How to make soaked apples recipe. Soaked apples: homemade recipe

Soaked apples are the most delicious delicacy - natural and healthy, no sweets are needed, you are guaranteed a storehouse of vitamins in winter!

Since childhood, I have loved soaked apples; their taste cannot be compared with anything!

It's very easy to prepare them at home! It is absolutely not necessary to have large containers (barrels); you can make pickled apples in a simple 3-liter jar. This recipe is especially relevant for city residents.

Stock up on natural vitamins for the winter!

As always, recipe with step-by-step photos:


  • Apples "Antonovka"
  • 10 liters of water
  • 200 g rye flour
  • 2 table. spoons of salt

Recipe for preparing pickled apples in jars for the winter with photos:

You need apple varieties that are strong, with dense pulp, and those that store well in winter.

I always take Antonovka - these apples are my favorites, they are always delicious: they make a magnificent, airy, most delicious apple. And soaked apples from Antonovka are the most beautiful and delicious: aromatic, strong with translucent flesh - delicious!

We choose apples of such a size that they fit into the neck of the jar. I have 2-liter jars with a wide neck, left over from Soviet times, when we had a lot of awesome Hungarian canned vegetables!

The current store-bought ones are a pitiful imitation of the incredible delicacy that was produced in Hungary in the past, the 20th century. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to try them anymore, because... The state of agriculture and industry in this wonderful country now leaves much to be desired. A friend went there last year and said that everything was in decline, the fields were not sown, etc. In general, they destroyed, they destroyed, not only our country...

So, wash the apples and put them in jars

Then you need to prepare the filling.

And it’s very easy to prepare:

It took me 1.5 liters of filling for each jar. Two-liter jars.

Accordingly, I made a recalculation for the existing dishes

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 30 g rye flour (50 g is also possible)
  • 0.25 table. spoons of salt
  • 2 kg of Antonovka apples

Combine rye flour and salt in a saucepan

And pour boiling water, stirring vigorously

Then it is better to break it all up with an immersion blender so that there are no lumps.

And they will appear in any case, even if you first dissolve the rye flour in a small amount of warm water and pour boiling water over it, lumps will still remain, so a blender will help you!

Then let it sit, cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Pour this wort (filling) over the apples in jars

You need to put pressure on top. This is where your imagination comes to your aid,

I used 1 liter bottles with my favorite preparation - . Since the bottles are glass, you can’t imagine better pressure.

If you take ordinary 3-liter jars, then you can use an ordinary nylon lid as a pressure, as in. You can put additional pressure on this lid if necessary - for example, a glass jar or a half-liter plastic bottle filled with water.

It’s better to put a jar of apples in a deep cup or plate and take it out into the cold, for example onto a balcony or loggia:

If you have room, put it in the refrigerator, because... A small number of city residents have a cellar, but if they do, then bring your apples there - this is the ideal place.

The process will last 1-1.5 months, so autumn time (before frost) is quite enough.

When the soaked apples are ready, the pressure can be removed, the jars can be closed with a lid, and the apples should be stored in the same brine in a cold place: in the refrigerator or cellar.

Apples can be stored for a long time, even until summer; soaked apples in spring are especially tasty, they will be saturated with brine, become translucent, very aromatic and incredibly tasty!

This year we happily ate soaked apples right into August (but for such long-term storage you need a good cellar in the country).

The recipe for pickled apples in jars will allow anyone who doesn’t have a cellar to make this yummy dish.

So, in a city apartment, you can also cook and enjoy vitamin-rich soaked apples all winter!

Bon appetit!

That's all for today! Have fun cooking and share your impressions in the comments.

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Many garden owners are faced with the problem of processing a large harvest of apples. One of the best ways to prepare is soaking. Pickled apples, prepared yourself, are not only a tasty snack, but also an excellent treat for the holiday table, an ingredient in salads, a side dish for meat, and a filling for pies. Preparing this delicacy does not take much time and effort, and the ingredients for the recipes can be found in almost every home.

