Material on the topic: Application for certification. Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category

I, as a senior teacher, know how difficult it can sometimes be for a teacher to write a logically correct application for a qualification category. Dear colleagues, I hope you find this material useful! Good luck with your certification.



To the certification commission

Volgograd region


I would like to ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.

Currently I have qualification category II, its validity period is until December 3, 2012. I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: I am proficient in modern educational technologies and methods (socio-game approaches, health-saving technologies). The main focus of the work is the topic: “Plot-role-playing game as a means of developing socialization and early career guidance in children of senior preschool age.” To successfully achieve my goals, I widely use specialized programs: “Discover yourself” by E.V. Ryleeva, “I am a man” by S.A. Kozlova, “In the world of friends” by E.V. Kotova. I organize work with children in this area through theater, play and speech activities. I organize educational activities in an entertaining and playful way, which promotes sustainable motivation and creative activity of children. When working with children, I use a variety of methods and techniques to make direct educational activities informative, exciting, varied and interesting.An integral condition in the development of pupils is taking into account the needs and interests of each child.

Based on my experience, I compiled methodological recommendations for kindergarten teachers “Social and personal development of a preschooler in the educational environment through career guidance work with younger preschoolers” and a set of lessons “We are the children of the land of Kotovskaya”. When introducing children to professions, I widely use videos - screenings and presentations.

I have developed and put into practice projects of role-playing games with the aim of introducing children to social reality: “Guests from Space”, “Shooting the film “Ryaba Hen”, “Children’s cafe “Sweet Tooth”. In my methodological collection there are notes on plot-based role-playing games according to the museum-pedagogical program “Hello, Museum!” (author of the concept B. A. Stolyarov); a card index of games, proverbs, sayings, riddles about labor, tools and professions.

I am the director of the theater studio “Domovenok”. In the course of joint activities, students master theatrical skills.

The group has created conditions for gaming activities, including manuals, attributes, substitute items, toys, soft play modules, and various layouts. Collections of various subjects have been collected and decorated. I place equipment in the group according to the principle of flexible zoning, taking into account children's interests, individual needs, and a gender approach: there are materials that correspond to the interests of boys and girls. I pay great attention to creating conditions for independent productive activity. I involve children in making attributes for games.

Children enjoy participating in kindergarten events, competitions, holidays, sports competitions, and exhibitions. They took prizes among preschool educational institutions of the city and region: 2011 – winners of the regional competition of arts and crafts “The connecting thread of centuries”; 2011 - winner of the district stage of the regional sports competition “Student Spring”; 2011 – winners of the regional arts and crafts competition “Miracles of Wonders”; 2012 – winners of the regional children’s drawing competition “Easter Traditions”,

I try to achieve positive results in my work by working in close contact with parents. I provide advisory support to parents, develop and bring to their attention methodological recommendations, advice from experts in the field of preschool psychology and pedagogy on organizing children's activities at home. When working with parents, I try to take into account their social status, interests, and wishes. In joint events I use such forms of work as thematic conversations, round tables, meetings - discussions, creative living rooms, which helps to establish trusting relationships with the families of students.

To check the level of social development of children I use conversations and tasks. Based on the data obtained, a generalized social profile of each pupil is compiled.

I work closely with the socio-cultural centers of the city: MAUK "District House of Culture", Kotovsk Central District Library, MOUK "Kotovsky Historical and Local Lore Museum", MOU DOD "Children's Art School", MOU DOD "Kotovsky Center for Children's Creativity".

I monitor the progress of group graduates in city and district schools. 80% of preschool educational institution graduates of 2010 study at “4” and “5”, this is also evidenced by the grateful reviews of primary school teachers of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Kotovo and parents.

I constantly improve my professional level, master and put into practice the latest achievements of science and practice. I take an active part in the work of the regional methodological association and seminars. As a member of the creative group, she participated in the development and implementation of the experimental program “Organization of a work system for introducing the project method into the educational process of preschool educational institutions”, presented her experience of work on the topic “Plot-role-playing game as a means of vocational guidance for preschoolers” at a regional seminar on the topic “ Design technology as one of the forms of search and creative activity” in 2010. She took part in a regional methodological seminar on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Kotovo on the topic “Organization of a teacher’s creative laboratory in the mode of innovation and experimentation”, presented a master class for primary school teachers “Fairy tales that do not require preparation. Continuity in theatrical activities."

