Where are the Brothers Grimm now? Boris Burdaev decided to change his sex

Kostya Burdaev's wife asked to be buried in a pink coffin

Kostya Burdaev's wife asked to be buried in a pink coffin

This week marks 40 days since Lesya KRIEG, the wife of the lead singer of the Brothers Grim group Konstantin BURDAEV, passed away. She died on December 16 at the age of 30 from heart failure. In an interview with Express Gazeta, Kostya said that his wife had a presentiment of an early death, so she categorically refused to have children. The artist’s songs, released on his last disc, also turned out to be prophetic.

Album released in 2010 Kostya Burdaev I wrote without my brother Boris. The main theme present in all compositions is eternal separation. Only after the death of his wife did the musician realize how prophetic his poems were.
“I wanted to dedicate the song “Come Back” to my brother,” says Kostya. - But, apparently, everything is predetermined from above. A couple of months after the album’s release, my beloved passed away. And now I see that the words of the composition turned out to be not about Bor at all, but about the Forest. And a year and a half ago the following lines were born: “Farewell, I love you, we will meet in a new life.” It was as if he knew in advance that this would happen.

Rival Dima

Lesya Krieg(real name Khudyakova. - N.M.) and Konstantin Burdaev met in Samara, where the 19-year-old beauty came to get a job on the radio.
“Lesya became a broadcast star,” says Kostya, “and I read the weather and news.” We began an office romance with overnight stays under the window, letters and serenades, although we both had significant other at that time. I dated a girl for four years, Lesya had a boyfriend - a party host Dmitry Pavlov. A prominent man who enjoys the attention of ladies. This bothered Lesya, so she chose me. I didn’t have time to tell my girlfriend anything. She just saw us together and understood everything.
For a long time, Khudyakova could not decide which of the men was dearer to her. When Dmitry came home once again, Lesya took the keys from him and immediately dialed Burdaev’s number to consult whether she had gone overboard.
- My beloved called and asked if I should give Dima the keys back. I went all in: “If you do this, you can forget about me.” So I put an end to their relationship. But I am sure that for Dima, despite his many girlfriends, Lesya was some kind of light. I understood this from his eyes when Pavlov arrived at her funeral.

Black shirt

Having played a wedding in Samara, Kostya and his twin brother went to conquer Moscow. The wife did not immediately decide to give up her successful career, but after some time she moved to the capital.
- Was your wife not offended that she sacrificed hers for the sake of your career?
“It wasn’t easy for her when she had to quit the radio and go to Moscow. But Lesya enjoyed the work of the group’s tour manager.
- Where did she get the pseudonym Krieg - war?
- It suited her. I have never seen such a riot of character in any girl! She knew how to be a bitch. But at the same time she had a kind heart. Lesya wrote poems and dedicated many of them to me. Our relationship was stormy. Sometimes they broke dishes, but they soon made up. Lately we haven't been apart 24 hours a day.
- Was she a believer?
- In the end, yes. She had a presentiment that something bad might happen to her. I once joked: “When you’re old, you’ll bury me.” And Lesya suddenly said seriously: “No, Kostya, it’s you who will bury me. Remember, I want a pink coffin.” When she died suddenly, from heart failure, I then looked for one for a long time. I found a white one with a pink tint. I always wanted a child, but my wife seemed to foresee that this should not be done. Of course, Lesya understood that she had a weak heart that could not withstand childbirth. At the same time, she smoked a lot: two or three packs a day. I tried to wean her off, but my beloved was adamant. I remember she said: “I look at this world and want to fly to Laos.” True, she promised to return. The last thing she gave me was a black shirt. I don't usually wear these, but unfortunately, I soon found it useful.

