Ask the sphinx questions and guess the number 30. Riddles of the Egyptian Sphinx: the further they dig, the more there are (8 photos)

Probably, many PC users found themselves in a situation where the operating system did not start. For example, the computer constantly rebooted, or a window appeared that displayed an error. This often pushes users to reinstall the OS. Everyone knows that this is a troublesome task, since in this case some of the files are lost and the drivers need to be reinstalled. Meanwhile, it is much easier to use the recovery console.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - disk with Windows OS distribution kit (XP, Windows 7).


You will need a disk with the distribution kit of your operating system. Before starting the operation, insert this disc into the computer drive. Turn on your PC. Now you need to enter the Boot menu. Most often, you can use the F5 or F8 keys to do this. Press it immediately after turning on the computer. If using them you were unable to enter the Boot menu, do it by brute force, alternately pressing the F keys until you find the one you need.

When you enter the Boot menu, select the optical drive as the system startup source. Wait until the disk spins up and press any key. If you have a Windows XP operating system, proceed this way. Wait for the first dialog box to appear. In this window, you can either begin installing the operating system or start the recovery process.

Press the R key. This will launch the Recovery Console. According to the prompts, launch the “Recovery Wizard”. After its completion, the operating system will be restored. The computer will restart automatically and start normally.

In the case of the Windows 7 operating system, you need to act like this. On the first screen, select Language Options. After this, you will be taken to a screen where it will say “System Restore”. Click on this function with the left mouse button. A window will pop up containing a list of operating systems. In this list, select Windows 7, then select “Use recovery tools” and proceed further.

First, let's figure out what the command line is. Command line (console) interface - text. The user enters certain commands from the keyboard, and the system executes them. The command line is used, for example, to access a website (server) or for problems with the Internet.

In Windows NT OS (Windows 2000 and higher) it is used command line interpreter cmd.exe, which replaced the outdated interpreter, which was used in systems of the Windows 9x and MS-DOS family. The interpreter translates the text command into a form understandable to the system. Launching a command prompt in Windows means running the cmd.exe application.

To open the command prompt, you can use one of the following methods.

Click on the “Start” button. In the menu that opens, select Run. In the window that opens, in the Open line, enter the name of the program cmd.exe and click on the OK button or press the Enter key on the keyboard. In order to open the Run window, you can also use the key combination Win + R (Win is the key with the Windows logo in the bottom row of the keyboard).

You can open the command line in a more “traditional” way by selecting it from the list of installed programs. To do this, again, click on the “Start” button, select the All Programs item in the menu, then the Standard item, and from the list of standard programs select the program we need - Command Prompt.

But running the command prompt this way may prevent you from running certain commands. To achieve this, you need to run the command line as an administrator. To do this, we “get” to the command line using the previous method (Start - All Programs - Accessories), but click on the phrase Command Prompt not with the left mouse button, but with the right one. A context menu will open. In it, click on the item Run as administrator. A dialog box may appear: “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes on this computer?” Feel free to click “Yes”.

In order not to perform the same manipulations every time you start the command line, you can configure automatic run as administrator. To do this, call the context menu in the same way as in the previous case, but instead of Run as administrator, select Properties. In the properties dialog box that opens, go to the Shortcut tab and click on the Advanced button. In the window that opens, check the box next to Run as administrator, click OK, and in the properties window click Apply and OK.

Windows 7 includes extensible command line interface shell, Windows PowerShell. It can be used instead of the standard command line. Launching Windows PowerShell is as easy as running a regular command line (cmd.exe): Start - All Programs - Accessories - Windows PowerShell.

By running the command line, you can see list of most frequently used commands. To do this, enter the help command and press the Enter key. A list of available commands will open. To get more information about a command you're interested in, type help command_name, for example, help tree. If you need to get information about a specific utility, the utility_name /? construct will help, for example, ping /?.

Command line - enough useful tool Windows, which can be useful in various situations. And the next time the provider's technical support representative asks you to open the command line and check the ping, you will not have the question “How to open the command line?”

Many people think that working with the command line is only for programmers. This is wrong. An ordinary computer user may also need to access this software product.

