Bella cucumber show. Bella Ogurtsova: I shave my legs so as not to look like the Loch Ness monster

On July 31, singer Yulia Proskuryakova appeared on Bella Ogurtsova’s evening show on New Radio. The long-awaited guest told news about the everyday life of a young mother, expressed her opinion on main topic broadcast "What is more important for modern woman: career or family?”, and also presented her new song.

Yulia Proskuryakova on Bella Ogurtsova's show

Yulia Proskuryakova made an honest admission on air that she snores. The evening show of the goddess of ether Bella Ogurtsova became the place sincere confession that during pregnancy, there was a period when Yulia snored at night. Unable to withstand this physiological torment, Yulia’s husband, composer Igor Nikolaev, recorded this “musical solo” on a dictaphone and gave it to her to listen to.

Yulia Proskuryakova: - It was my shame, just a night of shame! Apparently it was related to pregnancy! I said, “Igor, I understand everything! Sleep somewhere in the kitchen, and we’ll somehow snore here.”

Recording the broadcast for listening

New radio: Yulia Proskuryakova “Yes, I am a mother!”

The premiere of the song “I am a mother!” performed by the duet of Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina took place on the air of “New Radio”. This summer hit“blows up” one radio station after another. In the Internet space and in social networks The flash mob #Yamatyacandance is actively taking place. Dozens of mothers with children, strollers and husbands dance to the fiery track. “New Radio” contributed to the general fun with its video with the participation of singer Yulia Proskuryakova, who had a blast singing her song in the studio to the music.

Very soon the shooting of a video clip for the song “I am a mother!” will take place. with the participation of Maxim Galkin, who raps on behalf of the male half of the population. According to Yulia, they came up with a very interesting idea for the video and will begin its implementation any day now. This will be another step acting for Yulia, who, by the way, is in July entered GITIS, to the directing department.

Looking at this stylish and talented girl, it’s hard to believe that Bella was an ordinary Ukrainian guy in the past.

Motrich Vladimir Petrovich was born December 3, 1976 in Cherkassy. The guy received a higher education and worked as a teacher at Cherkasy Medical College.

Young man for a long time worked on radio and television, conducted various TV shows and concerts. In 2001, Vladimir became a DJ at the Hollywood nightclub. At that time, travesty diva Monroe was at the peak of popularity.

Their first meeting was truly fateful. Seeing the fatal blonde in the spotlight, Vladimir decided to try his hand at this genre. In the same year, Motrich performed for the first time as drag queen Bella Ogurtsova. In 2009, Bella came out and declared her unconventional sexual orientation.


In 2001 night club Hollywood is closed for renovations. Bella performs in various gay clubs:“Cage”, “M-Club”, “Kiber” (in the last two institutions its administrator was producer Igor Kirilenko, better known among LGBT people as Aunt Irene).

Bella's first teacher was the drag queen artist Madame Leila, who died in 2003.

From 2002 to 2007 Bella performs at the club "Androgyne", which is located in Kyiv. In 2006, Bella became a regular visitor to the gay club "Lipstick". The art director of this establishment was Konstantin Gnatenko, who produced Bella for some time.

In addition to performing in nightclubs, Bella enjoys music. At the beginning of 2006, the girl recorded her first solo album called "Once Upon a Time".

Since September 2006, Bella has worked as a TV presenter on Lux-FM radio. In 2008, Bella released four songs that were included in the collection “Hits of Radio Lux”.

In 2009-2010 Bella was the host of the show "Night Temptations" on the Maxxi-TV channel.

In the fall of 2009, Ogurtsova released her second album entitled “You are the most beautiful.”

In 2011, Bella Ogurtsova began working at Russian Radio and hosting the radio program Yo-show. For some time, Bella simultaneously worked at LuxFM radio, where in the period from 2011 to 2012. leads the hit parade “Crazy Ten”.

Personal life and connection with LGBT

Back in 2009, Bella openly admitted her homosexuality. No one was surprised then, since the girl was often seen in various gay clubs in the Ukrainian capital.

However, Bella knows how to give surprises. In August 2013 in the program « Star life» On the Ukrainian channel STB, Vladimir Motrich declares that he is married to a girl and is going to have a child.

