Open bank of Unified State Exam assignments in social studies. What is an open exam bank and how to use it

An updated version of the task bank for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam has appeared on the official website of FIPI. This is a really big event, and now we will tell you why.

What's special about this task bank?

The FIPI task bank has one very significant difference from any other site where you will be offered to prepare for the Unified State Exam online - ALL TASKS WERE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORS OF THE USE. You must understand that only on this site you will be able to solve test questions invented by the creators of real exam tasks, which means that they will be as close as possible to what will be tested in the summer at the Unified State Exam.

How does the new FIPI task bank differ from the old one?

Indeed, the task bank on the FIPI website is far from new. It has existed for many years and is updated annually, adding new test questions (by the way, the old version of the task bank is also on the website). The new version of the task bank is unique to FIPI in that it is much more user-friendly. The new format involves entering the correct answer online and instantly receiving the result. Agree - convenient! Now you can independently prepare for the Unified State Exam directly on the FIPI website and see clear results.

And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the new bank of Unified State Exam tasks from FIPI in subjects (tasks in basic mathematics and the Cathay language are not yet in the new bank).

All graduates face one difficult task - to pass the final exam with dignity, which is not only an opportunity to receive a certificate of complete secondary education, but also allows them to continue studying at the chosen educational institution in order to obtain the desired profession and then do what they love.

For more successful preparation for the exam, an open bank of tasks for the Unified State Exam has been created. Who is it for? What tasks can you find in it? And how to use this bank?

The bank contains exam questions from previous years and tasks similar to those that may appear in tests. The bank is not something stable or frozen - it is constantly replenished with tasks, so the guys always have something to work on and additionally check the quality of their preparation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation plans to compile Unified State Examination and General Examination tests from tasks available in the bank. At first, only part of the testing materials will consist of these tasks. But in the future they plan to completely compose them. This means that, having completed those suggested in the open bank, having trained, having filled your hand, you can no longer doubt future success. At the very least, they will definitely be one hundred percent ready for the test, since some of them are guaranteed to be caught.

An open bank of tasks allows you to prepare not only for passing the final exam, but also to better assimilate new material studied during the school year, work on gaps in knowledge, and seriously prepare for intermediate certification and Olympiads at various levels.

Who has access to tasks posted in the open bank? Anyone who wants. You can work through them on your own, with a teacher; teachers use them to prepare students for exams.

The tasks in this bank are collected in all subjects that graduates can choose to take. Moreover, the tasks are not arranged chaotically, but by type and section. Therefore, it is easy to find a subject of interest, then a section and select tasks of interest that you would like to work on. Thanks to this set of tasks, the graduate understands which sections and topics he has already mastered and which he has not. And thus there are no missed topics, everything is worked out.

It is possible to postpone tasks of interest and then print them.

You can even see how many tasks there are in an open bank for a particular section.

But there are no answers to the tasks or a detailed explanation of the logic behind their solution in the Open Bank. This creates certain serious difficulties. If you can’t do it yourself, then how to deal with the problem that has arisen? Who will help? It turns out that if the teacher does not take such tasks to solve in class, the future graduate will have to hire a tutor or attend courses or electives where they understand them.

Despite this, the creation of an Open Bank, which is constantly updated with new tasks, is an excellent opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam. Parents can monitor their child’s preparation by offering to solve tasks from different topics. If you managed it, you’re ready; if you don’t, then you need to take urgent action. But now the child and parents know exactly what topics they need to work hard on. After all, tutors always like to start from the very beginning of the course in the subject, and why waste time and money if parents have already figured out the problematic sections.

Parents have the opportunity to check the quality of the tutor’s work in the same way: no matter how he convinces that the child is prepared for the final test, the most honest confirmation of this will be confident solutions to tasks from the Open Bank, which you can easily find on the FIPI website: http:/ /

To provide information support for the general state exam OGE in grade 9, there are several official websites that provide data for teachers, graduates and their parents.

Official websites of the OGE 2019 - grade 9 - FIPI website (open task bank, CMM demo versions) - official information portal of the OGE (here you can find out the results of the OGE, schedule, news) - official website of Rosobrnadzor.

The results of the OGE (GIA 9) can be found on regional websites. You can find them on the official information support website by clicking on the link Your region (see picture)

The easiest way to get acquainted with the results of the OGE is to visit your own school, where the exam results are received.

Each student is required to sign at his school indicating that he is familiar with the exam results.

To prepare for the OGE, the main site is FIPI.

To understand how to perform the exam work, you should first familiarize yourself with the demonstration versions of control measuring materials (CMM) of the OGE in this year’s subjects. Demo versions will help you get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

In addition, the demo version contains criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the answer. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the OGE.