The command line “connects” you and the operating system of your equipment. By entering certain commands, you can perform various utility tasks. Only the administrator has full rights to perform a number of actions, so it is recommended to run the command console on his behalf. Visually represents black field with a blinking cursor. How to call the command line?

How to open the command line: Start menu

The most common way to access the string is through the Start menu. It is important to note that to open the command console, it is not enough to simply click on it with the mouse. If you want to be able to set any commands, launch the application as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the “Command Prompt” icon and select “Run as administrator” from the drop-down list.

Standard programs

  • Click on the “Start” button.
  • In the window that appears, select “All programs”.
  • Next, find the “Standard” folder.
  • Click on “Command Prompt” (right click).

Search line

  • Go to the Start menu.
  • In the search bar, which is located at the bottom of the table that opens, write “cmd”.
  • Press the Enter key.
  • Right-click on the “Command Prompt” item.

If the search bar is not displayed in the Start menu, open it and simultaneously press the Win and R keys. A line will appear in which you enter “cmd” and click the “Ok” button. With only one caveat - with this method of calling, the command console will start immediately and will be deprived of administrator rights.

How to open the command line: context menu of any folder

From your desktop, you can launch the cmd.exe application without going to the Start menu.

  • Hold down the Shift key and right-click on any folder.
  • In the drop-down list, select the “Open command window” item.
  • Choose it.
  • The command line appears on the screen (a black window-box with a blinking cursor).

How to open the command line: Windows 8.1

If you are a Windows 8 user, then the implementation of the proposed options will be slightly different.

1 way

  • Open the Charms Bar. To do this, you need to move the mouse cursor to the right side of the screen or type the combination Windows + C from the keyboard.
  • Click the search icon.
  • In the line that appears, write “command line” or “cmd”.
  • Next, right-click on the desired icon - “Run as administrator.”

Method 2

  • Open “All applications” (analogous to “All programs” in previous versions of the OS). To do this, press the Ctrl + Tab key combination or right-click on any free space on the screen and select “All applications”.
  • In the list that appears, find the “Command Line” icon.
  • Click on it with the mouse (right click) and stop at the “Run as administrator” item.

3 way

  • Windows 8.1 allows you to return the interface to its “familiar” appearance. In the lower left corner, right-click on the square icon. In the list that appears, select “Desktop”. This gives the desktop a classic look.
  • Press the “Start” button (or the Windows + X key combination) and type “command line”.
  • Or go to the Windows system directory – System32. Find the cmd application. Right-click on its icon and select “Run as administrator” from the list that appears.

Command Prompt is a program that allows you to execute commands and batches of commands in text mode. Using the command line, you can run other programs, make changes to operating system settings, view system information, and perform other actions related to computer management.

Many users, having heard about the command line, ask a completely logical question: how to open the command line. In this article we will describe several ways to launch the command line in the Windows operating system.

Method number 1. Call the command line using the Start menu.

The start menu is designed to launch programs. Since the command line is also a program, it can also be called from. To do this, open the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt.

Method number 2. Call the command line using the “Run” menu.

In the operating system, there is such a way to launch programs as the “Run” menu. To open this menu, use the Windows + R key combination. After this, the “Run” window will open in front of you.

In this window you need to enter the command “cmd” and press the enter key.

Method number 3. Call the command line using search.

The Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems have an excellent search system. With its help you can find any file or program.

If you are using Windows 7, open the Start menu and type “Command Prompt”. After this, the operating system will find the desired program and offer to open it.

If you are using Windows 8, then you need to search for the program on the start screen. Go to the start screen and type "Command Prompt". After this, run the program that the operating system offers you.

Method number 4. Call the command line using the context menu.

Everyone knows how to open the context menu. To do this, just right-click on the file or folder. But not everyone knows that the context menu has hidden functions. In order to see all the available functions of the context menu, you need to hold down the Shift key before calling it.

So, in order to call it using the context menu, you need to hold down the Shift key and right-click on any folder or drive. After this, you need to select the “Open command window” function.

This method of calling the command line is also convenient because in in this case The command line will start working from the folder or drive you selected.

Method number 5. Open the command line directly.

As a last resort, you can directly. To do this, go to the C:\Windows\system32\ folder and run the cmd.exe file.

