The most incompatible people: zodiac signs and their antagonists. The most incompatible signs according to the horoscope Incompatible zodiac signs in relationships

Useful tips

If there are compatible zodiac signs for marriage and happy love relationships, then it would be logical to assume that there are also incompatible ones.

Of course, in order to draw conclusions that the partners are completely unsuitable for each other,little to knowtheir zodiac signs, here you should look into their personal horoscopes.

But still, some common features of the zodiac signs can be in conflict and influence the couple's relationship.

Read also: Compatibility by date of birth: Top 12 happiest unions of zodiac signs

Just because you and your partners find yourself on this list does not mean that you willnecessarily unhappy in marriage, but reaching mutual understanding will be more difficult for you than for compatible signs, and you are more likely to have to work hard at the relationship.

1st place: Cancer and Aquarius ♋ -

This union will be especially difficult for family life and strong and long-term relationships, since Cancer is a sign aimed at family, and Aquarius - at freedom. Cancer will constantly demand attention and care from Aquarius, and the other partner, due to his passion for independence, may constantly leave Cancer unsatisfied.

2nd place: Aries and Virgo ♈ -

Such a marriage or romantic relationship can be very tense and not very happy due to the difference in temperament of the partners. Aries is a very active and energetic sign, while Virgo is passive and cold. She has no need for passion. So it turns out that Aries will constantly demand extreme sports and movement, will not pay attention to everyday life, and Virgo will be too tired of such pressure, she will more want to live in her own world, where everything lies on the shelves and in its place.

Incompatibility of partners

3rd place: Virgo and Aquarius ♍ -

Virgos will also not be on the best terms with Aquarius, because the latter prefer ease and freedom, while Virgos love order and stability. Which Aquarius would like it when everything goes as usual and there is little change in life? He is used to changing, changing and will not be able to come to terms with monotony. Virgo is the opposite: it’s better for her when everything is very monotonous and stable.

4th place: Libra and Scorpio ♎ -

These two signs are located very close, but one has the energy of Venus, and the other has the energy of Mars. Libra loves to see balance and harmony in everything, but give Scorpio extremes and extremes. Libras do not like to conflict, but conflicts give Scorpio energy. Thus, Scorpio will constantly feed on the energy of Libra, taking the lion's share for themselves, and Libra will be unhappy, since their internal balance will be constantly disturbed.

5th place: Libra and Pisces ♎ - ♓

This union also cannot be called successful, because Libra adore society, lightness, balance, and Pisces is a rather depressive sign that prefers loneliness, is often self-absorbed and thoughtful. Libra will constantly try to pull the Pisces partner out of his or her dreams, to show the real state of affairs, and Pisces will be too hard to accept the fact that Libra cannot give the necessary depth of feelings and emotions.

Horoscope incompatibility: zodiac signs in marriage

6th place: Leo and Capricorn ♌ - ♑

These two signs are so different emotionally that they will have difficulty getting along side by side. Capricorn is not used to especially showing his emotions, he is not impressionable and is usually aimed at achieving success. Leo loves to shine and be in sight, does not attach such great importance to the material world and does not strive for ideal order. The result is misunderstandings, resentments, problematic relationships.

7th place: Aries and Pisces ♈ -

Not the most successful union, because their elements do not combine at all. Aries has a hot temperament and strives to take the lead. Pisces does not mind being on the sidelines, but it is difficult for this sign to understand the fire and enthusiasm, movement and constant running of Aries. Aries will be very angry that Pisces does everything very slowly and without haste, because he is always in a hurry to get somewhere! And vice versa: the Pisces partner will be very unhappy that he is required to rush.

8th place: Gemini and Scorpio ♊ - ♏

Representatives of the Gemini sign are not used to taking anything to heart for a long time, and Scorpios can hold grudges for years. There may be a gap between these two signs, since it will be very difficult to understand each other. Scorpio will be constantly offended, and Gemini will laugh at him. As a result: everything can end very sadly.

Incompatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

9th place: Taurus and Sagittarius ♉ - ♐

The main problem of this couple may lie in Taurus’ laziness and desire for stability and Sagittarius’ search for new experiences. Sagittarius loves travel, moving and changing scenery. But Taurus does not need this so much; it is much more important for him to have comfort and peace. The problem will be solved if each of the signs takes turns making compromises: Taurus - to leave their homes, and Sagittarius to relax at home at least sometimes.

Incredible facts

About such signs we can say: incompatibilities are compatible, together they are an explosive mixture, husband and wife are one Satan, and so on. By and large, they sometimes little in common so that they can be together, but these examples indicate that even incompatible signs have a chance to remain in a harmonious relationship, although this is very difficult, because there are many more disadvantages.

If you are seriously interested in astrology, then you know that the Sun signs in question are don't play primary role in pair formation. There should be more indications as to whether the couple is compatible.

Each person’s horoscope is unique, and when meeting a partner’s horoscope, the other person can manifest themselves in a completely different way in a relationship. But still sun signs are quite informative and will give an initial idea of ​​whether a couple has more or less chance of being happy together.

Aries+ Virgo

Disadvantages of such a union: These two signs not only have nothing in common, but also do not have anything that is opposite, such as Aries and Libra. As we know, opposites attract, but in the case of Aries + Virgo there is no common ground at all, so Virgo and Aries are considered a strange union.

It is interesting that Aries fall in love quite quickly, and just as quickly demonstrate their feelings, and representatives of the Virgo sign will simply be fascinated by such pressure, this will increase their self-esteem and will ignite a spark of romance in them. But, alas, the idyll can end quite quickly, because Aries light up very quickly and cool down just as quickly, but an even and calm relationship without any adventures and bright changes (as Virgos love) will quickly bore Aries.

Read also:What is the difference between men and women of the same zodiac sign and how compatible are they?

One can only guess what happens in such cases. Virgo will tire Aries with her correctness and desire to always put order in everything. And Aries will simply not understand this pathological desire for order in everything. Aries is chaos and explosion, Virgo is order, rules and stability.

Aries loves to command, but not every Virgo is ready to choose a subordinate position, especially if at every step violate its rules. And if Aries immediately tries to gain complete submission and power, Virgo may not like this very much, she will feel very uncomfortable. But when criticism and reproaches come towards Aries, then he definitely won’t tolerate it for long.

The worst thing for Aries in a relationship is criticism of him, that is, doubt about his competence. And even if Virgo has good intentions when sending critical remarks to her partner, Aries will not read between the lines. He is too straightforward and will see in criticism only that his partner is trying to lower his self-esteem, humiliate and underestimate his qualities.

If there is a lot of Virgo in your personal horoscope Fire or vice versa: Aries will have a lot Earth element, the situation will be much simpler.

The advantages of such a union: marriage of convenience. If this is a marriage of convenience, and there is no talk of any special romance, then the union of these two signs is quite acceptable. Aries simply will not waste energy on sorting things out and will calmly do his job, and Virgo, for her part, will not interfere in the affairs and habits of Aries, giving him freedom.

Famous couples: It's hard to imagine how the stars get along together "Pirates of the Caribbean" Keira Knightley(Aries) and her musician husband James Wrighton(Virgo). Their romance started very quickly, and Kira didn’t think about marriage for a long time at all: this is not surprising, given that she has Venus, Mercury and the Sun in the sign of Aries.

Interestingly, James has all this in Virgo. Probably, his wife’s fame does not put as much pressure on him as on Kira’s ex-boyfriends (who broke up with her in the first place precisely because of their friend’s excessive popularity), and he is not too annoyed by his partner’s sloppiness and inattention to detail. In any case, they are already together about 5 years, and so far so good.

The most incompatible zodiac signs

Aquarius+ Cancer

Disadvantages of such a union: This union, perhaps, can be called the strangest, because Cancer, as you know, is a follower of traditions, and Aquarius is a rebel, discoverer and pioneer. What can they have in common? Yes, practically nothing!

It is known that Cancers are big homebodies, they love to be with their family, in their cozy nest (aka a safe shelter), and Aquarians love freedom of movement, gatherings with friends and wild fun.

Cancers and Aquarius find a common language well until Aquarius calmly interferes in the inner world of Cancer, giving him or her the opportunity to think everything through, and Cancer does not try to demand care and attention from Aquarius. bright manifestations of love.