Also on the FIPI website there is an invaluable thing - an open bank of OGE tasks. The bank contains a large number of tasks used in compiling versions of the OGE KIM for all academic subjects. It can be used to independently prepare for the OGE. This will greatly help students navigate the exam material and practice completing standard tasks.

Among sentences 3–10, find a complex sentence with heterogeneous (parallel) subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Fedya studied at a new school. (2) His old house was scrapped, and there, in the yard, his dovecote remained.

– (10) Hey, guy! Clean up your dovecote! (11) Tomorrow we will dig a pit.

(12) Fyodor looked numbly at the ruins of the wooden house. (13) That's all. (14) There won’t even be pigeons. (15) He began to release the tamed birds, but not in the same way as always: he took each pigeon, stroked it on the head and threw it up. (16) The birds flapped their wings and were eager to fly out in a flock, as they were accustomed to, but he let them in one by one, saying goodbye to each one.

(17) Birds flew in the clear autumn sky, and Fyodor slowly and busily collected shavings. (18) It dried out during the clear and dry days, pricked, rustled in the hands, emitting a soft smell of wood.

(19) It began to get dark, and in the darkness the pigeons themselves return to the dovecote, but this time they should not return.

(20) Fyodor went upstairs and looked around the old village. (21) He was no longer there. (22) Several barracks leaned askew along the edges of a huge black square. (23) Where people lived. (24) Where there was a dusty road. (25) Only the dovecote remains.

(26) The boy slammed the lid of the dovecote, slowly struck a match, brought it to a pile of shavings and went down from the dovecote.

(27) The flame rushed upward with a meter-long tongue, and immediately the partitions and dry logs crackled.

(28) Fyodor raised his head: the pigeons were rushing around as if nothing had happened.

(29) He turned and ran.

(30) There weren’t many people at the stop, but he climbed out of line, without seeing anyone. (31) Standing on the back platform and pressing his forehead against the glass, he tried to look at the gray and calm asphalt. (32) But I couldn’t resist. (33) Against his will, his eyes looked into the sky. (34) The pigeons circled, not suspecting trouble. (35) And Fyodor could not stand it - he rushed to the door and began pounding like crazy.

“(36) Driver,” someone shouted, “stop, the boy missed his stop!”

(37) The trolleybus obediently slowed down, the door swung open with a hiss, Fyodor jumped out, caught his foot on the threshold, fell onto the road and hit his knee. (38) A sharp pain pierced him, and he seemed to wake up.

(39) Pigeons! (40) Is it possible to throw them? (41) Did he have such a right? (42) Someone there said, some sage: we are responsible for those we have tamed. (43) He is responsible for the pigeons.

(44) Fyodor ran up to the dovecote, engulfed in high flames. (45) A dense twilight fell, and in the darkness, near the dancing tongues of fire, maddened pigeons darted about like silent shadows.

(46) Fyodor silently raised his hands. (47) His figure cast a huge shadow on the ground, he noticed it, turning around, and strength poured into him - he seemed big and strong. (48) The pigeons recognized him, fluttered above his head, sat on his shoulders, he took them, cooing, alarmed, and hid them under his jacket, in his bosom.

(According to A. Likhanov) *

* Likhanov Albert Anatolyevich (born in 1935) is a modern children’s and youth writer, journalist and public figure..

(3) Something has closed in Fyodor. (4) My head was empty. (5) In class, when they picked him up, he stood up, confused, not knowing what to say, and the guys already started giggling at him, immediately coming up with the nickname Gloomy Burcheev. (6) But Fyodor did not seem to hear this either. (7) His body seemed to have lost the ability to sense, and his soul to feel. (8) After classes, he got on the bus and went to the old district.

(9) On one of these visits, an excavator operator loading crushed stone into a dump truck shouted to Fedor:

– (10) Hey, guy! Clean up your dovecote!

For-me-the-one-time word “crash” in the sentence 37 sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral si-no-ni -mom. Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.


The once-speaking word “rumble-null-sia” in sentence 37 is replaced by sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral si-no-ni -mom “fell.”

Answer: fell.

