Presentation on the topic: The amazing world of Dragunsky. The life and work of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky

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Presentation on the topic: The amazing world of Dragunsky

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Victor Yuzefovich DRAGUNSKY Dragunsky was born in November 1913, lived 58 years, worked in children's literature for only 12 years, but remained in our memory as a classic. Viktor Yuzefovich was born overseas, but spent his childhood on the Sozh River in Belarusian Gomel. His father died of typhus, his stepfather, a Red commander, died in the civil war. In his youth, Victor worked as a beacon maker, saddler, boatman, and turner. Later he was a circus clown, theater and film actor, and the head of the small satirical theater "Blue Bird". During the war he was a militia member. Viktor Yuzefovich worked for children. He often spoke on the radio with his stories, and often visited schools, orphanages, boarding schools, and libraries. Dragunsky often received letters and always tried to answer. He ended each of his messages with the motto: “FRIENDSHIP! LOYALTY! HONOR!". 11/30/1913 (New York) - 05/06/1972 (Moscow)

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ACTOR AND HUMORIST Victor was an average student, read a lot and did well only in literature. Professor A.L. Stein, his school friend, recalled: “Despite his short life, Viktor Dragunsky lived up to our hopes. Among us, friends of childhood and youth, he turned out to be the brightest; he contributed more than all of us to the sphere of culture in which he created and worked.” One day, quite by accident, on the street Victor saw an advertisement: “The literary and theatrical workshop is announcing enrollment of students.” I'll go. I’ll try.” Dragunsky wrote in his memoirs. The most interesting period in his life began: learning acting. And then work in theaters. And a few years later he created the Blue Bird parody theater. The idea of ​​theater captivated many actors. Everyone wanted to play. And then Dragunsky came up with an idea: let several actors play one role at once. All performances of “The Blue Bird” began with a song: “Blue Bird, that’s how she is. Blue Bird; in it everything is the other way around: He doesn’t give offense to those he loves, And he pecks mercilessly at those he doesn’t love.” But all this happened after the war...

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WAR During the war, Dragunsky was eager to join the militia, although he was not accepted due to asthma. And yet he achieved his goal. A few days later, their diverse group was put on a train heading towards Smolensk. They placed everyone in a small village. Everyone was given a shovel and work began. They dug deep trenches and installed anti-tank barriers. The work was exhausting and hard. Then the theater was sent to the rear. Actor Nikolai Rykunin recalls: “The train was moving very slowly. I decided to take a walk with my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, to breathe some fresh air, although it was snowy and the wind was whipping with might and main. I was standing by the carriage with a child in my arms... Suddenly the locomotive blew its whistle and immediately started moving! I, skipping the handrails of my carriage, rushed with the girl to the next carriage, grabbed the handrails with one hand, and held my daughter with the other, the train accelerated, I shouted to my daughter: “Hold on to me tight!” I hear Victor outside the doors shouting something. It turns out the door is blocked with boards... And almost at the moment when I was losing my composure and strength, the boards flew apart with a crash and someone’s hands grabbed us and pulled us into the carriage... It was V .Dragunsky.!...He was a man of action!”

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"RED RED CLOWN" Quite unexpectedly, Dragunsky leaves the theater and goes to the circus to work as a clown. It was gloomy in the circus during these war days, the windows were sealed crosswise, there was little light. The military came to the circus for a break. Even the children of circus performers performed day and night. The famous circus actress and writer N. Durova recalls: “Dragunsky stood up not only for me, he stood up for us, the children. He saved us from false accusations and shouting. I adored him."

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DENISKIN'S STORIES "THIS NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL WORLD." Since 1959, Dragunsky has been writing funny stories about Denis Korablev under the general title "Deniskin's Stories." A variety of incidents happened to Dragunsky's main character: he jumped from a tower into the water, and on stage performed, and got into an accident with my dad. Some of these cases actually happened - not with Deniska Korablev, but with Deniska Dragunsky, the writer’s son. Stories about Denis have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, even Japanese.

Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich is a Russian writer of children's stories and short stories. Our message about him was compiled for children in order to familiarize themselves with the life of the famous author. The biography of the writer is briefly outlined, his work is described.


V. Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. His mother is Dragunskaya Rita Leibovna, his father is Pertsovsky Yuza Falkovich. They moved to the metropolis from Belarus before their son was born. When Dragunsky turned one year old, little Victor’s parents decided to return to their native country.

The boy's happy childhood did not last long. Unfortunately, when he was only five years old, his father died of a terrible disease in 1918. Some time later, his mother married again, but even here trouble awaited the family. The boy's stepfather died in 1920. Not wanting to raise her son without a father, Rita Dragunskaya finds her chosen one for the third time - the actor of the Menachem Theater - Mendl Rubin.

After some time, the new family moved to Moscow. In 1924, they had another child - a boy, Leonid. Victor was glad to see his brother. He took care of the baby all the time and protected him. But soon after Leni’s birth, her stepfather left the family and went to work in America.

Caring for his mother and brother fell on Victor’s shoulders very early, but he always protected and looked after his family. At the age of 17, he went to work and began to provide for his mother, brother and himself. At the same time, he began to attend a literary circle.

Dragunsy - actor

At the age of 17, Dragunsky was attracted to the theater. In addition to the writers' circle, he also began going to the theater studio. Dragunsky's talent manifested itself early and was immediately noticed by others. Based on his scripts, various performances began to be staged in the theater. The writer himself took part in the show, and once got a job at the circus. Developing his acting talent, Viktor Dragunsky was able to get into the world of cinema. He starred in the film “Russian Question”.

Dragunsky also was in a theater troupe parodies "Blue Bird".

Literary activity

As mentioned above, at the same time as the theater studio, Viktor Dragunsky attended a literary circle. Very he was often in the circle of writers. I took examples from their works and drew inspiration. Soon he began to create his own works. He wrote humoresques, short stories, scripts for funny skits and clowning.

  • Enchanted letter;
  • Girl on the ball;
  • Dog Thief;
  • Childhood friend;
  • The magical power of art;
  • 20 years under the bed.

“Deniska’s stories” were published in an impressive number of copies by the publishing house, and were received with a bang by the public. After such an enchanting success, Dragunsky continued working on the collection. In 1970, he supplemented Deniska’s Stories with new works:

  • Adventure;
  • Red ball in the blue sky;
  • First day;
  • Colorful stories.

Children liked all these stories so much that several films were made based on their stories.


Dragunsky was married twice. From his first marriage to Lena Kornilova, he had a son, Lenya, who was named after the writer’s younger brother. Kornilov - writer, journalist.

The second wife of the hero of our article was Alla Dragunskaya. This marriage produced two children - Ksenia and Denis.


On May 6, 1972, V. Yu. Dragunsky died. His ashes rest in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

The writer lived a short but fruitful life. His work gave the children a lot of positive emotions, smiles and impressions.

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I suggest you get acquainted with the work of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky, a Soviet writer, one of the famous short story writers, the author of many short stories and colorful collections. One of his most popular creations is Deniska’s Stories, on which all, perhaps, children of the Soviet Union grew up. They even entered the fundamental classics of Russian literature, became the basis for the imitation and development of new authors, as well as for the formation of many followers as individuals.

The writer was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. Victor Dragunsky comes from a Jewish family, and his parents themselves were emigrants from Gomel, then came to the USA, where they settled in the Bronx. Victor lost his father early - in 1918, he died of typhus, according to one source, but there is also information about the mystery of the death of Dragunsky's father, they say, he died due to secret, uncertain circumstances. A new person entered the family - a stepfather, a red commissar, but he also suffered an unpleasant fate, and the next stepfather was a theater actor. Frequent tours brought the family with young Dragunsky to Moscow.

Victor Dragunsky worked from a very early age, and also attended literary and theater workshops. In 1935 he began performing as an actor at the Transport Theater (now it is called the Gogol Theater).

He combined his acting days with writing - he edited humoresques and feuilletons, and also actively communicated with the bohemian crowd, which is why he had many contacts with Russian actors. Thanks to connections, he founded his own club, which lasted from 1948 to 1958, and also became the leader of his own ensemble called “Blue Bird,” which specialized in literary and theatrical parody. The club grew and became very popular; various young talents, as well as famous actors, took part in it.

During the Great Patriotic War he was in the militia. In 1943, his brother died, which had a significant impact on him, as on many who suffered losses during this terrible period.