I am the chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the preschool educational institution.

To the certification commission

Ministry of Education and Science

Volgograd region


Currently I have qualification category II, its validity period is until December 3, 2012. I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the first qualification category: I am implementing a program for the development and education of preschoolers in the Educational System “School 2100” by A.A. Leontyev. The theme of the experiment is “Oral folk art in the development of speech activity of children of primary preschool age.” Working on this topic, I have accumulated a large amount of methodological, practical and visual material. To successfully implement my goals, I widely use specialized programs: “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” (Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D.), “My home” (Arapova - Piskareva N.A.), “Heritage "(Novitskaya M.M., Solovyova E.V.).

Since 2009 I have been studying and applying design technology in practice. I have developed and implemented social projects at preschool educational institutions: “The Beloved Beauty of Russia”, “About You and Your People”, “From Autumn to Spring. Ritual holidays”, orienting pupils towards universal human values, the manifestation of humanism and mercy. The result of the projects was the creation of thematic albums, layouts, personal and family exhibitions, and video presentations in the group. She took an active part in the review-competition “Heraldry of the Kindergarten” at the preschool educational institution as part of the activities for the project “Civic and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children” in the category “Coat of Arms of the Kindergarten”.

In accordance with Federal state requirements, in direct educational activities and joint activities, I introduce pupils to works of various genres of oral folk art, learn round dances and outdoor games, and together with the children we stage fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and fables.

I have compiled a card index of games and complexes of “invigorating gymnastics” after a nap to solve speech development problems using oral folk art.

I constantly add material to folders and albums on the topics “Your roots, baby”, “Bird of family happiness”, “Collections of our families”. I build individual work with children, taking into account the characteristics of each child, I encourage even the smallest successes, which contributes to the formation of a creative personality capable of appreciating, assimilating and increasing the values ​​of their native culture.

In my work I pay great attention to organizing and replenishing the subject-development environment. The group created mini-museums “Funny Toy”, “Miracle Called Matryoshka”, a corner of Russian life with details of folk clothing and attributes for folk games and round dances. The theatrical activities corner is represented by various types of theater based on Russian folk nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Modern furniture in the group room is organically combined with dishes and toys of folk crafts. The “Russian Izba” model I created contributes to the pupils’ vivid perception of the life of the Russian people.

To successfully achieve results in the speech development of children through folklore works, I conduct my activities in close contact with colleagues, music director, and additional education teachers.

I carry out work in this direction with the active participation of the students’ parents. I use various forms of interaction with families: parent meetings in the form of pedagogical living rooms, work in the creative workshop “It’s Fun Together,” business games and sharing experiences in family education. For parents, a “Fairytale Dictionary of Ancient Russian Words”, a card index of finger gymnastics and play massage based on Russian folklore, and an album of proverbs and sayings have been compiled. Many families of the group’s pupils took an active part in the regional campaign “Tell the world about your hero”, conducted by the information and publishing department of the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve.

Systematic work in this area is carried out by me in close connection with public organizations and institutions of the city (MAUK "District House of Culture", MOUK "Kotovsky Historical and Local Lore Museum", MOU DOD "Children's Art School", MOU DOD "Kotovsky Center for Children's Creativity") . I do a lot of work preparing children for competitions. My students are active participants and winners of regional competitive events: exhibitions of children's works “Constellation of Talents”, “Christmas Tale”, “Easter Traditions”. Children participate in folklore festivals, visit music lounges, which are organized jointly with teachers and students of the Children's Art School.

The diagnostic data show that the level of development of active speech in children has increased, the active vocabulary has expanded significantly and has become emotionally charged.

I work in collaboration with educators in the city and region. I participate in the work of the regional methodological association and seminars. Conducted a master class with teachers of a preschool educational institution “Folk doll - a means of introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” with a video presentation showing “Didactic possibilities of Russian folklore in the development of children’s speech” at the RMO level. She took part in the work of a creative laboratory on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Kotovo on the problem of continuity within the framework of the program of the Educational System “School 2100”.