Answer: fell

1. Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment, revealing the meaning of the statement of the scientist L. T. Gri-go-ryan : “In a complex sentence, different signs of pre-pi-na-niya are used because each of them indicates special meaningful relations between the parts.” Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, giving 2 (two) examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text. For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie . You can write a work in a scientific or pub- lic style, covering a topic in a linguistic style ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start with the words of L. T. Gri-go-ryan. The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words. Work, on-pi-san-naya without relying on the pro-read text (not according to the given text), does not evaluate. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any If there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase from the text: “Someone said there, some sage: we are from for those who are pri-ru-chi-li.” Pri-ve-di-te in the co-chi-ne-nii 2 (two) ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, confirming-waiting for yours judgments. For example, indicate the number of the required clauses or use the qi-ti-ro-va-nie . The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any If there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. What is your understanding of the word DOB-RO-TA? Form and pro-com-men-ti-ruy the definition given by you. On-pi-shi-te so-chi-ne-ras-judgment on the topic “What is good-ro-ta”, taking as the te-zi-sa given by you definition. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-those 2 (two) examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming-waiting for your reasoning -de-niya: one example-ar-gu-ment pri-ve-di-te from pro-chi-tan-no-go text, and the second - from your life -no experience. The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any If there were no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such work is rated with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1. Grammar means play an important role in the text. They help to formalize our thoughts and thereby convey their essence. The signs of pre-pi-na-niya also belong to grammatical means. The well-known scientist L. T. Gri-go-ryan has a special significance for the knowledge of pre-pi-na-niya in the world of demons pre-position: “In be-union complex pre-positions, different signs of pre-pi-na-niya are used “The fact that each of them points to special meaningful relations between the parts.”

In the pre-lo-zhe-niya 27 pri-ve-den-no-go text-sta Al-ber-ta Li-ha-no-va (The flame of the ditch-moose up with a met-ro-tongue, immediately behind the cracking pe-re-go-ro-ki and dry logs.) the fifth point indicates the border of the parts of the community . In the preposition 47 (His figure cast a huge shadow on the ground, he noticed it, turning around, and the force influenced fell into him - he seemed big and strong.) between the parts of the demon-union of the use-of-use- there is a dash, which indicates the meaning of a consequence - one event follows another, appears logically beyond the previous one.

Thus, we were able to confirm with examples from the text that the signs of pre-pi-na-niya in the be-s-union pre-lo-zhe -they indicate special semantic relations between the parts, which means the expression of L. T. Grie -go-ryan is justified-yes-but.

2. In the text of Al-ber-ta Li-ha-no-va, the author turns us to a well-known aphorism from the fairy tale Ek-zyu-pe- ri: “We are responsible for those whom we have killed.” This phrase sums up the hero’s thoughts about his journey to the people he loved, for whom uha-lived, who paid him in return with affection and love.

At first Fyodor was very worried when he had to leave his go-lu-bes in the old house, but he continued to see them stung, coming to his go-lu-bye. The real test fell on the boy when he decided to burn the go-lu-byat so that the go-lu-bi would not return. Let's go to the old place. Then he truly understood that to abandon the go-lu-bey means to betray them. That's why Fyodor returns and tries to protect them from the fire. Feeling responsible to those who trusted him, he feels an increase in strength in him, which means he obliges for-tel-but whatever comes, it will find a way out.

The feeling of responsibility is not present for everyone. In the boy Fyodor this is a feeling of sfor-mi-ro-va-but, which means he will grow up to be a real person, someone -ry is not afraid to be responsible for his actions, and if he is beaten, then take responsibility for others. gee.

3. Goodness is one of the most valuable human qualities, the manifestation of which poses judge the true value of a person. Kindness is the ability to co-re-live, the desire to come to help, selfless service to people.

In the text of Al-ber-ta Li-ha-no-va, the author turns us to the well-known aphorism from the fairy tale Ek-zyu-pe-ri: “We are responsible for those whom we have killed.” This phrase sums up the hero’s thoughts about his journey to the people he loved, for whom uha-lived, who paid him in return with affection and love. Leaving them to die without a word is like betraying them. Kindness, kindness, a big soul, a lazy little boy.

Goodness will not allow you to pass by someone else’s pain, someone else’s misfortune. In our region we have a very active campaign “Tsve-tik-se-mi-tsve-tik”. During this action, funds are raised for the treatment of sick children. Several hundred little pa-ci-en-ts of the most difficult children's hospitals have been returned to a full-valuable life. -go-yes-rya of this action. Thank you to all unequal-hearted people, people who unnoticed do good.

Someone famous said: “Goodness doesn’t need justification.” And, most likely, this is right. Good can only be unselfish, otherwise it will cease to be good.

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 36AB75

Relevance: Used in the current year’s OGE


A complex sentence with heterogeneous (parallel) subordination of subordinate clauses must, firstly, be complex, that is, have subordinating conjunctions; secondly, it is necessary that the subordinate clauses answer different questions, this is precisely the main feature of parallel subordination; thirdly, there must be at least three basics.

