10 top Orthodox feature films. The best Orthodox films for adults and children

Head of the department, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Agricultural Sciences named after. A.N. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia

Doctor of Medical Sciences

professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences


1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov, Ministry of Health of the USSR

Cardiovascular surgeon


Healthcare organization and public health / 04/28/2022

cardiovascular surgery / 06/09/2022

Leo Antonovich Bockeria is a leading cardiac surgeon, a famous scientist and organizer of medical science. Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1965, L. A. Bockeria graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov of the USSR Ministry of Health and entered graduate school at the department topographic anatomy and operative surgery to Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.V. Kovanov. In 1968, having completed his graduate studies, Leo Antonovich was assigned as a senior researcher to the A. N. Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, with whom he forever connected his life. In 1968 he defended his candidate's dissertation, in 1973 - his doctoral dissertation. From 1974 to 1977 supervised the hyperbaric oxygenation laboratory. From 1977 to 1993 worked as deputy director for science, head of the department of surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. In February 1994, he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Since September 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria has been acting, and since November 1994, director of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakuleva. Since 1994, Leo Antonovich Bockeria has been the Chairman of the Academic Council and the Chairman of the dissertation council of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakuleva.

International recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain. Leo Antonovich Bockeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstration operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L. A. Bockeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the surgical hierarchy. Since 2003, Leo Antonovich has been a member of the Presidium (consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria - President of the Russian scientific society cardiovascular surgeons. since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved the holding of regular congresses with the wide participation of nursing staff and young specialists, and attracted leading foreign surgeons to give lectures and demonstrate operations.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria - during 1993-1998. was the Chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important regulatory documents, the creation of new types of electrical stimulators, and the formation of regional centers.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria - Chief Editor a number of journals: “Annals of Surgery”, “Children’s Heart and Vascular Diseases”, “Bulletin of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS", " Cardiovascular diseases", "Creative Cardiology", "Annals of Arrhythmology", "Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulation", "Bulletin of Lymphology", information collection "Cardiovascular Surgery". Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Savelyev, L.A. Bokeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Breast and Cardiovascular Surgery”. Leo Antonovich was also the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication “Doctor”.

In June 2003, Leo Bockeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization“League of National Health”, in the creation of which the most prominent scientists, literary and artistic figures, athletes, politicians, and businessmen participated. The League’s task is to achieve the creation of a model of self-development of medicine, develop “sport for all”, strengthen the family, spread the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, create conditions for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, the revival of national cultural traditions. Since 2003, Leo Bockeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation under the President of Russia. From 2006 to 2009 - Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In 2010 he was elected a foreign full member - academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, in 2011 - honorary professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2011 he was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Prizes, honors and awards

  • Lenin Prize laureate (1976)
  • Honorable Sir Poti (1985)
  • Laureate State Prize USSR (1986)
  • Active member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991)
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992)
  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1994)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1994)
  • Memorial sign “For courage and love for the Fatherland. 1941-1945" (1996)
  • National Award "Person of the Year" (1996, 1997, 1999, 2002-2009)
  • Honorary Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (1999)
  • Georgian Order of Dignity and Honor (1999)
  • Order of the Holy Right-Believing Tsarevich Demetrius, Moscow and Uglich Wonderworker “For Works of Mercy” (1999)
  • Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi (1999)
  • Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons (1999)
  • Gold medal of B.V. Petrovsky “Outstanding Surgeon of the World” (2001)
  • Order St. Sergius Radonezh II degree (2001)
  • Vernadsky's Star (2001)
  • Akaki Tsereteli Prize laureate (2001)
  • Medal "For Merit to Domestic Healthcare" (2002)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2002)
  • Prize Laureate Medal International Association children's funds (2002)
  • Insignia in honor of the Day of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “Civil Valor” (2003)
  • Badge-medal “Honor and Benefit” (2003)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2003)
  • International Golden Hippocrates Award (2003)
  • Member of the Presidium of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (2003)
  • Badge-order "Patron" (2004)
  • RAS Prize "Triumph" in the field of science (2004)
  • Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology (2004)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (2004)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts “Worthy” (2004)
  • Medal of Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2004)
  • Order of international ambassadors (2004)
  • Order "For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy" (2004)
  • Medal “To the Faithful Son of Russia. Matvey Platov" II degree (2005)
  • Medal " Public acceptance. 60 years of Victory" (2005)
  • Medal of I. I. Kartukov (2005)
  • Memorial sign “75 years of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra” (2005)
  • Order of N. I. Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of the Order "Spiritual Unity of the Peoples of the World" (2005)
  • European Avicenna Medal (2005)
  • Order of Nikolay Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of E. N. Meshalkin (2006)
  • Medal of the Order " A great victory» (2006)
  • Order of Peter the Great (2006)
  • Special national award“Kremlin Grandee” with the honorary title “Lion of Medicine” (2006)
  • Badge-order "For Mercy" (2006)
  • Honorary Diamond Order "Public Recognition" (2006)
  • Order “For Honor and Dignity”, “Kremlin Grand” Award (2006)
  • Order "Pride of Russia" (2006)
  • Order of Kuzbass "Key of Friendship" (2006)
  • Gold star “Honour, pride and glory of Russia” (2006)
  • Order "Good Angel of the World" (2006)
  • "Scientist of the Decade" (2007)
  • Order "Sovereign Rus'" (2007)
  • Order of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles, Illuminator of Georgia, IV degree (2007)
  • Laureate All-Russian competition"National treasure" (2007)
  • Medal "For Merit to the Chechen Republic" (2007)
  • Order of F. E. Dzerzhinsky (2007)
  • Medal "Man of the year" (2007)
  • Medal of I. I. Mechnikov (2008)
  • Medal “To the 100th anniversary of Academician B.V. Petrovsky” (2008)
  • Order of “Honour”, “Sovereign” award with the title “Support of Honest Business” and the honorary title “Outstanding Cardiac Surgeon of Our Time” (2008)
  • Medal "Dank" (2008)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation” (2008)
  • Medal “Viktor Rozov. For contribution to national culture" (2008)
  • Memorial certificate “On the inclusion of the name of the Cavalier of the highest public awards of Russia in the Golden Fund of Russia” (2008)
  • Medal “Peter the Great. For selfless work" (2008)
  • Order of Saint Daniel (2008)
  • Order of Kadyrov (2009)
  • A. N. Kosygin Prize “For great achievements in solving problems of economic development in Russia” (2009)
  • Moscow City Prize in the field of medicine “For the development and implementation into clinical practice of a new biological heart valve “Bioglis” (2009)
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor" - for services to healthcare (2009)
  • Honorary medical badge "Red Cross" - for services to the development of healthcare (2009)
  • Honorary title "Person of the Year" (2010)
  • Elected foreign full member - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2010)
  • Elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011)
  • Elected honorary professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (2011)
  • Certificate of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for organizing and holding the All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Medical Scientists " Innovative technologies in medicine of the 21st century" (2012)
  • Laureate of the CIS interstate award “Stars of the Commonwealth” for major contributions in the fields of science and education, culture and art, and humanitarian work.

Leo Antonovich Bockeria has more than 180 patents for inventions, utility models and innovation proposals.

