Message about Dragoon for 4. Presentation on the topic: The amazing world of Dragoon

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"SOSH" pst. Pervomaisky

Design and research work

"Life and art

Victor Dragunsky"

Work completed

Kostromina Anastasia

head: Smirnova Elena Ivanovna

1. Introduction

2.Goals and objectives. Stages of work.



“Laughter is joy.I give it with both hands.

My clown pocketspants filled with laughter.

Children must livethey should rejoice..."

V.Yu. Dragunsky


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. The name of this writer is known to many children and adults.

Having learned about this, I decided to get acquainted with the works of Viktor Yuzefovich and read many stories by this writer.

Target my work to find out how Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky managed to interest so many generations of children in his work.

Tasks my research:

Study the literature on the biography and work of V. Dragunsky, using the Internet and printed publications.

Complete the project

Prepare a speech in front of the children from your class.

I built my work according to the following plan:

Collection of information.

Processing information received from different sources, highlighting the most interesting.

Project design.

Speech at class.

Having studied a large amount of literature about the work and biography of Dragunsky, I was faced with the fact that this data is very small and fragmentary. But the first thing that interested me was that the birthday of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky in the family was invariably celebrated not on November 30 - according to the passport, but on December 1 - in fact. The fact is that he was born in 1913 in New York, and in Russia December had already begun on that day

What are the stages of the life of this wonderful writer?


In 1913, in the largest city in the USA, in a Jewish family of emigrants from Gomel, who arrived in America and settled in the Bronx shortly before the birth of their son - Yuda Falkovich Pertsovsky (1894-1918) and Rita Leibovna Dragunskaya (she was the daughter of Social Democrats, he was the son owner of a second-hand shop) a boy was born, who was named Victor. Life was hard for the young family. There was no milk, and there was no money either. They fed the child crushed bananas.

Life in America did not go well and in July 1914 the family returned back to Gomel a few days before the First World War. In 1918, Victor’s father died of typhus (according to other sources, he died under unclear circumstances).

After the death of the father, a stepfather appears in the family - the revolutionary committee of the city, Ippolit Ivanovich Voitsekhovich, a red commissar, who dies in 1920.

Class: 4

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson location: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Lesson objectives:


  • continue to get acquainted with the life and work of V.Yu. Dragunsky;
  • teach to understand the hidden meaning of a work, to penetrate into the depth of the author’s intention;
  • contribute to the formation of children’s cognitive activity, the ability to work with literature, and generalize and draw conclusions.


  • awaken a feeling of empathy, teach to evaluate actions, distinguish good from bad;
  • promote the development of children's sense of humor, speech, and thinking.


  • cultivate interest in reading literature and the works of V.Yu. Dragunsky.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge (summarize and systematize students’ knowledge based on the works of V.Yu. Dragunsky).

Equipment: posters with proverbs, drawings based on stories by V.Yu. Dragunsky, portrait of V.Yu. Dragunsky. Thematic exhibition of books “Master of the Smile”, Slide on the topic: “The life and work of V.Yu. Dragunsky."

During the classes

I. Activation of attention.

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Slide 1

Today we will talk about an extraordinary person, a talented writer. His books are read with great interest by children and re-read by adults. He is the author of wonderful stories about Denis and his friend Mishka, and his name is Victor Dragunsky.

III. Tuning" to perception.

(include the presentation “The Life and Work of V.Yu. Dragunsky”).

Slide 2

Viktor Dragunsky was born on November 30, 1913 in New York, in a family of emigrants from Russia. However, in 1914 the family returned back to Russia and settled in Gomel, where he spent his childhood. In 1925, the family moved to Moscow. Victor began working early to provide himself with food. However, he did not immediately become a writer. Slide 3

After leaving school, he worked as a turner at a factory, a saddler, a boatman, and a beacon maker. From 1931–1936 he studied acting at the “Literary and Theater Workshops” of A. Diky’s studio. His acting biography began in 1935: he was a theater and pop artist, and for several years he directed the Blue Bird Theater (1948–1958). Slide 4

His team instantly became famous. Viktor Dragunsky also worked as Santa Claus on Christmas trees. Slide 5

He was also a clown in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a red-haired clown in a shaggy red wig. But it is very difficult to be a clown, because he must be able to show tricks, do somersaults, walk on a tightrope, dance, sing, and be able to communicate with animals. Viktor Dragunsky knew how to do all this.

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During the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) he was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. Fate gave him only fifty-eight years, but it seems that he lived several lives.

Dragunsky lived one, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and integral life. He had a rare fate - to be unlike anyone else, to create his own style both in life and in creativity.