Proposition 5 meets all these conditions.

[In class, (when he raised), he got up, confused, not knowing], (what say), and the guys already started giggling at him, immediately coming up with the nickname Gloomy Burcheev.

Simple sentences within a complex sentence (CS) are highlighted in brackets, with the stem in italics.

Answer: 5

Answer: 5

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 36AB75

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year

Among sentences 18-28, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(2) One day Voronin called Chuyanov.

- (3) Trouble! - he said. – (4) In the morning one bastard turned out of the clouds

and dumped a half-ton land mine right... right at the plant, where, you know, how many people had gathered.

(5) The dead were buried, the wounded were taken to hospitals, but a girl remained in the dead plant building - Nina Petrunina. (6) Alive! (7) But there is no strength to pull her out. (8) Her legs were crushed by the wall, and the wall was barely holding on. (9) It seems that if you breathe a little on it, it will collapse at once. (10) Seventeen years. (11) I want to live. (12) Beautiful... the girl is too beautiful!

- (13) We need to save! - Chuyanov shouted. – (14) By all means. (15) I'll come myself. (16) Now.

(17) People were already accustomed to death then, and it would seem that they would have another one? (18) But the city erupted, Nina’s name became known to everyone, and there were no indifferent people. (19) Everywhere you went you heard:

- (20) How is our Nina? (21) Will they save me... woe!

(22) Doesn’t it happen that the fate of one person, hitherto unknown to anyone, suddenly becomes the focus of universal compassion, and many people anxiously follow the fate of others, which worries them and in which the fate of many is sometimes expressed.

(23) Chuyanov has arrived. (24) Voronin shouted to him from afar:

– (25) Don’t come close! (26) The wall is about to collapse...

(27) Nina Petrunina lay calmly, and until the end of his life Chuyanov did not forget her beautiful face, the fan of her golden hair, and the girl’s legs, already crushed, rested under the huge and multi-ton mass of the dilapidated factory wall, which was barely holding on. (28) Nina’s mother was also sitting here.

(29) Chuyanov only touched her shoulder with his fingers and said:

- (30) They’ll come now... they’ll give me an injection so that I don’t suffer.

(31) They fed Nina, gave her painkilling injections all the time, and from time to time she asked:

- (32) When, well, when will you save me?..

(33) Volunteers appeared - soldiers from the garrison.

“(34) Guys,” Chuyanov told them, “whatever you want, but we need to get the girl out.” (35) I won’t promise you any orders, but you will have lunch in the regional committee canteen... (36) Help me out!

(37) It would be better for me not to say what the eyewitnesses said: “The deadly work continued for six days. (38) The fighters carefully knocked brick by brick out of the wall and immediately put supports in place of each knocked brick.” (39) Brick by brick - injection by injection. (40) Finally, Nina was pulled out from under the destroyed wall.

(41) Probably, the long-standing and natural property of the Russian people was affected - to empathize and sympathize with the grief of others; This is a wonderful quality of the Russian people, now almost lost and squandered in their mass egoism. (42) Then this quality was still alive, and it warmed people’s souls more than once... (43) Think: after all, these volunteer soldiers from the Stalingrad garrison understood that, saving Nina, every second they could be buried with her under a landslide walls!

(According to V. Pikul) *

* Pikul Valentin Savvich (1928–1990) - Soviet writer, author of numerous works of fiction.

(1) Stalingrad was mercilessly bombed day and night.

Replace the colloquial word “at once” in sentence 9 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


We replace the colloquial word “at once” in sentence 9 with a stylistically neutral synonym “instantly” or “immediately”.

Answer: instantly or immediately.

Answer: instantly

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year

1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I. B. Golub: “Incomplete sentences, having a bright expressive coloring, can successfully compete with complete sentences.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of I. B. Golub. The essay must be at least 70 words. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase from the text: “Probably, the long-standing and natural property of the Russian people - to empathize and sympathize with the grief of others ...” Include in your essay 2 (two) arguments from the text you read that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is kindness”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1. An incomplete sentence is one in which any member of the sentence is missing. In a speech situation, especially often in colloquial speech, there is not always a need to use “extra” words; speech is shortened, but at the same time its imagery is not lost, and is often enhanced. The famous linguist I.B. Golub says about this: “Incomplete sentences, having a bright expressive coloring, can successfully compete with complete sentences.”

