A topic for an artist to paint a picture for inspiration. Where should an artist look for inspiration?

The question of searching for inspiration has worried and continues to worry many generations of creative people. Any poet or artist will say with confidence: without a “muse” things won’t work. But what to do if she becomes an infrequent guest in your home? How to attract and keep her?

Of course, if creativity is just your hobby, you can simply wait until your hands “itch” to create something new. But what about those professionals whose flight of fancy is the basis of their work? After all, musicians, writers, journalists with copywriters, and designers constantly have to “create” as usual, and their earnings directly depend on this.

What is inspiration, and where do you get it from?

Inspiration: what is it and what is it for?

First, let's look at the definition itself. According to the dictionaries, inspiration- this is a special state into which a person is able to enter, and the signs of which are the highest emotional uplift, a surge of energy and strength, and high creative productivity. Describing their feelings in moments of inspiration, many creators claim that they feel the state of a flow carrying you: you cannot always understand what is happening, you are not able to specifically predict the future and you are not aware of how much time has passed. That is, such a “wave” can last for five minutes, an hour, or a day, and, regardless of its duration, a person does not feel other urgent needs - the only one that remains is the need to create. You've probably heard that creative people, in a fit of inspiration, can forget about sleep, food, and not notice anyone or anything around them.

Also, in a state of creative inspiration, a person becomes very charismatic and strong, able to influence other people and lead them. Moreover, in this special condition Creators often come to various enlightenments and insights, it is unclear where the ideas came from. Most people say that in a burst of inspiration they notice the extraordinary ease of movement of images and thoughts; they become clearer and amaze with their completeness and brightness. Soul feelings intensify, become very deep and comprehensive.

Experts explain this condition by a special acceleration of all cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking. For creative people, inspiration often feels like an obsession, as if something had “found” - a person is engaged in only one art, forgetting about everything in the world, until the moment the work is completed. If a person is thinking about solving some difficult problem, inspiration can come to him in the form of an unexpected insight: how is it possible, he thought about the question for hours, could not come up with anything, and then - once - a click, and the whole picture became clear, as good as day! All the puzzles came together, and I immediately understood how to do the right thing and resolve this issue.

All these examples are given here in order to clarify one simple truth: inspiration is needed not only by creative people. Often it will not interfere with even the most routine tasks, such as sorting out documentation or putting things in order in the apartment. In fact, it is not so important what you need to do: write a poem, come up with a new business idea, prepare a presentation, or simply plan your work tasks correctly. In all these things, a breath of new strength and inspiration would not be out of place, right?

There are two opposing “camps” of inspiration theorists: some say that it must certainly come on its own, and the second - that it can and should be attracted into your life. Both versions work. And a debate on the topic “What comes first - inspiration or creative process? is as eternal as the debate about the primacy of the chicken and the egg. It is obvious that one follows the other, but how?

Fans of the first theory argue that inspiration must come first, and then you can start creating. And they try in every possible way to attract this very inspiration. We'll talk further about how they do this.

Followers of the second theory tend to think that “appetite comes with eating.” That is, we prepare a creative environment, sit down, start doing something, and the muse comes on its own, so to speak, drops by. The most interesting thing is that this method also works great in most cases!

So is it so important to find out the original source? Most likely, it is much more important to learn how to work both ways. Try it - who knows which approach will be closer to your soul?

So, we have already discussed the definition and approaches to inspiration, it’s time to move on to the “delicious” - ready-made recipes for this delicious delicacy!

Experts and the experience of many creators talk about the following ways getting inspiration:

1. Find your muse!
IN Ancient Greece it was believed that masterpieces of art were not created by human mental activity, but were a gift from the gods or muses - creatures of divine origin, nine daughters supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne. It was the muses who inspired creators to create new poems, paintings and songs, and endowed them with talent and a sense of beauty. They used to say about such gifts - “the kiss of the muse.” These divine beings inspired artists, musicians, poets, warriors, as well as people seeking life goal and lovers.

