Brief biography of Viktor Dragoon. Victor Dragoon biography for children

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky - great poet, writer, actor, screenwriter, songwriter, who gave many amazing works not only to adults, but also to very young readers.

The younger group of readers is a special audience, which is quite difficult to surprise, instruct and make laugh. Therefore, the Russian history of literature knows few geniuses of the pen who created works that were truly interesting for children. Among them, the personality of Viktor Dragunsky proudly stands out.

First years of life

Born talented Soviet writer Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky in 1913 in New York in an average Jewish family.

His parents were emigrants from Gomel. Victor's parents settled in the States shortly before the boy was born. Dad, Yuda Falkovich Pertsovsky, and mother, Rita Leibovna Dragunskaya, formalized their marriage in 1913, while still living in Gomel.

But the family was not destined to live long in America - the orders, mentality, and customs of the Americans turned out to be alien to the family, so the young couple with the baby in their arms returned after a short period of time to their native Gomel.

The year 1918 turned out to be tragic in the family’s biography, when Victor’s father died of typhus. Unfortunately, the boy failed to remember it. The boy’s stepfather, Ippolit Ivanovich Voitsekhovich, tried to replace the boy’s father. But his life was short - he died in 1920. In 1922, Victor’s mother met an actor from the Jewish vaudeville theater, whose name was Menachem-Mendl. Their relationship quickly became serious, and as a result, the stepfather’s baton was passed to a new man. His family accompanied him on tours. But this relationship did not last long. Eventually, Menachem Mendel left the family.


Life was not sweet for Victor and his mother. The young man had to start working early. After graduating from school, Dragunsky began working part-time at a factory as an assistant turner. Later he moved to a factory that produced horse harness. There he made blinkers for horses. But an irrepressible love for creativity took over - in 1930, while actively working part-time, Victor began periodically visiting A. Diky’s “Literary and Theater Workshops”. Having fallen in love with the stage genre, Victor first tried himself as an actor in 1935, performing at the Transport Theater, which today is called the Theatre. N.V. Gogol.

The beginning of a creative journey

In parallel with the performance on stage, Dragunsky began write humoresques and feuilletons. He was also good at coming up with sideshows, as well as circus clowning. Having become close to the circus and actors, he was even given several film roles. Feeling an irresistible interest in acting, he tried to enter the Film Actor's Theater. And they willingly accepted him there. Observing the theatrical way of life, Dragunsky came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a small amateur troupe inside the theater. So the aspiring genius of the pen became the organizer and also the leader of the ensemble of the literary and theatrical parody “Blue Bird”. This ensemble managed to exist for 10 years. As the group developed, it was replenished with actors from other Moscow theaters. So from a small one it turned into a large troupe, known in wide circles.

The entertaining parody performances were a resounding success. Thanks to this “amateur activity”, Dragunsky was invited to create new team with the same name in Mosestrad. Together with Lyudmila Davydovich Dragunsky composed the lyrics for the songs “Motor Ship” and “Three Waltzes”, which gained enormous popularity.

New creative direction

1940 opened new round V creative biography Dragunsky. It was from this year that feuilletons and funny stories by the genius of the pen began to be actively published. Later they were even collected in a collection called “Iron Character”. In parallel with funny stories, songs began to appear, as well as excellent clowning.

War and the loss of a loved one

Years Patriotic War undermined Dragunsky's positive attitude. They refused to take him to the war because he was in poor health. The death of Leonid Mikhailovich Dragunsky’s blood brother, which happened in 1943 due to a serious injury received near Kaluga, was also a blow.

But the war ended, the country began to recover after the tragic events, and Dragunsky’s pain from the loss of his brother gradually subsided.

Post-war creative period

Dragunsky felt a surge of creative energy in 1959. It was then that Dragunsky’s optimistic stories began to appear again. The works described the boy Denis Korablev and his friend Misha Slonov. The works were grouped under common name“Deniska’s Stories” (by the way, Deniska’s name was chosen for a reason - this was the name of the son of a genius of the pen). Literally in a year large editions The books “The Girl on the Ball”, “Childhood Friend” and other books in this series are published. In the 1970s, Dragunsky worked even more actively, creating masterpieces for young readers. This is how books appear Colorful stories", as well as "Adventure". The children read his stories. It was really difficult to tear yourself away from these works, because they were presented to the reader in a lightly humorous, but instructive form. With his stories and fairy tales, Dragunsky was able to instill a love of reading in thousands of children.

