Unusual places and monuments. Museum of the Mosfilm Film Studio The collection of costumes and scenery in the Mosfilm Museum is also unusual

A tour of Mosfilm usually begins in the hangar. There are many movie stars among the rare cars:

  • The 1938 Mercedes-Benz that Stirlitz drove in Seventeen Moments of Spring
  • ZIS bus from the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”
  • Lenin's bicycle, which participated in films about Vladimir Ilyich
  • Peugeot phaeton 1913
  • 1913 Rolls-Royce convertible
  • "Russo-Balt" 1913
  • A 1941 Buick Eight that belonged to Manchu Emperor Henry Pu Yi
  • A 1937 Packard that served the Soviet nomenklatura.

Some cars from the Mosfilm collection exist in Russia in a single copy. But they are all on the move and ready to film. And some cars have a long list of roles. For example, viewers could see the same Volga in the films Beware of the Car, Three Poplars on Plyushchikha and The Diamond Arm. When the time comes, she will be repainted and sent back to the set.

At Mosfilm you can also see trucks, buses and military equipment from the First and Second World Wars. And even the plane, which fell apart in the Soviet disaster film “Crew,” has been preserved in the museum. It's actually a small toy plane. But in the movies this is not the case, just as it is not noticeable that the volcano lava in “Crew” was made from colored dough.

The collection of costumes and scenery in the Mosfilm Museum is also unusual.

For example, a fountain from old Copenhagen was created for Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Andersen. Life without love." And although it is a plastic dummy, visitors throw coins into it. The costumes from Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “Poisons or the World History of Poisoning” are very characteristic. Also in the museum you can see a replica of the carcass of a huge bull, in whose cut belly, according to the story, the doctors placed the poisoned Cesare Borgia.

Here is Helen’s dress from the film “War and Peace” by Sergei Bondarchuk, fabulous costumes from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by Alexander Ptushko, a royal costume from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” by Leonid Gaidai, armor of knights from the film “Alexander Nevsky” and many more costumes that create images on the screen.

Many will be familiar with the old postal carriage from the movie “Midshipmen, Go!” It was badly damaged during filming, so the Mosfilm crew had to make a new one. Nearby is a carriage from the series “Institute of Noble Maidens.”

And in the make-up shop you can find out how Mosfilm artists change the appearance of actors beyond recognition, imitate injuries and even “age” the hero throughout the film. Here on the shelves are ears, noses, chins, monster masks, severed human heads with bulging eyes and limbs with protruding bones. The collection also contains casts of the faces of famous film actors.

The heart of a film studio is, of course, the film sets. During the tour you can see how the Mosfilm pavilions are being prepared for filming.

The most interesting object is 3 natural open-air sites. These are huge scenery where an entire city can grow. For example, Mosfilm created Galerad from the film “The Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs.” Wood for its construction was collected from all surrounding villages. But this is a dummy, where you could only enter 2 buildings. The rest were closed or consisted of 1-2 false walls.

The most popular Mosfilm film set is the Old Moscow set. She is already more than 10 years old. It was Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen - for this purpose, houses were repainted and signs were changed, only sometimes new decorations were completed. “The Institute of Noble Maidens”, “Andersen” and a hundred other films were filmed in “Old Moscow”. The decorations are made of plastic, papier-mâché and wood. That is, the structures are very light, and in windy weather you can see the bells swinging on the bell tower. The buildings are also uninhabited - several false walls and a complete lack of decoration.

If the site remains unused for several months, the decorations will be dismantled and replaced with new ones. But for now, “Old Moscow” is being actively filmed in films and music videos.

During the excursion you can see other attractions of Mosfilm: the monument to Vasily Shukshin, the monument to Sergei Bondarchuk, the sculpture “Girl with a Firecracker”, the sculpture “Unknown Operator”, the monument to film studio workers who died in the Great Patriotic War, Leonid Gaidai Square.

The Mosfilm film concern is one of the largest film studios in Europe. Almost all domestic film, television and video products are produced here.

For example, almost all the series of the STS TV channel are filmed in its pavilions, and the New Year’s “blue lights” migrated here from Shabolovka many years ago.