Apple soaking process consists of converting fructose into lactic acid and alcohol. As a result of fermentation, a sour-sweet pickled taste is obtained, which is loved by both adults and children. For cooking, you will need certain varieties that are distinguished by elastic pulp, thick skin and noticeable sourness. It is best to take autumn and winter varieties: Antonovka, Bogatyr, Anis, Babushkino, Kamenichka, Borovinka. It is not advisable to take summer varieties, since due to the loose pulp they fall apart during the cooking process. Also, the fruits must meet the following criteria:

  • same average size;
  • hardness and density;
  • sour taste;
  • taken down, not dropped;
  • no red blush.

It is necessary to take fully ripe specimens that are not spoiled by diseases or pests. Before soaking, the fruits need to lie down in order to saccharify. Autumn varieties are left for 14 days, winter varieties - for 25-30.

Recipes for soaked apples

Oak barrels are considered the best containers for soaking, but in apartment conditions, preparations are made in glass jars of 3 and 10 liters, as well as in a bucket. Which recipe for soaked apples at home the housewife will choose depends on the preferences of family members. There are a lot of options.

Classic recipe in a jar

Soaked Antonovka apples at home they are excellent in glass containers. They are convenient to store even in a small apartment. To prepare you will need:

Undamaged fruits are thoroughly washed in warm running water. Cherry and currant leaves are placed at the bottom of sterilized jars, after which the entire apples are placed close to each other. After two rows, you should put the leaves back in and continue until the jar is completely filled.

To make the brine, boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it, cool to 30 degrees and pour in the apples. You need to put a weight on top so that the fruits are under water. The jars are kept warm for several days to allow the fermentation process to begin. It can be identified by the foam that appears on top. After this, the blanks are put away in a cool place for about 60 days.

Sweet apples

To make the fruits sweeter, the ingredients include malt and honey. Required:

  • fruits - 10 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • malt - 50 g;
  • water - 5 l;
  • cherry and currant leaves.

Currant leaves are placed on the bottom of the container, and the fruits are placed on top with their tails facing up. Next comes a layer of cherry leaves, and the layers are repeated until the jar is full. The load is placed on top.

For the brine salt, honey and malt are dissolved in warm water. Instead of malt, you can take 75 grams of rye flour. When the liquid has cooled, it is poured onto the apples without removing the weight. Pickled apples are ready in a month and a half.

The optimal mode for storing them is: +15 - +18 degrees.

Sour apples with sauerkraut They will be an excellent addition to fried potatoes, as well as a snack for strong alcoholic drinks. To prepare such a treat, you will need the simplest ingredients:

  • apples - 3 kg;
  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 80 g.

Thinly shredded cabbage and grated carrots are sprinkled with salt and sugar and stirred until the juice is released. A layer of cabbage is placed at the bottom of the container, then fruit. Repeat layers until jar is full. There should be cabbage on top. Vegetable juice is poured into a jar. If it is not enough, then you should prepare the brine at the rate of one tablespoon of salt and sugar per 1 liter of water.

The workpiece is kept in the room for several days to ferment, then put away in the cold. The result can be assessed after 30 days.

With added mustard

Simple recipe for soaked apples for the winter with mustard added It will appeal to those who love savory snacks.


  • fruits - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • malt - 50 g;
  • mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5 l;
  • currant and cherry leaves.

Leaves and mustard are placed in jars, then apples are laid out in layers close to each other. You need to prepare a brine from salt, sugar and water, add malt into it and soak the fruits so that they are covered by about 5 cm. You must put a weight on top.

For a week, the workpieces need to be soaked at a temperature of 20 degrees, periodically adding water. Then the containers are transferred to a cellar or other cold place. You can eat soaked fruits after two months.

Recipe with lingonberries

Many housewives know how to soak Antonovka apples for the winter, but there are a lot of recipe options, so you can always learn something new for yourself . Apples with lingonberries They will be an excellent snack and will appeal to all family members.


The bottom of the container is lined with grape leaves, and apples are laid on top with the stems facing up. The layers are repeated, sprinkling each layer with lingonberries. The leaves should be on top, and pressure is placed on them. To make the brine, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Pour the cooled liquid over the apples and set the pressure. You need to ferment apples for ten days in a warm place. When the foam rises, the container is sealed and taken to the cellar.

Workpiece in a bucket

In a city apartment, it is impossible to ferment apples for the winter in a barrel, but preparing them in a bucket is quite feasible. An ordinary enamel bucket with a volume of 10 liters without rust or chips is suitable for this. The dishes should be thoroughly washed with boiling water and soda and rinsed in plenty of running water. The recipe for soaked apples in a bucket can include a variety of ingredients. For example, you can cook the fruits with honey.