The motives of many stories by the master of the pen formed the basis of such famous films, like “In Secret to the Whole World,” “Captain.”

Dragunsky's talent was multifaceted. He delighted the audience of young readers with his creativity, created scripts, and wrote dramatic life stories for adults.

In 1961, his fascinating life story"He fell on the grass." In the work, Dragunsky illustrated the difficult days of the war that our defenders of the Motherland experienced. The hero of the work was a young disabled artist. He was not drafted into the army due to disability, but he still enlisted in the militia.

A wide audience of readers also appreciated the work “Today and Daily,” which was published in 1964. This work was dedicated to circus workers. The main character of the story was a clown who lived his life according to orders that contradicted the generally accepted way of life.

Personal life

Victor Dragunsky was married twice. His first legal wife was Elena Kornilova. We met her in the 1930s. The love affair ended with the registration of the marriage union. After marriage, baby Lenya appeared in the family. But this marriage was not destined to last long. As a result, the couple filed for divorce. Lenya's son had a hard time with his parents' separation. Having matured, he graduated from the university, but his love of literature took precedence over economics, which the young man initially chose. Ultimately, Leonid Kornilov became a publicist. Over the years of his life, he, like his father, published many books.

Photo: Viktor Dragunsky with his son

Dragunsky's second marriage was happy. New darling Victora became a graduate theater university Alla Semichastnova. Despite the ten-year age difference, Alla and Victor were happily married. They lived together until the end of the writer’s days. The marriage resulted in a boy, Denis, and a daughter, Ksenia.

Ksenia, having matured, also demonstrated her love for creativity. She gave the world dozens of plays and gained fame as a playwright, art critic, and also a children's prose writer.


Viktor Dragunsky died great author Novels and Stories, May 6, 1972. The cause of death was a chronic illness that tormented the pen master for many years. IN last way Dragunsky was seen off by thousands of connoisseurs of his talent. The talented poet, screenwriter, and prose writer were buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

In 1990, the songs and poetic works of Viktor Dragunsky were published by his widow Alla Dragunskaya.

The memory of Dragunsky still lives in the hearts of many people. He is remembered by those who read his fascinating, optimistic and cheerful children's stories, circus performers remember him with admiration, the generation of our parents and grandfathers still speaks of him with warmth, which they keep in their memory to this day. life films, filmed from Dragunsky’s scripts.

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Popular and beloved by many Soviet and Russian writer Victor Dragunsky was born in the United States - in New York - on November thirtieth one thousand nine hundred and thirteen in a family of Jewish emigrants from the city of Gomel.

Youth and family

The future writer’s mother, Rita Dragunskaya, and father, Yuda Pertsovsky, met in Gomel and got married there. Fearing Jewish pogroms, shortly before the birth of their son, they emigrated to the United States. However, they failed to take root in a foreign land, and in 1914 they returned to their homeland. In 1918, Victor Dragunsky, whose biography is rich tragic events, experienced the first blow - his father died of typhus.

After some time, Victor had a stepfather - Ippolit Voitsekhovich - the Red Commissioner. He died still very young in 1920. Two years later, the boy had another stepfather - theater actor Menachem Mendel Rubin. His family traveled half the country with him, accompanying him to tours. In 1925 they moved to Moscow, but this move did not bring happiness to anyone. After some time, his stepfather left the family and moved to the United States, where he became a theater director.

Aspiring actor

Victor Dragunsky, whose biography is inextricably linked with creativity,

As a seventeen-year-old boy, he became a frequent guest at Literary and Theater Workshops. Less than five years later, his acting debut took place on the stage of the Transport Theater. Today it is the N.V. Gogol Theater. It was at this time, surrounded talented people Dragunsky, whose biography is full of extraordinary transformations, became interested in literary activities.

For some time, at the same time, he worked in a circus. It should be noted that a healthy and creative atmosphere reigned in the theater. Victor was surrounded by people like him, young, talented, full of strength and the desire to work as actors. This is where the writer Dragunsky appears.

In a large acting group, where many famous stars worked, an aspiring artist could hardly count on frequent and constant employment in performances. Therefore, pretty soon the talented young man began to think about creating a small group of actors inside the theater.

"Blue Bird"

The work on creating a small studio did not take long, and very soon Dragunsky, whose biography again took a sharp turn, became the leader of a group of actors who demonstrated literary and theatrical parodies. The team was called "Blue Bird". He was destined to live from 1948 to 1958.