To the certification commission

Ministry of Education and Science

Volgograd region


I ask you to certify me in 2012 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.

Currently I have qualification category I, its validity period is until December 10, 2012. I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: for 10 years I have been working under the program for the development and education of preschoolers in the Educational System “School 2100” A.A. Leontyev. The priority area of ​​work was chosen as the topic: “Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle through the use of non-traditional techniques for improving the health of children of senior preschool age.”

In solving health problems, I use the conceptual foundations of the author’s programs: “Healthy Preschooler” by Yu.F. Zmanovsky,

“The Green Light of Health” by M.Yu. Kartushina, “Growing Healthy” by G. Zaitsev; technology to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child, contributing to the creation of an emotionally favorable environment in the group (“minutes of entering the day”, “minutes of pranks”, musical and recreational “minutes”).

I implement a person-centered approach to teaching, taking into account the child’s ways of perceiving information - auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Activities of a valeological nature are organically included in regular moments.

Introducing developmental forms of health improvement for preschoolers, I conduct invigorating gymnastics after a nap, a dynamic hour on a walk, an hour of motor creativity in the afternoon. A card index of round dance, active and sedentary games, collected according to the model of folk games, has been created. Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, acupressure by A. A. Umanskaya, finger gymnastics have become an integral part of physical education and health work in the group.

For 9 years I have been the leader of the valeological circle “Hello!”

In order to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and to develop physical activity in the group, the “Physical Culture - Hurray!” Movement Center has been created, where a variety of sports equipment is presented, as well as benefits for the prevention of flat feet, outdoor games and exercises. I widely use non-standard equipment, made by myself: massage mats, sensory paths, the “Health” path. To develop tactile sensitivity, multifunctional teaching aids “Fish” and “The Cheerful Sailor” are used. I developed and implemented the “Phytomodul” project, and compiled a passport for the group’s phytomodule.

I pay special attention to strengthening ties with my family. I constantly introduce parents to the work of the kindergarten through presentations and videos, information booklets, open classes, and master classes. Through the efforts of parents, the group created a library on the basics of healthy lifestyle and lifestyle. I have developed a series of consultations for parents “Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” The group operates a parent studio “Island of Health and Safety”. I organize joint nature walks, weekend routes, and evening leisure activities. The group held a family newspaper competition “Towards the Island of Health in Full Sail” with great success, where parents shared their experiences of improving their children’s health.

Diagnostics tested in practice for the formation of valeological culture in preschoolers made it possible to determine the levels of assimilation of valeological knowledge and determine further prospects for work. In a monitoring study, I am assessing the competence of parents in the field of preserving the health of preschool children.

An important indicator of work results is the low level of morbidity among children. The pupils have developed a need for daily active physical activity, and have developed a stable interest in various healing techniques.

I constantly improve my teaching skills, take part in the work of the regional methodological association, seminars: 2010, RMO based on MDOU - kindergarten No. 9 in Kotovo, giving a report “Environmental education of children through project activities”; 2012 RMO on the basis of MBDOU - kindergarten No. 8 in Kotovo, speech with the message “Cognitive development using health-saving technologies”, presentation of work experience on the problem:“The use of mnemonics as one of the methods of development and training of preschool children.”

My students take an active part and become winners of regional competitions: “Country of Safety”, “Miracles of Miracles”, “Christmas Tale”, “Easter Traditions”, “My Favorite City on the Map of Russia”.


Please certify me at 20 13 year old for the first qualification category for the position of teacher.

Currently I have the second qualification category, its validity period is until February 26, 2015.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

I am proficient in information and communication technologies, I use them in practical activities to model the educational process. I create presentations, booklets, leaflets for successful work with children. I create visual information for parent corners and kindergarten stands. I edit films about the life of a kindergarten. Some of my latest works:

films “An Ordinary Day in Kindergarten”, “Summer, Ah, Summer!”, “Our Tavosochka”;

presentations “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”, “Winter fun”, “Wintering birds”, “Coniferous trees”, “Household appliances”;

booklets “Intensive hardening in preschool educational institutions”, “Color therapy”, “Phytotherapy”, “Aromatherapy”;

leaflets “Prevention of influenza and ARVI”, “The flu will not go away!”, “Healthy eating”;

stand “New Year at Tavosochka”.

