, the children were already asleep, so she decided to watch TV.

The house, unfortunately, only had one television in the marital bedroom, and the nanny called her employers to ask if she could watch it there. They allowed it, but then the nanny called again and asked if it was possible to cover the angel statue with something, because it made her very nervous. Hearing this, the father fell silent for a while, and then ordered the nanny to immediately take the children out of the house and call the police, because they did not have any statue of an angel.

When police arrived, the nanny and children were found dead in a pool of blood. The statue disappeared.

7. Grifter

"Grifter" is a scary Internet legend that first appeared in 2009. She talks about a video apparently so horrifying that it scares or makes anyone who watches it hysterical. Apparently, the video contains dying children, agonizing screams and close-ups of corpses.

“Grifter” is truly terrible - yes, yes, the clip exists. Fortunately, the footage is not real: the creator of the legend admitted in 2009 that he borrowed the so-called “documentary footage” from the film “Log.”

And while most people now know it's a hoax, The Grifter is still a scary story worth telling around the campfire. Some viewers even tried to arrange the footage from the video in chronological order to make it seem as realistic as possible.

8. SCP Foundation

Special Containment Procedures, also known as the SCP Foundation, is a fictional organization with a dark past that first appeared in 2007. The Foundation supposedly consists of many doctors, researchers and agents whose goal is to understand and compile a complete catalog of anomalous creatures. And, of course, the Foundation “does everything possible to ensure that materials do not fall into the wrong hands or into the outside world.” And to study all sorts of anomalous problems, the Foundation conducts experiments on death row prisoners.

It all started with a creature codenamed "SCP-173", which is described as a statue with a bloody face and short limbs. It was found that the creature is unable to move while being looked at, but as soon as eye contact is broken, the creature immediately kills the victim - breaking his neck. Well, so that they don’t take their eyes off him, probably.

Another example is "SCP-682": it is said to be a reptile-like creature that cannot be killed. By the way, it is most popular on the SCP wiki.

9. Jeff the Killer

Jeff was a little boy. His family moved to a new house, and the very next day after the move he was invited to a neighbor's birthday party. He decided to take his brother Liu with him.

While Jeff and Liu were waiting at the bus stop, they were attacked by three teenagers. Jeff successfully defeated and left his attackers lying in the street with broken arms and stab wounds. And then Jeff realized that his greatest pleasure was inflicting pain on others. This feeling was always with him, but it became stronger when someone made him angry.

Shortly after this incident, Jeff's mother woke up in the night due to screams coming from the bathroom. She walked in and found Jeff carving a permanent smile into his cheeks with a razor. He also managed to cut off his eyelids so that he would never sleep. Realizing that her son had gone crazy, she ran to the bedroom to wake up her husband, but Jeff stood in her way with a knife in his hand. The last thing she heard was: “Mommy, you lied.”

Jeff killed both parents - only his brother remained. Liu woke up when he heard muffled sounds coming from his parents' bedroom. When everything calmed down, the boy tried to sleep again, but could not get rid of the feeling that someone was watching him. Suddenly someone's hand covered his mouth, and he felt a blade plunging into his stomach. Liu tried to break free, but it was too late. “Shh,” Jeff said, “you just need to sleep.”

Jeff was never seen again, but legend has it that he is still in the house, waiting for his next victim.

10. Normal porn for normal people

This Internet legend begins with a standard letter inviting people to the site normalpornfornormalpeople.com, which is supposedly one of the greatest blessings for humanity. Naturally, many decided to see what was there - with such and such an address! It was an ordinary website with a wall of text on the main page.

The only thing that somehow distinguished it from millions of others was the logo on all pages of the site: “Normal porn for normal people - a site dedicated to the eradication of abnormal sexuality.” Nothing else was of particular interest.

One video was called "peanut.avi". It showed a man, a woman and a dog in a kitchen. The woman makes a peanut butter sandwich, which the man then gives to the dog - this lasts a full half hour. Another video, called "jimbo.avi", was five minutes long and showed viewers a fat mime. It seemed like it was an ordinary video about a clown, but in the last 30 seconds the mime began to sob, began to tear his clothes (albeit quite calmly) and smear makeup all over his face.

Another video, "stumps.avi", is about a legless man trying to breakdance in a dirty kitchen, similar to the kitchen from "peanut.avi". After a couple of minutes, the man falls exhausted and asks someone off-screen to give him a rest. The man off-screen becomes enraged and starts yelling at the legless man to keep dancing, and he obeys. Then the image suddenly disappears, and screams are heard off-screen.