In addition, Cancers and Aquarius have quite different sense of humor, so sometimes Cancers may really dislike the way Aquarians joke, especially if they joke about them. Aquarians have an easier attitude towards everything in the world and do not particularly think about those things that for Cancers may turn out to be the holy of holies. What can we say if Aquarius (God forbid) jokes wrong or make a barb about family and heredity! This can greatly hurt a representative of the Cancer sign.

And in general Cancer's touchiness in such a couple it will be very burdensome for Aquarius, who is not used to being offended by something for a long time.

The advantages of such a union: a mutual desire to help others can unite these two people, making them a real salvation for those around them. And although Cancers are more inclined to take care of the family, and Aquarians are ready to help the whole world, they can organize a charitable society or at least support someone's charitable goals.

Famous couples: Famous Russian actor Aquarius Dmitry Kharatyan together with the actress Marina Maiko, whose zodiac sign is Cancer, has been around for more than a quarter of a century. It is worth noting that such a union is extremely rare and much more often you can find Cancers who have tied the knot with water signs. However, no matter how different partners can be, their relationship lasts a very long time. Marina has the Moon in the sign of Aquarius, which helps her feel normal next to her Aquarius husband.

Scales+ Pisces

Such compatibility only at first glance seems idyllic: a fairly strong planet Venus should unite partners, make this union very romantic and tender. However, in reality everything turns out to be much more prosaic.

Disadvantages of such a union: Pisces will not feel particularly comfortable with the light and agile Libra. What Libra does not take into account will seem like a crazy catastrophe to Pisces. Too different emotional backgrounds of partners can lead to problems in this relationship over time. Misunderstandings will lurk even in the most banal things.

Libra in such a pair is definitely stronger than Pisces and is trying impose on your partner adjust your point of view to suit yourself. Pisces, due to their softness, will be ready to obey and even strongly depend on their Libra partner. Pisces' sacrificial nature will be well used by Libra, who wants sacrifice from others.

On the other hand, the Libra-Pisces couple may turn out to be quite indecisive and even helpless in everyday and everyday matters. Perhaps they will constantly ask for help and advice, as difficulties may arise when making important decisions.

The advantages of such a union: Common ground can be found in joint creativity. In this sense, Pisces are ready to share their rich imagination, but it is more difficult for them to put it into practical use. Libra, in turn, can more easily explain and interpret what Pisces would like to express. As a result, partners, complementing each other and working together, can offer truly wonderful things.

Famous couples: Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow and British, famous musician Chris Martin They were a couple for about 10 years, but their not very successful Libra-Pisces union was defeated. Probably, the partners still had too different interests, different lifestyles and did not do joint creative work at all.

And here is the actress Sigourney Weaver(Libra) has been married to film director Jim Simpson (Pisces) for over 30 years. And although Jim did not film much, he still involved his wife in his films. Joint creativity or work, as already mentioned, brings together such completely different partners.

Bad combinations of zodiac signs in relationships

a lion+ Capricorn

Disadvantages of such a union: A pair of Leo and Capricorn may seem like a rather strange union of two people with completely different temperaments. They could serve as a good complement to each other, but not always their character traits can get along well under one roof.

Usually it is much easier for Leo to take the helm and subjugate everything around him than for the hard worker Capricorn. Both of them can become leaders by nature, but sometimes stubbornness can greatly prevent them from getting along together, because no one is ready to obey.

Leo will treat many things more simply. He will easily climb even the highest mountain in order to quickly reach the goal, when, like Capricorn, he can try to climb higher for a very long time, working hard and diligently going towards the goal. For Capricorn, Leo’s easy take-off can be somewhat infuriating and, in the worst case, will be the envy of Capricorn, who is sure that everything in life comes only with sweat and blood.

The advantages of such a union: Capricorn has a plan, and Leo has a desire to act; without a plan, actions will be chaotic and ineffective, but when there is a plan and an impulse to implement it, then success is guaranteed. Such a couple together can achieve anything they want.