I successfully use Internet resources to search for the necessary information, music and video material necessary to organize the direct educational activities of children, as well as exchange experiences with colleagues. I post the material I have prepared in electronic form on the official website of MADO No. 215.

To maintain children's interest in the educational process, I systematically use technical teaching aids (music center, audio recordings, video recordings, DVD player, interactive games and toys, computer programs, etc.). For example, when working with children I use educational computer programs: “Baba Yaga - School on Chicken Legs”, “Soon to School. Fun Mathematics" (FEMP); " The Three Little Pigs O Tiv wolf. Learning the alphabet", "The ABC - how a mouse caught letters" (learning to read and write). The latest audio and video collections I have edited:

“Classical music for children” (audio);

“Music for Relaxation” (audio);

“Electrical appliances” (video).

The technical teaching aids I use make it possible to expand the range of informational, expressive, and artistic possibilities for children’s educational activities, enhance the impression of the material presented, and help build motivation in children.

I independently develop and use in the educational process demonstration and handout material in various areas of direct educational activity. Developed and designed visual aids, didactic games, diagrams, models, compiled card indexes of games, observations, gymnastics, game breathing exercises, relaxation. For example, some of my latest developments include:

“Trees”, “Flowers”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”, “Birds” (visual aids);

“Blow away a snowflake” (teaching manual);

“Cut pictures” (on various lexical topics), “What’s first - what’s next”, “Sequence”, “Seasons” (didactic games);

“Finger games”, “Articulation gymnastics”, “Observations on a walk”, “Sedentary games”, “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “Artistic word in routine processes”, “Artistic word about the seasons” (card files);

“Game stretching”, “Invigorating gymnastics” (folders - collections).

The priority direction of my work is strengthening the health of children. In my teaching activities I use modern health-saving technologies: I organize optimal motor activity for children, various types of hardening, acupressure, breathing exercises, articulation exercises, finger exercises, physical education, dynamic breaks, corrective exercises after sleep, play stretching, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, aromatherapy. I provide health improvement for children using modern technical means: I use ionizers and air humidifiers. In order to preserve children's vision, I comply with SanPin requirements for the placement of children, lighting conditions, and use visual gymnastics. Together with parents, I organize entertainment (“In the Land of Health,” 2011), physical education holidays (“Olympiad,” 2012), competitions (“Russian Heroes,” 2012), health days and other health-improving events, which allows us to achieve stable reduction of colds, increases the effectiveness of the educational process. There has been a steady decline in cold incidence over the past three years (2.3%).

The projects I developed: “Playing Theater” (for children of senior preschool age) and “Development through perception” (for children of primary preschool age) are successfully implemented in working with children and have positive results and feedback from teachers and parents of students. These projects are aimed at the successful socialization of children, the formation of communication skills, and the development of cognitive activity.

From January 2010 to January 28, 2013, MADOU No. 215 was a regional experimental site in the direction of “Health-saving support of the educational process, as a condition for the implementation of the priority national project “Education”. Pupils from my preparatory group “Swallows” were members of the control group. My responsibilities included organizational support for experimental work and counseling parents.

Since June 2011, a federal internship site has been operating on the basis of MADO No. 215 in the direction of “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems.” Our group is exemplary as an example of the implementation of FGT in the educational preschool environment.

I have a secondary specialized pedagogical education.

I improve my skills through advanced training courses and take part in various specialized seminars and webinars. In 2009, she took the course “Computer technologies in professional activities.” In 2010, I took courses in the “Theory and Practice of Preschool Education” program, totaling 104 hours. In 2012, she participated in the seminar “Organization and content of teacher activities in groups of children with speech disorders.” In 2012, she participated in a series of webinars “Website as a tool for working with parents.” In 2013, she was a participant in the round table on the topic “Resolving conflict situations in preschool educational institutions.” In 2013, she participated in a series of seminars “Television by children in preschool educational institutions, as a process of socialization of children and a tool for the development of the emotional-cognitive sphere.”