Every year, 300 thousand of our fellow citizens die from heart disease. Quite young people who could live, raise children, build houses. And if the heart surgeon Boqueria had six arms and 48 hours in a day, he would save and save those who can be saved. But in fact, every second person can be saved.

As paradoxical as it may sound, the heart in its main form is just a muscle. We get sick, nervous, swear, and the heart wears out, turning into a half-dead flabby lump. But he can be saved. Most heart diseases can be treated well. Including surgery. Some - in a matter of hours. But people don't seem to know about this.

During the 10 years of the Afghan campaign, the country lost 15 thousand people. This is talked about often and a lot. Every year, 300 thousand of our fellow citizens die from heart disease. Quite young people who could live, raise children, build houses. And if the heart surgeon Boqueria had six arms and 48 hours in a day, he would save and save those who can be saved. But in fact, every second person can be saved.

Surgeon Bockeria arrives at work at half past seven. Not later than. A well-worn Mercedes stops at the main entrance to the cardio center, and a sporty-looking, fit young man gets out. Exactly young. I insist on this characteristic. Because only a young doctor can perform five operations a day. And not everyone does. Young surgeons “break down” by assisting Boqueria only once a day. It’s hard physically, even harder mentally, when you literally have a person’s heart, his life in your hands. It’s hard, leaving the operating room, to meet the pleading glances of your parents, it’s hard to take responsibility. How does surgeon Bokeria deal with this? big mystery. He simply arrives at work early in the morning, puts on sterile clothes, and enters the operating room as if it were a small stage or a small ring. And he plays. With death. On the side of life.

He performs the most complex heart surgeries possible, taking on what other surgeons refuse. Sometimes he performs three in one operation: changing a heart valve, performing bypass surgery, eliminating arrhythmia.

Then he leaves the operating room, takes off the mask covering his face, takes off his rubber gloves and sterile cap and turns into the most ordinary doctor Aibolit, at whom the rescued children, parents exhausted by anticipation, and nurses secretly in love with him smile. He smiles back, because Leo Boqueria is an optimist by nature and just an easy-going, smiling person. You especially understand this when you enter his office, littered with children's toys, figurines and many cute things that speak about the owner's character.

- Leo Antonovich, I can’t do without an “original” question: why surgery and why the heart?

This is my credo from a young age: if you live and work in the city, live and work in the center. Therefore, when I decided to go to medical school, there was no alternative to surgery. A serious guy won’t engage in some kind of therapy or treat his ears. And when I decided to become a surgeon, there was nothing left to do but work “in the center” of the human body. That is, work with the heart.

- You moved into the cardio center when it was still unfinished. Why such a rush?

Otherwise there would be no center at all. In 1991, without completing their work, the Germans fled from the construction site, leaving behind a lot of imperfections and piles of garbage. There was no sewerage, telephone, communications, or electricity. The roof was leaking and the batteries needed replacing. Everything possible has already been stolen. I realized: if we don’t start working here, the building will be torn down brick by brick. This is where my own experience as a new settler came in very handy. Once upon a time, my wife and I got a new apartment and moved into it, unfinished. They hung the wallpaper themselves, whitewashed the ceilings - and life began to warm up in it. I did the same with the center. He began operating in an unfinished building, in two operating rooms. The patients lay in wards without amenities. Colleagues were shocked. Gradually everything got better. But I still take care of everything in my household myself. I count everything to the last penny. I myself sign papers for the purchase of complex equipment and for the purchase of chamber pots.

Georgian theme

-Are you a real Georgian?


- Do you sing Georgian songs?

But of course! The repertoire is small. I love the songs “Country of Flowers”, “Come on, Chonguri, let’s talk.” In Russian I sing the Italian romance “Tell, girls, to your girlfriend.”

- Here, at work, do you speak Georgian with your fellow countrymen?

- Do your daughters know Georgian?

Unfortunately no.

- Gossips they claim that you lured many, many Georgian doctors to your clinic. Did this happen by accident or was it intended?

This is not entirely true. The vast majority of our Georgians have been working here since time immemorial, when the director of the center was Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky, my teacher. Who did I drag? I have a classmate who is a famous former football player. He came to me for an operation, but at that time Abkhazia, where he lived, declared its independence. So he became a refugee and was unable to return home, having undergone major heart surgery. I took him to my warehouse. So should I be blamed for this? People of various nationalities often gather around the operating table - Ukrainians, Jews, Caucasians. Our center is multinational, such a small USSR. It warms my soul because it’s fair that they were all born in the same country. Russia gives them the opportunity to live like human beings.

- Your grandson Antosha is now eight years old. What if he decides to become a surgeon?

Well... he has the prerequisites for this. Recently he lost to me at chess. He got so angry, he even roared with frustration. My family swore at me: they say, I had to lose, I had to give in. But I won’t: let the character develop.

- What pictures from your childhood do you remember?

The first thing I remember is my father's funeral. I was three years old. I didn’t understand anything and was playing around. Everyone told me: “Behave yourself. Your dad is dead!” The second picture is Victory Day. It was sunny, they put me on short pants with straps. It happened in Ochamchira. The radio was playing in the square, and everyone went to him - as if for a holiday. I remember the years 47-48. There was a famine in Georgia at that time.

- I heard that you played football with your employees. Didn't they take it out on you during the game?

They acted out, it happened. One was clearly trying to hit me in the legs with terrible force.

Unpleasant questions

It’s amazing but true: in the center of Boqueria, doctors do not take bribes. It was not Leo Antonovich himself who told me this. Surprised and deeply touched patients - the parents of little Kostya Krasilnikov - spoke about this. Their newborn baby underwent surgery to correct a heart defect. When Ira and Valera wanted to thank the young surgeon who saved their son’s life, he refused to talk to them. “If you want to say thank you, buy something for the department or transfer money to the cash register.” That was the dry answer. But I decided not to refuse the question on the topical topic of “gratitude” to doctors. It’s still interesting what Bockeria himself thinks about this.

- Leo Antonovich, everyone knows how little doctors receive. Especially the sisters. It is impossible not to take bribes for such hard work. In short, how do you fight bribes?

I fired two doctors for extortion. But if the parents of an operated child or a seriously ill patient themselves decide to pay for the work of the nurse and doctor, I will not protest.

- They say you are a very tough person, although looking at you you wouldn’t think so.

I'm not tough. There are enough people working at the center that I have complaints about. And I don't fire them. I'm sorry. We grew up together, worked together, and for each of us, being fired is not only a personal tragedy, but also a family one. And family is sacred. I’m at work 14 hours a day, I can rip anyone off at any time and get very angry if my question is not answered clearly within five minutes. But I'm cooling down quickly. I recruited every person at the center myself, listened to them myself. Even to the help desk.

- Two and a half thousand people work in Bakulevka. In a large group, gossip and anonymous stories are popular. Have you encountered this problem?

But of course! They wrote anonymous letters about me. To my superiors. For example, they reported that I bought myself a brand new Mercedes.

- What actually happened?

I have a service Volga. But I really drive a Mercedes. He is 11 years old. And we rented it for $70 a month. It's cheaper than repairing an old barge every week. And I invented a brilliant technique against gossip. If someone whispers in my ear about someone, I voice these words at the meeting, for all to hear! It helps a lot. No second time required.