Famous couples: One of the most successful directors James Cameron(Leo sign) was married many times, but his last wife was an actress Susie Amis Zodiac sign Capricorn. He met her on the set "Titanic", where she played a very small role - the granddaughter of the main character. The wife is content with little, not claiming her husband’s success and not participating in all his films. They have been together for about 20 years.

Sagittarius+ Taurus

Disadvantages of such a union: in such a union, there are undoubtedly more disadvantages than advantages, because the partners have too different temperaments. Taurus’ desire to be “grounded,” and Sagittarius’s to embrace the immensity, often prevents such partners from living harmoniously next to each other.

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a relationship? No matter how hard you try, quarrels continue, constant misunderstandings haunt both, and the lack of common interests has taken away all topics for conversation.

Astrologers are convinced that you can find out in advance whether your relationship with a certain sign will work out.

We present to your attention a list of the most incompatible couples according to the horoscope.

Aries - Taurus

It is difficult for strong-willed Aries and stubborn Taurus to be together. When these two qualities collide, a fire occurs. When parting, Aries erases everything from their memory, and Taurus lives for a long time with the hope of a truce.

Taurus - Sagittarius

Domestic Taurus does not share Sagittarius' passion for constant adventure. It is difficult for them to be together due to the lack of common interests.

Virgo - Sagittarius

Both of these signs are not ready for marriage. Virgos believe that Sagittarians are too frivolous and can afford to disappear for a few days, considering this the norm.

Libra - Virgo

Libras become insecure due to the eternal criticism of Virgos. Virgos constantly strive to be right.

Scorpio - Aries

Both of these signs are born leaders. They endlessly share the pinnacle of power.

Capricorn - Gemini

Hardworking Capricorns do not understand the always cheerful attitude of Gemini.

Cancer - Aquarius

Leo - Scorpio

Leos need praise and compliments, and Scorpios, in turn, stubbornly ignore their need.

Sagittarius - Capricorn

Capricorns will constantly reproach Sagittarius for wanting excessive freedom. These signs have a poor intimate life.

Pisces - Virgo

This couple cannot avoid a confrontation of interests. After all, Pisces are very sensual and romantic, while Virgos are more down-to-earth.

Aquarius - Pisces

The materialism and stubbornness of Taurus will completely repel the bohemianism of Aquarius.

Gemini - Cancer

This couple needs a lot of patience. They will be able to find a common language if they have a good sense of humor.

All people since time immemorial have been interested in the question of what the most incompatible zodiac signs exist in the zodiac horoscope. It was important to know this both for the majestic monarch and for the ordinary commoner.

Many long years passed before astrologers were able to identify the most incompatible signs of the zodiac constellations and identify probable possibilities for determining the degree of their incompatibility.


There are several generally accepted options for determining the incompatibility of zodiac signs. The essence of the first of them lies in the location of incompatible signs on the zodiac circle in relation to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. They are placed as if at a distance of two signs from one another.

In other words, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra are completely incompatible signs with each other. Likewise, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are not suitable for each other, and so on according to the same principle.

The second is based on the division of the zodiacal constellations into two groups. One of them includes the signs of the two elements of the mind. These are the elements of earth and air. And the other consists of the signs of the two remaining elements - water and fire.

These are the elements of emotions. According to this division, none of the representatives of one group is compatible with any representative of the other group. So, for example, Libra will not be able to find a common language with Pisces or Leo, and Cancer will not find happiness with either Aquarius or Virgo.

The foundation of the third option is the assertion that signs that do not match each other are placed side by side, following one after another. An example is Scorpio, who simply cannot tolerate either Sagittarius or a sign like Libra. And Aquarius will never find mutual understanding with Capricorn or Pisces.


Well, the most incompatible signs of the zodiac are represented, according to the generally accepted opinion of astrologers, in six pairs. Wise star predictors believe that the union between the people making up these couples is doomed to failure in advance due to the lack of common interests, completely divergent temperaments and outlooks on life.
As the first pair of people completely unsuitable for each other, you can imagine the following: Cancer and Libra. The sensitive nature of Cancer, his need for a calm flow of life, will be constantly traumatized by the inconstancy and excessive love for the company of sociable Libra.

