Boris Korchevnikov became the general director of the TV channel Saved. Boris Korchevnikov will head the Orthodox TV channel

For the first time, the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” showed miracles of healing when it appeared in 1420 on Kamenny Lake in the Bezhanitsky region of the Pskov land at the time of the “pestilence” from an epidemic and the invasion of the knights of the Lithuanian prince Vytautas. In the Pskov Chronicle there is a mention of a miraculous sign:
“In the summer of 6934 (1426), the same autumn, there was a sign from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, on Lake Kamena, near Vasil’s courtyard: blood came from the right eye, and dripped onto the place where it stood, and blood flowed along the way, how they took the icon to the ubrus, how they took the icon of the Most Pure One to Pskov, in the month of September at 16, in memory of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia.”
The icon was transported to Pskov and kept in the Trinity Cathedral Church. In memory of this transfer, a celebration in honor of the icon was established on September 16 (September 29, new style). However ancient image“Consider humility” has not survived to this day. In the 19th century, there is no longer any mention of the ancient icon that was located in the Trinity Cathedral, and, possibly, died during one of the natural disasters. Currently, the list of icons is located to the right of the altar in Trinity cathedral Pskov Kremlin. Few other copies of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” are known. One of them is from the late 17th century. is still located in the Kiev Florovsky Ascension Convent. The second one currently decorates the main temple in the Kiev Holy Vvedensky Monastery (another mosaic image is displayed on the wall of the temple).
According to legend, the list of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv was written by a certain princess who took the schema under the name of Mary. She painted the icon with a bone from holy relics, dipping it in paints mixed with holy water, saying the Jesus Prayer. After the coup of 1917, the icon was preserved by the nun Theodora and returned to the Vvedensky Church of the monastery after the fall of the godless regime. In 1993, they decided to give the icon, which was kept behind glass, for restoration, as the image had become dim. On August 1, 1993, the glass was removed from the icon. It turned out that the icon remained clear, as it was before, and only the glass covering it became clouded. On it, strictly along the contour, as if with light chalk strokes, the silhouette of the Mother of God and the Child was imprinted. The image on the glass was a negative: the dark places became white, the light face, hands, folds became dark. Kyiv scientists, having conducted a study, came to the conclusion that the image on the glass is miraculous, but they could not give scientific explanation the miracle that happened. Both from the icon itself and from Its imprint on the glass, numerous healings began to occur. On November 22, 1995, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church decided to consider the Kyiv Icon of the Mother of God “Look upon Humility” as miraculous. The icon was covered with new glass, which was already at a distance from the image. In 2001, the appearance of a miraculous display of an icon on the glass covering It was again recorded.

In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility,” they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent and therefore suffer from illnesses and spiritual hardships, for the relief of the afterlife of the deceased, for protection from false and evil teachings . Through the prayers of the Mother of God before Her icon “Look at Humility”, help is given to all the oppressed, persecuted, despairing, weak in faith, the truth is revealed and slander and slander are exposed, the innocent are justified. By intercession Holy Mother of God healings occur from cardiovascular diseases, women's diseases. Prayers before the icon also help in solving housing issues.

Prayer to the Mother of God in front of Her icon called “Look at Humility.”

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, highest Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God's chosen Youth! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the destruction and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, All-Generous Mother of the Humane-loving Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercies, strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we may be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. To the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On September 29, the miraculous icon of Praise for Humility is celebrated.

The icon “Look at Humility” was revealed in 1420 on Kamenny Lake in the Pskov region during the “pestilence” - famine. The Pskov Chronicle records: “In the summer of 6934 (1426), the same autumn, there was a sign from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, on Lake Kamena, near Vasil’s courtyard: blood came from the right eye, and dripped onto the place where it stood, and on the way there was blood, as they took the icon to the ubrus, as they carried the icon of the Most Pure One to Pskov, in the month of September at 16, in memory of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia.” The icon was transferred to Pskov, to the Trinity Cathedral Church, in memory of which a celebration was established on September 16/29.

The ancient miraculous image has not survived to this day. But today one of the most revered shrines in Ukraine and Russia is the miraculous copy of the icon “Look at Humility,” kept in the Kiev Vvedensky Monastery.

The icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” was given by Schema-nun Theodora, who kept it for 55 years.