The “Birds” troupe was not limited to working with actors from their native theater; gradually artists from other Moscow institutions began to join it. Time passed, and the group gained popularity. They were often invited to perform at the Actor's House. Funny parodies and talented artists were a success with the public, so after some time Dragunsky was offered to create a similar group in Mosestrad, but certainly with the same name.

Viktor Dragunsky, whose biography gave him a meeting with Lyudmila Davydovich, came up with texts for the performances of the newly created troupe musical compositions. After a short time they became very popular and found their second life on the stage.

Since 1940, Dragunsky published his feuilletons and humorous stories, and in 1960 his book “Iron Character” was published, in which a short biography of Dragunsky was published for the first time. This is how readers became acquainted with the life and work of the author.

Dragunsky - children's writer

Since 1959, Viktor Yuzefovich has been writing a series of funny and funny stories about a cute boy and his friend Mishka Slonov. The entire cycle is called “Deniska’s Stories.” It is no coincidence that the name of the main character was chosen - that is the name of the writer’s son. At the center of these stories is the inquisitive and trusting Deniska and his antipode - comrade Mishka, a little inhibited and dreamy. All friends' stories are funny and dynamic.

Dragunsky - writer and screenwriter

Viktor Yuzefovich successfully worked not only for children's audiences. Unlike works for children, stories for adults focus on Special attention details and certainty of the situation. They give the works rigidity. Their drama almost always turns into serious tragedy.

Despite the fact that during the war Dragunsky was in the militia, he was always concerned military theme. In 1951, the story “He Fell in the Grass” was presented to readers. dedicated to the first the days of war and the heroes who took the blow. Main character story, despite the fact that for health reasons he was not drafted into the army, he joined the militia.

In his works, Dragunsky does not give any assessments or criticize social reality; he simply describes human characters from which the history of an entire generation can be reconstructed.

In 1964, Dragunsky, whose biography includes some experience in the circus, published the story “Today and Everyday”, main character who works in the circus. The magnificent carpet artist Nikolai Vetrov can save the weakest program, make good fees even in the smallest provincial circus, but in real life he feels awkward and uncomfortable. The story has been filmed twice.

Personal life, family

Elena Kornilova is an actress who became the writer’s first wife. She gave birth to a son, Leonid, who later graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. For a long time worked as a journalist for Izvestia and Nedelya. He became the author of such works as “Soviet Lifestyle!”, “Fairytale Power”, “Remain in Memory”, etc. Isaac Lvovich Dragunsky, the writer’s uncle, was the prosecutor of the Azov-Black Sea region. He was later shot.

The second wife of the writer was Alla Vasilievna Dragunskaya (Semichastnova). The marriage produced two children: daughter Ksenia and son Denis.

Ksenia Viktorovna Dragunskaya

In 1966, Viktor Yuzefovich and Alla Vasilievna had a daughter, Ksyusha. Today she is a famous Russian playwright, screenwriter, children's writer, and art critic. Ksenia Viktorovna is the author of plays that are staged by the most famous directors around the world. They can be viewed in academic theaters and underground basements, at student shows and in amateur studios.

The plots of her works are filled with sincerity, non-vulgar love and wonderful and subtle humor. The works of Ksenia Viktorovna are used for teaching students and training actors at the Moscow Art Theater School, RATI, VGIK, GITIS, University of Iowa (USA), at the school named after. Shchukin.

Denis Viktorovich Dragunsky

On December fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and fifty, Denis Dragunsky was born, who in childhood became the prototype of “Deniska’s Stories”. In nineteen seventy-three he graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology. Taught until 1979 Greek language at the Academy of Diplomacy. Then he became a free writer, creating scripts for films and television films.

One of the writer’s plays was performed on the stage of the Mossovet for 18 years. Denis Viktorovich wrote about 80 scientific articles and reviews, more than 400 articles on political topics. They have been translated into German, English, Japanese and Italian languages. He wrote several scripts for films based on his father's works.

Today you learned a little about what kind of person and writer Viktor Dragunsky was. The biography (a short version of it) is presented in this article.