There are rumors that Motrich openly denied involvement in LGBT because he has been living in Russia since 2011, where sexual minorities are banned. In July 2013, a law came into force in Russia that prohibits open propaganda of homosexuality. Motrich quickly changed his mind about becoming gay, or at least simply changed his mind about admitting his gay orientation.

Life goes on as usual. Bella continues record albums and give concerts. The girl sang a duet and organized joint concerts with such pop stars as Slava Demin, Zaza Napoli, and the Balagan Limited group. Bella is working on creating her third solo album.

In February 2015, the girl was attacked. Bella, despite her official employment in Moscow, still has Ukrainian citizenship. Ogurtsova’s car had Ukrainian license plates, which angered some of the local hooligans.

According to a source in law enforcement agencies, it was on the basis of interethnic hatred that the attack on the singer could have occurred.

Bella is friends with Ukrainian drag queen artists. Together they hold concerts that attract crowds of spectators in the capital's nightclubs. Among her famous friends are such travesty divas as: Frida Bax, Monroe, Dana National, Andrella, Ursula, Isadora Vulkan, Zhanna Simeiz, Norma Pospolita, and many others.

Today everyone has heard about this talented girl. Bella Ogurtsova never tires of delighting her fans on the radio. Her broadcasting style is unique and completely inimitable. Bella's brightest highlight is that she is a man! Bella Ogurtsova is just an eccentric image of a drag queen diva.

To transform into the beauty Bella from a simple a guy named Vladimir takes about two hours. He prefers to apply his own makeup. Vladimir himself selects clothes and cosmetics for himself, creates unique image glamorous diva.

The guy knows exactly which lipstick color goes with which handbag. He has an innate excellent taste and a unique sense of style. Bella Ogurtsova looks different every day, but is always equally fashionable and stylish.

The girl is different from everyone else, and this makes her a unique and unrepeatable drag queen. Not long ago, Bella released a single called “Getting Married More Expensive.” The girl in it sings about the “golden” youth who waste their lives and thoughtlessly spend their parents’ money.

Bella Ogurtsova – girl with a sense of style. She will never go on a date to a diner or a cheap cafe. It is truly created for true luxury!

Bella Ogurtsova lives life to the fullest. She sincerely enjoys every day, loves and wants to be loved. The singer always gives her fans a sea of ​​positivity, great mood and the opportunity to have a great time. Bella is real star modernity, which gives light to all its fans!

Thus, in a short period of time, the well-known radio station lost its morning and evening broadcasts at once. entertainment programs. On Friday I held my morning show"Russian Peppers" This is the first time this has happened in Russian radio broadcasting. RMG management in official statements promised to find replacement characters in the near future.

Oh, Bella, Bella...

“Yo-show” by Bella Ogurtsova appeared on Russian Radio in October 2011. Then it turned out to be completely unexpected for the multi-million Russian audience. The listeners were intrigued. At the same time, the mystery of the unusual gender sound of the show was solved quite quickly. Because the character Bell was born in Kyiv a long time ago, and appeared on the radio in the mid-2000s. Everyone knew that behind the female image there was a man, except for those who were not interested in this question.

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Nicknames are common for popular DJs: Zhenya Shaden (“Europe Plus”) - Arthur Gnedash, Sergei Stillavin (“Radio Mayak”) - Sergei Mikhailov, Roman Trakhtenberg (“Radio Mayak”) - Roman Gorbunov, Mikhail Bragin (“Avtoradio”) - Mikhail Geng, Katya Rockefeller (“Monte Carlo”) - Ekaterina Anshpugova, Masha Mironova (“Radio 7 on 7 Hills”) - Maria Prokosheva, Lena Vetrova (BEST FM) - Elena Zavoistaya, Nikita Arsenev (“Avtoradio”) - Mikhail Safronov, Ksenia Strizh ("Vesna FM") - Ksenia Volyntseva, Vicky ("Europe Plus") - Tatyana Pestryakova, Alisa Selezneva ("New Radio") - Albina Khikmatullina, Igor Koks (DFM) - Andrey Skopov. Mark Anderson, Lenya Uspensky (BEST FM, Radio Chanson) - Elmar Ishiev, Yana Vetrova (Retro FM) - Yana Shrayer, Alexander Lavrov (Radio 7 on 7 Hills) - Alexander Ananyev. The list goes on.