The “privacy.avi” video begins with a woman masturbating on a mattress, while a legless man from “stumps.avi” in a goblin mask walks around her on his hands. What's unusual is that in this video the door is open - in all the others it is closed. This is important because at the very end of the video you can see an animal running quickly through the corridor.

The latest video, "useless.avi", is 18 minutes of pure horror. In it you can see a bound and gagged blonde woman. At the seventh minute, a man in a suit opens the door, but does not enter the room. Instead, the animal that appeared in “privacy.avi” enters. This is a chimpanzee that has clearly been treated horribly - the animal is beaten, there is no hair on its body in some places, and the remaining skin is painted red.

The man closes the door behind him, leaving the bound woman alone with the animal. The starving animal sniffs the air, notices the woman and immediately begins to torment her alive. This continues for seven long minutes until the woman's body becomes unrecognizable. The video ends with the chimpanzee devouring the tortured body.

Dinah Angels was born with completely black pupils and whites, and her hair was pure white, although her parents had dark brown hair. DNA analysis showed that this is 100% their daughter. Mother loved Dina, but her father disliked her for her eyes.
Years later, Dina Angels, an extraordinary girl, is now 13 years old. She doesn't like to talk, perhaps because she was locked in the mansion by her father all her life, so she became anti-social. Dina knows that her father is a very famous judge, and that he always looks at things very fairly from a neutral point of view. However, he always strives for perfection in everything, and that is why he has a very bad relationship with Dina.
She had never gone outside before, it was all because of her eyes. She got a mirror and often looks at her eyes, they are pure black, she actually sees little sparkles in them, like a small galaxy. She was often fascinated when she looked into her own eyes.
Dina has no friends. Her father locked her up for her entire life, and even though the house is really huge, she still feels very lonely. She wants a boy friend, but that seems impossible in this situation. Currently, the only person who supports her is her mother, Mrs. Clark, so she truly adores her. Dina often watches children playing around from the window.
Ever since Dina was born, her family hired a maid, her name is Masha, and her job is to take care of Dina. But the maid's job is actually to be Mr. Clark's bodyguard. He paid a lot of money to hire this woman, who has a lot of criminal records, to keep Dina out of trouble and also to protect her. After all, who knows what Dina will do for her. Thinking up to this time, Dina giggled and thought: “If I wanted to, I could kill her.”
Christmas will be in a few days, but Dina is not happy about it, as she always spends Christmas as if it is an ordinary day, it doesn't matter to her whether she celebrates or not.
She gets out of bed, leaves the room, and begins to wander around the house.
Dina always visits Mr. Clark's room, and although he strictly forbids Dina to go into this room, she always sneaks into it. In this room, she can stay for a long time because there is one thing that really attracts her eyes - a pure white sword. This sword is in a display case, isolated from other collections, as if it were something special. Whenever Dina gets close to the sword, it creates a silent resonance, and the sword always glows silvery white. Dina would stand for hours and look at this sword.
According to her mother, that according to legend, the sword originally belonged to an angel, and during the war, the angel accidentally dropped the sword into the human world, the angel was never seen again. However, since then, people from the world began to use it for various reasons, to kill, to protect, for personal gain, etc. Thus, the sword was hidden for many years.
Dina went to her mother’s room to talk, during the conversation they decide to run away from home before Christmas.
The day of the escape has come, when her father enters Dina’s room. Mr. Clark pushes Mrs. Clark from behind and goes to Dina trying to grab her. He shouts: “Damn monster!! I will kill you! How dare you sneak away!” Mr. Clark pushes Dina to the side. Dina’s head touched the edge of the table and she lost consciousness.
When Dina regains consciousness, she notices that the floor is freezing cold and the air is quite humid, it seems that she is in a dungeon. Mr. Clark has an interest in medieval cultures, so he built this dungeon in this house. Now that I think about it, my father's taste in it really disgusts me. She gets up to look around; it seems that the only way out of this dungeon is the door. There is nothing. Suddenly Dina hears someone coming towards her. She turns to the man, "Hey you little one
monster - What are you doing here? “It was Masha. Masha looks at Dina with a contemptuous look: “You are a terrible girl...”
"Yes, but aren't you the same? You are also under my father's control, aren't you? Forced to depend on my father because of this... you are a terrible woman... you are no different from a monster! You thought that I don't know how you seduced my father every night, do you?"
Dina looks at Masha, laughing: “You are a whore, you are a whore, you are a whore!” Dina repeats without stopping. Masha, irritated, struck her several times until she coughed up blood.
“Enough, you damn monster! Your father told me that I can always kill you!” Masha screams and hits Dina on the head.
Dina laughs hysterically, then she opens her eyes wide. “No!” Dina tightly grabs Masha’s ankles. Dina shouts: “The one who should be punished is YOU!” Dina stands up, holding Masha’s ankles with one hand.
She hits the woman with her knee. Her other hand, with enormous force, instantly dislocates Masha’s knee. Thanks to the pain caused, Masha screams to tears. Then Dina sits on Masha and hits her several times, laughing loudly. “You angered the angel, you will be punished”
Dina kills Masha by strangling her.
“Finally I did what I always wanted to do.”
She comes out of the basement into the house in search of her father, Dina finds her mother, she is dead. Later, she heads to her father's office. Having broken the display case, she takes away that same sword, when suddenly Mr. Clark enters the office
“Hello, father.” Swinging her sword, Dina cuts off one of his legs. Mr. Clark crawls on the floor, trying to escape, but Dina does not let him go. "Father... I thought you left... It really worries me
Mr. Clark, suffering from severe trauma and bleeding. He looks at Dina and shouts: “You... you are a monster!!”
"Monster? No, no, no... I AM AN ANGEL! An angel who was born to punish you!" Dina raises her sword,
"Danny Clark... I declare... you... Guilty!" Mr. Clark loses his head, after which she kills everyone who was in the house.
Dina dresses up in a white suit, sets the mansion on fire and takes her mother's corpse to bury her.
NEWS: There was a fire at Clarke's mansion last night. When the police and firemen arrived, they found a large number of dead, headless corpses. The police suspect that most of the corpses were Clarke's servants. Of course, they also found the body of Mr. Clarke, with his head burned to skull found in the hearth. Mrs. Clark's body was not found, but she is also suspected to be dead. They found her blood in Mr. Clark's office. Taylor, Mr. Clark's lawyer, was also found dead. After a fire started, he also died from decapitation.
A month has passed.
NEWS "Good morning. This is David Starter here at New Morning. It seems that several people witnessed the girl with the sword in white last night. Let's ask some of the witnesses about the incident.
- "She's an angel! I saw her wings!"
- "She's a white ghost!"
- “She is here to judge us! She is going to take our lives!” The man who was watching the news at the moment laughed in front of the TV and said: “Hmm, angels... This must be a lie, stupid people did it... angels do not exist in this world “He goes into a dark alley to smoke. Someone is pushing him against the wall. Using very dim lighting, he sees a girl in white. Can't be! "The man struggles, but the girl cuts him before he runs away. "Shh... you must be quiet during the trial..." "How dare you challenge an angel... hehe... because this, now I condemn you..."