The mention of this particular icon dates back to 1937. She was the cell icon of the cleric of the Holy Vvedensky, then still a women's, monastery - Archpriest Boris Kvasnitsky. In 1937 he was repressed. Before his arrest, he managed to hand over the icon to his spiritual daughter, nun Feofania. And mother was the keeper of the shrine for 55 years. Before the Great Patriotic War the monastery was closed, but the occupation authorities reopened it. The monastery operated from 1941 until 1960. With a new wave of anti-religious activities under Khrushchev, the monastery was closed again and reopened only in 1992. Mother, who kept the icon, was transferred to the Florovsky Monastery. It was in this monastery that she subsequently ended her earthly journey.
And before her death, Mother Feofania accepted the schema with the name Theodora.
When schema-nun Theodora learned that services were being resumed in the former monastery Church of the Holy Presentation, she gave there the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.” At that time this icon was not yet miraculous. But Mother Theodora really wanted to return the shrine to its original place and, by the grace of God, she lived to see this time. This happened shortly before her death

Holy Vvedensky Monastery. Kiev

In August 1993, a miracle occurred: the image of the Virgin Mary and Child was strangely displayed on the glass that covered the icon, but did not touch it. Kyiv scientists, after conducting a study, came to the conclusion that the image is miraculous, but they could not give a scientific explanation for the miracle that happened.

By order of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church dated November 22, 1995, the holy image of the Mother of God “Look upon humility” was recognized as miraculous.

Robes of such icons long tradition decorated with valuable metal and precious stones. Therefore, in 1996, the holy face of the Mother of God was set in a precious robe, which, according to experts, has high artistic value.

The story I am going to talk about is from the realm of the miraculous. How good it is that such stories are sent to us, and how good it is that we have the opportunity to tell about them.

Pskov, famous for its history, and “the mother of Russian cities” Kyiv are not close to each other. But it just so happened: they turned out to be connected by strong spiritual threads, for which, as we know, distance is no obstacle. On Lake Kamenny near Pskov in 1420, an icon with the strange, at first glance, name “Look at Humility” was revealed. A little later it was moved to Pskov, and since then the day of the icon’s transfer—September 16 (Old Style)—has been celebrated as the day of its memory. The Mother of God is depicted sitting on the icon. There is a crown on the head. In the right hand is a scepter. With her left She supports the Infant God. And the Divine Infant Himself does not sit, as is very often depicted on icons, but stands on the Mother’s knees. Wherein right hand touches Her cheek, and with her left hand holds a ball - a symbol of power over the world. For a long time this wonderful icon was in the cathedral church of Pskov and would still have been there, but only the black year of 1917 arrived... It’s hard to say where the icon went afterwards. Only about two hundred years ago a small list was made from it - 110 by 70 cm, and this list ended up in the Kiev Vvedensky Church. As soon as the godless years came, one nun named Theodora began to keep this icon with her, as he blessed her spiritual father Boris Kvasnitsky. He himself was shot in 1931. And now the Vvedensky Church is reopening in Kyiv. And now “Look at Humility” comes back. Begins new life ancient icon. And, as it turned out, life is amazing, unusual. Here is what the rector of the temple, Hegumen Damian, says:

— In the summer of 1993, a small cloud appeared on the inside of the glass of the icon. Everyone thought something had happened to the icon itself and decided to send it for restoration. And when they removed the frame and glass (why should they be taken for restoration), we saw on the glass... an imprint of exactly the same icon.

And here is what the deputy head of the parish, Maxim Paramonov, said:

— As I remember now, it was August 1, 1993, Sunday. My two comrades, Yuri and Alexey, and I carefully removed the icon from the icon case, from under the glass under which it was located. I look: there is some kind of imprint on the glass. I was scared: suddenly the icon was damaged. And then I looked closer: the Mother of God was miraculously reflected on the glass...

What kind of miracle is this? Miracle and wonder. The parishioners of the Vvedensky Church accepted this event with great gratitude.

- Of course, a miracle. God's great mercy to us, to our church, to our parishioners. Are we living an ordinary Christian life, but we are very fond of the “Look at Humility” icon. I don’t know how many people she helped, how many she healed, but they always come to her and fall in love with hope. Is it possible to record all the miracles? Not everyone will tell or advertise. Having received healing, many thank the Mother of God, give something to the icon, or simply pray with gratitude. Those closest to you will learn about the miracle or healing. For example, a person comes and orders a prayer of thanks in front of the icon “Look at Humility.” We ask: “For what reason?” - “I want to thank the Mother of God for the mercy she showed me.” - “What kind of mercy?” - “Yes, I won’t talk about it...” You won’t torture a person: tell me, tell me. The glass on which the Mother of God was depicted is now taken out for worship by believers. People possessed by an unclean spirit have difficulty approaching this glass. It seems that outwardly people are normal, but when they approach the glass, they begin to scream, rush to the side, and cannot touch the glass without the help of someone else. So, the blessed power that the icon and glass possess is real and valid.