Sewn up heart

- Every doctor in his arsenal has a story that begins with the words: “I had a patient…”

It was about 20 years ago. A friend from Ochamchira comes to me and says: “We’re coming to us urgently, our guy is dying from a wound in the heart!” I'm taking an evening flight via Adler to Georgia. At night I run to the hospital. Do you have any idea what a district hospital is? I have surgery and fly to Moscow in the morning. And I completely forget about it. About two years later I came to Ochamchira on vacation. The mountain river Galizga, which is very close to my house, overflowed. The entire city spilled onto the shore. They are looking. And only one person, the strongest, pulls the floating cows out of the river and the fallen trees. As a tourist, I photograph all this. And suddenly he sees me, throws another cow - and rushes towards me. He grabs it with dirty hands and throws it into the air. It turned out that he was the same guy whose heart I sewed.

- You operated on Zurab Sotkilava, and then accompanied him to a wine tasting. Did you not trust him, were you afraid that he would get drunk?

Ha ha ha! I was the president of the tasting club, and he was on the commission. I just made sure that he gave the grades correctly! As for the operation itself, it was a happy occasion when it turned out to be possible to perform the operation using a catheter (expansion of a very narrowed vessel), and the heart attack “gave up” immediately.

- Leo Antonovich, what is your favorite toast?

For the "Golden Hippocrates"! Hippocrates is an old friend of mine. I swore allegiance to him when I graduated from medical school. Apparently, he decided that I was a good student, and returned in the form of this heavy thing - that is, a figurine and a prize.

And doctors can be scared

Although Leo Antonovich himself is a top-class expert on matters of the heart, he has never examined his own heart. He says his body is balanced. And if you start doing an examination, something will definitely go wrong in the “settings”.

- What is the secret of youth from Leo Bockeria? Amosov, for example, promoted jogging as a guarantee of long life...

I haven't invented anything special in my life. Firstly, I believe that you should not get too carried away with food. You can eat deliciously occasionally, but on other days you can eat something that doesn’t cause much delight. You need to eat your usual food every day. Especially for breakfast. As for running, I’m not a fan of heavy loads. Sport games- Please. Football, basketball, volleyball, hockey - depending on age. I also recognize static gymnastics. What it is? Try standing for a few minutes with your arm raised or on one leg. The loads are significant, and the result is the same as when running. I even sometimes use these techniques during operations that last for hours.

- Do you have your own talisman? What do you think about before surgery?

There was a period in my life when I began to master the problems of arrhythmia. Difficult situations arose, sometimes I wanted to run away from the operating table. My daughter’s voice helped me out. At only two and a half years old, she knew all of Chukovsky by heart. She still spoke poorly then. But I heard her diligent voice during difficult operations. I consciously turned to this voice. He helped both me and the patient. Usually the operation ended successfully.

- Is it easy to squeeze a tear out of Dr. Bockeria?

You can’t get used to people’s grief. At work, I often find myself in a situation where a lump comes to my throat.

-Are you comparing our doctors and foreign ones? Comparison in whose favor is it?

We have something to work on.

- In the USA you were elected to the American College of Surgeons. There are only one hundred honorary members there. Are the others standing in line? And what does this give you?

When someone dies, the next one is chosen. What does this give me? In fact - nothing. This is prestigious in our international surgical community.

- You have so many different titles. As soon as you were called: both “man of the year” and “man-legend”. What title or award are you most proud of?

Lenin and State Prizes. These awards were given to me for the main work of my life. For the work as a result of which people who were hopelessly ill and incurable yesterday became healthy today.

- Leo Antonovich, you often talk about the extinction of a nation. Do you mean that every second Russian dies from heart disease and something needs to be done about it?

Alas, the nation is not dying only from heart disease, although 54 percent of all deaths are due to cardiac diseases. We eat a lot. We eat in reserve. We lie on the couch and get fat. We age faster than others. There is no single recipe for saving the nation. But it is a fact that this should be a common concern of both the state and society.

- And you know how to save the nation from all this?

We created the League of a Healthy Nation so that everyone could come to the health center at their place of residence. Take your blood pressure, work out on the gym, and have lunch there. Not some harmful hamburgers and burnt meat, but eat healthy food.

- Well, you are an incorrigible romantic! A healthy lifestyle costs big money! People pay round sums of dollars for visiting all sorts of fitness centers. Where does an ordinary “middle class” citizen get that kind of money?

This is a solvable issue. It is necessary to create a model of self-developing healthcare. The League will try to revive analogues of those programs for physical education, sports, and family health care that existed before. This is not a return to the past. These are ideas that it would be foolish to refuse. It is necessary to create and legal framework to ensure the health of ordinary citizens.

- Leo Antonovich, now they often talk about the prevention of certain diseases. In my opinion, this is a thankless task. Thunder won't strike - the man won't cross himself. Or is it really possible to warn? And in general, what diseases need to be prevented today?

It is realistic to help citizens in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, AIDS, and tuberculosis. Forewarned is forearmed.

- Who, besides doctors, will take part in the work of the league?

Attitude to one's health is part of a nation's culture. Therefore, scientists, outstanding athletes, and government officials will take the most active part in the work of the league. Many of them are my friends. You won't have to persuade anyone.

Ladies' man

By nature, Leo Antonovich is a poet and romantic, perhaps even an artist at heart. He can talk for a long time about the beauty of the heart, his ideal forms... comparing it in beauty and role in a person’s life with the beauty and role of a woman in a man’s life.

- Your family is female - a wife, two daughters...

I'll tell you more! I have a mother-in-law. She is 85 years old. I have two sisters and a niece.

What a great one! You can sympathize with me! But I personally buy gifts for all my ladies; I can’t trust others with them.

- Both of your daughters are cardiologists. The youngest recently defended her doctorate. Don’t they complain that rumor attributes their achievements to you?

They're complaining! But what do I have to do with it?! I am very loving dad in everything that does not relate to medicine. Both daughters graduated from college with honors. Did I give them hints in class? Did you write dissertations for them?! And the eldest... did not stay at the research institute, she went to a regular hospital to work with premature babies.

- Leo Antonovich, if something happened to your heart, who would you entrust it to?

Only for daughters.

- Is your wife also a doctor?

Yes, therapist. Head of the general therapeutic department at First Medical Center.

- How did you meet?

We studied in the same group. I remember we had our first exam in anatomy. It's simply impossible to get an "excellent" grade. So I go around my comrades and ask who passed what. Some say “failed!”, some say “C”. And suddenly such a little girl says: “And I passed with an A!” I immediately noted it, because I myself barely received a “B”.

- So what - you decided to get married right away?

No, we got married at the end of our studies. It was not immediately possible to win the heart of a serious excellent student.

- Is your wife Georgian?


Humble Doctor

- What kind of work do you do around the house?

I can do a lot of things. I can hammer a nail, hang a picture, vacuum it. I know how to dig beds and plant trees. I can disassemble a complex mechanism and assemble it... without spare parts.

- In the clinic of the ophthalmologist Fedorov, during his lifetime, his portraits hung in many offices. Does this happen to you?

Unfortunately. I believe that a portrait on the wall has value when it is signed. I don't sign my portraits.

- Should a doctor be involved in politics? Like Roshal, for example?

Why not? Teachers are involved in politics, artists are involved in politics, and doctors are worse? Roshal succeeds. The wind is at his back.

- As a doctor and a citizen, what are you more afraid of - SARS or war?

