How to plan spring cleaning before the new year. Spring cleaning before the New Year: what are you doing wrong?

The heroes of the cult film religiously observed the tradition of going to the bathhouse with friends on the 31st. Of course, this is more pleasant than cleaning up the house on New Year's Eve. But someone must take care of the cleanliness of the home. How to get ready for cleaning before the New Year so that the necessary task does not turn into exhausting work?

Hard work - with a light mood

The closer you get to the holiday, the more often you let out a sad sigh at the sight of the chaos in your apartment. And how can you manage to remove all this! At least where to start cleaning before the New Year? My hands just give up.
Do not despair. Try a little psychological training. Convince yourself that cleaning the house before the New Year is not at all a heavy duty, which everyone strives to put on your fragile shoulders. On the contrary, it will benefit you. After all, by fussing around the house, you will get rid of extra calories and your figure will become slimmer. By methodically putting scattered things in their places, you will at the same time begin to put your thoughts in order.
At the same time, turn on upbeat music louder, and the question of how to get ready for cleaning before the New Year will be solved for you. Let your eyes be afraid, and your hands get to work.

We are drawing up a plan for the “harvesting campaign”

Think in advance about where to start cleaning before the New Year, and you will see how quickly the work will be done according to the plan. Chaotic bustle only gives the impression of boiling work. But you shouldn’t dwell too long on individual stages either. For example, cleaning the house for the New Year involves getting rid of a lot of old and damaged things. And here you are in danger of getting stuck for a long time, sorting through all the objects dear to your heart.
A detailed cleaning plan before the New Year will help you spend your time and energy wisely.

  1. Deal with scattered things and clothes. Wash the dirty stuff, throw away the old stuff, put the rest in its place.
  2. Remove dust and cobwebs from the walls.
  3. Wash chandeliers and sconces.
  4. Refresh the leaves of indoor plants.
  5. Change tulle and curtains.
  6. Wipe and polish furniture, clean upholstery.
  7. Clean out the closets and shelves.
  8. Wipe mirrors and glass doors.
  9. Wipe off dust from your computer and TV.
  10. Clean carpets and floor coverings.
  11. Vacuum and wash the floors.
  12. Clean shoes in the hallway and remove excess shoes.

Thorough cleaning of the house for the New Year should cover all rooms. Let's move now to the kitchen.

  1. Defrost and clean the refrigerator.
  2. Clean the stove and apron from grease stains.
  3. Wash the microwave and other kitchen appliances.
  4. Wash the holiday service.
  5. Polish cutlery.

In the bathroom, wash the tiles on the walls, polish all the plumbing fixtures until they shine, and at the end of the pre-New Year cleaning of the house, admire yourself in a perfectly clean mirror.

Preparation for the holiday

If you intend to invite guests, include additional items in your cleaning plan before the New Year. It will be necessary to make room for the festive table, for dancing and games. Take care of your children's safety in advance. Put away scissors, needles, small objects and other dangerous things. Cover the sockets with plugs. And then, when the house is already clean, you can go to the bathhouse.

Cleaning before the New Year is a large-scale, important and responsible task: you need to not only put your apartment in order, but also decorate it. To prevent preparation for the holiday from becoming a burden, use the recommendations of the specialists of the “Oh, Clean!” company.

The main advice is not to put off cleaning for the New Year 2017 until the last minute. This is especially true if you work on holidays and cannot devote much time to preparing for the celebration.

Start spring cleaning 10-14 days before the New Year and make a plan of activities, distributing them by day. This optimizes the load and makes heavy work much easier.

Cleaning plan for the New Year

A New Year's cleaning plan will ensure there is no mess. Add order to your list of:

  • kitchen;
  • pantry;
  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • corridor;
  • bathroom and toilet.

It will take 1-2 days to thoroughly clean one room. It all depends on the condition of the premises, the availability of free time, convenient tools (devices) and household chemicals.

Follow this plan as you clean each room.