Let's confirm the statement with examples from Valentin Pikul's text. In sentences 13-16 ((13) We must save! - shouted Chuyanov. - (14) At all costs. (15) I will come myself. (16) Now.) sentences numbered 14 and 16 are incomplete. In sentence 14 the predicate “must be saved” is missing, in sentence 16 the predicate “I will come” is missing. The use of missing predicates would deprive the hero’s speech of emotion - without them, the phrases sound clear, concise, creating a feeling of confidence that Chuyanov knows what he is saying, and Nina will definitely be saved.

The above examples confirm the correctness of I. B. Golub’s statement that incomplete sentences may well be a means of verbal expressiveness.

2. “Probably, the long-standing and natural property of the Russian people was affected - to empathize and sympathize with the grief of others...” - words filled with great humanism, faith in the Russian national character. Indeed, this has been the custom in Rus' since ancient times: to cope with troubles as a whole, to rush to the aid of one’s neighbor.

People who didn’t even know Nina at all showed empathy and complicity in her fate, because these are natural manifestations of humanity.

A person should have compassion and a desire to help - important manifestations of kindness. When we do good, life around us becomes brighter, which is why the increase in goodness is always rewarded a hundredfold.

3. Kindness is one of the most valuable human qualities, the manifestation of which allows us to judge the true value of a person. Kindness is the ability to empathize, the desire to help, selfless service to people.

In the text by Valentin Pikul we find confirmation of the above words. The volunteer soldiers were ready to sacrifice themselves to save the girl Nina from the rubble, although “they understood that by saving Nina, every second they could be buried with her under the collapse of the wall!” Isn't this an example of great compassion and kindness?

Kindness will not allow you to pass by someone else's pain, someone else's misfortune. In our region we have a permanent “Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​campaign. During this event, funds are raised for the treatment of sick children. Several hundred young patients in the most difficult departments of children's hospitals were returned to a full life thanks to this action. Thanks to all caring people, people who quietly do good.

Someone famous said: “Good does not need justification.” And that's probably right. Good can only be selfless, otherwise it will cease to be good.

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 457E2C

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year


Proposition 22 meets all these conditions.

[ 1 Doesn’t it happen like this], (2 that the fate of one person, hitherto unknown to anyone, suddenly becomes the focus of universal compassion), and [ 3 many people anxiously watch someone else’s fate], (4 which worries them) and (5 in which the fate of many is sometimes expressed.)

Of the five available simple sentences, sentences 4 and 5, dependent on the word, will be homogeneous in relation to the main one fate in the main sentence. They both answer the question what fate? and between them, as with homogeneous members connected by the union And, a comma is not placed!

Answer: 22

Answer: 22

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 457E2C

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year

Among sentences 44–50, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

- (1) Mash, Mash, we chose a new girl...

– (2) Where did you choose? - (3) She’s been in the squad for a week now, but everything is “new”...

– (4) Participate in a beauty contest! - (5) Ingenuous, joyful Gerka presented me with the news like a cake on a platter.

(6) I grabbed my heart and looked at Romka standing next to me.

- (7) Roma... (8) Why are you doing this?

- (9) Serves her right! (10) Let it not be asked!

(11) I rushed to Antonina Markovna and Oleg.

- (12) Well, how could you let that happen? (13)Where were you looking?

- (14) Masha, I don’t understand... - Antonina Markovna was confused. - (15) At the planning meeting they said to choose one girl from the squad, that this is the main competition...

- (16) That's it!

- (17) We began to choose, and they all chorused: (18) “Alena, Alena! (19) She is the most beautiful!” (20) I wouldn’t say so, but since they think so...

(21) I vividly imagined how they scream, what malicious, evil eyes they have. (22) Almost all of our squad are old-timers, they know what a beauty contest is! (23) Even if you are thrice beautiful, you will not be able to complete a single task without the support of a squad and spectacular performances. (24) But she’s the only one who can stand on stage, and she’s the only one who receives the shame, whistling and hooting from the audience. (25) He will immediately become famous throughout the camp! (26) Like the “coolest” girl or like the most... you know.

– (27) If a participant does not have support, she will look... well, like a complete fool! (28) Do you think our people will support her? (29) They framed the girl!

- (30) But, Masha, she agreed herself! (31) She was silent for a minute, looked at everyone in turn and said calmly: “I agree.”

(32) I can imagine with what eyes she “looked at everyone”! (33) But I could have refused! (34) Easily! (35) But she understood everything, proud girl Alena Akinirova, and out of spite she did not refuse them.

“(36) So, so,” I said decisively. - (37) It’s clear that we won’t get help from the guys - they will harm her in every possible way. (38) Therefore, we must make every effort to help a person.

“(39) Yes, Masha,” Antonina Markovna said obediently.