I successfully collaborate with parents using various forms of interaction: meetings, individual conversations, open days, visual campaigning. I have positive reviews about my teaching activities posted on the website As a result of interaction with parents in the educational process, the interest of both children and adults in the activities and life of the MADU has increased. Over the 4 years of work at MADO No. 215, there were no complaints from parents.

I systematically engage in self-education, study the latest in methodological literature, scientific articles on preschool education, and review specialized latest printed publications for colleagues. I am working on the topic of self-education: “Theatrical games as a means of developing children’s speech.” A long-term plan has been developed for this topic, and a selection of games and exercises has been created. Various types of theaters for children's games have been made: finger, glove, plane, mask, clothespin. The results of monitoring children's speech activity have proven the effectiveness of my work on speech development through theatrical games. Data for the 2011-2012 academic year:

the ratio of the levels of speech development of coherent speech in children at the beginning of the school year is high 15%, average 54%, low 31%;

the ratio of levels of speech development of coherent speech in children at the end of the school year is high 46%, average 54%, low 0%.

In order to improve teaching and upbringing methods, I take an active part in teacher councils, seminars, workshops, and consultations held at MADOE. I am a member of the Council of Teachers, secretary of the Trade Union Organization of the Moscow Academy of Educational Institution No. 215, a member of the PMPK, a member of the creative group for the study and implementation of FGT, a mentor of young specialists of the Moscow Academy of Educational Institution, a mentor of students of the Kemerovo Pedagogical College. I show open events for kindergarten teachers and students of a pedagogical college, for example:

theatrical production “Kolobok” (2010);

master class “Making finger puppets” (2010);

GCD for Literacy Education (2011);

organization of the role-playing game “Polyclinic” (2012);

organization of didactic and outdoor games with children (2010 – 2013);

consultations for students of the College of Education on topics of teaching practice (2010 - 2013);

organizing mathematical games with children (2013).

I take an active part in events at various levels.

Participated in the MADOU team in the city competition for the best design of an educational institution in Kemerovo, 1st place (2009).

Participated in the winter towns competition held at MADOU (2010).

P prepared and presented to teachers at the teachers' council a report and presentation “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. From work experience" (2011).

She was awarded a diploma for 1st place in the team game “Brain-ring” on the basics of life safety, held at MADO No. 215 (2011).

As part of the team, she participated in the city review-competition “Best Kindergarten Site”, 2nd place (2012).

Together with children, I participate in all exhibitions and competitions of children's creativity held at MADO No. 215.

I am the official administrator of the website of MADO No. 215 – I carry out various events to promote the development of the site and increase the efficiency of working with parents through the Internet resource. In 2012, she organized and held an online competition “New Year’s Photo” in which more than thirty children attending MADO No. 215 took part.

I take an active part in competitions at various levels.

In 2010, she participated in the city competition of methodological developments “Understand the World”. Awarded with a letter of gratitude.

In 2010, she took part in the city competition “Didactic Games on Traffic Rules.” Awarded with a certificate of participation.

In 2012, she participated in the all-Russian Internet competition “Best preschool educational institution website.” Awarded a diploma for third place in the “Website Contentability” category.

In 2012, I was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Education Department of the Kemerovo City Administration in connection with the successful graduation of the children of my group to school.

A high level of knowledge of innovative pedagogical technologies, their skillful adaptation to a specific group of children, as well as their application in the educational process, make it possible to develop the cognitive potential of each child: 92% of my students successfully master the general education program of a preschool educational institution and have high and average levels of development.

According to the results of my monitoring, there has been a positive trend in reducing morbidity over the past 3 years, the average rate of absence of one child due to illness is below the territorial average:

Kemerovo (days)

Group (days)

Creating a safe and favorable microclimate for each pupil contributes to the absence of emergency situations and cases of child injury.