Despite the scandalousness, Bella Ogurtsova was loved on Russian Radio. In the image of a middle-aged, experienced, husky lady who knows everything about relationships with men and has an angry tongue, there was a lot of fun and humor. The issue of non-traditional sexual orientation of the owner of an unusual voice ceased to concern the audience quite quickly. Who cares who's on the mic as long as it sounds exciting?

The path to the audience of Russian Radio for a Ukrainian Vladimir Motrich was not easy. He was born in 1976 in Donetsk region. Two higher education(psychological and linguistic) and work at a medical college in Cherkassy did not satisfy his ambitions. In 2000, he moved to Kyiv, where he worked in nightclubs as a DJ. When money was tight, I worked part-time wherever I could.

Later, unusual voice data allowed Vladimir to experiment in Kyiv travesty shows at the beginning zero years. Thus, by the time he was noticed by the management of the Kyiv radio station “Lux FM” in 2006, Bella’s image already had very real outlines: biography, manners, recorded songs, habits, fans, etc.

Charming, rude female character with a difficult fate, he fit well into the morning show “Lux FM”. When the bright surname Ogurtsov was added to the name in 2008, the image was finally formed and was ready for replication.

In 2011, the program director of Russian Radio invited Vladimir Motrich to do, which subsequently successfully aired on the air of RR for almost 4 years. On Monday November 9th there was latest program, the topic of which was the answer to the question: “How to leave gracefully and remain friends after breaking up?”

We don’t know whether Bella Ogurtsova will be invited to join the staff of the radio station “New Radio”, where the “Russian Peppers” have gone. By the way, DJ Vadim Danilin, who was responsible for the technical part of Yo-show, also left Russian Radio. Last broadcast Danilin spent November 13 on Friday. In the same day last time led music program on Russian Radio Kirill Kalinin.

We are confident that the established, turnkey packaged show will be in demand on any popular Russian-language radio station.

Storm« in Russian»

And what " Russian radio"? After a polite farewell, the radio station promised to promptly replace those who left the air for various reasons. popular characters. Let's assume how events will develop. The options for creating a new show on the radio are known, each has its own pros and cons.

Create. It will take experienced specialists from a month to two to create a concept and select participants in fire mode. Surely, work is already underway. You can also offer to lead morning and evening programs its linear presenter, the choice of which at Russian Radio is quite rich and good.

However, it should be understood that the morning show is a delicate program product that, like wine and cheese, takes a long time to mature. According to our observations, the show “reaches” the state of a semi-finished product within six months, and begins to bear fruit, as well as sell well and easily, only after a year or two of work. Therefore, the “create” option yourself is cheap, but has a long time lag. In addition, the show may not take place if the production team lacks the vision and talent.

Buy. This technique is practiced by all radio stations in the world. If there are no talented unemployed characters on the market or ready-to-work teams unemployed in other projects, then a similar approach has side effects: spoiled relationships with businessmen from whom you “take” radio hosts off the air, and a high price.

Fast, cheap, high quality. You can always choose only two categories out of three.

Not to do. The most technologically advanced and often the only the right way out To avoid chopping wood in the heat of the moment, do a linear broadcast in the morning and evening. A linear broadcast with show elements is an excellent replacement for any, even the most successful show on the planet. Cheap, practical, cheerful, but hardly suitable for a world-famous radio station.

Under what scenario the on-air life of one of the most popular radio stations in Russia will develop will become known quite soon. We are sure that the preparation for the “Golden Gramophone”, which will be held on November 21 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, and this broadcast have transferred the work of RMG top managers to a round-the-clock mode.

From November 12, the voice of Dmitry Nagiyev returned to the airwaves of Russian Radio. His jokes again sounded in the design of the radio station. A day earlier, Alla Dovlatova worked together with Dmitry Olenin on the morning broadcast. And, perhaps, these are the first of the premieres scheduled for the fall after the departure of Bella Ogurtsova and the “peppers”.

Alexey Zverev

Ogurtsova is a catchy travesty image under which a man named Vladimir works. He was born in Ukraine, in the Donetsk region, in 1976. Future radio star, graduating high school, received higher education at Cherkasy University, becoming a certified psychologist.