“(40) Okay, Mash,” Oleg nodded seriously.

(41) Peonies were slowly wilting in a glass jar on the table.

“(42) She probably thinks she’s so irresistible,” the girls giggled, “she’ll go on stage and conquer everyone with her beauty!”

- (43) Everyone gets in right away and gives her first place!

“(44) She doesn’t think anything like that,” Vaska suddenly stood up for Alyonka. - (45) And in general... (46) Maybe she doesn’t even know that she needs to prepare a number, and a dance, and a support group? (47) This is her first time at the camp.

(51) But to appoint another means to support the boycott.

(52) Then suddenly Alyonka’s eyes filled with tears, and she said angrily, defiantly:

- (53) Do you think I can’t cope without them? (54) It’s very necessary! (55) I can cope without them! (56) You'll see.

(57) And I realized: I have to cope at all costs.

(According to Mikheeva T.) *

* Mikheeva Tamara (born in 1979) is a modern writer, winner of literary awards.

(44) She doesn’t think anything like that,” Vaska suddenly stood up for Alyonka. - (45) And in general... (46) Maybe she doesn’t even know that she needs to prepare a number, and a dance, and a support group? (47) This is her first time at the camp.

(48) After this overheard conversation, I tried to explain to Alyonka what the beauty contest in our camp was, what was required of her, but she listened impatiently and absent-mindedly and finally said:

- (49) Masha, do you want to appoint someone else? (50) Well, please, I don’t care...

For-me-the-one-time word “cool-naya” in the sentence 26 st-li-sti-che-ski neutral-si-no-nim . Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.


The once-speaking word “cool-naya” in sentence 26 is replaced by sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral si-no-nim “personal” or “best”. Following the rules of the ra-zo-va-niya of the degrees of comparison of the names of the pri-la-ga-tel-nyh, of course, we remember that the word “most” is used in conjunction with a qualitative approximation for the formation of pre- ascending degree: the strongest, fastest, smartest, and “best” is already a form of superior ascending degree. But, on the other hand, the word “the best” does not hurt the ear, it is perceived as correct . That's what they say, that's what they write. It’s impossible to talk about a thread in the absence of a literate language.

So, D.N. Usha-kov ( and S.I. Ozhe-gov (Dictionary of the Russian language / edited by corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedo-voi. - Russian language, 1985.) in its dictionary articles va-ri-ant “the best.”

In this case, you can certainly use the si-no-name “best” in the given situation. yes-nii. We consider it possible to add this va-ri-an-ta from-ve-ta.

Answer: personal|good|best.

Answer: excellent|good|best

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 8CE506

Relevance: Corresponds to the demo version of the current year

Irina Tolmacheva 15.12.2015 18:04

But then there will be a grammatical error in the sentence: THE BEST.

Tatyana Yudina

I agree with you. In fact, they say “The best day ever...”, but this is not true. I don't know if this subtlety will be taken into account in the exam. And it will be terrible if they have the word “best” in their answers...

Replaced with "excellent".

Svetlana Guryanova 20.01.2016 11:38

But “the most excellent” also sounds extremely strange!!

Tatyana Yudina

Offer options.

Alexandra Polyakova 03.06.2016 14:56

The text talks about a beauty contest and the fact that the guys didn’t want to help, but the girl dreamed of winning. They laughed at me: “Let’s see how cool you are.” “Best” fits, but not quite, and “good” somehow doesn’t fit. Is not it?

Maybe I don't understand something.

Tatiana Statsenko

Unfortunately, FIPI variants often contain ambiguous, ambiguous questions. I just agree with you: “best” in this case is more suitable, especially since the respected dictionary authors D.N. Ushakov and S.I. Ozhegov allow the option “the best” in their dictionary entries. In this case, graduates can definitely use the synonym “best.” Additions have been made to the explanations.

1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern scientist V.P. Morozov: “Exclamatory sentences always carry an emotional load.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.P. Morozov. The essay must be at least 70 words. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “And I understood: we must cope at all costs.” In your essay, provide 2 (two) arguments from the text you read, confirming your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word MUTUAL? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What is mutual assistance”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1. Signs of pre-pi-na-function-tsi-o-nal-but meaning: they have generalized meanings assigned to them. An exclamatory sign at the end of a sentence can indicate how much the author cares about the co-derivative the desire for his own expression. Contemporary scientist V.P. Mo-ro-zov asserted: “Rec-cli-t-tel-l-positions always carry emotions-o- cash on-load.” Let's try to prove the validity of his statement using examples from the text of Ta-ma-ry Mi-he-e- howl.