- After Lesya’s death, the Internet was full of gossip about amphetamine poisoning.
- That's bullshit. Her heart gave out. The pulse often went off scale. I suggested going to the doctor, but she refused. In character and energy, she was stronger than me, she could crush me with her arguments. I don't blame the doctors for her death, only myself. Maybe if I had found her in the bathroom earlier... I miss her warmth and care so much. There are still books with recipes she wrote. Thanks to her, I learned to cook. I dream about Lesya almost every day. In my dreams she is happy. When I wake up and realize that she is not there, I think it would be better not to open my eyes at all. The only thing that saves me is the thought that my wife devoted a lot of effort to the revival of the Brothers Grim group, and I don’t want to let it all go to waste. She will be offended if I drop everything now and follow her. I'm 29 and will continue to live. And love Lesya for the rest of my life.
- Doesn’t it bother you that of the two “Brothers Grim” there is only one left in the group? Boris seems to have left for Samara forever?
- As for Boris, the man is tired. The “copper pipes” we passed through made themselves felt. He ceased to adequately perceive himself. Now he does what he likes. I don’t think Borya will return to the group.
- Is it true that you hired his ex-wife, Katya Pletneva, as a keyboard player?
- She is not a new person for us, as she has worked in the group since 1999. Then we decided to make a purely male team. After her brother left, Katya was left alone, and I supported her.

Jealous Boris

Romance of a pianist Ekaterina Pletneva And Boris Burdaev also started in Samara. The fact that the girl was five years older did not bother the young man.
“I gave guitar lessons at the Samara Medical-Technical Lyceum, where Kostya studied,” recalls Katya. - He and Borya just created the Magellan group - the Brothers Grim arose later.
- What attracted you to him?
- Borya was 17, I was 22 - I became his first girlfriend. He looked after me beautifully. He presented gifts: either a telephone or a ring with diamonds. And I gave him paintings that I painted in oil.
Six years after they met, in 2004, they got married.
“I came to visit him at his rented apartment, and one day I just stayed. But over the years, Borya has changed a lot. He became nervous, his worldview changed. He began to come drunk, and I never scolded him, because I loved him and forgave everything in advance. Once in Samara, Boris was so jealous of an acquaintance that he broke my glasses.
- Who made the decision to leave?
- Borya. He went on tour with his suitcases and never returned. I called, trying to understand what happened. In response I heard: “I want to be free from everything. I don't need anyone to live for me. I want to go outside and realize that I am alone.”
- How did you cope with the breakup?
- Kostya supported me. He pulled me out of depression and suggested that I return to the group - I play several instruments. Although they are twins, they are completely different. In 2009, my husband and I filed for divorce, and I never saw him again.

One of the leaders of the Brothers Grim group, Boris Burdaev, intends to become a woman.

One of the leaders of the once popular Russian group "Brothers Grim" Boris Burdaev is going to change his gender.

The 35-year-old artist recently admitted that he has a non-traditional sexual orientation. Now he is thinking about radical metamorphoses with his body. The singer’s producer Andrei Borodin spoke about this.

“Now Borya travels abroad very often. Even at the moment he is in Madrid. I don’t know what he is doing there exactly. But he has thoughts about changing his gender,” said Burdaev’s representative.

“If he does this, I will stop working with him. He is gay, and this is already a deviation. If he also becomes a woman, he will ask to call him not Borey, but some Natalie... The public will no longer perceive him,” - added the producer.

“I believe that personal life should be a personal life, and not intersect with work issues,” Borodin emphasized.

Burdaev himself, having arrived on tour, can “hang out” in a gay chat, looking for a partner for the night. At the same time, there can be no talk of preparing for the concert, which is unacceptable, according to the producer. He believes that sex should be done at home, not at work.

Answering a question from journalists about his plans, Boris chose to avoid answering, indulging in philosophical reasoning on this matter.

“In principle, I cannot give birth to a child. This, of course, would be good, but it is not yet possible. Although, they would pay me a million dollars, because the man will finally give birth. Secondly, it looks very unaesthetic,” the musician noted.

Let's remember that the group "Brothers Grim" consisted of two twin brothers Boris and Konstantin Burdaev.

After the group’s collapse, the media often wrote about Boris’s scandalous behavior: he either started a drunken fight, or shocked hotel guests with his nudity. In addition, the artist came out and spoke about his homosexuality.

Let us add that several years ago Konstantin suffered a heavy loss - his young wife died suddenly.