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When Victor Dragunsky's son Denis was born, all sorts of funny stories began to happen to him. Dragunsky began to write down these stories, and “Deniska’s Stories” came out.

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The first stories about Denis were published in the magazine “Murzilka” in 1959, and the first book of 16 stories was published in 1961 under the title “He is Alive and Glowing.” Deniska's adventures became more and more numerous. In total, about ninety funny stories were written.

These stories brought the writer well-deserved fame. The father in these stories is Viktor Yuzefovich himself, and Deniska is his son, who, having matured, became a successful writer, and it is difficult to find in him the features of the former boy who could selflessly love “The Girl on the Ball” and lie about “Fire in the Outhouse” . In his stories, a bright and tender feeling always triumphs over the flat and ponderous worldliness.

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“Deniska’s stories” are good not only because they convey the psychology of a child with extraordinary accuracy: they reflect a bright perception of the world. At the center of the stories are: the inquisitive and active Deniska, and his dreamy, slow friend Mishka. Only literary creativity was able to absorb all his enormous life experience, knowledge and understanding of people, summarize everything he learned and illuminate him with tender love for people, small and adult, and endow him with a long life. And so it happened!

His books are read not only here in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Norway, the Czech Republic, Germany, and even Japan.

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So if any of you suddenly feel sad, take it and read Deniska’s Stories. And now, we will talk about some of the stories of V.Yu. Dragunsky. The first story is “He is alive and glowing...”.

IV. Testing knowledge, consolidating.

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1. Story “It is alive and glowing...”.

  1. Why did Victor Dragunsky call this story that? Answer: in this story we are talking about a live firefly, which lay in the depths of the box and glowed.
  2. Was his brand new toy dump truck expensive for Deniska? Why? Answer: the dump truck was new. He dumped the sand himself, he had a handle that you could turn. This dump truck was given to Deniska by his dad.
  3. Well, it was – it wasn’t! Know my kindness! Mishka handed Deniska a matchbox with a small light green light. Was Mishka really so kind? Answer: Mishka just wanted to get a brand new dump truck from Deniska by any means possible.
  4. Why do you think Denis did this? Why did he change the dump truck for a firefly? Answer: the boy did not think about profit, he thought about the firefly. Because he's alive! And it glows... And this is not the boy’s whim - this is his victory over the firm calculation of his friend.

This is confirmed by the words from the text:

Mom: “But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this a worm? Why is he better?

I replied: “How don’t you understand?! He is alive and glowing!..”

Conclusion: the unreal glow of a firefly, like a star, burning somewhere in the incomprehensible distance and at the same time, lying here in the palm of your hand - this glow turns out to be a hundred times more expensive than such a valuable thing as a brand new toy dump truck. Why is firefly better? Because he's alive! And it glows...

And this is not the whim of a boy waiting in the dark yard of his mother. This is a victory over the firm calculation of a friend for whom life is a set of arithmetic rules: for a dump truck he gives one mark of Guatemala, two of Barbados and a burst swimming ring in addition.

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2. The story “The secret becomes clear”

(Reading a passage of text).

I heard my mother say to someone in the hallway:
-... The secret becomes clear. And when she entered the room, I asked:
- What does this mean, mom: “The secret becomes clear?”
“And this means that if someone acts dishonestly, they will still find out about him, and he will be ashamed, and he will be punished,” said my mother.
- Understood?..

Denis went to bed and kept thinking: how is it that the secret becomes clear?

“One day Denis poured a plate of semolina porridge out of the window, and it landed on the hat of an uncle who was going to take a photo. Why this happened and what happened next, you already know.

After everything that happened, mom looked Denis in the eyes. She looked for a long time and then asked:

– Have you remembered this for the rest of your life?
And I answered:
- Yes.

  1. Guys, what would you do if you were Deniska’s mother?
  2. Maybe Deniska should have read the moral and explained that it’s no longer worth doing this?
  3. Did Denis understand the meaning of the words: “The secret becomes clear” without his mother’s explanation?

Answer: Denis understood everything immediately as soon as he saw an unfamiliar man in a hat with porridge on his head enter.

Which episode in this story did you find most interesting?

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How do you understand the meaning of this proverb: "Murder will out"?

Is it possible to correlate this proverb with the story “The secret becomes clear”?

What could this story with semolina porridge teach Denis Korablev?

Conclusion: The unpleasant story that happened with semolina porridge, of course, taught Denis Korablev to think first and then act. He realized that all bad deeds sooner or later become known.