In sentences numbered 9 - 10 (Serves her right! Let her not wonder!) exclamatory marks appear according to -for-that-pre-not-bre-the-same, not-go-to-va-niya. In prepositions 54 - 55 (It’s very necessary! I can cope without them!) The exclamatory sign carries a different semantic load: he shows the girl's degree of confidence in his abilities. In both the first and second cases, the exclamatory sign is in the preposition with a special emotionality color

Thus, using examples from the text of T. Mi-he-e-voy, we were able to confirm that an exclamation mark can carry a definitive -divided functions: indicate emotional tension.

2. Without a doubt, one of the worst human qualities is envy - a jealous attitude towards value. to other people. It is precisely because of this environment that most crimes occur in the world. The kids in the squad can't come to terms with the appearance of a person, it doesn't depend on them, but -this-mu-boy-ko-ti-ru-yut “but-ven-kuyu.” Alena definitely needs to cope with the problem. About this final lines of T. Mi-he-e-voy’s text.

Re-bya-same-sto-ki, they without a shadow of hesitation push the girl to “shame”, they even sacrifice re-pu-ta-tsi from -yes, by the way, they don’t seem to appreciate this re-pu-ta-tsi, they are driven by a herd feeling, and not a collection -ti-vism.

I don't know that it's impossible to allow the same celebration to happen, so I'm going to help Alena right -to hang out with everyone is-py-ta-ni-i-mi. Maybe then they will understand that they were wrong, thinking about the true values.

Using the example of the mutual relationship between heroes of the text, we can conclude that envy destroys our lives, because this is what you need to learn to be happy about reaching others, only in this case we can talk about a collection, and not about to the crowd, what kind of detachment appears.

3. Vza-and-mo-you-give - mutual, mutual help, you-give in any matter, support. To manifest mutual interaction, no commands or central management are needed. The person has an internal need to provide help.

The child from the group is not capable of getting back-to-hand. Meeting the same people on the same road is not the same as the enemy, because at least the enemy will not pretend to be your friend, you know what to expect from him. Such people are more terrible than an enemy, because because of their jealousy of your successes, they can be stabbed in the back at any moment. Re-bya-same-sto-ki, they without a shadow of hesitation push the girl to “shame”, they even sacrifice re-pu-ta-tsi from -yes, by the way, they don’t seem to appreciate this re-pu-ta-tsi, they are driven by a herd feeling, and not a collection -ti-vism.

In the story of B. Va-si-lye-va “And the dawns here are quiet...” and de-vush-ki-ze-nit-chi-tsy, and ka-pi-tan Vas-kov live according to we are mutually responsible for each other. I was struck by the heroism of Rita Osya-nina, who fought for Vaskov to survive, she gave her comrade a chance to stay alive, to take revenge for the dead of each other.

Analysis of means of expression.

Indicate the answer options in which the means of expressiveness of speech is an epithet.

1) Become famous throughout the entire camp!

2) I vividly imagined how they scream, what malicious, evil eyes they have.

3) Ingenuous, joyful Gerka presented me with the news like a cake on a platter.

4) It’s clear that we won’t get any help from the guys - they will harm her in every possible way.

5) And I realized: I have to cope at all costs.


2) I vividly imagined how they shout, what kind of spiteful, evil eyes.

3) Bess-hit-growth ra-dost-ny Gerka brought me the news like pie on a platter.

Answer: 23.

Answer: 23|32


A complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses must, firstly, be complex, that is, have subordinating conjunctions; secondly, it is necessary that the subordinate clauses answer the same questions and relate to one main thing as a whole or to one word in the main thing; this is precisely the main feature of homogeneous subordination; thirdly, there must be at least three basics.

Proposition 48 meets all of these conditions.

[ 1 After this overheard conversation, I tried to explain to Alyonka], (2 what a beauty contest is in our camp), (3 what is required of her), (4 but she listened impatiently and absent-mindedly and finally said)

Of the four available simple sentences, sentences 2 and 3, dependent on the word, will be homogeneous in relation to the main one explain

(2) Tchaikovsky liked this wooden house. (3) The only thing that irritated the composer was the creaky floorboards. (4) To get from the door to the piano, you had to step over five shaky floorboards. (5) From the outside it must have looked funny when the elderly composer made his way to the piano and examined the floorboards with narrowed eyes.

(6) If it was possible to pass without any of them creaking, Tchaikovsky sat down at the piano and grinned. (7) The unpleasant things are left behind, and now the amazing and cheerful things will begin: the dried-out house will begin to sing from the very first sounds of the piano. (8) Dry rafters, doors, and an old chandelier that has lost half of its crystals, similar to oak leaves, will respond to any key with the finest resonance.