Many Internet users have already heard about the so-called “Creepypasta,” but most know practically nothing about it. Some people may assume that this is connected with some scary stories, but they do not know the details. Today, “Creepypasta” is an integral element of the Internet community, which is constantly growing, developing and, naturally, frightening. If someone thought that this term was associated with horror, they were not mistaken. The fact is that “Creepypasta” is a word that includes a full-fledged sphere on the Internet. But it all started with one community in which users came up with their own scary stories and illustrated them, and other readers could complement them, improve them and make them even scarier. This is how “Creepypastas” appeared - stories about some creatures that terrorize civilians, scare, kill, torture, and so on. Everyone knows that this is fiction, but this does not make it any less scary - this is such “Creepypasta”. The characters of this genre are particularly cruel, scary in appearance, frightening details, and so on. Therefore, next we will consider the most famous of the heroes, who already instill fear in a huge number of people of all ages.


Most likely, the most popular Creepypasta character today is Slenderman. Several third-party projects have already been created about him, including full-fledged video games - this is a great achievement for the Creepypasta genre. Characters in this genre most often remain confined to the Internet, but Slenderman turned out to be so unusual and impressive that he was able to break into other areas. What is he like? Initially, he was depicted as a very tall and thin man in a formal suit. What distinguished him from a real person was his face, or rather, the absence of it. Slenderman lures small children out of the house, and then kills them or subjugates them, making them his assistants. Naturally, this character has undergone numerous changes from various authors. Not many of them have taken root - for example, now Slenderman is very often depicted with tentacles growing from his back. The Thin Man is the most popular and successful "Creepypasta", the characters of other stories, of course, also create horror, but it is Slenderman who does it best. But it's time to talk about other popular heroes.