My students regularly take part in competitions at various levels. Children were awarded:

diploma for participation in the regional environmental design competition “Mirror of Autumn” (2011);

a diploma for active participation in the festival of MADO No. 215, dedicated to Earth Day (2011);

a diploma for 1st place in sports competitions of MADO No. 215 “Russian Heroes” (2011);

a letter of gratitude for active participation in the “Wonders of Nature” competition (2012);

a certificate for 1st place in the Olympic Games sports competition held at MADO No. 215 (2012);

diploma of participant in the regional competition of children's choreographic groups "Steps to Success - 2012" in the category "Variety Dance" (2012);

diploma of participant in the regional competition of children's pop song performers “Golden Cockerel” (2012);

2nd degree diploma of the city competition of folk song performers (2012);

diploma for 1st place in the city competition of folk song performers (2013).

In my work I take a creative approach to organizing a subject-based development environment. Its quality meets the program requirements and age characteristics of children. I use innovative design techniques, applying the principles of building a developmental environment in accordance with FGT. I produce visual and gaming material using various technologies: testoplasty (material for role-playing games), quilling (elements of group design and parent corner), collage (elements of group design), scrapbooking (greeting cards), knitting (elements of group design), sewing (design elements of the walking area).

Graduates of my group have a high level of preparation for education and successfully study in schools and gymnasiums in the city. The final monitoring showed 100% readiness for school among my students.

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Life does not stand still and constantly makes new demands on the level of training and work suitability of workers. Any specialist must periodically be prepared to test his own professional skills. Teachers, educators and other workers in the education system are no exception.

Since January 1, 2011, the procedure in which the certification of kindergarten and school teachers took place has changed.

What happened?

As you know, there is mandatory and voluntary certification. The first task is to confirm the teacher’s suitability for the position he occupies. The second occurs when it comes to raising the qualification category.

According to the rules in force earlier, if a teacher wanted to increase his salary, he, on his own initiative, submitted an application requesting assignment to one of the categories - highest, first or second. This was done by the management of the child care institution or the educational management body.

Later, the second category was canceled as such. Certification began to be managed by educational authorities at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The main thing: this procedure is now mandatory. Once every five years, absolutely all teachers, regardless of their work experience, regardless of their own desire, must take it to confirm their suitability for the position they occupy.

Who needs a category

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category (or the highest) is optional. Those who want to receive it have the right to submit an application. Its purpose is for them to be certified. That is, they established the correspondence of the professional level of the categories. Any of them is assigned for a period of 5 years, then requires renewal in a similar manner.

If the teacher’s qualification is not confirmed in a timely manner, it is automatically reduced. What then?

A former employee of the first category will have to reapply for certification (in order to restore it).

What if he doesn't do this? In this case, among others, be certified to confirm compliance.

Anyone who has lost the highest will have to “go through” everything again. First, you will need certification of a teacher for category 1. And no earlier than after two years he will have the right to take the higher level.

Categories received before the specified date (01/01/2011) are valid until the end of the assignment period. But the old provision - after 20 years the second category remains forever - has now been abolished. These educators will also have to confirm their professional suitability every five years.

What is certification like?

Let's consider both of its types - mandatory and voluntary.

The first, as already mentioned, must take place once every five years. Its purpose is to confirm that the teacher is suitable for his position. All employees who do not have categories and have no desire to receive them are required to pass it.

Those holding a position for no more than 2 years, mothers on maternity leave and pregnant women are exempt from certification. The deadline for them will come no earlier than two years after the end of the leave granted to care for the child.

The employer submits the teacher for certification. If a teacher holds several positions in one institution at once, and is not certified in any of them, then it is possible for all of them at once.

If he works part-time in different places, then each employer is authorized to send him for certification.

How are documents submitted?

The application for a teacher is drawn up by the employer according to the established template. The document contains all the necessary certificates for the certification of a teacher, a detailed comprehensive assessment of the employee’s professional skills and the quality of his work in the position. In addition, there is information about all advanced training courses completed and the results of past certifications.

A month before the test, the teacher is introduced to the performance under signature. The documents are submitted by the employer to the certification commission of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where its date, time and place are set. The duration of its completion should not be more than two months.

How does it go?

Certification of senior and other employees is carried out in accordance with the established procedure. During this process, to confirm their qualifications, subjects are subjected to written examinations or computer testing. Their goal is to identify the level of proficiency in professional methods of modern teaching, to confirm the valuable experience of working as a preschool teacher and the level of their own competence.

The decision made by the commission is drawn up in the form of a protocol and entered into the employee’s certification sheet. The latter is kept in the teacher’s personal file.

If the certification is completed successfully, the commission’s verdict is “corresponding to the position held.” Otherwise - “does not correspond”.

If you're unlucky

In the latter case, the employer has the legal right to terminate the contract with the employee, but is not obliged to do so. He may suggest that he take advanced training courses and then re-pass the certification.

Instead of dismissal, an employee can and should be transferred, with his consent, to another position (lower), if there is a vacancy. They also do not have the right to deprive a temporarily disabled person of work, a pregnant woman, a woman with children under 3 years of age, or a single mother with a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child.

Voluntary certification

It is organized to assign the first (or highest) category at the initiative of the employee and on the basis of his application. Its purpose is to establish compliance of the teacher’s qualifications with the requirements of the declared category.

Employees who do not yet have any have the right to apply for the first one. Or those whose validity period for the previously received 1st category is coming to an end. For higher education - those who received their first two or more years ago, as well as those wishing to extend their existing one.

An application for teacher certification is submitted by the teacher independently at any time. To ensure that the previous application does not expire during the period of its consideration, it is recommended to submit it in advance - 3 months in advance.

How to properly prepare documents

Their complete package must include an application for certification according to the sample, a previous certification sheet (photocopy) - if available, a completed new sheet, and a portfolio of achievements. There are methodological recommendations for compiling the latter.

Documents submitted to the certification commission of a local constituent entity of the Russian Federation are usually reviewed for about a month, then a place and date are assigned. It should only take place for a certain period of time.

Certification of preschool teachers is carried out in strict accordance with existing rules and regulations. What are the requirements for each qualification category?

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category

The teacher must master modern educational technologies and be able to effectively use them in practice. Demonstrate the accumulated experience of working as a preschool teacher. Prove your own personal contribution to improving quality by improving the methods used. Show the results of students’ mastery of programs and the dynamics of achievements.

Certification for the highest category of teacher: requirements are growing

Requires the presence of the first qualification category, successful application in practice of new educational methods and technologies, demonstration of students' mastery of practiced programs. The results must be stable, and the dynamics of success indicators must be above the average level of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The teacher will have to demonstrate personal contribution to improving educational and educational methods, improving the quality of education. And also - mastery of new technologies and dissemination of personal professional experience.

Passage order

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category, as well as for the highest, is carried out in a certain way. His professional achievements, presented in the form of a portfolio, are presented for examination.

Qualification testing takes place at a meeting of the certification commission, which is conducted both in the presence of the teacher and without his participation. A statement of intent to attend the discussion must be included in the certification application in advance. If after this, for some reason, he does not appear at the meeting, the commission has the right to consider his documents in absentia.

The decision made is recorded in the protocol, as well as in the employee’s certification sheet. After this, it is approved by a higher authority - at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation. The results (extract from the act of this body and the certification sheet) are transferred to the employer.

What then?

If the certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category (or the highest) was successful, and a decision was made on compliance with the necessary requirements, the date of assignment of the corresponding category is considered the day the commission made the decision. From this moment on, teachers will also be paid at the new rate.

An entry indicating that a certain category has been assigned must be made in the work book.

In case of “failure” of certification, a decision “does not meet the requirements” is made. Then those applying for the first category are left without one and are required to be certified for suitability for the position they occupy.

Those who “did not pass” remain in the first category until the end of the current period. Then the teacher has the right to try again to “earn” the highest category, or he will have to confirm the first one.

Appealing the results of certification

The right to such an appeal is documented. This is done by submitting an application to the labor dispute commission or even to the court, and in the latter case it is important to do this within three months from the date of certification.

But in practice, such situations happen extremely rarely. As a rule, teachers submit documents for certification being thoroughly prepared - having thoroughly studied all the necessary requirements, preparing a competent and worthy portfolio and being completely confident in their own abilities.

To the certification commission

Penza region

on certification

teaching staff





from Vlasova Tamara Ivanovna,

teacher of the Municipal

budget preschool

educational institution


combined type No. 38

city ​​of Kuznetsk


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”. Currently I have the first qualification category. Its validity period is until December 25, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application:

I carry out my professional activities in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented from February 3, 2014, May 6, 2014), Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, SanPiN –13 dated May 15, 2013 and other regulatory documents.

I know modern theories and methods of raising preschool children, and I have a creative approach to their application in practice. I consider the main goal of my work to be the development of a comprehensive and harmonious personality of the child.

I work according to the Basic Educational Program of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of a Combined Kindergarten

No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

I base my teaching activities on the principle of creating a favorable psychological climate, respectful attitude towards the child, his feelings and needs. I organize the lives of children so that every day is connected with the joy of learning about the world around them, I form the foundations of the basic culture of the individual.

I consider speech development to be one of the important areas of my activity.

preschoolers, so I work in depth on the topic “Development of children’s speech through folklore.” To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I use information and communication technologies in educational activities with children: I have developed a card index of games and exercises: verbal, didactic, finger, moving, plot-based; cards for opposites, mnemonic tables; carried out a selection of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, sayings, poems by topic. I made lapbooks: “Water”, “Vegetables and fruits, healthy products”, “Traffic lights”, “Visiting a fairy tale”. This allows you to activate cognitive interest and create motivation for cognitive activity. Developed a program for the folklore circle “Ladushki”. The purpose of the circle: to introduce children to Russian folk culture through various types of activities and to develop the musical abilities of each child. The creation of joint projects: “Miracle Spoon”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale” with parents and employees of preschool educational institutions provides great assistance in work.

When implementing this direction in the process of carrying out innovative forms of work with children, I use: moments of joy, friendly gatherings, entertainment, evening meetings with parents. I build a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. I create the most favorable conditions in the “Talented Fingers” center, equipped with traditional and non-traditional aids to create the interest of each child, such as: “Colored paths”, “Mosaic”, “Laces”, “Figures on magnets”. I expanded the PRS with various types of theatre: spoon, glove, finger, flannelgraph, magnets.

I maintain a group page on the kindergarten website, I have a personal website for the teacher, where I cover child-parent educational events, teaching materials, and publish consultations and recommendations for parents on various pedagogical issues. ( [email protected]; ; (http://site/vlasova170260/ ).

I carry out my work in close cooperation with the parents of the students. Organized and conducted joint educational events for children and adults: “Folklore gatherings”, an exhibition of family photographs “My Birthday”, entertainment “Travel to a Forest Teremok”. Developed consultations for parents: “Safety of preschoolers”, “Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”, “Finger gymnastics”, “Theater as a means of development and education of children of early preschool age”, “How to develop the speech of children?”, “Toys for timely development” .

Non-traditional forms of communication with parents allowed us to achieve positive results and improved the pedagogical culture of parents, contributed to changing their views on raising a child in a family environment and increased the activity of parents by 25%.

My students are participants and diploma winners of various competitions and festivals: All-Russian competitions “Ogonyok”, “Umnata”, “Pedazvitie”.

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills, actively participate in the work of the pedagogical council of the kindergarten, and participate in city methodological associations and seminars:

2013 – participant of a seminar on labor education for preschool educational institutions managers. “Use of new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the labor education of children.”

2014 - master class at a general parent meeting “How to create an emotional mood in a child?”

2015 - participant in the webinar “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten.”

2015 – member of the creative group of the kindergarten for the development of the Basic educational program of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the combined type kindergarten No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

2016 master class at the city seminar “Speech development of a preschool child” on the topic “Use of a laptop in the work of a teacher”

2016 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

2017 business game at the teachers’ council “Modern educator. What is he like?

2017 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

I implement regional projects “PROreading”, “Healthy preschooler”, “For preschoolers about their native land”, took part in the campaigns: “Let’s start together”, “Sursky region - without drugs!”.

Participated in All-Russian and regional competitions: “Ogonyok”, “Talents of Russia”, “Emerald City”, “Educator. Ru”, “Umnata”, “Pedazrazvitie”, “Voprosita”, “Art on a Plate” took honorary prizes.