Russian character according to the fate of a person. Strength of character and characteristics of his upbringing

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Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 of the city of Suzdal"

(based on the story “The Fate of Man”)

Done the job

9b grade student

Mironova Yulia

The relevance of research

Russian problem national character has always interested writers and philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries.

What is character? Character in literature? What is he like?

"Character- the totality of mental, spiritual properties of a person, revealed in his behavior; a person of character, strong character.”(1)

"Character (in literature)- image of a person in literary work, outlined with a certain completeness and individual certainty, through which both the historically determined type of behavior and the moral and aesthetic concept of human existence inherent in the author are revealed. The principles and techniques for recreating character vary depending on tragic, satirical and other ways of depicting life, from literary kind works and genre; they largely determine the face of a literary movement.”(1)

"National character- this is the people’s idea of ​​themselves, that’s for sure important element its national identity, its total ethnic self. And this idea has truly fateful significance for its history. After all, just like an individual, a people, in the process of its development, forming an idea of ​​itself, forms itself and, in this sense, its future.” (1)

“Russian character,” wrote A. N. Tolstoy,- easy, open, good-natured, compassionate... when life does not require him to make a heavy sacrifice. But when trouble comes - a Russian person is harsh, hard-working and merciless towards the enemy - without sparing himself, he does not spare the enemy either... In small things, a Russian person can be unfair to himself and others, get off with a joke, boast here, pretend to be a fool there... But justice in big ideas And big things lives in him ineradicably. In the name of justice, in the name of the common cause, in the name of the Motherland, he, without thinking about himself, will throw himself into the fire.”(2)

Not every writer is able to understand and truthfully portray the Russian character. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is one of the few.

1. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. M.: Azbukovik. 1999

2. Tolstoy A.N. Russian character - In the book: Years great battle. M.: Soviet writer. 1958

Goals of work:

1. Get acquainted with the description of the Russian national character in the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov.

2. Analyze what key features of Andrei Sokolov form the basis of the Russian national character.

An object:

The image of Andrei Sokolov in the story.


Key character traits of Andrei Sokolov as a representative of the Russian national character.


Andrei Sokolov presents the best moral traits of a Russian person, which form the basis of his character.

Russian character as depicted by M.A. Sholokhov. Key character traits of Andrei Sokolov.

From the very beginning of the story, describing the signs of the first post-war spring, the author seems to be preparing us for a meeting with the main character Andrei Sokolov. Before us appears a man in a burnt, roughly darned padded jacket, whose eyes, “as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with inescapable mortal melancholy.” Having found an interlocutor in the author, he restrainedly and tiredly, placing his large dark hands, hunched over, begins his confession about the past, in which he had to “sip grief up the nostrils and above”: “Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness empty eyes and you think: “Why have you, life, maimed me so much? Why did you distort it like that!” I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... There isn’t and I can’t wait!” Indeed, Sokolov’s fate is full of such difficult trials, such irreparable losses that it seems impossible for a person to endure all this and not break down, not lose heart. But this simple soldier and worker, overcoming all physical and moral suffering, retains a pure soul, wide open to goodness and light. His difficult fate reflects the fate of the entire generation, a common fate for that time.

“At first my life was ordinary,” this is how the hero begins his story. The same age as the century, he participates in civil war, in the ranks of the Red Army fights against the enemies of Soviet power. In the hungry twenties, he left his native Voronezh village and ended up in Kuban. At this time, the father, mother and sister die of hunger at home. Returns back to Voronezh, works as a carpenter, mechanic, and driver. Meets his beloved girl Irina, with whom he creates wonderful family. “And for me there was no one more beautiful and more desirable than her, there was not in the world and there never will be!” - says Sokolov. “I worked day and night for these ten years. He earned good money, and we didn’t live worse than people. And the children were happy: all three studied with excellent marks. Over the course of ten years, we saved a little money and built a little house for ourselves. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? The children eat porridge with milk, have a roof over their heads, are dressed, have shoes, so everything is in order.”

Sokolov dreams of happy life with his “wife-friend” and with children. Entirely absorbed in caring for his family, a gentle husband and caring father, finding true happiness in quiet joys and modest successes, which did not bypass his home - Andrei Sokolov personifies those moral values, which are inherent in working people.

But the damned war destroys all plans and hopes.

Andrei, like millions of Soviet people, goes to the front. His path on the roads of the great war was difficult and tragic. And the milestones on this path are the feats accomplished, mainly, not on the battlefield, but in conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In inhuman conditions, the hero proves his moral superiority over the enemy, his fortitude and courage. Intolerant of cowardice, cruelty and cowardice, he deals with the traitor who tried to betray his platoon commander to the Germans. It’s painful for a person with a kind, sympathetic soul to remember that moment: “Before that, I didn’t feel good after that and I really wanted to wash my hands, as if I was not a person, but some kind of creeping reptile... I killed for the first time in my life, and then my own... Yes what is he like? He’s worse than a stranger, a traitor.” Deprived of the opportunity to fight the enemy with weapons, Sokolov demonstrates his superiority in a duel with the camp commandant Muller, who turned out to be powerless before the proud dignity and human greatness of the Russian soldier. Sokolov recalls: “And this time death passed me by, only a chill came from it...” The exhausted, exhausted, exhausted prisoner was ready to face death with such courage and endurance that it amazes even the commandant who has lost his human appearance. “That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. “I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents,” the German officer is forced to admit.