Ten years ago, the Brothers Grim hit “Eyelashes” could be heard from every window. Red-haired Kostya and Boris Burdaev bathed in the glory and love of fans. However, soon disagreements arose between the brothers and the group broke up. Now each of the artists has his own team: Konstantin assembled a new composition of the group “Brothers Grim”, and Boris created the project “Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim”.

After the group’s collapse, the media often wrote about Boris’s scandalous behavior: he either started a drunken fight, or shocked hotel guests with his nudity. In addition, the artist came out and spoke about his homosexuality.


Now Boris's producer has announced that he wants to change his gender and become a woman. “He has thoughts about gender reassignment. If he does this, I will stop working with him. He is gay, and this is already a deviation. If he also becomes a woman, he will ask to call him not Borey, but some Natalie... The public will no longer perceive him,” Andrei Borodin said in an interview with life.ru.


The fact that Boris is gay creates big problems in his cooperation with the producer. Borodin believes that the singer should not show off his personal life. “This is unacceptable to me. Instead of preparing for the concert, he thinks about which boy he should sleep with. You come to work, and you only have to think about it. If you want to have sex with someone, you do it at home, not at work. He very often disrupts interviews, especially if he is not physically satisfied. On top of everything, our production center is engaged in children's creativity, and here Borya is gay. This is not good,” the singer’s producer is indignant.


Boris himself has not yet made any statements about a gender change. The artist talks about the fact that he cannot give birth to a child and this is sad. “Firstly, in principle, I will not be able to give birth to a child, this, of course, would be good, but it is not yet possible. Secondly, it looks very unaesthetic. Imagine, you will film a video of me giving birth to a child. How should I do this? Do you know that men during childbirth faint when they see what is happening there. And here I will give birth... This is incredibly ugly, comrades. So science will help us,” the singer said.

The ex-soloist of the group "Brothers Grim" for the first time commented on rumors of a gender change

Recently, a number of Russian media reported that the lead singer of the Brothers Grim group, 35-year-old Boris Burdaev, plans to change his gender and become a woman. Yesterday, Boris himself commented on this news for the first time, saying that these rumors were untrue.

Dear friends and fans, I rarely ask you for something, but this time I cannot ignore it. We have all been modern people of the 21st century and, thanks to social networks, we have long learned to correctly filter information and ignore the yellow media. I thought that the days of “yellow newspapers” were already gone, but no, apparently this industry is in such a dying state that the most freaks and flawed creatures go there. In pursuit of a hot fact, they are ready to write unimaginable stupidity, at the level of gateways and vulgar drawings on the desk. Apparently, everything is completely bad there, and the level of stupidity has gone beyond all boundaries of good and evil. If you have time and desire to help me, please don’t be lazy. Click on the “complain” button on your social networks and this nonsense will be removed,” Boris wrote on Instagram, attaching a link to the news about his alleged plans to change his gender.

Boris Burdaev

Let us recall that the group “Brothers Grim” was founded by twin brothers Boris and Konstantin Burdaev in 1998 and was remembered by music lovers for such songs as “Elashes”, “Kusturica” and others. In 2009, due to disagreements, the brothers stopped collaborating, and the Brothers Grim brand remained with Konstantin. Boris founded the group "Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim", in the same year - 2009 - he announced his bisexuality. From 2002 to 2009, Boris was married to musician Ekaterina Pletneva.

To this day time

Boris Grim (Boris Veniaminovich Burdaev)(June 6, 1981) - Russian musician, ex-soloist of the popular group “Brothers Grim”. Currently performs with his musical group under the names: "Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim"(pop rock), Octopus Maiden(psychedelic rock), "Lirrika"(lo-fi, indie rock), "Ufology"(synth-pop). Twin brother of the current lead singer of the group "Brothers Grim" Konstantin Burdaev.


In 2004 he moved to Moscow and played in the group “Brothers Grim”. After signing a contract with Leonid Burlakov, the group gained wide popularity, the songs “Eyelashes” and “Kusturica” appeared on radio stations and occupied high positions in many charts. The group performed in many cities in Russia and the CIS, as well as abroad (Germany, Israel, Great Britain, USA).