Of course, wars! It’s not good when someone comes to someone else’s house and starts establishing their own rules there. By the way, I spoke out against the war in Iraq on the Internet. As soon as hostilities began, I signed the petition and Italian doctors put forward it. I also suffer from the fact that I have not been able to visit my parents’ grave for 11 years. They are buried in Abkhazia.

- I’m more afraid of pneumonia.

I am sure that a vaccine will soon be created for it, but for war, unfortunately, not...

Blitz interview

- Yours positive quality?


- Negative?

I am intensely experiencing the consequences of optimism.

- How long do you sleep?

Six o'clock.

- How many operations do you do per day?

Four five.

- Who are you rooting for?

For Torpedo.

- How is your last name translated?

There is no exact translation. The root of this surname is found among Spaniards, Germans, and Italians.

- Do you like to eat?

- What is your favorite movie?

- "Godfather".

- If a car, then...

- "Bentley".

- Favorite type of women?

-What can’t you refuse?

From your habits.


Bockeria Leo Antonovich was born on December 22, 1939 in Abkhazia, in the city of Ochamchira. In 1965 he graduated from the Sechenov First Medical Institute. Since 1994, he has headed the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakuleva. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. He received the Lenin Prize in 1976 for his work on hyperbaric oxygenation. This method made it possible to operate on practically inoperable children by placing them in a pressure chamber.

In 1986 he was awarded the USSR State Prize for his innovative work in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. In fact, Leo Bockeria is the founder of surgical arrhythmology. He is one of the leading cardiac surgeons on the planet, an honorary member of the American College of Surgeons, where the 100 best surgeons in the world are elected for life. Recently Boqueria became a laureate of the prestigious international award"Golden Hippocrates" for outstanding personal contribution to the development of cardiovascular surgery. Bokeria performs all kinds of heart surgeries.

Married. Two daughters also became doctors. Grandson Anton is 8 years old.

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Department of Disaster Medicine

Abstract on the topic:

“Leo Antonovich Bockeria. Biography, scientific and professional activities"

Moscow 2012

LeoAntomnewbiebokehmRiya(real name - Leonid; cargo. ??? ?????????; born December 22, 1939, Ochamchira, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Georgian USSR) - leading cardiac surgeon in Russia, a famous scientist and organizer of medical science. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health. Director of the A. N. Bakulev Research Center for Agricultural Sciences since 1994. President of the All-Russian public organization “National Health League”. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

boqueria cardiac surgeon professional scientific


IN 1965 year graduated MMI them. THEM. Sechenov USSR Ministry of Health and graduate school at the same institute in 1968.

WITH 1968 of the year works at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva, first as a senior researcher, then as head of the hyperbaric oxygenation laboratory. In the same year he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

IN 1973 year defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Hyperbaric oxygenation in cardiac surgery.” Has the title of professor.

IN 1977 year was appointed deputy director for scientific work and worked in this position until 1993, when, in connection with the organization of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he was appointed director of the Institute of Cardiac Surgery of this Center.

From september 1994 of the year L.A. Bockeria was the acting director, and since November 1994, the director of the National Center for Agricultural Agricultural Sciences named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS.

IN 1994 year elected full member RAMS specialty " cardiac surgery».

IN 2011 year elected valid member RAS in the Department of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine.


L.A. Throughout his career, Boqueria actively and fruitfully used the experimental method. Whole line operations and methods tested in the experiment were then successfully implemented in the clinic. These are various remote control operations in barooperative, electrical isolation left atria, denervation of the heart, modeling of blue and pale heart defects, etc. Among the newest methods are cryoablation, fulguration, laser photoablation, now widely used not only in the country, but also abroad.

Actively uses computer methods in diagnostics and pathology modeling systems blood circulation, gas exchange, arrhythmias. Various nomograms, charts, tables used in the clinic. Performed about 2000 open heart operations for tachyarrhythmias.

He is one of the founders of surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias -- the newest direction clinical medicine. Back in 1980, he created the country's first specialized department tachyarrhythmias and electrophysiological methods for diagnosing arrhythmias were introduced into clinical practice. A complex of non-invasive examination of patients with complex life-threatening rhythm disturbances was developed and introduced into the clinic, including the most modern diagnostic methods, surface mapping, ECG high resolution, heart rate variability and others. He developed and introduced into widespread practice new operations for premature excitation syndrome ventricles, supraventricular tachycardias and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. These are operations of resection and denervation of the sinus node with implantation of bifocal pacemakers for sinus arrhythmias and long QT syndrome, epicardial electrical impulse destruction for syndrome Wolf -- Parkinson's -- White, endocardial resection and cryodestruction for non-coronarogenic ventricular tachycardias, operations for allorhythmias, for syndrome elongated interval QT, various operations of isolation of the atrioventricular node for nodal tachyarrhythmias, radical elimination of flutter atria, the most complex operation “Labyrinth-3” for treatment flickering arrhythmias.

Main directions scientific activity L.A. Boqueria is: surgery arrhythmias And ischemic illnesses hearts, congenital and acquired vices hearts, terminal cardiac insufficiency, hyperbaric oxygenation, minimally invasive heart surgery, the use of laser in heart surgery, the use of computers in surgery and mathematical modeling, modeling of cardiovascular system pathology in experiment, target planning and scientific methodology.

Scientific achievements

§ L.A. Bockeria was the first in the country to work on hyperbaric oxygenation. Original works were performed using hyperbaric oxygenation in resuscitation, transplantology and some other areas. He personally performed almost two hundred heart surgeries under high pressure in the barooperative room. A number of operations on a “dry” heart, as well as with a combination of hyperbaric oxygenation and artificial circulation, were the first in surgical practice.

§ He was one of the first in the world to perform simultaneous operations to correct congenital, acquired heart defects, or coronary heart disease, combined with life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. These operations significantly expanded the possibilities of radical cure for previously inoperable patients. They were also the first in the country to perform implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators to prevent sudden death.

§ L. A. Bockeria made a great contribution to the problem of coronary heart disease - the most common disease. He introduced new methods of left ventricular reconstruction in patients with post-infarction cardiac aneurysms into clinical practice. This new type physiological operations in patients with very high operational risk.

§ L. A. Bokeria is the initiator and pioneer of minimally invasive heart surgery, including the use of three-dimensional imaging of the surgical field to improve the safety of the operation itself.

§ The great merit of L. A. Bockeria is the development, together with physicists, the performance of the first operations and the introduction into practice of transmyocardial myocardial revascularization using the domestic carbon dioxide laser, and subsequently the excimer laser in the most severe group of patients with coronary artery disease with distal forms of coronary artery disease, when it is impossible performing aorto-coronary bypass surgery. A new step in this newest problem became the intraoperative use of TMLR during coronary artery bypass grafting.

§ With the name L.A. Bockeria is associated with the opening of a new chapter in domestic cardiac surgery - the formation of approaches to the surgical treatment of critical (terminal) heart failure. He is a pioneer in the development of the concept of dynamic cardiomyoplasty for critical heart failure. He personally completed a large number of of these operations, including for the first time in the world in children.

§ The special merit of L. A. Bockeria is the performance of the first operations in the USSR on fully implanted artificial heart ventricles (IHC), in particular the Novokor IHC.

