Vorotnikova: “Khodchenkova will have a late child. "Punks are never former"

The host of the “School of Scandal” told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the TV show’s “harmful” and “nice” interlocutors and her punk youth

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While watching Avdotya Smirnova’s new film “Two Days” on September 7 at the Pobeda cinema in Novosibirsk, for some reason I felt an urgent desire to look for so-called philosophical subtexts in a simple plot.

Moscow official Pyotr Drozdov, played by Fyodor Bondarchuk, arrives at the estate house of the classic of Russian literature Pyotr Shcheglovitov, author of "Notes of a Fisherman". But not in order to be imbued with the writer’s spirit and his immortal creation, but simply to help the governor chop off museum property and build a new entertainment area. Museum workers crawl on their knees in front of him, glorifying their breadwinner and benefactor, and are even willing to dance naked just to get the coveted funding. And only the principled deputy director of the museum, young literary scholar Masha, tells the whole truth to the official straight to the forehead. That there will be a brothel here, not a museum, and the country with its culture is completely uninteresting to Drozdov. And he hits the official in the face with all his might. Such a truth-teller, against the backdrop of the flatterers faithfully looking into the eyes, turns the official on terribly; he falls in love with Masha and changes his life for her.

"Thinking of Plutarch in the Cheese Line"

So everything would seem quite simple. But no - a young inquisitive mind must delve into it. The official in the estate began to admire the starry sky. He wants to pee under the linden tree, but does not dare - there is a sign there that the tree was planted by Leo Tolstoy. Here an official is hungover near the sphinx, and a little later in the same place he glues broken cup Shcheglovitova, together with Masha, talks with interest about the writer. What does this mean? Of course, the fact that the official has begun to grow spiritually, he is even drawn to beauty for treatment. In fact, everything is much simpler, and you don’t need to cheat anything.

A man with a hangover is quiet and gentle,” Dunya commented on these conclusions. - Your question indicates that you have never experienced such a state. The fragility of the world is never felt so well as from a hangover, believe me. Therefore, Drozdov, naturally, had human reactions - he becomes much more spiritually graceful. This happens to many people.

Before the screening of the film, Avdotya voiced the most frequently asked questions, which she was already tired of answering, and immediately answered them:

I worked at the newspaper for three years and can immediately name all the questions and answers: “How did the relationship between Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ksenia Rappoport develop?” - "Very good"; “Will there be a “School of Scandal” in the new season? - “Yes, there will be. It has already begun”; “Why did “School of Scandal” change its format and cease to be a conflict program? - “Because Tatyana Nikitichna and I are tired of calling out scoundrels”; "Remember funny incidents on film set" - "I can kill for this question. Absolutely all filmmakers go crazy with him."

At the very beginning of the press conference, Bondarchuk suddenly called Avdotya Smirnova. Having affectionately called him “my little mask” and promised to provide a detailed report about the trip to Novosibirsk, the director returned to the journalists.

I consider Fyodor Bondarchuk to be the largest dramatic actor in Russia. He can play roles from the Shakespearean repertoire, Boris Godunov. I think that the acting potential has been revealed to about 10 percent of its potential. There are just abysses and abysses. Therefore, working with Fedor was an absolute pleasure. You can write whatever you want on it. I have a completely unexpected role ready for him.

- What can you say about Ksenia Rappoport?

We are close friends and live close to each other. I was the first to give her the script to read, where she is described as a dreamer. I’m like that by nature - I can walk into a pillar, fall out of the blue, forget why I came to the store and stand thoughtfully in front of the window for a long time, trying to understand what I’m even doing here. Ksyusha has the same thing in life. We even once had a competition to see who had the most adventures. When it comes to life's drama, she is a world champion. I leave her far behind in terms of comic incidents. I have a story of my youth that I want to film, but I don’t understand how to do it. My husband and I were living in a communal apartment at the time, and I started cleaning the room. She stood on the bed to take the suitcases out of the closet and wipe the dust there. Then within a few seconds the following happened. I dropped a suitcase on my head, bit my tongue, jumped off the bed with my foot, stepped on my first foot with my second foot and stepped on the mop with the same foot, and the mop stick hit me on the forehead. It was very painful, but so funny! In my opinion, only Charlie Chaplin could have done this. Ksenia's heroine drops everything because she is the type of dreamer. I call this “thinking about Plutarch in line for cheese.”