(10) For some time now it began to seem to Tchaikovsky that the house had been waiting in the morning for the composer, having drunk coffee, to sit down at the piano. (11) The house was bored without sounds.

(12) Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard how, crackling, one or the other floorboard would sing, as if remembering his daytime music and snatching his favorite note from it. (13) It was also reminiscent of an orchestra before an overture, when the orchestra members tune the instruments. (14) Here and there - sometimes in the attic, sometimes in a small hall, sometimes in a glassed-in hallway - someone touched the string. (15) Tchaikovsky caught the melody in his sleep, but when he woke up in the morning, he forgot it. (16) He strained his memory and sighed: what a pity that the night tinkling of a wooden house cannot be played back now! (17) Listening to the sounds of the night, he often thought that life was passing by, but nothing had really been done yet. (18) Not once has he been able to convey that slight delight that arises from the sight of a rainbow, from the sounds of peasant girls in the thicket, from the simplest phenomena of the surrounding life.

(19) The simpler what he saw, the more difficult it was to set to music. (20) How to convey at least yesterday’s incident, when he took refuge from the pouring rain in the hut of the tracker Tikhon! (21) Fenya, Tikhon’s daughter, a girl of about fifteen, ran into the hut. (22) Raindrops were dripping from her hair. (23) Two drops hung on the tips of the small ears. (24) When the sun hit from behind a cloud, the drops in Feni’s ears sparkled like diamond earrings.

(25) But Fenya shook off the drops, it was all over, and he realized that no amount of music could convey the beauty of these fleeting drops.

(26) No, obviously, this is not given to him. (27) He never waited for inspiration. (28) He worked, worked, like a day laborer, like an ox, and inspiration was born in the work.

(29) Perhaps most of all, forests, clearings, thickets, abandoned roads, this amazing air and always a little sad Russian sunsets helped him. (30) He will not exchange these foggy dawns for any magnificent gilded sunsets of Italy. (31) He completely gave his heart to Russia - its forests and villages, outskirts, paths and songs. (32) But every day he is increasingly tormented by the inability to express all the poetry of his country. (33) He must achieve this. (34) You just need to not spare yourself.

(According to K.G. Paustovsky) *

*Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892–1968) - Russian Soviet writer, classic of Russian literature.

(6) If it was possible to pass without any of them creaking, Tchaikovsky sat down at the piano and grinned.

Replace the book expression “strained the memory” in sentence 16 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


We replace the book expression “strained the memory” in sentence 16 with a stylistically neutral synonym “remembered.”

Answer: I remembered.

Answer: remembered

As in previous periods of passing the mandatory state exam, after grade 9, a practical training service is offered on the main educational websites of the country. This system is called an open bank of tasks for passing the OGE next year. What are the features of this approach, and how to realize the full potential of the site for preparing for exams?

There are many sites dedicated to the topic of the general state exam, which students take after finishing the ninth grade. Each of them has its own characteristics and structure. But the tests that will be present at the delivery are submitted in a standard form.

Features of familiarization with tasks on educational resources

An open bank of tasks for passing the OGE is necessary so that every student understands the order and form in which the tasks are presented in the papers. This helps to cope with the psychological fear of the exam and be more thoroughly prepared.

In addition, there is a division on the site for all subjects - this makes it possible to choose your direction and strictly follow the assignments.

Sections of the site

What else is offered on the resources?

  • All exam questions are divided into subsections in the order of study.
  • For each thematic unit, several tasks are indicated to consolidate the result.
  • It is possible to check the correctness of answers.

Catalog of tasks. Operations with ordinary fractions

Thanks to this approach, each student can get acquainted in advance with what awaits him in the exam, and convenient navigation will not leave users with unnecessary questions.

System for working with tasks on the site

When you access any of the resources, you can see the standard algorithm for working with it. For example, the portals “Solve OGE”, “FIPI”, “Yandex OGE” offer detailed questions on each topic from the selected subject. You will not only solve the task, but also be able to consolidate the result by completing several similar tasks.

Catalog of tasks on the website I will solve the OGE

The open bank of OGE tasks on the FIPI website includes all sections of subjects that students of secondary schools can choose. Of course, it is planned to toughen the tasks for next year in order to test the real level of students’ knowledge.

OGE task bank at FIPI

An open bank of tasks for passing the OGE is an opportunity to better prepare for the exam, be ready for non-standard solutions and demonstrate your knowledge.

Assignment for the OGE for preparation

Considering how serious the approach to such testing will be this year, a preliminary rehearsal will not hurt.