In 1959, Dragunsky retrained and began writing children's stories, which brought him enormous popularity. Among others, there are such popular stories as “The Girl on the Ball” (of course, you have heard at least the name of this story), as well as “Childhood Friend”, “Twenty Years Under the Bed”, “The Magic Power of Art”.

In 1970, Dragunsky released a new series of stories: “Colorful Stories”, which brought him noticeable popularity, “Red Ball in the Blue Sky”, “Adventures” and others.

Based on his stories, by the way, films were filmed, and several short films were also shot (for example, “Captain”, “Where has it been seen, where has it been heard”, many stories were taken as the plot for Yeralash).

Victor Dragunsky also wrote poems, however, they were published only after his death by his widow. Viktor Dragunsky died at the age of 58 on May 6, 1972.

His work and life were full and varied. He gave the adults funny childhood memories, and the children wonderful stories. In addition, he also wrote a fairly adult story, “He Fell on the Grass,” which tells about the very first days of the war. Dragunsky is also considered the fathers of the Russian circus, so his story “Today and Everyday” about circus realities also gained popularity among Soviet readers.

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Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. The parents of the future writer were Belarusian emigrants. The life of the Dragunsky family in America did not work out, so in 1914 they returned to Belarus to Gomel. This is where Viktor Yuzefovich spent his childhood. In 1918, a tragedy occurred in Dragunsky’s short biography - his father died of typhus.

In 1925, the boy, his mother and stepfather moved to Moscow.

The beginning of creative activity

Viktor Yuzefovich's family was in a difficult financial situation, so he had to go to work early. Since 1930, Dragunsky began to attend the “Literary and Theater Workshops” of A. Dikiy. In 1935 he was accepted into the troupe of the Transport Theater (now the N.V. Gogol Theater). Later, Dragunsky worked in a circus, and for some time played at the Satire Theater.

In addition to the theatre, Viktor Yuzefovich was attracted to literary activity; he wrote humoresques, sideshows, feuilletons, skits, circus clowneries, etc. In 1940, Dragunsky’s works first appeared in print.

In 1945, Viktor Yuzefovich was invited to work at the Theater-Studio of Film Actors. In 1947, Dragunsky, whose biography was not full of film roles, starred in the film “The Russian Question” directed by M. Romm.

"Blue Bird"

In the theater, roles were mainly distributed among famous actors, so Dragunsky, as a young artist, could not count on constant employment in performances. In 1948, Viktor Yuzefovich created a parody “theater within a theater”, calling it “Blue Bird”. Soon L. Davidovich, Y. Kostyukovsky, V. Dykhovichny, M. Gluzsky, M. Slobodskoy, L. Sukharevskaya, R. Bykov, V. Bakhnov, E. Morgunov and others joined the troupe. For some productions, Dragunsky wrote song lyrics.

The Blue Bird Theater became famous in Moscow. The troupe was repeatedly invited to perform performances at the Actor's House. In 1958, the theater ceased its activities.

Mature literary creativity

In 1959, the works of the writer Dragunsky for children from the series “Deniska’s Stories” appeared in print for the first time. They brought the author great popularity. Many of the stories were filmed.

On May 6, 1972, Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky died in Moscow. The writer was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Other biography options

  • Dragunsky's mother married twice. The second husband, M. Rubin, was an actor in the vaudeville theater. Together with him, the family went on tour around the country, and then moved to Moscow.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia and performed with front-line concert brigades.
  • The prototype of the main character of “Denis’s Stories” was the writer’s son Denis.
  • Together with L. Davidovich Dragunsky wrote such famous songs as “Motor Ship”, “Three Waltzes”, “Berezonka”, “Wonder Song”, “Star of My Fields”.
  • At school, Dragunsky's works are studied in primary school.

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Childhood Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York. Readers are usually surprised to learn that Victor was born in New York. It so happened that his parents moved there in search of a better life, but they failed to settle down in their new place. Just a year later, the boy and his parents returned to their homeland - the city of Gomel (Belarus). In 1918, his father died of typhus. In 1925, the boy, his mother and stepfather moved to Moscow. In 1924, Victor had a brother, Leonid. But soon after Leni’s birth, her stepfather left the family and went to work in America. Caring for his mother and brother fell on Victor’s shoulders very early, but he always protected and looked after his family. At the age of 17, he went to work and began to provide for his mother, brother and himself. At the same time, he began to attend a literary circle.

Youth At the age of 17, Dragunsky was attracted to the theater. In addition to the writers' circle, he also began going to the theater studio. Dragunsky's talent manifested itself early and was immediately noticed by others. Based on his scripts, various performances began to be staged in the theater. The writer himself took part in the show, and once got a job in a circus. By developing his acting talent, Viktor Dragunsky was able to enter the world of cinema. Most of all, Dragunsky was attracted by the opportunity to please people. Theatre, circus, and stage were very important to us. And although Viktor Yuzefovich did not become a clown, he was able to join the circus - he wrote reprises - sideshows, clowning, songs and variety skits.

War During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. The Great Patriotic War left its mark on his fate. Thoughts, aspirations, pictures of what he saw during the war changed Victor forever.

Blue Bird After the war, Dragunsky set out to create his own theater, where every talented young actor could express himself. He succeeded. Blue Bird - this was the name of Victor’s parody theater, which gained recognition and fame in a matter of moments. Perhaps it was this theater that became the starting point of his path, which led to creative writing, which later left us Deniska’s stories as a gift.

Literary activity Memoirists say that Viktor Dragunsky especially loved speaking to children. For him there was no greater pleasure than watching the little spectators who, as they said, often fell off their chairs with laughter during his performances. And he was persuaded: the stories with which he spoke on stage in front of a children's audience were turned into books. But there is a big difference between what is recorded and what is performed! At the end of the 50s, according to the recollections of friends, Victor thought it was time to change something in his life. So in 1959, a collection of funny stories for children and the writer’s most important book, “Deniska’s Stories,” was published. “Deniska’s Stories” are humorous stories about a boy named Deniska Korablev, which, in my opinion, are skillfully collected in one collection. These stories were republished several times and became the basis for film scripts and theatrical productions.

Illustration for the story “Childhood Friend”

In 1961, the first book in the series “He is Alive and Glows” was published, which included 16 stories. However, the adventures of Deniska, his friend Mishka and other guys do not end there - in different years the stories “Tell me about Singapore”, “The Enchanted Letter”, “The Battle of the Clear River”, “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “Chicken Soup”, “Third Place Butterfly**,” “The Man with the Blue Face,” about 100 stories in total. Literary activity

Illustration for the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed” Illustration for the story “Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall” Illustration for the story “The Enchanted Letter”

The author did not choose the name of the main character of the series of “Deniska’s stories”, which brought Dragunsky popular popularity. That was the name of his own son.

In one of the last stories, “Today and Everyday,” the main character Clown says the following: “I don’t know what to do to save the children. I can't put them all with me, hug them and cover them with my body. Because children must live, they must rejoice... and I must bring joy to the children every day. Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter. I go to the matinee, I go to the playpen, as if on a post. Not a single day without work for children. Not a single child is without joy, I’m not the only one who understands this. Listen, people, whoever can do what you can, shield the children. Hurry to bring joy to children, my friends, hurry to work at the matinees!” The writer had many more funny and amusing stories in store, but he did not have time to tell them all. Viktor Dragunsky died in Moscow in 1972.

Why did I choose this particular writer for my work? Because when preparing, I re-read all the works and remembered my childhood. I had three identical books, “Deniska’s Stories,” two at my grandmothers’ and one at home. I remember how I fell asleep to them, how I laughed at the “macaroni leg” in the story “Motor racing along a sheer wall,” how I worried about Deniska in “Everything secret becomes clear,” and how I cried over the story “Childhood Friend,” because I felt so sorry for Mishka . Deniskin's stories by Dragunsky lift the veil of the everyday life of children, their joys and worries. Communication with peers, relationships with parents. It is with this author that I primarily associate childhood and children's literature. After all, when we are children, we want bright images, interesting, and most importantly funny stories about simple children like ourselves. And the most interesting thing when preparing a meeting with the writer was that in childhood these stories seemed funny to the point of colic and excited the imagination, and at 20 years old you see such a deep meaning in them that you involuntarily ask yourself the question, is it really about children?

Thank you for your attention!