Sholokhov talked with many German soldiers who were captured, studied their characters, their behavior during interrogations, while eating. Almost all prisoners of war had no problem betraying the interests of their homeland in order to save their lives. As soon as these warriors were left without food for three days, they were already morally killed and depressed. Unable to withstand the first difficult tests, they became hysterically talkative, and a breakdown was clearly felt in their psyche. “Like animals, they pounce on food and, burning themselves, chomping, almost without chewing, swallow hastily, greedily. Two of them were not given spoons. Without waiting for the spoons to be brought, they plunge their dirty palms into the pots, catch the grounds with their fingers and put them in their mouths, throwing back their heads and squinting in bliss.”

Everyone visual means Sholokhov convinces that German soldiers, once captured, completely lose their human appearance. Andrei Sokolov also experienced captivity, went hungry, looked death in the eyes more than once, but what a difference, in comparison with the behavior of the Germans, in the very essence of their personality! Sholokhov's hero maintains human dignity in the most difficult circumstances.

But not only in a clash with the enemy does Sholokhov see a manifestation of this heroic nature. A serious test For the hero, the loneliness that the war brought him becomes. After all, Andrei Sokolov, a soldier who defended the independence of his homeland, who returned peace and tranquility to people, himself loses everything he had in life: family, love, happiness. Harsh fate does not even leave him shelter on earth: in the place where the house built by his hands once stood, a bomb crater darkens. It would seem that everything is over, but life “distorted” this man, but could not break him, kill him living soul.

How much self-respect, for example, lies in the fact that they, exhausted and wounded, rose up at the sight of the enemy: lying down they did not want to die. And, looking into the face of death, Andrei Sokolov experienced neither panic nor heartfelt timidity. In the last, it would seem, seconds, he was worried about the question of where - in the head or across the chest - the German would fire a short burst at him. And he waited for this turn, looking point-blank at the enemy, who had already raised his machine gun. Indeed, “man is made in a funny way”: he has death on the way, and he still has the courage to make fun of the one who is holding him at gunpoint.

Giving away your own boots is humiliating. After all, this means admitting oneself defeated, weak. But Andrei Sokolov, even in this situation, retains peace of mind and strength, humiliating the enemy with ridicule: as soon as the German snatched his boots from him, he calmly unwound his footcloths, handed them to him, and he looked up at him expectantly, with a hidden grin. “But he screamed, swore in his own way and again grabbed the machine gun. The rest are laughing. With that, they departed peacefully. Only this dark-haired guy, by the time he reached the road, looked back at me three times, his eyes sparkling like a wolf cub, he was angry, but why? It’s as if I took his boots off, and not he took them off me.” Andrei Sokolov humiliated his enemy with this seemingly innocent gesture and emerged victorious. And so always, when the weight of adversity fell on him. He was a “worthless” walker after the concussion; he swayed from side to side, like a drunk, and walked from last bit of strength. “Skinny”, with his left arm knocked out, barely alive, but as soon as he heard that Kryzhnev wanted to hand over his platoon commander in the morning, he firmly decided to strangle the traitor. “Before that, I felt unwell after that and terribly wanted to wash my hands, as if I was not a person, but some kind of creeping reptile…”

Andrei Sokolov had to endure a lot of inhuman torments during his two years of captivity. After the Germans poisoned him with dogs, so much so that his skin and meat flew in shreds, and then they kept him in a punishment cell for a month for escaping, beat him with fists, rubber sticks and all kinds of iron, trampled under their feet, and at the same time they gave him almost no food and forced him to work a lot , it seemed that the person would not be able to cope, would lose control over himself, would lose his self-esteem, and with it simple human pride. But only once did Andrei Sokolov lose his temper: “They need four cubic meters of production, but for the grave of each of us, one cubic meter through the eyes is enough.”

He still can’t calm down after the excitement he experienced. His cheek twitches with a nervous tic, his hands lying on his knees tremble. He tries with all his might to show his excitement and hide the lie, but he doesn’t succeed well. Only after he greedily smokes the offered cigarette does balance come to him... It’s hard to talk to Corporal Berkmann. The cynical words of this robber in a soldier’s uniform, hysterically talkative and stupid, make the dugout even more stuffy, and makes you want to come out into the air.”

And Andrei Sokolov, when he was called to the commandant, also assumed that he was going to be “sprayed.” “Somehow I felt sorry for Irinka and the kids, and then this sadness subsided, and I began to gather my courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that my enemies would not see at my last minute that I had to give up my life. “It’s still difficult.”

The feeling of camaraderie makes Andrey forget about himself at a critical moment and do everything possible to help people. Sokolov was well aware of the dangerous situation when there was an urgent need to deliver shells to our howitzer battery. And in this situation he had no hesitation: “My comrades may be dying there, but am I going to suffer here?” He made it his immutable goal to “get through and that’s it!” The end of the meeting with Muller speaks about the nobility of this man’s soul: Sokolov brought a loaf of bread and a piece of lard to his starving comrades. One can understand his bunk neighbor, whose voice trembled at the sight of such priceless wealth. To his question: “How will we divide the grub?” - Sokolov’s natural, only possible answer followed: “Equal share for everyone.”

“Fortitude, camaraderie, devotion to the fatherland - these qualities have long been inherent in the Russian soldier. But what distinguishes Sholokhov’s hero and helps us understand the new beginnings of his “old” qualities is his sense of self-esteem. Not striking, very calm, this feeling in Andrei Sokolov is reminiscent of the property of special steel to retain its hardness at high temperatures. And in ordinary life this man is gentle and modest.”

These qualities of a Russian soldier were especially clearly demonstrated by Sokolov during a meeting with the camp commandant Muller.