The reaction to the word “dragoon” is the same. No one will remember about a mounted army capable of fighting on foot, the proverb “This is our field of dragoons” (option: “The dragoon is running, the earth is trembling, and when you look back, he’s lying in the mud”). “Deniska, Deniska’s stories,” their faces will part in a satisfied smile. “Vasya’s dad is good at math!..” And the most advanced ones will say with Raikin’s intonation: “Boom to change, boom!..” But here's what's strange - about famous writer Not much is known about Dragunsky.
Viktor Yuzefovich was born overseas, but spent his childhood on the Sozh River in Belarusian Gomel. My father died of typhus, my stepfather, a Red commander, died in civilian life. The writer’s widow Alla Vasilievna recalled: he “I was always the ringleader in all games. In the evenings, friends made their way to Prince Paskevich Park (without tickets, of course). There were performances there: the artists sang couplets, danced the then fashionable step dance, or simply tap dance. Victor learned verses, learned to tap dance and staged his own performances, which attracted the whole street..."
In his youth, Victor worked “buoy maker, saddler, boatman, turner. Later he was a circus clown, theater and film actor, director of the wonderful small satirical theater “Blue Bird” ... " Since the forties, he wrote sketches, feuilletons, and miniatures for the stage and arena. Dragunsky also became famous as the author of the lyrics to the music of A. Tsfasman “Three Waltzes,” famously performed by Klavdia Shulzhenko.
This cheerful, lively man lived in wonderful world. A world where transparent trolleybuses drive around, where dogs and counselors are called Lucy, where green leopards live, where the best greeting is “great!”, and the highest praise is “great!”. Grew up with Viktor Yuzefovich younger son. And this boy walking under the table had his own credo - “What I love... And what I don’t like,” to which anyone who at least once in their life would sign without hesitation “... hung on daddy’s knee like laundry on a fence, ... listened to a beetle rummaging in a box, ... grimaced in front of the mirror, as if Parsley from puppet theater and... loved horses for their beautiful, kind faces".
Well, how can you not write about such a child! And in nineteen fifty-nine the collection “He is alive and glowing...” was published. The writer didn’t have to invent anything. The father in these stories is Viktor Yuzefovich himself, and Deniska is... Deniska, who, having matured, became a successful writer, in whom it is difficult to find the features of the former boy, capable of selflessly loving "girl on the ball" and lie about "fire in the outbuilding".
Dragunsky wrote down funny songs (“ Enchanted letter”, “Tell me about Singapore”), sometimes not very much (“The Ancient Mariner”), and sometimes even sad monologues and reflections of Deniska (“The Man with a Blue Face”). Of course, there was enough fiction in the stories, but cases with « chicken broth» or "knights" could very well have happened.
As already mentioned, Dragunsky changed many occupations. During the war he was a militia member. The hero of the “adult” story “He Fell on the Grass” clearly less years than a writer. But Mitya Korolev felt and worried like the author himself. Both had a chance to be under “with the cold-blooded fire of the Krauts and experience how a friend dies, how his “living human belly” grows cold...”
Dragunsky was also a clown. Red! In Nikolai Vetrov from “Today and Daily” one can also find traits of Viktor Yuzefovich. The main spectators for circus performers have always been children: “Not a single day without work for children!”
And Viktor Yuzefovich worked for them. Alla Dragunskaya: he “I often spoke on the radio with my stories, often visited orphanages, boarding schools, schools, and libraries. He read his books wonderfully funny works- after all, in the recent past he was an actor.
Dragunsky often received letters from young readers and always tried to answer them. He ended each of his messages with the motto: “FRIENDSHIP! LOYALTY! HONOR!""

Alexey Konovalov


FAVORITES: Novels and short stories / Intro. Art. Yu.Nagibina; Il. M. Fedorovskaya]. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2001. - 589 p.: ill. - (World Children's Library).
It is unfair and offensive that the collected works of Viktor Dragunsky have not yet been published.
"Favorites" includes best works writer, everything that willingly and with love "elect" for their reading for several generations of readers.

DENISKIN'S STORIES / Artist. V. Losin. - M.: ONIX, 2007. - 352 p.: ill. - (Golden b-ka).
What can you give for a dump truck?
One Guatemala and two Barbados?
Swimming circle?
Or a firefly - a small light green light, like a burning star somewhere far, far away?
He is alive! And it glows!