These are the words of Father Damian.

- What will scientists say, how will they explain unusual phenomenon in the Vvedensky Church?

— I must say that Kyiv scientists were very interested in the miracle. This is what one of them, head of the department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences Anton Silvestrov, said:

“Events like this lift the spirit of our people, who for a long time was cut off from his own religious traditions. Positive results research can help restore these traditions. If research confirms the miraculous nature of the image, and therefore the authenticity of the miracle, then people will come here in large crowds to worship and will have a real opportunity to restore their relationship with God.

And the painstaking research work began. Of course, scientists are mostly skeptics. And here the first thing they wanted to find out was whether there were traces of a brush or spray on the glass. Head of Laboratory laser methods research by the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Yuri Popov and other scientists, with the blessing of Father Damian, began to study the icon and its imprint on the glass. Ultraviolet radiation is used, paint scrapings are taken, compared under a microscope, and analyzed using modern microspectrometric instruments. Any falsification was excluded. And so the icon was returned to its original place and new glass was installed. Believers again lined up to worship her, while scientists, meanwhile, began summing up the results of the study. There is only one conclusion: the image on the glass is not made by human hands. But how did it happen?.. And again scientists are trying to conscientiously put everything into pieces. Yuri Popov is of the following opinion:

— I conducted a chemical analysis of the paint layers of the icon; paint particles were taken from both the icon itself and the glass. Coincidence morphological features on the glass and on the icon indicates that these areas were in close contact and this caused adhesion. When the glass was removed, particles remained on the glass.

So be it. But who was the source of this phenomenon? What “trigger” resulted in it happening?

Here's what restoration artist Sergei Kulakov says:

“It seems to me that we need to divide the study of this phenomenon into two parts. Our research is the mechanical part. As a result of some physical processes, an image appeared. Without a doubt, all studies were conducted on the highest level. Another question is who was the source of this matter? The icon is in the temple, it is called “Look at Humility.” The Mother of God watches over her humble children. For parishioners this is a great shrine, and it seems to me that everyone understands that there are things that are inexpressible in the language of rational science.

Many scientists have noted something else. If there had been, in the language of experts, diffusion of the paint substance, if the image from the icon had simply been mechanically transferred to the glass, it would have been distributed over the glass in an even layer. And we see a clear image of the icon. Mother of God, crown, scepter... Let's listen to the words of candidate of biological sciences Tamila Reshetnikova:

“I am convinced that the miraculous power of icons is a reality. They, indeed, seem to come to life sometimes; energy emanates from them, as from holy relics. This energy could provoke such diffusion. When I first saw the image under study, my breath stopped... I did a little research on the Shroud of Turin. I can say: this is an analogue of the Shroud of Turin.

The icon “Look at Humility” revealed a miracle before which an unbeliever can become confused. But confusion is not so terrible; it is natural when a person is faced with the incomprehensible, mysterious, wonderful. More terrible is the haste to dismiss a miracle: come on, we are adults... Our exorbitant pride does not allow us to descend even to confusion. And we are in a hurry to explain the inexplicable, to comprehend the incomprehensible. It’s good that the Kyiv scientists did not have this aplomb. They weighed the pros and cons; they thoroughly studied a phenomenon that was incomprehensible to them. And maybe it’s no coincidence that the icon “Look at Humility” ended up here? The Mother of God calls us to humility - the proud, all-knowing, educated. “Don’t rush,” She tells us, “to be proud of the quickness of your mind and the wide range of your knowledge. There is something that cannot be comprehended. But just accept it with your heart. With a humble heart, necessarily humble. Look to humility."...

The miraculous image of the Mother of God on glass is still in the Vvedensky Church. How much joy and consolation he sends to Orthodox people. And the icon itself was under new glass. Before the deadline... not much time has passed, and Father Damian again invites scientists to the temple. On the new glass (and it is now at a decent distance from the icon itself), the image of the Mother of God reappeared. The Most Pure Virgin strengthens those to whom the first miracle did not seem convincing enough. Here it is for you - the second, just believe, just don’t hide your heart under the hard shell of know-it-all and cynicism, they are worth nothing next to a miracle.

Here is another miraculous image that appeared in the Vvedensky Church in Kyiv. Church history knows several miraculous images. The first of them is the Savior Not Made by Hands - the Edessa image of Jesus Christ. When scientists began their research, one of them said wonderful words:

“Having committed the sin of unbelief with this experiment, I would really like for its results to strengthen faith.”

Yes, the number of people in the Vvedensky Church has increased. They come, look, are surprised, kiss, pray and ask.

- That's what they are amazing events sends to your temple the Mother of God, Father Damian...

- When the righteous Jacob was taken to heaven and walked through the Kingdom of Heaven, he contemplated where the saints and martyrs lived, who inherited which blessings. When he examined everything, he asked the Angel: “Tell me, where is the Mother of God?” The angel answered him: “She is not here. She is among a long-suffering people.” Perhaps with this miracle the Mother of God reminded us that She is always with us, among us.

How to disagree with the words of the priest. And there is nothing to add to them.

Look to humility. Icon on the wall of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery

Icon "Look at Humility" in the temple

Interview with the monk of the Kyiv Holy Vvedensky Monastery, Hierodeacon Avenir

- Father Avenir, throughout the history of Christianity, more than a thousand icons of the Mother of God have become famous for their miracles. Who and how decides that this or that image is miraculous?

In Ukraine - a special commission under the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by the metropolitan, based on the presence of many reliable, documented facts of the granting of specific help, healing, salvation, etc. Many such miracles were received from the icon.

- Please tell us about the brightest ones. At least two or three examples.

In Kyiv on the Dnieper, a woman and her daughter were riding in a boat. The mother was distracted and did not notice how the child fell into the water. When she realized it, the girl was no longer visible. The woman prayed to the Mother of God, and in the waters of the river, as if on glass, the icon “Look at Humility” was displayed. The Mother of God lifted the baby from the bottom, and she was saved.

One day, after praying in front of the icon, a deaf-mute girl spoke. The surprised grandmother began to ask her how this happened. “My aunt blew on me,” said the granddaughter, pointing to the miraculous image of the Mother of God.

There was a case of healing of a young woman who contracted hepatitis during pregnancy. Doctors said that the disease would have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health and demanded an abortion. But the woman was afraid to take on the sin of committing the murder of her own child. For three days she prayed in front of the image of the Virgin Mary, asking for help. Repeated tests showed the absence of hepatitis virus in the blood. The born girl was completely healthy.

But most importantly, the icon brings spiritual healing; it has helped many people return to church, to attend services, to Confession and Communion.

- When and how did it happen that the icon “Look at Humility” was officially recognized as miraculous?

In the summer of 1993, the rector of the Vvedenskaya community, Abbot Damian, noticed that the icon, located in a wooden frame under glass, had faded, as if covered with a veil. Restorers were invited to determine the reasons for the change in the paint layer.

However, when the frame with glass was removed, all those present saw that in fact the colors on the icon had not changed. They seemed darkened because the glass had reverse side a silver imprint appeared, exactly repeating the silhouettes of the Mother of God and the Child.

The believers received the news of the sign that came from the icon with great joy. But some people were convinced that it was a hoax. They demanded a comprehensive study of the imprint on the glass, as well as the icon itself, in order to expose the deception. Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir gave his blessing for the holding research work. But on condition that the icon and the glass with the imprint are not taken out of the church: this would be disrespect for the image of the Mother of God.

Special equipment was brought to the temple. Whole year Leading employees of the Institute of Forensic Science, the Polytechnic and other scientific institutions in Kyiv conducted thorough research. Scientists immediately put forward several hypotheses, but in the end they came to the conclusion that modern natural science cannot yet explain or reproduce the process of the appearance of mapping. They established that the imprint on the light gray glass is of organic origin and is not made by human hands. Reflection of the Face of the Mother of God and Child on dark background looks negative, but on white it looks positive. Ukrainian scientists, doctors of science, heads of laboratories and departments, who have modern equipment and the latest methods at their disposal scientific research, were unanimous in their opinion: we are talking about one of the miracles of the 20th century.

On November 22, 1995, the Holy Synod of the UOC, having heard the message of Metropolitan Nikodim about the miraculous reflection on glass of the icon of the Mother of God “Look on Humility” and subsequent healings, decided to consider the Kiev Icon of the Mother of God “Look on Humility” miraculous.

- I saw the film “The Kiev Miracle” directed by Lesovoy, which captured these events; it is in the video libraries at our churches. Everyone can watch.

Why is there a lot of gold jewelry hanging on the icon - precious crosses, rings?

Of course, the Mother of God does not need our gifts, but this is how people express their gratitude. Or they intensify their prayer request. For example, one woman in Yakutsk brought a necklace; her daughter cannot have children, and the mother wants this material sign of her prayer to be next to the icon.

People pray both in front of the image itself and in front of its miraculous imprint (the glass with the image was installed next to the icon for worship), light candles, kneel, reverently venerate it, asking for grace-filled help in all everyday adversities, and, of course, give thanks.

Modern miracles

One of the first confirmations of the miraculous nature of the image was the healing of a young woman who fell ill with hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother. The doctors who monitored the patient demanded that the pregnancy be immediately terminated, believing that the disease would have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health. But the young woman, being a believer, was afraid to take upon herself the sin of murder in the womb of her own child. For three days she prayed in front of the image of the Virgin Mary, asking for help. Soon they were done repeat tests which showed a sudden cessation of the disease. The born girl was completely healthy.

The news of the gracious help of the Queen of Heaven quickly spread throughout the country, and pilgrims began to flock from everywhere. Guests from abroad, Catholics and Protestants, also come to honor the Orthodox shrine.

Behind last years The miraculous icon stayed by invitation in many places in Ukraine. And wherever she was, the power of God’s grace from this holy icon manifested itself in the healing of the sick, which Mother of God served from the multi-purpose of her image.

Thus, a woman who suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy received healing.

Then, in Volnyansk, a blind woman, whose granddaughter usually took her to church, was healed. Having kissed the icon, she turned to the people with the words: “People, now I see you all!”

There is a known case when a boy, who received 60 percent of a burn on his body, was healed with oil from a miraculous icon.

Boris Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982 - famous TV presenter and general director of the Spas channel. In his youth, Korchevnikov had to choose between acting and journalism: he studied in Tabakov’s studio and played many children’s roles. Then he entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, acting, and at the same time the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Korchevnikov chose journalism - having received his diploma, he worked for RTR and NTV.

In the thirteen years that have passed since graduating from the journalism department, he has risen to the rank of general director and general producer of the Orthodox channel, received the “New Name in Journalism” award and two “Tefi” awards - a more than impressive career. At the beginning of the 2000s, when the situation on the channels changed dramatically, the former masters lost their positions and new rules of the game came into force, many young people quickly took off on television. But Korchevnikov is different from them: firstly, he is truly talented. Secondly, most of these characters clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and do not cross them, and Boris often gets into scandalous stories.

It was not by chance that Korchevnikov became the general director of the Spas TV channel. Someone considers the Orthodox faith to be their personal, intimate matter, but he carries it like a banner. Korchevnikov is a fierce opponent of those whom he considers atheists and liberals. He often talks about his path to Orthodoxy in interviews. And this story is very revealing.

Korchevnikov believed before filming the series “Kadetstvo”. He saw God's providence in the fact that his superiors, an NTV reporter, released him for a long period of time. film set. The TV presenter also became famous for his public statement made in 2012 that his father is Jesus Christ and his mother is the Virgin Mary. And in the program “I don’t believe it!” In 2013, Boris denounced the enemies of the church, including his teacher Leonid Parfenov.

Most recently, Korchevnikov published a video where he, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and wrapped in a Russian flag, baptized players of the Russian national team standing on the football field in front of the home TV screen. Then he pressed his palm to everyone’s forehead - this is how the general director of Spas blessed them. Apparently, Korchevnikov sincerely believed that by blessing the television picture, he was helping the football players win.

Nowadays, faith can help a career and give social weight. It is used very strange people- known, for example, calling himself Orthodox priest psychic Of course, no one compares Boris Korchevnikov and his faith with this - and yet there is something unusual in it. He flaunts it too clearly, and at the same time behaves in a non-Christian way. In 2014, television historian Zaikin argued that filming a talk show Korchevnikov pushed him off the stage, as a result of which Zaikin broke his arm. As the media wrote, in 2018, during a planning meeting, Korchevnikov beat editor Dobrodeev: in public, in his office.

Once upon a time he was a completely different person, he worked at Namedni and was considered a “Westerner.” Boris Korchevnikov was a student and colleague of Parfenov, and then moved to other positions. Nowadays, people change at the speed of light: the uncompromising Orthodox militant Enteo unexpectedly turns out to be the boyfriend and ally of Alekhina from Pussy Riot, convicted of blasphemy. You won’t be surprised if Korchevnikov again performs some kind of phantasmagoric metamorphosis. If social conditions change, he may well become an atheist: he does not seem to have a strong internal foundation.

It seems that the Moscow Patriarchate is finally ripe (less than 12 years have passed) for rebranding the Spas TV channel, which it founded in fabulous times. Better late than never.

Of course, Orthodox television was extremely necessary. But they had to deal with it seriously and professionally. And this, alas, has not happened yet. Very soon after the start of work, a significant part of the television audience, who once sincerely supported this initiative and rejoiced at the start of regular broadcasting of Orthodox television, experienced serious disappointment with the level and quality of the programs being aired. And this mood gradually only strengthened. I remember an article by one publicist, the title of which included a rhetorical question, if not the verdict: “Why is Orthodox television so boring?”

Why this happened is the topic of a special and lengthy conversation. In my opinion, there are three substantive reasons: Firstly, ideological isolation on internal church problems, leading to isolation from real spiritual life and practice inside and outside church fence. Secondly, lack of funding, which does not allow physical ability diversify the content and get away from endless conversations and discussions in the studio, which literally kill interest in the channel. Thirdly, there is a personnel issue.

And personnel really decides, if not everything, then a lot. It is the management personnel, the “faces” of the channels, that largely determine the content and popularity of the product produced. That's how it works modern television. Unfortunately, the personnel decisions of the Moscow Patriarchate as the founder of “Spas” caused bewilderment from the very beginning. Suffice it to say that the founder and inspirer of “Spas” was “Muzobozovsky” Ivan Demidov, suddenly revealing himself in an unexpected capacity for everyone who previously knew him, as an Orthodox orthodox.

For the last few years, the channel has been managed (several main persons) Boris Kostenko. It is clear that the channel eventually became his own mirror image. I have always been surprised by the obvious dissonance between the organic nature of Boris Kostenko and that message, that image of an Orthodox intellectual who hosted several conversational programs around which, in fact, “Spas” was formed. I couldn’t help but remember what had become a household word: “Always plays the same, artist Liya Akhedzhakova" I confess, I didn’t see much in Kostenko at all Orthodox man, but I saw, on the contrary, a Soviet Komsomol functionary with a neat parting, a protocol tie and it seems forever the same protocol gray suit and the same protocol, meaningless rantings, as if pronounced in a foreign language he had learned, but did not fully understand.

But the patience of the owners and founders (MPS) has finally run out. A famous young TV journalist has been called to replace Kostenko, who has tired everyone out. Boris Korchevnikov. They say that his candidacy was approved by the Patriarch himself. Against the backdrop of the dreary Kostenko, the new (there has been no official announcement yet) General Director looks much livelier, more creative and more attractive. However, in some of its previous television projects Boris Korchevnikov proved himself to be a completely modern journalist new school with a natural tendency towards “yellowness” for such an upbringing. It would not have worked out according to the proverb: “Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” from the boring Kostenko to toothache, to the cheeky Korchevnikov. I would like to believe that this will not happen and Boris Korchevnikov, as a talented journalist, will be able to adjust his image in connection with the transition to a new, serious place of work.

And also, I would like to hope that the hierarchy decided to take their television project seriously, which also has an obvious educational missionary function, while simultaneously reflecting the perception Orthodox Church modern man. And if this is so, then one change of leadership will clearly not be enough. We need to change the concept, attract new, believers, caring, professional and creative people, look for opportunities to increase funding so as not to survive on a residual principle, as was the case before. For: “Neither do they put new wine into old wineskins...”

P .S. Simultaneously with rumors circulating in the media about the appointment of Boris Korchevnikov as General Director, information appeared about the arrival of a famous television commentator Mikhail Leontyev and to the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Spas TV channel. According to the same information, the former head of the Vasily the Great fund, the financier who was once a shareholder of Rostelecom, will now be responsible for changing the concept and attracting investments into the process Konstantin Malofeev.

In the meantime, the current general director of Spas, Boris Kostenko, refused to comment on the upcoming changes in the channel’s editorial policy. Mikhail Leontyev himself said that he is not yet ready to confirm his new position.

It is also reported that it was Konstantin Malofeev who insisted on changing the concept of the channel and turning it into Fox News. The channel will not be Orthodox-patriotic, as it is now, but public information, but based on conservative and traditional values. We, sinners, can only be patient and wait for official information.