This article will describe three main ways to open the command line in any version of the Windows operating system. Recommendations will be given regarding practical use one method or another.

In what cases might it be necessary?

When personal computers ran the MS-DOS operating system, the question of how to call the command line was not relevant. At that time, the user’s work with the PC was carried out using a specific set of commands, each of which was responsible for a strictly defined action. For example, the “format a:” command allowed you to completely format a 3.5-inch floppy disk. This type of management organization has one significant drawback: to perform operations you need to remember and know many commands. To solve this problem, Microsoft has visualized the interface in its later operating systems. As a result, it was enough to point the manipulator pointer at the desired object and perform certain actions. But not all operations are performed this way. For example, the “PING” command allows you to test the state of the local computer network, check its functionality, and this can only be done through the command line. Also, using this OS component, you can format any drive. And the functioning of various DOS applications cannot be organized differently in the latest versions of operating systems Windows systems.


There are the following options for how to call the command line:

    Using the Start menu.

    Using a special set of keys.

    Using Explorer.

It is in this sequence that methods for solving this problem will be further considered and the one that is best used in practice will be selected.

Start Menu

The simplest way to launch the command line is to use the Start key. But not all Microsoft operating systems have such an interface element. For example, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 cannot boast of its presence. As a result, this method is no longer applicable to them.

The algorithm for solving this problem in this case is as follows:

    Click the “Start” button. This can be done using the left key of the manipulator, or using the corresponding button on the keyboard (it shows the OS logo).

    In the list that opens, select “All programs”. This operation can also be performed using the keyboard (use the navigation keys with arrows and press Enter at the end) or using a manipulator (point the pointer and press its left button).

    In a similar way, select the “Service” item.

    At the next stage, select “Command Line”.

Using the keyboard

More complex than using the Start menu is the method that is based on the use of the keyboard. In this case, you need to remember one key combination. But, on the other hand, this method is the most universal and works on all versions of the operating system, including 8 and 8.1. And the order of its execution is as follows:

    Switch the input language to English.

    At the next stage, hold down the Win key (with the logo of the Microsoft operating system) and, without releasing it, click on English letter R. The Run window will open.

    Move the cursor to the input field of this window using the manipulator.

    Type the command “CMD” and press Enter.

After this, the corresponding window will open and you can enter command line commands into it.

Through "Explorer"

This is the most difficult way to start. We perform the following actions:

    Run by anyone in a convenient way"Conductor". This can be done using the Win and English key combination E or by clicking the manipulator pointer on its icon from the desktop.

    In the window that opens, in the right column, go to the drive with the operating system (usually “C:”).

    At the final stage, in the open directory you need to find a file called “CMD.EXE” and launch it by double-clicking the left button of the manipulator.

In the future, a familiar window will open in which you can enter command line commands. As an alternative, you can use the address bar of Explorer and type the previously given path there. But this is not entirely convenient, since you need to constantly remember an impressive set of symbols.

Now let's say a few words about how to find out the complete internal list of commands. The command line allows you to solve this problem easily and simply. To do this, simply enter the word “help” and press Enter. The answer will appear full list internal teams. That is, these are those that are built into the MS-DOS operating system emulation shell itself. There are also external commands. These are not only command line programs, but also any other Windows OS application. In this case, go to the directory where the program is installed using the “CD directory name” command. For example, we need to run the program soffice.exe, located in the Program files directory on drive D. In this case, the sequence of commands is as follows:

C:\ D: /*go to partition D of the hard drive*/.

D:\ CD Program Files /*go to the Program Files directory*/.

D:\Program Files\ soffice.exe /*launch the soffice.exe application*/.

At the end of each line, do not forget to press Enter - confirmation of the actions taken. On the right, flash lines are bounded by comments that explain what is being done.

Which option is better?

This material describes three main ways to open the command line in Windows operating systems. From the standpoint of simplicity and versatility, in practice it is best to use the second of them, which is based on a special key combination and the use of the Run window. This method works in all versions of the OS without exception. And when implementing it, it is necessary to perform a minimum number of manipulations. Its only drawback is to remember the special key combination Win+R. But it's not that difficult. In addition, the Win button is used in many other combinations, for example, if you press the English E together with it, “Explorer” will launch. Thus, it is this method that is recommended to be used in practice. Good luck!