"Punks are never former"

There is a moment in the film when her ancient barn collapses on Masha. And she, sitting in such a cage, says to her goat: “God did not give me a husband or children. I live in the wilderness with a goat and chickens. Life is like a joke.” Similar to a joke real life, not only in cinema, as Dunya says:

The message of the film for me is that it does not hurt a nation to remember that it has a culture and an intelligentsia. A nation that spits on its culture the way we spit is inevitably moving by leaps and bounds towards the collapse of such a thing as Russia. The intelligentsia, as an image of a certain world, left the cinema. This word has become a dirty word. We have turned into a nation of rednecks and criminals, as the heroine says in the film. Because they have already destroyed everything we have. The intellectuals have not gone anywhere, everything is in place. Dissertations are defended, books are written. Eat wonderful poets, new ones are growing wonderful artists. Everything is fine with our culture. The simple fact is that society does not look in this direction. Society has gone crazy over Stas Mikhailov - it is his equal. For 70 years they explained to us that money is not needed. Finally, we got to them with all our daring and limitlessness. We decided that money is the sun of Russian poetry.

- But the main character, an official, is terribly charming, and does not look like a redneck.

Movie characters are generally supposed to be charming. The point is that I don’t consider the viewer an idiot. The viewer perfectly reads and understands everything. If, after viewing the picture, young people go to the next estate with a wedding procession and do not carve something on a tree, I think that I have already done a great thing for my homeland.

- You said that men buy flattery. In your program “School of Scandal,” were there any characters who didn’t buy it?

Among men - no. Women don't respond to her. If a woman comes “armed,” no matter how many compliments you give her, she will not stop defending herself. Men lose their vigilance all the time, one hundred percent of the time. Even the smartest ones. The only question is the quality of flattery, what kind of flattery you come up with. Then you can take the man with your bare hands. There were a lot of “scoundrels” in the program. The head of the Moscow City Duma, Vladimir Platonov, spit in the eyes - God's dew. You can't take this man with anything. There were many scoundrels, and many wonderful people.

- Your film is called “Two Days”, and a completely different amount of time passes there.

The movie has a shitty title, but you can't think of a better one. There were no options, that's the point. I don't know how to come up with names at all. The next script that I will direct is called “Kokoko”. I hope the title of the film remains the same. - Will the romantic comedy have a happy ending, will the characters get married?

Why do you think they will get married forever? You know, life ends in death, and marriages end in divorce.

- And what about love?

What does love have to do with it? The situation where people get married and die on the same day, in my opinion, has long since resolved. And we can only talk about it in retrospect. Will the heroes be together? There definitely will be. How long is another question. How will it end? I don't think this will end well. In my experience, marriages generally don't end well.

- How do you break up with men? Are you leaving them or are they leaving you?

I part with men laughing. Well, in different ways... It happened this way and that way. When love ends, it is hard and sad. I am grateful to each of those who were with me. I have a son Danila.

- Do you have a friendly relationship with him, or a serious, official one?

My son and I have an absolutely wonderful relationship, we are friends. One day he came to me and said: “Mom, can I do highlights?” - "Can"; “What if I shave half my head and highlight half of it? - “No question, son”; “Can I dye my hair red? “It’s possible, but only I’ll take you to a good stylist.” And then I see that my son is looking at me with hatred and says: “Mom, what can’t be done?” Then I began to urgently come up with an idea, and I said: “Get a tattoo.” not allowed while you live with me." As a result, until he was 18 years old, he dreamed of a tattoo. Now he no longer wanted to get one. The same thing happened with the earring. He came to me at the age of eight and said that he wanted to get an earring. A year later we went and they did everything. The next day they called me from school and said that my son came in indecent condition, and was also lying, that I allowed him to put an earring in. I answered that I not only allowed it, but personally took him away. Why should my son object? I am only for all our common experiments. We are constantly in different adventures let's go. I am always interested in the opinion of Danil and his friends about my films. On new picture he will work as an administrator. - You also often experiment with hair color. After becoming a blonde, did you feel any changes in yourself?

Do you mean, am I stupid? - Dunya laughs. “I always really wanted to experiment with color and haircut.” But I've been married to someone all my life. And husbands have always resisted this. When I stopped such a stupid and worthless situation, I immediately began experimenting. I don’t rule out that I’ll also be a brunette, or some kind of purple. It's just a feeling of freedom. - Is Avdotya Smirnova a crazy person?