The eccentricity of the air sign’s thinking, its desire for extravagant, different from generally accepted, actions will never find understanding in the conservative Cancer who loves stability and consistency in everything. The water sign will constantly feel a lack of attention from Libra, but no attempt by Cancer to subjugate the representative of the air element sign to his will will be successful.

Water and air cannot have any effect on each other. If feelings drown out the voice of reason so much that life without each other will not seem possible, then people born under these signs will have to come to terms with the fact that each of them will need to make concessions to the other all the time.

Another pair, also representing the signs of the elements of air and water, is Aquarius and Pisces will never be able to find a common language with each other. Somewhat selfish Pisces, constantly demanding attention exclusively to their own person, will not survive the absence of it from the self-confident Aquarius. Due to their cheerfulness and unsurpassed ability to adapt to any living conditions, Aquarius, always tuned to a positive wave, is constantly in the center of everyone's attention.

They are loved, valued, respected, so all representatives of this sign are characterized by some frivolity and inconstancy, while they themselves are quite jealous, which leads to certain difficulties in relationships with loved ones, and with touchy Pisces in particular.

The following incompatible pairs are Sagittarius and Scorpio. These two signs are too different to coexist; the world of one of them is completely incomparable with the world of the other. Scorpio, who firmly knows what he wants, fiercely defends his interests, is unable to curb the irrepressible frivolity of Sagittarius, who strives to get all the pleasures from life here and now, and does not think about what will happen tomorrow.

This situation will invariably cause irritation and even aggression in Scorpio, because he is looking for reliability and confidence in his partner. Scorpio craves true and passionate love, since he has no equal in sexuality. In this regard, representatives of this sign make very high demands on their partners, which the freedom-loving Sagittarius can never satisfy.

The following zodiac signs are extremely incompatible: Gemini and Capricorn. Always extremely reasonable, not inclined to make hasty decisions, Capricorn will never be able to understand the somewhat eccentric Gemini, more guided by emotions than reason. Capricorn will always regard their behavior as cheeky and frivolous. The likelihood that his conservatism and the frivolity of Gemini can coexist is zero.

Virgo and Leo- two completely opposite signs that have no common points of contact. The “King of Beasts,” who always strives to command, will not be able to subjugate the cold-blooded and reasonable Virgo. Leo does not tolerate any critical attitude towards his actions, while Virgo is distinguished by a special predilection for condemning other people's actions and mistakes, and a penchant for teaching.

Meticulous and scrupulous in every detail, Virgo will never be able to understand the desire of the royal sign to get everything immediately, without going into details and details. Leo’s excessive generosity and squandering lead Virgo, who carefully considers all means, into shock.

The last pair, which all astrologers classify as incompatible, represents such zodiac signs as Taurus and Aries. Possessing unimaginable stubbornness, Aries will never feel the support of his ideas and initiatives from Taurus, who strives for stability and rejects all changes. Taurus people like a calm and prosperous life, decorated with feelings and emotions.

And an emotionally cold-blooded Aries needs a diverse life, filled with all kinds of events. He will simply be bored and uninterested with Taurus. Even if their union takes place, Aries will still look for entertainment on the side.

Whether to listen to horoscope predictions or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. But still, you shouldn’t believe them blindly. It would be much more correct to take a closer look at the person yourself, evaluate his personal qualities, the richness of his inner world. And then listen to the voice of your heart and, of course, your mind. Then no horoscopes will be required.

It happens that people in a couple seem to be perfect for each other, but the relationship does not work out. Why is this happening? Maybe these are the people who represent the most incompatible zodiac signs? Let's talk about this now.

Aries and Cancer

When considering the most incompatible signs of the zodiac, it is worth starting with the characteristics of the couple, the people in which are representatives of such sectors as Cancer and Aries. At the very beginning of the development of relationships, the modest and even in some sense timid Cancer will like the determination and activity of Aries, but soon he will begin to tame this lamb. Naturally, the partner will not like this behavior; he may begin to get angry, be rude, and even be rude. If Aries is a man, hands can be used, if a woman, then she will simply start doing everything to spite Cancer. It must be said that the relationship between such two cardinal opposites is deteriorating very quickly.

Aries and Virgo

Let's study the most incompatible zodiac signs further. Aries will also have a very difficult time next to Virgo. You can even say that even at the very beginning it seems unviable. The calculating and judicious Virgo will never understand the hot and impulsive Aries. He, in turn, will not be able to accept the dryness and mediocre attitude of his partner towards his person. In this case, they often part as bitter, sworn enemies.

Scorpio and Leo

The most incompatible signs of the zodiac are also In such a union there will never be mutual understanding, respect and spiritual intimacy. These are two too strong signs that will constantly compete with each other, not giving each other the opportunity to develop qualitatively. As a result, the one-of-a-kind Leo will begin to become convinced that there is someone else just as cool and gifted. Here he may have many complexes. Scorpio will try to take out all his anger and resentment on his partner.

Aquarius and Pisces

What other most incompatible people (zodiac signs) are there? Thus, the union of Pisces is unlikely to be successful - calm individuals, homebodies who require too much attention. Aquarians should always be ahead: they want to know everything and put in their two cents everywhere. Your partner will be offended by this behavior. Because Aquarians will also begin to command. Constant grievances on the part of Pisces, their whims and eternal dissatisfaction will lead to the fact that the partner will simply run away.

Aries and Taurus

Aries and Taurus are also the most incompatible people. These zodiac signs are simply opposite to each other. Aries is energetic, fast, but superficial. Taurus is slow, but thorough. These qualities will irritate partners, since they will be too different. In addition, these zodiac signs are very stubborn and in critical situations they simply do not want to give in to each other.

Gemini and Capricorn

What are the most incompatible zodiac signs in relationships? It is useful to know (we recommend!) that Capricorns and Geminis should not get together. The first ones are too conservative, strict, correct. The latter, on the contrary, are amorous, even somewhat flighty. Gemini will never worry about little things, while Capricorn pays great attention to small details. On this basis, multiple disagreements will arise that will destroy the union.

Cancer and Libra

Let's look further at the most incompatible zodiac signs. The list is also supplemented by the Cancer-Libra tandem. Here the first partner simply cannot come to terms with the eccentricity and sociable nature of the second. Jealousy is the eternal companion of this union. Only with a huge number of compromises can such a couple get along. But, unfortunately, none of the signs will agree to this.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

A union between representatives of these zodiac signs is also practically impossible. Scorpio is distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance. He is used to achieving everything on his own. In addition, this is the sexiest sign. Sagittarius is a traveler by nature. He cannot stay in one place for a long time; he quickly gets bored with monotony. This couple simply will not be able to get along in everyday life, seeing completely differently not only its organization, but also joint leisure. There may also be disagreements regarding intimate relationships.

"Heavy" alliances

To a greater extent, the most incompatible people have already been named (zodiac signs Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Leo). Now it’s worth paying attention to those couples whose relationships will be very difficult, but it is still possible to save them.

  1. Here only the appearance of a family will be created. Strange as it may sound, but in a couple these people will be lonely.
  2. Taurus and Scorpio. These are good lovers, completely compatible in intimate terms. However, such people have nothing else in common.
  3. Two Twins. Such people simply have nothing to offer each other except freedom. If a free relationship in marriage suits both, everything can work out perfectly.
  4. Leo and Virgo. Two strong personalities will always be in a state of struggle. In addition, the economical and zealous Virgo will never understand the generous and even wasteful Leo. This will truly be a war of two titans.
  5. Gemini and Pisces. Calm and somewhat whiny Pisces will never understand the flighty Gemini. Gemini will very quickly get bored with the pessimism of Pisces.
  6. Pisces and Libra. Oddly enough, this will be a union of sadists. Such people will constantly hurt each other, and most often morally.

How to determine incompatibility

In astrology, there is a fairly simple rule for how to determine whether people will be compatible. To do this, just look at the zodiac circle. Very difficult compatibility - in terms of quadrature. If you look at the zodiac circle, then every third sign will be difficult for a person to perceive. For example, it will be difficult for Taurus to get along with Leo and Aquarius. However, it is worth saying that this is only a theory. It is necessary to consider each individual person in more detail. After all, the Sun stands differently for everyone. And this is precisely what affects the compatibility of signs.