The birthday of Mosfilm is considered to be January 30, 1924, when the premiere of the first full-length silent film “On Wings High” took place. The film studio was created on the basis of two nationalized film factories of A.A. Khanzhonkova and I.N. Ermolyev in November 1923. Then they decided to build a film town. The film factory buildings were laid on November 20, 1927 on the Lenin Hills. Then there were village houses with gardens and vegetable gardens. And on February 9, 1931, the Soyuzkino film factory opened in their place.

The film studio received the name “Mosfilm” in 1935, and in 1947 the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” by Vera Mukhina became its emblem. It first appeared as a Mosfilm screen brand in the feature film “Spring” by Grigory Alexandrov.

They say that......in the film “Poisons or the World History of Poisoning” they filmed a real bull. At the same time, snipers were sitting upstairs to euthanize the animal in an emergency, but this was not necessary.
...when Leonid Gaidai invited the young actress Natalya Selezneva to film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures,” a problem arose with filming a scene where, in preparation for a physics exam, the actress had to undress to a swimsuit. The director said that the actress would need to undress in the shot.
“But you may not have a very good figure,” he added, as if doubtful.
- It’s not very good! - Selezneva was indignant and threw off her dress in one movement.
The problem was solved.

Mosfilm Film Studio is the largest film studio in Europe. Today, this is the only film studio in Russia that meets international standards and provides the full range of film production services: from writing a script, building sets, sewing costumes, to actually filming, editing, dubbing, etc. The area of ​​the film studio is 34.5 hectares. On this territory there are 15 filming pavilions, an apple orchard, two-level ponds, a forest park, a museum of retro cars and, probably, much more that the guide did not mention.

Getting on an excursion to Mosfilm is both simple and, at the same time, difficult. Simple - because To do this, you don’t need to make an appointment in advance, you can just come at the appointed time to the entrance of the film studio, wait for the guide, buy a ticket and, in principle, that’s it, then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique. The difficulty is that tours of Mosfilm take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the summer and on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the rest of the year, the tour starts at 15:00 (it is better to check this information on the official website www.mosfilm.ru, because it can change). Those. It turns out that it is almost impossible for an ordinary person with a standard 5/2 work schedule to get into Mosfilm. Well, either only during vacation or if you take a day off. But at the same time, if you browse the websites of excursion agencies, you can find offers for excursions to Mosfilm on weekends. But the price for a ticket will no longer be 140 rubles, but 800 and above.

For a long time, I was pressured to pay several times more for an excursion on a weekend, which can be taken several times cheaper on a weekday. As a result, I managed to get to Mosfilm only when I had a free week while moving from one place of work to another.

Mosfilm is located at the Kyiv metro station. Address - st. Mosfilmovskaya 1. From the metro you still need to travel about fifteen minutes by buses 119, 205, trolleybuses 7, 17, 34 or minibuses 11m, 20m, 394m, 525m, 329m, 496m, 205k to the Mosfilm stop.

By 15:00, 40-50 people had gathered at the entrance, wanting to go on an excursion. A female tour guide came out and led everyone into the territory and then to the ticket office.

The excursion began at the vintage car museum. Most of the car models presented here we have already seen in or in. But here each car has its own special story. Each of them starred in a film or even several. Here are the Mercedes of Stirlitz, and the ZAZ-965 from the comedy “3+2”, and the Volga GAZ 21 from “Beware of the Car” and many others. There were a lot of people in our group, and it was very inconvenient to take photographs. And there was no time for that, because... the guide told everything very quickly, moving from one car to another, and then to the next room.

BMW-321, 1940, starred in the films “Liberation”, “Saboteur”, “Moscow Saga”, “On Thin Ice”.

GAZ-21, 1964, starred in the films “Beware of the Car”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Poisons”.

ZIS-8, 1938, starred in the films “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “Saboteur”, “MUR”, “The Sky is on Fire”.

Russo-Balt K-12/20, 1911, starred in the films “Death of the Empire”, “A Horseman Called Death”, “Yesenin”.

Rolls-Royce, 1913, starred in the films “The Elusive Avengers”, “Crown of the Russian Empire”, “Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”, “The Regicide”.

Magirus, 1912, starred in the films “The Sixth”, “The Regicide”, “Death of the Empire”, “Sins of the Fathers”.

NSU-Centaur, half-track motorcycle, 1937, starred in the films “Star”, “Penal Battalion”.