What do you think if I spent my entire youth in the punk band "Dumb"? Punks are never former. And now I can dye my hair green color. I am considered a professional urban madwoman. This is a very convenient reputation, because people are afraid to contact you.

"All of Moscow is in red"

In the film there are constantly sharp transitions from the muted and dullness of the provincial estate museum to the bright pomp of Moscow. It feels like you are being woken up from a sweet, pleasant sleep by the loud beat of drums. This is not a random impression - this contrast was intended by the author:

When we came up with figurative language paintings, they decided that there would be no red color in the entire provincial history. He is not in the costumes or the sets. We even pulled out all the red flowers in the Abramtsevo estate, where the filming took place. Colors are muted, darkened and warm colors. And all of Moscow was made in red. Starting from the minister's office, which has brown-red table surfaces, to the restaurant, which is actually white. When the hero goes to resign with the Prime Minister, the car drives along the red wall for a long time Novodevichy Convent. Red color is aggressive. These are things that the viewer does not notice, but they act on the subconscious. And the viewer gets the feeling that Moscow was filmed somehow differently.

- Does the writer Pyotr Shcheglovitov have a prototype?

No, it's collective image Russian classic, such a conventional image of the Russian 19th century. Shcheglovitov's Freemasonry was generally invented by accident. The production designer Ekaterina Zaletaeva, a wonderful, extravagant woman, brought me sketches. And he says: “Let there be sphinxes, unicorns, griffins in the park... This is a romantic...” Such beauty had to be somehow justified in the script. And then we came up with the idea that the writer was a Freemason, so he was doing weird things on his estate.

- Is your father, director Andrei Smirnov, making films now?

He just made a movie after a 30-year hiatus. On October 27, the film “Once Upon a Time There Was a Woman” will be released.

- Your parents are a wonderful director and actress. You are a granddaughter famous writer Sergei Smirnov. Such a life in chocolate turns out. How do you know how people in the provinces live on five thousand rubles?

Wonderful question. People are used to imagining my life in such a way that when everyone is in grief, I sit and cover my nails with diamond chips all day long. I can tell you a lot of things from my life - boarding school, hostel... But I won’t do this, these are my personal details. I can only say that I know the life of the provincial museum and the life of the village from my own experience. life experience. I lived in the village and know the museum workers very well.

Speaking about the fact that for society money has become the sun of Russian poetry, Avdotya Smirnova recalled periods of our history in which culture flourished. She considers the time from 1986 to 1991 – the time of youth – to be one of the brightest:

On Christmas Day, Channel Five showed a 1987 episode of “The Musical Ring.” Sergey Kuryokhin was there with Pop Mechanics. My friend and I sat down to watch the group in which we also once performed. And we were completely amazed by the questions from the audience. People stood up in some creepy sweaters with deer and pellets, in monstrous horn-rimmed glasses, and asked questions about the musicians Anton Webern, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, about atonal music, the writer Thomas Mann. And we watched with our mouths open. It's just a different people. Moreover, these are people who were recruited from the street. Where did they all go? It was an absolutely brilliant period. I am happy that my youth happened then.

From the KP dossier

Avdotya (Dunya) Andreeevna Smirnova- screenwriter, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays. Together with the writer Tatyana Tolstaya, she hosts the “School of Scandal” program on the “Culture” TV channel. Daughter of actress Natalya Vladimirovna Rudnaya, director and actor Andrei Sergeevich Smirnov, granddaughter Soviet writer Sergei Sergeevich Smirnov.

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Trailer for Avdotya Smirnova's new film "Two Days".

What is common between the liberal crowd and some notorious patriots?

I came across a very interesting material about the past of Chubais’s wife Avdotya Smirnova, as well as unexpected names and rather interesting details from 30 years ago came out.

The example of this publication about Duna Smirnova shows that random people There are no people at the top and, regardless of their views, there are no political or principled disagreements between them and never have been. They communicate and sit at the same tables. Everyone has their place in the sun and has a piece of fame and, of course, income from their activities. And this is not a conspiracy theory. The elite does not give up and pulls their ears, regardless of political beliefs. Could this be the reason for the chaos in our country?

So, here's what I dug up on LiveJournal:

With Orthodox Stalinist and patriot “Surgeon” Zaldostanov

Avdotya Smirnova, one of the hosts of the “School of Scandal” program, in her youth she was simply Dunya and moved in the circle of the Moscow-St. Petersburg underground. And the morals there were far from puritanical. Dunya was a bright star in their sky.