  • Put the scattered items back where they belong.
  • Wipe or vacuum away dust from the walls and remove cobwebs from the ceiling.
  • Clean windows and other glass/mirror surfaces.
  • Clean furniture and appliances.
  • Clean up your shelves and closets.
  • Clean the carpets.
  • Vacuum and mop the floors.
  • Hang new or washed curtains.

To tidy up your kitchen, special care is required:

  • defrost and clean the refrigerator;
  • clean the stove and all other equipment;
  • polish glass and metal dishes, dinnerware and cutlery.

By strictly following the plan, you will complete your tasks faster. 1-2 days before the New Year, prepare a place for the festive table and decorate the apartment for the celebration.

The teachings of Feng Shui and folk signs

Do you believe in the teachings of Feng Shui and folk signs? Listen to the following tips.

  • According to Feng Shui, cleaning before the New Year should be done without irritation. To cheer yourself up, imagine that you are ridding your apartment of negativity (disappointments, resentments, quarrels and stress).
  • Get to work during the waning moon, during the natural cycle of cleansing. Cleaning at this time will give better results on an energy level.
  • Take out the trash more often (before sunset) and use a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. Timely disposal of negative information and careful removal of dust will bring comfort and harmony. Ventilation will bring fresh positive energy into the apartment.
  • Your assistant is music. Use it to lift your spirits. After finishing cleaning each room, “ring” the space with Chinese bells. This neutralizes negative and activates positive energies.

After finishing cleaning, fill the apartment with the aromas of natural oils. Jasmine, eucalyptus and geranium - for relaxation; basil and lemon - for vigor; orange - for comfort.

Don't forget about the advice of our grandparents. Follow the signs, and cleaning before the New Year will bring prosperity to your home. Popular wisdom says:

  • “Carrying old trash into the New Year will not add honor to the house”;
  • “Whoever celebrates the New Year in purity does not know grief all year long”;
  • “Sweep away last year’s trash so that there are no quarrels in the house.”

A week before the holiday, get rid of old unnecessary things. By making room, you will attract wealth.

Sultan: | December 27th, 2018 | 9:35 pm

I don’t celebrate New Year, but your advice helps me organize events at home. I read and take notes. I got a whole list. I will use it)))

Julia: | December 27th, 2018 | 12:16 pm

I have an infant, so I decided to hand over the cleaning to a cleaning company. Professionals will cope with this better) And during this time we would rather go on a visit or take a walk))

Asel: | December 26th, 2018 | 2:59 pm

Just today general cleaning of the house according to plan

Oksana: | December 26th, 2018 | 12:00 pm

Good afternoon Thanks for the reminders!!! I try to complete everything on time!

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:38 am

And I have to move to a new apartment, in which only the cabinets and glass have been washed, and from December 27th I have to do everything, starting with arranging the bubbles in the bath, the bedding in the room, the supplies in the kitchen, and all the things(())) with my little one two children))
Answer: Svetlana, congratulations on your new apartment!

Inna: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:27 am

It’s so good that I redid it all in the process of decluttering) all that’s left is the usual cleaning, which I’ll do this weekend

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:23 am

It is not possible to clean all the rooms in one day. Maximum 1-2.

Elena: | December 26th, 2018 | 8:54 am

And I can only look at the apartment with tears) Partial renovation. + today they will deliver and install a new wardrobe instead of the two old ones and all things in bags and boxes around)) I don’t know where to start)
Answer: Elena, there are circumstances in life, there’s simply nothing you can do about it. Rejoice at the new cabinet and the fact that when the renovation is finished, it will be beautiful))))

Larisa: | December 26th, 2018 | 7:56 am

My daughter and I started cleaning yesterday, today I will do half the cleaning according to your plan. Thank you

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:53 pm

I only cleaned one room because... not enough time.

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:41 pm

Plans are down the drain, my whole family is suffering from rotavirus (we’ll have to catch up after recovery(

Tatiana: | December 26th, 2016 | 11:53 am

I adopted to-do lists and started with the kitchen.