142 Soviet prisoners of war were transferred to a camp near the city of Küstrin, and two months later 57 people remained alive. In addition, “there is a rumor in the camp that the Germans have already taken Stalingrad and are moving on to Siberia. One grief after another, and they bend you so much that you can’t lift your eyes from the ground...” In this difficult situation, Sokolov did not resign himself, he protested against inhuman conditions life. This became known to the camp commandant, who beat prisoners of war every day without any reason, for his own pleasure.

When Sokolov was summoned to Muller’s commandant’s office, he said goodbye to his comrades. Andrei found the strength to put aside everything that could, to some extent, interfere with his internal preparation for a fearless meeting with death: “I walk through the camp yard, look at the stars, say goodbye to them, and think: “So you have suffered, Andrei Sokolov, and in the camp - number three hundred and thirty-one.” I somehow felt sorry for Irinka and the kids, and then this pity subsided and I began to gather my courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see last minute that it’s still difficult for me to part with life...”

To Muller’s question, foreshadowing a possible deadly outcome of the meeting, Sokolov answered directly, without trying to justify himself or renounce the words he said in the barracks. Müller announced his decision to immediately personally shoot Sokolov for his impudent words, but he first wanted to humiliate this brave Russian. He began a win-win, as he thought, psychological game. Perhaps he wanted to understand what this Russian was like, what was hidden behind his external equanimity, composure, and stamina? Perhaps a fatalistic attitude towards life, a well-known, so to speak, Russian passivity? If this Russian is completely broken and life is not dear to him, then why doesn’t he, who has not seen normal human food for a long time, before his death eat a piece of bread with a slice of lard and drink a glass of schnapps for the victory of German weapons?

Sokolov, “hungry like a wolf,” first took a glass and a snack, but then he was “as if burned by fire.” The first instinctive movement immediately came under the strict control of reason: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink German weapons for the victory?”

Then Muller invites Sokolov to drink “to his death.” But now this prisoner of war surprises the commandant. He drank “for his death and deliverance from torment,” “but did not touch the snack, politely wiped his lips with the palm of his hand” and said: “Thank you for the treat. I’m ready, German Commandant, let’s go sign me up.” It is difficult to guess the true thoughts of a fascist. Sokolov, who does not know Muller’s true motives, talks about the meeting. The author-narrator, who occupies the position of a listener, does not know them either. However, from the very course of the complex psychological duel, filled with cruel internal drama, it becomes clear: the German commandant was interested in a wonderful Russian soldier who did not behave the way he should have behaved, according to his concepts. This interest did not escape Sokolov’s gaze, which speaks of his insight and ability to accurately assess people and situations. To Muller’s suggestion that he have a snack before his death, Sokolov, as if teasing the commandant, replies: “I don’t have a snack after the first glass.” Andrey explains to the author-listener the motives for his behavior: “He pours a second one and gives it to me. I drank the second one and again I didn’t touch the snack, I wasted my courage, I thought: “At least I’ll get drunk before I go out into the yard and give up my life.” Müller again offers the Russian prisoner of war a snack before his death, but he again refuses: “Sorry, Herr Commandant, I’m not used to having a snack after the second glass.” This amused the fascist. From the point of view of common sense, “Russian Ivan” behaves very absurdly: he is very hungry, he drank two whole glasses of strong schnapps, but does not want to have a snack. He greatly surprised the Germans and, apparently, saved his life. Sokolov noticed that they were now looking at him “somehow differently... seemingly softer.” And he continues to lead his line in this sad game for him: he “drank the third glass stretched, bit off a small piece of bread, and put the rest on the table.”

Indestructible moral strength, exceptional courage, and fortitude helped Sokolov win the game started by Müller: “I wanted to show them, the damned one, that although I’m starving, I’m not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” Refusing the idea of ​​shooting the prisoner, the commandant says: “That’s it, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents. I won't shoot you. In addition, today our valiant troops reached the Volga and completely captured Stalingrad. This is a great joy for us, and therefore I generously give you life.”

The scene with Commandant Müller, for all its specificity, takes on “a generalized and, to some extent, symbolic meaning.” Sokolov's behavior personifies the unbroken spirit of the Soviet people, the invincibility of their will, their freedom-loving aspirations. The Russian nation, which has united equal peoples around itself Soviet Union, became an insurmountable obstacle on the way of the Nazis to the desired victory. The uncompromising struggle against foreign invasion confused the enemy's cards. Even just a person’s belonging to the Russian nation evoked a feeling of anger and hatred among the Nazis: “...they beat you because you are Russian.”

All the time one can feel the moral superiority of the Russian soldier, his unsurpassed fortitude, ineradicable feelings of human dignity, national honor, responsibility for his actions, which never leave his sense of humor. In everything, in the most seemingly insignificant detail, his remarkable character, unbending will, fearlessness, and courage are revealed. And the fact that he, hungry as a wolf, long unaccustomed to human food, at the sight of a hefty bottle of schnapps, bread, lard, soaked apples, open cans with various canned foods he managed to suppress the nausea and take his eyes off the table; and in the fact that he did not deny when the commandant repeated his words, uttered in the heat of the day the day before, for which he was supposed to be shot as a call to sabotage, but courageously, with dignity, confirmed what was said; and in the way he drank three glasses of vodka, trying at least in this way to demonstrate the strength and power of the Russian soldier; and that only after the third glass of vodka he “took a small piece of bread and put the rest on the table”; and the fact that, having received a small loaf of bread and a piece of bacon for his courage, he, turning to the exit and presenting himself as a good target, first of all regretted if the commandant shot at him at that moment, that he would not report “these grub to the guys”; and the fact that these grubs, at his request, were divided “equally by everyone” - in all this the best features of the Russian national character were revealed.

Sokolov’s supply of moral and physical strength is truly inexhaustible; this is emphasized in the author’s thoughts at the end of the work: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure...”

Andrei Sokolov does not consider himself a hero. Moreover, in a number of episodes Sholokhov notes that his hero cares more about others than about himself. So, for example, he worries about his family and writes home that “everything is fine, we are fighting little by little,” but he doesn’t say a word about how difficult it is for him in the war, and even condemns those who “smear snot on paper " He understands perfectly well that “these unfortunate women and children had it no worse than ours in the rear.” Or when he is carrying artillery shells, he thinks not about his own safety, but about the fact that “his comrades may be dying there” - here it is, “the hidden warmth of patriotism.” We see the same thing in the episode of the murder in the church. Kryzhnev wants to betray his commander. And when Sokolov realizes that “a thin, snub-nosed boy, and very pale in appearance” will not be able to cope with this “big-faced”, “fat gelding”, he decides to “finish him himself.”

Both in war and in peaceful life Sokolov is guided by an immutable principle of behavior for himself: “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it.” This phrase is the leitmotif of the work; it captures one of the most important aspects of its content. Sholokhov, reflecting on the Patriotic War, emphasized that “the sacrifices made in the name of saving the Motherland did not diminish our strength, and the bitterness of unforgettable losses did not lower our spirit.” This idea was reflected in the ending of the story. It affirms the idea of ​​organic continuity of generations. Author, predicting future life Vanyushki, uses the word “tolerate” almost in the same meaning that Sokolov gave it: “...near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to this.”

In the Sholokhov context, the verbs “endure” and “overcome”, placed side by side, wrote I. Rybintsev, are synonyms; “It is precisely in this sense that people often use the word “endure”; “In Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, the word “endure” is also defined as “to strengthen”, “to take courage”, “to hold on”, “to stand without exhaustion”, “without despondency”.

The words “endure everything, endure everything” in the mouth of Andrei Sokolov do not mean resignation, submission, passive waiting for something to change.

But Sholokhov shows us the heroism of the Russian man not only in the fight against the enemy. A terrible grief befell Andrei Sokolov even before the end of the war - his wife and two daughters were killed by a bomb that hit the house, and his son was shot by a sniper in Berlin on the very day of Victory, May 9, 1945. It seemed that after all the trials that befell one person, he could become embittered, break down, and withdraw into himself. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning. No, the circumstances did not break the hero of the story. He continued to live. Sholokhov writes sparingly about this period of his hero’s life. He worked and started drinking until he met a boy. Andrei Sokolov drew attention to the “ragamuffin.” “Andrei Sokolov’s heart did not harden; he was able to find the strength to give happiness and love to another person. Life goes on. Life continues in the hero himself. Andrey warmed and made the orphan's soul happy, and thanks to the warmth and gratitude of the child, he himself began to return to life. This shows a person's strong character. The kid did not turn away, did not run away from Sokolov, recognized his father in him. Vanyusha felt the human touch of this man, his kindness, love, warmth, and realized that he had a protector. “He rushed to my neck, kisses me on the cheeks, on the lips, on the forehead, and he himself screams so loudly and thinly that even in the booth it is muffled: “Dear folder! I knew you would find me!” He pressed himself close to me and trembled all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And there’s fog in my eyes, and I’m also shaking all over, and my hands are shaking...” (6)

The hero overcame the test of loneliness. Sokolov is lonely, but he is not a loner. “It’s sickening to smoke alone and to die, to live alone is the most terrible torment” - these words express such a desire for life that is difficult to destroy. And fate answers this call human heart. The hero meets a little boy Vanyusha, whose childhood was also crippled by the war. Andrey gives all the warmth that remains in his heart to this child. Having adopted a boy who is not needed by anyone, but in whose soul there is hope for a “good share,” Sokolov shows us the true humanity of his character. “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force... What awaits them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and next to his father’s shoulder will grow up one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to it.”

In the story, the theme of loneliness and orphanhood was reflected in fate three people. Irinka was an orphan, raised in orphanage. Vanya’s father died at the front, and his mother was killed on a train, during a bombing, in front of the boy’s eyes. Andrei Sokolov was left alone three times. In the hungry year of twenty-two, his father, mother and sister died of hunger: “Rodney - even if you roll a ball - nowhere, no one, not a single soul.” The second time Sokolov was “left alone” when he learned of the death of his family in Voronezh in 1942. The third time Sokolov felt lonely, having buried “in a foreign, German land his last joy and hope” - his son Anatoly.

M. Sholokhov has a remarkable ability to grasp and notice the complex inner experiences of a person, conveying them through the external - sometimes an unnoticeable gesture, a word. He uses this technique whenever one or another hero wants to hide his true thoughts and feelings. So Andrei Sokolov tried to hide the excitement that suddenly gripped him. To some extent, he succeeded: “he sat with his head bowed dejectedly, only his large, limply lowered hands trembled slightly, his chin trembled, his hard lips trembled... He tried to roll a cigarette, but the newsprint was torn, tobacco fell onto his knees.”

The masterfully selected details reflected the writer’s enormous psychological intuition, his ability to penetrate the “secret secrets” of a person. Movements, gestures, intonations, more immediate than words, accurately and truthfully convey the hero’s inner excitement. Special meaning For psychological characteristics Sokolova has an expression in his eyes. Sholokhov “did not see a single tear in his seemingly dead, extinct eyes.” They, “as if sprinkled with ashes,” filled with inescapable mortal melancholy, reflected so much accumulated pain, hidden sorrow, unshed tears that it was difficult to meet them.