In parallel with this, a young man who loved foreign literature, graduated from this direction in absentia, receiving an additional philological education. Afterwards he became a psychology teacher at a medical school, but he quickly became bored with this work. The young, twenty-two-year-old guy wanted something more than to be just an ordinary teacher, in his soul he felt like an artist, and he begins to take the first steps towards fulfilling his dream.

Carier start

First of all, Vladimir moves to Kyiv. Upon arrival, the guy grabs onto any, sometimes hard, work. First, he works in construction for six months, then gets a job as a DJ at the Hollywood nightclub. This is where what happened happened turning point in Vladimir’s life: he saw the performance of travesty diva Monroe and thought: why am I actually worse? And soon a bright and original character- restless blonde beauty Bella Ogurtsova.

Initially, as the star admits, he was guided by purely mercantile considerations, because as a drag queen artist one could earn much more than as a DJ. But then the love of art won, Vladimir got used to it and fell in love with the image he had invented, which became his second self. The handsome Bella began to be noticed and recognized, and soon Ogurtsova began performing at private parties, birthdays and anniversaries in various clubs. The artist did not demand huge fees, which was a definite plus and contributed to the growth of his popularity. And, it seems, such a misfortune as star fever he was not affected - everyone has the opportunity to invite a star to their event.

In 2006, Bella was noticed and invited to the Lux FM radio. In the same year, the artist recorded his debut solo album and appeared on television for the first time.

Russian radio

Working at Russian Radio became a new milestone in my career path young man. The radio announced a recruitment of presenters; the requirements for applicants were quite suitable for Bella Ogurtsova. Therefore, when in a nightclub where a drag queen performed, radio employees approached the star with an offer to try herself as a radio presenter, Bella, after some doubts, agreed.

This step became the second turning point in Vladimir’s life. Ogurtsova was accepted to the position of presenter immediately. The blonde made a real splash at the radio station, and she was offered to host a morning show.

Artist's achievements

  1. Two higher educations: Vladimir can be called both a psychologist and a literary critic.
  2. Has experience as a DJ in a nightclub.
  3. At the beginning of the 2000s he was born in the same club famous image Bella Ogurtsova.
  4. The beginning of her career as a radio presenter began at Lux FM.
  5. Presenter on Russian Radio.
  6. Singer.

Interesting Facts

  • makeup for your stage image Vladimir does it himself, which takes about 2 hours;
  • the man clearly distinguishes between his real self and the role of a travesty artist; according to him, he does not go to the store for bread in the image of Bella;
  • over 70 are available for listening on the Internet musical compositions performed by Ogurtsova;
  • most popular song, during a survey of listeners, the composition “Getting Married at More Expensive” was recognized;
  • Rumor has it that the artist’s real name is not Vladimir, but Pavel Botenko.

What do you think about Bella Ogurtsova? We are waiting for your comments.

Having changed his mind about picking other people's teeth, a Ukrainian boy reincarnated as a woman

Having changed his mind about picking other people's teeth, a Ukrainian boy reincarnated as a woman

The eccentric radio presenter Bella OGURTSOVA is adored by many. The husky and inimitable voice of this lady, who seems to know everything about gender relations and has own opinion on any issue, he used to entertain listeners of Russian Radio. And recently it has been heard on the waves of New Radio. But the most unusual thing about Bella is probably that real life- this is... a man named Volodya with a higher psychological education!

- How should I address you: Bella or Vladimir?

Of course, Volodya. That's what everyone around me calls me. I'm not crazy enough to introduce myself as Bella in real life. My last name Motrich. I’m already such a grown-up guy, I’ll turn 40 in December. And Bella is my breadwinner, my, so to speak, stage image.

- Why did you have the idea to reincarnate as a woman?

I was born in Ukraine, in the Donetsk region. And after school I dreamed of studying at medical institute named after Gorky for a dentist. But after my mother’s question: “Do you really want to pick other people’s teeth all your life?” - I suddenly realized that I didn’t want to at all. And he went to his grandmother in Cherkassy. I entered the university there to study psychology. At that time I did not understand at all what this science was about. But he still learned and began teaching medical psychology at college. After working for a year and a half, I realized that the salary that they paid me then was completely unsatisfactory, and I went to Kyiv. I went to almost nowhere. All I had then was a friend who worked in one of the nightclubs. I came there and said: “Take me to any job, even wash the floors.” As a result, I was offered the position of DJ. After some time, he began showing his own drag queen show at the club.