In March 2009, due to disagreements between the brothers, the Brothers Grim group ceased to exist. Boris Burdaev claims that he learned the news about the breakup of the group from the Internet, and the message about the breakup was published on the group’s website solely on the initiative of Konstantin Burdaev.

In the spring of 2010, Konstantin Burdaev announced the revival of the group “Brothers Grim” with a new lineup; Boris Burdaev did not return to the group.

In the fall of 2011, news appeared about Boris Burdaev’s return to the stage with a new creative team called “Lirrika”. The group's first appearance took place on November 15 at the 16 Ton club (Moscow).

In 2014, Burdaev announced his intention to return to using the name “Brothers Grim” for his new team. However, after disagreements with his brother, who already performs under this name, and the management of his group, Boris creates a related project, “Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim.” The group's repertoire includes old songs of the group "Brothers Grim" by Boris, as well as new songs, including in English (in the English version the group is called "Grim Bros").

In 2015, he created another project - the English-language psychedelic rock group Octopus Maiden. The composition of all Boris' musical projects is the same, it includes:

  1. Vladimir Kosorukov (guitar),
  2. Vasily Nikitin (drums),
  3. Maxim Nikitin (bass guitar)

In February 2016, Burdaev released the debut album of the group “Lirrika” - “The Album”.

On June 14, 2016, the online release of the new EP “Starfalls” took place. The single was released under the name "Boris Grim", without indicating the name "Brothers Grim".

On August 22, 2016, Boris presented his new synth-pop project “Ufology” with the debut single “Single”.

Personal life

He was married to Ekaterina Pletneva from 2002 to 2009.

Openly bisexual. Came out in 2009: “I believe that for an intellectually and physically developed person, for example, group sex is normal. It doesn't matter - with men or with women. There is no need to differentiate by gender. It has been proven that 80 percent of people are bisexual. Naturally, I'm just as bisexual as everyone else." .

In the fall of 2016, rumors appeared in the media about Boris’s intentions to change his sex, but the musician soon denied these rumors and urged fans not to believe in the messages spread by the “yellow press”.


  • - Grimm brothers
  • - Hey, People! (EP)
  • - Spring Tales of the Brothers Grim (EP)
  • - Illusion
  • - Hey, People! 2007 (EP)
  • - Babylon (EP)
  • - Martians

As part of the group "Lirrika":

  • - Lyrica-Africa (SP)
  • - Pzdtz (SP)
  • - Pure reflections (EP)
  • -The Album

As part of the group "Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim":

  • - Secrets (SP) (under the name "Brothers Grim Tribute")
  • - Menagerie (SP)
  • - Peter Pan (SP)
  • - Dreamcatcher (SP)
  • - Starfalls (EP)

In the group "Octopus Maiden":

  • - Solaris (SP)
  • - Comedown (SP)

As part of the Ufology group:

  • - Single (SP)



  • in Vkontakte
  • on instagram.
  • in Vkontakte
  • in Vkontakte

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An excerpt characterizing Burdaev, Boris Veniaminovich

Natasha blushed crimson hearing these words.
- How she blushes, how she blushes, ma delicieuse! [my precious!] - said Helen. - Definitely come. Si vous aimez quelqu"un, ma delicieuse, ce n"est pas une raison pour se cloitrer. Si meme vous etes promise, je suis sure que votre promis aurait desire que vous alliez dans le monde en son absence plutot que de deperir d'ennui. [Just because you love someone, my lovely, you should not live like a nun. Even if you are a bride, I am sure that your groom would prefer that you go out into society in his absence than die of boredom.]
“So she knows that I’m a bride, so she and her husband, with Pierre, with this fair Pierre,” thought Natasha, talked and laughed about it. So it’s nothing.” And again, under the influence of Helen, what had previously seemed terrible seemed simple and natural. “And she is such a grande dame, [important lady,] so sweet and obviously loves me with all her heart,” Natasha thought. And why not have fun? thought Natasha, looking at Helen with surprised, wide-open eyes.
Marya Dmitrievna returned to dinner, silent and serious, obviously defeated by the old prince. She was still too excited from the collision to be able to calmly tell the story. To the count's question, she answered that everything was fine and that she would tell him tomorrow. Having learned about Countess Bezukhova’s visit and invitation to the evening, Marya Dmitrievna said:
“I don’t like hanging out with Bezukhova and wouldn’t recommend it; Well, if you promised, go, you’ll be distracted,” she added, turning to Natasha.