Hello friends! Are you looking for how to run Command Prompt as Administrator? Are you looking for a simple and working method?! I think you have come to the right place. Ask why, but the fact is that I just decided to write instructions on how a user could independently launch cmd as an administrator without any problems.

The idea for writing the material was a question from a good friend. Of course, I told him how best to do it. A few days passed, and I thought, why not write instructions so that any user can easily launch cmd as an administrator and execute necessary commands in it.

I'll try to keep it simple, accessible language all possible ways to launch the command line in Windows 7. And, believe me, there are quite a few of them. There are simple ways, and there are a little more complicated ones. All methods are arranged in ascending order. This will make it much easier to choose the one you need and is suitable for your case.

Ideally, you don’t have to use all of the methods listed, take a couple and go. It would be enough. My advice to you, run your eyes through all the methods for general development, and suddenly it will come in handy. There is a situation when it is convenient for a user to launch from a desktop shortcut rather than search in the OS. The choice is up to you.

From time to time we have to run cmd in windows with administrator rights or, in other words, a privileged window. By default, this window opens with limited functionality and some commands cannot be executed, that is, no changes can be made.

This was done for a reason; it is a kind of protection for the operating system, because... Some commands affect the boot and normal operation of Windows.

Situations are different, and the needs are different, situations arise when executing this or that command requires execution on the command line, and not just like that, but so that you have administrator rights. To make changes.

Note: Be careful when executing commands, as... changes are made directly to the OS. And it can disrupt its performance! If you don’t know what this command is responsible for, do not execute it with administrator rights.

Since launching cmd is different in all versions of Windows, we will look at several methods in more detail.

Let's go)

Launch using search

This method will work in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, since they are the only versions of Windows that support search in the Start menu.

Right-click on the icon and select from the context menu

As a result, a command prompt window should open with the title – "Administrator: Command Prompt or Administrator:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"

Open the command line from the Start menu

This method is most likely a duplicate of the first method, a slightly different launch location, but as a launch method it has a place and I also decided to talk about it.

Opening "Start > All Programs > Accessories" are looking for "Command line"

Right-click and select the item in the context menu "Run as administrator"

As a result, we get a privileged window for entering commands that opens.

Open CMD from the windows system folder

The command line can be launched as a regular program in Windows, this means that we can find the startup file in the system folder and run from there.

Identify and search for the file cmd.exe in the corresponding folder:

For windows 32 bit cmd.exe is located: \Windows\System32

For windows 64 bit cmd.exe is located: \Windows\SysWOW64

Note: Command line, namely the startup file inWindowsx64 is also available insystem32 and inSysWOW64. So you can run it from any folder, most importantly as an administrator.

Once you find it, right-click on the file and select the item from the menu "Run as administrator"

That's all.

Command Prompt in Administrator Mode Using Task Manager

You can use the launch method just as easily as the previous ones, to do this, press on the keyboard Ctrl+Alt+Del and select launch task manager, in the window that opens, select File - New task

In the line type cmd then check the box Create a task with administrator rights. Click OK. The command line will start with privileged rights, or in other words, administrator rights. With which you can make changes to the system.

For the method of launching from the task manager, you can also use simplified launch, in which you do not need to type anything, just open the task manager, then press and hold the key on the keyboard Ctrl click File - New task (Run...) After which the command line will open with administrator rights.

Create a command line shortcut on the desktop

And in conclusion, as a bonus, I decided to tell interesting way, in terms of implementation. Or maybe not with the implementation, but with the availability of the launch method. In order to create a cmd shortcut on the desktop and then always run it with administrator rights.

Right-click in an empty area on the desktop and select from the context menu Create > Shortcut

In the next window you need to specify a name for the shortcut to be created, in my case I specified Command Line (Administrator), and press Ready. But that's not all, you need to set the value to run, in our case with administrator rights.

Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select Properties. In the window, click on the button Additionally, which is located below. And check the box Run as administrator, Next, click the OK button 2 times and try to launch it.

A cmd window will open with administrator rights. As you can see in the window title. This method will be useful if you often use the command line and make changes to the system.