Jeff the killer

“Creepypasta” is famous for its many interesting characters; the characters of this genre very quickly gain universal love. This happened with Jeff, who was nicknamed the killer. In fact, he is the real killer, who sneaks into the house and watches the sleeping person until he notices him. Then Jeff orders the man to continue sleeping, and if he listens, he may survive. If not, then Jeff immediately attacks him with a knife and kills him. Outwardly, this character is in many ways similar to an ordinary person, only his eyes are definitely wild, and his mouth is huge and constantly stretches into a terrifying, sinister smile. Jeff may die, but he is always reborn into one of his victims, which makes him even more terrible, which is what any “Creepypasta” achieves. The characters and their stories are breathtaking and also make you forget about sleep. After all, at any moment you can feel Jeff’s gaze on you.

Jane the Killer

This story is directly related to the previous one, which is quite typical for the genre called “Creepypasta”. Characters and their stories often intertwine with each other, creating an incredible world full of horror and fear. So, Jane is the girl who lived next door to Jeff when he started killing and became a monster, not an ordinary boy. And one day Jeff came for Jane, who sympathized with him, while everyone else hated him. So he came not to kill her, but to play a perverted game with her. Jane tried to defend herself with a knife, but it didn't work, and Jeff doused her with gasoline and set her on fire, disfiguring her beautiful face. After that, he sent her a mask and her knife, saying that he hoped that she would find her beauty. After this, Jane vowed that she would dedicate her life to finding and killing Jeff while she hides her disfigured face behind a mask - this is exactly the story Creepypasta offers players. Pictures of the characters are in the article, so you can look at both Jeff and Jane at any time.

Eyeless Jack

The next character who has become everyone's favorite is Eyeless Jack, a very entertaining "Creepypasta". The pictures of the characters, including Eyeless Jack, perfectly complement the stories, making the story more vivid. So, Jack received the nickname Eyeless for the reason that he was born with completely black eyes. For this he was hated and despised, mocked at him. As a result, it all ended with his parents being killed, so Jack put on a mask, took his father's scalpel and began performing operations on those who did this, as well as those who bullied him all these years. For some time he did this with his friend Justin, until he committed suicide, unable to bear such a life. The list of Creepypasta characters is constantly updated with such interesting heroes. Each of them has its own story, which can both captivate and frighten.

Ben the Drowned

The story of one gamer who mysteriously became a participant in a computer game on the verge of virtual and real realities is quite relevant. The list of Creepypasta characters even includes such heroes, so if you are not yet familiar with this direction, then you should definitely read the notes and look at the images and videos. In this case, the story is about a game that transported the main character into a virtual world that seemed real. The intricate events ultimately add up to a single terrifying picture that can frighten even the bravest readers of the Creepypasta genre. The characters, whose photos are on many relevant resources, are the most impressive. And in this regard, Ben is amazing, since he has the appearance of the famous hero of the game “The Legend of Zelda” Link.

Tim Muskie

The story of Tim Mask, a teenager who decided to star in an amateur horror film in a deep forest, looks quite interesting and fresh. At first glance, this is a fairly ordinary “Creepypasta”, characters, photos and stories are publicly available, but something in this story looks strange and incomprehensible. The gist of it is that he was unable to meet the friends with whom he planned to make the film. But the forest attracted him, lured him and did not allow him to leave, run away, hide. All his attempts to get away failed, and in the end the forest swallowed him up, turning him into something other than a person - this is how the characters in “Creepypasta” are. Absolutely all stories are available in Russian, so you can easily read the full version of any of them.


Hoodie is another maniac who did not want to become one, but conditions turned him into a monster. He lost his parents, his older sister and her husband took custody of Alex (Hoodie) and his sister. The stepfather beat his wife, and when she was not there, he took care of the children, and one day he accidentally killed Sandra, his younger sister. Alex took a knife and cut his throat, but his older sister immediately returned and accused him of killing both relatives. At this point, Hoodie had to get rid of her too, and then burn the house down and go kill, wearing a mask and his sweatshirt.

Ticky Toby

Toby is another boy who killed his own father and then tried to cover it up by committing arson. This character has something in common with Slenderman, because it was he who subjugated Toby to his will and made him his servant.