Over time, people began to call some specific, completely earthly people muses. Often their role was played by women from the creator’s circle: wife, girlfriend or lover. Such “homegrown” muses inspired men to feats, including creative ones.

In addition, not only women, but also other people: family, friends, and even casual acquaintances can inspire a person to create something new. They can very well be a huge source of inspiration in the right situation. Their possibilities are virtually limitless, their thinking can be very deep, and their characters are striking in their diversity. Therefore, experts recommend that in moments of lack of inspiration, find your own muse, and first just talk to someone.

2. Love!
Such a strong and eternal feeling as love is already capable of inspiring in itself. Surely, you have noticed that people in love sometimes begin to do things completely unusual for them before: write poetry, compose songs. Why don’t you take advantage of this advice, while not only not depriving the feeling itself of its fullness, but inevitably multiplying it and filling it with new colors.

3. The right to make mistakes
Allow yourself to make mistakes. It's not as simple as it seems in reality. And in matters of creativity, a tendency towards perfectionism can generally ruin something that, perhaps, should have become a masterpiece. Remember, not everything necessarily works out on the first try. But if you don’t do them at all, you, of course, won’t make a mistake, but you won’t experience the joy of flying either!

4. Be creative!
Allow yourself to be creative person. Even if it seems to you that you do not have enough knowledge, skills, or experience to do something. But it won’t fall on your head like snow! You just have to allow yourself to start - and who knows what prospects fate will draw for you?

5. Forward to childhood!
Very good recipe to attract inspiration is to “return” to childhood. Look at how children behave - they draw and play not to be appreciated by anyone, and they are not afraid to experiment. They just enjoy the process every moment. Why not try to follow their example?

6. Good rest
Decent work must be supported by adequate rest. Don't try to be productive 365 days a year by artificially invoking a “muse.” So you will most likely only get complete physical and nervous exhaustion. Both your imagination and your body need have a good rest, don't forget about it! It’s not bad if it is associated with a change of scenery and a complete distraction from “business”.

7. Life without rehearsals
You shouldn’t think that now you’ll just learn something, pretend, as if drawing a “draft” of life, and then you’ll start doing everything “for real.” There are no rehearsals in life - immediately start playing “seriously”, enjoying every moment. Even if it is not the most pleasant for you now, well, it will pass, and new perspectives will appear, so enjoy every moment!

8. Breathe deeply
Look how babies breathe - they inhale and exhale air as if with their whole body at once. It has been proven that full deep breathing, in contrast to the shallow breathing we are used to, helps to qualitatively change our better side both our health and life in general. There are many special practices on this topic. Try it!

9. Surround yourself with “interesting things”
To make friends with inspiration, create the right environment for it. And, as the creators joke, “suitable Thursday, Friday, etc.” Surround yourself with things that interest you, new experiences, prepare to meet your muse as if you were going on a date with your loved one - and she will certainly become a frequent guest in your home!

10. Spread your wings!
Experts say there is a direct connection between your posture and the productivity of your life. The straighter your posture, the more energetic your body becomes, and the more creative desires and thoughts you will have. Therefore, straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest - and meet the muse!

11. Chat with people you are interested in
Definitely, your surroundings should help you move, and not slow down your movement. Get inspired by talking to interesting people bright people, like-minded people, creators, adopt the experience, and then boredom will stop visiting your thoughts.

12. Create a creative environment for yourself
If you create at home, you need to have a place where you can get inspiration. Create a creative environment for yourself, decorate this place with things that can prompt new ideas and simply harmonize: for example, bright pictures, interesting stationery, etc. Look for your own, what pleases and fills you!

13. Always have a notepad with you
Even if you are not a creative writer, always carry paper and pen with you. What if, at the most seemingly inopportune moment, the muse comes knocking with a new idea? Meet it head-on and immediately take notes that you can then develop further.