The next room was dedicated to clothing. Here on mannequins hung clothes made for filming. Material for some items, for example, for the royal clothes for the film “Boris Godunov,” was ordered from the monastery. They were hand-embroidered with freshwater pearls and used natural fur. As a result, the costumes turned out to be heavy, some weighing 15-18 kg.

Natalia Bondarchuk's dress (center) for the film "Solaris".

Lyudmila Gurchenko's costume for the film “An Ideal Husband.” On the mannequin, the jacket does not meet at the waist; it is too small for the mannequin. It fit perfectly on Gurchenko, her waist is only 47 cm.

Crown from the film “Crown of the Russian Empire”. It was ordered in the Czech Republic, but the size was not indicated. Therefore, the crown turned out to be narrow and not suitable for anyone.

The famous helmet from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune". For a long time he was considered missing and was found quite by accident somewhere far away on the mezzanine among a heap of some rubbish.

The scenery for the film “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning,” whoever watched it, I think, will recognize it.

Carriage from the film “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Nest of Nobles”, “Formula of Love”.

Carriage from the film "Midshipmen Forward".

A cab from the film “New Adventures of the Elusive”, “Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”, “Matchmaking of a Hussar”.

We go outside. The set “Moscow, 19th century” was built here. All the houses are made of plywood, coated with plaster on top, empty inside, supported by scaffolding. The city was created for Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “A Horseman Named Death.” Usually, after filming, all the scenery is dismantled and destroyed. Other directors liked this one, so they decided to keep it. For different films, Moscow turned into Berlin, Paris, Tbilisi, even Copenhagen. Some things were completed, signs were changed, but after filming Moscow was always returned to its previous appearance. The films “State Councilor”, “Poor Nastya”, “Death of the Empire”, “Gentlemen Officers”, “Saving the Emperor”, “Doctor Zhivago”, “Azazel” and others were filmed here.

Set "Berlin 1945 after the bombing" for the film "The White Tiger".

We go into one of the filming pavilions. Photo and video shooting is prohibited here. It is unlikely that there is anything secret here; most likely this was done so as not to interfere with the workers creating the scenery. The fact that there is nothing secret here can be seen by watching the video below. From it you will learn how indoor scenes are filmed in movies, quite interesting...

Casts of actors' faces for applying plastic makeup. The faces of Leonid Bronevoy, Rina Zelenaya, Yuri Yakovlev are easily recognizable...

Dmitry Dyuzhev's belly from the film "Pregnant".

Do you recognize the cat from the film “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures”?

After the end of the excursion, everyone was left to their own devices; no one was kicked out of the gate. It was possible to walk around the territory of Mosfilm on your own, but after two hours of walking there was no longer any desire to do so. Most of the people went to a cafe located right on the territory of the film studio, next to the place where the tour ended. The prices here, I must say, are quite reasonable.

Overall it was an interesting excursion. Below are a few more photos from Mosfilm:

Interview about the work of the Mosfilm operation workshop

with Deputy General Director

on administrative and economic issues

Evgeniy Pavlovich Koloda

Mosfilm has always been and remains the country's main film studio. And therefore, when at the end of the 20s of the last century the question of building premises for the film industry that was gaining serious momentum arose, it was decided to create a fundamentally new architectural complex in which the entire complex film production cycle would be concentrated - from the development of the script to the release of the finished film copy. . For this purpose, on the outskirts of Moscow, near the village of Potylikha, 34 hectares of land were allocated, which is quite comparable to the territory of the Vatican, the smallest state in the world, whose area is 44 hectares.

Over the course of several decades, a huge film city has grown here, with its streets and squares, squares and buildings, garden and park complexes, ponds with an overflowing cascade, fountains, live fish and ducks. And the famous apple orchard, in which more than 250 trees grow today, was planted by director Alexander Dovzhenko after the release of the film “Michurin”. The territory of Mosfilm is so diverse that it is often used as a setting for many films.

Such a huge farm requires constant care. This is done by a special unit within the Mosfilm structure – the operation department.

Evgeny Pavlovich, tell us, who brings and maintains beauty in the territory of Mosfilm?