Landscape scenes of the story-picture early spring- still a difficult, uncomfortable, gloomy time, which, however, foreshadows warmth, sun, prosperity. In these landscape sketches what the first post-war days sound like with their difficult tasks, difficult and unsettled life and deprivations, and with their hopes and expectations.

In "The Fate of Man" there are two narrators. Sokolov simply and unpretentiously tells about his fate, and the reader is presented with the image of an ordinary Soviet man - courageous, warm-hearted, persistent, who was not broken by the terrible hardships of the war.

But then the voice of the second narrator is heard - the writer himself, who listens to the confession of his hero. In this voice sounds the artist’s boundless love for our people, compassion for everything that they had to endure in the war, unquenchable faith in moral forces people.

The image of Andrei Sokolov is Sholokhov's solution to the problem of the Russian national character. The story evokes pride in the Russian people, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, and gives rise to faith in the immense possibilities of man.

Meanwhile, victory in the Great Patriotic War was achieved precisely by these spiritual qualities that lived among the people. Therefore, Andrei Sokolov is the image of the winner in this war, because he stood and won as a human being, and this is the basis of a military victory. Sokolov embodies typical traits. The focus on collecting also explains the peculiarities of Sokolov’s speech; it emphasizes not so much his social signs(it contains professionalisms: “sat down in the driver’s seat”, “lowered the gas”; colloquial expressions of peasant origin: “like a sack of oats”, “switches to a trot”; words taken from military terminology: “that’s right”, “in marching order” ", somewhat stable, repetitive, generalized, which is characteristic of the folk language. This also affected the widespread use spoken words and expressions, epithets, metaphors and images taken from or related to folk poetry (“children’s memory is like a summer lightning,” “a burning tear,” “in a clear sun,” “an open field”); reliance on folklore motives give Andrei Sokolov's speech expressive conciseness, vivid imagery, rich emotionality, deep folk color, help to better reflect the national origins of his thinking.

Unostentatious and modest heroism occupies an important place. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy also wrote about this trait of the Russian soldier. Moral selflessness of heroism, the ability to self-sacrifice, a deep consciousness of heroism - these traits unite Andrei Sokolov with millions of Russian soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of our Motherland! Everything that Andrei Sokolov does in the story, he does modestly, unnoticed, he does not do it for show, but only when it is necessary. He went to war not because of a warlike instinct, not because of ambition and thirst for glory, but “for the sake of life on earth.”


The hero of the story, despite real prototype, is a collective image that embodies all the features of the Russian national character. It reflects not just one life story, but the fate of a man who is a worthy representative of his people, who honorably fulfilled the duty of a patriot and humanist. The author admires his hero, the beauty of his soul; in his voice we hear notes of pride in the Russian people, faith in his immense capabilities.

The hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the study was confirmed.

Sholokhov's story is a poem about a man, a warrior, a worker who endured all the hardships of war and retained the most important thing - human dignity, love of life, kindness and a sympathetic soul. Rising to the heights of humanistic art, the writer shows us tragic fate person associated with historical destiny people, and at the same time the victory of this person over death and suffering. “I would like my books to help people become better, to become purer in soul, to awaken love for people, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind,” said Sholokhov. And his story “The Fate of Man” very precisely corresponds to this purpose and fulfills the task set by the writer.

With all the logic of his story, Sholokhov proved that his hero cannot be broken by life, because human dignity, love for life, the Motherland, people, and kindness cannot be broken. It helps to live, fight, work. Andrei Sokolov first of all thinks about his responsibilities to loved ones, comrades, the Motherland, and humanity. For him this is not heroism, but a natural need. And there are many such simple Russian people in the world. It was they who won the war and restored the destroyed country so that life could continue and be better and happier.


    Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovik. 1999

    Ognev A.V. M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man.” – M.: Higher School, 1984.

    Russian writers. XX century. Biographies: Big educational reference for schoolchildren and those entering universities / Author. V. V. Agenosov, P. V. Basinsky, L. V. Ershova and others - M.: Bustard, 2003.

    Tolstoy A.N. Russian character. Years of the great battle. M.: Soviet writer. 1958

    Sholokhov M. Pages of life and creativity. – M.: Soviet writer, 1986

    Sholokhov M.A. "The Fate of Man." Stories. – M.: Bustard: Veche, 2002.

The story “The Fate of a Man” was written by M. A. Sholokhov in 1956. This is not just an interesting story, but really fate real person who experienced inhuman torments, hardships, and torments.

In the spring of 1946, the author accidentally met a man at a river crossing who was leading a boy by the hand. Tired travelers approached him and sat down next to him to rest. It was then that a random interlocutor told the writer the story of his life. For ten whole years M.A. Sholokhov nurtured the idea of ​​this work. Reflecting on the fates of those who went through the Great Patriotic War, he decided to show a person’s ability to persevere in overcoming their troubles.

Andrei Sokolov, an ordinary person, the father of a family, an honest worker. Like thousands of other people, he went to the front to defend his homeland. The war tears him away from his family, from home, from work. A happy life collapses in an instant. In the first months of the war, he was wounded twice, shell-shocked, and, worst of all, captured. For two years, Andrei Sokolov endured the horrors of fascist captivity. Every day death looked him in the eye, but he found the courage to remain human. In the spiritual struggle against fascism, the character of the hero, his courage, fortitude, and patience are revealed. He tried to escape, but he failed; he dealt with the traitor who wanted to hand over the commander. Immense power spirit and endurance are shown in the scene of Andrei Sokolov’s meeting with the commandant of the concentration camp. Exhausted, tortured and exhausted, he is ready to face death with such courage that it amazes even a fascist who has long lost his human appearance. He is a true patriot who feels responsible for the fate of his Motherland. M. A. Sholokhov for the first time in Soviet literature made his hero a man who had gone through fascist captivity; at that time this was a taboo topic.