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3. Story “Main Rivers”

– Now we’ll talk about another story by V.Yu. Dragoon "Main Rivers", which will help you get rid of other shortcomings.

  1. What mood did reading the story “Main Rivers” give you? Answer: reading this story aroused interest in the story itself, a sense of humor, laughter and a desire to read the story to the very end.
  2. Why did such a bad thing happen to Deniska at school? Answer: Deniska was so busy with the kite and space that he completely forgot about everything in the world. He stopped thinking about any lessons.
  3. What oath did he make to himself? Answer: and now I have sworn that I will always learn my lessons. To a ripe old age.
  4. Do you think Denis will fulfill this vow? Why do you think so? Answer: I think that Deniska will definitely fulfill this oath, because he will remember this lesson for the rest of his life.
  5. Which passage from the story did you find the funniest? (Read an excerpt of text).

- Korablev! What are you doing? Go to the board.
And I cheerfully started: Winter!.. The triumphant peasant...
“This is Pushkin,” said Raisa Ivanovna.
“Yes,” I said.
– I’m asking you: what did I ask?
Then Mishka made a naive face and said:
- Doesn’t he know what you asked Nekrasov? It was he who did not understand Raisa Ivanovna’s question.
It was Mishka who managed to give me a hint in such a cunning way.

  1. Did Deniska's friends help him? Answer: Friends' tips don't help our hero, because... He didn’t take up his homework at all. You can use a hint only when you have studied your lessons and just forgot a little, or lost the main idea of ​​the story.
  2. Have similar stories happened to you or someone you know?
  3. What might this story make you think about? Answer: this ridiculous incident that happened to Denis Korablev can make every child think. If you don’t want to be funny and look stupid in the eyes of your friends, study your homework every day.
  4. What lesson did Deniska learn from everything that happened?

Conclusion: Deniska Korableva, the story that happened to him, taught him to always do his homework.

This is confirmed by the words of Denis Korablev himself:

“Although I’m entering my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I need to learn my lessons.” You love it, you don’t love it, you want it, you don’t want it, you’re lazy or not, but you need to learn. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people.

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Competition one “Whose portrait is this?”

1. “...she is probably Thumbelina, how small, sweet and extraordinary she was.”

Answer: Tanechka Vorontsova. "Girl on the Ball".

2. – Enough! Don't try, it won't work. If you don’t know, don’t be ashamed. Correct this terrible impression that you made by reading Nekrasov’s poems.

- Tell me the largest river in America. Tell me, who did teacher Raisa Ivanovna scold like that and why?

Answer: Denis Korablev, who did not learn his lessons. "Main rivers".

3. What is the name of this story? Say the girl's name.

- The girl is five years old, but she says “detective.”
- Did I say correctly! It’s my tooth that has fallen out and is whistling. I want to say “detective”, but I whistle “detective”...

Answer: Alyonka. "Enchanted Letter"

4. He loves many different things: buns, buns, loaves and cupcakes. He loves dumplings, cheesecakes, sprat, and saury. Straight sandwiches, with whatever you like, I won’t talk about halva. I love ice cream with all my heart.

– Do you love a whole grocery store? – asked Boris Sergeevich.
- And people? Who do you love? Or from animals?
- Oh, I almost forgot!
- More kittens! And grandma!

Whose portrait is this? What is the name of this story?

Answer: Bear. “What Mishka loves.”

Second competition. “Who is the most attentive?”

  1. What did Deniska exchange the firefly for? Answer: to a dump truck. “It’s alive and glowing.”
  2. What color are Deniska's mother's eyes? Answer: Green like gooseberries. “The secret becomes clear”, “Goose Throat”.
  3. Which letter is enchanted and why? Answer: letter "Ш" "Enchanted letter".
  4. Mishka's last name? Answer: Elephants.
  5. What did Deniska buy in the store before he joined the circus? Answer: tomatoes, sour cream.
  6. Name the circus stories of V. Dragunsky. Answer:“Motorcycle racing along a sheer wall”, “Girl on a ball”, “No worse than you circus people”, “Lyalka the Elephant”, “Exactly 25 kilos”.
  7. Last name Deniski? Answer: Korablev.
  8. Which poet's poem did Deniska not memorize? Answer: ON THE. Nekrasova. "Main Rivers"

– Yes, an absurd incident happened to the hero of the story “Main Rivers” Denis Korablev and Denis learned a positive lesson from this.

– What lesson did Deniska learn from everything that happened? (If you don’t want to be funny and look stupid in the eyes of your friends, study your homework every day).