P.S. Let's summarize what has been done. As a result, we get 5 easy ways to launch the command line with administrator rights. All methods are completely working and applicable, so you can choose the one that suits you and use it, plus you can tell your friends and relatives, anyone. Some people just don’t know what the command line is and how it starts.

If you know other ways to run cmd with admin rights, write in the comments or via feedback, let's add to the article useful information. And also leave your comments and suggestions on the article. Always Glade.

The command shell is a separate software product that provides direct communication between the user and the operating system. The command line text user interface provides an environment in which to run text-based applications and utilities. In the command shell, programs are executed and the execution result is displayed on the screen.

The Windows command shell uses a command interpreter cmd.exe, which loads applications and directs the flow of data between applications to translate the entered command into a form understandable to the system. The command line console is present in all versions of Windows operating systems. The difference between working from the command line is the complete absence of large and cumbersome graphical utilities.

How to open the command line

The command line is the cmd.exe application and can be launched in the following ways:

  1. Start -> All programs -> Standard -> Command line.
  2. Start -> Execute and enter the program name cmd.exe

    In order to go to the desired directory, you need to use the command CD. For example, if you need to run a program ExifPilot.exe, which is in the directory C:\Program Files\Exif Pilot, then you need to run the command cd C:\Program Files\Exif Pilot. You can do the same by changing directories one by one and calling the command one by one CD.

    So, the next set of commands is similar to the previous one.
    cd c:\Program Files
    cd Exif Pilot

    To print the contents of a folder, just type the command dir. It is possible to redirect the stream output by the program directly to a text file for further processing. To do this you need to use a control character ">" and the name of the text file, for example dir > report.txt.

  3. In order not to manually navigate to the desired directory, you can use some file manager. First you need to go to the desired directory in the file manager and call cmd.exe from the manager's command console.
    You can use file managers such as Total Commander, FAR Manager, 2xExplorer, EF Commander, Speed ​​Commander and etc.
    You can find out more about file managers.

How to pass command line parameters to the called application

For every application that supports the command line, there is a special set commands that the program can process. Command parameters can have a variety of formats. To pass parameters to the program, you must enter the application name and command parameters on the command line. After clicking Enter The application will launch with the entered commands.
For example, program.exe /print c:\doc\1.txt. The result of the command will be to print the file doc\1.txt.

Customizing the Command Prompt Window

To configure the command line, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Click the upper left corner of the window and select the command Properties.
  3. Select a tab Are common.
  4. In area Remembering commands select or enter a value 999 in field Buffer size and then select or enter a value 5 in field Number of buffers.
  5. In area Editing check the boxes Selection And Quick insert.
  6. Select a tab Location.
  7. In area Buffer size screen, enter or select a value 2500 in field Height.
  8. Do one of the following as you choose:

    - In area Screen Buffer Size Width.
    - In area Window size increase the parameter value Height.
    - In area Window size increase the parameter value Width.

  9. Uncheck Automatic selection, and then in the area Window position change field values Left edge And Top edge.
  10. In the dialog box Changing Properties select an option Save properties for other windows with the same name.


  • To open a window Properties -> Command Line using the keyboard, press the keys ALT+SPACEBAR +Y.
  • Checkbox Mouse selection Allows you to copy and paste data in the command line window. To copy, left-click the text in the command line window and right-click. To paste into a command line or text file, right-click.
  • Increasing the screen buffer size to 999 allows scrolling in the Command Prompt window.
  • Increasing the number of buffers to five increases the number of lines in the Command Prompt window to 5000.

Editing text in the command prompt window

To copy and paste text into a command prompt window, use common Windows keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, will not work.

To extract text from the clipboard you will have to bring up the menu by right-clicking on the window title and select submenu Change. Or just right-click on the window.

To copy text from the window select the item Flag and select with the mouse required text. Then either click Enter, or in the same menu select Copy. If you need to paste some text into the command line window, refer to the command Insert.

To re-execute a command use the arrows "up" And "down", allowing you to navigate through the list of executed commands. To clear the screen of text, use the directive cls.

How to close the command prompt window

To close the command line console, you need to run the command exit.
There are many commands and utilities in modern operating systems. It is very difficult to remember so many different programs, and even more so their parameters, so one of the most important parameters for each program is a combination of symbols "/?" . After executing a command with this parameter, the user will receive a comprehensive message about the use of the utility and the syntax of its parameters. For example, by typing on the command line cmd /?, you can view information about the team cmd.