“Deniska’s stories” have been published more than once. Sometimes in the form of a thick collection, sometimes in the form of a thin notebook. And almost always with illustrations good artists. Here are some examples of such books:
TWENTY YEARS UNDER THE BED: Deniska’s stories / Artist. V. Losin. - M.: Rosman-press, 2003. - 117 p.: ill.
TWENTY YEARS UNDER THE BED: Story / Artist. V. Chizhikov. - M.: Det. lit., 1973. - 16 p.: ill.
DENISKIN'S STORIES / Artist. A. Eliseev. - M.: Bustard-plus, 2005. - 63 p.: ill. - (Golden b-ka).
DOG THIEF: Deniska's stories / Artist. V. Galdyaev. - M.: Omega, 1999. - 176 p.: ill.
THE SECRET BECOMES CLEAR: Deniska's stories / Artist. M. Skobelev. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 175 p.: ill.

HE FELL ON THE GRASS: Story / Artist. V. Vasiliev. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989. - 61 p.: ill.
Many times the military registration and enlistment office refused the young man theater artist Mitya Korolev: “You’re lame!” But he achieved his goal - he signed up for the militia.

COLORFUL STORIES / Artist. N. Krylov. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1974. - 192 pp.: ill.
The adult Dragunsky, a satirist and feuilletonist, was “childishly” funny, and also delicate and touching.

“KNIGHTS” AND 57 MORE STORIES / Fig. S. Kalacheva. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1968. - 334 pp.: ill.
This book is old and rare, but amazing and beautiful. In it, two people - a writer and an artist - not only coexist, but talk, argue, laugh together, like two comrades who understand each other perfectly.
In 1994, a collection of stories with the same name was published by the Dom publishing house, but with illustrations by a different artist.

TODAY AND DAILY: Tale // Dragunsky V.Yu. Favorites. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2001. - P. 476-588.
Maybe the circus performer Irina is a grown-up girl on the ball?..

Alexey Konovalov, Irina Kazyulkina


Dragunskaya A. About Victor Dragunsky: Life, creativity, memories of friends. - M.: Chemistry and Life, 1999. - 175 p.: ill.
Dragunskaya A. About Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky // Dragunsky V. Tricky way. - M.: Det. lit., 1997. - pp. 249-251.
Korf O. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky // Korf O. For children about writers: 20th century: From A to Z. - M.: Strelets, 2006. - P. 24.
Kuznetsova N., Meshcheryakova M. Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich (1913-1972) // Stories about the authors of your books. - M.: Megatron, 1997. - P. 84-87.
Linkova I. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky // Linkova I. Children and books. - M.: Knowledge, 1970. - P. 43-47.
Mikhailov E. Viktor Dragunsky (1913-1972) // Children's literature. - 1988. - No. 10. - P. 53-54.
Nagibin Yu. Re-reading a friend... // Nagibin Yu. Not someone else’s craft. - M.: Sovremennik, 1983. - P. 178-185.
Nagibin Yu. Generous and joyful writer // Dragunsky V. Deniskin’s stories. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2006. - P. 5-12.
Polikovskaya L. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky // Anthology of world children's literature: T. 2. - M.: Avanta+, 2002. - P. 550-552.
Sivokon S. Be happy, children! // Sivokon S. Your cheerful friends. - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - pp. 104-129.

Al.K., I.K.



The magical power of art. Scene V. Dragunsky. Dir. N. Birman. USSR, 1970. Cast: A. Raikin, L. Senchina, N. Urgant, T. Doronina and others.
Girl on the Ball. Dir. L. Shengelia, G. Komarovsky. USSR, 1966. Cast: Irakli Tsirgiladze, Olya Ryabova and others.
Captain. Based on the stories of V. Dragunsky. Dir. A.Shakhmalieva. USSR, 1973. Cast: R. Bykov, V. Telichkina, Petya Moiseev, Alyosha Sirotkin, Rita Sergeecheva.
Clown. TV movie. Based on the story “Today and Everyday.” Scene D. Dragunsky. Dir. N. Medyuk. USSR, 1980. Cast: A. Marchevsky, N. Varley, N. Trubnikova, E. Kamburova, V. Nikulin and others.
Spyglass. Dir. M. Genin. USSR, 1973. Cast: Sasha Mikhailov, K. Luchko, O. Basilashvili and others.