Operations department employees monitor the cleanliness of the area. They maintain order, care for plantings and monitor the operation of buildings and industrial premises. The staff of this workshop is 40 people. But considering the area of ​​Mosfilm and the number of buildings and green spaces, this is quite a bit. In particular, the most complex plant care is carried out by only a few gardening employees. This group is led by Antonina Alekseevna Portnova, an experienced worker who has been working at Mosfilm for 56 years.

Landscaping specialists are engaged in growing and planting seedlings, trimming bushes, pruning dry branches, creating flower arrangements in flower beds and street flower beds, watering and weeding plants, collecting seeds and tubers. More than 50,000 units of flower seedlings are planted on the territory every year. We also have exotics: palm trees, grapes, bananas, lemons, etc. Cossack juniper, cotoneaster, cypress, Hungarian and varietal lilac, weeping and spherical willows, jasmine, as well as linden, chestnut, birch, oak, spruce, and maple trees are carefully planted , larches, thujas and many other trees and shrubs.

To maintain cleanliness and order, it is necessary not only to put in enormous physical labor, but also to have modern technology. Tell us about technical assistants.

The workshop uses HAKO - Citymaster municipal vacuum machines, tractors, snow removal, watering and lawn mowing equipment, including a Grillo lawn mower, German HAKO and KARCHER scrubber-drying equipment, gas and electric saws, as well as modern hand tools.

How is it possible to maintain contact between buildings on such a large area of ​​34 hectares? After all, getting around everything on foot is not an easy task.

Employees of the operation shop have long been actively using environmentally friendly transport - golf carts, which are simply irreplaceable for the mobile and prompt solution of problems that often arise in such a vast territory. By the way, all divisions of Mosfilm actively use golf carts. Their use makes it possible to quickly resolve important production issues.

Does it happen that the work of operation department employees is stopped by weather conditions?

No, of course not. As you know, “nature has no bad weather”! The workshop employees always go out into the area: in the spring they plant flowers and other greenery, in the summer they need to constantly trim the bushes and mow the grass, in the fall they need to remove leaves, and in the winter they have to deal with snow and icicles. It is hard work!

But Mosfilm was not always so well-groomed. There was a time when the apple orchard practically died, the ponds were dehydrated, and the lawns were overgrown with weeds. Today, large amounts of money are allocated to improve and maintain the territory in good condition. Despite the fact that Cinema Concern is a state enterprise, we do not have budget funding.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to a tour of the film studio. I am sure that you will definitely like it with us. You will be able to get acquainted with the history and daily work of Mosfilm, see unique museum and animatronic exhibitions, pavilions and open-air decorations “Old Moscow - St. Petersburg”, you will be able to walk around the studio, take pictures in the garden among flowering plants, by the pond, numerous sculptures and feed the squirrels, who have long considered Mosfilm their home.

News Editorial

01. Base

The birthday of Mosfilm is considered to be January 24, 1924, since on this day the premiere of Boris Mikhin’s film “On Wings High” took place. This was the first film shot at the film studio of Khanzhonkov and Ermolyev, the result of whose association was Mosfilm.

02. Titles
Before the name “Mosfilm” was finally assigned to the film studio in 1936, it was renamed several times. The studio was called “Sovkino”, “Soyuzkino”, “Rosfilm”, “Soyuzfilm” and even “Moskinokombinat”.

03. War
During the Great Patriotic War, Mosfilm was evacuated to Alma-Ata. Of the thousand studio workers who went to the front, 146 did not return.

04. Mosfilm symbol

The well-known symbol of Mosfilm, the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” by Vera Mukhina, first appeared as a screensaver in the film “Spring” of 1947. In this case, it was not the original sculpture that was used, but its meter-long copy.

05. Directors of Mosfilm

Over the years, among the directors of Mosfilm were such directors as Mikhail Kalatozov, Ivan Pyryev, Vladimir Dostal and now the studio manager Karen Shakhnazarov.

06. Movies
In total, Mosfilm has produced more than 1,700 films over 90 years, that is, approximately every 6th film is domestically produced.

07. Directors

It was at Mosfilm that such directors as Sergei Eisenstein, Grigory Alexandrov, Mikhail Romm, Sergei Bondarchuk, Andrei Tarkovsky, Andrei Konchalovsky, Elem Klimov, Marlen Khutsiev, Eldar Ryazanov, Leonid Gaidai, Georgiy Danelia, Alexander Mitta, Sergei Solovyov made their best films , Vladimir Menshov and many others.