Count Ilya Andreich took his girls to Countess Bezukhova. There were quite a lot of people at the evening. But the whole society was almost unfamiliar to Natasha. Count Ilya Andreich noted with displeasure that this entire society consisted mainly of men and women, known for their freedom of treatment. M lle Georges, surrounded by young people, stood in the corner of the living room. There were several Frenchmen, and among them Metivier, who had been her housemate since Helene's arrival. Count Ilya Andreich decided not to play cards, not to leave his daughters, and to leave as soon as the Georges performance was over.
Anatole was obviously at the door waiting for the Rostovs to enter. He immediately greeted the count, approached Natasha and followed her. As soon as Natasha saw him, just like in the theater, a feeling of vain pleasure that he liked her and fear from the absence of moral barriers between her and him overwhelmed her. Helen joyfully received Natasha and loudly admired her beauty and dress. Soon after their arrival, M lle Georges left the room to get dressed. In the living room they began to arrange chairs and sit down. Anatole pulled out a chair for Natasha and wanted to sit next to her, but the count, who had not taken his eyes off Natasha, sat down next to her. Anatole sat in the back.
M lle Georges, with bare, dimpled, thick arms, wearing a red shawl worn over one shoulder, walked out into the empty space left for her between the chairs and stopped in an unnatural pose. An enthusiastic whisper was heard. M lle Georges looked sternly and gloomily at the audience and began to speak some poems in French, which dealt with her criminal love for her son. In some places she raised her voice, in others she whispered, raising her head solemnly, in others she stopped and wheezed, rolling her eyes.
- Adorable, divin, delicieux! [Delightful, divine, wonderful!] - was heard from all sides. Natasha looked at fat Georges, but did not hear anything, did not see and did not understand anything of what was happening in front of her; she only felt again completely irrevocably in that strange, crazy world, so far from the previous one, in that world in which it was impossible to know what was good, what was bad, what was reasonable and what was crazy. Anatole was sitting behind her, and she, feeling his closeness, fearfully waited for something.
After the first monologue, the whole company stood up and surrounded m lle Georges, expressing their delight to her.
- How good she is! - Natasha said to her father, who, along with others, stood up and moved through the crowd towards the actress.
“I don’t find it, looking at you,” said Anatole, following Natasha. He said this at a time when she alone could hear him. “You are lovely... from the moment I saw you, I haven’t stopped....”
“Come on, let’s go, Natasha,” said the count, returning for his daughter. - How good!
Natasha, without saying anything, walked up to her father and looked at him with questioning, surprised eyes.
After several receptions of recitation, M lle Georges left and Countess Bezukhaya asked for company in the hall.
The Count wanted to leave, but Helen begged him not to ruin her impromptu ball. The Rostovs remained. Anatole invited Natasha to a waltz and during the waltz he, shaking her waist and hand, told her that she was ravissante [charming] and that he loved her. During the eco-session, which she again danced with Kuragin, when they were left alone, Anatole did not say anything to her and only looked at her. Natasha was in doubt whether she had seen what he said to her during the waltz in a dream. At the end of the first figure he shook her hand again. Natasha raised her frightened eyes to him, but there was such a self-confidently tender expression in his affectionate gaze and smile that she could not look at him and say what she had to say to him. She lowered her eyes.
“Don’t tell me such things, I’m engaged and love someone else,” she said quickly... “She looked at him. Anatole was not embarrassed or upset by what she said.
- Don't tell me about this. What do I care? - he said. “I’m saying that I’m madly, madly in love with you.” Is it my fault that you are amazing? Let's start.