Auspost: The surgeon, as it turns out more and more, is also not very simple and communicates and does business with very murky and controversial characters. And he also ended up near Putin for a reason... I really hope that I’ll find him good material about him. Personally, I heard quite interesting stories from friends about Surgeon, but I won’t speak without facts in hand.

At 14 years old, to be the lover of a conceptual artist Sven Gundlach- This is not for you to skip school. Here he is, the first lover, in front of you. By the way, a close friend of the future writer Sorokina:

Auspost: Sven Gundlach calls himself a Russian artist, but has practically no Russian blood. An ardent anti-Soviet in the 80s. Now quite a successful businessman. Everyone already knows very well about the writer Sorokin..

Then Dunya married a famous St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitova.He, in turn, was the lover of a film critic Alexander Timofeevsky, the son of the author of the song “Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.” Dunya's husband did not hide his passions. When Ipollitov finally chose Timofeevsky, the three of them began to live together, then to fun company a girl named joined Svetlana Konegen, the trio grew into a quartet.

Actually, the men of this unusual family never hid anything. They even flaunted it. The fate of these heroes in our time is interesting. Ippolitov became fascist(publicly praises the aesthetics of the Third Reich in relevant publications), Timofeevsky is one of the leading Kremlin political strategists. He was Gryzlov's speechwriter.

P.S.. Almost simultaneously with the material about Duna Smirnova, I came across another photograph of Maria Zakharova with Alexei Venediktov. Judging by the number of photographs, they are very good friends and communicate quite closely.

Like this: "patriots" and "liberals" are actually boiled in the same pot and they have no fundamental disagreements and never have had them. It’s just that everyone has their own job, for which they receive money. From Russia, each of them receives something that brings them profit. Does “patriotism” bring profit to the Surgeon and Zakharova? Great. And the liberal howl to Venedektov or Posner? Great too. Be sure that they will definitely discuss this in a restaurant over a glass of good wine.

This is also why in Russia Poroshenko, Kolomoisky and a bunch of other Ukrainian oligarchs continue to do business quite successfully, and Russian oligarchs in Ukraine are not doing badly either.

War and srach are for the plebs.

Have a nice day everyone.

P.S.S. Since the post turned out to be quite popular and received three hundred comments, I think I need to clarify something. I see that all the comments have divided most people into approximately three camps:

Oh horror, it's 1937 again and you can't dig through your dirty laundry,

The creatures are all corrupt and should be washed in the toilet,

It was all the Jews who drank the water from the tap.

The post was not at all about making lists for Lubyanka. The material about Duna Smirnova and other people was published in order to show what kind of characters they are who today have access to the highest echelons of power and who have influence on the agenda in Russia?

Agree that, for example, open homosexual relationships and group cohabitation of a person who worked as a speechwriter for the “sovereign leader” Gryzlov speak volumes about the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church. At least, I have questions, how do such people end up in the civil service? The new kind appeared “homosexual statists” and “Orthodox pederasts”? Or are all these “patriotic” speeches just a farce and dust in people’s eyes? From the podium we say one thing, but around the corner we do something else?

And most importantly, Dunya started out as anti-Soviet and made a huge contribution to the collapse of the country. And then they made careers on the ruins of the USSR, and now they are already honored figures and respected people. But it’s worth remembering who they are, how they started their careers and how they rose up. It also gives insight into their value system. The elite pursues state policy based on its value system. Well, an adept cannot group sex and homosexual relations to advocate “traditional values”.

Concerning Jewish roots Dunya, it’s even simpler here. According to information on the network, her ancestors participated in the Second World War. Glory to them for their courage, but this is not about them. It so happened that the Soviet intelligentsia of the 80s was largely Jewish and it was they who were at the forefront of anti-Soviet activities in the country, shaking and destroying the foundations of the state.

I'm not calling for '37. It’s just that when people have questions about why this or that crazy law was passed, why our education is collapsing, why our economy is collapsing, then the most logical thing is to find out who exactly is passing such laws and who generally sets the agenda in the state. For example, I would really like to look at the list of sponsors of Russian parties. I read from Limonov, for example, that in the 90s Zyuganov accepted money from a Chechen bank...