And yet, Andrei Sokolov managed to escape from captivity, and he again becomes a soldier. The hero of the story went through the entire war, he emerged victorious, although he did not receive a single award. But difficult trials lay ahead of him: his house was destroyed, his wife and daughter were killed by a fascist bomb. The only hope he has left is to meet his son. But this was not destined to come true either; the son died in the last days of the war. An evil and merciless fate left the soldier neither relatives nor even a refuge on earth.

Andrei Sokolov says to his random interlocutor: “Sometimes you sleep at night, look into the darkness with empty eyes and think: “Why, life, have you crippled me so much? I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... No, and I can’t wait!”

After everything that our hero experienced, it would seem that he should have become embittered and cruel. His soul is, indeed, filled with a constant feeling of excruciating pain. But he steadfastly and courageously overcomes his grief and loneliness. Life wounded him, but could not kill the living soul in him. Left completely alone in this world, this person wages a continuous struggle with himself and emerges victorious. He adopts an orphan like himself, Vanyusha, a boy with “eyes as bright as the sky.” He gave all the warmth that remained in his wounded heart to the orphan, and that is why he himself began to gradually return to life.

“And I would like to think,” writes M. A. Sholokhov, “that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure and will grow up next to his father’s shoulder, who, having matured, will be able to withstand everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to do so.”

The story is imbued with a deep, bright faith in man. The hero, having gone through difficult trials, retained human dignity, love of life, qualities that help him live on, work, fight.

The title of the story is symbolic; it is not just the fate of an individual soldier Andrei Sokolov, but a story about the fate of a Russian man who endured the cruel trials of war.

The writer considers himself obligated to tell the whole world the truth about at what enormous cost the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War was won, and who was its real hero.

The heroism of Andrei Sokolov is not shown in poster form, it is invisible, since the narration is told on behalf of the hero himself. But he is true hero, a truly Russian person, a Man with a capital letter, the best representative of our great people.

When the need arises to analyze and describe a person’s character, his basic qualities are used for this, a special place among which is occupied by strength and its polarity - weakness. Strength of character– this is, first of all, an energetic quality, which includes not only the energy of a person achieving specific goals, but also his ability to develop a certain tension and, if necessary, overcome various obstacles. Strength of character is a kind of indicator of a person’s ability to preserve and defend himself as an individual.

Strength of character as a person’s internal energy

Human character is a complex formation that has many shades and manifestations, polar features and an infinite number of traits. All this diversity finds its expression in the actions and behavior of a person, and it is on their basis that it is necessary to judge the strong or weak character of a person. Speaking about what a person is endowed with strong character, it is always implied that he shows will and character traits that are indicative of this: autonomy, independence, perseverance, consistency, determination and perseverance. And if a person is called spineless, then this means that he does not show these qualities both in communication and in activity, but simply adapts to circumstances and goes with the flow.

Speaking about strength of character (or rather, calling a person weak-willed or with character), people usually evaluate a person’s direction and his will. So, Aristotle also said that a person’s character is what his decision is manifested in. Indeed, when they talk about a person’s strong character or weak character, they primarily highlight will and volitional efforts in mental activity. So no one admits weak-willed person having a strong character, as this is simply impossible.

The strength of a person’s character is also related to his direction and, most often, is considered a positive quality (although sometimes the character can be so strong that it contributes to the suppression of the personality and the person can become dependent on it - the manifestation of psychopathy and neurotic disorders). The main indicators of character strength are the depth and strength of personality direction. Depth is considered from the point of view of how principles, motives and life goals. So, if all these indicators do not penetrate deeply into the personality, but remain only superficial formations, they speak of superficiality of character, which indicates its weakness. The strength of the focus is also determined by the level of a person’s aspirations (or achievements), that is, what he strives for. The strength of human character is also determined by the stability of this orientation. All of the listed indicators (namely stability, strength and depth of focus) are not the only ones that determine the strength of human character, because for its formation and manifestation, strong-willed traits, the stamina of personality and its activity, as well as the organization of the person himself are necessary.

The strength of a person’s character finds its manifestation in his energetic and active actions, in the struggle and perseverance of doing something (when you need to bring it to the end, regardless of difficulties or obstacles), perseverance and focus. A person who has a strong character is not afraid of any difficulties and overcomes various difficulties; he is distinguished by enthusiasm, initiative and innovation. Such a person always tries to follow his beliefs and principles, showing perseverance to achieve his goal. And the man with weak character mainly demonstrates a discrepancy between words and deeds, inconsistency in behavior and actions, fear of failures and difficulties.

How to develop strength of character

Since character is, although stable, but at the same time a rather dynamic formation, it can be formed throughout life path person. And this also means that strength of character can be cultivated.

The formation of a person’s character depends on many factors, including:

  • congenital features;
  • education and self-education;
  • various types of activities (especially work, learning and play);
  • social environment (groups, team, family, friends, etc.);
  • personal example;
  • personal activity and life position person;
  • ways of human self-expression (creativity, sports);
  • , attitudes, values, habits, and orientation of a person;
  • Media, Internet, film industry, etc.;
  • level of cultural and educational development of a particular society.