14. Do what you love
Of course, it’s difficult to call inspiration into an area that makes you “sick.” It is much easier for him to manifest himself in your favorite activity. Therefore, try to do what you like, fills you and makes you happy.

15. Music to the studio!
Find it for yourself musical compositions, which will harmonize you and push you to new ideas. Perhaps it will be classical music, it contains huge potential for creative people! But it is possible that you will find something of your own in other directions - so search, listen and enjoy!

16. Yes to “frivolous” communication!
Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, we get used to dealing only with rational, serious people. Of course, this is not bad, but do not forget how much you can learn from communication on other levels - for example, with children, with pets. They will be able to transfer to you such a layer of energy that you never dreamed of!

17. Find your purpose
Many books have been written about this. Let’s not repeat ourselves, just think about what exactly could be the meaning of your activity? What should you bring to the world? If you now have specific thoughts in your head that fill you with joy, most likely you have already found your purpose! Create in this direction, and inspiration will not bypass you!

18. Start your day right
Simple recipes for every day start with a morning attitude. Smile at your reflection in the mirror. Do some light exercise. Tell yourself that today is the happiest day of your life, in which a stream of inspiration awaits you - and that’s exactly what will happen!

19. Participate in competitions
Good "instigators" creative activity Various competitions and festivals often take place. Agree, it’s much easier to get inspired to write an article to participate in a competition than to just write it down. Take advantage of this.

20. Take action!
And, of course, don't forget about action! Any impulse, even the strongest one, will fade away if you don’t start doing something. The choice is still yours: if you want, create when the muse “comes”; if you want, just sit down and start with clean slate, and she will already “connect” along the way. But don’t be idle - neither the poem nor the picture will be written by itself, without your active participation!

It seems that with the search for inspiration, the picture has become a little clearer. But the situation often arises - how to start if there is no specific idea? Where can I get it from?

We bring to your attention a number of tips for finding new ideas for creativity:

1. Travel
Unbeknownst to you, new cities and countries can throw up a lot of interesting new ideas - all you have to do is write them down and then bring them to life!

2. Create your own “piggy bank” of ideas
When a person just sets out on the path of a creator, he often asks the question: “Where do you get ideas from if nothing comes to mind?” The advice is very simple - get yourself a notebook of ideas in which you write down everything that touched you, interested you, liked you, or, conversely, outraged you. Over time, you will notice that ideas are literally in the air - you just have to reach out and take them!

3. Shake Up!
If you work on a computer, take breaks periodically. Change traditional ways of behavior - for example, if you are used to walking to work on a noisy street, leave earlier, make a short detour and walk through the park. Or take the spoon not to the right, but to left hand. Such “shake-ups” will force your right, “creative” hemisphere to work.

4. “Accidentally” get into an unfamiliar stop
Create some for yourself unusual conditions. Go to new places where you don't know anyone. Start communicating with a foreigner without knowing his language perfectly. Such non-standard situations will teach you to think and act differently, not the way you are used to.

5. Visualize
If you have a specific creative goal - for example, a book or a painting - visualize it in great detail. Let your subconscious get used to this picture - and it will definitely materialize in life!

6. Divide the elephant into parts
It’s not always possible to immediately find an idea for a huge body of work. Therefore, do not be afraid to divide all the work into many small components, which will make it much easier for you to find new ideas.

7. Study “other people’s” work
If you are an artist, go to art galleries If you are a poet, read the poems of classics and contemporaries. Such activities will not only enrich you mentally, but will also probably give you a couple of new ideas.

8. Take a break
When you feel that the process is not going well, switch off and do something else. You can do something around the house, start cleaning, for example. Or ride a bike. However, you may well come up with something of your own.

9. Switch to what you do well
A bit similar to the previous point, but not quite the same. If you can’t get your article right now, do something that you always get right. For example, knit a napkin. This way, you won’t dwell on failure - “yes, my article didn’t come out, but the napkin turned out!” — and you will still feel “good.”

10. Keep working
An important point in any business - don’t quit what you started! Yes, you can be distracted for a while, but then keep working! Remember that nothing will come without effort.

11. Remember moments of joy
Recall moments when you were happy and fulfilled. Return mentally to that state. And new ideas will definitely come to you.

12. Leave your computer and turn off your phone for a while
A large flow of information can either help in finding ideas or harm it. Sometimes give yourself a watch " pure reason", cutting off all communications with the outside world. And ideas will not keep you waiting long.

13. Read!
In fact, all successful creative people unanimously repeat: read as much as possible! Books are a source not only worldly wisdom, but also inspiration.

14. Watch good movies
Watching inspiring films will also certainly set you up for new ideas, as will good music.

15. Refer to aphorisms and quotes
Sometimes good ideas can be gleaned from thoughts and statements famous people, do not forget to use such an accessible source.

16. Do special creative exercises
In many creative directions, for example, writers have special creative techniques. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult. Why not try it?

17. Observe people, listen to them
We often underestimate such an important and accessible source of ideas as observing other people. Look how they behave, what are they talking about? Completely unexpected discoveries may await you!

18. Get ready to exercise!
And don't forget about your body. A healthy body means a healthy mind, right? That's why physical exercise will not only make your body resilient, but also refresh your mind.

19. Walk in nature
Communicating with nature will not only give you strength, but will certainly fill your soul with joy. Sometimes you will be able to notice something that you had not noticed before, and look at the issue as if from the outside. And new ideas will come.

20. Write down vivid dreams
This may seem a little strange to you, but sometimes they come in your dreams too. interesting ideas. It’s better to write them down - maybe they’ll come in handy when?

21. Keep a diary
And be sure to keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings. Believe me, this tool can become a bottomless well of ideas and inspiration for you. Even if it still seems that this is not the case.

Inspiration: how to find your way?

Now let's move on to dessert: so many tips, how to find your way? For this:

1. Taste everything
Consider these recommendations. If not all, then at least those that resonated with you the most. This way you'll understand what works for you and what doesn't, and you'll see results.

2. Be in touch with yourself
Your goal is not just to “stuff yourself” with useful things, but to find your own path to inspiration. Therefore, listen to your sensations and feelings.

3. Look for the good
Try to see more positive things around you than negative ones. Believe me, there is already enough bad, but for creativity, try to notice the good and collect it in your piggy bank.

4. Get rid of the old
Psychologists recommend periodically putting things in order “on the table and in your head.” Conduct general cleaning in the house and taking inventory of valuables in thoughts.

5. Open up to new experiences
Inspiration always brings a new impulse, something unusual, non-trivial. Therefore, try not to isolate yourself from new experiences - who knows what they will bring to you?

6. Ask yourself the question: “Who am I and why am I?”
The question is eternal and therefore interesting. Live consciously, and then many things will happen “by magic.” Proven by the experience of many.

A “muse + creator” couple who maintained a relationship for decades. However, at first no one expected such a development of events. The young fashion designer and the debutante actress met in the early 50s. Audrey came to Paris to get costumes for the new film Sabine. There was no time for thoughtful communication, and Hubert simply offered her several ready-made outfits. Already the first experience of cooperation turned out to be productive - the creators of the film “Sabrina” received their only Oscar for the costumes. Subsequently, Hubert de Givenchy worked on the image of Audrey Hepburn in the films “Funny Face”, “Love in the Afternoon”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “Charade”, “Paris When It’s Hot”, “How to Steal a Million”. The work grew into strong friendship, Hubert said that many ideas come to his mind precisely at those moments when he thinks about Audrey. He dedicated his first perfume to her. The actress reciprocated the fashion designer’s feelings and admitted that Givenchy is as important to her as a psychoanalyst is to an American.

Another classic pair of muse and artist is Catherine Deneuve and Yves Saint Laurent. The actress observed the designer’s work even before they met. She turned to him when she needed to find a dress for a truly important event - a meeting with the Queen of Great Britain. Catherine Deneuve liked the result so much that she invited Laurent to design the costumes. main character the film "Beauty of the Day", which was released a year after their first meeting. The fashion designer guessed the dual essence of the heroine - modest during the day and relaxed in the parallel world. nightlife– and reflected this in the costumes. Subsequently, Catherine Deneuve described Laurent’s work in general in a similar way - she believed that in his woman a woman could be calm and confident during the day and seductive at an evening out. The couple's friendship and collaboration continued until the death of the fashion designer. Catherine, who wore Yves Saint Laurent items both in films and in life, became the personification of femininity and sophisticated elegance.

Creative unions still happen today. For example, Lady Gaga and Nicola Formichetti found each other. Their first joint success was the Bad Romance video, after which Nikola acted as the singer’s permanent designer-stylist. He did not create the costumes himself, but skillfully selected the craziest creations of other fashion designers and combined them into costumes, contributing to notoriety Lady Gaga. They assured that they understood each other perfectly, supported and inspired. It was Gaga who encouraged the talented man to become a fashion designer. The result of this initiative can be fully appreciated later, but for now he became the creative director of Mugler and made several collections. Gaga was present at their presentation.

Start taking writing and criticism courses. Creative people need support from colleagues to inspire, comfort and support them. It is very important to leave your office, study or studio and be with other people. By surrounding yourself with others who have similar goals and challenges, you create positive synergy and are filled with fresh energy. Someone in the group will always inspire you, give you a great idea, suggest a solution to a problem, or light you up creative spark, thanks to which you will move forward.

Try creating in a different field. Creative people have many ways to express themselves. For example, you can diversify your work on intellectual projects (writing) with applied activities (making something). In this way, different parts of the brain will be activated, resulting in the formation of new neural connections. Changing activities stimulates creative thinking.

Always be working on some new project. If you're having trouble with one project, work on another. Experiment, work in different genres, try different styles, write for different audiences.

Continue to develop and learn new things throughout your life. Fill your brain fresh ideas. Attend conferences; take courses; read books about writing and artistic skill. Find out more about the arts sector. Master the new kind art. Connect with other artists who inspire you. Develop new techniques, styles and hone your craft. Invite a successful artist to dinner and learn something from him.

  • Carry a notepad and pen with you wherever you go so that you can always jot down new ideas that you can use in your writing.
  • Read a lot of books of different genres, this will help you decide what kind of book you want to write, and also give you insight into the ideas of other authors.
  • If the muse does not come, leave the house and go to it yourself. Make it a habit to have a creative date with yourself once a week. Explore bookstores, galleries, concerts thoroughly. Re-read all the books in the genre in which you write. Go on a hike. Make sketches of people in a coffee shop and eavesdrop. Inspiration is all around you. Art is usual life filled with meaning! Search in Everyday life beautiful, bold, unusual, humorous and symbolic.

    Remember that art takes time to mature. Accept that you will have periods of creative stagnation, it's like yin and yang. Sometimes something beautiful can brew within. Dream. Imagine. Give the idea time to take shape. When you come back to the studio, you will be full of fresh energy. Always remember: the spark will return.

    Share your creativity. Your creativity doesn't have to be contained between a cover or on a canvas to find its audience. Teach art, work with children, go to schools. Share creativity and connect with different audiences. Read the stories and put puppet show for preschoolers. Their smiles will make your day! You will gain deep satisfaction from sharing a part of yourself and your talent with others.

    Be original; be creative. Organize a small wine and cheese party and invite other artists and writers. Join book club or another creative club.

    Adopt Zen philosophy. While you're waiting to hear back from agents or galleries, don't get hung up. Focus on art here and now. Creative people put emotion into their creations. Separate your art and business. At this time, study the opinions of critics, the knowledge of others and apply something useful in your creativity. Continue to grow, improve and... relax.

    Listen to other people's success stories. Cheer for friends and critique course partners who have published their books, and for friends who have become picture book illustrators! And be sure to celebrate all your small successes along the way.

    Any inspiration is inspiration of beauty. Anything, any object or phenomenon can inspire a person to be creative, provided that they have harmony, symmetry and proportion.

    Here Sunbeam breaks through the foliage of a tree standing by the window and, entering the room, penetrates a glass of hot tea and everything suddenly becomes magical: the steam from the tea, the glass of the glass and a ray of sun that refracts and draws a rainbow on the table. It's simple, beautiful picture. But what could be more beautiful? nature, natural, simple things?

    You need to more often switch your thoughts from eternal thoughts about daily matters and notice the beauty around you! How a cobweb on a tree trembles and glows golden, how a yellow leaf slowly falls from it, how still green leaves rustle - any little thing can give birth in the mind to what is called inspiration.

    Beautiful too human creations, but not all kinds, but those that were created for the benefit of people, that is, belonging to the category of art, craft and science. A plate, a children's toy, a bottle of perfume, and also a painting, a novel, can be beautiful. musical opera, a discovery or technical invention made.

    Several factors distinguish the beautiful from the ugly:

    • beauty gives birth to mass positive emotions and a feeling of pleasure
    • it represents limitless space and completeness creativity man or nature,
    • embodies the idea of ​​perfection, ideal and good.

    Beauty is not only something beautiful, but also Kind. Therefore, despite the fact that the words “beauty” and “beautiful” have the same root, beautiful does not yet mean beautiful. Explosion nuclear bomb impressive and looks beautiful, but it is not beautiful, but terrible.

    – highest aesthetic value and the main positive form of being, which has its own laws:

    • harmony,
    • symmetry,
    • measures.

    What is beautiful is what is harmonious, correct, what is not too much and not too little, what is pleasing to the eye and heart.

    However, the idea of ​​beauty may vary depending on:

    • conditions, image, lifestyle of a person, his aesthetic preferences;
    • features national culture and the level of individual culture of the individual.

    Inspiration- this is a rise mental strength and mental energy observed in the process creative work. Not only representatives can’t do without it creative professions(writers, artists, musicians, actors, singers and others), but also scientists, simple workers, housewives.

    Why is everyone looking for inspiration? Why sometimes even exercise and cleaning cannot be done without inspiration? The whole point is that it seems to charge you energetically and speed up the time it takes to complete a task. The state of inspiration is to some extent similar to trance, hypnosis, it can be called an altered state of consciousness.

    Inspiration is characterized:

    • full concentration on the creative process;
    • persistently high concentration of attention;
    • the vividness of the images of memory and imagination;
    • increased interest, enthusiasm,
    • self-confidence and successful results,
    • activation of cognitive and creative abilities, skills, knowledge.
      Inspiration makes any work productive:
    • new plans, ideas, plans, goals are born;
    • a solution to the problem is found or at least its essence is clarified;
    • arise general models, basic images, “framework” for the upcoming work;
    • new or completely unique creative products appear.

    At what point or time period in the creative process is inspiration born? Many geniuses did not hide from the public the fact that their discoveries were the result of sudden insight. It was as if someone had put words or pictures into their minds, which all they had to do was write them down on paper.

    The mystery and incomprehensibility of insight was associated (and in our time this point of view also exists) with the presence of a higher, divine source of inspiration until the American psychologist G. Wallace nor developed a diagram of the creative process.

    Wallace drew conclusions about creativity based on the analysis of data obtained from introspection diaries famous geniuses and scientists.

    So, according to Wallace, the creative process consists of four stages:

    Thus, it becomes clear that inspiration and insight are not simple luck, but the result of labor, trial and error, and perseverance in solving a problem.

    Inspiration doesn't come to those who do nothing, it loves active people. Sometimes, in order to be inspired by an activity, it is enough just to start doing it, to take the first step.