Or the circus that Kadyrov organizes. Urapatriots have already begun to consider him “one of their own” and kiss him on the gums, but no one ever asked the question, how does the head of a poor, subsidized republic literally live in gold? Isn't this a shame and isn't it a reason to at least ask a question?

Now about Zakharova. What she does in her position, she does quite professionally. Although, some moments cause outright surprise and misunderstanding. The question is different. Well, can you imagine that during the war Stalin met with Vlasov?

- Hello Joseph, how are you?

- Yes, good. I heard you changed your job, went to the Germans, and in an interview you called on them not to take prisoners and burn entire villages.

- Well, you understand that this is work, and we have different views on life. This doesn't stop us from being friends, does it?

- Of course not! On the occasion of the meeting, let's open a bottle of kindzmarauli?

-Well, for friendship!

Funny? But I do not.

I'm serious. In the morning you talk about the children of Donbass, and in the evening you drink coffee with those who call for burning Colorados? Like this? If Venediktov, as they say, is an agent of the Kremlin, then communicate with him as an agent quietly and without publicity. And this is a slap in the face of millions of people. Including those killed in two years.

In general, I don’t encourage anyone to do anything, I just want people to start using their brains.

In an interview with musician Vasily Vakulenko (Basta), when the topic of drug addiction came up, Chubais’s wife made frank confession. Avdotya encountered drugs after undergoing a very difficult back operation in Germany, which lasted more than ten hours.


“And in Germany, the principle of medicine is that a person should not endure pain. And in a short time I came to high doses of drugs. Then they began to gradually take me off them. I, in fact, received all the joys of withdrawal,” “Snob” quotes Smirnova. . According to her, this is “an absolutely hellish condition.”

The TV presenter says that she once said the following words to her friend Yevgeny Roizman: “You don’t understand what it is. A person injects drugs not in order to get a high, but in order to stop this torment.” To this she received a harsh answer. “Well, you endured it, so they (drug addicts – editor’s note) can do it too,” the woman shares.

In turn, Basta shared his experience in this regard. “The point here is not to physically endure it. It’s not difficult. I mean, it’s very difficult - I cut my hands, hit the wall - but you can get through it,” says the musician. He believes that after getting rid of this evil, a person needs special program, which shows him “that he is not to blame.”

According to him, the whole world has long recognized that drug addiction is a disease. Basta is confident that fighters against drug addiction should be merciful to addicted people. And after a person has overcome a destructive passion, he definitely needs to decide and understand “why he should continue to live.”

Avdotya Andreevna Smirnova is a screenwriter, director, publicist, host of the “School of Scandal” program, wife of Anatoly Chubais.

Early years, childhood and family of Dunya Smirnova

Avdotya Smirnova was born on June 29, 1969 in Moscow. Her mother, Natalya Rudnaya, was famous actress(“Iolanta”, “Autumn”, “Mistress” orphanage"), and his father, Andrei Smirnov, is an outstanding director and screenwriter. It is his work that is the Soviet masterpiece “Belarusian Station” with Yevgeny Leonov. Avdotya also has a sister Alexandra and half-sister Aglaya and brother Alexey.

As a child, Avdotya, whom her relatives called Dunya for short, was constantly worried about unusual name. She was often introduced to her peers as Christina, Angela, or even Juliet.

Growing up in a “cinematic” family, Dunya gravitated not only to cinema, but also to writing. Trying to combine both passions, the girl decided to enroll in the screenwriting department of VGIK.

However, her father intervened here. Not wanting his daughter to build a career “by inertia,” he forbade the girl to even think about cinema. As a result, Dunya became a student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, then at the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS.

Dunya Smirnova and “Dumb” (1988)

IN student years Avdotya became interested in the art of journalism. For some time, the girl worked as a book reviewer in the magazines “Stolitsa” and “Afisha”, then got a job as an editor in the creative workshop of Sergei Solovyov. And then she radically changed her life and, leaving college, became an art manager and vocalist of the underground punk band “Dumb.”


Avdotya’s cinematic path began with her acquaintance with the famous director Alexei Uchitel. Together with him, the girl wrote the script for the film “ Last Hero», dedicated to memory musician Viktor Tsoi.

Soon Smirnova moved to St. Petersburg, where she began working on new scripts. In 1993, based on her script, Uchitel made a biographical film about director Roman Viktyuk - “Butterfly”.

In 1999, the girl took part in working on the script for the crime comedy “8 and a Half Dollars” starring Ivan Okhlobystin and Fyodor Bondarchuk. Her work was awarded the Golden Aries film critics prize.