In order to understand how to cultivate strength of character, you need to know that this process can occur in several scenarios:

  • With early childhood(this is how Spartans, knights, samurai, etc. were raised);
  • during life, when certain difficulties can strengthen and re-educate a person;
  • daily painstaking work on oneself (as a result of self-education and self-improvement).

The main ways to develop strength of character:

  • working on yourself, your beliefs, principles and developing willpower;
  • it is necessary to clearly define life goals and values;
  • choose a type of activity where you need to make an effort and overcome your weaknesses (many sports are great for this, especially martial arts);
  • formation of adequate self-esteem, as well as the presence of self-confidence, as well as self-esteem;
  • personal example (this is very effective way, when there is real personality, whose character is the standard, and this person can be like historical figure, and a movie character);
  • develop the ability to manage your emotional and motivational sphere (that is, feelings, desires and drives);
  • having a positive attitude and good spirits.

In principle, the process of developing character strength is comparable in its characteristics to sports training or physical exercise. Just as in order to achieve results in sports, you need to make an effort and constantly repeat the same exercises until your muscles and body remember everything, it is also necessary to consolidate the traits necessary to develop strength of character.

Strength of Russian character

Each person has his own unique character, which is determined by a peculiar combination of traits and the characteristics of its manifestation. But there is some similarity in the behavior and actions of people belonging to the same ethnic group or nation. In this case, they talk about the manifestation of national character, which in ethnopsychology is understood as a fairly stable set of psychological traits that have developed over the course of history. These traits subsequently determine the typical modes of action, the habitual pattern and manner of behavior of representatives of a particular nation.

Traits of national character find their manifestation in various systems of relations (to one’s own ethnic group, to other ethnic groups, to the world, to labor activity, to the social and everyday environment) through persistent stereotypes thinking, forms of emotional response and behavioral characteristics of the ethnic group as a whole. So, national character finds its manifestation in the most typical for a given ethnic group psychological characteristics and is a determinant of the behavior of its representatives.

In order to understand the features of the Russian character and determine where its strength is manifested, it is necessary to analyze the features of the process of formation of the Russian national character. It developed and was formed against the backdrop of many events and was influenced by various conditions and factors, including special meaning had:

  • geographical location of the territory of the state (the land on which the Russian people lived);
  • linguistic and cultural environment;
  • climate and natural features;
  • religion.

The Russian character, like the ethnic group itself, has existed for more than 1 thousand years, but scientists began to study its characteristics and inherent traits relatively recently. Thus, for the first time interest in the study of Russian character arose in the 30-40s. 19th century. It was at this time that the scientific work of P.I. was published. Kovalevsky’s monograph “Psychology of the Russian Nation,” in which he described the main qualities of the Russian character. The works of N.A. are also devoted to the analysis of Russian character. Berdyaev and N.O. Lossky, and P. Sorokin studied the main features of the Russian character and described its strengths in the last century.

A significant contribution to the study of Russian character was made by the philosopher V.S. Soloviev, who believed that it is possible to understand the unique character of Russians only by studying their value sphere and learning their ideals. When describing the characteristics of the Russian character, many scientists (both domestic and foreign) noted that it finds its expression not so much in belonging to the nation itself, but in “ special condition souls" of the Russian people.

Many scientists, when studying the character traits of Russians, agreed in the general opinion that the strength of the Russian character was formed due to the presence of the following opposites among representatives of this ethnic group:

  • patience-violence:
  • obedience-rebellion;
  • humility-protest.

Analyzing the Russian character, one should remember the words of N. Berdyaev, who said that the structure of the Russian soul was reflected in the immensity of the Russian land, the absence of its borders and limits. The landscape of the Russian lands, infinity, breadth and their aspiration also had a strong influence. In all this lies the depth and strength of the Russian character.

The fact that the Russian character is distinguished by its strength is due to the influence of rather difficult natural and climatic conditions in many regions of the country. These conditions required the people living on Russian lands to spend significant labor on agricultural work, which formed character traits such as hard work, endurance and patience.

So, the strength of the Russian character is manifested in the ability to work, commitment, focus, responsibility and resilience of the Russian nation. Along with the strength of the Russian character, psychologists also identify the following traits characteristic of this ethnic group: philanthropy, tolerance, sociability, diligence, courage, masculinity, benevolence, sacrifice, responsibility and mercy. But along with positive features, also highlight negative traits of the Russian character: lack of independence, gullibility, talkativeness, negligence.

Since ancient times, the Russian people have surprised all the peoples of the world with the strength of their spirit and character. It is not for nothing that there were legends among many nations that it was almost impossible to defeat the Russian people, that Russian warriors were fearless and never retreated in the face of danger.

Let us at least remember the heroes of the monument Old Russian writing- “Tales about Igor’s Campaign.” The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” departs from the objective historical sequence of events and, like an artist, unfolds a vivid panorama of poetic paintings and images. He does not so much talk about individual facts of Igor’s campaign, but rather reflects on the fate native land, hovering over the past and future - “from old Vladimir to present-day Igor.” Central images The “words” are the Russian land and the Russian people. No matter what the author writes about or which prince he remembers, he does not forget his fatherland. Walking behind Igor’s army, he proclaims several times: “O Russian land, you are already behind the curtain!” Thus, the author tries to emphasize that it is their native land that is the main value for Russian soldiers, it is for it that they are ready to give their lives, and it, in turn, protects them from harm. Perhaps it is precisely in this holy attitude towards the native land that the strength of the Russian character lies? But let’s try to follow the author further in search of an answer to our question.