“I think this lesson can be useful to each of us.”

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V. Summing up the lesson.

- about the life and work of which writer did we talk about in class today?

- Name the stories that we talked about today in class;

– name which stories by V.Yu. You read Dragunsky additionally, which we did not talk about in class;

– which of the stories by V.Yu. Did you like Dragunsky the most and why?

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Slide captions:


Childhood Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. Readers are usually surprised to learn that Victor was born in New York. It so happened that his parents moved there in search of a better life, but they failed to settle down in their new place. Just a year later, the boy and his parents returned to their homeland - the city of Gomel (Belarus). In 1918, his father died of typhus. In 1925, the boy, his mother and stepfather moved to Moscow. In 1924, Victor had a brother, Leonid. But soon after Leni’s birth, her stepfather left the family and went to work in America. Caring for his mother and brother fell on Victor’s shoulders very early, but he always protected and looked after his family. At the age of 17, he went to work and began to provide for his mother, brother and himself. At the same time, he began to attend a literary circle.

Youth At the age of 17, Dragunsky was attracted to the theater. In addition to the writers' circle, he also began going to the theater studio. Dragunsky's talent manifested itself early and was immediately noticed by others. Based on his scripts, various performances began to be staged in the theater. The writer himself took part in the show, and once got a job in a circus. By developing his acting talent, Viktor Dragunsky was able to enter the world of cinema. Most of all, Dragunsky was attracted by the opportunity to please people. Theatre, circus, and stage were very important to us. And although Viktor Yuzefovich did not become a clown, he was able to join the circus - he wrote reprises - sideshows, clowning, songs and variety skits.

War During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. The Great Patriotic War left its mark on his fate. Thoughts, aspirations, pictures of what he saw during the war changed Victor forever.

Blue Bird After the war, Dragunsky set out to create his own theater, where every talented young actor could express himself. He succeeded. Blue Bird - this was the name of Victor’s parody theater, which gained recognition and fame in a matter of moments. Perhaps it was this theater that became the starting point of his path, which led to creative writing, which later left us Deniska’s stories as a gift.

Literary activity Memoirists say that Viktor Dragunsky especially loved speaking to children. For him there was no greater pleasure than watching the little spectators who, as they said, often fell off their chairs with laughter during his performances. And he was persuaded: the stories with which he spoke on stage in front of a children's audience were turned into books. But there is a big difference between what is recorded and what is performed! At the end of the 50s, according to the recollections of friends, Victor thought it was time to change something in his life. So in 1959, a collection of funny stories for children and the writer’s most important book, “Deniska’s Stories,” was published. “Deniska’s Stories” are humorous stories about a boy named Deniska Korablev, which, in my opinion, are skillfully collected in one collection. These stories were republished several times and became the basis for film scripts and theatrical productions.

Illustration for the story “Childhood Friend”

In 1961, the first book in the series “He is Alive and Glows” was published, which included 16 stories. However, the adventures of Deniska, his friend Mishka and other guys do not end there - in different years the stories “Tell me about Singapore”, “The Enchanted Letter”, “The Battle of the Clear River”, “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “Chicken Soup”, “Third Place Butterfly**,” “The Man with the Blue Face,” about 100 stories in total. Literary activity

Illustration for the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed” Illustration for the story “Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall” Illustration for the story “The Enchanted Letter”

The author did not choose the name of the main character of the series of “Deniska’s stories”, which brought Dragunsky popular popularity. That was the name of his own son.

In one of the last stories, “Today and Everyday,” the main character Clown says the following: “I don’t know what to do to save the children. I can't put them all with me, hug them and cover them with my body. Because children must live, they must rejoice... and I must bring joy to the children every day. Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter. I go to the matinee, I go to the playpen, as if on a post. Not a single day without work for children. Not a single child is without joy, I’m not the only one who understands this. Listen, people, whoever can do what you can, shield the children. Hurry to bring joy to children, my friends, hurry to work at the matinees!” The writer had many more funny and amusing stories in store, but he did not have time to tell them all. Viktor Dragunsky died in Moscow in 1972.

Why did I choose this particular writer for my work? Because when preparing, I re-read all the works and remembered my childhood. I had three identical books, “Deniska’s Stories,” two at my grandmothers’ and one at home. I remember how I fell asleep to them, how I laughed at the “macaroni leg” in the story “Motor racing along a sheer wall,” how I worried about Deniska in “Everything secret becomes clear,” and how I cried over the story “Childhood Friend,” because I felt so sorry for Mishka . Deniskin's stories by Dragunsky lift the veil of the everyday life of children, their joys and worries. Communication with peers, relationships with parents. It is with this author that I primarily associate childhood and children's literature. After all, when we are children, we want bright images, interesting, and most importantly funny stories about simple children like ourselves. And the most interesting thing when preparing a meeting with the writer was that in childhood these stories seemed funny to the point of colic and excited the imagination, and at 20 years old you see such a deep meaning in them that you involuntarily ask yourself the question, is it really about children?