Her next script, which served as the basis for the biographical drama about Ivan Bunin, His Wife's Diary, received second place in the prestigious American screenwriting competition The Hartley-Merrill International Screening Competition.

In 2002, Avdotya made her television debut as co-host of Tatyana Tolstoy in the “School of Scandal” program. The guests of the program were figures from show business, science and politics, who were skillfully “dissected” by the presenters during the broadcast, trying to reveal their hidden psychological qualities.

Creative evening of Avdotya Smirnova

In 2006, Avdotya Smirnova made her directorial debut. The melodrama, called “Communication,” told the story of two family people(Anna Mikhalkova and Mikhail Porechenkov), who put their entire life before their meeting under the knife for the sake of whirlwind romance. The film was awarded the Kinotavr Award in the Best Debut category.

In 2008, the young director brought to the audience the mini-series “Fathers and Sons,” a film adaptation novel of the same name Turgenev, so beloved by Avdotya. “This book is about how people with so-called principles fail,” she said in an interview.

Three years later came out New film Avdotya Smirnova - “2 Days” with Ksenia Rappoport, a mixture of romantic comedy with heart-warming melodrama. In addition to being nominated for the Golden Eagle, the film was awarded the Georges award with the wording “For strengthening faith in Russian cinema.”

The director’s next film, the tragicomedy “Kokoko”, was nominated for “Nick” and Grand Prize"Kinotavr". The film told about the friendship of two diametrically opposed women: the refined intellectual Lisa (Anna Mikhalkova) and the extravagant provincial Vika (Yana Troyanova).

In addition to directing, Avdotya is one of the founders of the Exit Foundation, which helps children with autism.

Personal life of Dunya Smirnova. Marriage to Chubais

Avdotya Smirnova was married twice. Her first husband was St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov. Dunya Smirnova lived in marriage with him for seven years. The couple raised a son, Danila Ippolitov. Today, Dunya Smirnova’s son plays in the Russian beach soccer team as a goalkeeper.

Evening Urgant. Guest: Avdotya Smirnova

Since 2012, the name of Dunya Smirnova has been inextricably linked with the name of Anatoly Chubais from Rusnano. Their marriage caused a great stir in society. Many viewers asked Smirnova whether the film “Two Days” was an adaptation of her and Chubais’ novel. “No, although prophetically it turned out that way,” answered Avdotya.

“Modern men are hysterical, weak, irresponsible, selfish. It's hard to feel like a woman with them. All this does not apply to Anatoly Borisovich at all. He has an angelic character,” she said in an interview.

Avdotya Smirnova now

In 2016, the director took part in the work on the film almanac “Petersburg. Only for love” - sketches from life united by a single theme Northern capital. She owns novella No. 7 (“Walking the Dogs”).

According to personal statements, Elena Davydova is Yeltsin’s psychic. You can find out if this is so in our article. Did the first president of the Russian Federation really collaborate with this clairvoyant: find out the truth and details of the biography of a psychic from Ivanovo.

In the article:

Yeltsin's personal psychic

Elena Davydova introduced herself as Yeltsin's personal psychic, the first president of Russia. She was involved in compiling his personal horoscopes and looked into the future that awaited one of the most famous politicians in Russia.

Elena Davydova and Yeltsin

Over time, psychic Elena Davydova stopped serving Yeltsin. It is unknown what caused the cessation of cooperation; the participant in the Battle of Psychics does not talk about this. Perhaps it did not live up to the president’s expectations, or perhaps the cooperation ended only with the life of Boris Yeltsin in 2007.

It is difficult to say whether Boris Yeltsin’s collaboration with this psychic is true. The first president of Russia died long ago and cannot confirm her words. According to Elena, she worked with deputy Podziruk, who, at her request, organized a meeting with Yeltsin in 1989. Later, his assistant told Elena that many psychics had offered their services before her, but the president always refused. He began collaborating with her the next day after the meeting.

The first meeting with the Russian President took place on the tennis court. Davydova carried out diagnostics and, without identifying any diseases, spoke honestly about it. On this day, she received an offer to become Yeltsin’s magical assistant. The clairvoyant, who had always dreamed of working for the government, was glad to see him. She calls working with Boris Yeltsin the meaning of her whole life, and speaks of him as a great man. In addition to him, Elena Davydova advised many politicians and celebrities, whose names she prefers not to name.