After the tragic battle on the Kayala River, “the black earth under the hooves was strewn with bones and watered with blood: the entire Russian land was overcome with anguish!”, and the brave Russians “perished for the Russian land.” After this, according to the author, “longing poured out for the Russian land, an inescapable sadness flowed through the middle of the Russian land.” Having learned of the defeat, the Kiev prince Svyatoslav, in his “golden word” mixed with tears, several times implores his compatriots to stand up “for the Russian land, for Igor’s wounds.” Thus, we are once again convinced of the value and significance for the Russians of protecting Rus' from adversity, of unity in this struggle.

At the same time, the image of the Russian people appears in the poem: a people-warrior, a people-warrior, a people-defender of their native land. Prince Vsevolod proudly speaks of his warriors that they were “swaddled” under pipes, “grown” under helmets, and fed from the tip of a spear. They do not go out on a campaign as conquerors. For them, Polovtsian wealth is worthless; they treat trophies with disdain. Warriors fearlessly die for the Russian land. The author speaks about this with sadness, complaining about princely discord, which entails death and ruin.

The “Lay” vividly presents the images of ancient Russian princes. The images of the courageous warrior brothers Igor and Vsevolod are most clearly depicted. The author speaks about them with sympathy, admires their courage, but at the same time criticizes their self-will and love of glory, the inconsistency of their actions with the policies of other princes, Prince of Kyiv.

The author deviates from historical truth, idealizing and glorifying the image of the great Kyiv prince Svyatoslav, but does this with a specific political purpose, since he considers Kyiv as the center of the unification of Russian principalities into a single feudal state. The image of Svyatoslav - a wise, balanced ruler and commander, formidable for the Polovtsy, the saddened “father” of the defeated Russians - is revealed in his symbolic “dark” dream and “golden word”, “mixed with tears,” which is the central part of the poem. This one is traditional artistic technique gives the author the opportunity to evaluate the activities of Russian princes of the 11th-12th centuries.

Bright are also female images poems - Yaroslavna, mourning the defeat and captivity of her husband on the rampart in Putivl, gentle Glebovna, the wife of Vsevolod, who are the embodiment of fidelity and eternity of life, waiting, sanctified by love, the immutability of goodness on a blood-drenched land. And we can see that Russian women are as strong as warriors, but their strength lies in loyalty, devotion to their chosen ones, which gives them confidence in their struggle. In Russian classical literature female images have more than once become the embodiment of the best features of the national character. Among them are Katerina A. N. Ostrovsky, Daria and Matryona Timofeevna N. A. Nekrasova, Princess Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova L. N. Tolstoy, Olga Ilyinskaya I. A. Goncharova, expressive images of the heroines of many works by I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Bunina. Despite the unconditional differences in life circumstances, all the heroines of the works of Russian writers undoubtedly have the main common feature. They are distinguished by the ability to love deeply and selflessly, revealing themselves as individuals with deep inner world. And the first in this row are the heroic female images of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Auto RU ancient Russian monument managed to rise above the selfish interests of the princes, their selfish and ambitious policies and express the interests of the entire Russian people, their desire for unity and peace, the desire to preserve their integrity and culture.

The philological works of M. V. Lomonosov “Rhetoric”, “Grammar”, the treatise “On the benefits of church books in Russian language" At the same time, his own literary heritage is quite diverse and covers all genres and trends. The majestic, solemn and deeply soulful poetry of Lomonosov was completely subordinated to the spiritual and material needs of the people.

Mikhail Lomonosov became the founder of the first Russian university. This university is located in Moscow and bears his name.

Thus, we see how the son of a simple fisherman, solely through the strength of his character, achieved the fulfillment of his dream. Educational role his life and personality were noted in his time famous critic V. G. Belinsky: “Young people with special attention and special love should study his life, carry his majestic image in their souls,” because M. V. Lomonosov directed all his energy, knowledge and talent to the struggle for a new, enlightened, powerful and majestic homeland, glorifying Russian heroes “from the farmer to the tsar” in his works. His entire life and work are an excellent example of devoted service to the fatherland.

The biography of another person can serve as an example of the exceptional strength of Russian character.

Academician S.P. Korolev is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief designer of the first Earth satellites and spacecraft. In 1923, while still a boy, Sergei Korolev joined a glider club, where he learned to design gliders. In 1925, Korolev entered the Polytechnic Institute, where he studied aviation and mathematics, but in the evenings he needed to earn money. He was a builder, worked at the post office, and played small roles in films. Having moved to Moscow, Korolev worked at an aircraft factory during the day, studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School in the evenings, and after lectures worked at home, designing new aircraft. He made incredible efforts to achieve his goal, to fulfill his wonderful childhood dream and the dream of all mankind - to fly. At the Moscow Technical School, Korolev became acquainted with Tsiolkovsky’s space flight ideas and his rocket.

During the Great Patriotic War Korolev created a jet engine for airplanes and rockets, and on October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. This satellite was the result of thirty years of hard work by many people, and Korolev was its chief designer. Then the dogs flew into space. And only after many experiments did the first cosmonaut of the world, Yu. A. Gagarin, fly into space - on spaceship"East". It was April 12, 1961. Yu. A. Gagarin is also a wonderful example of the strength of the Russian national character, the desire to achieve goals, and service to one’s fatherland. People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in the conquest of space.

Thus, the strength and beauty of the character of the Russian people is manifested primarily in devoted love for their land, in the desire to do everything possible for its sake, in faith in their strength and desire to constantly move forward, as well as in boundless courage and philanthropy.