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The life and work of Viktor Dragunsky

“Well, how did you manage to grow up without reading Deniska’s Stories? I just want to tell you: grow back! Don't become an adult until you read this! Otherwise, you may not become as mature as you should be, and that's all. life will go awry." Marina MOSKVINA Biography of V. Dragunsky “Deniska’s stories” References

Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich (1913-1972) Do you know who Viktor Dragunsky is? The writer Viktor Dragunsky has a story “My Sister Ksenia” and has a daughter, Ksenia Dragunskaya. So Ksenia Dragunskaya will tell us about her dad. “When I was little, I had a dad. Victor Dragunsky. Famous children's writer. But no one believed me that he was my dad. Everyone thought it was grandfather. Because he was no longer very young. I - late child. Younger. I have two older brothers - Lenya and Denis. They are fat and quite hairless. But they know much more stories about dad than I do. But since it was not they who became writers, but me, they usually ask me to write something about dad. Ksenia DRAGUNSKAYA. Graduated from the screenwriting department of VGIK.

“...kind, funny, cautionary tales and my father’s feuilletons are lessons in emotional culture, education of feelings, communication with the art of words, enjoying beauty...” from the book by K. Dragunskaya “My First Teacher”

“My dad was born a long time ago. In 1913. And he was born not just anywhere, but in New York. This is how it happened - his mom and dad were very young, got married and left the Belarusian city of Gomel for America for happiness and wealth. I don’t know about happiness, but things didn’t work out for them at all with wealth. They ate exclusively bananas, and in the house where they lived there were huge rats running around. And they returned back to Gomel, and after some time moved to Moscow. There, my dad did poorly at school, but he loved to read books.” The photo shows the house in Moscow where Dragunsky lived, where his daughter now lives.

At school, Victor was the ringleader in all the games, he put on performances, sang verses, and danced. While still at school, Victor tried to help his family. In order to somehow earn money, he and one of his comrades got a job as a boatman to transport people across the Moscow River.

About higher education educational institution there was no question. And after graduating from school, Victor went to work as a turner's apprentice at a factory. The plant was located on the outskirts, so we had to get up very early. And one day, without enough sleep, he lay down under the machine and fell asleep. The master found him there. The sentence was short and cruel: fire!

Then one of his friends advised him to go to a factory that needed saddler apprentices. (A saddler is a craftsman who makes saddles and other equipment for riding horses from leather.) There was an arena at the factory, and one could learn equestrianism, and Victor loved horses since childhood.

At the age of seventeen, Victor passes the exam in acting school. After graduating from school, Viktor Dragunsky became good theater actor and was accepted into the Theater of Satire. “There is a state-owned house on the square, “Theatre” is written on it, There is a scientist actor there day and night, Everyone walks around the foyer in circles...” The author of the parody is Viktor Dragunsky

The war has come. Dragunsky was eager to go to the front, doctors did not allow it due to illness, but he did not give up and joined the militia. (A militia is a force that is created during a war to help the main army of volunteers). The militia dug deep trenches, trenches, and installed anti-tank barriers. The work was exhausting and hard. The Germans were advancing inexorably near Moscow. Some of the militia were killed, Dragunsky was saved by a miracle. Then, together with the theater, he performed concerts in front of soldiers who were heading to the front, in front of the wounded in hospitals.

After the war, Dragunsky unexpectedly left the theater and went to the circus. Work as a red clown! Dragunsky especially loved performing in front of children. For him there was no greater pleasure than watching the little spectators who, during his performances, simply crawled out of their chairs with laughter.

Victor Dragunsky said: “Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter. Children must live, they must rejoice... and I must bring joy to the children..."

Viktor Dragunsky published his first book at the age of 48. It was called “He is alive and glowing.” After this book, the writer published many others, not only about Deniska. He also has two adult stories. But the writer’s favorite and most read is Denis’s Stories, the hero of which was not some fictional boy, but his son Denis. When Denis Dragunsky grew up, he became a journalist.

All stories are different: you laugh at some to tears, you think about others, sometimes you feel sad and upset. When you read these stories, you notice that Deniska is like each of us. He loves what we love. This is how it is written about it in the story “What I Love”: “I really like to play checkers, chess and dominoes, just to be sure to win. If you don't win, then don't. I really like making phone calls. I love to plan, saw, I know how to sculpt the heads of ancient warriors and bison, and I sculpted a wood grouse and the Tsar Cannon. I love to give all this. I love to laugh. Sometimes I don’t feel like laughing at all, but I force myself, squeeze out laughter - and look, after five minutes it really becomes funny. I like a lot of things!"