§ L. A. Bokeria is a pioneer of a fundamentally new branch of cardiac surgery - minimally invasive heart surgery in the USSR. He performed the first successful operations using the latest techniques in patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, with life-threatening arrhythmias, and with ischemic heart disease.

§ He is one of the initiators of the creation of the only automated medical history of cardiac surgery, the database of which includes more than 20 thousand patients.

§ He is one of the authors and developers of the pilot telemedicine project “Moscow - regions of Russia”, the purpose of which is for local doctors to conduct full consultations with the Center’s specialists using the entire volume of diagnostic information. Today, as part of this project, teleconsultations are regularly held using videoconferencing, including from the operating room, with doctors from 16 Russian regions and Belarus.

§ Has more than 150 patents for inventions, utility models and innovation proposals.

Honorary ranks And awards

§ 1976 - Laureate of the Lenin Prize (together with V.I. Burakovsky and V.A. Bukharin) - for the development and implementation of hyperbaric oxygenation into clinical practice

§ 1986 - Laureate of the State Prize - for the development and implementation into clinical practice of new methods of electrophysiological diagnostic methods and operations for ventricular overexcitation syndromes, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias and the development of a new direction - surgical arrhythmology.

§ 1994 - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

§ 1999 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree

§ 1997, 1999, 2002 - title “Person of the Year”, Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2000 - title “Man of the Decade” in the “Medicine” category, Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2001 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree

§ 2002 - title “Man-Legend” of the All-Russian Prize of the Government, the Union of Industrialists and the Third Millennium Foundation, “Russian National Olympus”

§ 2002 - State Prize in the field of science and technology - for developing the basic principles of the problem of surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.

§ 2003 - International Golden Hippocrates Award (to the best cardiac surgeons in the world)

§ 2003 - title “Person of the Year 2003” in the “Medicine” category for outstanding contribution to global cardiac surgery and strengthening Russian healthcare, Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2003 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology - for the development and implementation of a transmyocardial method of treating inoperable patients.

§ 2004 - award sign-order "Patron" for outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the World, for the greatness of the soul, for selfless generosity. Awarded by the Patrons of the Century Charitable Foundation.

§ 2004 - Golden honorary badge “Public Recognition” for a great personal contribution to the development of domestic medicine, conducting unique cardiac surgeries using the latest medical technologies that saved the lives of hundreds of children and newborns, many years of fruitful scientific, practical, pedagogical and educational activities, active citizenship. Awarded by the National Foundation for Public Recognition, the National Civil Committee for Interaction with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies, and the independent organization Civil Society.

§ 2004 - Triumph Prize.

§ 2004 - title “Person of the Year 2004” (Russian Biographical Institute).

§ 2004 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

§ 2004 - Order “For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy.” Prize Profession-Life.

§ 2005 - Prize " Best books and Publishing House of the Year”, nomination “Science”, for the publication of the book “Health of the Nation” (Atlas).

§ 2005 - title "Person of the Year - 2005" (Russian Biographical Institute).

§ Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts

§ 2007 - medal "For services to the Chechen Republic"

§ 2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

Every year, heart disease kills 300 thousand people in Russia. More - only in Ukraine. And this figure cannot be reduced in any way. Poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle, constant stress, lack of highly qualified surgeons and the latest equipment - these are the troubles of our days. This is probably why the “Hero of Our Time” award in the “Scientist of the Decade” category was given to the readers of Novye Izvestia by the one who is trying to solve this problem with his own hands. We are talking about the country's chief cardiac surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head of the Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Leo BOKERIA.

Ordinary morning an ordinary hero. At half past six Leo Antonovich was already on his feet. Contrast shower, healthy breakfast - cottage cheese with yogurt, and off to the car. At half past seven he already arrives at the gates of the Bakulevsky center. In a spacious office, littered with soft toys, Boqueria is not staying long - it’s time for surgery. Despite his age (the doctor celebrated his 68th birthday last weekend), he performs 5-6 operations a day. She helps children in the morning and adults in the afternoon.

Putting on a sterile gown and cap, Leo Antonovich is transformed. Intense concentration appears in the eyes. As the surgeon admits, even during a multi-hour operation, he cannot think about anything except the patient, whose heart he holds in his hands. Only at the most difficult moments remembers the voices of his children, which help him regain confidence and calm down.

Everyone who has ever been in Leo Bokeria’s operating room has noted how accurately and deftly his hands fly, how well-tuned his assistants understand with just one nod of the head. The team of surgeons works like clockwork, like the master’s heart, which he has not checked for many years - there is no reason. Sports, proper nutrition, gymnastics, which he even practices in the operating room, and his inner fire do their job. The attending physicians of Leo Bockeria, his daughter, are closely monitoring to ensure that no reason arises. Both of them followed in their father’s footsteps: they became heart surgeons.

Everyone who has ever been in the Boqueria operating room notes the doctor’s determination. Even in life he gives the impression of a man who knows what he is doing. Leo Antonovich long ago answered the main question for surgeons - does he have the right to take on the role of arbiter of destinies? He has because he has to give people a chance. “I remember this incident. The grandfather learned that his newborn grandson would have to undergo a series of heart operations, and refused to give the child a chance, deciding that it could be very painful. I told him then and I will repeat it now: no one has the right to take a person’s life! Even just a few moments of it. As a doctor, I always proceed from these considerations,” says Leo Boqueria.

To give people a chance, he worked on a method called hyperbaric oxygenation, which made it possible to operate on practically inoperable children by placing them in a pressure chamber. For the sake of this very chance, he, risking his own health, performed more than 2 thousand operations under pressure equal to the pressure of water at 25 meters depth. He earned the Lenin Prize and... the Honored Submariner Award. It was for this chance that he became the first in the country to implant defibrillators to prevent sudden death. It was for this reason that he spent years developing the newest direction in clinical medicine - surgical treatment of arrhythmia. It was this chance that recently, in November, made him dare to implant an artificial left ventricle of the heart into a teenager. Again for the first time in the country...

“If medicine is surgery. If it’s surgery, then it’s cardiac surgery!” - this is how 17-year-old Leo, who came to Moscow from the Abkhaz town of Ochamchira, reasoned, choosing which university and faculty he should enter. He has not deviated from his principle even now. Only he already thinks in other categories: if he deals with the treatment of heart diseases, then also with their prevention. If you work in medicine, then keep your finger on the pulse and public policy in healthcare. This was one of the reasons that Leo Bokeria headed the public organization “League of National Health”. Organizing football championships among schoolchildren in the regions, free diagnostics for hundreds of people, lectures on a healthy lifestyle, helping young surgeons - this is just a small part of what Leo Bockeria is trying to find at least a couple of hours for. busy schedule operations.

He is on friendly terms with both officials and legislators. But of course! If he doesn’t talk about the sick spots in Russian healthcare, others won’t listen at all. Leo Bokeria never tires of talking about the need to increase quotas for the treatment of heart patients. His constant headache is the problem of pediatric transplantology. Now, due to imperfect legislation, it is actually prohibited. Meanwhile, in the West, a heart transplant from a child to a child saves hundreds of lives. Thanks also to the efforts of Leo Bockeria, a document authorizing pediatric transplantation may appear in the coming months.

In general, Leo Antonovich always did everything himself. He himself renovated the unfinished building of the Bakulevsky Center, which he had to move into in the early 90s, he himself selected the staff for the clinic, and he manages it himself. Subordinates say: strict, but fair.

Surprisingly, with such strength of character, Leo Bockeria never got used to many things. Not used to human grief. In a recent interview, he admitted that he could not forget the touching smile of a child whom he had recently operated on. “The baby’s diagnosis is serious - a heart defect. The operation was completed with complications. I had to operate again. Fortunately, everything worked out fine. But to this day I have it in my head that this child smiled at us, and here we are... It happens that something goes wrong, and then suddenly you begin to remember some details of the conversation with your parents or relatives, or with the patient himself. I never got used to it.”

Leo Bokeria is emotional not only about failures, but also about victories. He says that every patient’s recovery is for him ordinary miracle. He still remembers many of those he operated on. “It was about 20 years ago. A friend from Ochamchira comes to me and says: “We’re coming to us urgently, our guy is dying from a wound in the heart!” I'm taking an evening flight via Adler to Georgia. I have surgery and fly to Moscow in the morning. And I completely forget about it. About two years later I came to Ochamchira on vacation. The mountain river Galizga, which is very close to my house, overflowed. The entire city spilled onto the shore. They are looking. And only one person, the strongest, pulls the floating cows out of the river and the fallen trees. As a tourist, I photograph all this. And suddenly he sees me, throws another cow - and rushes towards me. He grabs it with dirty hands and throws it into the air. It turned out that he was the same guy whose heart I sewed,” Leo animatedly told this story to journalists more than once.

They say about the Bakulevsky Center that doctors here never take bribes. This is the Boqueria rule. A bottle of cognac in gratitude - no more. For extorting patients, he immediately fires them. Although he values ​​his employees. He even plays football with them on Sundays. He says that all work conflicts are resolved on their own, although sometimes they trip him up.

And the surgeon likes to spend Sundays at the festive table. Like a real Georgian, he knows a lot about good wine and cognac. He says that alcohol (in moderation, of course) brightens our lives. He loves to make toasts and can sing a Georgian romance. Boqueria is the keeper of family traditions. He has two daughters, two sisters, a wife. The male company consists of a son-in-law and a 12-year-old grandson, with whom the grandfather communicates as equals. On New Year's Day, all his relatives gather at his house - at least thirty people.

Leo Bockeria himself does not undertake to list all his awards. There are many of them in the piggy bank - from the State Prize to the “Golden Hippocrates”. Readers of Novye Izvestia called him a “Hero of Our Time.” However, the word “hero” itself does not really suit Leo Antonovich. A hero is one who rests on his laurels, but he still fights. Against death on the side of life.


“Bad habits are a terrible thing for the heart: smoking, alcoholism, overeating, sleeping when necessary, not caring about the regime. A person should move more, sleep at the same time, even if he works different shifts. It is better to exclude foods that are very fatty and high in carbohydrates. There is a diet for astronauts, we call it the Kremlin diet. A good thing, because a person can not deny himself anything. The only condition if you want to maintain normal weight or lose weight is to eat boiled fish and meat, and only fresh vegetables. And, of course, you need to study physical exercise. You don't have to go to the fitness center, there is simple gymnastics. In general, to maintain shape for a person who has switched to average age, it’s enough to walk one hour a week.”

“Today it is difficult to meet a calm, balanced person who is confident in the future. Everyone is under some kind of tension. Even children experience a constant state of stress passed on to them from their parents. This is not yesterday’s or today’s problem, it is a long-standing one.”

“The main issue is the poverty and misery of Russians. Throughout the 19th-20th centuries and now, people mainly solve the problem of survival. I'm talking about the bulk of the population. If we take the USA and Western European countries, then by and large people there are not bothered by pressing problems, if, of course, they work. They have a roof over their head, they don't think about what to eat or wear. They think about other things: about health, about quality products, about a sports club, about where to spend a vacation. All this is important for improving the health of each individual and the nation as a whole.”

Material taken from sites:



Posted on www.allbest.ru

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Russian cardiac surgeon Leo Antonovich Bockeria born on December 22, 1939 in Abkhazia, in the city of Ochamchira.

In 1965, Leo Bockeria graduated from the First Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov and entered graduate school at the department of topographic anatomy and operative surgery.

In 1968, having completed his postgraduate studies, he was assigned as a senior researcher at the Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery.

In 1973, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBOT) in cardiac surgery.” Has the title of professor.

From 1974 to 1977, Leo Bockeria headed the hyperbaric oxygenation laboratory at the Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery.

From 1977 to 1993 he worked as deputy director for scientific work and head of the department of surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

In 1993, in connection with the organization of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Leo Bockeria was appointed director of the Institute of Cardiac Surgery of this Center.

Since September 1994, Bockeria has been acting, and since November 1994, director of the Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (SCSS RAMS).

In 1994, he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, specializing in cardiovascular surgery.

Leo Bokeria is one of the founders of the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, the newest direction in clinical medicine.

The main areas of his scientific activity: surgery of arrhythmias and coronary heart disease, congenital and acquired heart defects, terminal heart failure, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, minimally invasive heart surgery, the use of laser in heart surgery, the use of computers in surgery and math modeling, modeling of cardiovascular system pathology in experiment, target planning and scientific methodology. Leo Bockeria was the first in the country to work on hyperbaric oxygenation. He personally performed almost two hundred heart surgeries under high pressure in the barooperative room.

Unique is his personal experience of open heart surgery for tachyarrhythmias (more than 2000 cases).

Leo Antonovich Bockeria is one of the leading cardiac surgeons on the planet. He repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstration operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland.

International recognition of Boqueria's merits is his election in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons, the highest title in the surgical hierarchy, where the 100 best surgeons in the world are elected for life.

He is a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the scientific council of the International Center for Cardiac Surgery (1993), a member of the faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy , Switzerland.

For outstanding achievements in the field of medicine and for the assistance and support provided during the blockade of Yugoslavia, Leo Bockeria was awarded the diploma “Honorary Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Serbia.”

In 1976, Boqueria was awarded highest award USSR - the Lenin Prize, and in 1986 - for innovative work on the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias - the USSR State Prize.

Leo Bockeria was repeatedly named “Person of the Year” by the Russian Biographical Institute in the “Medicine” section (1997, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009).

In 2003, Bokeria became a laureate of the prestigious international Golden Hippocrates Award for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of cardiovascular surgery.

In 2004, he became a laureate of the Triumph-Science Prize and was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. In May 2007, during a visit to the Chechen Republic, Leo Bockeria was awarded the medal “For Services to the Chechen Republic” for his services in organizing and providing medical and preventive care to citizens of the republic.

From 1993 to 1998, Bockeria headed the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Leo Antonovich is an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. He is the chief freelance cardiovascular surgeon at the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Bokeria is the President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons.

He is the editor-in-chief of the journals “Breast and Cardiovascular Surgery”, “Bulletin of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS", "Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases", "Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulation", "Annals of Arrhythmology", he founded the now very popular journal "Annals of Surgery" for surgeons of various profiles and the magazine "Doctor" - a popular scientific publication. He is a member of the editorial boards of magazines in the USA and Great Britain.

In June 2003, Leo Bokeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization “National Health League”, in 2005 - a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, in 2006 - Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Bockeria is the head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Russian Academy postgraduate education and the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Medical and Dental University.

Under his leadership, more than 40 doctoral theses and more than 90 master's theses. Many of his students are professors and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Leo Boqueria is married and has two daughters.

The best Orthodox sites - what are they? You will learn about this by reading the report on the first competition of Orthodox sites on the Runet “Mrezha-2006”!

On February 1, in Moscow, in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Petrovsky Park, as part of the work of the section “Information Technologies, Internet and Multimedia in the Service of the Church” of the XV Christmas Readings, a solemn ceremony was held to sum up the results of the first competition of Orthodox Runet sites “Mrezha-2006”.

The competition runs for 5 months.

The competition jury, headed by the abbot of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, the editor-in-chief of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), sent invitations to participate in the competition to representatives of more than one and a half thousand Orthodox sites from the 2,500 Orthodox Internet projects of the Runet considered at the first stage of the competition. The jury received about 500 applications for participation in the competition from website authors.

The jury held several stages of voting and selected 53 laureates in 5 categories: official church websites; Media, news, portals; church and social life; science, culture, art, education and online libraries and services. On final stage The winner of the competition program was determined in each of the nominations. The jury's decision - which sites became laureates and winners of the competition program - was officially announced only yesterday, at a ceremony summing up the results of the competition.

The ceremony was hosted by competition jury members Pavel Egorikhin, head of the project “People's Catalog of Orthodox Architecture” and Anna Lyubimova, editor-in-chief of the portal “”. The jury also included the executive director of the Christmas readings, Priest Dimitry Lin, the head of the PMC “Life”, priest Maxim Obukhov, Andrey Volkov, representing the Orthodox Liturgical Fellowship, administrator of the Orthodoxy.Ru server Alexander Dyatlov, head of Internet projects news agency RIA Novosti Natalya Loseva, Ksenia Luchenko, employee of the newspaper "Church Bulletin", editor-in-chief of the catalog Orthodox Christianity.Ru Ivan Mazurenko, designer Grigory Malyshev, head of department of the Stack Group of Companies Ivan Panchenko, editor of the site Sedmitsa.Ru Vladislav Petrushko, mother Marina Shin from the Community Slavic typography, author of the “Orthodox Calendar” project Dmitry Tsypin.

In nomination "Official Church Websites" official websites of the Moscow Patriarchate and other Local Churches, Internet projects of synodal institutions, dioceses and diocesan departments, monasteries, deaneries, parishes, etc. were put forward. Church structures. The main contenders for victory in this category were the winning sites of the competition:

  • Official portal of the Moscow Patriarchate “Patriarchia.ru” (patriarchia.ru)
  • Website "Sisters.Ru" Novo-Tikhvinsky convent, Ekaterinburg (sestry.ru) and
  • Official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church“Orthodox Ukraine” (pravoslavye.org.ua)

The winner of the competition in the category “Official Church Websites” was ultimately an Internet project "Sisters.Ru. Novo-Tikhvin Convent, Yekaterinburg"(sestry.ru). The winning site was awarded a valuable prize - an LCD monitor was presented to the site representative by the Chairman of the Community of Orthodox Web Developers, Alexander Dyatlov. The Sisters.Ru project is the official Internet project of the Novo-Tikhvin Convent of Yekaterinburg. The site design was developed by the sisters of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery themselves. Software development and technical support of the project have been carried out by Naumen employees since 2002.

The editors of the site “Orthodoxy and the World” express special gratitude to the portal “Sisters”: the editors of the site have warm friendly relations, and the correspondents of the site “Sisters” have prepared several excellent materials for our portal: , .

Other winners in this category were the following sites:

  • Vladivostok-Primorye Diocese (vladivostok.eparhia.ru)
  • Ascension Pechersky Monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese (pecherskiy.nne.ru)
  • Znamensky Church in the village. Hills of Istra district, Moscow region (znamenie.org)
  • Orthodox Donbass (ortodox.donbass.com)
  • Kazan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Official website (kazan.eparhia.ru)
  • Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Official website (meparh.ru)
  • Nizhny Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (nne.ru)
  • Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church (diaconia.ru)
  • Smolensk and Kaliningrad diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Official website (smolenskeparxi.ru)
  • Church of St. John the Evangelist p. Bogoslovskoe-Mogiltsy, Moscow region. (hram-usadba.ru)

The competition was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Orthodox Runet, so the jury awarded special diplomas to the authors of the first Orthodox sites created back in 1996. The first to receive such a diploma and a special prize from the newspaper “Church Bulletin” was one of the two authors of the first version. official website of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese priest Andrei Milkin.

In nomination "Media, news, portals" Orthodox portals, online magazines, news sites, Internet versions of TV and radio programs, newspapers, magazines and other media were put forward. The main contenders for victory in this category were the winning sites of the competition:

  • Abortion and its consequences. Information and support in difficult situations (aborti.ru)
  • Orthodox mother's page (orthomama.ru)
  • Thomas. Orthodoxy for doubters (foma.ru)

The winner of the competition in the category “Media, news, portals” was an Internet project “Abortion and its consequences. Information and support in difficult situations"(www.aborti.ru). The main goal of the site is to tell readers about the consequences of abortion, that abortion is murder. The authors managed to make sure that, based on search engine queries, those who are already planning to have an abortion come to the site. Every day dozens of women turn to the portal with questions and doubts, and, with the help of the site’s authors, doctors, and confessor, it has already been possible to save, probably, more than one hundred children’s lives. The winning site is a personal project of Yulia Lek. The site design was developed by Olga Gabay, software by Alexander Vetchinkin, layout of the project by Evgeny Pozdnyakov. A diploma and a valuable prize - a digital video camera - were presented to Yulia Lek, who came to the ceremony from overseas, by the head of the Orthodox medical and educational center for life, Priest Maxim Obukhov.

We congratulate Yulia from the bottom of our hearts, wish her God’s help in her work, and admire the fact that the mother of 4 children finds the strength and time for such colossal work!

The following sites were also awarded diplomas as competition laureates in this category:

  • Mercy.Ru. Website of the Moscow Diocesan Commission for Church Social Activities (miloserdie.ru)
  • Our faith. Orthodox portal for youth (vera.mipt.ru)
  • Been through! How to survive the passing of a loved one (perejit.ru)
  • Orthodoxy and modernity. Information and analytical portal of the Saratov diocese (eparhia-saratov.ru)
  • Orthodoxy in the Far East. Information and analytical portal (pravostok.ru)
  • Union. Representative office in Moscow Orthodox TV channel(tv-soyuz.ru)
  • Tatyana's Day. Orthodox online publication of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova (st-tatiana.ru)

Two other winning sites also received special prizes in the “Media, News, Portals” category. Competition diploma and special prize for contribution to the development of the Orthodox Runet to the author of the site "Orthodox Mother's Page" Anna Lyubimova, editor-in-chief of the Orthodoxy and Peace portal, presented it to Mother Margarita Danilova. The authors of one of the first Orthodox sites on the Runet - the Internet project of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov “Tatiana’s Day” was presented with a special prize (laptop) from the Pravoslavie.Ru portal by the chairman of the jury of the “Mrezha” competition, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov).

We sincerely congratulate Mother Margarita and hope that her site will develop even more actively!

In nomination "Church and social life" Internet sites were put forward representing various societies, brotherhoods, unions, foundations, committees, councils, pilgrimage services, forums, blogs, communities and other Internet projects dedicated to communication on the Internet, Orthodox dating sites, shops, publishing houses, printing houses, the Internet -projects about church decoration, websites of icon painting and other workshops, personal and personal pages of Orthodox laymen and priests.