Thank you for your attention!

Report on Viktor Dragunsky outlined in this article. A message about Dragunsky will help you prepare for a literature lesson

Message about Victor Dragunsky

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky- Russian writer, author of the series “Deniska’s Stories”

Victor Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York, into a Jewish family. His parents, emigrants from Gomel, arrived in the United States shortly before the birth of their son.

However, in 1914 the family returned back to Russia and settled in Gomel, where he spent his childhood. In 1925, the family moved to Moscow. Victor began working early to provide himself with food. However, he did not immediately become a writer.

After leaving school, he worked as a turner at a factory, a saddler, a boatman, and a beacon maker. From 1931–1936 he studied acting at the “Literary and Theater Workshops” of A. Diky’s studio. His acting biography began in 1935: he was a theater and pop artist, and for several years he directed the Blue Bird Theater (1948–1958).

His team instantly became famous. Viktor Dragunsky also worked as Santa Claus on Christmas trees.

He was also a clown in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a red-haired clown in a shaggy red wig. But it is very difficult to be a clown, because he must be able to show tricks, do somersaults, walk on a tightrope, dance, sing, and be able to communicate with animals. Viktor Dragunsky knew how to do all this.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) he was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. Fate gave him only fifty-eight years, but it seems that he lived several lives.

Dragunsky lived one, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and integral life. He had a rare fate - to be unlike anyone else, to create his own style both in life and in creativity.

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. The parents of the future writer were Belarusian emigrants. The life of the Dragunsky family in America did not work out, so in 1914 they returned to Belarus to Gomel. This is where Viktor Yuzefovich spent his childhood. In 1918, a tragedy occurred in Dragunsky’s short biography - his father died of typhus.

In 1925, the boy, his mother and stepfather moved to Moscow.

The beginning of creative activity

Viktor Yuzefovich's family was in a difficult financial situation, so he had to go to work early. Since 1930, Dragunsky began to attend the “Literary and Theater Workshops” of A. Dikiy. In 1935 he was accepted into the troupe of the Transport Theater (now the N.V. Gogol Theater). Later, Dragunsky worked in a circus, and for some time played at the Satire Theater.

In addition to the theatre, Viktor Yuzefovich was attracted to literary activity; he wrote humoresques, sideshows, feuilletons, skits, circus clowneries, etc. In 1940, Dragunsky’s works first appeared in print.

In 1945, Viktor Yuzefovich was invited to work at the Theater-Studio of Film Actors. In 1947, Dragunsky, whose biography was not full of film roles, starred in the film “The Russian Question” directed by M. Romm.

"Blue Bird"

In the theater, roles were mainly distributed among famous actors, so Dragunsky, as a young artist, could not count on constant employment in performances. In 1948, Viktor Yuzefovich created a parody “theater within a theater”, calling it “Blue Bird”. Soon L. Davidovich, Y. Kostyukovsky, V. Dykhovichny, M. Gluzsky, M. Slobodskoy, L. Sukharevskaya, R. Bykov, V. Bakhnov, E. Morgunov and others joined the troupe. For some productions, Dragunsky wrote song lyrics.

The Blue Bird Theater became famous in Moscow. The troupe was repeatedly invited to perform performances at the Actor's House. In 1958, the theater ceased its activities.

Mature literary creativity

In 1959, the works of the writer Dragunsky for children from the series “Deniska’s Stories” appeared in print for the first time. They brought the author great popularity. Many of the stories were filmed.

On May 6, 1972, Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky died in Moscow. The writer was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Other biography options

  • Dragunsky's mother married twice. The second husband, M. Rubin, was an actor in the vaudeville theater. Together with him, the family went on tour around the country, and then moved to Moscow.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia and performed with front-line concert brigades.
  • The prototype of the main character of “Denis’s Stories” was the writer’s son Denis.
  • Together with L. Davidovich Dragunsky wrote such famous songs as “Motor Ship”, “Three Waltzes”, “Berezonka”, “Wonder Song”, “Star of My Fields”.
  • At school, Dragunsky's works are studied in primary school.

Biography test

Test your knowledge of Dragunsky's short biography by answering the test questions.