It turns out that you can open programs, edit settings in the OS, and control your PC using the command line. But first you need to open it. How to open the command line in Windows 10? Let's look at different methods.

What it is

The command line is a software tool that controls the OS and applications using text commands. Such management is faster, since the power of the PC is not used, because the graphical shell of the OS is not used.

After the 2017 updates, “PowerShell” is now written by default. If you don't like it, do the following. Go to “Options” - “Taskbar” - “Replace”. Select the “Off” position

Fast way

Use the hotkeys “Win+X”. The menu called up in this way provides access to various OS functions.

How to call using search

Using Explorer

If you right-click on empty space, pressing the “Shift” key will open a menu in which select “Open window”.

Run "Cmd.exe"

Command line is an executable program located in an “exe” file. Located in the directory with the installed system “System32” and “SysWOW64” (if the 64-bit version of the OS is installed). It is launched from a folder. For convenience, create a shortcut and add it to your desktop to access it whenever necessary. Right-click on it, then “Create shortcut”.
It can be done differently. Press “Win ​​+ R”, then enter “Cmd.exe”.

Important information

IN latest version The OS has new features for working with the console. This is copy, paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V). Initially these functions do not work. To enable, open the console, right-click on the icon at the top. Next “Properties”. Uncheck the box next to “Use the old one”.

How to open the Windows 10 command line using hotkeys

Working with keyboard shortcuts is faster than using a mouse. When working with, use the following key combinations:

  1. “Ctrl+C” “Ctrl+V” copy, paste;
  2. To select the entire text of a line, press “Ctrl+A”;
  3. “Alt+F4” closes the console;
  4. Opening search “Ctrl+F”;
  5. To select one character located to the left of the cursor, press “Shift + left arrow;
  6. To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line use "Shift+Home".

Command line in Windows 7 how to call

Click “Start” - “Programs”. Find the “Standard” folder and find the required file.

Command line in Windows 8 how to call

Click “Start”. On an empty space, click the right mouse button. A panel will appear, click the “Applications” icon. A window will open where we find the one we need.


We looked at how to open the command line. It helps to find out information about PC components, edit system settings, perform batch processing. Use it at work, it's more convenient.

The command line is a Windows element that allows you to perform operations with files and components, bypassing the system's graphical interface. The command line should not be confused with the Run function. The latter is responsible only for opening programs and components. But the command line can completely replace the standard Windows Explorer and change operating system settings, make changes to file properties and format connected media.

Therefore, in order to effectively manage your computer even in a situation where the OS graphical interface has failed, you need to know everything about the Windows 10 command line: how to call it and how to use it.


In the Windows OS family, there are three ways in which you can launch the Command Prompt.

Using the Start icon

The first method involves using the context menu of the Start button. To launch the command line this way you need to:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. In the list that appears, the user should select the “Command Prompt” menu item, preferably with the addition of “Administrator”.

Advice! You can call a similar menu by pressing the Win + X key combination.

Using built-in search

To launch the component you are looking for, you can also use the updated search, which is available on the Taskbar. To do this you need:

  1. Click on the search bar (or press the Win + Q key combination).
  2. Enter the words “Command Line” in the text field.
  3. Select the component of the same name from the search results.

Via the Run command

The third method involves using the Run command mentioned above. To launch the required component, you should:

  1. On your keyboard, press Win + R at the same time.
  2. Enter “cmd” in the text field that appears and press “Enter”.

File location

You can call the command line in Windows 10 directly from the cmd.exe file, which is located at “C:\Windows\System32”.

Also, shortcuts for quickly opening this program are located in the Start menu -> All applications -> System Tools - Windows.

You can easily pin a shortcut to the taskbar, in the start menu (area with tiles) or on the desktop at the user's discretion.

Video instruction

Popular methods of calling the command line are described and shown in the video.


To start mastering the command line functions, use the “Help” command, which will display the main keys for working with this tool.

Having learned to use cmd.exe, the user will gain even more control over his device and will be able to independently restore the operating system even in the event of critical failures.