The winner sites of the competition were contenders for victory in this category:

  • Big family. Charitable Foundation (fobs.ru)
  • Kind words. Forum about love, marriage and life in the world (dobroeslovo.ru)
  • Society of Church Bell Ringers. Bells and arrangement of traditional bell ringing (zvon.ru)

Two Internet projects won the competition in the “Church and Public Life” category:

  • Big family. Charitable Foundation(fobs.ru)
  • Society of Church Bell Ringers. Bells and arrangement of traditional bell ringing(zvon.ru)

The competition jury, despite the large number of voting stages, was unable to determine which of these projects to give preference to.

One of the two winning sites - the project Societies of Church Bell Ringers- is headed by the Chairman of the Society Igor Vasilyevich Konovalov, senior bell ringer of the Moscow Kremlin Cathedrals and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The design of the site, which opened in 2004, was developed by an employee of the Society of Church Bell Ringers, Konstantin Aleksandrovich Mishurovsky, and the project software was completed by Alexey Ozherelev. The diploma of the winner of the competition and the prize - a pocket personal computer - were presented to the representatives of this site by the Chairman of the Community of Orthodox Web Developers, Alexander Dyatlov.

We congratulate the Society of Church Bell Ringers on their victory and hope that with the help of the site’s authors, we will soon be able to tell more about bells and bell ringing on our site.

The second winning site in this category is an Internet project Charitable Foundation for helping orphans "Big Family". The Big Family Foundation was established in 2003 by the community of sisters of mercy in the name of the Kazan Icon Mother of God in order to provide all possible assistance to state orphanages and organize the activities of non-state family-type orphanages - boarding houses family education. The foundation cooperates with 12 orphanages, boarding schools and children's homes. The foundation's website was created in March 2006. Alexander Dyatlov presented the site's representatives with a diploma of the winner of the competition and a prize - a digital camera.

  • Mite. Orthodox book publishing house(lepta-kniga.ru)
  • Patriarchal Center spiritual development children and youth (cdrm.ru)
  • Cover. Interuniversity Association for Spiritual and Moral Education of Youth, St. Petersburg (pokrov-forum.ru)
  • Orthodox conversation. Internet forum community (pravbeseda.ru)
  • Restavros. Volunteer Youth Association (wco.ru/restavros)
  • Orphan soul. Website of the Karelian public organization “Balance”. (sirotinka.ru)
  • Foundation of the Holy All-Valuable Apostle Andrew the First-Called (fap.ru)
  • Center for Education and Mercy of the Belarusian Exarchate “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, Minsk (hramvsr.by)

A special prize from the Union of Writers of Russia and a diploma from the competition for his contribution to the development of the Orthodox Runet was awarded to the author of one of the first Orthodox Internet libraries - the library « Spiritual heritage Orthodoxy"– Vladimir Pavlenko.

In nomination "Science, culture, art, education" iconographic, musical, poetic sites, projects competed, dedicated to cinema, photography, theater and other types of art and culture, educational Internet projects, local history and historical sites, sites containing the lives of saints, biographies of devotees of piety, etc.

The contenders for victory in this nomination were the following Internet projects:

  • Department of Biblical Studies of the Moscow Theological Academy (bible-mda.ru)
  • Word. Orthodox educational portal(portal-slovo.ru)

The winner of the competition in the category “Science, culture, art, education” was an Internet project Department of Biblical Studies of the Moscow Theological Academy(bible-mda.ru). The website of the Department of Biblical Studies of the Moscow Theological Academy began its work on February 2, 2005. The design and software of the project were made by an employee of the department, priest Dimitry Yurevich. One of the goals of the site is to promote the development of biblical research in Russia. For this purpose, an electronic library was organized on the website by students, in which the best pre-revolutionary articles and monographs are posted in scanned form in djvu format, dedicated to research Holy Scripture, as well as articles and books by current teachers of the department. Now there are about 250 books and articles on the site, their volume has already exceeded 1 gigabyte.

The diploma of the winner of the competition and the prize - a professional laser printer - were presented to the winner by Igor Chelebaev, director of the Lekom company, which sells and services copiers, printers and other office equipment.

Other winning sites in this category were the following Internet projects:

  • Bishop Vasily Rodzianko. Ascetic of piety (episkopvasily.ru)
  • Icons and icon painting techniques (ukoha.ru)
  • Kazan Theological Seminary (kds.eparhia.ru)
  • Minsk theological schools (minds.by)
  • Orthodoxy Photo. Orthodox photo (foto.orthodoxy.ru)
  • Russia: history, culture, spirituality (russia-hc.ru)
  • St. Petersburg Theological Academy and Seminary (spbda.ru)
  • Christianity in art. Icons, mosaics, frescoes (icon-art.info)
  • Church school (pedagog.eparhia.ru)

In the fifth and final nomination of the competition - "Online libraries and services"– Internet libraries and media libraries, liturgical libraries, hosting services, catalogues, ratings, search engines, banner networks, web services, fonts, sites about web design and web programming and other projects were put forward. The winning sites in this category were the following:

  • Annunciation. Orthodox Christian Library (wco.ru/biblio)
  • Complete Orthodox prayer book. Prayers for every need (molitvoslov.com)
  • Pagez.Ru. Orthodox pages of Andrey Lebedev (pagez.ru)

The winner of the competition in the category “Internet libraries and services” was an Internet project "Pagez.Ru. Orthodox pages of Andrey Lebedev"(pagez.ru) The Pagez.Ru portal has been created for many years by one enthusiastic person and includes a catalog of Orthodox sites, a book search system in Orthodox electronic libraries Runet, church calendar, an extensive library of works of the holy fathers and teachers of the Church and much more. For his work for the benefit of the Church, Andrei Lebedev was awarded a diploma as the winner of the competition and a valuable prize - a professional scanner.

Other sites-winners in this category were Internet projects:

  • Library of Orthodox literature for the PDA (fbppclib.orthodoxy.ru)
  • Manuscript. Slavic manuscript heritage (manuscripts.ru)
  • Russian Orthodoxy (ortho-rus.ru)
  • Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. Official server (stsl.ru)
  • Typikon. Divine service of the Orthodox Church (typikon.ru)

A special prize in the category “Internet libraries and services” was established by the Stack Group of Companies. The head of the information systems department of this company, Ivan Panchenko, presented a diploma of the competition and a special prize for his contribution to the development of the Orthodox RuNet - a gift certificate for 3 years for free hosting of the third free hosting server of the Orthodox Russia project - to the administrator of the Orthodoxy.Ru server, who recently celebrated his 10th birthday -anniversary, Alexander Viktorovich Dyatlov.

Concluding the award ceremony, the chairman of the competition jury, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), noted that the Internet, which once originated for military-technical purposes, has now acquired worldwide significance and plays a big role in the life of the entire society. Therefore, there must be a mission on the Internet, and the Internet itself, first of all, must be considered as an instrument of this mission. “You are doing a great thing - the churching of an instrument that today has a huge impact,” said Father Tikhon, addressing the numerous guests and participants of the ceremony, and wished “joy in your work.”

02 / 02 / 2007
Press service of the Community of Orthodox Web Developers (