Natalya: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:22 pm

We are renovating((New Year with wallpaper and boxes

Elena: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:16 pm

Hello to those commenting and to you Dasha. Well done!!! This is the third year I’ve failed your marathon. Today is Sunday, I’m reading the week’s letters. Tomorrow is a matinee in kindergarten, the day after tomorrow at school - I have to take time off from work. And there will be three days left. And probably, as always, everything is 31. And the Christmas tree, and the cleaning and the table. The main thing is not to fall asleep before twelve. But the mood is still positive. Let's break through!!!

Julia: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:56 pm

I started cleaning last weekend. She took her husband as her assistant. I'm not trying to “eat the elephant” in one sitting. I wrote a list of things to do, roughly scheduled by day. During the week I do little things (wash the kettle, water filter jug, microwave, glass cabinet doors, refrigerator slowly over two days, etc.). On weekends, my husband did the more serious and time-consuming tasks (he washed the plastic ceilings and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, and topped off the furniture in the kitchen). I have lists of dishes for various occasions in my duty notebook. Therefore, there are no problems with the menu for the holiday table. I open it and choose what I want to cook at the moment, and immediately write down lists of what products I have and what I need to buy. And I write down by day what and when can be defrosted, prepared and cooked, so that there is as much free time as possible during the holiday. And of course, I involve my husband in helping with cooking (clean, cut, open, wash, etc.). In general, the only thing left for cleaning today is to wash the closet doors in the room. And the finish.)

Nastic: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:28 pm

Cleaning on Sunday?... Well, no. And everyone is at home. I can’t do this, I need to be alone. I'll start tomorrow.

Irina: | December 25th, 2016 | 2:47 pm

I looked at the photo above and realized that I don’t have a mess yet))))))))))))))))))

Gulmira: | December 28th, 2015 | 4:42 dp

all areas in the house are put in order, lastly there is a bath with a toilet, I usually polish the tiles the day before the holiday

Love: | December 26th, 2015 | 6:55 pm

1. Today I finished all the areas in the dining room and started dismantling the guest bedroom (it’s a complete mess with children’s toys). I'll continue tomorrow. We set up the Christmas tree and decluttered the boxes with toys (threw out everything unnecessary). Of course, I deviated from the decluttering plan. But with benefit.
2. A cleaning plan has been drawn up. Thanks for the reminder about cleaning the kettle - for some reason I always forget about it

Olga S: | December 26th, 2015 | 3:31 pm

It’s easier for me to clean on weekdays than on weekends, because... I’m on maternity leave and during the day it’s just me and my daughter at home, and on weekends there’s also my son at home, who still won’t let me clean up in peace. Moreover, on Sunday I have an event planned outside the house. So cleaning will be on Mon, Tue and Wed.

Olga: | December 12th, 2014 | 9:14 am

1. “Declutter” the second zone of your home.

kitchen today!

2. If you find yourself thinking that it’s better to put off cleaning until later, use one of the self-motivation methods you learned about today.

thank you) I knew about them before. On the contrary, I’m in a hurry to clean up)

3. Continue to restore order in all areas according to plan.

Zhenya: | December 11th, 2014 | 9:38 pm

In between activities outside the house, I sort out the zones according to plan, next week I will also add more costume making...

Tanya: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:35 pm

Thanks to Marina Eliseeva and her Tam management and the marathon, I only have to keep it clean

Alena: | December 11th, 2014 | 5:49 pm

Today and last night I put things in order in the nursery, that’s where we have the hottest spot :), I collected a bag of garbage, washed and cleaned everything, now it’s a joy to the eye! I got used to turning on movies on my phone and moving around the apartment with it, ironing, loading the dishwasher, cleaning out the closet - all the boring things are now not boring at all :)

Nyura: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:44 am

And I started the Big House Cleaning in the reverse order, that is, from the hallway. Yesterday I took out two bags of trash, sorted out out-of-season clothes, shoes and the famous Bag of Bags. Now you go home and you’re immediately so positive! And I want to continue tidying up. I haven’t had a horse lying around in my rooms yet, but I feel like there’s very little left, the hallway is in order.