08. Foreigners

Among the foreign directors who shot their films at Mosfilm over the years were Giuseppe De Santis, Vittorio De Sica and Akira Kurosawa.

09. Awards

Of the four domestic films that won an Oscar, three were produced by Mosfilm: “War and Peace,” “Dersu Uzala” and “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Also, it was at Mosfilm that two of our films were created, which received the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival: “Ascension” and “Theme”. The only Soviet film awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, The Cranes Are Flying, was filmed here. In addition, the first of the four domestic winners of the Venice Film Festival, the film “Ivan’s Childhood,” was also produced at Mosfilm.

10. Cinema City

Mosfilm is one of the largest film studios in Europe. In total, it occupies an area of ​​34.5 hectares, on which 15 pavilions are located.

January 24, 1924 – Mosfilm’s birthday
Since ancient times, on the site of modern Mosfilmovskaya Street there was the village of Troitskoye-Golenishchevo, which was then located outside the city territory. By the beginning of the 20th century, Troitskoye-Golenishchevo was the largest village in the district - it had 771 residents. At the end of the 20s of the 20th century, a film factory, Soviet Hollywood, began to be built on the south-eastern side of the village. According to the elegant design of the builders, the Moscow film factory was erected in such a way that it would be as difficult to reach as possible.
Mosfilm's birthday is considered to be January 24, 1924 - on this day the premiere of B. Mikhin's film "On Wings High" took place. This was the first film shot at the film studio of Khanzhonkov and Ermolyev, the result of whose merger was Mosfilm.
The name "Mosfilm" appeared only in 1936, and before that the film studio was renamed several times - "Sovkino", "Soyuzkino", "Rosfilm", "Soyuzfilm" and even "Moskinokombinat".
In 1947, in the film directed by Alexandrov “Spring”, the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” appeared above the word Mosfilm against the backdrop of the Spasskaya Tower; since then it has been an integral symbol of the Moscow film studio.
The film studio occupies a fairly large area - 34.5 hectares, being one of the largest film studios in Europe. A whole “retro city” has been built here, in which the filming of various historical films took place and is still taking place.
On the territory of Mosfilm there are several interesting monuments: a cameraman with a movie camera, V.M. Shukshin, “The Girl with a Firecracker,” a crocodile lurking in the grass in a small park, a Frog Princess nearby, and a lizard basking on a boulder.
During the Great Patriotic War, the studio was evacuated to Alma-Ata. Of the thousand studio workers who went to the front, 146 did not return. In total, Mosfilm has produced more than 1,700 films over more than 90 years, that is, approximately every 6th film is domestically produced.
In addition to domestic ones, many foreign directors shot their films at Mosfilm over the years - for example, Giuseppe De Santis, Vittorio De Sica, Akira Kurosawa.
Of the four domestic films that won an Oscar, three were shot at Mosfilm: “War and Peace,” “Dersu Uzala,” and “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Also, two of our films were created there, which received the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival: “The Ascension” and “Theme”. The only Soviet film awarded the Palme d'Or at Cannes, The Cranes Are Flying, was filmed here. In addition, the first of the four domestic winners of the Venice Film Festival, “Ivan’s Childhood,” was also made at Mosfilm.
I attended a tour of Mosfilm, which included an overview of filming studios and pavilions, a museum of vintage cars, a visit to the make-up shop and inspection of various exhibits. I really liked it, I advise everyone to visit it.


1.https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=3&text=%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC %D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0 %B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg08.rl0.ru%2Fa364b7b99fc07751ba631dcc3cc3404b%2Fc1024x768q51%2Frimg08.rl0 .ru%2Fob %2F9e%2Fef%2F9eefcde395ebc6412d98d4deb7f26e5f_large.jpg&pos=94&rpt=simage 2.http://www.pro-n.ru/articles/448.html 3. http://www.novostroy-m.ru/statyi/starostroy_m_fabrika_grez_i 4. http://abos.ru/?p=27565 5. http://www.yourmoscow.ru/city/street/mosfilmovskay_street 6.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0% BE%D1%81%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_% D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0