- From now on, in more detail.

It’s just that, being a disc jockey, I received ten dollars a night and watched with envy my comrades from one show who earned twenty in an hour of work. And he also decided to make money with his face, dress up as a woman and thus amuse the audience. After some time, I got to a Kyiv radio station and began hosting a morning show there on behalf of a lady, and later I was invited to Moscow to “Russian Radio”.

- How did you become Bella Ogurtsova?

I needed a stage name to perform as a woman. And then two seconds before the first appearance on stage they asked me: “Who is your favorite singer?” I answered Linda. “Great, you will be Belinda,” the presenter was not taken aback. Belinda was later shortened to Bella. And the surname Ogurtsov also appeared by chance. Sergey Lemokh from the group "Kar-man" actually Ogurtsov. It was in his honor that I was called either Baklazhanov or Pomidorov. And on one of the radio broadcasts, my colleague blurted out that few people know that maiden name Bella - Ogurtsova.

- Your Bella is somewhat similar to Verka Serduchka, don’t you think?

- Andrey Danilko appeared with his Verka back in the early 90s. And I have been working in this field since 2000. I can't say we have anything in common other than using female image. Although they tell me, why are you doing this, since Serduchka is there? But why does someone start singing if there is Pugacheva or Kirkorov? I occupy my niche and, unlike Danilko, I am in demand in Russia. I have been living in Moscow for quite some time, although I have Ukrainian citizenship. But I will never separate the two countries. The current situation has not affected me in any way: they still treat me well and warmly, I communicate with adequate people. Creative person they love him for what he does, and not for the “home port” in his passport. I'm from " Bremen Town Musicians“We bring laughter and joy to people. Besides, my jokes have nothing to do with politics.

Vladimir-Bella's parents live in the Donetsk region. Photo:

- Do you think it’s easier to pave the way to fame with the help of shocking behavior?

The key to success is talent, not outrageousness. If we are talking about freaks who are nothing, but walk around in rhinestones, with feathers on their heads and grimace, then this, on the contrary, is only annoying. For me, this is not even shocking, but something from the field of psychiatry, I would send such people to special places for consultations. Radio is an auditory illusion. Most people who listen to me understand exactly who I am. The main thing is that they are interested in me. If I walked around with a crown on my head like Sergey Zverev, along Tverskaya or as Anastasia Volochkova, running around to all sorts of events, that’s another matter. And I don't go anywhere. It's better to read a book, watch a movie or cook a delicious meal.

-How do you feel about the same Zverev? Or to the singers Shura, Bora Moiseev, Vitas?

Sergei Zverev is an excellent hairdresser, and only then a singer, a man who shocks with his appearance, plastic surgery. Shura- an amazing performer with a beautiful timbre of voice, and only then a freak. I can’t help but respect the other people you named, since each of them achieved something in this life.

Extravagant Nargiz has long surpassed in popularity the modest winner of the first season of the TV show “The Voice”... Photo by Mikhail FROLOV/Komsomolskaya Pravda

- Is there a loved one next to you?

- How do you take care of yourself? Bella Ogurtsova looks great!

I don't dwell on it. I'm not fat, I weigh 68 kilos, my genetics are good, I go to the gym. I don’t do waxing or suffer from other bullshit. Except that before performing in clubs in the image of Ogurtsova, I tidy up my face, put on a mask after shaving, shave my legs so that short skirt Don't look like the Loch Ness monster. I live modestly: I rent a two-room apartment, drive an old car that I brought from Ukraine, I go to budget stores, I dress in simple, comfortable clothes, I don’t chase brands. I also buy inexpensive things for Bella; I recently bought beautiful shoes for a thousand rubles. I don’t buy diamonds either, I have beautiful jewelry.

- And yet, how to make a career in show business, become famous, and distinguish yourself from others?

Let's take a simple example from the show "The Voice". Nargiz Zakirova became a superstar, although she did not win, as Dina Garipova. Although Garipova was sent to Eurovision, she quickly sank into oblivion. And Nargiz is still afloat! Because it is bright and stands out from the crowd. And also, in my opinion, successful artist must be positive all the time. No matter what happens.