ElenaB: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:24 am

I have a dishwasher, such a beauty!

Yulita: | December 11th, 2014 | 8:11 am

Today I will continue to declutter what I didn’t have time to do yesterday in the kitchen and grab the bathroom and hallway. I’ve gotten used to snatching a few minutes between watching movies online - the Internet is weak and the movie needs to load, I’m still waiting - so I’ll go wash the dishes for a few minutes or run around the room with a vacuum cleaner or have time to do the laundry. I still watch a movie - I iron clothes or sort out a closet, there is only one room for now - you can see and hear everything.

Julia: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:28 am

I really liked the Fly system. It turns out that I have already used some of it. For example, for many years I have been trying to free up weekends from household chores, doing a little in the evenings after work on the family calendar so as not to forget anything. I haven't been able to free up time for hobbies yet. I read about the time tracking system, now I will learn it.
My motivation for cleaning: “I am a princess, my apartment is my palace, my palace should be clean and cozy.” When I start doing household chores, I imagine how good, fresh, pleasant it will be when I get everything done, this helps.

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:34 dp

I couldn’t even imagine that such methods of self-motivation could be applied to the reluctance to clean. I even think that I need to print out and hang such a picture with a horror story on the door to the pantry or on the balcony, where I’m always reluctant to clean)))

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:20 am

Today I'm on the run all day, but I already have a plan for tomorrow!

Traditional cleaning before the New Year is a good way to get rid of not only old things, but also bad luck. To start life with a clean slate, leave everything unnecessary in the past year.

Sometimes it's not so easy to start life again. The bad memories and problems that haunt us block our energy, preventing us from moving on. The New Year is wonderful not only for its festive atmosphere: at this time we have the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary burdens that prevent us from achieving our goals. General cleaning is an important pre-New Year ritual. You can get rid of unnecessary things, and with them let go of your unhappiness. Some items in our home have negative energy, and it is these that we should get rid of first. The site team will tell you how to properly clean up your home in order to attract happiness and prosperity.

Where to start with spring cleaning

Since cleaning helps us not only free our home from dirt and debris, but also cleanse the energy sector, it is necessary to take into account all the rules for its implementation. First, take a good look around: you need to look around every object in your home. You will probably notice that when you look at certain things, you immediately feel discomfort or unpleasant memories. It is with these items that you must say goodbye without pity. To do this, collect them in a separate package and say:

“Together with you I get rid of my troubles and misfortunes.”

Things with negative energy may include photographs of people with whom you are on bad terms, old clothes in which you once suffered failures and failures. It is necessary to get rid of damaged and cracked items, even if they are dear to you. You need to throw away chipped dishes, cracked frames and other fragile items with damage.

Cleaning should begin from the farthest room and then move towards the exit. This way you will “wash” all the negativity from your home and leave it at the doorstep. Start cleaning correctly so that further actions are not ineffective.

How to use cleaning to get rid of problems and attract well-being

The cleaning process begins with wiping dust on cabinets and mezzanines, so stock up on a stepladder in advance. Cleaning should be done from top to bottom, clockwise. Don’t lose sight of hard-to-reach places, because that’s where dust accumulates, and with it negative energy that brings problems into your life. Don’t forget to wipe down figurines, photo frames, lamps, chandeliers and dishes - sometimes it’s on such insignificant things that a huge amount of dust accumulates.

Pay special attention to doors and windows. Of course, in the cold season, washing windows is an unsafe activity, so you only need to wipe them from the side of the house. An important part of doors is the thresholds. It's not in vain that there are superstitions. Try to wash them as often as possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energy effects.

The floors should be washed last, since during cleaning the dust that we remove from the cabinets falls on the floor. We bring most of the negative energy from the street; accordingly, it accumulates primarily in thresholds and on the floor. Dirt must be swept from the corners to the exit in order to sweep out of your home all the failures and problems that happened to you in the past year.