    Where to look for beautiful inspiration

    To be inspired by beauty, you need to be able to notice it, and sources there are many beautiful things:

    1. Nature. Any manifestation of it is wonderful! The earth's landscapes and elements fascinate and inspire. Modern man has the opportunity to be inspired by the beauty of nature without even leaving home. Photographers around the world capture on camera and post photos and videos of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, high waves, mountains, mighty snows, oceans, northern lights and much more. Of course, direct contact with nature is also important: walking, relaxing, just observing it.
    2. Traveling and being on the road. Of course, while traveling you can see and learn a lot of new and beautiful things, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel as far as often as they would like, but every person moves around the area where he lives during the day. If you look out the window of a tram not just for the sake of it, but with the purpose of observing the world, you can see beauty in the familiar.
    3. Children. All little children are open, sincere, spontaneous, active and, in the end, just very beautiful, sweet, pure. Looking at how a child enjoys life and listening to what he says, you can find a lot of ideas for creativity.
    4. Beautiful people. Man is also a part of nature. Beautiful at heart and body, a successful, wise, experienced or simply loving and loved person can inspire to conquer any, even unrealistic, peaks.
    5. Poetry. There is harmony, harmony of thoughts and melodiousness in it.
    6. Books. Not only inspire, but also motivate and stimulate creative thinking, develop intelligence and imagination.
    7. Dancing. A way to find inspiration in the beauty of the body and its freedom, lightness, expressiveness, instinctiveness, which are as natural as any other natural phenomenon.
    8. Music and sounds. Music can change your mood, set you in the right mood, “switch” to feelings and intuition.
    9. Movies. Good film capable of inspiring as well as a book, teaching, prompting, guiding, giving self-confidence.
    10. Theater. About the impact it has on viewers live game actors were well known back in Ancient Greece. The very word “catharsis”, denoting the cleansing, ennobling effect of a work of art, appeared in Ancient Greece to designate the audience’s experience of the highest harmony of theatrical tragedy.
    11. Painting. The brightness of the colors and the play of the artist’s imagination delight and make you look at the world differently.
    12. Humor. You can be inspired by someone else's positivity and ability to take life lightly.
    13. Overcoming difficulties. By overcoming difficulties, you can discover the harmony, beauty and perfection of your own soul! Any victory, achievement, or work on yourself inspires you to develop further and become better. It is important to notice and celebrate your own achievements and how they improve your life.
    14. Target. When there is something to strive for, meaning, motive, desire, love for what you need to achieve excellence in, inspiration will not keep you waiting.
    15. Love(V in a broad sense this word). Perhaps the most beautiful of the inspiring and the most inspiring of the beautiful that can be found in the external and one’s own, inner world! Love inspires and is itself a creative process.

    For information on where else you can find inspiration and how to keep it, read the article

    Why does nature inspire writers to create and why did artists love to depict nature? The answer, of course, is quite simple, because each of us admires the sunset, flowers, looks with admiration at the sea or lake.

    Why does nature inspire writers and artists?

    For poets, writers, composers and painters, nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. And many poems, musical and works of art born out of love for her.

    The nature around us is beautiful. And when a person experiences admiration at the sight of a landscape, he involuntarily wants to convey his delight to others. Writers are better at conveying their impressions with words, artists with paints, composers with sounds. And people who listen to poetry, music or watch paintings themselves become kinder, more beautiful and better.

    All writers and poets sang nature in their works. A.S. Pushkin, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin, N. Nekrasov, A. N. Pleshcheev, A. Fet described different times years and admired them.

    Most of the paintings convey the beauty of nature. Many artists have managed to convey beautiful landscapes on their canvases. We all know the paintings of Ivan Shishkin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Isaac Levitan, Arkhip Kuindzhi and others.

    Many composers have reflected the beauty of nature in their works. These are P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, S.V. Rachmaninov, E. Grieg, M.P. Mussorgsky and others. Composers depicted nature in different ways: using onomatopoeia or by reproducing the experiences that nature awakens in them or their heroes. So the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky has musical composition“Seasons”, which consists of 12 parts - 12 months. They cannot be confused with each other. Each has its own character and color.