Deniska is inquisitive, he looks for answers to many questions and answers them in his own way, which leads to funny situations. If he sees that the weak are being bullied and that help is needed, he will never stand aside. In the story “The Battle of a Clear River,” the entire class, led by Denis, helped our squad defeat the enemy. It doesn’t matter that not everything works out for Denis or doesn’t work out the way we would like. In the story “From top to bottom, obliquely,” Denis decided to become a painter and painted Alyonka from head to toe, and at the same time clean linen, a new door and the house manager of Alexei Akimych. The children were so carried away by what they were doing that they forgot about everything in the world. Denis never sits idle, he always helps dad and mom with household chores. This is how they prepared dinner with dad in the story “Chicken Soup”...

Chicken broth “And I went to the sink and turned on the water, put our chicken under it and began to rub it right hand with all my might. The chicken was very hot and terribly dirty, and I immediately got my hands dirty up to my elbows. Dad rocked on the stool. “This,” I said, “is what you, dad, did to her.” Doesn't wash off at all. There is a lot of soot. “It’s nothing,” said dad, “the soot is only on top.” It can't all be made of soot, can it? Wait? A! And dad went into the bathroom and brought me a large piece of strawberry soap. “Here,” he said, “mine properly!” Lather up! And I began to soap this unfortunate chicken. She began to look completely dead. I soaped it up pretty well, but it didn’t wash well, dirt was dripping off it, it had been dripping for probably half an hour, but it wasn’t getting any cleaner. I said: “This damn rooster is just getting smeared from the soap.” Then dad said: “Here is a brush!” Take it, rub it well! First the back, and then everything else.”

In the story “The Main Rivers of America,” Deniska shows a lot of creativity in order not to get a bad grade, and then takes an oath that she will always do her homework. “Although I’m already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time. And secondly, I had few threads, and I searched the whole house and collected all the threads that I had; I took it from my mother’s sewing machine, and that turned out to be not enough. The kite flew to the attic and hovered there, but it was still far from space. And I was so busy with this kite and space that I completely forgot about everything in the world. I was so interested in playing that I stopped thinking about any lessons. It completely slipped my mind. But it turned out that there was no way to forget about your affairs, because it turned out to be a shame.” Drawing by M. Skobelev for the story by V. Dragunsky “The Main Rivers of America.”

Dragunsky’s book “Deniska’s Stories” will soon turn 50 years old, but children of our 21st century are enthusiastically following the adventures of a mischievous boy, playing hide and seek with him, learning lessons, building spaceship while riding a bicycle and singing ditties on children's party. The writer often received letters from young readers and always tried to answer them. He ended each of his messages with the motto: “Friendship! Loyalty! Honor!"

In 2010, Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky would have turned 97 years old; he has not been with us for a long time, but “He is alive and shining,” and his books are always with us. Children's poet Yakov Akim, a close friend of Dragunsky, once said: “A young man needs all the vitamins, including all the moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. Viktor Dragunsky generously and talentedly gave all these vitamins to our children. If I were a doctor, I would prescribe a special medicine to all children: “Dragunsky’s Vitamins” - his stories. Take it daily!!!"


In 1972, Viktor Dragunsky died. This is his grave. Viktor Dragunsky was buried in Moscow.

References 1. Dragunskaya A. About Victor Dragunsky // Primary School. – 2000. – 8. 2. Dragunskaya K. About my dad // Kukumber. – 2003. – 10. – (Board of honor and respect). 3. Nagibin Yu. Generous and joyful writer // Dragunsky V.Yu. Deniska's stories. - M., 2004. 4. Dragunsky V. Deniskin's stories. - M. Eksmo, 2005. 5. Dragunsky V. The Old Sailor. - M. Soviet Russia, 1964. 6. Site materials: 7. Photo materials from the sites: Compiler of the presentation: Khusainova L.Yu.

Victor Dragunsky is one of the famous children's writers. He gained the greatest fame thanks to Deniska's Stories. Dragunsky's stories are mainly aimed at children's audiences, with the exception of such stories as “He Fell on the Grass” and “Today and Everyday.”

Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York City into a family of Belarusian emigrants. However, the family never settled down in the USA, so a year later they returned to their homeland in Gomel, where the writer spent his most childhood. After the loss of their father and stepfather, the family moves to Moscow. Then Victor’s second stepfather disappears without a trace, so the child is forced from the very early years earn your own living.

Dragunsky tries himself in a variety of professions, from a clown in a circus to an assistant turner at a factory. However, Dragunsky’s love for art, which accompanied him throughout his childhood, when he first performed on the theater stage with his stepfather, the artist Menachem Rubin, pushed the future writer to perform at the Transport Theater. Dragunsky's liveliness and bright play soon attracted figures from the Satire Theater, where he was soon invited. Then Victor already showed the full scope of his own imagination: he wrote sketches, humorous monologues, jokes, clownery and humoresques. The invaluable experience gained while working in the circus inspired him in the future for “Today and Everyday”. Further creative activity Dragunsky was prevented by the sudden outbreak of the Second World War where he dies younger brother Leonid. The Second World War had an impact on the writer big influence and subsequently prompted him to write the story “He Fell on the Grass.”

The peak of the writer’s fame was marked by a collection of children’s stories called “Deniska’s Stories”, the main character of which was the cheerful boy Denis Korablev, whose prototype was the writer’s son from Alla Semichastnova. Later, Dragunsky's stories were filmed and enjoyed greater love among viewers.

The writer died on May 6, 1972 from a chronic illness in Moscow. His grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Biography 2

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 into a family of immigrants. The writer's parents left Belarus for the USA, where they could not live. In 1914, after the birth of Victor, they returned to their native Belarus. The writer grew up in Gomel. But in 1918, Viktor Dragunsky’s dad dies. In 1925, the boy, his mother and step-father set off to conquer Moscow.

Viktor Yuzefovich began working early to help his parents feed their family. Since 1930, the writer became interested in the drama club. In 1935, he already worked part-time at the transport theater and performed acts under the circus dome. At the same time, he began to write humorous sketches, funny short stories. In 1940 he published his first book. During the difficult war years, Dragunsky served in the reserves. He performed his works in hospitals in front of wounded soldiers.

In 1945, Viktor Yuzefovich was invited to work in theater studio. In 1947, for the first time in his life, Dragunsky took part in the filming of the film “The Russian Question”. But for young actor There were no roles in theater and cinema.

In 1948, Viktor Yuzefovich created his own “theater within a theater” of imitations famous people and gave it the name "Blue Bird". Many began to work in the troupe famous actors that time. In many musical performances, Dragunsky became a songwriter. The Dragunsky Theater was invited many times to perform at the House of Actors. In 1958, the parody theater ceased to exist.

Already in adulthood, the comedian began writing for the youngest listeners. In 1959 they first appeared in print humorous works about a boy whose name is Denis Korablev. "Deniska's Stories" quickly made Dragunsky famous throughout the country. They were reprinted a lot and became the basis for film scripts and theatrical productions. The writer took his son for the image of the boy Deniska.

The collection "Iron Character", published in 1960, was imbued with the author's humor. In 1961, the war story “He Fell on the Grass” was published. In this work, the young artist enlisted in the militia in the first days of the war, since he was not taken to the war due to his disability. In 1964, the story “Today and Everyday” was published, in which the author wrote about his work in circus art.

Creativity and life

We all know the famous one children's writer Dragunsky. His wonderful and exciting stories will not leave any little reader unattended. Like most creative people, it so happened that fate did not spoil the boy from an early age. He was born in New York, but sudden changes in life forced the family to move several times.

When Dragunsky was still a child, his father died. Through certain time Mom again met a man in her life who advised the whole family to move to live in another place. The parents of the little dragoon were not rich, so they constantly faced financial difficulties. Due to the fact that his stepfather and mother were barely making ends meet, the young man got a job. He worked in both the theater and the circus, trying to bring at least a penny into the house.

After some time, his writing talent began to emerge. The boy began to constantly write various sketches and come up with ridiculous and exciting stories. Despite the fact that he could not be called a mature writer, his works always found a response, and several sketches were even published in the magazine.

Later, Dragunsky was offered to participate in theatrical production. He became interested in such a proposal and began to actively contribute to the life of the theater until its closure.

An interesting fact is that Dragunsky took part in military operations.

But by the time Dragunsky reached mature age, the first significant stories appeared, which we still read with great pleasure. A whole block was created, which is known to us as “Deniska’s stories.” The main character of all the adventures was the writer’s son. Of course, most of the events and stories are fictional, but despite this, they are truly incredibly fascinating and extremely interesting.

Afterwards, more and more new works began to appear. The topics of these books were completely diverse: he wrote about war, and about the circus, and about much more.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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