After completing the above steps, take several thick bags and collect all the garbage and unnecessary things there. Imagine that at this very moment you are letting go of your past and opening a new page in your life.

You shouldn’t make cleaning hard labor: spend it in a good mood, as if something good will really happen to you soon. You can get rid of problems and attract happiness into your life only if you yourself get rid of negative emotions and perform any activity with a smile.

Our words have strong energy. When we say some of them, we don’t even imagine what consequences this threatens us with. Drive away negative thoughts from yourself and think about your every action so that luck does not turn away from you. Always achieve your goals. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.12.2017 01:09

Cleaning a house in the ancient folk sense is not only ridding space of debris and dust, but also cleansing it of negative energy and failures. How...

Vastu is the teaching of organizing space in harmony with the energy of the sun and other planets, which helps to attract positive energy into the house.

We asked a Vastu expert to tell us how to get the most out of cleaning and enter 2017 without unnecessary negativity Larisa Skorokhodova.

— Before the New Year, we strive to complete old tasks, clean and decorate the house for the holiday. How to properly clean the house of everything unnecessary, including negativity?

— Cleaning on New Year's Eve creates a special inner mood for the beginning of a new life. After all, each of us expects miracles and fulfillment of desires...

The most important rule of Vastu: in order to fill your home with the energy of happiness, joy and fullness of life, you need to keep it clean and tidy. By clearing our living space of dirt and trash, we raise our vibrational frequency, uncover powerful layers of trash in the subconscious, and destroy negative attitudes and programs accumulated over the past year and throughout our lives. And, as a result, the world is changing: opportunities for growth appear, new meetings and events occur. Vastu recommends always keeping your home energetically and physically clean. Without cleaning, the house accumulates negative energy.

Before the New Year, the house needs special cleaning. Important:

  • wash bed linen, curtains, bedspreads.
  • clean the carpets(textiles and carpet materials absorb not only dirt and dust, but also emotions)
  • Wipe each corner: there accumulates an invisible sediment of people's thoughts and words
  • Wipe window from dust and soot. Windows are the eyes of your home; it is important that they are clean and allow solar energy to pass through them well.
  • Ventilate cabinets with clothes.
  • Check that your clothes are clean. Do not leave washing things until next year: the longer they are stored in the space of the house, the more they pollute it and deplete the energy of the person to whom they belong.

— Why is it important to free your home not only from dust, but also from unnecessary things: toys, boxes, old equipment, broken dishes?

- Cluttered shelves, cabinets, mezzanines, unloved things take away your energy, joy, and opportunities. What we cling to holds us back and prevents us from moving on. You won't have new events, technology or things while there is unnecessary junk in the corner and your closet is full of dresses hanging around. The house should be filled only with necessary, sought-after things and things without a “sad story” - those that make you happy, that your eyes admire.

Review shelves with clothes, dishes, furniture and interior items, books and magazines, cosmetics, jewelry, even household chemicals! Look into the corners of your closets, mezzanines, and closets. Donate, donate, throw away, finally, things that “will be useful someday” (you know that “someday” will not come!) And after cleaning you will feel how it will become easier for you to breathe.

— Many people have Plyushkins in their families: well, it’s a pity to part with “that same Soviet carpet” or a teapot (“I’ll fix it later, let it stand”), things “We’ll give N to the dacha." And so all sorts of rubbish accumulates at home. It is clear that you can quietly throw it away. How to motivate loved ones to part with unnecessary things?

— If the space is cluttered, there is a “occupied” sign hanging there. Moreover, broken things are energy vampires. Because of the trash, the energy of new ideas, plans, dreams, the energy of creativity, inspiration, family, favorite activity, new work cannot enter your home.

All “Plyushkins” are materialists to the core, so “sell” them the idea that instead of old rubbish, completely real, tangible things will appear in their lives: unexpected gifts, quick repayment of debt, a promotion, an increase in material wealth.