Yeltsin's psychic Elena Davydova noticed her gift back in childhood- about five years. However, she could not advertise it, because at the time Soviet Union this was not accepted. At the age of 26, the clairvoyant realized that she could not only predict the future, but also heal with the help of personal energy, remove the evil eye and damage. For a long time she did not see anything unusual in her gift, believing that all people are just as psychic. Subsequently, it turned out that even her close relatives do not have paranormal abilities.

Participation in the Battle of Psychics

Elena Davydova at the Battle of Psychics

The clairvoyant got to the Battle of Psychics without any problems. She immediately guessed that the TV was hiding behind the screen. The clairvoyant also passed the rest of the qualifying tests for the project quite well. Even though she failed to find the person in the trunk, Yeltsin’s personal specialist ended up in the Battle of Psychics.

The most simple test Elena considers the one that involved searching for one girl out of six who was expecting a child from a man present at the test. She passed this test in just a few seconds. It is interesting that the clairvoyant sees the tests themselves in advance. But, despite this, there was also the most difficult test in her understanding - the murder of a girl in Obninsk. During it, Elena said that the crime weapon was a moonshine still. She later realized she meant drugs. Under their influence, a crime was committed, but no one believed this version of what happened.

Psychic Yeltsin maintains fairly warm relations with the rest of the participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. So, she evokes special sympathy from. In one of the interviews, he said that Elena is the only participant who appeared in the project for the sake of helping people, and not fame or money. She became friends with Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky, with whom the clairvoyant from Ivanovo took many photographs as keepsakes and posted them on social networks.

Elena Davydova with Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky

The rest of the participants in the Battle of Psychics noted that Elena leaves only a pleasant impression of herself. She is modest, does not strive to show herself as the only one worthy of first place in the project, and is pleasant to talk to. The goal of this participant is to exchange experiences, meet other clairvoyants, and find like-minded people. She also has a more global goal. - prevent the outbreak of World War III. Predictions about the Third World War are very different, and according to Elena Davydova, she has something to think about.

The healer from Ivanovo suddenly decided to participate in the Battle of Psychics. According to her, it was like this: she saw through the window the building where the casting was taking place and decided to try it. After the casting in Ivanovo, the psychic was invited to qualifying round to Moscow. She watched the first season of the project, and at that time formed a negative opinion about the Battle of Psychics. However recent seasons changed the healer's opinion better side. On the screen she saw worthy opponents and interesting people to communicate about things that are inaccessible to ordinary people.

Elena Davydova is far from magic. She practices neither white nor black witchcraft. What the healer does is precisely clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and healing in pure form, with the help of personal powers, and not calling on spirits and using the help of otherworldly beings.

Avdotya Smirnova or Elena Davydova - what is known about her

Elena Davydova

Real name of Elena Davydova - Avdotya Smirnova. People who contacted her different time, they affectionately call her Avdotyushka. Boris Yeltsin also knew the clairvoyant under this name, whose personal psychic was for some time one of the participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Psychic Davydova was born in Nizhny Tagil and lived in Moscow for some time. Her date of birth is April 12, 1960. She now lives in the city of Ivanovo, where she is widely known as a clairvoyant and healer, even though she did not strive for popularity. Despite such reviews from the local population, the healer herself is not too fond of the residents of Ivanovo. It is known that they are afraid to offend her, and, according to Elena herself, it is dangerous to be rude to her. She hopes to never return to Ivanovo - a city where disgusting people live.

Participant in the Battle of Psychics Elena Davydova has a higher sports education. She is a figure skating coach by profession and studied in Moscow. Avdotya Smirnova has long been a grandmother. Her grandchildren are preschool or junior twins school age. Avdotya loves humor and shows Comedy Woman and the series Interns.

Elena Davydova - appointment with a clairvoyant

Clairvoyant Elena Davydova relatively recently mastered the Internet and social media. Thanks to the World Wide Web, she has the opportunity to help people from all over the world. Which is what the clairvoyant does, and according to rumors, absolutely for free. She doesn't refuse anyone. Anyone who turns to this psychic will receive help.

Free receptions from a participant in the Battle of Psychics is a controversial issue. In one of the interviews, she herself stated that she has a low opinion of people in general, and does not consider herself obligated to help just like that - after all, no one helps her for nothing. What can you expect from an appointment with Elena: she