  • apples - 6 kg;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3 l.

Prepared and thoroughly washed apples are placed tightly in a bucket with their tails facing up. To make the brine, dissolve salt and honey in hot water and, after cooling the liquid, pour it onto the fruit. It should be remembered that the temperature of the water in which honey is placed should not be higher than 40 degrees.

After filling the fruit with brine, a weight is placed on top, which can be a wooden circle of the required diameter, a plate or a lid. The product ferments in a warm place for two weeks., add liquid as needed. The finished snack is stored on the balcony or in another cool room.

Attention, TODAY only!

Soaked apples - what could be simpler. You stack the apples, fill them with brine and wait... But not everything is as simple as it seems. Therefore, I offer this proven recipe for homemade apples. I inherited it from my grandmother.

Apples prepared using it turn out very tasty and firm. They crisp like fresh. Making such a preparation for the winter is not at all difficult, and they are usually eaten very quickly. Although, in a good cellar they can be stored until spring. And the most important thing is that most of the vitamins in soaked apples are preserved, and therefore their benefits to the body are undoubted.

To prepare pickled apples at home, we will need:

— Strong, blemish-free fruits of apples of any sour variety (we mercilessly reject soft, spoiled or sweet fruits).

For the brine:

— Water 10 liters

— Granulated sugar – 300 grams (or honey)

— Table salt – 150 grams

— Malt wort

Some people are intimidated by the unfamiliar ingredient wort; in fact, the recipe for its preparation is very simple.

— Stir 100 grams of malt in 1 liter of water and boil the resulting mixture, leave for a day, and then add to the brine.

If you couldn't find malt, don't worry. In this homemade recipe, it can be replaced with rye flour or dry kvass. 100 grams will be enough.

To ensure that apples have a pleasant honey aroma and aftertaste, I recommend partially replacing sugar with honey, calculating 120 grams of honey instead of 100 grams of sugar.

And, of course, to prepare soaked apples for the winter, we will need a container in which we will soak them. You can, of course, simply prepare apples in glass containers - jars. But, it is best to use small wooden barrels for soaking, which must be steamed in advance and lined with finely chopped straw scalded with boiling water. If you haven’t found straw, then you can add blackcurrant and cherry leaves to the bottom of the barrel, which will add additional flavor to our winter harvest.

She talked more about preparing for soaking apples. But now that we have everything we need at hand, preparing soaked apples will not be difficult.

We begin preparation by filling the prepared containers with washed apples, each layer layered with straw or leaves of fruit trees; the top layer must be leaves.

We fill our preparations with prepared brine ahead of time.

To start fermentation, keep the apples for 8 to 10 days at room temperature.

Do not be alarmed by the foam that will rise above the pickling jars during this period. After the foam stops rising, glass jars or barrels can be topped up with brine and: the jars can be rolled up, and the barrels can be covered. I usually cover wooden barrels with thick cellophane soaked in alcohol (for a tight fit to the edges of the barrel) and tie it with twine.

Now, soaked apples can be placed in a cold place with a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees.

Our apples need to salt and urinate in the cellar for another month. Usually my household can’t wait for everyone’s favorite soaked apples to be ready. Thank you grandma for such a delicious and healthy homemade recipe.

Apples Antonovka They are not exactly a type of apple. They can rather be called their “varietal type”. It has a large number of varieties - ordinary, gray, “Golden Monk”, steppe, flat, etc. With its help, new apple varieties were developed - “Moskovskie”, “Imbrus”, “Bogatyr” and many others.

Antonovka apple variety“Ordinary” is a fruit of folk selection. The tree is quite tall. It can reach a height of about 5-6 meters. Its crown is round and irregular in shape. The plant begins to bear fruit only at 7-8 years. However, the harvests are immediately rich. The tree needs cross-pollination to produce large and medium-sized fruits. Basically, the fruits are set on the central flowers and have a cup-like or flat-round shape. Their color is greenish, and during storage it can change to straw yellow. The fruit pulp is aromatic, granular, yellowish, juicy. For storage, fruits are harvested at the end of September.