In addition to the material, there is also a “mental syndrome”: a person does not let go of his past, drags “mental garbage” with him through life, and here it is important to realize one’s grievances, disappointments, despondency, self-pity and other negative feelings. If you can see and realize this in yourself (on your own or with the help of a psychologist or coach), then you thereby change your past and turn it into your invaluable experience, pull yourself out of the energies of the past into the “here and now.” Therefore, it is so important to think not only about cleansing your home, but also cleansing your soul: conducting a ritual of forgiveness and gratitude before the New Year. Vastu advises doing this in the north-eastern sector of the apartment, facing north-east, as this is the sector of spirituality in the house.

— Is it necessary to buy something new for the house before the New Year? For example, a new tablecloth, a painting, a rug in the hallway, that is, things that can, in principle, not be changed unless necessary...

— A house is a living organism. He has his own Soul, his own character, his own name. Everyone enjoys receiving gifts – and so does your home. Treat your space with some new things. This will make your home feel like you love it. I myself have a tradition of renewing the rug at the front door every year. The space at the entrance is the first step into the house, inviting energies. And if the door itself and the threshold next to it are beautiful, then they attract positive energies into the house.

Talk to your home, try to get on the same wavelength with him and hear what he wants most, what will especially please him.

— I advise you to cleanse the space according to Vastu using primary elements. Remember physics lessons? Everything in the world consists of five primary elements: earth, fire, water, air, ether. In order for our home to be in balance with the Universe, it is important that these primary elements are “included” in our space.

This ritual provides very powerful protection. It fills the space with happiness.

How is cleansing done according to Vastu? It is important to follow the order of actions, since each primary element corresponds to a person’s chakra.

Wear clean, comfortable clothes and create your own cleaning mindset. You can read prayers, mantras, say words that come from the heart, thank Nature, the Earth and all the elements and begin “work” (conversation with the Sun). While cleaning, you can talk to the house, because the walls of our house see what we do, hear our every word and know our every thought.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of sea or large ordinary table salt or cow's milk (primary elements of water and earth) per 10 liters of water and wash all surfaces in the house with this water. Then take a new candle (of any color and size, church or store-bought, it doesn’t matter), light it facing the front door and walk around the apartment counterclockwise (!!), while reading a prayer or mantra out loud. The voice connects sound vibrations: your attunement with space occurs. After walking around the entire perimeter of the house, leave the candle to burn out at the front door.

By the way, it’s good to light candles during regular cleaning, and for no reason. Little Vastu secret: if you want to lose weight, then light candles while eating, then your digestive fire will turn on, and all food will benefit your body and organism!

Then open all interior doors, cabinet doors, bedside tables, chests of drawers, and caskets that you use, except for the doors to the toilet, bathroom and refrigerator - this is how we give room to the ether. Open all the windows slightly to create a global “air replacement” in the apartment. Leave the house to ventilate for at least 10 minutes, ideally 40. Then close everything and be sure to take a shower with salt to wash off all the negativity.

And one more important tip: wipe all mirrors in the house with water, baking soda and salt. Mirrors are portals to another world that have the ability to accumulate the energy of emotions, thoughts, words of all those people who looked at them. If the mirror is not “cleaned”, then it will reflect back the accumulated energy. It is useful to do this “cleaning” of mirrors after each visit of guests, after quarrels or negative emotions in the house.

— How do you clean your own house?

— Most often I use salt, baking soda and vinegar to clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. I clean carpets with salt if strangers have been in the house, after which I feel uncomfortable. I use singing bowl music and aromatherapy. According to Vastu, the house should smell pleasant and sound high-frequency music.

And the most important advice! The main burden of cleaning and cleaning the house falls on the shoulders of the woman. Therefore, dear girls, remember that a woman should rest before she gets tired. Distribute your time and workload, start cleaning your home consciously and in advance so that there is no fatigue and disappointment later.

Vastu harmony in your hearts and homes to everyone!

Vastu expert Larisa Skorokhodova: